#alix xiphias
nightingaletrash · 4 months
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World of Darkness girlies (and femme enby) in picrew 💜
Evie Byrne - Ravnos trickster
Kara Byrne - Lasombra occultist
Amicia de Lacroix - Lasombra blood trader
Khalia Lais - Toreador seneschal
Alix Xiphias - Malkavian oracle
Chloe Larson - Thinblood outcast
Amber October - Black Fury theurge
Alex King - Mortal hunter
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nightingaletrash · 9 months
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vampire girls + femme enby <3 made in picrew
Evie Byrne - ravnos, troublemaker
Chloe Larson - thinblood, outcast
Kara Byrne - lasombra, historian
Amicia de Lacroix - lasombra, bloodtrader
Khalia Lais - toreador, seneschal
Alix Xiphias - malkavian, oracle
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nightingaletrash · 2 years
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Choice girls + femme nb 😍
Amicia de Lacroix - Lasombra, ex-Courier, Diablerist, Blood Trader
Alex King - Mortal, ROTC Dropout, Vampire Hunter, FBI Special Affairs Consultant
Khalia Lais - Toreador, Artist, Seneschal of Ottawa
Alix Xiphias - Malkavian, Oracle of Athens, Tattoo Enthusiast
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nightingaletrash · 1 year
I like my Thinblood so much that I want him to be canon along with Alix, like. There are multiple prophecies at play and Markos lucked out and got two adopted childer who can fulfill these roles if need be, and both of them love him. His plans are all but guaranteed to play out as intended.
except Lucas makes the executive decision to not hunt Gor, convinces Alix that fulfilling both prophecies in one fell swoop will be infinitely more useful to Markos in the long run, and they team up with Neoptolemos to destroy Peisistratos together. Lucas becomes the city’s Seneschal and requests the city be made a haven for Thinbloods, while Alix becomes the court’s Oracle and requests that Markos be made Scythian.
Of course, because Lucas is the one who actually stops Selene’s plan, only his boon ends up being granted. He does a good job in shaping up Athens, but Alix, Markos and Persa are definitely smarting a little over the outcome.
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nightingaletrash · 2 years
The Shadow Fam: *falling apart thanks to idealogical differences, failures in communication, changes in station and a changing world*
The Athens Fam: *sleeping in a cuddle pile and being openly affectionate with one another*
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
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Welp here she is, Alix Xiphias (she/her, they/them)
Malkavian, Oracle of Athens, childe of Peisistratos Markos, and Sibling to Atticus Persa
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
Persa: I hate you, your disgusting, I'm going to kill you, give me €200
Alix: ...
Alix: we are going to be besties and you're going to like it
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
So I’ve played through Sins of the Sires a couple of times in a sitting; first playthrough was a trash fire because ofc it was. I’d be a terrible vampire XD
But now I’m pretty happy with my playthrough, I’m gonna talk about Alix. Spoilers under the cut:
Non-binary, femme presenting, they/them and she/her pronouns
Pansexual, just not actually romantically interested in anyone rn
Sandman - feeds on the sleeping because it gives them a taste of what sleeping like a normal person was like
Is so completely devoted to Markos, he’s their father figure, the first source of calm and comfort after the chaos of the Embrace and their abandonment, and the one person they’ve always been able to count on for direction and comfort.
Managed to get Persa to love her; they are finally siblings after a decade of Alix seeking her out and Persa pulling away
She has an older mortal brother called Atticus. He was the one who looked out for her after their parents were killed in an accident, even though they drifted apart afterwards. He ended up getting killed by the end of the game. Oopsie.
They worked in a club in their mortal life which taught them how to navigate brawls and fractious emotions without losing their cool.
They also love to get tattoos, even if it does border on a Masquerade Breach. It was a subconscious suggestion from the Cobweb to explain the disappearance of their tattoos on a condition. Their most recent were an ouroborus and a wren. They chose the former. Their artist, Alex, chose the latter.
Peisistratos had intended to Embrace Atticus before his ‘bout of madness’ affected him, which resulted in him Embracing Alix instead.
They’re not totally indifferent to human suffering, but it’s become matter-of-fact to them and they’ll do whatever Markos requires of them
Has a crow now. His name is Crow.
Not knowing that she was Malkavian sort of shuttered her to the Cobweb. Her awareness of it largely came through her visions, which she either draws out and interprets or just has to experience in the moment depending on the circumstances.
They're still working for Markos and they're content to continue doing that.
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nightingaletrash · 2 years
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Camarilla Kindred
Amicia de Lacroix, Lasombra, Blood-trader, Diablerist
Khalia Lais, Toreador, Seneschal of Ottawa
Alix Xiphias, Malkavian, Oracle of Athens
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
So the current concept I currently have in mind for my SotS character is Alix Xiphias, a Malkavian Oracle. They channel their visions from their hallucinations into a sketchbook and don't know what they're going to draw until it's drawn. They then have to interpret their visions based on the end result as well as the feelings associated with the drawing.
Will have more thoughts on the specifics of their Malkiness once I've played the game when it's out.
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
Xiphias is the genus name for swordfish so I guess I have to figure out how to incorporate that into Alix's character now.
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
I'm thinking about my VTM kids meeting and
Alix would just. Immediately rat Amicia out to Markos. Her vibes are absolutely rancid and they can probably pick up on her passengers. If they picked up on the SI betrayal, they're telling Markos that too. Whether or not Markos does anything with the knowledge that Madam de Lacroix is a diablerist and is singlehandedly responsible for the fall of Tuscon is up to him but there would be blood if he did.
Meanwhile Evie proposes chaos. Khalia jumps at the opportunity. Turns out the Seneschal of Ottawa is down to fuck around when she's not working. There's a goat, paint, and over a hundred wheels of cheese. Arundel allows the YouTube video to go online provided help Qui with the clean up and they clarify it's all special effects. Maybe there is one good Camarilla city.
Alex is just hanging out with the animals because a cat, a wolf and a crow aren't nearly as scary as the vampires.
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
Markos: pass me my-
Alix: *throws printer*
Markos: what-?
Alix: I know you were going to say keys but then you were thinking about a printer so I thought maybe the keys bit was a mistake and you wanted me to toss the printer!
Markos: ...
Markos: Persa, no more vines in the house
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
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some Alix Xiphias (she/they) concepts
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
Hmmm thinking about the similarities and differences between Khalia and Alix.
Neither of them knew their true sire and was raised and trained by an adoptive sire. However while Alix saw Markos as a father figure and a place of comfort and security, Khalia came to despise Corliss for her cruelty and for 'Embracing' her in the first place.
Both of them have an interest in forging a bond with their 'sisters' but while Lucca was receptive to Khalia from the beginning, Persa saw Alix as an intruder on her own relationship with Markos and it took time for her to open up to caring for her sibling.
Khalia is ultimately disloyal to her adoptive sire and loyal to her Prince, while Alix is disloyal to her Prince and loyal to her adoptive Sire.
Khalia sought to gain some station in the Camarilla as she believed she could serve it well. Alix never wanted to leave Markos' side for any reason and has no great ambition for power.
Both kill a sire - adoptive or otherwise - but for different reasons. Alix to fulfill a prophecy as Markos needs her to, Khalia because of her hatred for Corliss.
And both were used as pawns thanks to some pre-determined 'specialness.' Khalia was Arundel's failsafe against Corliss' betrayal that everyone was trying to use to better their own position after his disappearance. Alix was the prophesied childe of Peisistratos that would bring about his downfall, hidden and protected specifically so that they would survive long enough to fulfill that prophecy.
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
I hope Alix can continue my theme of COG Vampires committing to impulsive murders in Sins of the Sire. Amicia betrayed a Prince and her sort of adoptive sire/personal annoyance to the SI and then cut off the latter's head personally, and Khalia cut off an Archon's head with her own sword with absolutely no intention of doing so before said sword was in her hands.
Alix has got their work cut out for em.
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