#all about Ashleighxx
ashleighxx · 7 years
Tag Game
Answer 11 questions then ask another eleven, tagging eleven people to answer them! Tagged by @misssophiachase :)
1. Top five celebrities you’d sleep with if you could?
Joseph Morgan, Colin o donoghue, Chris Hemsworth, Ryan Reynolds, Jake Johnson
2. Dream job?
To own my own small business.
3. The Mikaelson siblings + Kiss, Marry or Kill?
4. If you could be any female character, who would it be?
Oh, this is too hard! 
5. If you could be Prime Minister/President/Queen for the day what would you do?
Change the laws to better humanity and send people to kill those idiotic world leaders that disgrace the world... (you know who I'm talking about LOL)
6. If you could be any supernatural creature what would you be?
Dragon and/or phoenix I'm too terrified of water to be a mermaid, and I'm Welsh so I'm half dragon AHAHA
7. Most useful subject in real life that you’ve ever studied?
8. Who would you prefer to date? A musician, an actor, a model or an accountant?
Accountant, boring but comfortable living lifestyle and time for cwtches :)
9. What food can’t you live without?
10. Favourite book character?
Im on the spot and cant think!!
11. Five favourite TV shows?
TVD for old times sake of giving me Klaroline. (By TVD I mean season 1-4)
Teen Wolf
Once Upon A Time
New Girl
Grace and Frankie 
**Currently watching as all time favs would go on forever and every in no order**
My 11 questions are:
Have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?
What couldn't you live without?
Met a celebrity?
Go back in time. Who would you like to spend a day with?
Watch TV or listen to music?
Attend school at Hogwarts or live in Narnia?
Favourite book?
Live in any period of history, when would it be?
Be bitten by a radioactive spider or a vampire?
Gone to Europe?
The Mikaelson and Salvatore siblings + Kiss, Marry or Kill? (pinching this because its amazing!)
@3tinkgemini @delerithmoriwen @austennerdita2533 @she-walked-away @denielapple @megansarah11 @garglyswoof @gooddame @purestheartslove @angelbuffyandouataremylife @mrslackles
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paulinhaals · 7 years
So following my new habit of posting on the Klaroline stories that I recently reviewed! I just reviewed two stories: 
Songs-of-the-Moment by 3tinkgemini (Chapter 27) This collection of drabble/one shot is really wonderful! With each new chapter leads us to something different, but still with the essence Klaroline and all the love that this fantastic couple deserves. 
Letters-to-Hope by Ashleighxx The last chapter posted :( But it was a fantastic story that made me anxious about each chapter to see if anyone would notice or she would come! I really like it! 
You should check out the work of these two wonderful authors! Their work is amazing
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Fanfiction Updates: 8th January 2017
Ch 2: Momentos Klaroline (Spanish) by Alisseawarren
New Story: His Last Love by blackfaeriequeen
Ch 4: Untold by Carolineforbesisawesome
Ch 9: Until We Meet by Ashleighxx
Ch 2: Time And Time Again by All about Klaroline
Ch 3: An Experiment by Uppity Bitch
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ashleighxx · 7 years
Tag Games
Tagged by @0oharleyquinno0
1. What you notice first when you look at a person?
Eyes if they're looking at me, ass if not :P lol
2. What are you wearing right now?
‘Cat nap’ pyjamas 
3. If your crush says ‘I don’t like you’ on your face what you’ll do?
Reply “I don't like me too, at least we have that in common” then laugh and read fanfic ahaha
4. You believe in God?
I do not.
5. Favorite destination spot with your favorite fictional character?
I haven't been, but Disney Land and either Klaus or Killian Jones.. Because that would be hilarious either way! 
6. Five actors you wanna make out with?
Joseph Morgan, Colin O donoghue, Chris Hemsworth, Ryan Reynolds, Jake Johnson
7. The last thing you do before you sleep?
Try to get myself to sleep, insomnia is a bitch “/
8. What’s the name of any of your neighbours?
Umm... I have no idea. 
9. What kind of animals you like to have as your pet?
I have a cat (who lives with my mom, landlord doesn't want pets in the house). 
10. A fictional character you would die for? Why?
Im gonna say Bonnie Bennett, someone need to sacrifice themselves for her, for a change. :)
11. What’s your dream?
To own my own house and live financial comfortable and not to have anxiety and depression, but they are too much to ask for lol
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ashleighxx · 8 years
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@3tinkgemini got my Wonder Woman t-shirt on today! I'm loving these geek 🤓 boxes xD
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ashleighxx · 8 years
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Personal Moodboard Meme Tagged by @austennerdita2533 thank you lovely 😊 I had way too much fun searching pictures for this. Tagging @3tinkgemini @garglyswoof @misssophiachase @delerithmoriwen @gooddame (if you want)
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ashleighxx · 8 years
Tag Games
Tagged by the lovelies  @delerithmoriwen and @austennerdita2533
Klaroline are such an epic pairing, in some cases due to an amazing soundtrack (hello "Give Me Love"). In honour of this final season of TVD, I would love to know the five songs that you attribute to Klaroline and why and then tag another five people so that others can share their own personal soundtrack : ) 
1. Mumford and Sons
2. Kings of Leon in general - Closer
3. Ed Sheeran - Take Me to Church (cover)
4. Atreyu
5. Florence and the Machines
So I don't have 5 specific songs from the top of my head, and my mind keeps going blank the more i think of them.... so I'm gonna let you know what music I listen to to get me typing. Depending on my moods it will be different. Atreyu help me focus a lot more than Kings of Leon where I start drifting off into my own rock band bubble! 
Tagging @3tinkgemini @garglyswoof @megansarah11 (if you havn’t already done this xD )
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ashleighxx · 8 years
Tagged by @radientwings
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
relationship status: Engaged 
lipstick or chapstick: lipstick
last song I listened to: When it rains by Paramore
top 3 shows: Currently or Ever? Um I'm currently watching Grimm, Teen Wolf and Legends of SuperFlarrow (<cheated on that one) Ever would be Skins, House, Charmed top 3 characters: Stiles Stalinski, Caroline Forbes, Niklaus Mikaelson (TVD)
Tagging @3tinkgemini @caritobear @megansarah11 @austennerdita2533 @gooddame @delerithmoriwen @garglyswoof @purestheartslove @dontbeallupinmyfriesdawg
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ashleighxx · 8 years
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Had cuddles off my first born today! Haven't seen him weeks because I couldn't get to my mums last week :(
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ashleighxx · 8 years
Tagged by @radientwings
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you finished tag 5 people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!
1: Are you named after someone? No, but my mum named me Ashleigh to annoy my sperm doner. xD
2: When was the last time you cried? A few hours ago, angsty klaroline fic :)
3: Do you like your handwriting? Some days.
4: What is your favourite lunch meal? Bacon Sandwiches, yum :)
5: Do you have kids? Two toddlers! 
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Oh, um, yeah? I'm my own worst enemy. ahaha
7: Do you use sarcasm? Its my mother tongue.
8: Do you still have your tonsils? Yep.
9: Would you bungee jump? NOPE, uh-uh. No... No way...
10: What is your favourite kind of cereal? Bacon sandwiches ahaha, i don't really eat breakfast, and if I did it wouldn't be cereal. 
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No, they're none setting on my boots to get out the house quicker on the school runs :) 
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? Physically? not at all. Emotionally... Im still figuring it out. Mentally... doubt it.
13: What is your favourite ice cream flavour? Ice cream, I LOVE ice cream, Chocolate, strawberry, mint, anything by Mr Ben and Mr Jerry. 
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Height, I'm short.
15: Red or pink? Deep red.
16: What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? My boobs, they like to suffocate me in my sleep. Big boobs are hard work ahaha 
17: What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now? Purple pyjama bottoms with pink and white stars :)
18: What was the last thing you ate? Flap jack.. the Mr is on his way back with Chinese take out xD
19: What are you listening to right now? Paramore
20: If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Grey
21: Favourite smell? Talcum Powder
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My mum or partner.
23: Favourite sport to watch? Rugby
24: Hair color? Purple, naturally brown, like my roots! aha
25: Eye colour? Blue. Blue/green, blue/ grey.
26: Do you wear contacts? No
27: Favourite food to eat? Bacon, pasta, beef chow mein, pizza
28: Scary movies or comedy? Definitely comedy, i love humour  
29: Last movie you watched? Suicide Squad
30: What colour of shirt are you wearing? Purple
31: Summer or winter? Winter, im so not a heat person
32: Hugs or kisses? Cwtches.
33: What book are you currently reading? Acotar.
34: Who do you miss right now? My mum 
35: What is on your mouse pad? Citizens Advice Bureau advice line. I think I had it free with a bunch of pens and stuff from a career fair? like 6 years ago! 
36: What is the last TV program you watched? Teen Wolf
37: What is the best sound? Thunder and lightning 
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? The Beatles
39: What is the furthest you have ever travelled? Crete when I was a child and have no idea what it looks like now! aha
40: Do you have a special talent? No “/
41: Where were you born? Cardiff, Wales
i tag :  @3tinkgemini @delerithmoriwen @garglyswoof @misssophiachase @austennerdita2533
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ashleighxx · 8 years
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Practicing my handwriting skills with my new pens :)
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ashleighxx · 8 years
Tag Game
Rules: answer 11 questions, ask 11 questions, tag 11 people.
I was tagged by @3tinkgemini
1. Outside of the obvious of Klaroline, if you could change one thing about the TVD storyline what would it be?
Right, where to start? Hmm.. first of all I would bring all the Originals back from a vacation where they brought Kol back to life. Defan death and it turns out that Kai linked Elena’s sleeping curse to Damon not Bonnie. Bonnie leaves to focus on herself finally and finds a coven to work with and help support her magic and learn more. The girls stay in contact with each other but go there separate ways. Elena now hum goes to find Jeremy and they live happily together as humans. Caroline grieves her best friend, Stefan's, death and leaves to travel. Meets up with the Originals and fun happens... Can I have Klaroline now? ;)
2. Favorite Disney Character and why?
My favourite is Merida from Brave. I love the whole film because Billy Connolly but Its refreshing to see a princess not wanting to to have the whole arranged marriage and become a princess in her own right. Choosing her own fate  with her bow! 
3. If you could be any mythological creature, what would you be?
I would be a phoenix maybe or a valkyrie.
4. Does the word “moist” bother you?
No, should it? lol
5. You’re traveling through outer-space and need a crew, which characters would be aboard your ship, Star Trek or Star Wars?
I don't know anything about Star Wars and I've seen one film of Star Trek, and Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto who are both amazing so i would choose them! and oo I could meet Simon Pegg too xD ahaha 
6. Did you make a New Year’s Resolution and if so, what is it and do you think you will accomplish it?
Its not much of a new years resolution more of  change of view. Im going to chose what effects me and in what way. Try to limit the added negativity in my life and focus on being happy and more productive. I hope I can achieve it for a long term but as I’m a pessimistic to my core, so I doubt it.
7. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live?
Norway. Tromsø in specific but Norway in general :)
8. Do you know your zodiac and element signs? If so, do you feel they are an accurate representation/fit of you?
My zodiac is Libra and I think it represents me 100%  Strengths: Cooperative,diplomatic, gracious, fair-minded, social Weaknesses: Indecisive, avoids confrontations, will carry a grudge, self-pity Libra likes: Harmony, gentleness, sharing with others, the outdoors Libra dislikes: Violence, injustice, loudmouths, conformity
My element is Air: Air is often seen as a universal power or pure substance. Its fundamental importance to life can be seen in words such as aspire, inspire, perspire and spirit, all derived from the Latin spirare. Wikipedia
Can we just appreciate the irony.
9. If you could be a tree, which type of tree would you be?
Ashley (Ashleigh) from an English surname which was originally derived from place names meaning "ash tree clearing", from a combination of Old English æsc and leah. Until the 1960s it was more commonly given to boys in the United States, but it is now most often used on girls. So Im already a type of tree anyway, but I do however love cherry blossom trees, weeping willows and Japanese red maple/acer trees.
10. Do you believe in the supernatural/paranormal in real life?
Like ghosts? aliens? I don't believe in it 100% until I've actually seen it, but I am open to the ideas that there must be something out there.
11. This last question is more for yourself and your inner thoughts. No ‘knee jerk” answer. Really think about it. Is there anything that you do/deal with/think about that in your life that you wish you didn’t? And what could you do to change it?
I suffer from depression and anxiety, so my inner thoughts, you don't want to go there. But dealing with this with two toddlers is hard and when my old friends stopped bothering with my because I became pregnant and then I moved further up the valley away from my family for affordable housing it has left me isolated and lonely. Fandom has helped me a lot, more than I want too admit, because I lost so much of ‘me’ and having the fandom to read/write/talk to others is ‘mine’ its some part of me that I'm trying to explore and gain back. Its more the case of I know how to get myself out of the ditch but I cant find the courage and motivation to get there just yet. 
tag 11 (only if you want to and haven’t already done it) I’m tagging the following, if you want to answer these great, if not that’s okay too! I won’t be mad at you ;)   @garglyswoof, @0oharleyquinno0, @caritobear, @megansarah11,  @gooddame, @dontbeallupinmyfriesdawg, @radientwings @austennerdita2533 @misssophiachase @delerithmoriwen @purestheartslove
Here are your questions to answer:
1. If You Could Live In A Book, TV Show Or Movie, What Would It Be?
2. Your OTP And NOTP And Why?
3. What Animal Best Represents You And Why?
4. Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years?
5. If You Could Travel Anywhere In The World, Where Would It Be?
6. What Book Has Influenced You Most?
7. If You Could Master One Skill You Don’t Have Right Now, What Would It Be?
8. If You Could Have One Superpower, What Would It Be And How Would You Use It?
9. If You Could Time Travel, Would You Go To The Past Or The Future?
10. What Makes You Happiest?
11. What Are Your Three Favorite Albums? Why?
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ashleighxx · 8 years
Tag Game
Rules: answer 11 questions, ask 11 questions, tag 11 people.
Tagged by @0oharleyquinno0 I thought id answer your questions hear and tag you in the questions on the other one so you don't have 22! :)
1. The best quality you possess?
I am going to say my ability to see both ends of an argument. I can see each persons point and their validation, but I can never decide who's ‘winning’ in the argument, Id rather just say, “look you both have great arguments, your both correct in some aspects and your not going to change each others minds. Now quit it and move on.”
2. The worst fear you have?
My loved ones dying and being alone. I always say to my Mr thats he's not ever allowed to go before me. Ever. 
3. A place you wish to visit?
Tromsø, Norway <3
4. When you look at people, the first thing you notice about them is?
Their eyes. Most likely to tell whether they're an honest person or not.
5. Weird/ funny/ worst thing you did in your existence?
Heavy drinking as a teenager, I have a lot of tales aha. I came home once drunk and woke up with my left shoe on and the tight off, my right shoe off and the tight on. Dress off and coat over my underwear. I cant drink and strip to save my life. Safe to say I was single anyway but my mum nearly pee’d herself laughing when she tried to wake me up.
6. Favorite character(s) from the books/ shows/ movies/ comics or anything?
Deadpool. Im proper in love with Ryan Reynolds as it is but that just took me over into obsession LOL
7. Best punchline you heard/ read?
Oh, I don't think I can think of one right now. I love jokes and the silly one liners get me a lot. I dog think its classed as a punchline, but watching Rhod Gilbert rant over tog rating is hilarious!
8. Weird/ best compliment you received?
Your cute for someone short.
9.  Celebrity crush (or list)?
We will be here forever! 
Ryan Reynolds, Chris Hemsworth, Joseph Morgan, Colin O’donoghue, Idris Elba, Caleb Followill just to name but a few.
10. Poem from your childhood that you love?
I never have been the one for poverty but I did write one when I was 6 for a competition in school and it was published. I have no idea what it says anymore but I should really buy the book its in lol.
11. If I get a dollar for every time _____, then I’d be poor. 
Not swearing. I swear a lot and its something I'm trying to cut down on around the kids. 
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ashleighxx · 8 years
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@garglyswoof I just love my mug! Its amazing, the Mr is trying to skank off with it too xD ahaha  
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paulinhaals · 8 years
Klaroline Review Week
As part of Klaroline Appreciation week, today, I decided I'm going to talk about some stories that could have more visibilities because, for me, they are great:
Neverland by  Bedazzlement (you can read on fanfiction.net) So this story is a bit (or a lot) AU, but it won my affection with Klaus and Caroline being within their wonderful personalities! Despite being a human living in the supernatural world, Caroline is still strong and tries to best deal with everything and still pursue her dreams and goals, even though in the middle of it all she finds herself falling in love with our Big Bad Hybrid. Klaus here, despite being in New Orleans, has not lost his head and remains strong person, who still does everything for his family and for whom he loves, without needing to cry for it every second. And we still have some special surprises, which I loved quite a lot! You should check! 
La Belle et la bete by  TuRtLe88 (fanfiction.net) I'm a sucker for Klaus in wolf form and a very vampire Caroline. In this story Klaus was cursed in wolf form by the witches a bit like The Beauty and the Beast  and to break the curse he needs an act of true love. And then Caroline enters! She moves to New Orleans to try to break the spell and meanwhile she begins to develop a relationship with Klaus. I love all their interactions and Klaus in the form of wolf or human/hybrid! It's a beautiful story and fluff. You really should read and review, maybe the author feels encouraged to make a sequel or something else within the universe! 
Mate by AnnaTom23 (also in fanfiction.net) This is a slightly darker story.  In this story Klaus and Caroline are mates. And he kidnaps her when she was still small so she can live with the Original Family. Over time he becomes very overprotective of her, doing things that instead of making her love him, are pushing her away from him and putting a huge abyss between them. The Mikaelson brothers see and try to talk to him, but he does not want to see. I'm not a fan of dark stories, but this really caught my attention and I was very curious to know how Caroline will survive this situation and how they can find love in the midst of it all. I still can not see Caroline forgiving all that he's doing with her and letting all of this go very easily!
Re-write the past by  Ashleighxx I love time travel stories! And this one is wonderful just for the sake of being a trip to a more recent time! It is interesting to see Caroline of the future much more mature and confident of herself, she come and try to resolve to direct things so that the results in the future are more beneficial for all involved. And besides Klaroline, we still have apparitions insinuating Kennet and Kalijah, how not to love? You guys really should give a chance for Re-Write The Past and encourage the author to continue this journey! This was the first story I read of this author, but she has other Klaroline stories that are wonderful and she has a way of making a twist on the canon-ish that leaves me entranced every time :)
Those are the ones I'm remembering now. I think I'll do some other related post! 
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paulinhaals · 8 years
Klaroline Review
Continuing my contribution to Klaroline Appreciation week, today, I'm talking about some wonderful writers who respond to the reviews always so kindly! Call me crazy, but every time I read a chapter comes a million things in my head and I always feel like putting everything in the comment and I usually make huge comments, I even think I have to police myself in relation to this, because really I do not know what writers think of that! S every time I get replies, I feel happy. I really love receiving replies to my reviews. It is as if we are talking and feeling everything with the writer and the story,  and i really like. So here are some of the wonderful writers and some of their wonderful stories that I did review a few times: 
Ashleighxx, I love all her Klaroline stories, but mainly:  Re-write The Past,  Letters to Hope,  Until We Meet
For YourNeighbor306, we have  Always and Forever
Ssklarolinewrites, I have a love for all her Klaroline fanfics, but I have commented actively on   Big D
 3tinkgemini, If you have not  read her stories yet , read! It's pure Klaroline:  Above All Else and  Songs of the Moment
Uppity-Bitch, I began to read her stories recently! Here are the ones I have reviewed so far Cursed Obsession  and Skewered
 originalhybridlover with  Good to You, this is a really great story!  
TitansRule for Treachery, another good one! 
 honestgrins is writing  Delivered that I am in love!
So here I was wondering if writers like (silly question) to receive review for finished stories? Or if they prefer long and detailed revisions or short ones? Do you like suggestions?
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