#all he has to do is say mn with *that* look like fuck yeah babe let them know just how insignificant they are
yibo-wang · 2 years
lan zhan is such a bitch honestly and I love it sm
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vannybarber · 3 years
Prank Backfired
Summary: This idiot plays too much.
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Christopher Jamal Evans x Black Reader
Warnings: cursing, weaponry, mentions of cheating, threats of christopher jamal evans' life.
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Chris, the most mischievous man you know, decided to upgrade that status and play a prank on you. A stupid one might you add.
You walk through the door after a long day of work. Even though you loved what you did and it paid amazing money, it could drain the hell out of you. You set everything down and kick off your shoes in the hall, heading towards the couch and plopping down.
Chris comes through into the living room and identically plops down beside you. You slackly move over to kiss him.
"Hey bubba", you say, but before you could reach his lips, he quickly leans back with a hardened look on his face. Confused you lean back as well.
"Chris, what's wrong?" He takes a deep breath, which does not help your racing heartbeat whatsoever, and starts talking.
"I'm just gonna be straight with it. I've been seeing this girl, well sleeping with her, for a few weeks now."
If looks could kill, you'd be sentenced life without parole for murder in the first, second and third degree. But hearing his words had you feeling all types of emotions. Angry, hurt, confused, flabbergasted, scared even, just to name a few.
"It was eating me up inside and I just had to come out and say it. I couldn't hold it from you anymore." He was fiddling with his hands and not even looking at you. It was quite strange because if he had something important to tell you, he would always look you in the eye.
"Who is she? Do I know her?" Your leg is bouncing and you're cracking your knuckles trying to hold it together.
"It was that waitress from Durty Nelly's on Blackstone. When you went to the bathroom, she slipped me her number."
"That bleach blonde, trailer-park trash, cousin-fucking tramp with those ugly cut out shorts and uneven boobs?" Oh there was no way in hell he cheated on you with that. Something was up.
But then you remembered. You never went to that bathroom because ew. You were considering it and you got up only to make 2 steps before sitting back down. And that girl was 2 booths down from y'all. There was no way she 'slipped him her number'. This motherfucker was lying.
"Yep.." he bites both lips. "That's her. Look babe, I'm sorry. I truly am. I don't know what I was doing. You know I have a habit on hopping from one thing to another." The fucking nerve of this fool. He finally looks at you and he honestly deserves all his success because he's really pulling this prank off.
"Well, I don't really have anything to say to you right now. I'm just gonna get my shit and go. You cheat on me with the literal definition of vile and expect me to forgive you like that? I mean out of all the people in this world, Christopher."
Still playing into his prank, you get up and walk towards the bedroom. He follows suite, totally thinking he's the shit pulling one on you, but things were about to get interesting. You turn into the bedroom going straight for the closet.
"Listen Y/N, I don't want to lose you okay? I just can't seem to let go of her. She's addicting, if I'm being honest." You just shake your head and chuckle. If you didn't know this was a prank, he'd probably be in intensive care right now.
"Baby boy, that is fine. You don't gotta worry about me anymore."
You move around his duffle bag and your never ending boxes of shoes until you find the one box you're looking for. You pull out the Yatch Club Vans box and set it on the island in the closet.
"You know, I don't know how you could cheat on me. I mean, besides the fact that I'm literally the best person over, look at me. Look at this fine black queenyou got standing infront of you. This shape is unique and very much rare. It don't get no better than this, honey. That's a fact."
You open the box and stare at your Glock 19. Yes, you had a gun. No, he didn't know about it. But he was about to find out now. You pull it out and insert the magazine. In the process, you hear Chris very audibly gasp and you smirk to yourself.
"Y/N Y/MN Y/LN! What the hell are you doing with a gun?" He absentmindedly backs up out of fear, for you were a very unpredictable person that it was actually scary.
"At first it was just for safety. I learned how to use it and everything. But since my mans wants to go out and have an affair, don't you think we should end it with something for you to truly remember me by?" By the time you're done talking, the gun is loaded and ready to be used. Only you had it on safety, of course.
"Babe listen calm down. For real Y/N. Look okay I was just joking. It's-it's just a prank. I didn't cheat I swear!" He has his hands up like he's surrendering, but pushing you away. Probably because you have the gun pointing to him. Gosh, this was so fun.
"Yeah sure it is. You can't even lie right. Well, one of us isn't making it out alive and I'm sure it's the one without the gun." You evilly smile and move closer to him. You lowkey feel really bad because your puppy is legitimately scared out of his little mind.
"Baby please listen to me. I was just joking! I would never cheat on you. I mean look at you. Why would I want that walking Pacific Ocean when I have you? I would never hurt you like that. You gotta believe me. I promise, just put the gun down please."
You tried to hold on for a few more minutes, but he was near tears and it tugged at your soft heart. You lower the gun and take it back apart.
"That didn't feel so good did it? I knew it was a prank. I just wanted to get you back." You close the box and put it back in it's place. You turn to him with your hands on your hips.
"Y/N, that wasn't funny. Why would you do that?" He moves closer to you, now angry. But oh well.
"That feeling that you had in your chest, that anxiety and fear. That's what I was feeling when you told me you cheated. You know I have trust issues and that wasn't funny at all. I wanted you to feel the same way. Maybe I went too far, but it's a done deal now."
You brush past him and back into the room. When you get into it, he is right behind you and grabbing your arm.
"I'm honestly sorry okay. I was just messing around and I wasn't being considerate of your feelings. I didn't think it would affect you like this. I didn't mean to put you in that position." You smile at his apology, knowing he was truly sorry.
"I will admit, I went a little overboard, knowing full well it was a prank from the start. You're a smart man. You know what you got right here." You trail your hands down your body playfully and pose. He giggles and wraps his large biceps around you.
"I won't do this again. I promise." He leans down and connects your lips, finally giving you what you wanted since you stepped foot in the door. You pull back and look up at him.
"To redeem yourself, you can order me take out and grab that foot massager I just bought and get to work, peasant," you giggle out while he rubs your sides.
"Your wish is my command." He grovels at your feet.
"As it should." And with that you sashay away like that HBIC you were 💅🏾.
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This scenario came up in my head this morning and I wrote all of it tonight. How great is that? Now I shall work on my Andy Barber fic 😌
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hellpark · 4 years
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TOKEN: zzz.z..zz.......,.z.,
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PHONE: *fucking buzzes*
TOKEN: mhmgngh .h guh...
TOKEN: Huh...
TOKEN: Damn... I fell asleep...
TOKEN: Who’s even calling me--
TOKEN: Oh it’s Nichole.
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TOKEN: Hey, babe...
NICHOLE: Oh no, are you falling asleep?
TOKEN: No... I promise, I’m awake.
NICHOLE: Okay sure, sle py head.
TOKEN: Mmh...
TOKEN: Is everything alright?
NICHOLE: I guess?
NICHOLE: I don’t kn w.
TOKEN: What does that mean.
NICHOLE: Ummmm... I think I’ll explain it when we’re at the farm.
NICHOLE: I just want d to call you and let you know we’re abo t thirty or four y minutes out still?
NICHOLE: How d d you guys even get so  far?
NICHOLE: We saw y ur car on th  way out of town...
NICHOLE: It was still in flames!
TOKEN: One of the guys... like... poofed us here...
NICHOLE: “Poofed?”
NICHOLE: “One of the guys?” Your fri nds???
NICHOLE: Baby you g tta make more s nse than that.
TOKEN: No... like...
TOKEN: A good... demon.
TOKEN: Or I guess he said he wasn’t a demon... like...
TOKEN: I dunno.
TOKEN: He helped take us here and then left.
NICHOLE: Je us, and yo  ju t trusted him?
TOKEN: Not really...
TOKEN: He was just really bent on helping us...
NICHOLE: Th t’s re ll  w
TOKEN: Babe... you’re starting to cut out...
NICHOLE: I k ow, w  re go  g t rou   th  mou   i s...
NICHOLE: W ’l   e t ere s  n.
NICHOLE: I  ove y u.
TOKEN: I love you too...
TOKEN: See you soon.
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TOKEN: [yawn]
TOKEN: Man...
TOKEN: How am I supposed to stay up this late...
TOKEN: Today’s been so wild...
KENNY: Hey, uh, Token?
TOKEN: Mn...?
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KENNY: How’s Nichole and the others?
KENNY: Not to, like... eavesdrop or anything...
TOKEN: Mm, it sounds like they’re scared...
KENNY: Makes sense.
TOKEN: She said they’re about half an hour out still.
KENNY: Damn. Sure you won’t fall asleep before then?
TOKEN: Yeah I’m gonna try and stay awake.
TOKEN: Shouldn’t be too hard.
KENNY: I feel that.
TOKEN: What about you?
TOKEN: What has you so wide awake?
TOKEN: Just about everybody but Craig is asleep now.
KENNY: Yeahhh...
KENNY: I guess I just can’t sleep.
KENNY: Got stuff on my mind.
TOKEN: Yeah, don’t we all...
KENNY: Heheh, yeah.
KENNY: So, um.
KENNY: I was just wondering, since Craig wouldn’t dare let me-- and considerin’ how he’s feeling, I don’t blame him--
KENNY: Could I borrow your phone?
TOKEN: My phone?
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KENNY: Yeah.
KENNY: I’ve been feeling pretty bad about today.
KENNY: I kinda had a manicure appointment scheduled.
TOKEN: A-- A manicure?
KENNY: Karen.
KENNY: You know how she paints my nails and such.
TOKEN: Oh, right.
KENNY: Yeah, I got her a new color and she was real excited to try it out.
KENNY: Promised her I’d help her test it.
KENNY: Also considering everything that went on back in town, I’m also just a lil worried in general.
TOKEN: That’s understandable.
KENNY: I sure hope it is!
KENNY: But um.
KENNY: Yeah, could I give her a quick call?
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TOKEN: Of course, dude.
TOKEN: Take your time.
KENNY: God, thank you.
KENNY: Times like these I wish my phone wasn’t long busted, y’know?
TOKEN: I really don’t.
KENNY: Haha, yeah, you wouldn’t.
TOKEN: Do you think she’d even be up this late?
TOKEN: We have school tomorrow and all...
KENNY: Oh, probably.
KENNY: If my parents are awake this late-- which they definitely are-- she’d be awake too.
TOKEN: Alright, well... 
TOKEN: Like I said, take your time.
KENNY: Thanks dude!
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KAREN: I totally didn’t even expect that, like!
KAREN: That show is so good with being really realistic, but also keeping the suspense up that makes you all “oh my gosh, who did it...?”
KAREN: Not that either of those really have to be sacrificed for the other, just!!!
KAREN: I like the show a lot. I like watching it with you.
KAREN: Would you maybe wanna watch more tomorrow after sch--
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TRICIA: Wow, who’s calling you this late at night?
KAREN: Oh...
KAREN: Maybe my parents...?
KAREN: I don’t know if I should ignore it or if they’d be more mad if I didn’t take it...
TRICIA: I’m surprised they even noticed you were gone.
KAREN: Yeah... I--
KAREN: I better just take it.
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KAREN: Um... hello?
KENNY: Hey Karen!
KAREN: Kenny?
KENNY: In the flesh phone.
KAREN: How are you calling me?
KAREN: Isn’t your phone broken?
KENNY: Yeah, borrowing a friends.
KENNY: How are you?
KAREN: I’m okay-- um.
KAREN: Are you okay?
KAREN: Where are you?
KAREN: You didn’t come home from your friends so I just thought you didn’t want to be home tonight, or...
KENNY: No, no trust me, I wanna be home more than anything.
KAREN: That’s the first time I think I’ve ever heard you say that.
KENNY: Haha.
KENNY: Well I just wanted to say I kinda got caught up in some weird sh-- some weird stuff.
KENNY: I didn’t mean to skip out on nail painting.
KENNY: I’ll make it up to you tomorrow, I promise.
KAREN: Oh, well um...
KAREN: I kind of already painted my nails...
KENNY: Well... how do they look!
KAREN: Good! Tricia helped me.
KENNY: Tricia, huh?
KENNY: Did y’go and see her tonight?
KAREN: Maybe...
KENNY: Hey, beats home.
KAREN: Totally.
KENNY: Well, tell Tricia that Craig says he loves her and wishes he could be there to keep her safe.
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KAREN: Oh... r... really?
KAREN: Tricia, Kenny said that... *Craig* said that... he loves you? And wishes he were... home to keep you safe?
KAREN: I don’t really know why he’d be saying that.
TRICIA: Um, ask him what he’s on and then tell him I hate him.
KAREN: I’m not gonna say that!!!
TRICIA: He’s literally across the hallway from me, why is he being weird.
TRICIA: Why is your brother telling us this.
KAREN: Oh... yeah, um--
KAREN: Kenny, Craig is already home in his room.
KAREN: Did he tell you this earlier?
KAREN: Is everything okay?
KENNY: No, no, Craig’s here with me and the guys.
KAREN: Tricia, my brother says Craig is hanging out with Kenny.
TRICIA: Um, no?
TRICIA: I just heard his door close like two minutes ago.
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KAREN: Kenny, Tricia’s pretty sure Craig is home.
KENNY: He super isn’t.
KENNY: Craig, say hi.
CRAIG: Don’t tell Tricia I love her tell her what the fuck is wrong with you.
KENNY: Wait--
KENNY: Karen, is there someone else in the house with you guys?
KAREN: Um, just her parents... but they went to sleep a few hours ago.
KENNY: Karen...
KENNY: Whoever’s messing around in Craig’s room is not Craig.
KENNY: We’re nearly fourty miles out of town at Stan’s farm.
KAREN: Huh...?
KENNY: ...
KENNY: Lock the door and turn off the light.
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KAREN: Tricia, Kenny says we need to lock the door because...
KAREN: There might be someone in the house... with us...
TRICIA: That’s bullshit.
KAREN: But--
TRICIA: This is a prank.
KAREN: Kenny wouldn’t play a trick on me...
TRICIA: Yeah, and Craig’s too boring, but his friends aren’t.
TRICIA: They’re probably all in on this.
KAREN: But... maybe we should still listen?
TRICIA: No, that’s what they want us to do.
KAREN: I don’t--
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TRICIA: Trust me, it’ll be fine.
TRICIA: They’re just trying to scare us.
TRICIA: We can’t let them get to us.
KAREN: T-Trish--
KAREN: Wh-what if it is someone else in the house?
KAREN: What do-- what do we do???
KAREN: I’m scared...!
TRICIA: Karen, if it really is someone bad, I’ll protect you.
TRICIA: I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.
KAREN: ...
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TRICIA: (Just stay quiet...)
TRICIA: (They’re probably expecting to hear us...)
TRICIA: (Turn your phone down, I can hear your brother yelling on the other side.)
KAREN: (U-um... okay...)
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TRICIA: I knew it.
TRICIA: They’re just trying to fucking scare us.
KAREN: Is that Craig?
TRICIA: Too short to be Craig, probably their idiot friend Clyde or something.
TRICIA: You’re not tricking us.
TRICIA: Stop shitting on our night you freaks, get a life!
KAREN: T-Tricia, your parents are sleeping--
TRICIA: They’re heavy sleepers, trust me--
TRICIA: Are you listening to me? Get the fuck out of here and don’t try and scare Karen again.
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TRICIA: I’ll kick ALL your asses if you d...
TRICIA: If you don’t... g...
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TRICIA: Okay maybe your brother was right.
KAREN: T-T-Tricia I think th- I think we should close th--
KAREN: We sh-should close the door, I, um. Um.
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TRICIA: Tell your brother sorry and hang up.
TRICIA: We’ll lock the door.
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KAREN: K-Kenny um.
KAREN: Yeah there’s someone else here.
KAREN: Sorry.
KAREN: I love you.
KAREN: Talk to you soon.
KENNY: Wait-- K--
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pkmntrainergreyze · 7 years
The Emo School (Chapter 1)
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Chapter 1: An Emo Box of Misery with Pastel Pink Ecstasy
I used to think anyone doing anything weird was weird. Now I know that it is the people that call others weird that are weird.
-Paul McCartney
Finishing up my plate, well, I couldn’t lie about a few scraps of mixed vegetables on it, the boys decided it’ll be fun to move out of the uncomfortable chairs. I couldn’t escape or not recoil from Ryan’s glares. I know what’s up with him, and the dirty look he’s giving is giving me the creeps. He makes me shiver down my spine and I swear one glare from this long legged man makes me want to stop everything I do- heck, if he was some soldier I’d be doing push-ups right now. (oh hallelujah he isn’t)
“Geez, I just couldn’t finish eating carrots right now Ryro. Is that so big of a problem?” He scoffed before lending me his hoodie. As weird as it sounds I need his dang cologne, it smells pretty darn good, but as much as possible I wouldn’t smell the hoodie in front of him and would rather wear it since it’s d*mn cold for me recently. He seemed to crunch the paper bag once he stared at the floor, as if some cockroach crawled nearby under the shade of the table.
Wait, is there?
“…Ryan, is there-”
“Yes, you spilt my milk in my f*cking man purse B-den”
Oh crap
He gave me the Tyrone tone of voice. The same blank yet forcefully enthusiastic voice you hear from the man that often wears a business outfit and a tie.
Where’s the escape Trainer button when you need it?
His face… I couldn’t see it under his brushed locks of hair. I’m not sure whether to look or not to look, either way it’ll probably just result to a really bad, salty ending. Sounds like something you see on Walmart eh? Bittersweet I guess? I am not so sure.
Oh F- the bell rang. It’s really torturous to hear it every single day of the week, especially the inescapable Mondays we have here at school, technically, everybody’s school.
Dallon grabbed his bag and left quickly, even faster than Spencer was when he ran over a advert pole drunk, remind to tell you that story sometime, just not today. Dallon’s a pretty straight guy, he’s like this dad who would be so overprotective of his children- or his students in the real world perspective, but when you think of the other side of that trait, he’s making fucking Dad jokes that my own Dad wouldn’t say. My Dad probably has a better sense of humor than Dallon- Dadlon, whatever.
And honestly speaking, he’s probably trying to avoid making any conversation with us, since we’re kind of talking sweet sweet cocaine.
Ahh yes, I’m about to walk back to the same tracks juniors walk to. I’ll probably receive about ten hearty smiles on my way there. Bet you ten bucks.
Alright, I finally forced my feet to walk and leave the table. Reaching for the end of the cafeteria…
Mrs Jackson smiled. One- wait, that doesn’t count as a junior? She looks nasty tho? Fine, stop judging my poor taste alright?
Passing by Ms Fletcher- okay, one. Her small smile is cleary not that visible. She’s the same child writing poems and speech-y crap for the principal to get quote on quote “extra credit” when in reality she’s serving weeks of detention, constant, but hey, she plays the best d*mn pranks in this school, okay, maybe third bestest.
I still played the “Place-posters-with-Pete’s-phone-number-with-the-tag-’call single males now!’” Prank
Walking around Spencer… Taking a glanc- two.
Oh, I forgot…. Whatever, Spencer looks like a kindergarten anyways so either way no points for me.
Spencer waltzed back to 9AM1 aww.
With how much students doesn’t rush to class after the bell rings, it wouldn’t let me reach that sweet sweet bar of full-on-smiles. Fine, future students, I owe you all ten bucks… only if you’re admit to our holy sacred school though.
Ha! I sound like Principal Wentz.
Profit-oriented mindset over one hundred babe.
I just entered the horrifying classroom of 8AM3. Welcome back to the real world my friends. As soon as I pretty much had my presence in the room students came to class. I heard a lot of talk ‘bout me being the coolest, chillest, most laid-back teacher here in the Junior buildings so I guess I have no competition or complaints.
I can already see the small group of students which I have known to be quite shy. They have my music class after Patrick’s theory crap that I don’t really pay that much attention to.
Mr Flowers just nodded along the conversation he’s having while Mr Bowie kept talking about this junior that idolizes him despite walking down outside the halls of my class. They sure have forgotten that I’m not closing the Godd*mn door before the class have their attendance.
My habitual scoff just came by so casually that students think of it as some form of comic relief. I don’t really know how to explain to these lil demons that it’s an attitude problem.
To think that Patrick’s just on my class, 8AM3, right now, teaching them how Do and Re sounds good together makes me feel better on how I’m actually giving the world- 9AM1 rather, a favor for consuming their time studying with my existence. That’s a joke, Patrick’s probably having fun right now.
Well, it looks like it’s about time.
I looked out the window in the similar fashion the students did as well.
Tick tock tick tock.
“What time is it?” Oh god, that voice crack though. I can hear the punks in this class snickering at it.
“Just struck nine” There goes my sunshine haired buddy cham pal.
“Is the cat at home?”
“He’s about to dine”
It’s Josh, this happened yesterday as well, and the day before. He’s teaching that “cat and mouse” game with the students; this time it’s 8AM2, not 8AM1.
Did I already explained to you why I call classes by numbers?
Well, because the real names sucks. No kidding, it’s so overused.
Who would name their classroom “Grade Eight Morning Glory?”, seriously? I want my class to be “Grade Eight Mary Jane”
Has that kind of ring to it, amiright?
Up until now I wonder why on earth Patrick and Frank likes their class names. I mean- those names are decades old. “Grade Ten Patience” seems plain, don’t tell Frank that.
“Sir do we have an assessment today?” Molly asked from the back with her hand stretched higher than Tyler’s current mood. I nodded as they all groaned. Laughing out of- well, sadism I guess? I had the projector connected to the PC and had it on freeze.
There the students saw my desktop wallpaper of a class picture me and the 8AM3 informally had, plus Patrick, Dallon and Spencer. Spencer truthfully looked out of place in this picture, it looks like he had a date with Aubrey Hepburn. Meanwhile Dallon stood there like he’s telling everyone his birthday is today- but he doesn’t have to lie that it’s on May 4th and that he just turned seven. Patrick’s just there, signature fedora on and a small peace sign.
Let’s not forget my entire class though. We have Frank Gioia and Eva in the front with Frank’s hands on her waist as her eyeliner-ed eyes shone against the color black. The Fro power and his friend glasses just stood there with awkward check poses that seems to go back somewhere deep and hidden in the past. Melanie and Ashley just stood there with no expression, except for the other student beside them, which is Jon, who’s doing the same peace sign Patrick’s been keeping up. The rest is can be explained stereotypical-ly; the emo, the shy artist, the jock, it’s just a fun variety to look at.
“Is that cous’?” I saw him pointing at the one with a black hoodie from the corner of my eye.
“Yep, that’s definitely your cousin Adam”
“They all look happy as heck”
“Sir can we take this sort of picture later?”
Another batch of noise.
Anyways, before my brain shuts down to “teaching mode” looks like I have to get back to this thinking normally crap later. Honestly the author just got no idea how American schools work so let her skip this part dotdootdoot. (let’s just say rep-emo isn’t an American Author (badum tsk))
Finally; the end of the day. Organizing my stuff after drinking my cold caffeine that was left in the canteen at break, I finally had my temporary freedom I shall redeem before my world domination.
Speaking about possible world domination if either me or Patrick does it we’ll both have things planned out but procrastinate later on.
Blowing my students a playful kiss when the bell rang I waltz to the exit first, even so I can still hear their laughs and joyful cheers.
Then I saw something- rather, someone I wish I could just avoid for the week.
Christian Tyler Joseph
My feet practically swooshed and I’m pretty sure my sole—and also my soul—said “nope, not today”. I swear, I’m an atheist but I prayed at that very moment. You know that tense feeling those cliché video game main character does when he or she feels the villain’s presence or just something freaky in the ceiling happens? If you’re thinking you are imaging those overused gulp noises that’s actually real, very real.
Yeah, feeling it.
“Oy! Brendo-”
“I’ll pay my debt later Troye!” Thank God I cut him off before he diss me in front of the students.
“For the last time Fivehead it’s Tyler!”
I know. Dude, we’ve been working together for years now and yet you seem dense about it, maybe that’s just because I always act stupid, don’t let that fool you, I am stupid.
Honestly, that poor guy is so easy to tease. If it wasn’t for my distracting use of ’T’-names I would have had a small—small as Tyler could get—fight. I heard a huff from behind my back that obviously came from Tyler himself, yes, I’m stubborn.
A sigh sadly escaped my lips as I flipped to peak into my students’ Assessment grades.
From Ashbridge to Zoroa; all were sorts of disappointment. Even those who got perfect seems fake to me. If Ryan didn’t left me to go somewhere with Spencer he would have said the grades are as fake as diamonds that looks like broken glass.
I’m so unhappy right now. Never thought I’d use that word.
That all changed when I heard the door slid and also a student did the same but in a more humane manner.
          Enter Ashley the student.
She’s that special student who’s quite popular, inside and outside school grounds. She’s literally a celebrity. She seems to get away each time she dyes her hair unlike another student of mine that goes by the name “crybaby”.
Guess who’s her advisor?
Yeah, that’s obviously me, anyone who said “Dallon” deserves a spank… or a slap, that’s just kinky.
“Hey there Mister Urie”
“Hello to you too Ashley, what’s up?”
Unlike other schools, we’re all practically informal here; teachers and students are pretty much close buds that we don’t even have some guidance counselor, I don’t know if that is a flaw or not… I guess Meagan is a counselor, but that’s just Pete’s wife. Going back to Ashley she’s the only girl in my class—well aside from Melanie—that calls me Mister Urie all the time, but that’s probably due to respect, which is quite neat unlike some students.
“I have milk and cookies here, Melanie wanted to give this out and um… She also asked me to give you this note…”
Yeah, that’s Melanie, no one exactly trusts her, except for Tyler and Hal- I mean Ashley I guess.
“Cool, just place it one of the chairs thanks”
She nodded- before I rudely interrupted when the thought rushed back deep inside my skull.
“Wait, what’s written?”
“Umm… It says; Do you like my cookies? They’re made just for you, a little bit of sugar and… lots of poison too” She seems to hesitate on reading it and I have no doubts on why she is.
Honestly, this is one of those times I wish I could pacify her.
I couldn’t blame her actions, she’s been through a lot- like, a whole looot, as edgy as the book written by Pete when he was young (we fortunately got to read it in his office, don’t tell anyone) she has been kidnapped, rough family, drugged and other things I wouldn’t go deeper.
She’s pretty odd, but really a pretty nice person at the same time. It’s like the half dyes of her hair. She, Frank, Eva, Jon, Mikey, Ray and Richie would talk to me all day and I feel comfortable with them.
I honestly like crazy people like her. She doesn’t mind me doing crappy things and she empathize with me, it’s nice to have someone like that ya know?
Hallelujah, I have such great students and yet I’m a sh*tty teacher. I wonder what type of cookies are in there-
F*ck, that pink pastel box looks creepy as Teletub-
I need some breather.
“Hey Ashley can you pass me the coc-”
Oh wait f*ck
She doesn’t know that yet
Oh god that sounds wrong. No I’m not gay shut up… What are you talking about me and Ryan are just friends. No, not even Dallon, shut up. Denial what the- okay I’m done talking to y'all, I’ll tell you about my past with Ryan later, m'kay? Yes I’ll talk about Dallon later too but now you f*cks are just distracting me.
Anyways, she doesn’t know I do cocaine.
“Uhh… what?”
Sh*t, you guys make me sound so bad. Thinking about it, I am the only one to blame if she did knew.
Think Brendon! Think!
“Pass me the…. baby powder from the back of the second row shelf thanks”
“Okay… what does it look like there’s a bunch of jars here Mister Urie!” Yelling a bit for me to hear, I felt a drop of sweat coming from my distracting forehead.
“Uhh…. It’s in one of those straight shoote- I mean flower designs in it”
She raised a small glass tube with some flower designs in it. She raised her eyebrow a bit like it’s already questioning me.
I mean, why would someone smoldering with appeal like me would buy flowers? I had enough with people questioning my sexuality so I’m not having that again.
“This one?” She held the love roses tube and shook it. I hope she didn’t suspect me for anything if so then I hope that I ain’t kissing Pete’s *ss for this. Thank past me for buying filtered one and not the transparent, but that’s too early for me to say so.
“Yeah, bring it here. Thanks” She threw it to me and I caught it, fortunately.
“Why would you have it in a flower case?”
“I have no containers left, is all”
She nodded once more “I’m pretty sure Principal Wentz would allow ya to use one of the containers in the science room, I mean you’re close to Mister Iero as well right?”
Haha… riiight. I’m pretty sure Mister Wentz or Iero wouldn’t
“Yeah, thanks for the idea and the cookies, tell Melanie the same”
“Yeah, you’re welcome Mister Urie”
That’s Dallon, once more in all his glory. He never seems to stay calm after his week of teaching in this school. His hair looks like his wife quiffed it- whatever people call that hairstyle, maybe I should say hair mess.
“What?” As you can tell, I’m tired as well so long and goodnight Dal, I need some shut eye. This is the same man who almost fell asleep while teaching the opium war, quite surprising that he can be this tense.
Yeah! I would be if you continued yelling.
“Shut up Dallon” I closed the door behind me only to here Dallon handling the doorknob back open.
“Brendon, it’s not healthy”
What is he gonna say? Cardiac arrest? Lung problems? Yeah, I know the side effect don’t worry about it, stimulation has always been a part of me even though I try so hard to deny it. I try to stop each time though so I don’t have to hear this right now.
(Author just searched the side effects of cocaine so this may not be exact, author is not a doctor, author’s life sucks)
“No I’m serious! My friend used to do drugs as well and he-”
Oh no. I’m having this talk again am I?
Rolling my eyes back to a distant land called “Nopeland”. I could only hear incoherent sounds of a failed attempt to get me to change my decisions in life. I only found the polychromatic color that matches the walls once more when my eyes landed back to my table.
“W-cou-hat the h-heck Brendon that’s childish eew is that baby powder or powdered milk? Disgusting”
Nah, that’s coke, have fun cleaning your uniform for tomorrow morning kiddo.
And then- with just one swish and flick- I magically landed back to happy land. Maybe it’s the side effect of cocaine, may or may not be but whatever, I’d like to think that it is for the moment. It’s nice to see someone’s first encounter with coke, if I were to be Van Gogh I’d be painting this view of Dadlon trying to remove the white stains from his crotch right now.
Looks like I have something to write on my Journal huh?
Let’s be real though dear hopefully-future-students; my dairy is a lot more cooler than the Diary Of A Wimpy kid? No? Yeah you’re right, my life sucks. If this were a subject you all would have had all my assessments perfect even on your first day.
I don’t know whether you should take that as a compliment or that states you’re slowly becoming trash- well no, technically all you little eyes are my treasure so don’t go living in the dumps.
“Brendon please help me remove this stuff”
“No thanks”
“Not this again Dallon”
This is some sick technique in which Dallon uses the nickname “Beebo” to get me to do something. No, I’m not telling you “why Beebo?”.
It all started when me and Patrick were teaching the seniors for a bit since Andy couldn’t come due to a winter storm at his place. We were at Patrick’s small enthusiastic explanation about a simple concept when someone boldly called me “Beebo” and it just stucked.
Groaning in the same manner the students of 9AM1 from earlier, I grabbed my handerchief and started rubbing the surface of his sweater that he probably bought last week.
“I hate you”
“Love you too Beebs, now continue helping me will you?”
Geez, I do have a lot to write down today.
Oh crap, he didn’t bought this last week; it says “Grade 10 Hibiscus” so it’s most probably hand made for him from his last advisory class. He got this last Christmas. Crap, I ruined his greatest gift. I am so sorry Dallon. Best not to tell this and the Ashley incident to anyone.
My eyes wondered about when I saw the box Ashley left in the corner.
That pink box…
I swear, I don’t have any idea on what to do with these cookies, they actually smell and look delicious. I guess I’ll never know huh?
“Hey Mister Urie is Richie’s detention over? He asked me to go shopping in Hot Topic today that’s why I’m asking” The next person to ever slide in after class today is Frank Gioia. The emotional kid who doesn’t seem to mind what everyone thinks, he’s a cool dude I swear.
“Oh, he’d be up by no-”
About the box….
As bright as the ideas Gerard drew in his sketchpad (which is full of strange looking people by the way, especially that all white violin girl), my eyes fluttered at the sudden thought that occured.
“Hey Frank?”
“Yeah?” He tilted his head to peak in a bit more. He doesn’t seem to be fazed at the fact I avoided answering his question.
“Want some cookies?”
He stared at me for a bit, then back to the box I was supposedly reaching out for him to taste. His eyebrow raised at the sight of it.
“Isn’t that Melanie’s?”
Oh, he knew, that was some fail.
Lie or not to lie?
Nah, lying is pretty much fun if you’re a girl.
“Yeah, Melanie gave it to me earlier”
“Yeah saw it too”
Then another batch of awkward silence followed as we stared at each other, eyes locked with such confusion present on both sides.
“Sure… I’ll take one”
He came closer and took a bite of the chocolate chipped cookies from the forsaken box. He seems delighted somehow.
Looks like I have a new box to place my ecstasy.
I bumped into Ryan earlier.
He gave me this blank look before leaving me in the halls. He seemed to be carrying another paper bag; two packs of cheese whiz I presume. He didn’t seem to mind me whenever I snoop into his bags, although this time was an exception.
       ⏭️The theater in Brendon’s mind⏮️
Ryan: *looking at his paper bag*
Fab Brendon: What’s that *about to reach into the bag*
Ryan: *Slaps hand*
Ryan: Y o u  a r e  n o t  m y  f r i e n d
Exit Ryan.
Trust me, give him a few more days and the two of us we’ll be okay, he wouldn’t exchange our friendship over cheese whiz….
I wonder if he thinks the same about me and Frank Sinatra, if so tell him I’d choose the latter.
On my way home I saw Ray and Mikey talking about Gerard and his small sketchpad they saw behind the bush in which he probably left it.
“How did it end up there in the first place?” They looked as confused as I am, Ray just raised his lips a bit higher to look like he’s pensive for an answer.
“He’s Mister Way after all, he can get like this, right Moikey?”
“Mikey Ray, It’s Mikey. Yes, he does act as irresponsible at times”
Sometimes I wonder if that face shows sadness, disappointment, anger or just plain nothing. It’s a pokerface no one could ever break, not even that time Joe played around with Frank’s chemistry set, I mean, mixing Mountain Dew and chunks of Doritos was funny and all, and Gerard’s reporting skills on that scene made the class laugh even more.
I sure do love this school’s innocent scenes.
Wait I’m going too far, back to Mikey.
“Anyways, do you know where your brother is at the moment?”
He shook his head in reply but Ray nodded it with excitement.
“Yeah he said he’s going to binge watch Star Wars in the cinema”
Mikey’s face dropped a bit before going back to normal. That action probably meant sadness… right?
“He forgot to drive me back home, whatever I’ll just walk”
“I’ll come with you don’t worry, we’re practically neighbors”
“no we’re not”
I know that I laughed at that small conversation but I still feel the small strange vibe Mikey’s been radiating, unlike Gerard he would have punched me in the face if he was at the scene and tell me to “stay the *beep* away from my sketchpad!”
Was that beep necessary?
“Do you want me to call Gerard?”
“No, it’s okay Mister Urie”
I shrugged as he denied my random act of kindness, ouch.
“Whatever kiddos, get home safely okay?” “Yes Mister Urie” “Oh, and bring your brother’s sketchpad, he doesn’t want it in my hands”
Mikey raised an eyebrow “Don’t you wanna see what’s inside?”
I mean, it could be anything edge-shock-y so I wouldn’t dare open it.
“N-nah, rather not”
Mikey just nodded and fetched for the sketchpad in my hands.
Then I walked back home, just like they did.
God, I’m stopping drugs. Things like this are more stimulating…. and stressful
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doureallywannakno · 6 years
Room for dessert?
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Here I am staring at my laptop for a good five minutes because I don’t know where to start. I thought it will be easier since everything happened yesterday but I can’t put my words together....
On my past blogs I tried my best not to be specific just cos I was scared that he will eventually read my blog. But tbh though he will never know about this unless i purposely share it on my other social media. 
It was early March when I’ve become aware that this fling is officially over. I was sad. But it didn’t hurt as much as it did when i got my heart broken with loves. I prepared myself for this rejection and I know I will be able to surpass it. Firstly, because all these months we’ve been going out my mind was thinking more than my heart. But most especially, I know my best friends will be there to remind me that this lost is not really a lost but a gain for me. 
It’s been almost three weeks when we kinda started talking again. Well on Snapchat. He became more available recently. In my head i was like “i’m right he will always just be there” but however even though he went back to normal, I didn’t. Mainly because this time around I wasn’t attached to him anymore. I’m at IDGAF vibe s/o to DUA LIPA gurllll u got me. lol. 
Last Sunday (April 15) He called to ask something about work. Then as soon as I hung up he texted me asking what time I’m off, I said 6:30 and I thought he asked so he could come by and maybe he needs my help to shop. But I was wrong. He said he wanted to hang out after work but I said I can’t because I have plans after. Which is true btw. Then I said “I’m free Monday and Tuesday I think” and he replied okay. It was Monday, even though the-typical-bianca would be normally waiting for him to ask me to go out again. I wasn’t. Lol because i’m too hangover from last night I just really wanna go home after work and sleep. However, later that day he asked me if I wanna do something after 11 pm.... At first I was like thats odd, he never asked me that late. but then i figured he was doing school stuff at school. And the-typical-crazy-bianca would have said YEAH SURE but nope like i said im too tired and im at the “idgaf” vibe lol so i told him i’m going to pass cos i’d rather stay home. then he replied with “i’ll just come over and chill there” and the-typical-crazy-bianca obviously said SURE hahahahahahah bye. As it gotten more late, I had a feeling he wouldn’t come anymore. cos i told him i’ll be sleeping and he should just knock and my brother will the door for him. Which i knew even before saying it that it could scare him off. But I was like, if this guy has good intentions for me he wouldn’t be scared of my brothers. It was almost 15 mins to 12 mn when I asked God, that hey if this guy is really for me he will come before midnight... he didn’t. 
Tuesday morning, he messaged me like nothing happened last night. he acted weird and tried to be normal. And for the third time around he asked me to hang out. Okay I was going to straight up say no to him but then he said “you said you’re free today..” and then I realized i really need to see him one last time just to assure myself that this is really not working out and also to get the watch my friend gave to me. so we met up, went to Mary Brown’s and i seriously thought he’s the one paying since he’s the one who asked to go out. but putangina niya. as we were looking at the menu, and i asked him what he’s getting he right after said “you’re paying right? mayaman ka naman” Dude!!!!! Thank you Lord I’M GOOD AT HIDING MY EMOTIONS COS I WANTED TO SCREAM AT HIM lol He was immediately an off for me. Yeah it could be a joke. but damn, i havent seen you in so long we havent been talking like how we used to and you asked me to go out expecting i’ll pay for you? What a jerk. The-typical-bianca will let that go. And i did i swear. The guy doesnt work. I’m very understanding as you can tell. However, as we were eating he mentioned that him and the girl he likes from months ago have been not okay these past weeks. Immediately, in my head FUCK this guy has been trying to talk to just cos he doesn’t have anyone. I knew right when he said those he was just using me for company. The-typical-bianca obviously have let that go and understood him. Cos hey i’ve been in that situation before.....
As he was parking to my house he asked “are your brothers home? is there anyone i should be scared of?” hahaha i was laughing internally knowing i was right he got scared last night. We went to my room, i brought spoons for the ice cream he bought before driving back to my place. Then as he was rewriting his notes and eating his mint chocolate ice cream... his phone rang. and i saw her name on the screen. he answered like a kid so happy to get his ice cream. i overheard him saying to her that he’s at home when obviously he was at my place. he also said to her to give him an hour and half so i guess they can play fortnite. As soon as I heard that, my heart broke.. I was deeply hurt. It reminded me so much when Gabs will always leaves me when he gets a call from someone. It brought me back to times I was used so badly for being nice. It slapped me one more time of how stupid i am. I know i will always be nice. but i just dont understand why people take advantage of me. how can these people be so insensitive. Just as he was packing he stuff to leave, i saw he took his watch that he gave me the first weeks we’ve been going out. and then i saw on his other hand he’s wearing my other watch.. thats when he said “babe i’ll take this watch now okay” and im like in my head tangina mo gago ka but i said “nope you’re not taking any of my watch :)” then he said “but this is the watch you don’t like” and i responded with “nope my watch is my watch they will stay here with me theyre not going anywhere” then he immediately took off the watch and said “i’m leaving babe” babe mo mukha mong gago ka. then i just said “gooood byeeeee :)” 
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