#alioth x achlys
fumikomiyasaki · 9 months
♒ For Bengal and Fenella (She removes her jacket a lot)
♎ Ismene and Leroy (Him seeing her working on a large complicated backstage structure- which she was good at)
♏ Achlys and Alioth? ( >:3 )
A light Blush
♒  It’s really hot outside, so your Muse has abruptly started to undress.
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Even for him this was an exhausting heat that his flimsy wardrobe couldn't fix he was supposed to meet up with Fenella for some icy milk shakes to at least hold out and chat a little bit. Yet as she arrived he couldn't help but eye her for long... that outfit of hers was stunning.
"Has the Kitty waited patiently~ Good cause leaving the dorm really was a mess..."
"I would have waited hours for my pretty girl. Lets move."
Before the two walked again however she took off her blazer given the heat, showing off even more of a back and the curves she owned... Getting a light dumbfounded curious stare out of Bengal , slightly red in the face and a chuckle out of her.
"If you can stare you can also carry my jacket, will you?"
He gave grin and nodded holding her jacket over his one arm while offering the other for her to take.
"You really do know how to get me whipped for your every day anew, Ella, my pretty Muse."
"Gotta keep my lap kitten entertained, I sure hope however you can give me a good distraction, dealing with my dorm mates is a hassle recently."
"I would take you anywhere, to make you feel better. But I know a first way to do that."
He pulled her back in an embrace prying a kiss for a long while, he didn't care if anyone recognized him... he was proud of the pretty woman he was dating and didn't want to hide it.
♎ Your muse compliments mine for something they accomplished.
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It was not unusual for him to sneak out and get a break from all the mess in his dorm, he did his work for the day and didn't want Henry to push more onto him and so he visited RSA in secret, trying to maybe chat up Ismene a bit...
Eventually he found her working hard on a machine occupied that she could not notice him even if it was hard anyways given his invisiblity... yet as none of the dorm members were around anymore he made himself visible and approached her.
"Sup Is, seems your busy."
"Ahhh... Lee. Y-you could have told me you would stop by."
He laughed a little looking at her.
"I am sorry, but I couldn't help it... your face is kinda cute when you are working on something and... I think you did really well... this one is far more complicated to ours."
"H-huh... you say I did well?"
Her face had a heavy blush as Leroy similarly grew red over his face to his hair tips. Looking away with his arms behind his head
"I mean it... you are impressive... we should work on something together one day."
"I-it would make me very happy if we do!"
He took both her hands on instinct as she said that and gave her a warm smile with his sharp teeth.
"Alright then how about once you have free time as well we both grab something to eat and chat on a joined project, just you and me?"
Even if he meant that with this being a joined project he also hoped to see it as a date with her... smirking a little as he continue to watch her work on the machine.
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♏ Your muse teases/flirts with mine.
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Even if Crystaleon was a dorm mainly focused on gods, Alioth was often a special guest... maybe cause his power outreigned the actual dorm leader powers and Osyron ticked that off. Despite that he was quite popular with the local dorm members... but one especially caught his own eye... Achlys was just chatting with his sister Aine as Alioth approached him with a warm smile slightly bowing before him.
"You look as radiant and beautifull as over, My Northstar... I am happy the string of fate let me to you and I wanted to show you my appreciation."
It didn't take long for his ears to reach full redness and look at him with a light annoyance in his face as Aine behind him gasped.
"How romantic, brother you really found a sweetheart."
"He is not... I mean I am not... tch... that Is why I told you not to use your fluttery language around me."
"I do not understand... all I said was sincere and expressed my feelings for you."
He chuckled and made a small motion that was similar to an invitation to a dance.
"I still have business with my sister but wait somewhere else alright... and stop sputtering more nonsense, I don't need more people to assume things."
"They don't have to assume if you were to accept my proposal-"
Achlys got more red slightly pushing Alioth with the palm of his hands to the side.
"Just stay here and don't move till I am done alright."
"But I can still dance right?"
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fumikomiyasaki · 7 months
Valentine Kiss
6 for Ember and Fabio
12 for Chizuko and Flynn
7 for Achlys and Alioth
A Valentines kiss
on the lips
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Valentines to Fabio was something he never seen and worse... given a tradition in his village that says if you give a flower to someone you are basically marrying them his face lit up red seeing all those people give flowers to another... yet he was also confused cause some guys gave each person a rose so he was picturing in his mind how big of a wedding that would be... someone probably should have told him this wasn't the case but Carol was busy tutoring others while Lennox was out to see his lovers grave... he was on his way to meet Ember in HSA where the Amore wings day and his letters was at least a more tame event compared to what he saw in RSA going on...
However as he met Ember at the gates he himself felt a big blush creep up his face given the rose bouquet she had.
"E-ember... we are still so young... but I would gladly-"
"What are you talking about? These are just Valetines gifts."
He explained to her the whole deal with his Villages traditions and as she heard it she sighed.
"This is not an expression of marrying someone at ours... its showing someone you care about them in a friendshippy or a romantic way."
"Oh... I see... I should h-have asked r-really."
"No don't be... if you were raised with that believe it makes sense."
She gently cupped his red face and placed a kiss on his lips... given his height it was like he was pulled down for it, hiding his blush under his ears as he looked back at her.
"If I one day propose to you I will tell you with a ring, alright?"
"O-okay... but... I am still happy for the flowers... roses are my favourite."
The two of them walked together to the next cafe to spend the day... Fabio seeing things different now but still keeping a smile on his face... what a sweet day to celebrate.
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on the thigh
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Flynn was about done with rehearsals and wanted to kidnap his dearest Onyx for a Valentines date.... he had everything prepared and made his whole plan to get her feeling well that day.... but as he knocked at her room, he noticed the door was slightly open... some stockings layed on her bed... it seems she too put some effort in what outfit she was going to wear for him even if she probably wouldn't have mentioned it to him.
He noticed her step out the bath room, shorts with red pattern stockings, hugging her thighs... and that usual death glare she had at him.
"You godamn idiot! Do you want to get a kick in the face again?"
"I just wanted to pick up my dear Onyx, you should know better to lock your doors, however."
He walked closer to her but in an defense she took a step back getting ready to smack her boyfriend again yet it led to her accidentally falling onto the bed as he leaned over her... gently pressing a kiss to her thighs... she grew red and even more pissed at him, smacking him away with her leg.
"I couldn't help it... they are just too pretty... alright Onyx, I won't bother you till you are ready but... I will keep that view in mind."
"Grrr come back you bird brain... "
She pulled his arm back and bit deeply into his neck trying to give him some pain back. As he looked over his shoulders she gave him still a mad stare but felt the grip slowly loosen up.
"Get out now before I consider throwing you completely out the window... and you can forget your date."
"As you wish Onyx, I will be patient."
He stood in front of the door as she closed it but still chuckled.
"Any of these would look splendid on her... I hope to get another bite later~"
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on the neck
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Among this starry night Alioth took Achlys to the very same place that he first arrived at on this world... a beautiful view of the lights among the stars lit up the sky in colors... trees gave off a white radiant shimmer and among them... the water seemed like it was mirroring the stars... Alioth noticed his gaze however drifting into the distance instead of the stars.
"Northstar, is something the matter?"
"I just... wonder... why you said I was your soulmate?"
"Oh well my father always told me stories about him and mom... how the first time they met there was this spark in her eyes that made him realize... that he would chase her across any universe to be with her... but he also had to keep this connection despite not being with her on his journey... a string of fate that made him always come back to her and me... He said once you see that person you realize."
"And just on that believe... you are naive in a way."
"I don't think so."
The big Dragon Deity put his arms around the Demi-god and leaned his head down, looking into his eyes.
"I think I got very lucky to find you... to watch the stars with you.... to me your are the most pretty I spotted with my eyes."
"Oh shut up."
He looked away from him with a Blush as Alioth thought of a way how to get his attention back... so he placed a small kiss on his neck that got him to look back at him.
"H-hey don't do that out of knowhere."
"I had to... but one day... I think I know where I want to leave my mark on you."
"You have to prove yourself till then."
"Oh I know, my dearest north star... and I look forward to each day we spend together."
The two looked on upon the stars... Alioth still looking at the nape of his boyfriend thinking about the mark he could leave on him binding them together with a happy smile.
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