kon-konk · 1 year
I don't usually post asks that have links so I don't lose them, but I wanted to mention that it says the invite link in that post is invalid
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I was excited to see there was a BSD big bang, but why is only soukoku allowed in terms of romantic fics? Shouldn't it just be a SKK big bang then? The title is just very misleading.
We did want for it to be all inclusive but we were asked not to include Romantic Pairings this year for non skk by the Rare Pair Big Bang. Next year we do plan to have it completely open though for all pairings! We do encourage general fics and character fics that can include relationships as non focal points though. As long as romance is the center of the fic you are still welcome to include it. We’d love to have anything you want to write but we are trying to be respectful of our friends who wanted to have a rare pair centric event this year and felt like it would be unfair if we allowed all pairings like we initially wanted to.
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ca-3 · 6 years
Just curious, but why don't you ever have Kuro romantically participating when you talk about Kuromahisaku headcanons? I always thought he'd be pretty clingy, myself, if he had people that important to him that he'd take the jump to a relationship.
Another message I am a day late to aaaaaaaaaaa sorry.
But…. I really had to think about this one anyway… cause I don’t know what you are trying to say with “ever” right there, cause?  I don’t have a ton of KuroMahiSaku stuff, most of it is pretty far and few in between, but in my own works I have definitely had Kuro participating “romantically” so I don’t know why we are jumping to any conclusions or assumptions here? -3-);;
I have a had him being affectionate, protective and even somewhat jealous before in comics/artwork. I would have a lot more but I don’t finish shit and it’s very unfortunate. RIP. (and some of the things I do are just meant to be silly and not taken too serious anyway. 😂 but I think people still do? So oh well, what can I do?)
Also??? I don’t actually talk about KuroMahiSaku headcanons here very often anyways? I actually keep most of them to myself, unless someone asks me about it or something. Sometimes I babble about it in dm messages with a friend or even in chat servers, but here? Not really??? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But how I see each of the characters affects how I see the relationship working out. I definitely have a lot ideas and thoughts for Kuro. I see him being sweet, somewhat shyer and not sure how to ask for certain affections sometimes or has small difficulty expressing his feelings but definitely wants those things. A much more simple (no pun intended haha) kind of love. Doing things like giving a casual kiss on the cheek or lips, cuddling while he naps, leaning against the other to relax and so on. I could go on, but you get the idea I hope. Basically, he gradually becomes more and more comfortable with those kinds of things and doing so much more. 💙
The idea of KuroMahiSaku is kind of funny to me sometimes. Like…. when you think about it realistically, the three of them don’t seem to have a lot of relationship experience. I could be wrong, but there’s not much evidence of any of that of course. Servamp isn’t a series about romance. Despite it’s somehow ended up under the “shojo” category once, like what? Is it still considered that? Cause it definitely ain’t your typical shojo haha
I would expect Kuro to have the most experience because, yeah, literally the oldest out of the three. But he hasn’t really had another eve before and never had any subclass either. So??????? But has he ever had a past romantic relationship? That’s extremely up in the air still, so who knows? There is so much potential in his past. 
There is so much potential that these three have together in my opinion.
KuroMahiSaku doesn’t necessarily have to be 100% romantic. 
it definitely wouldn’t start out that way at least.
Another thought I have about Kuro is I think he would definitely be a bit wary of Sakuya at first and them becoming close at all would take some time. So would  building up any kind of trust. If it ever becomes possible for that to happen I would think. They haven’t had their chance to get to know the other yet.
 Cause I remember quite awhile ago in another ask I ended up discussing “You know what…where did some of us, including myself at some point, get the idea Kuro and Sakuya hate each other?”
Read about that if you want, but my main thought with that is just, Kuro for sure has to understand that Sakuya is definitely important to Mahiru.
You know.
Just like how any of his other friends are to him and as his Servamp, Kuro helps Mahiru to achieve his goal of wanting to protect others. Kuro is an equally understanding person. He has grown so much since the beginning. Sloth Pair together has grown so much. 
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All of Mahiru’s friends (Lust Pair, Greed Pair, Pride Pair ,Ryusei, Koyuki and so many more.) the people he wants to save/protect are all unique and ALL have their own unique flaws/troubled pasts. They are all important to Mahiru in their own way because each relationship he has with them is different and Sakuya is definitely one of them. Sakuya was originally one of Mahiru’s main motivations. His contract with Kuro began because Mahiru wanted to be able to help his friends and even though Sakuya isn’t Mahiru’s number one priority anymore(because he has so many other things to worry about right now. There is too much going on and out of his control.) but it’s obvious Mahiru still thinks/worries about Sakuya. 
Mahiru probably always remembers his promise to Sakuya in the back of his mind a lot too. There’s many examples of this. A lot of the time when Mahiru worries about Kuro, Sakuya sometimes ends up coming up too. He comes up whenever Mahiru defends vampires in general. Mahiru knows the truth about them BOTH.
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Mahiru seems to think about them both a lot. The look on Mahiru’s face in both these pages hurt so much because this chapter was about Mahiru’s thoughts, some of his past and motivations. He wanted to be someone’s “Pride”.
This isn’t even about shipping anymore. I just have too many feelings about these guys in general, romantic or not. This is valid stuff about them.
But back to the Kuro stuff. Again, he definitely knows and understands that Sakuya is a friend to Mahiru and a person he wants to protect too, HE’S GOT TO KNOW. 
Kuro was there for the fight, he has there on the rooftop, he heard their conversation and apologies.
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 If Sakuya really bothered Kuro…. wouldn’t he have said something then or by now? Or will he ever? There really isn’t a reason for Kuro to hate Sakuya now. Not while Kuro trusts Mahiru’s decisions. Part of Sloth Pair’s development and bond is how much they trust and respect each other decisions more than ever now.
So as long as Mahiru considers Sakuya a friend, Kuro likely will too.
There hasn’t been a super obvious statement or moment yet that has convinced me that he does hate him. I won’t believe it until I actually see concrete evidence. 
Kuro doesn’t hate anyone Mahiru cares about. Kuro doesn’t come off to me as a jealous person but a protective one instead. We all know Kuro is very protective of Mahiru.
So that’s why I feel so much about Kuro and Sakuya potentially being friends someday. If they had the chance to talk or be friends, I feel Kuro would actually try his best with Sakuya even if he would potentially be wary of him. I can definitely see Sakuya being a lot more cautious about Kuro and have a super hard time trusting him. But it’s possible, I could be wrong, but I still think it’s just very possible if they ever get the chance.
A good example of Kuro potentially befriending Sakuya, is because of Tsubaki. Kuro and Mahiru both want to “stop” Tsubaki, sure but they don’t want to kill him. They just want their friends and the rest of the Servamps safe is all. It’s been established in the anime and manga that Kuro wants to solves things with Tsubaki in non-lethal way and wants to give him a chance even if it’s dangerous.
They want to talk to him then want to fix things between both sides. They believe he deserves to have a chance to be in the Servamp family still. So I can definitely see Kuro accepting others like Sakuya too and make peace with them. Kuro wanted things to be peaceful anyway.
I have so many more thoughts and stuff I could talk about from canon that  makes me link these 3 together or why these relationships are both important to me in their own way. But I’m starting to ramble again. 
So that’s why I actually do have a lot of feelings and thoughts on “KuroMahiSaku” and each of them in it. Cause the basis of it just comes from the fact that I never once thought either relationship(romantic or not, or however you see it) should be considered lesser for those reasons. Again, all my opinion but I hope people can understand this better. What I show in silly or in published vs. unpublished works isn’t always accurate to how I feel. But different interpretations are what makes things interesting after all.
That’s why I think it’s silly when I hear about people trying to put others against each other or just want to argue and be mad over such a thing. It’s rare, but it happens and it’s not worth it. Ever.
This whole relationship all ends in I just want them to be happy. Sure, we have our ships or we even don’t ship anything, but ships in the end don’t mean anything to me either. It would be great if one happened, but I truly just want them all to be happy and get along at the end, at the very least. ❤💚💙
Jeez, this got a lot longer then I anticipated, I went a little off the rails but I REALLY DO have many thoughts about these three.  PLEASE HELP.
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hokannko · 7 years
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[ FLASH COMMISSION ] Commission are closed. Please wait for the next opening.
Commission for @alisamakora (can’t tag for some reason) featuring an older Ayumu Narumi from Spiral: Bonds of Reasoning! Full descr. here.
Ayumu Narumi (Spiral: Bonds of Reasoning) © Kyou Shirodaira (design by Eita Mizuno) Art © Hokannko
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jabbloo · 7 years
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he still flirts with Estelle, and he’s still a masochist. he’s still Kevin and he can definitely still fight but... he’s in Ouroboros.
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danidanidanica · 10 years
I just noticed this reblog and
ah yes I live for these moments
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katzkinder · 3 years
Normally, I like to wait until the chapter has been translated to start popping off about ideas and theories, especially in cases where dialogue could provide further info and help me string clues together a little better than before (and also so I don’t embarrass myself by missing on something that wasn’t mentioned in a summary but would have been important to have context on for the particular activity I like to do, which is analysis!)
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This little lovely bit right here had NO dialogue, so I will allow myself to indulge |D
Okay so. The most eye catching thing about this is the carvings on the doors, right? They seem to depict two (weirdly man faced) lions, and beneath them, a sword wreathed in flames.
Now, the significance of the sword is easy peasy to figure out, and that in turn helped me to place the significance of the lions as well!
When Adam and Eve were forced from the Garden of Eden, God placed Cherubim to the East of Eden to guard the entrance, and gave to them a sword made of flames so that, turning together, they would guard the way to the Tree of Life.
Within the bible, the Tree of Life was one where if you ate its fruit, you would gain eternal life! A similar idea is found in Norse mythology, with Iduna’s golden apples, so I always ended up picturing the fruit of this tree as an apple, rather than the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. That one I ended up imagining as a pomegranate for no other reason than it’s more aesthetically pleasing to imagine Adam and Eve with their lips stained by its bright red juices, futilely trying to hide the evidence of their Sin.
Anyway, onto the lions. These strange, unsettling lions shown here are probably actually the Cherubim! See, while they may not fit the biblical description of Cherubim, the Cherubim themselves bear a remarkable resemblance in function to the Winged Lions of Assyria, which were winged lions (duh) with the faces of men, most often placed outside the entrances to temples and palaces to guard these sacred places.
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However, there is one problem. These imposing, towering guardians were always placed facing one another at the entrances. So why are these lions back to back?
Thanks to amazing theories by both @alisamakora​ and @xthunderbolt​, which you can read for yourself here and here (warning for heavy spoilers for chapter 110 in each of those posts! And a big thank you to Alisa and Thunder both for giving me permission to link to each of them ❤)
Well, I kept thinking about it and thinking about it, and after reading the above theories, this is the conclusion I came to.
The lions are also meant to invoke the appearance of the Roman god Janus.
Janus is the god of doors, beginnings and endings, and transitions, and is often depicted as literally two faced, with one face looking towards the future, and the other looking to the past.
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It's also notable that one of the most famous shrines dedicated to this god was the janus geminus, or twin janus, and that during times of peace, the doors to the shrine would be left closed, and conversely left open during times of war.
The first month of the year, January, is also named in his honor, and Kuro's birthday falls on the last day of the year, placing Kuro squarely in that transitional phase between past and future.
Given the apparent themes of this chapter, Sloth’s preoccupation with showing Mahiru Kuro’s past, and how door upon which the lion who would be looking to the past is colored darker than the one looking to the future, I think those carvings might be meant to represent Sloth and Kuro.
One last, final bit of evidence I have to offer is that, because Janus was considered a god of doors, one of his symbols of power was a key.
Like the one Mahiru had used to access Kuro’s Inner World once more, under Sloth’s guidance.
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danidanidanica · 10 years
alisamakora replied to your photoset:bye
You are horrible and I love you.
You know I aim to please.
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