#all f2p babey
snowymelons · 2 years
10,789 primogems..
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ipatrichor · 8 months
at this point im literally playing gacha games for the lore and to collect disabled characters. like in genshin alone ive collected collei, baizhu, beidou, xiao, neuvilette, and kaeya (?? depending on what the deal with his eyepatch is). probably others but i forgor
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bagel-lox · 1 year
i finally got enough courage to play a couple rounds of tf2 casual, because i was terrified that i'd be a detriment to my team since i don't know the maps/classes and also i'm a babey f2p who can't talk
of course all the threads i read beforehand about this anxiety were like "no don't worry!! no one cares!! there are tons of new players and you have to learn somehow!!!"
so i jump in and i'm doing terrible as expected until i get put on this team with a guy in voicechat, and after losing a bunch of ground he's like "bro i think we're stuck with a new player who's [insert slur for the disabled here]" and he described the exact action I was doing
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mistwood-archive · 6 years
friendship ended with niles. now halloween myrrh is my best friend.
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n-eoteric · 5 years
what do you think about the new brawl talk? -🐱
Thanks for asking :D
Okay first off, I love Sandy sm!! Sucks that he’s a legendary mainly cause im a f2p player, but it’s understandable. Also, I hc that he has some sort of relationship with Tara (and maybe Gene) since he looks so similar. I like to imagine Tara telling Piper “this is our son now” but i honestly dont know how to hc their (Sandy and Tara’s) relationship :p He’s just a tired babey, Supercell!! Let him sleep!!
I think El Primo’s redesign is okay. I just dont like how bright El Rudo is, but overall I think it’s p nice! Also I feel like his little “jump” animation for when you choose him is a kinda stiff, but I think that’s just cause it’s a “sneak peak” or “unpolished” for lack of a better term
I think Gene’s and Sandy’s skins are amazing! For Gene I was hoping they made his super a hook, but that’s just a little something to make the skin cooler. Speaking of which! The water effect to Jessie’s summer skin was a nice touch! It makes me wanna get it, but I just got her dragon knight skin fjsbjdndksn—why Supercell
Im not that excited for the two new games since I don’t like playing solo, but they look really cool!! I hope those who are excited for it end up enjoying it :”)
I think that’s all, but if I forgot something dont be afraid to ask about it
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