#all i'm saying is i need more religious and royal imagery with Diego and Antoine
me in my Czech musicals phase to switch off, and I just realized there’s this song from the musical Dracula, which I sense could work very well for the Grizione? I just don’t know from whose point of view? Let me explain with an English translation of the song
What a rare, precious gift I have been given The gift of your favor You are my master What can I give to you ? All I have is anguish You may judge me You are my master
because obviously Antoine should be the one looking up at Diego, going “you are my master” and “the gift of your favor” but what if...what if their dynamic is actually the other way? what if this is the moment where Diego kneels in front of Antoine etc. etc.
Only your closeness I beg you to grant me They said there was no paradise But I have been there In your arms Is where that bliss is glaring, There you are the ruler You are my master
then again, the “there you are the ruler” would mean that normally, the “master” isn’t the ruler, but when they hold the interpret of the song, they are. which works for grizione well, eh? also, the “only your closeness I beg you to grant me” would be very nice, considering Diego doesn’t ask more from his sweet French prince
I pine for you every single time you go Where did you go again ? Where and what for ? Forgive my terrible imagination, it makes me short of breath. Every time you return to me wakening I feel safe again, doubts and anguish release me your eyes convince me.
Ah, the painful image of Antoine leaving, right? Diego doesn’t neccessarily need to feel “safe again”, but the doubts and anguish definitely release him once Antoine is back. And boy oh boy, do Antoine’s eyes convince him.
You have given rules to my days as they go What do I mean for you I wish I knew Not chained by me Loved by me Thy will be done! You are my master
I think this is the most Diego/Antoine part. 
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