#Sogs of the moment
rainofthetwilight · 11 months
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have been seeing this going around so i decided to make my own!!
(just a disclaimer i havent rewatched some of the seasons in a while so i did this according to what i remember)
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takethebodymarc · 6 months
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riosnecktattoo · 3 months
my dog just keeps getting bigger I don't understand how but he gains a kg every month he's at 67kg now he was 40ish when I rescued him just over a year ago
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witchblade · 1 year
scooting eunoia up on the list just above nevertheless..
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thesilliestcake · 2 years
brother keeps playing sans undertale stronger than you
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
König Teasing Reader in His Dialect
I finally got around to writing for König being sappy with his S/O in his native tongue! Native dialect, in fact!! I'm not gonna include any translations for this one! And don't bother putting it in Google Translate either, it won't work :3c
“Du host so a liabes Gschau.”
A gentle twilight it was, the sky donning a beautiful coat of orange. With the few fluffy clouds floating by, you watched your boyfriend glow in the soft evening light. It was almost magical, the way the sun set behind the mountains, the way it created a halo of utmost pulchritude on König. He was a rough man, who found it within himself to be as gentle as one would never imagine. His hands were calloused, but the way he caressed your face made it seem as though he was a lover by nature. Although he may have killed more people than you have ever known in your lifetime, that fact barely came to mind when his voice would call for you. Strong his accent, yes, but with it came a sense of familiarity that you would get nowhere else. König was a beautiful man. If you could have, then you would have knelt in front of him, allowing him to tread his fingers through your locks. If you could have, you would have slung your arms around him, burying yourself in his warmth and scent. But alas, all that came to mind was confusion. What did he say this time?
“You know my German isn’t that good just yet. You gotta be patient with me. Can you translate?”
With a certain glimmer in his eyes, he smiled as he shook his head. “No, I’ll let you figure this one out. It would be boring if I translated everything for you.” But even so, he walked towards you, quiet as a cat, hunting for its prey. All there was to devour was you, unity through the purpose of consuming one another. He stood still in front of you, eyes almost hazy as he seemed a little unfocused. He was a hunter, but whenever you were around he laid his weapon to rest, craving your attention more than he felt the bloodlust. You calmed him more than any restful night ever could. Your touch was the remedy for his loneliness, his fear, his anger. And this time, it was his turn to repay you, gently running his thumb across your cheek.
“Du bist mei ois. Für di leib i. I bin dir so vü schuidig. Söbst wenn i dir die Wöd gebn darad, warads ned genug. Danke für ois. Bitte bleib bei mir so laung wies nur geht. Hah, i reid grod so vü Scheiße, aba des stört mi ned. Du mochst mi so fertig, aber i hob di so lieb. Eigentlich wuid i heite schiacha zu dir sein, oba i kauns afoch ned. I bin so verliebt in di.”
Should you feel angry at him? For all you knew he could have been cursing you worse than any string of English words ever could. And yet, his expression betrayed him. That gentle smile, that soft gaze, that tender touch. König let out a content sigh, placing his hands atop your shoulders. It was evident he wanted something, he wanted more, but all he could do was stare as love overtook every fiber of his being. In that moment, he wasn’t a hunter, he wasn’t a fighter, he wasn’t a soldier. If there was one thing he could call himself, it was yours. Your boyfriend, your partner, your loved one. It didn’t matter as long as it was in relation to you. He pulled you into a tight embrace. His pride was a wall made of steel, but you burned yourself through the metal and settled down in his heart. All you knew was that he was so much kinder towards you than he gave himself credit for.
“Love, I’ve got no idea what you’re saying.”
“Brauchst a ned. I wü afoch nur so mit dir bleibn. I mechat di für imma so hoitn. Du bist so liab. I hob so vü Scheiße im Militär durchgmocht, oba es wor’s ma ois wert wal i di kennanglernt hob. I darad ois no amoi so mochn. Bitte sei ma ned bes, oba i glab es is gscheita wennst ned wast, wos i grod sog. Du suist mi ned als schwochn Maun sehn. Oba nur damit du’s wast, es gibt kan Menschn auf dera Wöd, den i liaba hob als di. I hoff, dass ma ewig zaumbleibm kennan.”
“Are you being sappy right now?”
But the only response you got was him holding onto you as though you were a beautiful, fleeting memory. Wrapping your arms around him in return, you resigned yourself to your fate. He could so very easily snap you in half, and yet he chose to use his strength to make you feel protected. Indeed, König was a different man with you. You knew him as the anxious colonel that was still capable of leading people. Deadly precise, viciously efficient, always successful. And today he felt as giddy as a child watching its first rainbow, all because he was with you.
“Ich hab dich ganz doll lieb.”
Finally, some words you could understand.
“Love you too, König.”
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francixoxoxo · 2 months
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Have the most devious idea for a coryo series that lets me work around all the moral implications and the disgust for him…… hear me out hear me out you are covey and Lucy gray already left but she begged you to stay behind, she simply had a feeling in her gut that Coriolanus would come after her, one way or another. And you’re sincerely doubtful, but you love her like she’s your own blood, you agree to wait for a month before meeting the rest of the covey and Lucy Gray up north. Turns out, the Coriolanus, the one Lucy Gray hasn’t shut up about, the one you’ve been separated from your family for, the one that inadvertently is making you feel like chopped liver, actually shows. ‘Course he’s doubtful, he doesn’t know you, he doesn’t know if you’re really covey. You’re doubtful, you don’t know him besides the fact he’s capitol. That’s enough to despise him.
But Lucy Gray loved him, so you figure that’s enough. You find a means to convince him to follow you north to her, assuring him you’ll be his escort through the thick woods, his beloved Lucy Gray left a map with their route outlined. You travel with him, cook meat over campfires with him, fish with him, trade stories with him, appreciate the views with him, laugh at the first snow with him. Oh, how guilty you feel for falling for someone so obviously Lucy Gray’s. Someone so devoted to her that he’d follow a stranger to find her.
And how awful Coryo feels, falling in love with someone so similar to Lucy Gray, falling in love with someone so close to her. He feels like scum every moment he catches himself admiring you, smiling faintly at the mud caking your dress, azure eyes tracing every line of your face. You’re nothing like Lucy Gray, he finds. You aren’t a performer, you have no act, you have no farse. You are raw, perhaps sometimes rough and crude in your honesty, but that makes your kindness all the more genuine. He hates himself for finding that his affections for Lucy Gray are waning, waning in the face of every minute spent under the pine with you. What does he really know about Lucy Gray? Really? Not much. He was infatuated, he won’t deny, but was that love?
No matter how heavy the guilt sogs your heart, you find yourself dreaming that all the problems might be solved before you reach the North. Coriolanus might fall out of love. He’d see that he didn’t know a damn thing about your dear Lucy Gray. Maybe she’d realize that she knew nothing about him. None of it will go away in an instant, that history. So it’s all you can do, to wake in the morning and resist brushing fingers over his rosy cheeks, pushing a hand through his grown-out buzzcut— you instead jog him awake by the shoulder and remind him that it’s time to get hiking again.
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thegrandefinalestory · 6 months
Der Wiedereinstieg ins Berufsleben
„Mach’s gut, Liebling. Am Freitag bin ich wieder da. Mami muss wieder arbeiten.“ Die Worte schienen das kleine blonde Mädchen vor ihr kaum zu interessieren. Denn die 4-Jährige war schon längst wieder mit ihrer neusten Ergänzung ihres Spielzeug-Pferdestalles beschäftigt und fegte damit durch den Flur. Catherine beugte sich runter, drückte ihre Tochter an sich, und wandte sich dann ihrem Ehemann zu. „Bis bald, Schatz.“ Ein flüchtiger Kuss, unterbrochen von dem Geräusch eines zerbrechenden Glases aus der Küche, zweifellos von Kind 2. Ihr Ehemann seufzte und wandte sich ab. „Gute Reise, wir halten hier die Stellung“ rief er ihr noch nach, als die Klänge der Zerstörung aus der Küche lauter anschwellten. Catherine nahm ihren Rollkoffer, und drückte die Klinke der Haustüre nach unten. Dann war es ruhig. Die wohlige Stille wurde nur unterbrochen von ihren Gedankenkarussell, dass sich sofort drehte und ihren Mund auszutrocknen zu schien.
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Im Aufzug korrigierte sie mit leicht erhöhtem Puls noch ihr Outfit. Das lange rote Kleid endete eine Handbreit unter dem Knie. Darüber ein cremefarbener Blazer. Die langen blonden Haare wellig herabhängend. Sie sog ihren Bauch ein. Sie stand zu ihren 39 Jahren, aber sie musste diese ja nicht sofort jedem aufs Auge drücken. Denn Blicke bekam Catherine allein schon wegen ihrer ungewöhnlichen Körpergröße ab. 185 kurvige Zentimeter groß, das sieht man nicht alle Tage. Ihr Ehemann scherzte immerzu von ihrer skandinavischen Wikinger-DNA, die ihr Familienstammbaum eigentlich nicht verriet. Ihr breiter Mund und das laute Lachen hatten früher tatsächlich auch die Jungs etwas abgeschreckt. Die Kleineren trauten sich manchmal gar nicht ran and jemanden, der fast einen Kopf größer ist. Aber mit ihrem Mann hatte sie vor 12 Jahren noch im Studium den absoluten Glücksgriff gemacht. Lustig, loyal, abenteuerlustig – sie verfiel ihm Hals über Kopf. Als die Kinder da waren, war er jedoch dank seiner besseren Position in dem Bauunternehmen seines Vaters ganz klassisch der Brotverdiener. Für sie hieß es ab in die Familiengestaltung, was Catherine aber nach der stressigen Zeit in der Anwaltskanzlei durchaus willkommen hieß.
Aufgetaucht nach den intensiven Phasen der ersten Kinderjahre kam für sie nicht in Frage, immer nur die Hausfrau zu spielen. Wieder zurück in das Büro, wo man sie mit offenen Armen erwartete. Als sie in der Tiefgarage des Aufzugs zu ihrem gemeinsamen Wagen mit schnellen Schritten spazierte, schmiegte sie sich an das harte rhythmische Echo ihrer Heels auf dem Garagenbeton. Ein unerbittlicher Rhythmus, dachte sie, und verfing ihre Gedanken sofort in andere, dunklere Ebenen.
Die dunkle Limousine klickte erfreut, als sie das Auto entriegelte. Sie fädelte sich in das Auto, schloss die Tür und nahm fünf tiefe Atemzüge, wie sie es sonst immer in ihrer Yogastunde machte. Die Gedanken ordneten sich. Der Strudel aus Bildern in ihrem Kopf wurde klarer. Die Geschichte formte sich. Das Kribbeln auf ihrer Haut wird intensiver. Bei der Vorstellung daran, was vor ihr lag. Heute, und in den wenigen Stunden. Denn es war keine normale Dienstreise. Ein tiefer Atemzug. Nichts war mehr normal, seit sie nämlich vor genau 2 Monaten wieder zurück in ihre alte Kanzlei in Teilzeit zurückgekehrt ist.
Denn was ihr Mann nicht wusste, ist dass ihre alte Firma sie eigentlich nicht gebrauchen konnte. Das eröffnete ihr der Senior Partner, nachdem sie sich nach einer Stunde Smalltalk und gegenseitiges Herzeigen von Kinderfotos auf das Thema ihrer möglichen Rückkehr fokussierten.
„Du weißt, Catherine, wenn es nach mir ginge, würdest du noch heute an deinem alten Platz sitzen. Aber die innerpolitischen Spielchen hier wurden immer größer, jetzt sitzen viele motivierte Junge hier. Gut vernetzt, mit wichtigen Eltern. Und auch Mädels, die scheinbar einen unendlichen Vorrat an Energie besitzen“, rechtfertigte sich großgewachsene, graumelierte Partner, gerade in dem Moment, als eine spindeldürre Rothaarige mit einem viel zu kurzen Rock an dem verglasten Büro vorbeiging und er einen Moment zu lange ihr nachblickte. Catherine glaubte zu verstehen, was genau er mit „Energie“ meinte. Ihr mulmiges Gefühl wurde immer größer, je länger diese Konversation dauerte.
„Ich dachte, du schätzt vielleicht die Erfahrung, die ich einbringe“, schaltete sie auf Kontra. „Erfahren im Windelwechseln bin ich selber“, retournierte er souverän. Beide lächelten sich an, eine mehr gequält als der andere. Er betrachtete sie lange aus seinen stechenden blauen Augen. Nach einer gefühlten Ewigkeit lehnte er sich nach vorn über den Tisch. „Du musst mir schon mehr anbieten können, Catherine. Wie gesagt, die Konkurrenz ist groß. Aber ich bin durchaus gewillt, mich von deinen Fähigkeiten auch nach so langer Abwesenheit nochmal zu überzeugen.“ Er griff nach einer Fernbedienung und mit einem Klick wurden die klaren Fenster milchweiß und man erkannte nur mehr Schemen draußen. Ebenso wurde der Sound entsprechend abgeriegelt.
Er stand auf. „Klartext: Ich weiß, wie wenige Firmen Positionen wie deine in Teilzeit anbieten. Bei uns kennst du die Gepflogenheiten und das Team. Ich weiß, du willst arbeiten. Dass du raus musst aus dem Zuhause nach all den Jahren. Und dass vielleicht noch etwas der alten Catherine in dir steckt.“
Sie schluckte. Und wusste, worauf er anspielte. Es war vor langer Zeit, noch bevor sie ihren Mann kennenlernte. Und sie ein Praktikum hier im Unternehmen, genau bei ihrem jetzigen Gegenüber machte. Und es nicht bei reinen Praktikantinnen-Tätigkeiten blieb. Sondern es auch vereinzelt spätabends zu horizontalen Einlagen, genau hier in dem Office. Sie hatte niemanden davon erzählt, keiner Sterbensseele. So lange war es her, dass es komplett aus ihrer aktiven Erinnerung gewichen war. Sie war die liebevolle Mutter, die loyale Ehefrau, die meist zu müde für Sex im Ehebett war, wenn ihr Mann entsprechende Avancen nach einem langen Samstag machte. So lange war es her, dass sie nun komplett unvorbereitet auf diese Gedanken prallte, die tatsächlich den Gedanken abwogen, ihren Mann zu betrügen? Den sie überaus liebte? Und ihr gesamtes Familienglück auf das Spiel stellte? Gab es nicht noch andere Jobs für sie?
Als sich der Gedankennebel lichtete, stand er schon vor ihr. Catherine blickte geradewegs in seinen Schritt in der dunkelblauen Anzughose, der sich schon etwas ausbeulte. „Ich kann das nicht. Ich mach das nicht mehr. Ich bin jetzt anders“, murmelte sie, gleichermaßen zu sich, als auch zu ihm. „Ich weiß, ich weiß. Aber wenn ich dir deinen Job zurückgeben soll, musst du mir auch etwas entgegenkommen. Und, hatten wir nicht immer Spaß?“ Er strich ihr mit seiner großen Hand mit dem Handrücken über eine Wange. Sie roch sein Aftershave, er ihren Duft. Die hormonelle Erinnerung von vor 15 Jahren griff in den Chemikaliencocktail in ihren Gehirnen ein. Catherine bewegte sich keinen Zentimeter. Das fasste er als stille Zustimmung auf. Er dreht die Hand und streichelte ihre Wange weiter. Sein Daumen rieb sanft über ihr Kinn, lief entlang ihrer leicht geöffneten Lippen von rechts nach links. Dabei schaute er ihr tief in die Augen, als wollte er ihre Seele erkunden, ob sie sich ihm schon ergeben hat. Quasi als Antwort ließ er den Daumen zwischen ihre Lippen gleiten und traf dort ihre gierige Zunge an und Catherine begann sofort, leicht daran zu saugen, ohne den Augenkontakt zu brechen. Ein jüngerer, unerfahrener Mann hätte sie jetzt gepackt und sofort alle Zurückhaltung über Bord geschmissen. Nicht er. Er streichelte sie sanft weiter. „Schreib deinem Mann, dass du erst in 1,5 Stunden heimkommst.“ Wortlos und ferngesteuert nahm Catherine ihr Handy aus ihrer Handtasche und tippte eine schnelle Nachricht. Als das Handy wieder in der Tasche war, schaute sie wieder auf. Und war eine andere Catherine. Eine, die ihr braves Familienleben nun ablegen wollte. Die merkte, was ihr in den letzten Jahren gefehlt hat. Die von alle diesen Gefühlen mehr als durcheinandergebracht war und jetzt vor allem eins wollte. Aktion. Handlung. Der Seniorpartner half ihr aus ihrem grauen Blazer und legte ihn behutsam zusammen und legte ihn weg. Fast beiläufig ließ er seine Hand in ihre Bluse gleiten und knetete jede Brust hart durch. Catherine hatte seit 5 Minuten kein Wort mehr gesagt in diesem Raum. Ihr Körper antwortete für sie. Sie hörte nur das Vibrieren ihres Telefons in dem Moment, als er Partner ihre Hand nahm, sie aufstehen ließ und sie hinter seinen großen Mahagoni-Tisch führte. Er setzte sich in seinen großen Ledersessel vor sie und deutete nur kurz auf den Boden. Catherine schluckte und ihre Knie gaben nach. „Was für eine schöne Überraschung dieser Termin doch ist, Catherine. Ich war mir wirklich nicht sicher, ob ich dich an genau diesen Ort bringen konnte“, sagte er und öffnete langsam seine Gürtelschnalle. „Also zeig mir mal, wie eine verheiratete Hausfrau mittlerweile bläst. Ich hab ja nur die jungen Dinger, die sich aufführen wie Pornostars in letzter Zeit“ grinste er und befreite seinen großen Prügel. Catherines Augen weiteten sich sichtbar, und eine kleine Stimme in ihrem Kopf erinnerte sie an die Tatsache, dass ihr Mann doch eher mittelmäßig bestückt war. Und die Routine natürlich ihren Lauf nahm.
Sie kroch zwischen seine Beine und näherte sich mit ihrem Kopf direkt seinem Riemen. Sie versuchte die Spitze mit ihren Lippen einzufangen. Der Partner jedoch hatte andere Pläne und schlug ihr seinen Schwanz gleich direkt hart in ihre Richtung, sodass er quer über ihr Gesicht klatschte. Er fand es unterhaltsam, wie problemlos er diese Hausfrau dazu gebracht hat, sich ihm anzubieten. Sie leckte den Schaft entlang, eine Seite rauf, die andere wieder runter und stülpte dann ihre vollen Lippen über die Eichel. Und sofort begann sie ihn tief in ihren Mund zu schieben. Sichtlich angespornt von der Konkurrenz, wie sie der Partner ihr schilderte wollte etwas in ihr ihm zeigen, dass sie auch noch eine vollwertige Frau war, auch mit 39 und er sich noch wundern würde. Mit viel Speichel bearbeitete sie den Schwanz des 61-Jährigen und ließ sich breitwillig von seinen Händen in ihren blonden Mähnen leiten.
Sie wusste gar nicht mehr, wann sie ihrem Mann zuletzt einen Blowjob gegeben hätte. Sie wusste nur, dass sie hier und jetzt alles dafür tat, den großen adrigen Schwanz in ihrem Mund zu befriedigen. „Mmmh das machst du gut, du Hausfrau. Wer hätte das gedacht? Du hast wohl viel nachzuholen“, stachelte er sie an, als das Schmatzen schön langsam in einen fachgerechten Mundfick überging und Würgegeräusche den Raum erfüllten. Er ballte eine Hand zur Faust und schlug sie auf ihren Hinterkopf, sodass sie ganz aufgespießt auf seinem Rohr in seinem Schoss lag. So hielt er sie für einige Sekunden, bis ihr Körper vibrierte und sie um Atem rang. Dann wartete er bewusst noch 5 weitere Sekunden und ließ sie dann wieder an die Luft. Sie hustete Speichel und Precum, lange Lustfäden zogen sich von seiner Eichel zu ihren Lippen, die geröteten Wangen, die tränenden Augen – sie sah wunderschön aus. Das sagte er ihr auch, was ihr ein stolzes Lachen abverlangte. Dann rieb er ihr wieder grob über das Gesicht, sammelte die Nässe und rieb sie über ihre Brüste, sodass die weiße Bluse komplett durchsichtig wurde.
Als sie wieder aufschaute, gab er ihr eine schallende Ohrfeige und zog sie auch. „Komm Kleines, Reitstunde. Zeig mir, ob du das noch so gut kannst wie mit 22 damals.“ Wieder dieses verschmitzte, selbstsichere Grinsen, dass ihr durch Mark und Bein fuhr, als sie aus ihrem Rock stieg und er kurzerhand ihre Strumpfhose zerriss. Die Bluse flog Sekunden später, genauso wie der brave BH. Splitternackt mit gerötetem Gesicht und Brüste setzte sie sich auf ihn und nahm ihn sofort tief in ihrer mittlerweile klatschnassen Pussy auf. „Mmmmh du fühlst dich toll an. Los jetzt“, spornte sie der Partner an. Und Catherine richtete sich auf, und ließ ihr Becken kreisen. Zuerst vorsichtig. Ein paar Runden rauf und runter. Dann aber in kleinen Kreisen, mit Wellenbewegungen. Fand heraus, was sich gut anfühlte. Wie er sich in ihr am besten anfühlte, sein dicker pulsierender Schwanz. Er weckte in ihr sichtlich etwas, was sie lang verloren, geglaubt hatte. Sie fühlte sich wieder als Frau, ungemein erotisch. Sie ließ ihren Körper dem seinen entgegenkrachen. Kein Gedanke an ihren Ehemann oder Kinder, keinen an ihr Versprechen oder Loyalität oder dem Ehering, mit dem sie vorher den dicken Schwanz eines fremden Mannes in der Hand hatte. Gemeinsam pulsierten sie auf dem schweren Ledersessel ihrer Lust entgegen, alle Zweifel über Bord geworfen. Er packte ihre Pobacken, zog sie weit auseinander, slappte sie und krallte sich in ihnen fest. Sie rieb ihre blanken und überempfindlichen Nippel an seinem weißen Hemd, tropfte schwitzend auf ihn. Sie verlor jedes Zeitgefühl, wusste nicht mehr, wie lang sie ritt, wie lange es her war, dass sie Sex hatte, oder dass ein Schwanz sich in ihrem nassen Lustzentrum sooo gut anfühlte.
Sie sah die Erlösung immer näherkommen, griff an seine Schultern und legte sich noch einmal ins Zeug, dass sie laut schmatzend ihren alten und zukünftigen Chef hart in seinem Büro abritt. Der Alte forderte sie, immer weiterzumachen und sich zu holen, was sie vermisst hatte. Er erwiderte nun seinerseits die Stöße von unten, umklammerte ihre Hüfte und hämmerte wie eine Nähmaschine in diese losgelassene Schlampe einer Hausfrau, die sich heute in seinem Büro wiedergefunden hatte.
Wenige Momente später fegte eine riesige Welle der Erlösung über Catherine hinweg. Ihre Beine zitterten stark und sich brauch auf ihm zusammen. Ihre Spalte lief aus, als der innere Knoten in ihr sich erlösend öffnete und ihr schwarz vor Augen wurde. Im letzten Augenblick ihrer Zuckungen merkte sie auch, wie sich der Senior Partner in sie ergoss, mit einer ebenfalls mehr als gewaltigen Ladung. Zufrieden seufzend lagen beide noch einen Moment auf dem Ledersessel und hörten ihren Atemzügen zu.
10 Minuten später verließ Catherine wieder sein Büro. Mit der Jobzusage, gesäubert, und so unauffällig, dass es niemand auffiel, dass sie keine Strumpfhose mehr trug. Auch wenn seine Sekretärin leicht die Augenbraue hob, als sie an ihr vorbeiging und etwas vermutete.
Für Catherine war es jedoch nicht vorbei mit diesem Erlebnis. Ein Teil des Deals war, dass sie von nun an dem Senior Partner zur Verfügung stehen sollte. Er hatte sichtlich Gefallen an ihr und ihrem neuen Selbstverständnis gegenüber ihrer Sexualität gefunden. Und Catherine konnte nicht anders als zusagen. Sie merkte erst, wie sie auf dem Senior Partner um ihr Leben ritt, wie ausgehungert die Jahre der Ehe sie zurückgelassen hatten. Die ganze Zeit den Kindern unterzuordnen, hatte ihren eigenen Lusttrieb fast zum Ersticken gebracht.
Gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann feiert sie die guten Nachrichten, dass sie ein tolles Angebot bekommen hatte und das auch angenommen hatte. Sie hatten ein schönes Abendessen um 19 Uhr, um 21 Uhr waren sie Bett, 5 Minuten später war ihr Mann eingeschlafen. Und Catherine konnte nur dran denken, wie sie aus heiterem Himmel jetzt ihren Körper verkauft hatte. Und wie sie es genoss und sich lebendig fühlte, wie selten zuvor.
So begann ein zweiter sexueller Frühling für die 39-Jährige. Der Senior Partner gab ihr Anweisungen, die sie zu erfüllen hatte. Verhaltensaufgaben, Outfitwünsche. Zum Beispiel neue Strings und Ouvert Panties anziehen, die ihr Mann nicht sehen durfte. Wenn er im Büro war, wurde sie einmal pro Tag zu einer Besprechung eingeladen, die dann meistens so endete, dass sie unter seinem Schreibtisch Platz nahm und seinen dicken Prügel bearbeitete, währende er Calls oder Aktennotizen versah. Manchmal wenn nicht mehr viele Leute im Büro waren, bat er sie ins Archiv, beugte sie wortlos über den Aktentisch in der Mitte, klappte ihren Rock hoch, gewiss, dass sie kein Höschen mehr trug und fickte die große Blondine hart und rücksichtslos durch, bis er sich tief in sie ergoss. Er bestand darauf, dass sie nicht verhütete, und sie war machtlos in ihrer Widerrede. So ging das nun die letzten Monate im Office, ihr Mann war völlig ahnungslos dass sie nun ein Zweitleben als abgerichtete Schlampe für ihren Chef führte.
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Deshalb lenkte sie jetzt auch ihr Auto nicht zum Flughafen, wie ihr Mann dachte. Denn ihre „Dienstreise“ war ein Treffen von allen Kanzleipartnern in ihrem schönen Hotel, abgelegen an einem Weingut. Ihr Senior Partner hatte schon oft davon gesprochen, dass er sie bald auch den anderen zum Spielen und Genießen gab. Und jetzt sollte es so weit sein. Die Partner wussten nur, dass sie eine Überraschung erwartet, aber nicht, dass es Catherine sein soll. Auf Anweisung hatte sie komplett auf Unterwäsche verzichtet, ihr Koffer ist nur voll mit Toys und neuer Lingerie, die er für sie gekauft hat.
Nach einer Stunde kam sie im Resort an und checkte in das gemeinsame Zimmer ein, dass sie mit dem Senior Partner bewohnen sollte. Dort fand Catherine einen Zettel mit der Anweisung, ein rotes extra nuttiges Lingerie-Set anzuziehen und sich einen dicken weißen Bademantel drüber zu ziehen und in einem der Konferenzräume auf weitere Anweisungen zu warten.
Kaum angekommen und sich wie gewünscht auf dem großen schwarzen Tisch lasziv präsentiert, ging auch schon die Tür auf und die 10 Partner betraten den Raum. Totale Stille und Verwunderung übermannte die Gruppe. Nur der Senior Partner und Urheber des Plans lächelte sanft und erzählte etwas von „harter Arbeit“ und „Moralbooster“. Deshalb ist es seine ausdrückliche Freude, sie alle heute in sein kleines Geheimnis einzuweihen. Das Geheimnis, dass er eine seine respektierten Anwältinnen zu seinem kleinen devoten Sexspielzeug abgerichtet hatte. Fast zum Beweis ging er zu Catherine, zog ihren Kopf überhängend über eine Tischkante und schob ihr, während er erzählte seinen harten Schwanz in ihren Mund, den sie fachmännisch und mittlerweile routiniert bearbeitete. Das brach das Siegel und die Männerrunde stürzte sich Hals über Kopf über Catherine. Bald beschlugen die Fenster, und aus der geplanten Strategie-Session wurde eine handfeste Orgie, mit Catherine in der Mitte als Spielball und Lustobjekt.
Während ihr Mann sich liebevoll diese Tage um ihre Kinder kümmerte, sie zur Schule und Nachmittagssport und Playdates chauffierte, kochte und die Wohnung putzte, wurde Catherine quasi rund um die Uhr benutzt. Sie schlief nur dann, wenn alle anderen sich in ihr komplett ausgepowert haben. Je nachdem, welcher Partner sie im allabendlichen Pokergame gewonnen hatte, durfte sie nach dem allabendlichen Gangbang mit in sein Zimmer nehmen. Manche fesselten sie, manche führten allerlei Gegenstände in sie ein, manche schlugen ihren Po wund, manche waren so dick bestückt, dass sie glaubte platzen zu müssen. Manche ließen sich ihren Schwanz von Catherine blasen, während sie wiederum mit deren Frauen facetimeten und dabei ihren unwiderstehlichen Mund genossen. Wenn die Partner dann doch arbeiteten, kroch Catherine unter dem Tisch von Platz zu Platz, um die hart arbeitenden Männer nacheinander zu entsaften. Dass sie dann für die allabendliche Session überhaupt noch Stehvermögen hatten, wertete Catherine als Zeichen ihrer Qualität als Hure. Nichts war ihr zu viel, sie trainiert viel, um gute Kondition für die unzähligen Gruppenficks zu haben.
Zwei Juniorpartner schleppten auch eines Abends eine süße 18-jährige Barkeeperin ab und holten Catherine, um ihren Saft aus den vollgepumpten Löchern der 18-Jährigen zu lutschen. Die darauffolgende Lesbenaction bejubelten die zwei Partner dermaßen, dass die 18-Jährige mit einem sehr dicken Geldkuvert heimgeschickt und die nächsten Nächte wieder ins Zimmer beordert wurde. Catherine wäre fast neidisch geworden, wenn ihr die Männer nicht immer versichert hätten, dass sich keine Pussy so gut vollgepumpt anfühlt, wie die ihre. In der Früh behielt es sich der Senior Partner stets vor, mit ihr zu duschen und sie liebevoll von den Spuren der Nacht zu säubern. Zurück im Schlafzimmer rief sie dann immer ihren Mann an und erkundigte sich nach dem Wohlbefinden ihrer Familie. Das Gespräch dauert immer so lang, bis der Senior Partner sich zwischen ihre Beine kniete und seinen adrigen Schwanz für den ersten frischen Fick des Tages an ihrer dauergeschwollenen und erregten Pussy rieb. Er war gut darin, ihn immer in dem Moment in sie bis zum Anschlag reinzuschieben, wenn sie „Ich liebe dich“ ihrem Mann sagen wollte. Oft war es dann nur ein geseufztes Liebesbekenntnis, das ihr Mann als Zeichen des Vermissens interpretierte. Dabei war sie schon wieder mit weit gespreizten Beinen auf den Schultern des alten Partners im 7. Himmel.  Der Wiedereinstieg in das Berufsleben hat sich für sie sichtlich gelohnt.
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welldonekhushi · 6 months
Call of Duty OC: Vasili "Bell" Sokolov 🔔
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Finally, I came up with my Bell's bio-sheet as well! I abandoned him for nothing, but now I decided to give him some depth and character for good <3
Name: Vasili
Full name: Vasili Mikhailovich Sokolov/Vincent Stephens
Codename: "Bell", Ворона (The Crow, by the KGB)
Alias(es): Vasya, Vince, Vasen'ka (by his parents), Adler's protégé (by Woods), Scary Old Man (by Sims), Major Sokolov
Gender: Male
Nationality: Russian (as Vasili), American (as Vincent)
Languages spoken: Russian, English, Spanish, Italian, German and fluent in many other languages
Date of Birth: [REDACTED]
Place of Birth: Kamyshin, Russian SFSR
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: KGB (retired), Perseus Operative (formerly), MACV-SOG (currently, but after the true ending he leaves)
Status: Unknown
Universe: Black Ops: Cold War
Faceclaim: Danila Kozlovsky
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Song: "Ostrov Nevezeniya" by Andrei Mironov
Biography: Bell, unaware about his own existence and his past, sought to assist the CIA special agent, Russell Adler on the aim to hunt down Perseus. Every moment that passes, he starts gaining his lost memory back, which makes him question himself about what he truly is. Would Bell choose the right side of history, or choose his own?
Get to know about his parents too!
KGB (Committee for State Security)
General Anton Charkov
Major Dimitri Belikov (double agent)
Major Vadim Rudnik
Lev Kravchenko
Perseus Faction
"Perseus" (leader)
Arash Kadivar
Anton Volkov
Qasim Javadi
The Safehouse
Alex Mason
Frank Woods
Russell Adler
Helen Park
Lawrence Sims
Lazar Azoulay
Aleksandra "Aleks" Clarke R. (@alypink)
Yume Sieheart (@cyberghostdraws)
Koa "Hunter" Nikau (@islandtarochips)
Charles Moore (@deeptrashwitch)
Weapon induced: Knife, MI6A1, M60, MP5, Type 63, LW3 — Tundra, AK-47, Throwing Knife
Fighting style: Systema, hand-to-hand combat, a little martial arts
Special skills: Has a good sense of observation and quick to react to the situation, can compose himself in many identities
Talents: Vasily could learn languages easily at a fast rate, even after getting brainwashed, he still retained those qualities within him
Shortcomings: Has frequent headaches, loses focus at times, not very confident when it comes to taking a decision, becomes absolutely dependent on his superiors
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Myers-Briggs Type: ISTP (The Virtuoso)
Is aware of his surroundings: Because of his career as a special agent, Bell conceals himself in terms of his personal life in seclusion. Even knowing he's hunted everywhere, he intelligently makes himself invisible from the outside world which makes others difficult for him to locate or recognise.
Works in solitude: Vasili/Bell has always prefered to work alone, but it doesn't mean he doesn't mind going on missions with the team. But, as his habit of being a special agent, that trait normally came from him back in his days when he worked with the KGB.
Observant and intelligent: Vasili was able to survive any sort of situation because of his good observant skills, and his capacity to act quicker. He was able to learn a lot of languages as well, and posed himself in different identities, that made it harder for the intelligence agencies to track him down.
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Is reserved and introverted: Bell really doesn't speak to anyone much, unless when it comes to planning or going for missions, he needs to form a sort of communication to keep it lively. He is seen being more comfortable with Mason and Woods, but never felt having a good vibe with Adler. It was odd on his part, but it was going to grow very obvious when the truth would have come closer to any minute.
Bell, who first used to live under the identity of Vasili Sokolov, was born in a family who had an army background, where his mother and father, both served during the Second World War, and hearing their stories, it gave Vasili a motivation to support his parents legacy by joining the intelligence — which was the KGB, going under the codename "Crow".
When Vasili joined the organisation, he showed a remarkable performance as a special agent. Some say he was born to join the intelligence and make the country proud, or he was a gifted child who could learn anything quickly and successfully perform a mission by stealing info or destroying any plans that could harm his country, without any failure. He even pointed out possible mistakes while planning out a mission, and in the end they worked out efficiently. Alongside, he made himself a friend, whose name was Dimitri Belikov, and grew closer to each other and worked together as a team.
Sooner or later, Vasili's influence spread all around the world, especially during the Cold War, the enemies of the Soviet Union had a kill/capture on him. "Kill" because Vasili knew too much about them, and "Capture" because, they wanted him to tell everything he has with him, which likely created a risk for the KGB and they couldn't do so. With that, General Anton Charkov gave him the order to "retire" and stay hidden to protect himself along with the organisation. Disappointed, Vasili protested that it was the only thing that "kept him going", but having no choice, the agent decided to leave the KGB, under the General's orders.
It was a matter of time, when one was going to collect him instead, realising he was now no longer affiliated with the KGB. Vasili was met with someone who called himself "Perseus", and requested him to join his alliance, since he knew about Vasili from his influence, and promised to give him full security, knowing he was hunted worldwide too. Seeing that as an opportunity, Vasili agreed to join in good terms, directly becoming Perseus's loyal agent.
As he continued his journey in the faction, he had shown his skills again which made Perseus as his most trusted agent, unlike the rest. But, at times Vasili has shown inner conflict towards his ideas. During the moment when he was explained about "Operation Greenlight" with the members, it left a strange feeling within his heart. He tried to protest, but he somehow couldn't refute his superior's words, and decided to acknowledge instead. Vasili had kept showing a remarkable performance, much to Arash Kadivar, one of the faction members, being envious of his relationship with Perseus.
Kadivar lures him to Trabzon Airport, where he takes Vasili, and explains that he didn't want any more "competition", resulting in him shooting the special agent in the car he was present in, leaving him to die and bleed alone. But, sooner or later, an attack situated on the airfield, unbeknownst to the dying Vasili who was growing unconscious every passing minute. Growing lost in his own thoughts, about Perseus that promised him to give him protection from the outer forces, but didn't recognise that his "own" people were against him too, as he questioned his existence at the same time.
The voices echoed, and the man started to lose his breath.. until he woke up, and found himself in a strange place, where he couldn't remember anything of what happened. This is where, he encounters Russell Adler, a CIA agent who he curiously looks upon, having no idea. Unable to introduce himself, Adler briefed him about his name, being it under the codename "Bell". And this is where, all the very events of the canon game begin from here.
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ninjamelissajulien · 2 months
I'm gonna rant about Zane for a moment so bear with me
Zane's Motif is Humanity and Betrayal.
From his first conversations with the group, to his chapter book, to Night of the Nindroids, to Tournament of Elements, to SOG/Hunted/MOTO, to the Ice Emperor, to Crystalized, and now Dragons Rising- there is a repetition of Zane not being human. 'He's not like us'. 'He's weird... no, he's weird weird.'
Going into the Pilot Era (Season 0 through S1E6 The Snake King), Zane was always different in how he spoke, acted, and almost existed. Part of this is the brilliant voice acting by Brent Miller- he/Zane speaks very eloquently, a bit monotone but still full of emotion. "Yes. It was a joke. Ha, ha." "The Golden Weapons have left this realm and are now in the Underworld. The end is drawing near." Zane is blunt in how he speaks, yet internally he's in pain. He doesn't know where he comes from, where his family is, or who is family is. One of my favorite lines is from the early chapter books, Kai: Ninja of Fire. "I envy you." "No, I envy the fact that you know they're gone." Zane, at this point, is orphaned with no memory of his family. Kai decides to drop everything to help Zane find his old village and look for any sign of his past (fun fact: Zane and Kai are drugged in his book, I'm dead serious). Although, they do not find anything to help Zane and his past, it allows the pair to bond and grow closer.
In Zane's own chapter book, he is tempted by Garmadon for information about his past. If he gives up the Golden Weapons (and betrays his friends), Garmadon would tell him about his family and their whereabouts. This is the first of numerous instances of someone in power tempted Zane with something he desires, but to achieve it he would have to betray his friends. Zane is tempted. He misses the idea of what his family could be, the false idea of where he came from. Zane, of course, doesn't fall for it, but it's a lingering wonder of is Garmadon telling the truth? Did he really know who Zane's family was? Were they still alive, looking for him?
My favorite graphic novel, (other than the first volume, The Challenge of Samukai), is Night of the Nindroids. This book, taking place between the Art of the Silent Fist and Blackout, focuses on Zane and his feeling of isolation. Yes, he's a ninja, but he's a nindroid. Is he truly on the right team, or should he be with his own kind? In NITN, Zane is separated from the team and brought to the Overlord (Garmadon calls him a "toaster with attitude").
"What are you afraid of? Or can a collection of nuts and bolts even feel fear? No, you can't. Not fear, not hate, not even love, just imitations of those feelings. You are a robot. But I have the power to make you more! Defeat the other ninja for me, and I will transfer your mind into one of their bodies! I will make you human!" the Overlord to Zane.
On a side note: Night of the Nindroids is an incredibly fucked up concept. Zane would get to choose who's body he would take over, inevitably killing the original person. He chooses Kai, meaning (if) he went through with it, he would be living in Kai's body while Kai himself is dead. :)
Back to the point. Zane is tempted with the idea of becoming human. Of feeling emotions, of being able to get hurt, of "feeling the sun on your skin", of being normal. And, he does agree to work with the Overlord (as mentioned previously, choosing Kai's body to inhabit). He, single-handedly, takes down Cole, Jay, and Kai. Zane, though, doesn't want Lloyd anywhere near the events so he sends him away to bond with Sensei Garmadon, but he also sends Nya on a mission. He knows that Nya is intelligent and needs her out of the way for everything to succeed. Even the cover itself shows Zane's separation from the team; while Kai/Jay/Cole are caught, Zane is in front with his internal systems being revealed. He's even in his damaged appearance, showing the mechanics under his false skin. I won't spoil it, because it is a fantastic graphic novel, but it shows that Zane by himself is incredibly strong and powerful.
Tournament of Elements is the death of Human!Zane and the introduction of Titanium!Zane. In his previous appearance, he was able to pass as a human, unless he was drastically injured, but now, in his titanium form, it's even more obvious that he's different. He has PTSD and panic attacks from his encounter with Death. Zane, at this point in time, is the only one who's died and come back, further separating him from being human. But, I feel like, this could aid in his desire for humanity. He knows how precious life is, he knows how easily things can go from bad to impossible. His whole reasoning for living is "to protect those who cannot protect themselves"- from an outside perspective, it's a way for him to be a hero. But, on a deeper level, its almost a suicidal way of seeing things. He was built to face the danger so others wouldn't. Now, that's just my perspective on that.
The Oni Trilogy brings in Zane's cloaking. A way for him to be human again, while still being himself. He's able to switch between blending into the crowd in plain sight versus being himself. Though this does not change how he acts, it allows him a cover especially for when he needs to be hidden (Snake Jaguar).
Now. The Ice Emperor. Arguably the opposition to Zane himself. The Ice Emperor is what could've happened if someone found pre-pilot Zane and used him for their own selfish desires. Both start out as someone with no memories, no compass, just a lost child. Zane, pre-pilot, finds the village he later lives in and allows himself to be aided. Here, he is given things to do and ways to help others before being given the chance, by Wu, to find and better himself. The Ice Emperor is turned into a weapon. He's not allowed to think for himself, every decision is made and manipulated by Vex. The dialogue between IE and Vex is repetitious. The Ice Emperor is stripped of his humanity, betraying himself in the process. His powers are used to cause pain and suffering, killing Krag's family, freezing the Formlings, and causing a realm-wide ice age.
Even how the Ice Emperor sits on his throne shows how captive he is to Vex. Every time that IE moves from the throne, he has to shatter the layer of ice that forms over his arms/body. He's constantly asleep/powered down, possibly due to the amount of energy the Staff is demanding (especially for holding it for so many decades).
Crystalized is the closest Zane gets to voluntarily losing his humanity. the Ice Emperor was forcefully stripped from him, but Crystalized has him choose to lock his emotions away. He doesn't know how to deal with the grief of losing Nya. Even being with Pixal and Cole can't get him out of his depressive funk. It takes an outside perspective of allowing emotions out for him to see that its okay to be emotional, that being emotional is being human.
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llannasvsp · 9 months
"Basing all of Lloyd's trauma with his dad based on the one incident of him getting thrown through a wall is weird."
I don't think this is the exact quote, but it's been on my mind a lot since someone commented it under one of my posts. I want to make a quick disclaimer: I am not intending this to be rude, to belittle anyone's opinions, or to start any fights or discourse. I just want to elaborate on why myself and so many other people use that moment as a jumping point for Lloyd's post SoG daddy issues.
The quick version of Lloyd and Garmadon's relationship timeline is as follows: destined hero of the world must fight his evil father. Neither of them want to fight, but both must because it's foretold. Garmadon is redeemed by his son, and they build a relationship, making up for lost time. Garmadon must sacrifice himself, leaving Lloyd (at Lloyd's own hands), and was thought to be gone forever. A few years later, the blackest part of Garmadon's soul was brought back from the grave with the soul purpose of making Lloyd suffer.
Okay, that wasn't quick. But the point is, Lloyd and Garmadon don't have a traditional father/son relationship.
In Legacy of the Green Ninja, Garmadon was posessed by the Overlord. Lloyd was able to purify Garmadon's heart when defeating the Overlord, giving their relationship as father and son a new beginning. Lloyd had saved his father and he had forgiven him for the things that weren't his fault.
In Sons of Garmadon, we see Lloyd wrestling with that moment the entirety of the episode "True Potential". The fact that he was able to cleanse his father's soul was eating away at him. He wanted to believe he could do it again. He so desperately wanted his father back that it caused him to act irrationally. He manipulated his friends and hurt the people he loved because they wouldn't let him bring his father back to the light.
Then the fight at Kryptarium happens. Lloyd pleads with Garmadon to change; to see who he is deep inside. Even as he is ragdolled by his father, he begs for him to stop.
"You wouldn't hurt me; your son." "I have no son." - Lloyd and Garmadon; SoG (True Potential)
Lloyd had been beaten and thrown around (and was definitely bleeding and bruised at this point) and was still unwilling to give up on the fact that his father was really gone.
Then Garmadon throws him through the walls. Lloyd couldn't move, he could barely breathe, and he would have have died had the ninja not saved him.
This moment is when Lloyd's view of his father shifted. He no longer saw a man that could be saved; he saw the man who had hurt him, who had destroyed the good person his father was.
"I'll never place my trust in that of which is only a mere twisted shadow of the good man my father once was." - Lloyd, Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye
In his own words, Lloyd describes Garmadon as a "twisted shadow". This is not the man he saved all those years ago. This is a monster. A man who had no remorse for almost taking his sons' life. A man who tried to kill him again after Harumi's death.
And while we, the audience can see the shift in Garmadon's emotions after March of the Oni, we have to realize that it would be harder for Lloyd to see that shift. Garmadon almost took his life. Of course he would be unwilling to trust him in Crystalized.
To close this out, I'll get back to the main point. It's true that not all of his daddy issues came from being thrown through the Kryptarium walls. However, this is where the definite shift in Lloyd's perception of Garmadon takes place, therefore, it is a good basis for his trauma.
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ogzieoggleton · 3 months
For @thecatundertheladder
Everything about s8 remains the same up until the episode where Garmadon returns. He still steals a trashtruck and drives precariously to the prison. He then finds Harumi, and they ditch it to Kryptarium and just as business rambled on about his duty to kill his son. (No, he did not pay attention. He was ro invested in trying to figure out his body again.)
The commissioner comments on the absence nature of Garmadon. Instead of being violent he's just kinda pushing past them with no on being able to stop him. He only threw them off him and shoved them aside rather than attacked them wildly.
But the moment the doors of the prison open there is only silence and Lloyd’s unsteady breaths to keep him company as his father stumbles from the darkness, groping at the wall for his unable legs the seemed they could just snap under his weight no matter the lack of weight he actually had..
As Garmadon limped forward, Lloyd just stared in horror at how the man had fallen apart from his rebirth: his skin looked dry yet glistened with exhaustion; blood coated the cracks in the armour he wore; his red eyes were hazy and unfocused with one looking pale. A fragment of Lloyd’s true father..
But lloyd watched as Garmadon hobbled closer, letting him with nothing but baited breath and clenched fists. But of course, when Garmadon got close, nothing happened. He just stood above lloyd breathing heavily and staring at his son. He seemed to sniff him, tried to chew at him like a curious dog. And then he fell to the floor and sat there staring at him.
Lloyd just sat with him cross-legged on the floor with him.
In the meantime, Harumi was screaming at members of the SOG to do something while the Ninja sped their way to the prison to save both their friend and Garmadon. Lloyd just held put his hands and waited as Garmadon clumsily plopped his own paw-like hands into his sons.
Lloyd then pulled his father up and tried to run for the door only for the oni to fall on top of him as his legs gave way.. the SOG
The ninja arrived just as the SOG were trying to coax Garmadon into giving up Lloyd but he just kept his son in his arms protectively, growling beneath his breath as he used the limited stability to hold his son while standing protectively infront of him.
The ninja and the police (they saw everything still on TV and had their hopes) managed to threaten the SOG into letting Garmadon and Lloyd go but Harumi and other high ranking SOG get away and go into hiding for the time being.
(End of episode)
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Nur widerwillig kehrt Sabrina in das triste norddeutsche Kaff zurück, in dem sie und ihre Kindheitsfreunde Juri und Lando vor neun Jahren fast gestorben sind. Zu ihrer Bestürzung glaubt Juri, der Wintloh nie verlassen hat, immer noch an das Böse, das angeblich im schäbigen Tier- und Vergnügungspark vor dem Dorf lauert – und an Landos übernatürliche Fähigkeiten, die ihnen damals das Leben gerettet haben sollen.  Sabrina will von alldem nichts hören. Doch manche Schrecken weigern sich, in der Vergangenheit zu ruhen. Als Lando unerwartet wieder auftaucht, hat der mörderische Sog des Spaßparks längst seine alte Kraft entfacht. Die drei entfremdeten Freunde müssen sich dem Schweigen und der Schuld zwischen ihnen stellen, bevor er sie endgültig vernichtet …
Zum Crowdfunding Zur Leseprobe Leute, hier muss ich jetzt auch nochmal ein bisschen Werbung machen für ein Projekt, das mir ganz ganz doll am Herzen liegt. Aktuell läuft das Crowdfunding für Spaßpark, einen deutschen Horror Roman von Brian Frank, den ich bereits testlesen durfte und nicht aus der Hand legen konnte. Brian schreibt packend und bildgewaltig und so brutal, dass die zärtlichen Momente umso herzzerreißender sind. Für Fans von gutem Horror, Freundschaften fürs Leben, viel Hurt und umso besondereren Comfort da, wo man ihn findet. Mit vielschichtigen Figuren, die ganz selbstverständlich Trans, Bisexuell oder Schwul sind und einer meiner liebsten Buchfiguren überhaupt, die es verdient hat, von noch sehr vielen Lesenden ins Herz geschlossen zu werden.
Damit ich zu Halloween mein eigenes Taschenbuch in der Hand halten kann und ihr vielleicht eures, wäre es fantastisch, wenn ihr die Startnext Kampagne unterstützt und sie gerne auch an die Menschen weiterempfehlt, denen so etwas auch gefallen könnte. Unterstützt deutsche Autor*innen und helft mit, den Verlagen zu zeigen, dass nicht nur eingekaufte Bücher aus den USA hier ein Publikum finden.
Zum Crowdfunding Zur Leseprobe
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raycatzdraws · 2 months
Your dark crystal lu au has me giggling and kicking my feet. I would love to hear more about it!!! What inspired Hyrule to leave the caverns? Are the Zelda's the Madras?
I wrote a lot so it's going under a read more:
Wanderlust? Wanting to see more of the world? Seeking out a missing princess? A calling? A summons by Aughra? It could be a number of things! I'm still figuring out how I want to integrate the Zelda lore and timeline into that of The Dark Crystal.
What I do know is that I think I want Hyrule to be apprenticing under Aughra. Assistant turned apprentice. He really does do a lot of grunt work. Go here, fetch that, oil the entire orrery, crawl around in the Sog swamps for this one specific plant. But he has a strong connection to the song of Thra and an insatiable desire to listen and learn so Aughra teaches, and gives him tasks most would think crazy, and he stays. She keeps telling him asides about this snarky sharp tongued apprentice she had before who did a bunch of cool stuff but then ran off and is shirking his duties!!! and Hyrule's like, "gee I'd really like to meet this guy you keep comparing me to smh"
As for the Zeldas, yeah! They're the princess and Maudras. These are bound to change but at the moment, the trio Artemis, Dot, and Lullaby are Maudra to the Vapran clan together. Dusk of the Drenchen, Fable is Spriton with strong connections to the Castle of the Crystal, Dawn with the Grottans, and Aurora spends her time with both the Vapran and Grottan clans. I think the Sifa hierarchal structure would be a little looser. Most seek council from the Sifa elders and soothsayers. Tetra's out and about sailing with her crew. When she needs to speak for the clan that's when you know things have really gone to shit. Flora is a princess from an age past who now travels but spends a lot of time with the Vaprans. I'm realizing now I've forgotten Stone-in-the-Wood. I might place Lullaby, Dot, or Flora there instead. Still a wip!
Which leaves Sun. There's Thra, and then Mithra from the Power of the Dark Crystal comics. I don't want to add another clan because there being 7 is significant. But maaaaybe I could just be like, you know what, what if there were just gelfling living on floating islands who have been up there of since the Age of Innocence or Golden Age or whatever and forgotten. And they're not part of any clan necessarily.
What I really need to figure out is the cause for all the guys to be in one place. Do I want time travel and they're all from different eras and are jumping between them like they are in the LU comics and fanworks, do I want a singular timeline and they've all been living congruently the whole time with their own adventures, or do I want some kind of event to have happened which has caused their times to collapse into a singular and now they're all here in one place with their Zeldas? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ there's a lot of possibility! The Dark Crystal already deals a lot with ideas of threes and triangles so three timelines and three virtues for the triforce and there being nine heroes (divisible by three) already works suuuper well.
And then there's the villans. In loz there's Ganon but in TDC the Skeksis are already a formidable adversary. They have a thirst for power and everlasting life that's already pretty interesting. There's the darkening too, which could be a stand in for the idea of Ganon, just like an evil tainting the land instead of an actual person. Idk!
And since I want it to be in Thra, where in the timeline should it be? During the Age of Division before the events of AoR, far far past the events of the later comics in the Second Age of Harmony with Kensho and Thurma, or create something new and rewrite the timeline altogether? lol I need to reread Power of TDC and read the other comics.
There's A LOT but it's fun.
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starwolf479 · 1 year
Zane and his personal relationships
Something I was thinking about that got me a little messed up It's been stated multiple times: -Cole and Jay are best friends -Jay and Nya are a couple -Nya and Kai are siblings -Kai is protective over Lloyd (also siblings) (arguably the is more fan canon than canon, but season 5 still exists and I'm sticking to it!) The only one to not be given a specific relationship tag with the others (others being the core 6 of the ninja team) is Zane. -No best friend relationship like Cole and Jay - PIXAL is called his closest friend -PIXAL is also his love interest - though it is not a confirmed relationship unlike Jay and Nya As for family: Kai and Nya (now) have their parents Jay has his parents Cole has Lou Lloyd has Wu, Misako, and (sorta) Garmadon Zane had Dr. Julian and lost him twice. He has no relationship with Echo and likely doesn't know he exists. At the beginning, Zane was definitely Wu's favorite, but then Lloyd came into their lives and their relationship started to fizzle out. Cole and Lloyd are arguably the closest with Wu now. Post season 2, the closest relationship (bar PIXAL) Zane really had was with his falcon. The falcon has not been seen since season 8. Now for one on one moments between Zane and the ninja: -Kai was the speaker at Zane's funeral.
-Cole and Zane are together in the noodle factory during season 4.
-Nya was the one to discover the OverLord virus. She was helping Zane download his memory onto the Samuri X computer.
-One of the longest team-ups Zane ever has is with Cole - season 8 when they interrogate the SoG member and infiltrate the gang. Even then, they get split up pretty early on.
-Lloyd was the one to confront the Ice Emperor (When confronting said Ice Emperor, Lloyd brings up the pink gi to try and jog his memory? That's the best he can come up with? - kinda yeah. Lloyd and Zane don't have many personal moments with each other to bring a call back to.)
-Other than Jay attempting to fix Zane during season 5 (giving him a pirate voice) I do not recall one on one scenes with the two of them.
I don't know what the point of this post really is. It's just that we see each ninja gravitating towards one particular person when they are in trouble or hurting. We don't see that with Zane. I saw a post saying that the new Ninjago series won't have seasons focused on one character over the other (can not confirm this myself) but rather focusing on the team as a family. I am curious to see how they develop the all the relationships (and a little nervous) but yeah. Again, don't know the point to this, just had it on my mind. Zane is a part of the family - develop his individual relationships please!
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oscarsasylum · 1 month
@partymeow since it’s going to be undoubtedly long I had to make a post instead of a reply so here it is! im gunna start talking about erik on each one because hes special like that.
its gunna be a bit long:( guess how many times ive said the word love in this thread
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Bonus sketch for how I differentiate each adaptation via my style :3
Takarazuka Phantom 2004
Wao Youka’s Erik is, to me, remarkably one of the more serious ones compared to the rest of the takarazuka adaptations of phantom. He reminds me a lot of the 1990 phantom film with Charles Dance! How both of them appear so serious but has probably laid out billions of traps around the opera to prank people and can be quite witty. Wao Youka’s Erik is my favorite just because I’m a sucker for that dynamic wherein person A is cold towards everything else except for when it comes to everything about person B. He looks like he’d buy (or steal) a ton of what Christine just off-handedly mentioned she wanted to get once. I absolutely love how there’s a lot of moments wherein Erik just looks lovingly and proudly at Christine and that’s why 2004 has such a special place in my heart.
Out of bias I think that the best Erik and Christine chemistry still goes to 2004. There’s something about the way Hanafusa Mari and Wao Youka acted out on stage that just sits so perfectly with me. Before the climax, the way they’ve interacted on stage just made it seem as though Erik and Christine actually had some mutual feelings towards each other.
While probably unintentional there were several times wherein the characters actually shed a few tears on some really important scenes and I thought that made the performances all the more immersive because you can actually see the deep emotion that they’re feeling on that moment.. like Christine during My True Love :3
Also! For me, it also has the best Alain Cholet! Suzuka Teru gave him so much life, he’s so full of expression and just overall funny.
Takarazuka Phantom 2006
My second favorite Takarazuka Erik is one acted out by Haruno Sumire. To me, her portrayal of Erik makes him twice as angry as Wao Youka’s Erik. I saw him as a ticking bomb, a loser sewer goblin with anger issues. I absolutely LOVED when he shouted at Gerard to leave his lair in anger, because instead of him demanding him in a firm tone to leave, he quite literally SHOUTS at him and that was just (chefs kiss). Instead of full on appearing like a sopping wet dog after his owner left, he just stands there like a pouting little child and that was just hilarious to me. She’s got a bit of that ALW Erik in her.
I decided to put it here since she played both in 2004 and 2006, but I absolutely adore Izumo Aya as Carlotta! When I first watched the 2006 adaptation I didn’t expect to see her there (since it’s a different troupe) but I’ve always loved how she acted out Carlotta with the perfect amount of snarkiness and comedy so its a pleasant surprise!
Takarazuka Phantom 2011
The most hilarious transition from the angriest Erik to the youngest looking and emotional Erik. Ranju Tomu’s Erik looks like the direct descendant of Wao Youka’s Erik but instead of being serious and cold he is just up there on the sog factor. I absolutely love the carmen sabotage in 2011 because it really set the standard to make that moment as chaotic and silly as humanly possible and I’m so in for it; like Erik literally came out of the FLOOR. Ranju Tomu has such a fantastic voice too, not to say every actress who played Erik didn’t (they’re all so amazing), but I felt it to my core whenever she sings. 
His entire character plus the more stoic and cold Gerard of Sou Kazuho makes for such an interesting dynamic. I’ve never seen an adaptation portray him so serious, and I mean that positively:3
Takarazuka Phantom 2018
THE soggiest Erik out of all the takarazuka adaptations. Nozomi Fuuto’s Erik is by far the funniest and most pathetic one yet because of how emotional he is. Everytime something happens to him he just looks like the last panel from that ‘is that your fursona? thats cringe’ meme format. I just absolutely LOVE how miserable he is whenever he’s on stage. He’s always on the verge of crying and that just makes him all the more loveable. The mommy issues on this one is CRAZY! The way Nozomi Fuuto put so much expression into Erik is so cool, it was so clear what emotions he was going through.. even the really complicated ones like confusion and conflict (and most importantly, smitten).
Absolutely love Maaya Kiho as Christine! I just thought that the way she played her was so cute! She was so pretty and she really rocked that feeling that Christine really was just an honest and kind gal with no bad intentions whatsoever.
There’s also the beautiful improvements in costumes and stage effects and it was such a treat to see. Absolutely loved the special rendered intro of the show.
But that’s the end of my little autistic rambling! Thank you for asking, it was such a pleasure! I really can’t rate which is the best because each of the takarazuka adaptations are special in their own way. each adaptation is like the same size of cake on the table for me and im wearing a little bib and holding up my fork and knife
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