#all i wanted to do was read my book from home quietly after doing rge required reading she found that offensive
ineffectualdemon · 1 year
I will never forget that in middle school because I have no musical talent I didn't join band or choir and I also had no athletic ability so I wasn't on a sports team so during the period everyone was else was doing one of those things the rest of us no talent kids had to take "Reading class" where we just read books
And that sounds nice except I was a fast reader and I was only allowed to read 2 pages of the book in question a day. I was not allowed to read ahead of the class and I was not allowed to read my book from home or even work on my homework.
But if I looked too bored the teacher would get mad at me for that and for not reading and "I read it already" was met with a look of disgust and being told to read it again.
So for like an hour I would either stare into space or read the same 2 pages over and over and over again
And I couldn't even hide my book from home behind my textbook because she watched me like a hawk
Because the teacher of that class fucking hated me for god knows what reason
Anyway I hated the Odyssey for years because I was forced to read it at an absolute snails pace in middle school and it took me a long time to separate out the story from that experience
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