rats-and-clovers · 5 months
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and thus, follower became heretic..
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 5 months
Aliscorn only rarely gets nightmares involving Felonious. he knows the deity can fend for himself and his loyalty and faith towards him is unwavering.
Kovi however-
sometimes, he gets nightmares about her that are so haunting and graphic that he wakes up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat and has to check if Ceb´s and Kovi´s house is still standing.
they´re horrific scenarios ranging from everything between the bishops finding her, all the way to the white fleeced one getting his appalling hooves on her.
Kovi was the first one, besides his lord, who was able to successfully get through to him and show him genuine sympathy that he didn´t see as pity and learning that she was indeed part lamb, he made a silent promise to himself that he would keep her safe, no matter what.
still, those nightmares are rather unpleasant to say the very least.
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Felonious you should kiss your acolyte it seems like they need it
Felonious glanced from his book down over at the quiet unicorn, and casually wrapped his arm around him, pulling his shy vessel close.
“You seem down, what’s wrong?” He asked, pressing a little kiss onto Aliscorn’s cheek.
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rats-and-clovers · 5 months
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trying to get into the swing of drawing cult leader Aliscorn UwU
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 6 months
Kovi: *BOOPS THE SNOOT*”Daddy!”
a gasp swept through the entire cult ground, the followers watching in horror as they feared their leader might murder the poor child for touching him..
some of them covered their eyes, while others were too scared to even do that..
Aliscorn slowly reached towards the child, not saying a word, as his hooves touched her nose.
then, with a smile, the equine said "daddy got your nose~!"
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 3 months
To COTL!Aliscorn. Kovi would probably be better off with the Lamb, don’t you think? They’re BOTH sheep after all…
utter, unbridled fury flashed in the unicorns eyes as briefly as a blink, before the malevolent cult leader took a deep, long breath.
"listen." he said, his tone sharp. "you are speaking of things that are far beyond your intellectual reach."
with his arms behind his back, the unicorn towered above the asker, glaring at them with a rather puzzling amount of sheer contempt.
"that fleece covered vermin will never lay a single repulsive hoof on Kovi. not as long as I am here."
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 6 months
I love Aliscorn, he reminds me of a sad sopping wet cat <3
give him cuddles and treats and tell him he´s good PLEASE <3 <3
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 6 months
me: *pointing at Aliscorn* "I want that man hugged and kissed this instant!!"
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 2 years
I was only gonna take a video of Aliscorn being an adorable little baby tending the garden, BUT THEN WHAT HAPPENS???
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 5 months
Felonious gives Aliscorn a lil kiss on his cheek.
“My Sweet one~.” The deity purrs happily while hooking his arms around the British unicorn’s lower back to pull him close.
Aliscorn's tail was wagging vigorously the moment he felt that soft, gentle kiss against his cheek and a little gasp escaped his lips as he was pulled close.
"my-my lord!" he said in surprise, but promptly corrected himself. "I mean..felonious.."
his ears pinned back as he checked their surroundings, before daring to hug the taller deity back. "far be it for me to tell my lord what to do, but..you need to be more careful..what if anyone were to see us..?"
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 6 months
"it's been a while, hasn't it?"
cult of the lamb AU part 4
(RP with my wonderful angel bab @surprise-sausage-party <3 <3 <3)
Felonious' and Aliscorn's visit in the humble village of the harvest goddess had been quite some time ago now.
has it been a year? or maybe longer?
it was hard to tell..
only the harvest goddess herself knew of the deer god's whereabouts, as she naturally kept in contact with her long lost friend.
however, that was deity business. meaning, Lilith would only ever hear of him from Mattie herself.
and today, she had rather interesting plans with the deer god..
Lilith gasped. "Mattie, are you sure about this?" she asked with worry. "I mean..they would have to walk through the forest! who knows what might happen to them on the way?"
just then, Gosgo popped his head into the room where the two ladies were talking.
"you want to send someone through the forest?" he asked, his big, curious eyes fixed on the lioness. "I could escort them if you like!" he offered, bowing to his goddess.
the naive hybrid didn't even know what the two were talking about, yet he already offered his help. some might call him the perfect vessel for that reason alone.
Lilith grabbed the long eared man's arm and pulled him close, almost instinctively, and continued talking to her wife. "I trust your judgement Matilda, but..I can't help but worry about all this.." she said.
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 7 months
"a new beginning.."
(cult of the lamb AU part 2)
RP with my sweet sweetheart @surprise-sausage-party <3 <3
as Aliscorn sat there on the ground, watching the deity shed bitter tears for it´s fallen followers, a feeling of sorrow grew within him.
in all honesty, the last thing someone in Aliscorn´s position should be worrying about is the plight of someone else..
after all, he commited murder, released a deity and was now a heretic in the eyes of his old leader as well as his former fellow followers..
but really, all of those worries have left. they have been replaced by an ever growing feeling of pity towards the being in front of him.
a being that could, without a doubt, kill him by simply clopping it´s hooves.
the unicorn took a breath before getting up and walking closer to the crying deer.
placing a hoof on it´s shoulder, he didn´t say any words.
instead, he simply settled down beside the other, his ears pinned back and his gaze lowered to the ground in a moment of silence for the lost ones he never even knew.
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 10 months
"heretic!! heretic!!"
(cult of the lamb AU) part 1
RP with my dear lovey dovey @surprise-sausage-party <3 &lt;3 <3
the leaves were crunching under the paws and hooves of a small group of bipedal woodland creatures. amongst them were a black wolf, a pink rabbit, a little white chicken and a brown striped cat.
they were on their way to gather reasources for their dear leader, so he could expand the reach of their cult. a truly honorable task, as is any task that aids their leader in his efforts.
the tallest of them was a light grey unicorn, walking behind the rest and carrying the bag of rations that the group needed for their journey.
so far though, they didn´t seem to have found anything worthy of gathering..until..
"hey! I found something!! I found something!!" the rabbit, Spoons, cried out as he stumbled out of a bush. he wasted no time grabbing the cat´s paw and the chicken´s wing, dragging them through the rough, pointy branches.
the wolf and the unicorn looked at each other in confusion, hesitating as they were used to Spoons´ antics.
"Aliscorn!! Fangs!! come already!!"
the two sighed as they made their way through the bushes as well.
what they found, however, made them gasp in shock.
there, tied to a large tree, was what appeared to be a deer. however, judging by the piercing color of it´s one, remaining eye and the sharp, long fangs it bears in it´s mouth..this could not be any ordinary deer.
the group was left staring at this ´creature´, all of them looking at it with disgust and hostility.
all..except for the unicorn in the back..
eventually, the cat drew his dagger. "we should kill it." he decided. "I mean look at it! at best, it´s a heretic and at worst, it´s a threat to our leader."
the chicken, however, spoke up. "a threat? that thing? come on, Percy! what could that miserable little thing do against our leader?"
now, it was Spoons turn to speak. "what if..that thing is a demon?"
that rendered everyone mute as they exchanged meaningful glances.
"no..no it couldn´t be." Fangs objected. "and why couldn´t it? think about it: it has long, gross teeth a grotesque eye with the other one missing and it´s tied to a tree with chains! surely whoever left it here knew something we don´t!"
"okay, how about this.." said the chicken, who pulled out the bag they were gonna use to carry their gathered supplies. "what if we bring it to our leader? if it´s a demon, our leader could use whatever power it has left to become more powerful! and if it´s just a heretic, he can serve him for dinner." he shrugged his wings. "perfect plan, no?"
while the group was still deciding the fate of the poor, unfortunate soul, Aliscorn exchanged glances with the prisoner..
somehow..Aliscorn found himself unable to look away from that striking eye of his..
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 5 months
Has Aliscorn adopted Kovi already?
Aliscorn blinked, confused by that statement.
"I'm afraid that is not up to me to decide." he joked with a laugh.
"no, but really..she already has a very fine father in her life."
the unicorn smiled warmly as he looked over to the two, who were in the middle of playing a game.
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Ceb, thoughts on Aliscorn and his glow up?
As the dog was watching the unicorn play with Kovi, a ghost of a smile traced his speckled face.
“It’s certainly nice to him so happy and boldly independent, much better than the frightened little mouse I first met.” Ceb chuckled.
“It’s sweet. Cute, even.”
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 2 years
“out of the frying pan and into the fire”
[not an RP!! it´s just a small fanfic that I felt like whipping up, starring everyone´s favorite serial killer as a grey unicorn UwU]
the grey unicorn didn´t know how long he was unconscious. three hours? maybe four? but as he finally came to, he was certain that he will soon slip out of consciousness forever.
he didn´t dare to open his eyes and look at his captors, but he was aware of their presence, as he could hear them chanting in tongues behind the chilling sound of fire crackling.
he squeezed his eyes shut tighter, before daring to finally open them just a bit. only to flinch violently as he was met with four hooded figures leaning over him. although their faces were obscured by darkness, this sight was enough to make his entire body tense up.
“vile heretic..“ one of them spoke. “were the few scraps of food you stole worth the price? for you will pay your debt to the great Leshy with your blood!“
Aliscorn barely remembered what got him into this predicament and those words didn´t ring a bell either.
“I have no idea what you´re talking about!“ he dared to argue, but was silenced quite harshly as one of the cloaked figured slapped him in the face.
“you vile creature interrupted our ritual and stole from us!“ another said. “and you are shamelessly wearing the evidence of an even bigger sin against the great Leshy on your horn!!“
Aliscorn looked at his captors in frightened bewilderment, but he wouldn´t get any further explanation as the hooded figures pulled daggers from their robes.
fear shot through the unicorn´s system like a lightning strike.
“n-n-no!! please!!“ he begged, wriggling around against the ropes binding him.
this was it.
he wouldn´t be able to get himself out of this situation. not this time.
he closed his eyes, feeling his teeth clack wildly in his mouth as the only sound he could hear from that on was the cracking of the fire.
but the pain he was awaiting didn´t come..
he could hear pained gurgling followed by angry screams and the clashing of blades.
the unicorn was confused to still be alive, but didn´t dare to open his eyes and check what was going on around him.
there was a lot of noise, from the wet splatter of liquid splashing everywhere to the faint noises of hooves clacking against the rocky ground.
all these noises...and then suddenly none.
Aliscorn was still breathing heavily, sweat dripping down his head.
“you can open your eyes.“ he heard an unfamiliar voice say, before feeling the cold metal of a blade near his chest. he jolted up as soon as that blade cut through the ropes holding him and he found himself face to face with a little lamb.
the little lamb, wearing a black crown and a red cape, was just looking at him with a little smile as it stood in the middle of the carnage surrounding the two.
looking around, Aliscorn could see his captors lying dismembered, beheaded and torn apart on the ground in puddles of their own blood.
“y-you..saved me..?“ Aliscorn said, more a question than a statement and could hardly believe it. although, whether or not this was a lucky turn of events, he wasn´t quite sure. “..why?“
the lamb, still smiling, took Aliscorn´s hand and helped him off the sacrificial table he was sitting on, however, it didn´t speak a single word.
as he was still contemplating whether or not he should try to attack this crown wearing lunatic or run away while he still could, the lamb rose a hoof up into the air.
it´s eyes were turning red and blood began to drip from them. Aliscorn was once again breathing heavily in panic and took a step back, wanting to run, but found himself unable to.
he looked down, seeing a ritualistic symbol appearing beneath his hooves that slowly opened up a hole, dipping him in darkness.
“we will meet again at the temple..“ the lamb said, before everything around the unicorn turned black.
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