urbiggestdaydream · 2 years
Why Kpop in America is a Big Deal: A Mini Essay
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hello everyone! my name is paris and today i am going to be discussing kpop. kpop, or korean pop, has been an online phenomenon flourishing in the past 5 years. with the first mainstream acts being girls generation, wonder girls and psy’s gangnam style, bts helped catapult kpop to become a socially acceptable form of entertainment. with kpop penetrating american society, i would like to discuss why kpop being in america is a big deal.
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firstly and the most important in my opinion, kpop opens the door for asian artists. it is known that america doesn’t have any major asian pop stars. asians are still severely underrepresented and undervalued in the entertainment industry. we have rina sawayama, but she doesn’t get the recognition she deserves unfortunately. kpop allows for asian artists to chart on billboard with bts and blackpink dominating with each comeback. with the recognition of kpop, i am hoping that more music labels start to give asian artists a chance.
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secondly, kpop is reigniting the boy band/girl group concept. boy bands such as *nsync and the backstreet boys and girl groups such as the spice girls and destiny’s child, are one of many successful group acts in the music industry. however, within the last 10 years i wanna say, we have had a severe lack. the last major boy band (before bts went mainstream, of course) was one direction and the last major girl group was fifth harmony, both who have went on hiatus over 5 years ago. kpop feeds that hunger of a boy band and a girl group that america is lacking. 
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now, with that being said one of the bad things about kpop in america is the need to conform to american tastes. america is seen as a country that is needed to breakthrough in order to be successful. therefore, many kpop companies will release english versions and english singles in order to be successful in america. however, with this, some fans believe when kpop companies try to conform to american tastes. they lose their original identity. “ice cream” by blackpink was considered lazy. “boys like you” by itzy was considered a flop by fans and also considered lazy. kim namjoon, the leader of bts, admitted that the time period of them solely releasing english songs (dynamite, butter, permission to dance) was a weird time for the group because they were releasing songs that didn’t sound like them and therefore they lost who they were as a group. in my opinion, i agree. although they are good songs, but those 3 singles sound like they would belong in an old navy commercial. i’ve heard some armies say that they miss the old bts. those 3 singles sound like they are conforming to american standards rather than what made their fans love their music.
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 for my last point, kpop being mainstream leads to disrespect to other kpop groups and asians in general. for several other kpop groups that are in america, interview questions often lead to them being compared to bts. similar to female rap culture, americans seem to think that only one male kpop group and exist, in this case bts. with that being said, interviewers would often be racist towards kpop idols, whether it be their mannerisms or assuming they don’t know english. during the covid-19 outbreak, asians were being blamed for bringing covid because it originated in china. bts were then used as scapegoats and were relentlessly harassed. 
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being a kpop fan for close to 10 years, it is shocking to see the transformation of kpop being mainstream. i remember kpop being so niche and feeling weird for listening to it as a black woman. like previously stated, the massive success of bts catapulted kpop to become a mainstream form of entertainment. with this, asian artists are (hopefully) being taken more seriously. we, as a society, do need to work on our ignorance towards asians and learn to be more accepting and loving. with that being said, that’s all i have for today! i hope you enjoyed reading my micro deep dive of kpop in america. have a great day!
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urbiggestdaydream · 3 years
october reviews
as a way to keep record of my film/tv reviews on my instagram (follow me @blackcherryaesthetic) i will also put them here. here are some of the reviews i posted for october: 
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critics call it the breakfast club meets gossip girl meets pretty little liars. based on the book of the same name (which i’m currently reading), one of us is lying tells the story of 5 students from different cliques who get sent to detention meanwhile only 4 of them get out. the police suspect foul play so each of them are investigated for murder, with threats of deep dark secrets being exposed. it's exhilarating and intense with the suspense of seeing the investigation unfold and how the students process the trauma. it's honestly a bit tame for me but still a good show so i would give it a 7/10.
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this classic halloween disney channel original movie starring iconic twins, tia and tamera mowry, tells the tale of twin witches named alex and cameron. separated at birth, they live normal lives until they meet each other on their 21st birthday. they discover that they are witches and the burden of the coventry falls on them considered they descended from royalty. since it is a disney movie, the main focus of love and sisterhood is present. whilst escaping and defeating “the darkness”, they rediscover themselves as witches and twin sisters. this movie is honestly so cute and it’s one of my favorite dcoms. i will give this movie a 8.5/10. it’s such a comfort halloween chick flick. 
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the vampire diaries tells the story of elena, whom is giving very much wattpad fanfic main character, lost her parents and wants to start fresh with her grief and trauma behind her. she meets stefan, a mysterious bad boy, who is hiding a dangerous secret: he’s a vampire. like my sex and the city review, i like how we get a point of view through diary entries. with that, we get to see both elena and stephan’s side of things which is great. so far, i like it. it’s more of a slow burn like teen wolf where we get to see the high school and backstory before any of the supernatural kicks in. i heard elena is annoying so can’t wait to hate her as i progress in the show. as of now, i’ll give it a 7.5/10. 
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urbiggestdaydream · 3 years
buffy the vampire slayer is a y2k icon we all needed
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before there was twilight, we had buffy the vampire slayer. buffy takes on a more traditional view on vampires as they are portrayed as terrifying ugly shapeshifters as opposed to sparkling alluring figures in twilight. buffy summers is a new student at sunnydale high school (which fun fact beverly hills 90210 also was filmed at the same school). like any typical girl, she wants to fit in and make friends but she is harboring a huge secret from her past: she is a “retired” vampire slayer. wanting to be a normal girl, she feels this huge burden to protect the citizens of the town when she didn’t ask for this responsibility. legends say that a girl is given the birthright gift to be a slayer (which has now fallen on buffy). she ends up going to the club (how she’s a 16 year old sophomore but i digress) where a few vampires prey on her friends. breaking off a leg from a wooden chair, she kills one of them yet one of the vampire king’s henchmen defeats her and she falls in a coffin (ironic?). it ends on a cliffhanger. 
this show is peak 2000s culture. the dialogue, the insults, the ideals (whether or not something was cool or in fashion was the main concern within the girls) was all reflective of its time. there is also the hierachy of high school with the popular girl (cornelia) and the losers (willow). with that being said, this show has a major campiness feel. rather than being all serious with opponents like an action movie star, buffy talks to the vampires about how she didn’t ask for this lifestyle and she wanted to be a normal girl. i’m like girly focus on the fight. however, this seals the deal of a “normal” girl being a hero because this wasn’t in her game plan. it’s sort of playful in a way. also buffy’s outfits are always on point. no wonder she is cemented as a fashion icon. 
it is giving the same vibes as shows such as “sabrina the teenage witch” and “teen wolf” in the sense that the show is centered around teens and their high school life, however they each have a secret supernatural ability that makes them stand out against other protagonists. you can tell that this is targeted for girls which isn’t a bad thing. it’s not really scary which isn’t its purpose. buffy summers is a girls hero: she’s fun, she’s pretty and fashionable, and she’s also tough and exterminates vampires. in my opinion, it’s more of a lighthearted show rather than super dramatic and scandalous. the 2000s were more of a super fun and flirty era in teen shows and this is a perfect example of that. it’s a playful take on the “horror/supernatural” genre. it’s cute i like it. i’ll give it a 8/10. 
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urbiggestdaydream · 3 years
fear street: a review
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happy spooky seasons babes!!! for every week in october, i'll be posting reviews on spooky movies and tv shows inspired by this Instagram post https://www.instagram.com/p/CUN2Xeth3N4/?utm_medium=copy_link attached in case you want any ideas for a spooky night in. this first review will be on the netflix original movie, fear street. one of my best friends is OBSESSED with this trilogy so it's dedicated to her. i told her someday i would watch it and today is the day :) 
fear street is a trilogy set around 1994, 1978, and 1666 respectively. for the sake of the review, i will be watching the first one. it runs for an hour and 47 mins and is rated r. the first opening line states, “it started as a prank and ended in murder” already intriguing. it sets the stage of a rebellious teenage age that could end in an accidentally murder or an supernatural circumstances that leads to murder. either one sounds good. i’m getting a little ahead of myself. the general plot is about a group of teens from the town of shadyville that try to rectify the brutal killings that plague their town. for more insight, keep on reading. it will contain major spoilers so you have been warned. 
SPOILER the movie begins with heather (maya hawke, a queen) who is working at a book store. a relatable girl with her “not like other girls” personality, she exchanges teasing banter with her friend, ryan who works near her. as the mall begins to close (named shadyside mall which serves as a foreshadow), she encounters the killer wearing a halloween skeleton mask. they wrestle around for a little bit and she is then killed afterwards. just when i started to like her. before her death, she unveils the killer and it is revealed as her friend ryan who she was just conversing with. 
the opening scene provides an inner look into shadyside and its reputation for being a murderous town. we are then told that this is a common thing. it has a neighboring town called sunnyvale. like the name suggests, it is the complete opposite. it is safe, wealthy and comfortable. it had a record breaking year of no violence as opposed to shadyside which is cursed with murders. it is dubbed “killer capital usa”. i wonder if this is used as a social commentary on how certain towns cannot be saved and are riddled with crime. but that is a discussion for another day. we are also given motifs of a witch being executed. could this be an illusion to events to come? 
we are met with a new protagonist named deena. deena is going through a breakup with someone named sam. she is heartbroken and resentful as sam is the reason she left band. we meet her friends, simon and kate, who are there to support her throughout the whole process and with that they discuss the current standing of their town with the recent murder of heather. a possible reason for the killings is considered: shadyside creates murders. certain people lose their breaking point and take it out on unsuspecting victims. it makes people go insane.
a town left in shambles once again. a candlelit vigil is held for the victims of the mall massacre hosted in sunnyvale. it is clear that the neighboring towns have animosity towards each other. it is giving pawnee vs. eagleton (shout out to parks and rec). with the rising tensions between them, a fight ensues with the two football teams. it is also revealed that the reason for sam and deena’s breakup is sam moving to sunnyvale. deena is displeased at her decision and i would be too but at the same time, i don’t blame sam. i would have left too if my life would be in danger just by being there. but that’s besides the point. enraged, everyone goes back to their respective homes with a few football players plus sam tormenting the shadyside team. several hyped up chants later, the shadyside team retaliate by throwing a cooler directed at the car. the car begins to swerve and hits a tree harming the people inside. grasping at life, sam begins to see visions which could be due to the accident, but it is assumed as the witch. 
now at home, deena sees the killer at her home and he also comes after kate. due to the events prior, they believe it is peter (one of the football players) and they visit the hospital where sam is held. deena goes on a rampage telling sam to control her psychotic boyfriend. however, peter was in the hospital the whole time and is killed right in front of their eyes thus disproving the theory. good riddance to him. they run away from him and getting away safely but like heather, they unveil him and it is revealed as the same person as before: ryan torres. they go to the police but they are disregarded because ryan was killed by sheriff goode when he killed heather. they decide to take this into their own hands. outside the station, simon encounters this girl that tries to kill him. josh, (deena’s brother) who has done research on the various shadyside killers, identifies the girl who tried to kill simon as ruby lane. the weird part is that ruby’s killings were over 30 years ago. the witch from the opening scenes, sarah fier, was executed in the 1600s (when the first shadyside killing was reported). these massacres are somehow all connected to her and it could be how normal people are suddenly becoming murderers because she is seeking revenge by inhibiting unsuspecting bodies. sam is her next victim as the killers are attracted to her blood and she is seeing the visions. they make a plan to kill kate to wane away the bad spirits and bring her back to life with an epipen. it works in the end, but simon and kate are eliminated in the process by the demons. 
the remaining survivors (deena, kate, and josh) go to the police and talk about their experiences. because they aren’t willing to give up information (which i don’t know the reason; i might have overlooked it), the murders are planted on the now deceased kate and simon. (a mild rant). what is bothering me about deena is that she didn’t properly mourn her friends killed in the crossfire. she’s so selfishly in love with kate that she completely disregarded her friends death. life just seems to be all good for her as if nothing happened because she got back together with sam. freaking josh seemed to care more than she did. he stood up for them in his online chat but deena? where’s the energy. she seemed to care a tiny bit with the police officer (because as she claimed drug use is a perfect example to blame since the two sold drugs) but not enough to clear the air about the murders. idk that just rubbed me the wrong way. 
deena and sam are back together and living their best life good for them (i’m so petty lmao) deena gets a call from c berman (the sole survivor of one of the past massacres). she tells her its a little too late for the phone call because they could have used her advice when they still were fighting the demons. berman tells her that it never goes away and sarah always comes back. we see sarah etching sam’s name under ryan torres on a gravestone. sam is now possessed with sarah’s spirit and attacks deena. she ties up sam and tells josh that she isn’t acting like herself and they need to save her. to be continued. END SPOILER. 
final thoughts: i like this. i get why this is popular.  i’m usually not the biggest horror movie fan because they are always so typical and kinda corny. however, something about this feels fresh and new. the idea of a possessed witch is nothing new but i don’t think i have heard about a witch seeking revenge on her execution by passing on her witchcraft for generations. a woman’s scorn. plus we got some teenage drama mixed into it to add more dimension. i like knowing that the story continues on because i like the direction this is going. dare i say it i would put it up with scream as part of my favorites in the horror movie genre. someday i will watch the next two. i definitely recommend this movie for horror movie fans. i will give it a 8/10. 
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urbiggestdaydream · 3 years
teen wolf 🐺 🏈: a review
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following the announcement of the teen wolf movie, i decided to review the tv show. (i never watched it before, shame on me). teen wolf is popularized by the mtv tv show starring dylan o’brien and tyler posey but did you know it serves as a adaptation from a 1980s movie? the plot tells the story about jock scott mccall who gets bitten by a werewolf. he has to learn to navigate life as this new supernatural being with heightened senses whilst still living life as a teenage boy. this is me being biased but i really like scott and stiles. they’re the typical relatable boy best friends. i usually don’t care for cliches if they’re not interesting but they’re cute so they get a pass. also the entire cast is really attractive. but not the point. the format is pretty similar to the shows of its genre: you got the popular kids, the jocks, the outsiders. scott is more of an in between of a jock and an outsider which makes him a bit different than the rest. the cgi/special effects is laughable and low budget along with that cringe party dance scene. but other than that, there’s really not too much to say because everything is really simple in terms of the plot and the format. with that being said, something about it locks me in. it’s typical but a good typical. i get why this show was popular in its prime. it’s teenage drama with a supernatural edge. like twilight. i’ll give it a 7.8/10. i would be down to continue the series. 
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urbiggestdaydream · 3 years
squid game 🦑
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i have heard quite a few friends and coworkers rave about this show. it’s been a hot minute since i’ve watched a kdrama but this one is threatening to bring me back. the main character (gi-hun) seems to be very down on his own luck financially as he always goes to the extreme to get his hands on money (gambling and betting). in an spontaneous attempt to get money (he has debts to pay), he takes part in a survival game for a cash prize. the first episode is a bit slow but i understand we need to get acquainted with the character and see why he made the decision to participate. fueled by the desires of his daughters acceptance along with feeling financially stable, he walks into the unknown for the possibility of victory. what i find interesting is that all the participants are in a financial crisis and are hungry to win the money. it feels like a mix between the hunger games and the film series escape room. like i said, the first episode is a slow burn so i am curious on how the rest of the series is going to turn out. the game scene was WILD. that’s all im going to say. it seems exciting and everyone seems to be raving about it. it is currently the #1 show on netflix. i will give it a 6.8/10 based on the first episode alone but i have no doubts it will get better. 
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urbiggestdaydream · 3 years
the protégé: this review contains SPOILERS
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the protégé tells the story on two characters moody and anna (played by samuel l. jackson and maggie q respectively) on their close-knit relationship. moody saved anna (whom lost her family and was abducted) and took him under his wing. now that we got the brief summary out of the way, let me share my opinion. this movie is very confusing. the pacing is very abrupt. it is hard to articulate as it starts off as an action film but then suddenly is replaced with a dull yet dramatic feel (moody suffers from a horrible cough so it is assumed he will be passing away soon, and we get an insight look on anna’s personal life). it has a weird interjection of action scenes, too much personal life (which wasn’t even that interesting) which led to a revenge spree (when we are led to assume moody has been murdered). anna’s lack of emotion was also off putting. when she discovers the dead bodies of the people she interacted with she was just 😐. i also feel like there were a lot of plot holes in the story. characters would randomly pop up but doesn’t explain why they were there. why were the bad guys after her and moody? they barely showed the upbringing of anna (which I believe could have been a really interesting story). she holds her own in a fight which would have been interesting to see her flourish into a tough girl after her hard upbringing. the action scenes were great (you can’t ruin those too badly) it’s just the in between scenes that were confusing and hard to follow. maggie q and samuel l jackson are great actors but these roles don’t do them justice. maggie q is the blueprint for the ultimate bada** girl and samuel l. jackson is a legend. if this movie was fleshed out more, it could have been a good action movie. it’s like they tried to have a formula for an action movie but didn’t fit the pieces together. it’s not a bad movie however i don’t describe it as anything to write home about either. would i recommend it? maybe. maybe you’ll understand the plot better than i did. 
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urbiggestdaydream · 3 years
candyman 🪝🍬
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jordan peele did it again. in his newest installment, “candyman”, tells the story of artist anthony mccoy trying to advance his career. lacking inspiration and depth in his pieces, he heads back to his hometown where a local tells him of a tale regarding candyman. descending down from generations, candyman was passed from man to man. this film tackles on black issues like gentrification in lower income neighborhoods along with the intoxicating and alluring passionate work of artists. anthony’s pieces alludes and referenced candyman which took a toll in the forthcoming murders that occurred. (SPOILER) the candyman figure to others may appear as a ruthless murderer taking lives of the innocent (which maybe be true in some cases). in actuality, candyman serves as a reclaiming of power. burke describes candyman as “taking back what’s theirs” which could allude back to the gentrification process. (END SPOILER)  what i love about jordan peele’s work is the (obvious) hidden message rooted in the horror/thriller genre. i also love how he is giving black voices and stories accessible to a genre that doesn’t typical have them on the forefront. he is an excellent director. candyman displayed his greatest attributes through the richness of the story and the complex details of his message. i will give the film a 8.9/10. 
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urbiggestdaydream · 3 years
sex and the city 🛍💞🗽
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sex and the city episode 1 explores the romantic and sexual dynamics of relationships. we are introduced with the scenario of an eligible woman from england who gets swept up in a heart fluttering two-week romance with the most perfect man on paper (handsome, rich, kind, etc.) he ghosts her with the excuse of visiting his ailing mother which poses the topic to frame this episode: “why are there so many beautiful unmarried women but not beautiful unmarried men?” carrie bradshaw (the protagonist and reporter) narrates her opinions by offering her real life experiences to support and back up her claims. she interviews her associates (males and females) to add their own thoughts regarding the topic. using her relationships and experiences to answer the question, we are presented with a modern, unromanticized view of manhattan: a city of hookups and unrequited feelings (mostly on the guys end). we are introduced to her three friends: miranda, charlotte, and samantha. miranda is very cynical when it comes to relationships. she views men as “assh*les” and is convinced she doesn’t need love in her life. charlotte is the complete opposite. she is a hopeless romantic who aspires to have her own prince charming. she ditches a night at a club in hopes of getting a relationship (she ends up going on a date). she is seen as a good girl, which doesn’t end well for her as her date goes away to the nightclub because he decided he wanted his night to end on a high note (sex). samantha has the views of a modern woman (which can very well be the reason why she is a fan favorite). she is beautiful, independent and successful. along with that, she uses men the way men typically use women. a juxtaposition to a proper lady, she suggests to her friends that they hookup with men and just “forget” to call them back. she is a girl that can easily get what she wants. this sense of girlhood and friendship is really nice to see because all of them have different views and values, however it doesn’t get in the way of their relationship. i like the format of the show of carrie posing a question in the beginning and allowing the story of the episode to support the claim. it is a good watch so far. it is too soon to say who is my favorite yet, but it might be samantha because she is the blueprint of my favorite characters (a confident baddie). i will give it a 7.5/10. 
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urbiggestdaydream · 3 years
clueless: the tv show 🛍👠💄💗
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believe it or not, clueless had a tv show in the late 90s. it was short-lived only lasting three seasons. i was always curious about it, but never went through with it. due to contractual issues, alicia silverstone (the original and iconic actress for cher), couldn’t reprise her role therefore was played by another actress. i love alicia’s take on the character and i truly feel that she is the reason cher is so adored. it’s going to be hard to separate the actress from the character but i will for the sake of humanity (jk, the world is not going to end if i don’t watch this) 
while watching it, i noticed that the writing and dialogue is very corny. it feels more like a parody of clueless. someone on youtube commented that this is the diet coke version (accurate). i feel like if i were a child watching this, i would have liked it. it’s very colorful, the fashion is cute and tv show cher is the epitome of a early 2000s teen girl protagonist. cute and popular but very one-dimensional. and i might not have even noticed it’s a different actress all together. rachel blanchard is not a bad actress, by any means. however, alicia brought the cher character to life. she is one of a kind. to replace such a iconic character is going to rub people the wrong way. no one liked the recasting of josh and tai, either. brittany murphy and paul rudd are household names and made a major impact in the movie so without them and having them being casted by random actors must have hit hard. if i were the producers, i would have made it into a prequel. maybe like freshman cher or her origin story. that way, everyone is prepared for alicia not being able to reprise her role. 
some positives are the fashion, like i mentioned before. it is peak 2000s (even though it came out in the 90s) which i’m a huge fan of. in this show, amber is actually a stand-out. she was given the typical 2000s mean girl with her snarky remarks; however, she does have more of a personality than the others. all the personality and color these characters had were sucked out. even the characters that still had the original actors didn’t feel the same. it’s not horrible. it’s just not great or memorable. would i recommend this? no. people who are fans of clueless won’t like it. even if you remove the clueless brand from the show, it’s nothing special. i will give it a 2/10. 
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urbiggestdaydream · 3 years
the cheetah girls: the blueprint for girl power
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for those who have never watched the cheetah girls, it tells the story of four girls (chanel, aqua, galleria, and dorinda) who dream of becoming huge popstars. in the beginning, they are humble and appear to be “struggling”. however, they are super grounded in their values and tight knit as sisters. when a huge record producer is interested in working with them, they start to view the world in rose colored glasses. while that could be a good thing to always be positive and to look at the glass half full, it also helps to be realistic and don’t stray too much from who you are. galleria, played by raven symone, instantly exalts herself to become the leader of the group and becomes more of a dictator. it’s her way or the highway. i know people say raven is the beyonce of disney channel but she needed to calm down especially since they were still nobodies. with this new mentality and attitude, she alienates the other girls by not including them in decisions in which she feels are the correct way, along with acting like she is someone to “look out” for in a very conceited way. with this, it breaks up the group. because it is a disney film at the end of the day, the girls find their way back together (because galleria’s dog fell in a hole and they suddenly drop what they’re doing to console her) with a song. 
what i liked about the movie is the message. never giving up, teamwork and girl power are the main staples that are good lessons to uphold. i also like how they show the consequences of what could happen if one were to let fame go to their head. the cheetah girls were a huge staple in my childhood. i loved the second movie (the first movie came out when i was around 4 so i didn’t watch it until years later), i had all the dolls and i loved their songs. the songs are no joke. they honestly had no reason to pop off the way they did. i even joked to my friend that they are giving destiny’s child a run for their money (beyonce stans pls don't come for me i love my queen B). their fashion is a bit tacky and outdated looking back at it but the velour tracksuit moment in the last scene? outsold. i’m still obsessed. now watching it as an adult, some of the dialogue is a little corny with them using colloquialisms such as “cheetahlicious” and “growl power”. i also enjoyed the drama too because i’m super messy and way too invested in other people’s lives. chanel (played by adrienne bailon) is, was and always will be my favorite. it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy due to the nostalgia. i like it better than the second movie despite me being more familiar with it. i honestly think it is one of the best projects disney channel ever came out with, period. i will give the movie an 8.7/10. 
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urbiggestdaydream · 3 years
death note: a review
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death note is a japanese animation series that tells the story of high school student, light yagami, who finds a notebook that has fell from the hands of a shinigami (god of death). titled, death note, it signifies that whoever’s name is written in the notebook shall suffer a fatal ending in approximately 6 minutes and 20 seconds (dont quote me on that). if the state of death isn’t explicitly stated (such as death by gunshot wound) they will suddenly die due to a heart attack. when light obtains this book and discovers its power (he considers it to be a prank at first), he suddenly considers himself exalted to a god-like status, righting the wrongs of society. he feels he is getting rid of evil people (such as inmates in prison) due to his newfound sense of justice. my friend made a good point that the series makes you think. we all know and have been taught that killing is bad. but is it still frowned upon to kill someone that has wronged others? it is also worth noting the change in attitude and behavior light exudes once he had the book. he was portrayed as a quiet, extremely intelligent high school student before acquiring the book. now, he is seems more cold and calculated as he becomes sneakier by putting on a front in public to evade the police from discovering his new identity. i like how dark the anime is and it honestly gets intriguing as you watch. i’ve only watched the first 3 episodes so i’m excited to see where this goes. also i’m waiting for my girl misa amane!! i know she is going to be a fave. i understand why death note is one of the more popular anime and it is a classic. if you are a anime fan who enjoys a more darker aesthetic, i recommend. i give it a 8/10.
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urbiggestdaydream · 3 years
introducing myself (in case you don’t know me ;))
Welcome to your new home for Film & TV analysis! My name is Paris. I majored in Cinema and Television Arts with an emphasis in Media Theory and Criticism. My current aspiration is to become a professional film critic. For as long as I can remember, I always loved watching movies and TV. I would always hyper fixate on a show or movie and make it my entire personality. To me, not only does it serve as a form of entertainment, it provides a deeper look at society. It is no question the large influence pop culture has. In this blog, you will find my opinionated (and hopefully helpful and entertaining) film and tv reviews, along with in-depth discussions on character tropes, stereotypes and symbolic messages and its influence on our cultural attitudes. I love reflecting upon the stories I see on screen and I would love for you to join me. xoxo gossip girl (btw gossip girl is my fave tv show of all time fight with the wall) 
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