#all in all there's maybe 40-50 new pictures for y'all
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Month 4, day 4, I almost forgot to do art lol oops
Just another pose sketch for Mr. Nameless Sparrow Angel
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justagalwhowrites · 8 months
Which Pedro asker here… Omg, I love that you chose that picture for NIT bc it isn’t one I see posted often 🥰 And that’s exactly how I pictured for Din!! That scene lives in my mind rent free. In the moment I probably read it like ten times. It was SUCH an amazing face reveal for all the Din fics I’ve read.
Good for them OBVIOUSLY like God damn.
Cannot wait for your next story to start!! You are so giving. Soo many great fics have an age gap which I like but I’m excited for one that isn’t (NIT has been such a nice balance where age is maybe a thing but not really relevant). Also, that era Pedro is just… something else.
Ahhh Hi Bestie!
I LOVE that photoshoot of Pedro. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Of course, that man is so damn photogenic that put him in front of a camera and I'm going to be happy about it.
And AHHHH OMG I'm so happy you loved that scene! That was one of the scenes that I came up with when I was first thinking about the fic. I knew the dynamic I wanted for Din and Doll, her background, that scene and their wedding. Everything else kind of built out from there but that moment for me was just PEAK.
I hope y'all like the new story! I think it's going to be a bit different. I'm not usually huge on super big age gaps? There certain power dynamic things can make me a little uncomfy with it (no hate AT ALL to people who read or write it, absolutely nothing wrong with it and I definitely understand the appeal, it's just not always my vibe.) BUT that's not a hard and fast rule by any means, @joelscruff 's Feelings on Fire is one of my favorite things EVER in part because of the age gap! It's just not necessarily something I think I'd be good at writing. I do enjoy the tropes of BFD and DBF Joel, though! It's been fun to write those in a slightly different way - where some of the taboo is still there - and I'm glad you're enjoying New in Town!
The age thing has been a weird spot for me as a writer? I think I'm older than a lot of writers in the fandom (I'm 33 so 🤷🏻‍♀️) and I prefer to write things I think I can connect with. I've never been someone in their 50s and my closest friends kind of top out in the mid-40s range. I don't feel like I intimately know life past like 45 so I'm not drawn toward writing it. But I do like putting Joel with someone more his contemporary for a lot of things. Yearling is an odd one for that, where there is a sizable age gap (Bambi is almost 43 at this point in the fic, Joel is about to turn 60) but since they met when she was in her 40s and he was in his 50s, their ages aren't really considered by each other. They're just two adults who are middle aged, the end. Compare that to Lavender where Joel was just 11 years older than Doc (a much more common age gap, I think) but their relative ages played a much bigger role early in the fic and then became non-existent as a concern. I haven't written a full fic without some kind of age gap for Joel - even though it's not really a focus of any of my fics - so I'm excited to write a Joel and a reader who are my age!
ANYWAY I went off on a tangent there but lol thank you so so much for reading and reaching out! Love you!!!
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thewritingstar · 4 years
1-200 we're all in quarantine so got nothing to do. Might as well ask pls
oo anon you were gonna ask anyways lol. But I did this hella quick during a zoom.....
1. What is your middle name?
2. Do you have any nicknames that aren’t derived from your actual name?
2. Do you have any allergies?
-Penicillin (not really thou), but no
4. What is the longest your hair has ever been?
-Lower back
5. How well can you write in cursive?
-Its readable
6. Name one item on your bucket list.
-Going to all the Disney parks in the world
7. Have you ever been on a blind date?
-haven’t even been on a real date
8. What is the oldest piece of clothing you still wear and how old is it?
-prob like five years ago and its jeans
9. How often do you eat out at a fancy restaurant?
-nothing like I have to dress up but maybe once a year??
10. How grammatically correct are you when you text?
-rules don’t apply in text
11. Can you drive stick?
-hell no
12. What foreign country would you most like to visit and why?
-japan because I think it would be so cool
13. Nutella or peanut butter?
14. At what age did you have your first kiss?
15. DC or Marvel?
-DC. Harley Quinn owns my ass
16. Have you ever hosted a wild party?
-my parties consist of drinking capri suns and playing cards against humanity and Mario kart
17. Name/author of the last book you read cover to cover. Do you recommend it?
-...ooof haven’t read a book in a while
18. How many of your Facebook friends do you actually hang with?
-my mom
19. Have you ever donated blood?
-I was apart of a cancer study so I used to donate my blood (and pee) to science
20. From 1-10, how much do you like decorating for holidays?
-8 I love to decorate but I’m not allow near the Christmas trees
21. Coffee or tea?
-vaniila iced lattes or raspberry ice tea own me
22. What is your go-to Starbucks drink?
-Vanilla bean frap with extra vanilla
23. Last show you binge watched?
-currently its assassination classroom
24. Dogs or cats?
25. Favorite animated Disney character?
-Jessica Rabbit, Dumbo, Rey, Tamatoa and Guedo
26. Have you ever cooked a big family meal by yourself?
-mostly baking for my family
27. Favorite winter activity?
-Staying inside
28. Have you ever butt dialed anyone?
29. Can you blow a bubble gum bubble?
30. How early in the year do you start celebrating Christmas?
-my mom plays Xmas music year round
31. What emoji best describes your life right now?
-the wilting rose
32. Are you fluent in more than one language?
33. What is the longest you’ve ever kept a New Year’s resolution?
-I don’t make them
34. Have you ever successfully been on a diet? Did you gain any of the weight back?
-I’m on a diet to gain weight and its not going well
35. Are any of your grandparents still alive?
-only on my moms side
36. How good are you at communicating through facial expressions?
-hahaha my face gives everything away and I can read people pretty well
37. Have you ever gotten a commercial jingle stuck in your head?
-EDUCATION CONNECTION! Get connected for free
38. Have you ever left a movie theater before the movie was over?
39. Do you consider rapping singing?
-rapping is in its own ballpark...its why its called rapping
40. Does your home have a fireplace?
41. Favorite non-chocolate candy?
-sour gummies worms
42. If you could have only one superpower, what would you want and why?
-oooof ummmmmm maybe teleportation
43. Have you ever locked your keys in your car?
44. Do you listen to any religious music?
45. Do you drink soda? If so, which one is your favorite?
-I hate soda
46. What was your ACT score?
-do not do me like this (21)
47. Rice or quinoa?
48. From 1-10, how good of a driver do you consider yourself?
-like an 8
49. Do you like horror movies?
50. How easily do you cry?
-uh depends on what it is
51. Do you have any tattoos? If so, of what and where?
-no but I want some
52. You are hanging with your closest friends. What are you most likely doing?
-being dumb and quoting tik toks at target
53. Can you handle spicy foods? What is your spice limit?
-not very well
54. Can you play any musical instruments? If so, which ones?
55. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
-middle of the road
56. Last CD you bought?
-Folklore by Taylor Swift
57. Do you like roller coasters?
-yessss but they cant be extremely tall
58. What day of the week is laundry day for you?
-uhhh depends on when I have time
59. Have you ever played spin the bottle?
-uh maybe once but I was in fourth grade and walked away
60. How long have you known your best friend?
-I’ve known my bestie for 16 years (met when we were 4)
61. Can you eat using chopsticks?
-yes!! I usually eat my Chinese food with them
62. Do you have any stickers on your laptop computer? If so, what are they of?
-no because I need to get a case for my iMac and iPad
63. How often do you say y'all?
-every fucking day. Y’all is my go too
64. Favorite flavor of ice cream?
-cookie dough, pralines and cream, blue raspberry sherbert, vanilla, coffee
65. How long was your longest relationship? Are you still with that person?
-my longest relationship was like three weeks in fourth grade with my friends cousin who I saw twice
66. Star Trek or Star Wars?
-haven’t seen either but prob Star Wars cause r2d2 is cute
67. How good are you at math?
-ehhh I’m okay at stats
68. Have you ever acted in a play or a musical?
-used to do the plays in middle school :)
69. How often do you read/pay attention to your horoscope?
-not much my horoscope but just my sign in general
70. What is the shortest your hair has ever been?
-just above my shoulders
71. Have you ever broken any bones?
-my big toe
72. Do you like to go fishing?
-nooooooo I went fishing once and it pooped on me
73. Do you believe in evolution?
-of course
74. Favorite costume you wore for Hallowen? How old were you?
-I was perry the platypus…. 19
75. Real or fake Christmas trees?
76. How many pillows do you sleep with?
-usually 1-2 but like 5 in the winter
77. Do you live in an apartment or a house?
-House rn
78. How many of your friends are of the opposite gender?
-in my close circle, one but I do have many boy homies
79. Have you ever had a near-death experience?
-many times
80. How long have you been at your current job?
-four weeks
81. What kind of car do you drive (year, brand, model, color)?
-white car
82. How flexible are you?
-not super but mama can bend
83. Have you ever ended a romantic relationship?
-haven’t even started one
84. Phrase you say the most?
-“I’m uncomfortable” “Y’all” “I would let J.D from heathers…..”
85. Have you ever kissed anyone of the same gender? If so, did you like it?
-no but I wish
86. Do you own any homemade clothing?
-not that I know of
87. Do you like fast food?
88. Have you ever given anyone CPR?
89. Have you ever learned to do anything from a how-to video on YouTube?
-I fixed my moms glasses yesterday with a video so she wouldn’t have to spend a shit ton of money
90. Describe your sense of humor.
-if Always Sunny in Philadelphia and “vine comp that butters my eggroll” had a baby
92. Favorite cereal?
93. Have you ever auditioned for a reality competition show?
94. Have you ever gotten a TV theme song stuck in your head?
-Sugar, spice and everything nice, these were the ingredients…….
95. Do you believe in ghosts?
96. Do you think there is life on other planets?
-hell yeah
97. Have you ever given money to a street performer?
98. Your deepest fear?
-lets not go there
99. Pancakes or waffles?
-waffles but I don’t even like them that much
100. Are you still friends with anyone from high school?
-yep, my friend circle dates back to elementary
101. From 1-10, how good of a dancer do you consider yourself?
102. How much of a patient person are you?
-I can be extremely patient. Once waited three hours in a dressing room with my friend and I didn’t have a phone
103. Do you know your IQ?
-no but its prob god level
104. Do you eat meat at all?
-mama loves meat
105. Do you own any clothes from a garage sale or a thrift store?
-I think so
106. Have you ever bought anything from a flea market?
-yess my mom used to take me to flea markets all the time
107. Have you ever quit a job?
-early this year
108. Have you ever gotten a song you dislike stuck in your head?
-many times
109. Any movie(s) you can watch over and over and over again and enjoy just as much each time?
-robots to ratatouille
110. Do you or have you ever worn glasses?
-just sun glasses
111. Have you ever skinny dipped?
-when I was like 6
112. Are your birth parents still together?
113. Have you ever been in the audience for the taping of a TV show?
-not that I know of
114. Favorite type of cookie?
-chocolate chip or the sugar cookies with the pink frosting on them (I’m a whore for them)
115. Have you ever been broken up with?
116. How often do you smile when getting your picture taken?
-most of the time
117. Have you ever accidentally dialed 911?
-yes I have and I was 6 and bullied for it for years by my uncle even though my cousins tricked me into doing it
118. Oldest memory?
-throwing a chair at a kid in preschool for stealing my cookie
119. Have you ever been the victim of a nasty prank?
120. How often do you snort when you laugh?
-uhhhh a lot
121. From 1-10, how good of a singer do you consider yourself?
122. Favorite Disney song?
-uuuuuuhhh Shiny, See the Light, Why Don’t you Do Right, Show Yourself
123. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
-hopefully in la
124. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?
-I’m an advocate
125. Have you ever had a fortune cookie fortune come true?
-I think so
126. Name one thing you wish people would stop posting on social media.
-fascist, racist, homophobia stuff
127. Last musical artist you saw live?
-Jonas brothers
128. Credit cards or cash?
-cash cause I feel like I didn’t spend anything
129. Favorite fandom?
-the powderpuff girls or fairy tail
130. What is your astrological sign?
131. Have you ever been fired from a job?
-nope I’m a good noodle
132. Any hidden talents?
-I can do the cinnamon challenge
133. Can you surf?
134. What motivates you to do well in life?
-the fear of failure
135. Your worst physical feature?
-my acne
136. From 1-10, how much are you like your father?
-mehhhhhhhh like a 4
137. How lucky do you consider yourself?
-I’m a pretty lucky person ngl
138. Name a moment in your life when you were pleasently surprised.
-when I won a coffee maker at my senior grad night raffle
139. Have you ever been summoned for jury duty?
140. What type of shoes do you wear the most?
-my converse
141. Favorite summer activity?
-getting coffee
142. Favorite song to sing in the shower?
-any Taylor swift song
143. Have you ever lived with a roommate you did not get along with?
-my parents sometimes
144. Have you ever lived on a farm?
-my grandparents owned a cherry farm when I was little
145. Have you ever kept a diary or a journal?
-tumblr is my diary
146. TV show or movie you quote/reference the most?
-Always Sunny, The Office, Gotham
147. How often do you get mad at yourself?
148. Have you ever gotten any stitches?
-only in animal crossing (he’s so cute)
149. Have you ever been hunting?
150. Favorite YouTube channel?
-Jenna marbles, try guys, mukbang edit channel, drama channels
151. Have you ever had a pet besides a dog or a cat?
-I had a mouse once
152. From 1-10, how well do you work with others?
153. Are you friends with any of your exes?
-I don’t got exes
154. Apple or PC?
-I have an Apple Mac rn but I think I loved my pc so much so I’m getting used to the format
155. Do you collect anything?
-what don’t I collect? Funko, pins, so much stuff
156. Have you ever seen any Broadway plays or musicals?
-I saw Newsies and A Music chorus
157. Any missed opporunites you wish you had taken?
-I’m not too sure
158. Have you ever uttered a spoken hashtag?
159. Do you have a pool at your house?
160. What is the longest you’ve gone without sleep?
-like 24 hours and it was hell
161. Last thing that made you laugh?
-a meme 20 sec ago
162. Disney or Nickelodeon?
163. Name one celebrity you wish was still alive.
-Billy Mays (Oxyclean dude)
164. From 1-10, how much are you like your mother?
-maybe a 6
165. Your best physical feature?
-my hair
166. Earbud or earmuff headphones?
167. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender?
-..hmmmm sometimes I think it would be cool but I’m pretty content with being a girl...
168. Do you have any piercings anywhere besides your ear lobes?
-my nose
169. How often do you wash your hair?
-every other day usually
170. Showers or baths?
-I love a good bath but I take showers more
171. Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman?
-noooo but I wanna be
172. Bottled or tap water?
173. What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?
174. Any guilty pleasures you’re willing to discuss?
-watching glee
175. Favorite video game?
-Mario kart
176. Have you ever gotten a New Year’s kiss exactly at midnight?
-nooooo why are there so many questions about kissing
177. How many of the United States have you visited?
-four, ive passed over a few more in a plane
178. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?
179. Have you ever gotten a surgery?
180. Your least favorite food?
181. From 1-10, how competitive are you?
-depends. I’m like a 6 but I can be pushed to a 10 when motivated
182. Do you like wearing hats?
-only a snap back occasionally
183. How much of a jealous peron are you?
-ehh not really
184. What was your SAT score?
-900-1100 (stop nationwide testing doesn’t work and I didn’t learn eveything)
185. Have you ever voted for a reality competition show?
186. Does anyone in your family currently serve in your country’s military?
-my cousin
187. Snowboarding or skiing?
-I don’t do snow
188. What celebrity would you most want to play you in a movie about your life?
-jack black
189. Have you ever been a Boy or Girl Scout?
-hell no
190. Have you ever dyed your hair?
-many times
191. From 1-10, how good of a cook do you consider yourself?
192. You have just opened up a web browser. What is the first site you visit?
-this cursed site
193. How many things can you do with your weaker hand?
-a lot
194. Were you involved in any academic clubs in high school?
-honors i guess
195. Have you ever played hooky from school?
-like twice
196. Are you comfortable with watching rated R movies?
—-not with my parents
197. Do you root for any sports teams?
-bold of you to assume i do sport
198. First thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
199. If you could take home any one animal from the zoo, which one would you choose?
-a lizard
200. Tell something about yourself most people don’t know.
-uhhh ummmm (I have a tik tok with 7.5k followers) 
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homiegeesus · 5 years
The Year of Magical Thinking, Ch. 3
Summary: Francis Sinclair believed Arthur Morgan had not finished living. In a second chance at life, Arthur discovers what it means to love himself.
At the edge of a precipice and nowhere to run, Arthur concedes defeat. In an extraordinary turn of events, he is sent through the ether to another time where his path crosses with a group not too unlike his own family. After discovering the fate of those he loved before, he races to find a way back. But what if he realizes that there is something worth staying for in this new world? Can two people separated by nearly a hundred and twenty years of living find their happily ever after?
AO3 Link (edit: link fixed)
Author’s Note: So sorry for saying that I would post yesterday when I did not. We had some terrible weather 'round here, and it took me forever to get home last night. Long chapter is long, though. I know y'all are probably like "where is your OFC"? Well, she'll be introduced in the next chapter, I promise. I should have it posted in a couple of days. Shoutout to TheTiniestTortoise ( @shallow-gravy​ ) who has valiantly offered to beta this story (this chapter was not). Fair warning: I'm seriously going to take you up on this, so be prepared lmao. In the meantime, y'all need to go read "Blackbird's Song". It's a fantastic ArthurxOC take on the RDR2 plot, seriously drop everything and read it! Also, I created a "We Heart It" collection thing where I pin images that inspire me while writing. Just a warning, though: It might spoil some elements of the story. If you don't want any idea of where I'm taking the plot, do not click here.
Thank you to @tiesthatbind1899​​ (author of Memories of the West - another must read), for the idea. You're awesome. 
Almost forgot, in this story, Blackwater is Dallas. I read in the wiki that Blackwater was likely modeled after early 20th century Dallas, so I'm running with it. Plus, it's where I live, and even though most authors can't agree on whether you should "write what you know", this is fanfiction, so hell yes I will write what I know...at least in the first few chapters lol. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter, and as always, constructive criticism welcomed and appreciated!
The Year of Magical Thinking
Chapter 3 - American Remains
Not knowing if the doctor wanted Arthur to follow, he stood for a moment and stared at the carving on the cave wall. After Steven exited the chamber, the cave was again silent allowing Arthur to observe and reflect. His fingers traced the broad lines of the design as he pondered just how the whole situation had come to pass. What an interesting sequence of events. One moment, Arthur was dying and the next he was not. Having been a hair’s breath away from death had changed him fundamentally. Suddenly being thrust into wellness had been jarring, to say the least. Itching to sketch the new carving, he reached to his side for his journal. Hand feeling empty air where his satchel would usually be, he closed his eyes and covered his face.
In a last act of brotherly affection, Arthur had given John his most important possessions: his father’s hat and his satchel along with everything in it. Suddenly, a deep homesickness fell on him like anvil. The realization that he would never see his family again caused a well of emotions to rise up and threaten to consume him whole. He didn’t belong in this place. If Arthur was a part of a dying breed back then, then how would one hundred and twenty years of so-called progress treat him? With no place to call home and not a penny to his name, how would he survive?
Feeling suddenly claustrophobic in this cool, damp place, Arthur turned and followed the path of Steven’s exit. As the natural light of the sun reached him, he felt a wave of humid heat hit his face, instantly causing tiny rivulets of sweat to breakout across his forehead. Finally exiting the cave, he stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. Even in the heat, Arthur delighted in clean, easy breathing. Tortured by diseased lungs in the past months, he had forgotten what it meant to be well.
Looking at his surroundings, he spotted Steven near a table off to the left of the clearing. Arthur began walking towards him, that is, until he spotted the younger man talking to himself. Rooted in place, he observed Steven holding what appeared to be a small black book while gesturing wildly with his arms.
Damn it, you old fool, Arthur inwardly chastised. He had driven the man to madness with his scarcely believable tale. He walked closer to make out the words coming from the young doctor. That’s when he heard the other voice bleeding from the air that surrounded them.
“Steven, my love, my future husband, my everything – if you do not make it to this dinner, I will leave you. And then, I’ll cancel you. You will be canceled!” The voice yelled, sounding as if it came from a phonograph. Arthur furrowed his brow and looked for the source.
“Nick,” Steven responded in voice that even Arthur could tell was full of condescension, “first of all, you know I love you, but you also know I hate these dinners. Secondly, I just told you that something came up at work.” He then cradled the little black book in both hands, thumbs moving wildly over the cover. “It’s incredibly important that –”
Nick interrupted, “It’s incredibly important that you be at this dinner. Steven, we’ve had this planned for two weeks. All of the partners are going to have their significant others with them. They’re expecting you there. They all fucking love you; always like ‘Steven is so charming’ or ‘God Nick, how did you bag a guy like Steven? He’s so funny and you are so – not.’”
Steven laughed, “They don’t say that.” He finally glanced up in Arthur’s direction, smile falling from his face.
“Ugh, yes they do. It’s annoying as shit. I mean, I can be funny,” the voice replied. Steven began looking from the book to Arthur and back again in quick succession.
“Babe, I gotta call you back –”
“Steven –”
“Nick,” Steven interrupted sternly, “I’ll call you right back, I promise.” Call? Arthur thought to himself. That little black book’s a telephone? Nah…
Nick sighed loud enough for both men to hear. “Just please show up tonight. It’s all I ask.”
Steven nodded as if he could be seen. Arthur thought maybe he could. They each said ‘I love you’ and Steven glanced up at him.
“Holy shit,” was all he said. 
“What?” Arthur frowned.
Steven just shook his head and held out the little book, or whatever it was. From where Arthur was standing, he could barely discern what looked like a photograph. Steven glanced quickly between the object in his hand and Arthur’s face. He seemed to realize the older man’s cluelessness.
He dropped his arm halfway and grinned, “Oh sorry, you’re probably like ‘what the hell is this?” He gestured to the device and laughed. “Jesus, well, this is a phone. A telephone.” A flipped it in his hands, and then held it out to Arthur. “Go ahead. Check it out.”
Arthur stepped closer and cautiously took the gadget. Looking at it, what he saw would take him back some five years ago to a hunting trip he, John and Hosea had embarked upon in Tall Trees, a year before John had left to God knows where. The trip had been a fruitful one, as the trio had taken down a bear with size to rival the one they had caught in the Grizzlies. It was a good memory, set before his relationship with John had descended into spite and jealousy. He stared at the photograph, the sepia tone making it seem so unreal when his memories burst with color. Arthur, John and Hosea looking as serious as three feared outlaws could, each held rifles behind a large grizzly bear.
Arthur looked up to Steven, “Where’d ya get this?”
The corners of his mouth quirked as if he went to smile but then thought better of it. “That’s a, uh, long story. But I mean –,” Steven then smiled, “it’s you.” He laughed a little manically, “That’s you in that photo.”
Arthur, not realizing the significance of this moment, just replied with a shrug of his large shoulders, “Yeah.”
Steven briefly ran a finger over his lips as he continued to smile, “Dear God. How the hell did this happen?”
“Ain’t gotta clue,” the outlaw replied simply.
Steven just shrugged. “Well, in any case, we have to figure out what we’re gonna do with you. I mean,” he laughed, “you could come home with me, but my, uh – Nick would probably freak the hell out.” A considering look passed over his face. “Hey, you said you were sick before?”
Arthur nodded, “Yeah, but I ain’t coughin’ no more.”
“Tuberculosis?” Steven supplied. The other man’s eyes narrowed fractionally.
“How’d you know?” The doctor just gave a toothy grin.
“Mr. Morgan, you’re quite famous. Like Jesse James.” At Arthur’s perplexed face, he continued, “Didn’t you, like, have your own gang, or something? You know, like Jesse James did?”
Arthur laughed, “What? No.” He shook his head, “I was in one, but I weren’t the leader. That was Dutch.” Steven’s face lit in recognition.
“Oh yeah,” he then looked off to the side. “I haven’t seen any westerns since I was a kid, so I’m only vaguely familiar with the history.” He looked back to Arthur with a smile, “My friend Ada would know. She loves them.”
“Uh-huh. Western? Like a dime novel?” The outlaw asked, head tilted in question.
Steven shook his head. “No, movies. They’re like, uh –,” obviously wondering how to explain, “you know, moving pictures.”
“Oh yeah, I know ‘bout them. Used to go to the theater on special occasions an’ such,” Arthur recalled.
“Well, they’re a little different now,” the doctor laughed. “They’re in color and have sound, so –”
Arthur tracked his thumb across his stubbled chin. “Ain’t that somethin’,” he replied a bit in awe.
Steven smiled, “Yeah well, you’ve been portrayed a couple times, I think.”
Amazed, Arthur responded, “Yer kiddin’.” The younger man just shook his head.
“Nope. The only ones I know of came out a long time ago, like the ‘40s or ‘50s. Maybe earlier.” The outlaw lightly laughed.
He looked slyly to Steven. “Were they, uh – were they handsome?” The corner of Arthur’s mouth ticked slightly up.
Steven barked out a quick laugh. “Oh yeah. They were.” He shot the other man another toothy smile. “Though, I’m beginning to think that they didn’t do you justice!”
Unfamiliar with such bald-faced compliments, Arthur bowed his head in an attempt to hide the shy smile forming on his face. Damn it all, he didn’t have his hat. He just swatted his hand and said, “Nah.”
Steven was apparently having none of that. “Trust me, Arthur. Even covered in dirt, you’re a tall drink of water on a hot day.” He let out a loud guffaw at the sight of the blush that crept up on Arthur’s face. “I’m just messin’ with ya.”
Arthur just shrugged and tried to conjure up what little was left of his mean outlaw persona. “Yeah, well –”
“Alright,” laughing again, Steven stepped past Arthur, clapping him on his shoulder. “I’m gonna go turn off the generator and stuff, and then we’ll figure out what to do.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What in the hell was he going to do? Nick would kill him. No doubt about it. His future husband would whip out that Latin Fire and scorch him where he stood. Steven could see the inevitable conversation play out in his head. ‘Honey, I’ve brought home an outlaw from the 19th century. He’s going to be staying with us for a while. Oh, and he has a gun, and he could shoot us in our sleep and rob our corpses.’
“Jesus,” Steven said quietly to himself as he gathered the equipment around the worksite. His morbid train of thought was then interrupted by the shrill sound of his cellphone ringing. Grabbing the device from his back pocket, he looked at the screen.
Nick, the ID screamed at him. Steven stared at it a moment before answering.
“I swear I was just about to call you,” he started. He could hear the eye roll coming through the phone.
“Uh-huh. Why did you tell Jeremy to go home earlier?”
Shit. “Well, I uh –,” completely unsure with what to say and totally unfamiliar with lying to his partner, he explained the best he could. First though, “How did you know I sent Jeremy home?”
“You sounded weird when I spoke to you last, so I texted him. Stop trying to change the subject.”
Figures. He needed to teach the kid about worksite discretion. But right now, he had to get through this conversation. “Something did come up. Nick, there’s something I need to tell you.”
Nick responded in a concerned voice, “Steven, what is it? What happened?”
“Well – you see – I, uh, I’ve met someone else, and I’ve decided that we’re going to be together.” Steven paused a second, then added, “I’m leaving you.”
“Good lord, Steven. Be serious. I’m sitting here thinking you’re about to tell me you have cancer or something.”
“Oh, no. I’m healthy as a horse. I am leaving you, though.”
“Mi amor. Please. What’s going on?” Nick was sounding legitimately concerned now.
Steven sighed, “Look, I’ll tell you everything. This evening.” He added, “Just trust me. We’ll talk about it tonight after dinner, I promise.”
Giving a light chuckle, Nick reassured, “Okay, okay. I trust you. I wouldn’t be marrying you if I didn’t.”
“Thank you. I’ll see you tonight, okay?”
They said their goodbyes and hung up. Steven turned and looked at Arthur across the clearing. The outlaw was sitting at the picnic table, arms folded. Suddenly remembering a part of their conversation from earlier, he looked again to his phone. Selecting a contact, he dialed Lauren Linklater’s number. She answered on the third ring.
“Hey, it’s Steven. You gotta minute?”
He could hear a distinct crunching noise. “I’m at lunch. What’s up?” Always succinct and to the point. Steven appreciated that right now.
“Well, I have a question about something. Completely hypothetical,” he started.
“Okay.” She waited for him to elucidate.
“Okay, so again, completely hypothetical –”
“Yeah?” He asked.
“I’ve got like ten minutes to eat before I have to go put my hands in some dude’s chest cavity –”
“Right. Yeah, sorry, so – say someone traveled through time from, I dunno, 1899 to our time. Would you be concerned about them getting deathly sick from something really simple, like a common cold? Would they be more susceptible?” Then he remembered, “Oh, and what if they had tuberculosis before they – you know, time-traveled?”
Steven figured she might be chewing her lunch, when it took a moment for her to answer.
“Is this a part of your weird cave art or something?” She asked.
“Rock carvings,” he corrected. “Well, kinda. I mean, yes. It is.” He explained, “I’m asking you because it’s a little bit outside my purview.”
“Okay, well, it’s a little bit outside of mine, too. This would be a great question for, I dunno, an epidemiologist or – heh, Doc Brown. I’m a general surgeon.”
Steve sighed, “Right. I just needed a quick opinion, so –”
“I just don’t want to give you incorrect information, especially for your job, ya know? If this is off the record, or whatever, I can try to resurrect some of the ole braincells from med school.”
He laughed, “Yes, if you could do that, I’d appreciate it.”
“Okay, so I probably wouldn’t be too concerned about this hypothetical person getting a modern day cold. Our immune systems are pretty badass, and it’s been that way for a long time. I’d be more concerned about a modern-day person going back, like, five hundred years, I guess. Still, I would maybe want to do a blood test and a cheek swab to make sure they’re not bringing small pox or something with ‘em. You say this hypothetical dude had TB?”
“Yeah, but afterwards, he didn’t have any signs of still being sick. And before, he was near death, like minutes or hours away.”
“Okay, well, they’d probably need to get checked out anyways. TB is highly treatable with antibiotics these days, so not much to worry about. If this dude wasn’t showing any signs of illness, chances are he didn’t bring it with him.” She then began to laugh.
“What?” Steven asked.
“Nothing, just – we’re talking about it like it exists. I dunno, just thought that was funny.”
“Yeah,” he breathed a laugh. He heard her begin chewing again.
He could hear the smile in her voice, “Did you find a diseased time-traveler?”
“Very funny,” Steven muttered sarcastically. “I’ll let you get back to your lunch, and your – chest cavity.”
Lauren laughed, “Okay, let me know how your project goes.”
“Will do.”
Hanging up, Steven sighed. Thinking about where in the hell he could stash a time-traveling cowboy, he walked back over to Arthur. The outlaw was hunched over the picnic table, staring intently at his hands. He looked up when Steven’s boots entered his field of vision.
“Well, we gotta head out pretty soon before traffic gets too bad.” He glanced in the direction of his car beyond the wall of pine trees.
Arthur frowned, “Traffic?”
Steven nodded, “Yup. You know, lots of vehicles, people.”
“Yeah, I know what traffic is. Jus’ wonderin’ if we’ll be goin’ through a city?” He clarified.
Motioning for Arthur to follow him, Steven elaborated, “Yeah, but not for a while. It’s pretty crazy, but it’s not just the cities that hold most people now. There are a shit ton of people in the boonies, too.” Judging by his expression, Arthur didn’t seem to like that little tidbit. Steven pointed to a couple of small crates, “Mind helping me carry these?”
Arthur moved to pick up one of the containers, “Naw, ‘course not.” Both men began walking along a path surrounded by trees leading out to the parking lot. Steven let out a loud laugh at Arthur’s face when they reached his silver Ford truck.
They sat down the crates as Arthur took a moment to absorb the vehicle in front of him.
Steven, thinking of the Bon Jovi song, tried his best to explain. “It’s like, uh, a steel horse. Ya know – “
Arthur just looked to him with a sardonic face, “I know whatta automobile is.”
Steven nodded, “Oh, right.”
“They’re just, ah – a li’l different than I remember ‘em.” Walking around the perimeter of Steven’s car, Arthur seemed to observe every little detail. Almost like an artist would a subject, he thought vaguely.
“Yeah, well.” Steven kicked a rock at his foot. “Wait ‘till you get inside.”
“Huh,” the cowboy huffed. Coming to stand beside Steven, he looked to the younger man. Placing his hands on his hips, Arthur pondered, “Just how would one go ‘bout doin’ that?”
Steven huffed out a laugh, “We’ll get to that, but first, we need to, uh – talk about your, uh, gun.”
“You ain’t takin’ my gun, Doc.”
“Steven, and it’s just –”, Steven took a step forward. Arthur’s hand went to his pistol grip, as if preparing to draw, and Steven shot his hands up in surrender. “Woah, I’m – I’m not going to take your gun, well – not for what you think. Can you just please take your hand off the gun? Please, don’t shoot me.”
Arthur acquiesced by removing his hand and briefly raising it palm forward in the air.
“Look, I’m not trying to take your gun, at least not for why you’re thinking. It’s just – times have changed. You can’t just walk around strapped like Jesse James.” Arthur quirked a dark brow. “I mean, this is Texas, but still. Cops can have itchy trigger fingers ‘round here.”
“Ain’t that all the more reason I should keep my gun?” Arthur’s deep voice drawled.
“No! Absolutely not!” Steven laughed incredulously. “I mean, that may seem logical to you, I guess, but trust me when I say you do not want to go shooting cops. ‘Law and order’ is – well, it’s just not the same as it used to be.”
Arthur looked pensive for a moment as he stared at Steven, as if to determine if the younger man was being truthful. Finally, his hands went to the buckle of his gun belt to loosen it. “You ain’t gonna make me regret this, are ya?”
Steven exhaled a nervous laugh, “What? No, no. I mean, you have more of a chance of being, I dunno, sucked up by a tornado than you have of being shot at between here and where we’re going.”
“Uh-huh, and jus’ where are we goin’?”
“Well, that’s TBD.” At Arthur’s confused expression, Steven quickly amended, “To be determined.”
“A’right,” the cowboy waved a hand in the air. “Let’s get a move on then.”
After placing the crates inside of the bed and Arthur’s gun belt under the backseat, the men climbed into the monstrosity of an automobile. Steven had shown Arthur how to open the door and put on a seatbelt, but it seemed easy enough. Sitting in the interior of this modern-day work horse, he luxuriated in the leather seat. He ran his fingers along the armrest, the treated leather feeling like smooth silk against his calloused hands. Looking up, his antiquated mind tried to conjure up why a person would need all these knobs and dials. What was their purpose? Steven settled into the seat beside him.
“You ready?”
“I gotta choice?”
Steven quirked a brow, “Not really.”
“Well then. There’s yer answer.”
And with that, the young doctor turned on the beast beneath them. Arthur did not expect the burst of noise that felt as if it hit him physically. Steven reached for the dials in front of them and quickly apologized.
“Oh god, sorry! I forgot I had the radio on, I’m so sorry,” he said quickly.
“Good god, man. How do you still have yer hearin’?” Arthur questioned, absolutely astonished.
“Yeah, that was loud. It keeps me going on a long drive.” He laughed, “I’m so sorry.”
Arthur just shook his head, “What in the hell was that?”
“Uh, music. Metallica, I think.”
The outlaw stared at Steven like he’d grown two heads, “Music? What the hell kinda music is that?” He shook his head. “Sounded like a thousand cats dyin’.”
Steven shrugged, “I think they’d like that comparison.”
The doctor tinkered with some levers and such around the wheel, and suddenly they were moving. Exiting the area, they pulled out onto the road. Despite the anxiety Arthur felt at the fast movement, he decided it wasn’t too terrible. That is until the speed caused his world to tilt.
Steven was chatting away about where they were going and what they would do when they got there, when Arthur began to feel utterly nauseated. Mesmerized by the white lines in the middle of the road as they moved past so quickly that they turned into one blur, his vision doubled, eyes nearly rolling back in his head. If Steven noticed, he didn’t say anything, so preoccupied as he was.
“I mean, we have a pullout couch. But our place is tiny. We’d be like sardines in a can. You had those in your time –”
“– right? Of course, you did. Well, we’d be like sardines. It’d be uncomfortable. I’d ask –”
 “– Lauren, but she’s a doctor. She’s always working. It’s not like –”
“Pull over.”
“– I can leave you alone. Holy shit, I know who –”
Arthur finally raised his voice, “Steven!
Confused, Steven replied, “What?”
Looking at the other man, Arthur gritted lowly, “Stop this damn contraption ‘fore I vomit all o’er this nice leather.” Finally understanding, Steven pulled to the side of the road. As Arthur went to hop down from the vehicle, something jerked him back into place. Before the outlaw could grab his knife, Steven calmly reached over and unbuckled the belt. Murmuring a quick ‘thanks’, Arthur hauled himself out of the truck and into the field. A loud horn from another passing vehicle would have scared him out of his boots, if he hadn’t been so overcome with nausea.
Steven yelled a sarcastic, “Ok, thank you!” before saying to himself, “Asshole.”
Wiping his mouth, Arthur turned and walked back to the truck. Once they were both inside, Steven looked at him.
“You okay?” He asked, concerned. Arthur just nodded. Steven continued, “I didn’t even think about you getting motion sickness. Sorry ‘bout that.”
“S’alright,” Arthur said quietly.
The doctor handed him a bright pink pill of some sort and what looked like a clear canteen.
“It’ll help with the dizziness. Plus, it might even help you get some rest. We got a couple hours drive before we reach the city.” Arthur took it without question, washing it back with the warm water as Steven pulled the truck back onto the road.
He questioned, “City?”
“Yeah. Blackwater.”
Unable to help it, Arthur felt his blood run cold. Knowing that his bounty was long gone was not enough to keep his anxiety from spiking. Arthur did not say anything. This man knew his name, did he know his sins? Would he still be so generous and willing to take him in, knowing the blackness of the outlaw’s heart?
Steven briefly glanced his way. “I have an idea about where you can stay. I have to call her, but I know she’ll be okay with it.” He looked back at Arthur. “I think you’ll like her.”
Arthur just nodded, feeling the effect of the medicine begin to take hold. Eyelids turning heavy, he shifted until his head lulled forward. Exhaustion catching up with him, he surrendered to Morpheus in a dreamless sleep.
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b00bconnoisseur · 5 years
60 questions for @not-my-brain
1. selfie.......Ugghhhh ok. Imma take one rn
Ok here u go (yes thats a bmth shirt)
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2. what would you name your future kids?.....Ooo hmmm well when i was a kid i really liked the names disney, and mesiah. I didn't know at the time that mesiah was another name for god i think lol. I liked it cause of handlers mesiah. I still do. Ooo and maybe Tj too
3. do you miss anyone?......Yeah. My friends on Pinterest from a year ago. My friend lucas. Stan lee. Bob ross. My cousin who died from cancer some years ago. Snape. Sirius. Lupin. Tonks. Dobby. *continues to name every unfortunate death in hp*
4. what are you looking forward to?.......SE-YA next month!! Its the south eastern young adult festival at this college. You can have meet n greets with authors and alot of stuff its the besstttt
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?......DEFINATELY. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @sammchenry my friend lucas and @septembersbloom. ^^
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?..... What like...romantically? Or like a death? If romantically uhhh idk it took over a couple weeks but im ok now. Ive never had another relationship so idk. If death oof yeah idk maybe. Ig it depends on how much i knew them idk. Like when my nanny (great grandma) died i was sad for days (is that alot?)
7. what was your life like last year?.....Sucky af. Still is. But the highlights of my life last year was getting and making friends on tumblr, going to the tøp concert and going to warped tour, volunteering at the library, going to seya and meeting some of my favorite authors, reading, changing and improving my art, listening to all the bands i listen to now, getting into more fandoms, going to a friends house for the first time
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?.......Yes lol. Some years ago when i couldn't find smtn id be so annoyed and pissed id start crying. I dont now but still lol
9. who did you last see in person?.......Hm ig family doesn't count....? Wait do u mean a friend? If so uhh my friends rebekah, anika, and Judah at a TAB meeting at the library sometime last month.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?......I think so? Like i mean I can hide whenever i get my....time of the month from my mom (talking abt stuff like that with her makes me uncomfortable) and i hid a breakup. And other p big stuff too. So imma say yeah
11. are you listening to music right now?........*pops on earbuds after reading this* yee im listening to bitch lasagna by pewdiepie xD (do i have the best spotify playlist or what?)
12. what is something you want right now?.......To hug @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye but SOMEONE has to live so far away
13. how do you feel right now?........Happy that my earbud still works cause they got washed in the wash yesterday....oops. Its not my fault. I told my dad to remind me to take it out of my jacket pocket before they threw it in but noooooo he forgot
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?.......Uhhhhh fuck idk it was probably from my lil 4 yr old bro sometime last week. Other than him (hes my favorite sibling) i dont let them hug me too much
15. personality description.......Nerdy. Fangirl. "Emo". Tomboy. Hotsause obsessed. Book lover. Music lover. Black. Blue. Harry potter. Introvert. Fall. Sports. Values friendship. Loyal. Uhhhh i cant think of much lol
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?.......*sigh* yes. Yes yes yes. Theres some things abt me, or my life really, that i havent told anyone on here or my irl friends that i sooooo want to so bad but i haven't cause i feel like they'd feel bad and pity me and i don't want that
17. opinion on insecurities........I dont really understand this one. Everyones insecure abt something. Is this askin like if i think its ok or not? I say its ok. Im insecure about literally everything about me. My face. My personality. My socialness. My art. What i do. What i say. Basically my whole body. The things i feel good abt are my books, music taste, and my friends (ily fuckers)
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?.........Hmm this time around a year ago....idk its sorta the same but all the stuff i mentioned abt my year from last year didn't happen yet so nah tho my life sucks rn its better than this time last year
19. have you ever been to New York?........Nooo but i want too soo baddd i wanna visit @septembersbloom !! Im coming for ya soon gramps *does the eye watching thing* my dads been to nyc before tho cause he does construction and he had a concrete job to do there. It was a 23 hr drive for him
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?........Uhhh idk!!! So hard! Maybe.....the whole thats the spirit album by bmth ;)
21. age and birthday?.....15 yrs of age and September 27th 2003 (whats yours brainy? I'll put it on my calendar)
22. description of crush......Its weird idk im not sure if its a genuine crush or not but uh....They like hp :).Thats all u get
23. fear(s).......Losing my best friend @dirtysocke and my other friends. Death. Failure. Momo chasing after me then killing me slowly keeping my eyes open to look her dead in the eyes while i die
24. height......5'6 call me short and I'll fuck u up with THIS *pulls out trusty potato peeler named now steve* dont test me boi
25. role model......Hhhhhhhh so many! But uh gosh one of them is @superraedizzle (youtuberrrr) and vexx and bob ross and da vinci and aaaaaaa so many
26. idol(s)......First person that immediately comes to mind is @sammchenry cause he's super cool and he's really nice and his art's reallyyy good (if u havent seen it w-w-what are u even doin with your life?) And he has a great sense of humor and *continues to ramble about why samms the best*
27. things i hate.......Dabs. Transphobes. Homophobic ppl. Basically any hate on the lgbtq+ community. Bullies. The ship starker. Umbridge. Snape haters
28. i’ll love you if….....U you'll eat pizza, draw, and rp harry potter with mee
29. favourite film(s)......Fantastic beasts. Every hp film. Twilight. The maze runner 1-2. The hunger games. Spiderman homecoming. Kingsman: secret service. Into the spideyverse tho i havent seen it yet
30. favourite tv show(s)......Inkmasterrrrr. B99. The mick. The middle. Uhhh idk mostly ink master xD
31. 3 random facts........Ive never had shrimp. I had a beta fish for over a year once. Im eating pizza crust rn
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?.......G i r l s. I have all girl friends irl and one boy. And on tumblr it seems like i just meet girls? Likei agree with @cristal-kyd1280 its like alot more gals then dudes here. But i do have some guy friends on here too. But mostly girls
33. something you want to learn.......TO DRAW ANATOMY DAMMIT
34. most embarrassing moment........Every moment of my lifes an embarrassing moment. Idk of i can pick a "most" embarrassing one. But one time i i sent my crush (now ex bf) a hey fuckface and like some hearts or whatever for an ask game that meant like "i have a crush on u" "youre adorable" etc and said Hewo but i did it all anonymously. But he confronted me askin if i sent it cause im the only person he knows that actually says hewo lol. Then later on i finally admitted i really liked him and well y'all know the story after i think. Unless you're new
35. favourite subject.......A R TTTT OFC
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?........meet my friends on tumblr. Get into mtsu (college i wanna go to) and study art. And go skydiving
37. favourite actor/actress........favorite actor uhhhhhh probably thomas brodie sangster or tom felton and my favorite actress? Hmmm idk maybe evanna lynch (luna lovegood)
38. favourite comedian(s).......probably kevin hart lol he's p funny
39. favourite sport(s)........basketballllllll and football
40. favourite memory........uhhhhh idk?? One oh my favorite memories was when we went to see tøp in concert
41. relationship status.....single as a pringle
42. favourite book(s)......harry potter and the order of the pheonix. Harry potter and the half blood prince. Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda. Divergent. Maze runner. Twilight. Fangirl. Fallen. Red queen
43. favourite song ever.......TOO HARD DONT MAKE ME CHOOSEEEEEE
44. age you get mistaken for.........16 and 17 sometimes lol
45. how you found out about your idol........i was watching someone on yt and superraedizzle always poped up in my feed and my mom turned on one of her vids cause she always saw her vids too now ive seen most of em i love her. Id heard of vexx but never watched him and i was watching a collab from anthony miller art and shrimpy and i checked out shrimpys channel and was lookin at comments and alot of ppl said his art is like vexxs so i checked out vexx. At first i was like eh ok. Now i cant click fast enough when he posts a vid. And i actually fpund out about bob ross from my grandpa on jan 20 2017 when trump was getting sworn in or whatever. We turned on pbs and my grampa told me to look and bob ross was on and i was IN. I loved it. I even started watching full episodes on YouTube of the joy of painting after that. Wonderful man. My first painting i ever did i think was when i followed one of his tutorials xD (i didnt know it was popular at the time)
46. what my last text message says......."ok your turn"
47. turn ons.....uhh nerds ig idk um book lovers, music lovers, art lovers, potterheads, idk and nice ppl
48. turn offs......jerks. Homophobia. Idk ig whatever i said in things i hate
49. where i want to be right now......uhhhh idk wait didn't i already answer this? Ok this ones different ig so uhh with my friend lucas
50. favourite picture of your idol.....oh shit...favorite? Idk xD i have a fave of vexx but not of rae or bob. But heres pics of them any way
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51. starsign......a libraaaaa boiii
52. something i’m talented at......drawing and speed reading. Thats about it lol. Oh and procrastina
53. 5 things that make me happy.......ooooo art, my friends here on tumblr, books, harry potter, and music ^^
54. something thats worrying me at the moment.....if my friend thinks im being annoying
55. tumblr friends......hhhhh so manyyyyyy. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @chinesewaffles2 @kingantlion @queen-baelin @sammchenry @septembersbloom and more
56. favourite food(s)......green beans, pepperoni pizza, and vanilla madelines
57. favourite animal(s).......basically any reptile. Puppies. Cats. Any animal really but my #1 are snakes
58. description of my best friend.....well she's a tiny bean (5 feet) and she has dark hair, she wears glasses, she doesnt take shit, she's in love with Josh dun, she's awesome, funny, nice (YES youre nice jackie) and shes the best friend ive ever had. Oh. And she has a weird obsession with spaghetti
59. why i joined tumblr.......well i heard abt it on Pinterest over a year ago but didnt want it. Then @mrfastbass-deactivated20181231 on DeviantArt said he got tumblr so i made one then followed him and figured id just post art and that's it cause i thought tumblr was boring as hell when i first got it. Now im p much obsessed with it
60. ask me anything you want.......go ahead brainy shoot. Give me smtn good
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nightowlfandom · 6 years
Hiya! So like a crazy long time ago I came out with a prompt list of certain numbers you can choose from and that seemed to do well but since like a few of you don't know that, I'm gonna repost it here with a few new prompts because...well because I can.
So the rules are MAXIMUM 5 prompts. So let's say that you wanted a Hoseok Smut, you'd request 2, 34, 18, and 7. (Asking nicely of course.) Also including a little bit of what you think the plot should be as well. So lets you want a J-hope smut with those numbers and it's an office AU and you include a tiny bit of detail. (Two sentences at least.) Whatever you want okay? I don't do rape fics or gangbangs, I've been asked in the past and I don't think I want to write those.
I do mostly write for BTS it's an area that I'm very familiar, but I MIGHT write for other dudes if I'm asked nicely, I don't hate. Plus other guys be cute af too, I'll write for Ten in a heartbeat to be honest, y'all playin.
Note- most of the time I do write NSFW, just a fair warning so unless you say otherwise...I'm probably gonna have smut on every entry.
1- "How miserable must I be before you're satisfied?"
2- "Guess I'm not cut out for this dating thing, huh?"
3-"Damnit! Do you have any idea how amazing you are?! Stop being so damn insecure"
4- "Don't argue with me on this!!"
5- "I can't just be friends with you...I can't."
6- "Do you have to be so annoying all the time?"
7- "No, you can not stay here...I don't care that it's raining!"
8- "Why can't you see that I-....that I-"
9- "Stop pretending to be asleep.."
10- " Could we go four seconds without you being annoying?"
11-"do you not know what the word 'mine' means?"
12- "Shhh, wouldn't want anyone to hear us now would we?"
13- "I dare you to finish that sentence..."
14- "Someone's a little irritable today..."
15- "We can't all be a perfect prettyboy popstar!"
16- "You just...you just kissed me!! *Insert freaked out face here*"
17- "We're only sharing a bed, it isn't the end of the world."
18- "Only make that face in front of me."
19- "If you wanted my attention...all you had to do was ask."
20- "I'm bored, wanna fuck?"
21- "Can't you see that I...I..."
22- "...I can't kiss you the way I want..."
23- "It was foolish of me to think you could ever want a relationship with me...forget it."
24- "I aim to please..."
25- "When did this topic even come up!"
26- "You're so boring, haven't you ever been wild?"
27- "Hm...I like when you do that."
28- "I'm more than capable of being rough with you babe. You just watch."
29- "Where the hell did you learn that?!?!"
30-"Well, the boys accidentally...saw that picture you sent...Have I ever told you how much I love you?"
31-"You need to be taught a lesson..."
32- "Shh, wouldn't want the boys to hear us, now would you?"
33-I don't understand you sometimes...but I like it."
34- " Don't pretend that wasn't on purpose...come here."
35- " I'm not so happy about doing a duet with you of all people...but could you at least try and not be a..”
36- “Don't pretend to care when you obviously don't.”
37- “Am I making you nervous, Y/N?"
38-“I never thought I would see the day you actually take my advice ”
39- "Just admit you want fuck me...if you behave, I might just let you."
40- "I...I think you're wonderful...those horrible people you've dated...they didn't deserve you."
41- "It's you and me, not us and them. Fuck what they think."
42- "Oh my gosh, we didn't...HOLY SHIT WE DID. You tell anyone and there will be one less idol in the world!"
43- "You're so quiet...is something wrong?"
44- "Maybe, if you beg, I might...."
45- "Go to sleep, I promise I'll wake you up."
46- "This could be more than just another one night stand..."
47- "It's amazing what the internet will teach you" *casually holding handcuffs*
48- "...you deserve better, someone who cares about you."
49- "Can't I do something nice without being suspicious??"
50- "Finally alone..."
51- "Maybe, we could...be boyfriend and girlfriend.?"
52- "You can't call me cute!"
53- "Have a nice sleep?"
54- "How stupid do you think I am?"
55- " Are you shy? Around little ol me?"
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
July 11 Blurr’s Horror Stream - ASOUE: The Ersatz Elevator
Neither Prowl nor the Constructicons were here.
Whirl was, though! He has returned to Cybertron. And of course, his first priority was horror movie night.
Blurr 9:11 pm ( okay. It sEEMS like I have good one. I think. ) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:12 pm ((\o/)) Blurr 9:13 pm ( just let me know if it's really bad. I have to leave one headphone off because my roommate demands attention 24/7 ) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm ((didn't you move to get AWAY from that)) Blurr 9:14 pm yeah but she's 'sad ' right now ] somethin' about her friend with benefits not wanting to be an item ??? ) I'm too cynical for this >>;;; ) Whirl 9:17 pm aight let me know when y'all are ready cos i need to paint A Word Picture for y'all)) Blurr 9:17 pm (I'm waitin' for everyone to be ready, too !) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm ((i'm ready to pop in and go whenever)) VProwl 9:18 pm ((idek if im gonna bring someone ic, go get started)) Blurr 9:20 pm /any. way. Here he is, horrific upgrades and all. Welcome to the pARTY / Whirl 9:20 pm ((ACK, WOULD IT BE easier for you to be IC if i stayed ooc?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm *Soundwave and Rumble drop in, though not before looking into the room with a feeler. It's been a long time. Who knows where certain medics might be roaming by now?* *Coast looks clear-ish. They'll take their seats.* Blurr 9:27 pm / wiggles claws at. He doesn't seem to have many people lingering on the ship this time- the crew is very busy doing their usual business./ VProwl 9:27 pm ((my IC or OOC ness is completely unrelated to anything Whirl does)) Blurr 9:27 pm / though who KNOWS where Ratchet is. Dude is a mystery / Whirl 9:27 pm ((okee dokee, i just wasn't sure, i didn't wanna throw a wrench in the works, sorry)) VProwl 9:27 pm ((prowl stopped coming ages ago. now i can only take constructicons and i don't feel like taking constructicons.)) ((they only come to SOUE to record it for prowl and right now prowl is in full Ask For Nothing At All Ever From The Constructicons mode)) ((so yeah unless i change my mind at the last second im probably only here to watch for myself)) Blurr 9:28 pm (( whenever y'all are ready, I'll start, btw. )) VProwl 9:29 pm ((ready)) Whirl 9:29 pm AIGHT, well, i'm sorry blurr and soundwave & co but there are less people to distract whirl you're going to get Full Force Whirl Presence)) I'm ready, just bout to drag me boy in)) Blurr 9:29 pm (( Do it. )) Whirl 9:29 pm *is just suddenly there in the doorway, blinking slowly. Whirl looks like he’s been dragged backward through a particularly dirty chimney, with most of his plating covered in soot and scorchmarks. Aside from a few superficial scratches and a cracked optic, he actually doesn’t seem to be wounded. The entire weapons array that used to be under his cockpit is just flat-out gone, replaced by a bevy of new accoutrements: a thick collar with the broken end of a restraining pole still dangling from it, two long serial numbers that have been enameled into his stabilizer fins, a handful of broken devices (which seem to be stasis locks and other neutralizing contraptions) cold welded to various parts of his anatomy, and finally, most noticeably, a partially-functioning mode-lock clamped onto his back* Whirl deep breath 9:29 pm Whirl 9:30 pm Any chance I could get one of you to do me a favor? ((A Word Picture is now complete)) Blurr 9:30 pm / snort / I DO owe you one, don't I? What happened to you, hnnh? Get stuck in a jail or something? Whirl 9:31 pm Got it in one. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm *Rumble's up on his feet in an instant.* //What the FRAG-- What favor?// Whirl bobs his head in tired greeting 9:31 pm Whirl 9:31 pm Could someone please get this fragging MODE-LOCK off of me because it's DRIVING ME CRAZY. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm *Soundwave lifts up both feelers. Come over, if Blurr doesn't go over there first.* Whirl 9:34 pm *will trot on over and hunker down a bit so Soundwave can reach it easier. ...not that he probably needs to because Endless Spaghetti Arms but still* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm [[Don't move. He'd rather not lose his tendrils.]] *They're going to poke around and beneath the mode lock to try to figure out how it comes off. Might be a little wiggly in there.* Whirl is now making the exact face that his avatar is making 9:36 pm ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm *In about a minute he'll have it deactivated and pulled off.* [[Hmm. Do you want this?]] Whirl 9:39 pm No. God, no, by all means, just. Obliterate it. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm [[As you wish.]] *Soundwave hands it to Rumble, who is more than happy to punch it to pieces with a couple hits from a piledriver.* *...The ground might shake a little in the process. Sorry bout that, Blurr.* Whirl 9:40 pm *the VERY FIRST thing he tries to do is transform, but there's too many things stuck to him at the moment and he just kind of. Falls over. Lays there for a moment* *caught somewhere between modes* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:41 pm *...Soundwave snaps a pic, silently.*??//Uh. You - you alive?// Whirl 9:43 pm I can't be sure, but I THINK so. *shifts back, and with great dignity, makes his slow way over to the hammock and clambers inside. After a moment he just pokes his head over the side of the hammock* So. How you guys been? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm *Rumble kicks the junked mode lock bits side and sits wher ehe is.* //Pretty good, I guess. Been lookin' into the writin' classes we got on planet. Boss moved to Intelligence insteada the Security Forces. 'N he--// ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm *Soundwave pings him a warning. Rumble resets his vocalizer.* //'N he been doin' good on business. Plus, we found them barnacles. Stickin' themselves to space slugs. Weird scrap.// //But that ain't important. HOW THE FRAG'D THEY CATCH -YOU?-// Blurr 9:48 pm / anyway pretend he zoned out because like I was gone / Whirl 9:49 pm *nods very slowly* Y'know what? Good. Damn good. I--*okay he deserves this yelling* I think someone was tailing me last time I got stuck. Went out to get some stuff for my ship and wham. ...okay it's actually a lot more complicated that "wham" but I got back about... maybe. Six hours ago. I'm a little out of it. Whirl in a sort of permanently half-zoned state, Blurr's in good company 9:50 pm ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *They both shake their head. They never thought they'd see the day.* Whirl 9:50 pm Hey, Teach? If you got any liquid snacks I'm starving. And I'm gonna eat them all. Blurr 9:51 pm Oh, there's plenty. /motions to table/ We just harvested an entire freighter Whirl 9:52 pm I should've called YOU to come get me. *peers resentfully at the snack table. How dare it be so far away. He'll get it in a second* So. I might... *trails off* Blurr 9:52 pm I can get it. I just invested in a new set of legs. Whirl 9:53 pm ((oh my god the sheer amount of innuendo in this is staggering)) Blurr 9:53 pm /smirks/ Oh, me? I would have ADORED to slaughter an entire jail. Whirl 9:53 pm Again? Damn, Teach, you don't waste time. So. *looks to Soundwave and Rumble* I might... be. In a little trouble. My official story is: I fell down a flight of stairs. Blurr 9:54 pm Waste time doing what? Investing in new legs? Whirl 9:55 pm Yep. Blurr 9:56 pm Well, these ones are more suited for me. The speed upgrades work better with these ones. Less burn in the legs, less broken gears. Whirl 9:56 pm BRB!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm //Musta been some damn important stairs.// ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm [[What is it you require?]] Blurr 9:57 pm Stairs are unnecessary... Blurr 9:59 pm (( Olaf would be one amazing cosplayer )) Whirl 10:01 pm Just don't rat me out to the... I dunno. The space police, or whatever. God, the world changed since I was gone. Blurr? Being... RESPONSIBLE? I mgiht not be in the right dimension, after all. Blurr 10:01 pm / snort / Whirl 10:02 pm *he isn't ENTIRELY flippant about this, as much as he likes to pretend he is, and he's also not so oblivious that he doesn't know what he should do next* Hey, Rumble? Could I get you over here a second? Comm's out. ((time to do everything in my power to get salmonella)) Windchill 10:02 pm (( WHY you do this. Are you eating raw eggs. )) Blurr 10:03 pm My profession is literally stealing and piracy. Windchill 10:04 pm (( Oh. )) Blurr 10:04 pm Police are the last mechs on my speed dial list. K-Kyeheeheh. Well, except that one I bribed... / taps chinplate / Think I might have eaten that one, though. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm [[No mech will hear that you have returned unless you explicitly give him permission to tell them. At least, not from his work unit.]] Blurr 10:05 pm (( the fan. I can't )) VProwl 10:05 pm ((the water aside, i would kill for some salmon rn)) Blurr 10:05 pm (( mood )) Whirl 10:05 pm i bequeath my cosmic allowance of salmon to y'all)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm //Yeah! Sure.// *Rumble wasn't sure if he ought to ask about the hammock, but now that he's been invited over, he'll trot that way - and up, if permitted.* Whirl 10:06 pm *just nods to Blurr and Soundwave, closing his optic. Please enjoy his genuine gratitude* Thanks. VProwl 10:08 pm ((eyyyy bob)) Whirl 10:08 pm *will absolutely help Rumble up and shift so he can get comfortable. He speaks very softly, garnering as much privacy as he can without comms* Sorry for not calling. I wasn't able to get a message out. Blurr 10:08 pm (( I would wear this costume for years ) Whirl 10:08 pm this would be a fantastic cosplay)) Blurr 10:08 pm ( the eyes bobble. I'm screaming ) VProwl 10:09 pm ((every time he says sallmun)) Blurr 10:10 pm ((( I can't. )) Whirl 10:10 pm kdl;de)) u right)) Windchill 10:11 pm *Appears to ruin the evening, sorry y'all.* Blurr 10:12 pm / wiggles claws in a wave. / Windchill 10:12 pm ((Plunger...harpoons? )) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm *Good thing it's Rumble and not Frenzy, or else there'd be no privacy whatsoever. Rumble whispers just fine, and Soundwave pretends not to still be able to hear it.* //Hey, nah. Nah. 'S okay. Jus' - glad ya ain't there no more, y'know? 'N anybody's sorry, it's me, on account of we wasn't no help to ya.// ((this food is so vile)) Blurr 10:13 pm ( blegh ) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm *Soundwave bobs his helm at Windchill.* Windchill 10:14 pm *Waves dramatically.* Blurr 10:16 pm Honestly, he's terrible at assassinating people. Honestly. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm ((those teeth are creeping me out)) Blurr 10:17 pm (( they're like way too white )) Whirl 10:17 pm So'm I. *shakes his head a little* Nothing you could've done. Nothing anybody could've done, except me. And I did it. *shifts a little--he might be curling up around Rumble just a little. Just a little* I gotta say, though, Teach--advice for life. Whirl raises his head when he senses Windchill, and gives a very nonchalant nod. "Sup?" 10:17 pm Blurr 10:17 pm Advice for life? You're giving /me/ advice? I suppose I'll listen to yours. VProwl 10:18 pm ((im remembering that post about how tfp starscream's human form would definitely be count olaf)) ((i can absolutely see him performing this song)) ((exactly this way)) Whirl 10:18 pm No, I was saying, the song is advice for life. I might be a little rattled but I'm well aware what it would look like if I gave you advice. Right now. SHINT)) Blurr 10:19 pm Aw, come on. Advice from you is probably the most logical advice I ever hear. Aside from... well. Drift's. His advice is pretty great. Windchill 10:19 pm *Squints at the crispy weirdo that looks like it might have once been...a Whirl.* Whirl 10:20 pm You can never tell him I said this--ANY of you--but... you're not completely wrong, Teach. Blurr 10:20 pm / smirks and wiggles claws in the air slightly / Of course not. I'm an educator, not usually wrong. /is wrong a lot tbh/ ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm *Rumble notices and oh-so-slowly-and-carefully readjusts a leg so it's bumped up against Whirl a little more.* //Listen - Frenzy's still learnin' medic stuff. If y'need help gettin' all that slag off, we maybe could try.// ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm //Welp, they're gonna die.// Whirl 10:25 pm Yeah, I might take you up on that. Most of it's not dug in, it's slapped on. Like... glued. But with metal. Except for the thing-- *wiggles one of his fins irritably* Looks worse'n it is. Blurr 10:25 pm You know, Whirl... I'm just saying. I've got a medic that really likes your anatomical makeup. He'd be willing to put you back together and then some. / Piston misses you / Whirl 10:26 pm Oh, PLEASE send Piston after me. I've got half a year's worth of pent-up frustration and I'd LOVE to get it out of my system. Blurr 10:27 pm Oye... no hurting my mortician. Despite his usually... eh. /shrugs/ weird? personality, he's actually quite useful. Windchill 10:28 pm *Sits his giant BUTT on the floor, finally.* Whirl 10:28 pm I'm sure to SOME folks. *peers peevishly at Blurr* Piston just better keep his distance. But in all seriousness, I'm not really hurt. Blurr 10:29 pm Yes, but Piston COULD help fix... everything else. Whirl 10:29 pm Oh shit, was that an earthquake? Oh, wait. No. It was just YOU. *zoops his head out of the hammock to stare accustingly at Windchill* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:29 pm //Maybe I oughta stick a pair of Windchill afts where my piledrivers go.// Blurr 10:29 pm K-Kyeheheh. Windchill 10:29 pm *Would retract his head sheepishly, but his collar doesn't allow it. He just bobs his head stupidly instead.* Don't be mean to me. Blurr 10:30 pm You know, it was an offer of absolute honesty. I wouldn't let Piston do anything... odd. He's a bit in a good mood- you're way off his radar. Whirl 10:30 pm You'd be too POWERFUL, Rumble. Windchill 10:30 pm ...This is true. Whirl 10:31 pm Being mean is just how I show affection. Blurr 10:31 pm It's the best way, honestly. Whirl 10:31 pm And... thanks, Teach. I think I'll let Frenzy handle that bit. But, if you're in the mood to hand out favors... mind if I crash here tonight? Windchill 10:31 pm *Shrugs.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm //Yer right. Can't get too strong. Don't want Devastator gettin' jealous of my strength.// Windchill 10:32 pm ...Why not? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm *Soundwave just huffs. Good thing the Constructicons weren't here to hear that.* Whirl 10:32 pm Well now we know what we need to do if we ever got to defeat Devastator. Blurr 10:32 pm /hums and drums claws together/ Well, I suppose we could spare a room. /snort/ Joking. K-Kyeheheheh. Of course you can! You can stay in one of the more suited rooms- furthest from Piston. Windchill 10:33 pm *We need to duplicate his butt and weld them to Rumble's hands?* Whirl 10:33 pm In all seriousness, though... *bobs his head at Windchill again; please enjoy a moment of sincerity* Good to see you. Windchill 10:33 pm Oh yeah? You look like poo. Whirl nods 10:34 pm Whirl 10:34 pm I fell down a flight of stairs. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm ((I FINALLY JUST FIGURED OUT WHO ESME'S ACTRESS IS)) ((that's been bothering me all night)) Whirl 10:35 pm she's been in a lot of stuff! Ella Enchanted, The 10th Kingdom)) Windchill 10:35 pm *Kind of just...looks Whirl up and down with his good eye. The other one is watching the show.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm ((yeah, Sally Peep, heh)) Windchill 10:35 pm Must have been hella stairs. I believe it. Whirl 10:35 pm ((she's such a patoot)) Whirl nods gravely. "It was." 10:35 pm Whirl 10:36 pm Actually I got caught. And had to bust my way out. Which, as you can see... did. But the stairs is my official story. If you don't mind, Teach, I was just going to. Not leave this hammock until tomorrow. VProwl 10:37 pm ((that baby is such a great actor)) Windchill 10:37 pm Ah. Blurr 10:37 pm I suppose. You could do that, too. Windchill 10:37 pm Well. Whirl 10:37 pm she really is, tbh)) Whirl is now going to reach over to those drinks Blurr brought near and start drinking. Just tossing his head back again and again. Like some kind of bobbing bird. LIKE A MACHINE. These snacks don't stand a chance. 10:39 pm Windchill 10:40 pm *Gasps with sudden realization.* Whirl...LIED to me about hella stairs. To my very face. Whirl 10:41 pm *doesn't stop drinking, even while he answers* NO. Surely not. Doesn't sound like WHIRL. Windchill 10:41 pm Yes it does. *Points accusingly.* Whirl pauses just long enough to look innocent. And then goes back to drinking 10:42 pm Windchill 10:43 pm *Slowly lowers his claw.* I'll forgive it...this time. Blurr 10:44 pm how merciful. Windchill 10:46 pm But ONLY, *he lifts his claw imperiously* because I missed the perpetrator of these foul untruths. Whirl finally finishes his marathon run on these snacks 10:46 pm Whirl 10:46 pm Yeah. You just missed him, too. Windchill 10:46 pm Shut up, butthole. Whirl 10:47 pm What's it saying? Windchill 10:48 pm Pure LIES. And hot air. Whirl 10:49 pm Hmm. I believe it. Windchill 10:49 pm Good, you can trust me. *Maybe.* Windchill 10:51 pm *But probably not.* Whirl 10:51 pm *DOUBTFUL* Windchill 10:51 pm *Smiles and flutters his lashes innocently.* Whirl *he un-zoops and retreats back to the sanctity of the hammock* How's the little wriggler doing? 10:51 pm Whirl 10:51 pm ...welp)) Windchill 10:52 pm Little? Whirl 10:53 pm Okay, fair, how's your gargantuan offspring doing? Windchill 10:54 pm That's more like it. She's fat. Whirl 10:54 pm Once I take care of my... whole. Everything, I'll try and swing by. Windchill 10:55 pm Eh, she'd probably recognize you, even looking like that. Whirl 10:55 pm Sadly, I didn't pick up any new and exciting foul language in prison. As unlikely as that sounds. Windchill 10:55 pm I'm shocked. Whirl 10:57 pm Yeah. Apparently I'm *huge claw air-quotes* "Too unruly" and "a danger to myself and others" so I spent a good amount of time out of it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm //Puh. Jus' means they were big cowards.// *Mutter mutter.* Whirl 10:58 pm *snorts* More or less. ...but if you get locked up, I mean. Worse ways to spend it than unconscious. Windchill 10:59 pm I...guess? I mean, I can vouch for that. *Shrugs helplessly.* Whirl 10:59 pm *one-armed shrug in return* And speaking of unconscious I'm... probably not gonna make it through whatever you guys decide to watch next, so. If I fall asleep don't wake me up. Blurr 11:00 pm Piston might. IF you're lucky. Windchill 11:00 pm Good night, sweet prince. I'll knock you out right now if you want. Whirl 11:01 pm Yeah, well, it'll be unlucky for HIM. *hunkers down in the hammock* Thank you, sweet princess, but I think I'm good. And, yeah. I said it, and yeah, I'm gonna say it again, and if any of you guys give me slag about it I'll make you regret it but--good to see you all again. All of you. *Rumble gets an additional nudge* Windchill 11:02 pm You say that now. Blurr 11:03 pm / smirks and wiggles claws at Whirl / Good to see you, too. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:05 pm //No slag, promise. Not about that, anyhow. Gotta pick somethin' better.// *Snickers and nudges back.* Whirl 11:05 pm *snorts at Windchill--it's a genuine laugh. You earned it, big guy* I come back, Rumble, and already you're threatening me. *shakes head mock-dramatically* It's good to be... well. Not home. But whatever this is. Windchill 11:06 pm *More LIES.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm *Looks around.* //A ship, I think. Either that or a big ol' rusty bucket.// Whirl 11:07 pm Well I was referring to this dimension's Cybertron and surrounding affiliated areas but that works. Blurr 11:07 pm Excuse me? Windchill 11:07 pm *Rolls onto his knees. Turns out his giant butt offers little to no cushioning on floors.* Blurr 11:07 pm It's a /great/ ship. And right now, we're not very far from a quadrant that is radiating a power source that I simply /must/ have. Windchill 11:10 pm *Okay, hands and knees. Getting up is hard.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:10 pm //You 'n them treasures, pffff. Somebody's gonna trap ya with a fake one day.// *Whispering again:* //Psss. Whirl. Y'want the hammock all to your own self, or's it okay I maybe don't go?// ItsyBitsySpyers 11:10 pm [[Do you need help, Windchill?]] Whirl 11:11 pm Someone, please help Old Man Windchill over here. Windchill 11:11 pm Do NOT. Whirl 11:11 pm DO. Windchill 11:11 pm If I want help I'll ask. I'm a big boy. Whirl 11:11 pm Well OBVIOUSLY. Windchill 11:11 pm But it's funnier this way. Blurr 11:11 pm K-Kyeheheheh. Someone already TRIED to. They missed me, obviously. /wiggles claws/ Besides, this is the real deal. Something genuinely powerful and strong. Whirl 11:11 pm *and lowers his head to whisper back* I'd... like it, if you stayed. Blurr 11:11 pm It radiates across the wavelengths with extremely strong waves... plus, I think it might be something unique. Windchill 11:13 pm *Grunts and deliberately makes a spectacle of getting up, employing as many ungodly creaks as possible since he's been CALLED OUT.* *You must all suffer for it.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:14 pm *Soundwave just turns his audio receptors down. It's easier.* Whirl 11:14 pm Gnight, loser. I'll call you up when my comms are working again. Windchill 11:14 pm Who...me? Whirl 11:14 pm Yes, you. Blurr 11:14 pm /cackling at Windchill because wow how obnoxious, he loves it / Windchill 11:14 pm Fuck you, Whirl. But okay. Blurr 11:14 pm You know, Whirl, Blaster could get your comms working. You just have to deal with his ... idiocy. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm *He'll trust Rumble with Whirl on this ship for one night. May any wayward "doctors" be crab-pinched to pieces if they come creeping up with laser scalpels in hand.* Whirl 11:15 pm Not likely, you oversized antique. Windchill 11:15 pm *Gasps and clutches imaginary pearls.* Blurr 11:15 pm / Blurr will ensure none of them die overnight / Blurr 11:16 pm You know, you could all stay over , if you'd like. We won't reach the site until late tomorrow. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm *Rumble just nods and settles back in. He's not tired, himself, but it's kinda - nice. Been forever.* Whirl 11:16 pm Mmmmaybe. I'll come bug you about it in the morning. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm [[Ah, no. He has work. It piles up quickly as of late.]] *Up Soundwave gets, with less creaking and clanking than Windchill. He'll be on his way in seconds.* Blurr 11:17 pm Ah. I see. Well, whenever you want to visit. Windchill 11:17 pm *Appears to be thinking really hard if the sudden appearance of stress lines around his optics are any indication.* Blurr 11:17 pm ... You good? / he can't have a lift one eyebrow expression, but he can try. It just looks like murderous staring / Whirl 11:18 pm god bless blurr for trying omfg)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:18 pm ((LOL BLURR)) Blurr 11:18 pm (( hE HAS ONE EYE OKAY )) ( GSDNBFKDAFN )) (( He just. He can't lift an optic ridge- he's missing that piece on the other side. So it just looks. So bad bfkjdsfbadsj ) Whirl bobs his head in farewell to Soundwave, Windchill, and Blurr. and hunkers back down. Whirl is sleep. 11:19 pm Whirl 11:19 pm that's why we lovim)) Windchill 11:19 pm I'm leaving. Blurr 11:19 pm (( I feel like Whirl gets his expressions )) Whirl raises a claw but doesn't open his optic. Clicks it like a castanet. 11:19 pm Blurr 11:19 pm ... Pity. Well, next time you'd like to visit, I'll clear the bridge for you. And if you're good at tearing mechs apart, maybe you'll get lucky and find us on a good day. Whirl 11:20 pm if anyone would, I feel like it'd be Whirl)) Blurr 11:20 pm (( Whirl and Drift for sure )) Windchill 11:20 pm *Shrugs.* I have worms. Whirl 11:20 pm he knows a thing or two about making do with limited facial expression capabilities)) Blurr 11:20 pm (( I feel like Drift kinda "I THINK he's confused but he might just be angry. Or both.' )) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:20 pm ((OF ALL THE RECORDINGS SOUNDWAVE COULD MISS IT WAS "I HAVE WORMS")) Blurr 11:21 pm ... That's... nice? Whirl 11:21 pm ((HAHAHAH)) Blurr 11:21 pm (( LMAOOO ) / squinting. Drums claws together / Well, have... fun with that? Windchill 11:21 pm (( I'm sorry it was spontaneous. )) I have ONE WORM, *this clarification requires yelling and the puffing out of chest armour.* *And it doesn't make it any better.* Blurr 11:22 pm Why are you yelling? I have one optic, not one audial. Windchill 11:22 pm Because I can and no-one can really stop me. Blurr 11:22 pm ... Bet? Whirl 11:23 pm *still doesn't open his optic, but calls out, muffled* I taught his worm to cuss. Windchill 11:23 pm I only gamble with my life. Blurr 11:23 pm W-what else are you supposed to gamble with? Windchill 11:23 pm ...Most folks settle for money or material goods. Pride, maybe. Blurr 11:23 pm ... Ew. Where's the fun in that? Windchill 11:23 pm *He has none of those so life it is.* Blurr 11:23 pm / glances at Whirl/ You what the who now? Blurr 11:24 pm We /motions to self and adjacent space around him/ are confused. Whirl 11:24 pm I taught his worm to cuss. She beeps. Zori was my accomplice. Blurr 11:24 pm Ah... much better. Windchill 11:24 pm Yeah. Only words she knows are cuss words. And "wub." Blurr 11:24 pm ..Huh. Whirl 11:24 pm *now DOES lift his head, briefly* I'm wub. Blurr 11:24 pm I don't think I've taught Oberyn anything new lately... except not to bite 'Buster. Whirl conks it back down and curls up a little more 11:24 pm Blurr 11:25 pm Well, I wouldn't want to keep you from your... worm. Windchill 11:25 pm Anyway. I'm gonna pretend to not know what tearing mechs apart on good days means, because it's convenient in the short term. My worm, yes. I must return to my worm. Blurr 11:26 pm Well... go on. / waves claws / I have relics to steal. Windchill 11:26 pm *Well, she'd be fine with Chill's better half for an evening, but MORE importantly:* Yeah. Whirl's not gonna get any rest with me here. I must go. *Have another dramatic wave.* Whirl 11:27 pm Joke's on you, I'm already asleep. *muffled* Windchill 11:28 pm You say that now, I'm leaving before I get REALLY obnoxious. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm //Somehow I ain't even tryin' to sleep 'n I been the quietest one outta all you.// *Muffled laugh into his arm.* Windchill 11:28 pm *It's for your own good, Whirl. Easier to avoid embarrassing you with physical contact if Chill's not there.* Whirl 11:29 pm Well, it's not hard to be the quietest one when I'm in the room. ...but I'm still asleep. Windchill 11:29 pm *He is thinking of u, it's just hard to tell.* I'm sick and tired of your lies. *Turns to leave for real, but blows a kiss over his shoulder.* Bye, suckers. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm //Seeya.// Whirl 11:30 pm Later, loser. Blurr 11:30 pm / wiggles claws/ See you Blurr 11:31 pm (( lemme know when I can close chat. )) Windchill 11:31 pm *Just for that you get a loud raspberry sound before he vanishes. His final revenge.* Whirl 11:32 pm I'm done! o7)) Windchill 11:32 pm (( same lol )) Blurr 11:33 pm ( kay i close room now ) Windchill 11:33 pm (( o7 )) Blurr 11:33 pm ( unless somoene is logging ) VProwl 11:33 pm ((i can stop logging when y'all stop making last-minute comments))
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hgfstreamchats · 3 years
highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:04 PM Hello there! thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:05 PM Oh! I honestly thought this was next week. costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:05 PM I saw the invite i guess! highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:05 PM Last week of pride month, last opportunity before pride is forbidden once again. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:05 PM Good point! Let's have a gay old time.
costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:06 PM this is my SECOND ever time being on a stream and probably gonna be the first where i can hear anything Mimic — Yesterday at 10:08 PM may our technical difficulties be non existent this night~ highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:08 PM Fingers firmly crossed. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:08 PM Alright, off we go! costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:10 PM just to confirm: there is no audio yet highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:11 PM How about now? thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:11 PM Seems to be working alright, audio's fine Mimic — Yesterday at 10:11 PM I hear it~ costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:11 PM uhhhhhh whelp guess i'm doomed Mimic — Yesterday at 10:11 PM do you have discord muted? thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:11 PM Well, damn. Maybe you could open it in your own browser and watch alongside? costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:12 PM okay now it's a bit loud what i am hearing: Whateverthatsingingwas- EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:13 PM Better? costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:13 PM now it is for now thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:14 PM ohoho costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:14 PM wait no it was better for a second back to the sound of a million insecticon wings singing into my ear highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:14 PM Is anyone else having trouble? thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:14 PM It sounds fine to me Mimic — Yesterday at 10:14 PM same costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:15 PM okay i gave in and plugged my headphones directly in no lazily leaning back, feet on my desk for this stream yeah it works perfectly now thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:17 PM I'm surprised it's functioning underwater! costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:17 PM i mean it is mechanical also is the blue fish oh okay there's plot now so are the smaller fish like their aquatic version of sheep TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:18 PM Ayup costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:19 PM also they will be here to do murders thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:19 PM not to nitpick but how does she know what sweat is TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:19 PM OH SHIT I HAVENT SEEN THIS MOVIE costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:19 PM well you could taste the salt smaller issue: the audio and video are desynched for me TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:20 PM Just by a half sec costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:20 PM wait it fixed itself knockout like the nanosecond before you refreshed it fixed itself for me TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:21 PM F costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:21 PM WHY DID I SAY ANYTHING TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:21 PM big oof costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:21 PM i am so sorry thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:22 PM Discord is just like that. TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:23 PM Wish I wasnt nervous to talk bc I bet if I popped in I'd scare em costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:23 PM the blue fish beings? wait idea erase like the file name and stuff and go to just streamzz the basic website and see if that has a search function whelp the tech issues are real am i allowed to change my nickname to something shorter on this server TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:26 PM I love how in one server we gonna watch Luca and in another server we're talking about how N@zis influenced modern capitalism duality of man costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:27 PM ...??? thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:27 PM no rule about NOT changing your nickname! costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:27 PM hey my true form achieved i am now costco TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:28 PM yes highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:29 PM Streams were everywhere a week ago. TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:29 PM Damn you Disney costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:29 PM i guess disney has a sleeper agent and had them sniff out the precise day of the thurday high gloss picture show to specifically remove the streams today only TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:30 PM Disney is pretty evil costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:30 PM oh yeah they very much fucked up american popular culture for about, 50 years, give or take. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:30 PM Wait, did the source seriously just become unavailable just now? TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:30 PM Oof costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:30 PM OH YEAH IT DID. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:30 PM Oh my god highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:30 PM Because I refreshed it. TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:30 PM BRUH highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:30 PM In an attempt to fix it. costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:31 PM and it made it infinitely worse thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:31 PM Well, I'm sure if you hadn't refreshed it, it would have... suddenly stopped as soon as it got to whatever point it had buffered to. costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:31 PM probably TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:31 PM Have a pic of my kitten and dog snugglin to cheer y'all up
thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:31 PM Probably in the middle of some really intense and emotional scene costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:32 PM awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww kitten and also dog TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:32 PM Kitten is named Loki Doggo is Midnight Mimic — Yesterday at 10:32 PM awwww I have two doggos myself costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:32 PM take these three kittens as well
TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:32 PM I have two doggos too!! highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:33 PM Is everyone seeing it now? thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:33 PM Oh!  You found it? TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:33 PM YEAH thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:33 PM I see it TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:33 PM And it's synced well nevermind Mimic — Yesterday at 10:33 PM I see it! costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:33 PM IT IS PERFECT it must be perfect there are no dogs in the dog park the discord stream is perfect there are no dogs in the dog park thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:34 PM Oh, that'll make him stop being curious! TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:34 PM Btw here's my other dog chillin with Loki
thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:34 PM awwww costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:34 PM AWWWWWWWWWWW TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:34 PM He's partly hairless looks like a rat my special boy thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:35 PM aaaaaaaaaa costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:35 PM Trivia Fact: My parents tried to take the kittens to a shelter (which, while sad, was probably the best option seeing as how with us the best option is being outdoor cats) and well thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:35 PM "that's mine!  I found it lying on the ground!" costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:35 PM the kittens won thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:35 PM OH MAN costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:35 PM sfdjigsfgfhshd highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:36 PM I'm sure none of this is allegorical for anything. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:36 PM Oh wow TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:36 PM Same with my dad we found em without a mom behind his car shop and the kittens pawed at his face Mimic — Yesterday at 10:36 PM my doggos TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:36 PM Also good dogs costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:37 PM okay that got me the fish baaing also got me TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:37 PM MUTE THYSELF NEW PERSON Tis law costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:37 PM YES Soulsteel — Yesterday at 10:37 PM Whoops! highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:37 PM It's really not, just what we all generally do. Mimic — Yesterday at 10:38 PM "THIS REPLICA IS INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM THE REAL THING" thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:38 PM man, the land is so beautifully rendered costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:38 PM well yes but that MAKES it the law TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:38 PM Lmao costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:39 PM "walking is like swimming except it isn't anything like swimming, so it's just like swimming." Soulsteel — Yesterday at 10:39 PM Common law, maybe, but you'd have to test it in courts first. costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:39 PM who would be my fellow prosecutor TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:40 PM Am swallowing down cheese sticks thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:40 PM Oh my god kid, how are you not dead costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:40 PM swallowing these cheese sticks like luca swallowed that bug TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:40 PM Lol costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:40 PM man i love cheese sticks TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:40 PM So good costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:41 PM wait like the individually wrapped ones that you eat cold or the ones with breading that you deep fry TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:41 PM Cold costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:41 PM yknow to be fair both are amazing Mimic — Yesterday at 10:41 PM I thought those were called cheese strings TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:41 PM N-No costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:41 PM string cheese TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:41 PM I also love fried yuca costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:42 PM One Hour Later thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:42 PM ikr costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:42 PM Forty Five Minutes Later However Long LAter Mimic — Yesterday at 10:42 PM oh, right, can you tell I haven't set foot in a convenience store since the health advisories started thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:42 PM he's going to be in so much trouble TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:42 PM cute ngl costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:42 PM AHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:42 PM sdlakfjlsdf costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:42 PM "Somewhere" thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:42 PM thanks granny costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:42 PM oh sea cucumbers thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:43 PM She Knows TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:43 PM Grandma og costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:43 PM good save granny TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:43 PM Bless Abuela costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:43 PM they're going to crash onto rocks and promptly cease to exist thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:43 PM askdflaks TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:43 PM lol costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:44 PM this music reminds me of spongebob ukelele music TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:45 PM uh oh thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:45 PM uh ohhhhh costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:45 PM uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:45 PM CUTE costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:45 PM the dual pompadours ah so they're luca and alberto thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:46 PM is that his dad's name costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:46 PM probably and off to space they go aw nevermind thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:47 PM pfffffff and so much more made up, too TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:47 PM Oh lol he saw it in a pond costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:48 PM if hearing your dad tell you about something makes you an expert what does that make the dad TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 10:48 PM OH THIS IS CUTE costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:48 PM NYOOOOOOOOOOOM thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:48 PM SO cute costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:48 PM ah look arcees smaller cousins frolicking in the light hey has the mitchells vs the machines been streamed before highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:49 PM Not yet. I missed Arcee's smaller cousins. costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:49 PM aw highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:49 PM There they were! costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:49 PM yes you deserve to see them thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:52 PM OR he could run away to the surface with his new friend, forever, because you decided to do this costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:52 PM yes exactly like thats always problem number 1 with plan that: the kid could just run away FOREVER now like he already thinks he's safe up there okay so is it only the wet bits that are fishy? highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:54 PM Correct. costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:54 PM seems fishy to me thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:56 PM Where did he even "learn" that bit ...So are they like.  Vegetarians? What are they keeping the sheepfish for? costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:57 PM fish wool thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:57 PM oh they are STEALING that vespa costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:57 PM that guy is so chief bad guy thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:58 PM Gotta make us happy about his vespa getting stolen! costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:58 PM also is it just me or does he sound vaguely french thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:58 PM OH NO costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:58 PM RUH ROH SAVED thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:59 PM "with the rest of the fish" costcobabble — Yesterday at 10:59 PM yep chief bad guy thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:00 PM "so what is... commerce" Well, they can swim, for sure! costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:01 PM did she STOP sounding italian or did she never sound italian? highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:02 PM She only speaks Italian or with an accent when it's marketable. costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:03 PM ah yes. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:03 PM oh yeah, definitely, great life So is she gonna be pissed when she finds out that the kids avoiding swimming are fishpeople costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:04 PM ADFSDFFAHSGSDFGSDG definitely TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 11:04 PM Lmao costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:05 PM also wow that guy is big TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 11:05 PM Best size of guy thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:05 PM just go for it costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:05 PM they're both just feral entirely feral TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 11:06 PM Currently browsing furniture in another tab lol costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:06 PM yknow that's what ive never gotten like why do fishpeople hate humans for fishing fish eat eachother all the time thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:07 PM yeah costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:07 PM sharks day job is murder why do they freak about fishing? TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 11:07 PM maybe the humans encroached on their land and started mass fishing, depleting the fish ppl's resources costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:08 PM okay yeah but they're freaked out by even regular fishing thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:08 PM They leap right to "they'll kill and eat US" TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 11:08 PM prob just paranoid costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:09 PM poinr thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:09 PM "WE'RE REGULAR HUMANS JUST LIKE YOU WE'RE NOT FISHPEOPLE" costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:10 PM other thought: there is exactly no scenario in which killing one of the sea monsters goes well for anyone thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:12 PM Man the parents just went RIGHT to the human city If the kids had stayed in the tower they wouldn't've been found costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:12 PM i audibly said 'oh no'. Mimic — Yesterday at 11:12 PM yuuuup costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:12 PM other issue: sea people can't recognize eachother in human form thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:12 PM ikr costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:13 PM if they allow that nerd to use his vespa in the race i riot thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:13 PM That is one old sixteen-year-old kick his ass! costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:14 PM KICK HIS AFT thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:14 PM Hey kids, guess what's right at punching height for you costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:14 PM hey fish lore claps highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:14 PM Hah! thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:15 PM Just saying. costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:16 PM SMACK HIM WITH AN OAR thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:18 PM Wait so their cunning plan to find their kid is to expose him as a fishperson in front of a bunch of humans? Mimic — Yesterday at 11:19 PM apparently?! thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:19 PM I think they didn't think that through costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:19 PM A foolproof plan, with no flaws except those few glaringly obvious ones. ignore those, it works for us thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:20 PM awwww "so... where are you from really? awwww costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:22 PM v cute when are things going to spiral downhill? thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:23 PM Very soon, I'm thinking What's his beef with their new friend :frowning: highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:24 PM Isn't it obvious? Mimic — Yesterday at 11:24 PM jeeeeeerk thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:28 PM Probably on my end, then costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:28 PM if disney steals our movie i riot i mean yes its also like that for me thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:29 PM Uh oh. costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:29 PM i'M GONNA RIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:29 PM f in chat highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:29 PM Sigh. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:29 PM If worst comes to worst, we can finish it another day highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:30 PM Pit to that, I refuse to let them win. Maybe that's why it was stuttering. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:31 PM Yeah. :S Do you have something that lets you save/download these?  Might work better to do that, then play it in another player instead of in browser ...I mean, once you find another one TheAlienTazer — Yesterday at 11:32 PM I'm passing out ya'll Imma sleep thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:32 PM Goodnight! costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:32 PM i refuse to let it win also thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:33 PM There we go! Mimic — Yesterday at 11:33 PM there we go! costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:33 PM AW I'M GETTING A DRINK thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:34 PM awwww man "hypothetically" OH BOY OH SHIT costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:35 PM OH NOESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS okay good they have the aim of stormtroopers highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:36 PM You never forget your first devastating, dramatic newbuild love entanglement. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:36 PM "he left forever, for no reason" "you are literally my only friends, but you will die here" costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:37 PM how the heck do they dry so fast thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:38 PM gotta be part of the magic costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:38 PM they're like sponges shlurp highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:38 PM The same magic that puts together a tasteful wardrobe. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:39 PM oof But... why did this require splitting up costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:42 PM i 'unno thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:43 PM oh my god he's just RUNNING along the bottom but how can they confirm that he took the route he was supposed to I mean, they're supposed to go all the way to the anchor thing and nobody saw him do that costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:44 PM UH OH thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:45 PM UH OH costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:45 PM rAIN THAT IS WHY I SAID UH OH thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:45 PM OH MAN OH MAN NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO WIN while he's fucking around costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:46 PM YEAS WIN BOY thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:47 PM HA !!! WOO "oh they're just some kids" costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:49 PM i wonder who bruno actually is thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:49 PM Now steal his vespa. costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:50 PM OH RIGHT STEAL THE VESPA STEAL THE VESPA CRIME TIME!!! thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:50 PM !! d'awwwww costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:51 PM wait why aren't they becoming human DRY you fools thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:52 PM I think it's.... still raining a bit? awwwwwwwwwwwww costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:54 PM ah yes he needs you highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:54 PM "It's fine that you don't know how to read." Mimic — Yesterday at 11:54 PM friiiiiiends thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:54 PM awwwwwww at least he's not going to be alone costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:55 PM aggresively awwws thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:56 PM That was incredibly sweet, despite the mouse's best efforts.  Thank you! costcobabble — Yesterday at 11:57 PM if you ever decide to step on more organics i think you know which would be preferred. anyways yeah this was very nice, i need to show up for more of these! thenightetc2 — Today at 12:02 AM congrats to Alberto for new, caring dad costcobabble — Today at 12:04 AM dshgsdsg thenightetc2 — Today at 12:04 AM who will feed him pasta and not abandon him highglossfinish — Today at 12:04 AM Good for him! costcobabble — Today at 12:04 AM Mhm! highglossfinish — Today at 12:06 AM That's all I've got for you tonight, but thank you for coming! And soldiering through the technical difficulties. thenightetc2 — Today at 12:06 AM thank YOU for hosting! That really was marvelous. costcobabble — Today at 12:06 AM sorry for my big mouth making you refresh the page Starscream — Today at 12:06 AM dang i didnt know you had another stream today costcobabble — Today at 12:06 AM oh hi Starscream — Today at 12:06 AM mind doing discord tags for next time? Mimic — Today at 12:06 AM thank you, that was sweet~ costcobabble — Today at 12:07 AM oh yeah like, a ping role or something would be sweet highglossfinish — Today at 12:07 AM October and June are the months when we do more frequent streams. thenightetc2 — Today at 12:07 AM You could just do @ everyone costcobabble — Today at 12:07 AM are streams like requested? highglossfinish — Today at 12:08 AM Yes, but no one likes @ everyone. I'll come up with some sort of ping role. costcobabble — Today at 12:08 AM as in do we ask for what to stream or do you just pick whatever suits you fancy highglossfinish — Today at 12:09 AM There we are. I can't promise I'll stream every suggestion, but there's a new channel for it now. Starscream — Today at 12:09 AM thanks for having a future ping role! Sharpwing — Today at 12:12 AM Hi and goodnight! I couldn't join tonight, but I wanted to say hello anyway :relaxed: highglossfinish — Today at 12:12 AM Hello there! Sharpwing — Today at 12:13 AM Hi! Any plans for next time, or is that undecided as of yet? highglossfinish — Today at 12:15 AM Possibly Mitchells vs. the Machines. costcobabble — Today at 12:16 AM i would buy a manufacturing facility and have it solely make your favorite polishing products and gloss if you played that I'm unsure Precisely what you need to keep yourself so shiny but whatever it is I'll work on it thenightetc2 — Today at 12:17 AM Carnauba wax? Sharpwing — Today at 12:17 AM Oooh, I've been planning to watch that! I'll do my best to drop in exactly on time (I probably can't, but I'm gonna try.) Thank you! costcobabble — Today at 12:19 AM yes sure that highglossfinish — Today at 12:19 AM It's the best one can hope to find these days.
0 notes
lordamenxra · 3 years
Here's another thing... I don't want #SamuelDNaples or anyone in the city of Youngstown or the #YoungstownBoardOfEducation or #YoungstownMunicipalCourt or #TomCopeland or #YoungstownRotaryClub or #ChaneyHighschool to ever talk about my morals or dealings with porn or bdsm when me and another friend saw one of my vice principals of #ChaneyHighschool in 2006 coming out of the strip club on 46 as me and my friend were going into the porn shop next to it. While in the porn shop the same night (After me and my friend jerked each other off in the booth while watching both straight and gay porn)... I saw my coach from #MCTA grabbing some sex toys and gay porn as we came out the booth area.
So please tell me what #YoungstownPoliceDepartment #SamuelDNaples and #AnitaDavis have to say for themselves in targeting me? Why is #SamuelDNaples and #TomCopeland so focused on my sexuality?
While the battalion cheifs#SilvarioCaggianos Daughter #ChelseaCaggiano of the #YoungstownFireDepartment has been to both #CondomNation ( I only found out about condom nation from my teacher #JeffAlberini while I was taking multimedia @ #ChoffinCareerCenter ) and the porn shop that used to be next door buying porn toys and strap ons and bdsm gear to fuck. Also she constantly brags about how she loves black pussy. And she dated #JaquelaTemor... And Chelsea claims she fucked one of our teachers from Chaney Highschool...
So please tell me why would #SamuelDNaples #TheHiddenPath and #NickForgac
been so stupid and hypocritical enough to start an investigation on me? Cause bitch I know everyone's business in this fucking city and you should have stayed the fuck out of mine instead of listening to #NickForgacs lying ass and #thehiddenpath trying to set people up.
Shut the fuck up about me and trying to set me up and maybe none of this would have conspired. Cause its a whole Lotta people that hate #SamuelDNaples and #NickForgac and #TomCopeland right now!
Death to all of you being hypocrites against me on this city!
Ill continue to be my kinky damn self thank you very much! Since my teachers and principals and martial arts instructors are freaks too. I'll continue to fuck and fuck and fuck all over the damn city if I want!
Thank you #ChaneyHighschool and #MCTA and the #YoungstownCityFireDepartment for turning me into a freak then attempting to expose it! Now y'all exposed your damn selves...
There is a price to pay when you cross me!
Then #NickForgacs dad made a joke about fucking "crustychristy" and said he might have been in the car fucking her to his own son and he's like 50 something and she was only 18 or 19 at the time yet #NickForgac claims I'm a pedophile? His own dad basically called himself a pedophile and made it known he likes young girls. And #StephenHagelis step dad made a joke about fucking me and #ChelseaMiller on the trampoline while his wife Steve's mom was inside...
So please please tell me how any of these fucking people can say a goddamn thing about me or my morals?
#NickForgac (After going back to his boyfriend #TomLangland who I ended up putting a curse on and hope he's dead!) : "I been letting you get away with this behavior." First off monkey bitch we ain't in any type of relationship for you to be claiming anything about my behavior! 2nd... What about your fathers pedophile behavior telling you to your face that he may have fucked your 19 year old friend and not only said it to you... But said it to #BriannaForgac #ChelseaMiller #StephenHagelis and whoever else was in the living room that night.
So #NickForgac can kiss my Kinky black ass! Maybe I'm learning some of your fathers behavior bitch! You even told me he had a double ended dildo in his closet! See... That's what you get bitch!
That's what all of you hypocrites get for calling me a rapist and pedophile!
If #ChelseaCaggiano fucked one of her teachers at #ChaneyHighschool and one when she went to #VolneyRogers which she told to me... Doesn't that mean she fucked a pedophile? I mean... Correct me if I'm wrong?
So where does #SamuelDNaples #NickForgac or any of these fuckers get off calling me a pedophile?
#TheHiddenPath better watch it don't get blown the fuck up for its lies and nicks lies and trying to set people up to get murdered and shit!
#AmberJohnson from the #HiddenPath saying there's vigilantes killing pedophiles I guess to scare me if I was a pedophile... After telling me to my face that her boyfriend #DannyNoday said that he believes that trans people are pedophiles. Well I believe that he should have his brains out for even saying that about our community. So because he said that and put that into Ambers head and then before that... #SophiaBuggs had given me a reading and one of the cards was a martial arts card. Then she looks at me and goes "Someone doesn't agree with your agenda." Now that I think of it... She was talking about #SamuelDNaples because he constantly spreads that "This is what the Illuminati is really doing." Bullshit on his Facebook... And we got these dumbasses like him spreading that there's a "Gay Illuminati Agenda" and all that BS and I see that he talks shit about trans people and he was talking shit about trans people on his Facebook to the other students at #Strikeitfitness and laughing at the anti trans comments knowing that he had a trans student and that I had been his student before from 10-14.
I don't have time to play with dumb people and their false rumors about me when they are hateful prejudice and or sick fucks them damn selves...
I'm done with it. I'm calling everyone out!
You will not sit here and judge me and my life when you haven't cleaned up your own damn yards or households...
When #SilvarioCaggiano cheated on Chelses Mom and but is the battalion chief and he suppose to be my hero. 😂
Well I'm gonna be my Hero the fire cheif and cheat on women I'm married to and buy a sex swing and not know that my daughter is secretly using my new wife's dildo and bragging to her black trans boyfriend about it on the way to #YoungstownStateUniversity to #BlissHall where I fingered her on the couch under that white fur coat her daddy brought her while the other students were passing by...
You gonna put your daughter in jail or put her on the sex offender list for public sex and public indecency?
Should have just let me be!
You brought this on yourselves!
And my vice principal from #ChaneyHighschool used to wear nail polish and everyone knew and joked about it but they got something to say about me?
Oh no bitches! Get the fuck lost!
Anyways... I'm trying to find me some hot 19-20 something chicks like most men do and its been proven to me over and over again... Cause all the older dudes I know have younger gfs and #SamuelDNaples ain't said shit to these men... And some of them said they know him yet he hasn't tried to imprison these men. I heard a dude on the bus a few years back that was 50 something say he had a 23 year old gf and didn't no one try to kill him or murder him. Ill kill Sam Mother fucking Naples... Maybe when I was 25 and fucking my 19 year old gf whos mom also knew me and met me... #SamuelDNaples and #TomCopeland got mad cause she was white and they know their dicks were dripping and they wanted to fuck her. Cause that's when #TomCopeland called me a pedophile at the Pride meeting cause I was dating my gf at the time who was 19 and I was 25. Yet all these teacher from ChaneyHighschool is old white men fucking little girls named #ChelseaCaggiano...
Please tell me how thats fair? At least I'm not over 40. I'm still not over 35 even... And I was still in my 20s dating this girl. I'm still a young man... But you gonna call me a pedophile and try to get me murdered? That girl in the picture is a grown woman #TomCopeland while you so stupid. She just looks 12. And thats because she has a disease that makes her small and look young. Trust me I met her mom and seen her ID. And Iet her brother and cousin. #TomCopeland and #SamuelDNaples just think they can lie to people because she lives in New Jersey and no one here knows her except my grandma met her and her mom and bro and cousin when the visited me and stayed the night. So when you don't know shit you say stupid shit and place false investigations on people because your dick is dripping. Don't you ever fucking claim I'm a pedophile #TomCopeland! #NickForgac #DannyNoday
My old boss... That I used to pave driveways for... He was 60 and had a 30 something year old gf and everyone knew. And they were Italians... Go figure!
Yet the Italians wanna call me a pedophile and try to have me murdered?
The jig is up #SamuelDNaples you about to get a rude awakening BOY!
0 notes
derenyanai · 6 years
Araquu Journal Session #10- So Here’s The Plan
Time: Sometime after Session 18 Characters: Maska, Cecily, Yue, Aldrid, Navi
Posts indented like this were typed by the GM.
Posts that were not indented were typed by the player(s).
After the incident at Floradai Park, the DISC Unit discusses what to do next...
Yue was laying on a couch in whatever meeting room they be in kicking her feet in the air as she lays on her stomach hands on her chin supporting her head, "Sooo, we're out of leads then huh guys? No more relics to go after then? Is there some Small crime going on we can handle then?" she wonders out loud.
Maska is sprawled on whatever table they have in the room, head resting on the hard wood. With a laptop in front of him i guess "I could look up news article of the past few days..."
Cecily is only standing up and leaning near a corner of the room, having her arms crossed. "I could call one of the council members and see if they have any more info on relic locations," she suggests, pulling out her phone.
"Is there any thing else we should be doing aside from relic searching?” Yue asks. “I feel like that's a fun pass time searching for relics and all, but isn't there some more important other things we should do? Like finding the person actually stealing the relics, then we don't have to waste time to look for the hard to find artifacts."
"I could look up the year they were made in," Maska blows his single strand of hair of his face, "What year was it again? 18 something?" He sits up and brings the machine closer to him.
"1944," Cecily corrected.
"Ah yes, the 40s" Maska said, in a mocking old timey voice "Where showing a single ankle was like hardcore porn to men" He typed up ‘City of Araquu, 1944′ on google.  
Some furious Google searching is enough to yield some rather interesting results. You have learned the following! • 1944 is the same year that the current Emperor became, well, the Emperor, having formerly been a part of the (then) council. • Several businesses and attractions were established in that year; Café Bleu de la Lune, Yinxiu Trinkets, Floradai Park, and Shimmering Fabrics are all familiar names. Attractions at the Park of the Lady, and a few recently discovered things (exhibited at the History Museum and Museum of Modern art) are mentioned. • Several powerful mage families also emigrated into Araquu at that time. Listed are the Summers family, the Noah family, and the Meyers family. 
"Woah what?" Maska gasp, "Wendy comes from family of mages?"
"This is Araquu, most families here are families of mages, why are you so shocked by this Masky?" Yue wonders.
"Even my father's side of my family are mages," Cecily offhandly mentions.
"Yeah, but they're pleabians" He opens the Powerful Mage families emigrations on a different tab, "Says here they're crazy powerful, this I gotta see."
Which one(s) are you looking into?
"Hrm, let's start with Wendys family" He clicks on the Summers Family.
The Summers family is currently composed of: • Mikhal Summers, aged 58. An expert at tracking magic and capable of using various other assorted magics. • His son, Matthew Summers, aged 26. Rather talented in the art of plant magics. • Matthew's husband, Mark Summers, aged 25. Rather talented in the art of song magics. • Their adopted daughter, Wendy Summers, aged 10. She's too young to practice magic.
"I'd expected the current family be bigger, then again Wendy’s fathers are gay" Maska rubs his chin, "Plant Magic, Song Magic and Tracking Magic... her grandfather's magic could be useful provided he lend us a hand, what do you guys think?" He turns to Yue and Cecily.
"Well we can certainly add that to the things to consider," she cuffed her chin. "...Check to see if there's anything else worth looking into to broaden our options."
"Let me check to see if I can find a connection to the Summers Family and those darn relics," Maska searches the entirety of family to see if there’s a link.
You search the article for a while but don't manage to find anything. Apparently it's not online for everyone ever to see?
"Nothing, let's check the Meyers Family" He goes back on the site and clicks on the Meyers "Never heard of these people."
You have learned that an old lady named Geraldine Meyers is the owner of Shimmering Fabrics.
"Oh hey, it's that old lady from Upper City" Maska shows Cecily the picture of Geraldine, "The one we got the pin from."
"I recall her," Cecily said, flattening her expression. "Reminds me of something else I plan on doing later. Anyways, see what it says about the family."
"Oh right, I should actually look up the actual history of the family." Damn it Maska, anyways he reads the history of the Meyers outloud.
Geraldine lives on her own with like, 50 dogs, she has no family.
"50 dogs? Living the dream right there, good shit." He looks over Geraldine's profile once again, "For someone who comes from a powerful mage family, doesn't seem like she has magical abilities."
"So you're saying that they're nothing to note besides working at one of the locations we've been to?" Cecily asks.
The problem is, no one really knows much about her. She lives on her own and doesn't socialize that often. There's not much information available online.
"Nope, well if you count that she had the relic in her shop and having come from a prestige family" He goes back and clicks on the last family to emigrated to Araquu, "But I don't think that's a connection."
THE NOAH FAMILY, aka Councilman Noah's family, probably his parents or grandparents? That's like all you can find, the council is pretty damn secretive.
"I forgot how secretive mages were with their history, it's really fucking annoying" Maska lets out a sigh with a grimace on his face. Fucking mages.
A sigh only comes from Cecily. "Great," she says. "In terms of people that doesn't leave us with much. How about any other places that relate to the date? Some we haven't visited?"
"Give me a sec, you know you can come and look see yourself instead of trying to blend into the wallpaper" He closes the tab of TreeAncestry dot com and goes back to the google one. He clicks on the page relating to the business that open during 1944.
Before you can investigate any further, the door opens and Navi walks in. "...WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK WHY IS MY HOUSE YOUR HANGOUT!?"
"Hey boo, we just invited ourselves in hope you don't mind" Maska waves at her.
"...if it makes you feel better, I brought food over," Cecily says, pointing to some left over donuts in a box. "You can help yourself."
Navi mutters something about having sworn she locked the door before going to grab a donut. "Any luck with those last few relics we don't know about?"
"No, but I did find out that Wendy’s gonna be a powerful mage when she grows up" Maska stretches a bit, "Right now we're looking into the business that open during the 40s."
Navi takes a few bites to eat her donut, munching as Maska searches. Unfortunately there are too many Dank Memes on the interwebs right now, so he can't find anything that they don't already know.
Cecily, it suddenly dawns on you that perhaps it wasn't so much businesses that were given relics, so much as people who were entrusted to take care of them and put together something they could use to hide it. A lamp at a cafe isn't something that draws attention; nor is a hatpin at a clothing store.
"...There is a connection I do notice," Cecily thought to herself. "Perhaps it's not so much as locations, as it's actually people we should be more concerned with paying attention to. Like, people the Emperor must of knew or trusted."
"Huh- oh uh" Maska quickly closes the Bill Wurtz video he accidentally clicked on, "Right Emperor, question; how do we figure out who he knew? The guy is a well guarded secret."
"That... is the tricky part," Cecily sweatdropped. "I mean, we could ask one of the councilmen. After all, Councilmen Noah is tied to the year 1944."
"Hang on I'm gonna check this article for a hot minute" He clicks on the search result on how the current emperor became as such.
It seems to be a 'picked by the council' thing; and they usually have a sort of trial of their own design to figure out if the person trying to become Emperor is capable of the tasks that would be set before them. Also, you've found a forum where people try and theorize what kind of magic the Emperor uses.
"They do a trial to see if they're fit to be the Emperor, huh i always thought it was more of  a 'who the most powerful mage of them all' cue lightning crackling-" He pauses at what he found "Oh hey! Look, conspiracy theorist!"
Navi groans. "Maska for the love of god no, when has anything useful ever come from conspiracy theories-" boom shakalaka
"Shut up! I'm listening to crazy people!" He clicks on the link to the forum.
Cecily facepalms. "...So, Navi," Cecily says, deciding to small talk while Maska is wasting time. Maybe he'll get back on track soon. "What have you been up to while we were in the Upper City?"
Maska, you can't find any signs of intelligent life here. There are approximately thirty different theories about what kind of magic the Emperor uses, although only two of them seem to be actually trying to present any evidence. There's also a running poll and betting pool about what gender the Emperor is, which is basically neck and neck for Male/Female right now.
"Mostly been runnin' deliveries and what not for Willow. Helpin' her out. She's expectin' a new shipment in soon and wants to be careful it doesn't get stolen again."
"Hm.... I should come back and bet on this when we find out," He mutters to himself and opens both theories that are at least trying their best in their own tabs.
"Robbed?" Cecily asks. "What was stolen?"
"It happened a while ago, she said it was some or other ingredients she doesn't actually sell 'cause they're usually illegal to hang onto," Navi explains. "Said she has permission to use 'em in her own private work though. Actually, she spoke to Aldrid 'bout it, I'm surprised he hasn't told y'all this happened."
 Maska, the two primary theories are that the Emperor either uses some form of Body Manipulation Magic (that is, manipulating their own body) or that they use some form of Time Magic. The argument for Time Magic seems to have more proof - various photos of things and locations in places the Emperor has apparently been that indicate time changed somehow - although a lot of the photos and things are "I took a picture here with my mom at this point in time, and then a thing happened and now it looks like THIS" or something similar so it's hard to verify the validity of any of those; on the other hand, Body Manipulation Magic has a very strong following and many people have pointed out that surely it HAS to be that because of all the photos of the various damaged areas from the scene, or the fact that no one fucking knows what the Emperor looks like so they have to be able to change themselves at will... tough to say, really! However, based on your own investigations of these things, you're more inclined to think the Emperor is some sort of time mage; a lot of the things being argued as going under Body Manipulation can actually be viewed as time magic if looked at from the right angle, and with how secretive the council is it's really no surprise that people don't know what the Emperor looks like either; especially if he or she could just, I don't know, pause time and go where they need to go and then unpause it or something similar!
"Pft maybe Wu Hou is the Emperor, or maybe related," He re-reads the time magic theory again. Hypothetically, a egg inside of Maska’s head begins to crack, crack, crack, and hatch to reveal a chick. Maska stands up and shouts "OH MY GOD WE NEED TO FIND WU HOE" frantically.
"AAAAH, JESUS!" Cecily replies, jumping a foot into the air.
"AAAAAHHH!" Yue falls off the couch and sits up looking around. “I'm awake totally.... what happened who's yelling?"
"It makes somewhat sense" He re-reads both theories on the forum he found "Maybe we really need to find Wu Hou..."
"Huh? Why?" Yue asks standing up and brushing herself off.
Maska explains to her the theories he found and his after thoughts on how the Emperor could be using it, also he brought her up to speed on what they had found out "...So, if we do find her, not only could we find more about people that are connected to 1944, we could find out more about the Emperor themselves."
"Assuming that this Wu person would be interested in even bothering to help us. What makes you so sure we can count on her?" Yue puts a finger to chin in thinking form.
"Same goals? Cecily did mention she was trying to 'save the city.'" Maska opens up a new tab and goes to youtube. Might as well get some music in the background, the silence is the deafening, "Besides, I trust this Hou person very little but I do trust Cecily's judgement. Most of the time."
"Huh, Well, glad to see you're not taking that at face value." she smiles, "I've run into so many people that claim the same thing in this line of work that it's hard for even me to trust everything someone says. Besides how would we find someone that could travel through time, and not alert HQ?" Yue sits down cross armed, "What about talking with the council again, maybe they can help us figure something out?"
"I think that’s the point, even if the Emperor would use time magic, wouldn't their magical signature already be notified by the police?" He clicks on some random music and lets it play on low volume, "And true we could take it up with them again, but remember they can't always help us. When was the last time we even met them again in person? Still, not denying that we could go talk to them."
"Did you have a reason to meet them again in person before now?" Yue wonders leaning in.
"Beside seeing Fira again, not really" He leans back on his chair and yawns, "So we can either find the Hoe person or talk to the councilmen."
"I feel like it would be in our best interest to go after the councilmen, if we wanna continue finding the relics. I feel like we could stop this relic running round thing easier if we go after the person hunting them down first. Any ideas on who we could try and track down?"
"I don't know about them anymore, it feels like we're going on a wild goose chase." Maska scratches his head. "What would that even accomplish? We have the Relics then what?"
"I don't think we should be collecting the relics right now." Yue flat out states.
“Well, what do you suggest we do then?” Cecily turns to Yue, while rubbing the back of her own head. “I know we’re a police force that also deals with small crime too, but that still doesn’t mean there’s no sense of urgency either.”
"No no, hear me out here, why would we need to collect all of the relics? Can't we use what we have now as bait to lure out the enemy instead of gathering all the trinkets to make things easier for the opponent?" Yue smiles.
"That sounds flawed, you want to use all of the relics we have to bait out the bad man?" Maska pipes in.
"Pardon my askin'," Navi pipes up from where she's cleaning up a bit, "But have we figured out WHY these guys want th'relics?"
“Nothing concrete if that’s what you’re asking,” Cecily groans. “The only thing I could think of is someone destroy them because of that ritual hiding warehouse we came upon. The relics are tied to the city, right?”
"The relics are tied to the shield that protect the city" Maska leans back on the chair, "If you destroy one the shield weakens."
"Finding the reason as to why they wish the barrier destroyed..." Aldrid starts to say as he walks in "May be part of our primary objective."
"I didn't say use all of the relics Maska, why are you jumping to that conclusion? We would only need to use 1 of them like my hairpin." Yue is stuck on that conversation, "It would help us try and figure out why they're going after these relics and determine if we'll be falling into their plans by just taking all of the relics ourselves."
Cecily crosses her arms and only looks downward. “It could also give us the chance in catching my mother as well...”
"So, we're doing that instead?" Maska rocks himself on the chair he was already leaning on, "We're going to lure out the baddies?"
"I don't see why not, and I have an idea on how to get the word out about the bait too." Yue smiles.
"I swear to fuck if you tell me you're gonna make a god damn video about it then I'm leaving."
“You’re gonna leave your own house?” Cecily deadpans.
"You seem upset," Maska observes.
“Were the donuts not enough as an apology?” Cecily asks.
"Yeah we brought you donuts, isn't that enough?" Maska asks.
Yue goes over to Navi, "Aw, come on, So, what's your bright idea then?"
“Correction: I bought donuts,” Cecily looked at him. “You just shrugged and walked about nonchalantly.”
"Yeah, but I got her this laptop so suck it" Maska that's your own laptop.
“I’m not sure Navi wants whatever you already have stored in there,” Cecily assumes.
Aldrid just kinda stands there, awkardly, like usual.
Navi lets out a deep and clearly frustrated breath through her nose. "We're trying to keep people from panickin', ain't we? Publically announcing something to an audience that may not even include who we're looking for isn't a great idea," she points out. "Also food as a bribe only really works when I actually taste things."
“Fine, I’ll just make it up to you another way then,” she sighs. “But... Navi does have a point. We don’t want a city crisis, and given your popularity...”
Yue sighs then smiles with a thumbs up, "Do you really think that I would state something like 'This is a relic, one that holds the city barrier together. Protecting us from the outside world. Hey baddies come and get it if you dare.'" she states the script like statement in the most sarcastic tone she could muster making sure to emphasize that if this is what you guys were thinking then you're kind of dumb. “I was going to make a video about showing off this pin that could resize clothing. It's a cool parlor trick and any bad guys that seem to know exactly what each of the relics are, would know that this is a relic. Also on the point of if they would watch the video, I have a big following in the city and people do talk about my videos, so while yes it is a long shot that the opponents would hear about this, it is still worth the shot. This way no one knows about any relics that shouldn't know, also they won't know about who the baddies are or heck about the barrier. There wouldn't be a city crisis or anything like that with this idea." 
“Okay, so stating you have a relic, but not flat out saying it is one,” Cecily followed along. “And the only people who would know about and make it known, that’s how we know the bait worked.”
"Well, the word would get around, and we would probably have to make a location known of where I'm live streaming or something... and we'll know if it works if the enemy shows up either at my home or on the stream, I guess really we'd have to wait and find out if it worked." Yue nods.
Navi stares at them. "...well, it's more thought-out than I thought it was, but it still seems stupid. Where would you be broadcasting from, first of all?"
"Unless you have a place, or we could use one of our houses," Maska rocks too far back and ends up flat on his back.
"Oh, I have a place we could use." Yue grins.
"Do y'all need me along or can I opt to NOT participate in this stupidity?"
"NO! You've been gone too long!" Maska struggles to get up a bit.
"It would be nice to have you along, Navi You're our friend, but if you don't want to join I won't force you." Yue says.
“We’ll need all the friends and help we can get,” Cecily says with a reassuring smile. “Please?”
Navi's eye twitches. "All right, all right, fine! I'll tag along on this stupid idea, but only so I can bail you idiots out when it backfires."
"Yay!" Oh he finally got up, "Thanks boo"
“We’ll owe you one if you have to,” Cecily smiles warmly.
"Can I use that to request that Maska never calls me 'boo' again?"
Yue does a quick hug on Navi, "Thank you, Navi. You're a true pal." she lets go with a smile.
"Let go of me," Navi bluntly says.
“Well in the downtime, might as well prepare for confrontation,” Cecily says, grabbing her sword and turning to everyone. “Need anything from me before I head out?”
"Let Eiriol know what's happening, then tell Willow I won't be able to make it to work for a bit, since I don't know how long this'll take."
“Sure then,” Cecily nodded. “Anyone else?”
"Nope, I'm good in fact I need to set up! See you around everyone." Yue smiles as she waves goodbye then leaves.
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ariseadaptascertain · 7 years
1-92 muhaha
Okay, but only cuz I’m in class not paying attention anyways 😅
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
Yes. definitely.

2. You talked to an ex today, correct?

3. Have you taken someones virginity?
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
I’ll trust you 110% no questions asked until you give me a reason not to 

5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
No, I don’t like anyone right now 

6. What are you excited for?
All of my family from California to get here tomorrow, thanksgiving dinner, football and beer 🏈🍻

7. What happened tonight?
It’s 2:30PM so ask me later

8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
Depends… some people are cute and funny wasted, so some I don’t mind.. others just really shouldn’t get drunk lol 🥃

9. Is confidence cute
To an extent, yes 

10. What is the last beverage you had?

11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
I have 2 brothers and a dad 

12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
I own way too many pairs of skinny jeans 

13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Saturday is my brothers birthday so dinner and celebrate with the family 🎈

14. What are you going to spend money on next?
Um probably food or gas… oh actually I bought my dog a sweater on amazon earlier so maybe that? 🐾

15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
No I am not 

16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
People are always changing and finding themselves so definitely 

17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
My older brother 

18. The last time you felt broken?
A few weeks ago 

19. Have you had sex today?
no action happening here 

20. Are you starting to realize anything?
What I deserve 

21. Are you in a good mood?
Currently, yes😁

22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
Am I trying to die? 🦈

23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
Yes, mine are darker though 👀

24. What do you want right this second?
To get out of class 

25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
Wtf bye? lol at least that’s what I think I’d say idk strangely I’ve been here before and idk we stayed together but we were never really together and it was confusing but that was 4 years ago and I was stupid so now, i’d probably just say bye👋🏽

26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Um the top half is😅 

27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
NO I need someone just as strange as myself 

28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
Someone’s speech in my public speaking class at noon
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? Yes

30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
That’s a tricky one, depends 

31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
Um sorry I think you have the wrong person👭

32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
I don’t have feelings for anyone now, the last person I had feelings for knew though

33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
No, I’ll have one every once in awhile
34. Listening to?
Right now an OChem lecture🙄 music wise, everything. Currently I’m listening to some throw back usher. But Marc e. Bassy, j cole, chance, been into Kelsea ballerini’s new album, Lauv, Lany, CVBZ, Devin Dawson, Parson James, maren Morris, post Malone, Noah kahan, Khalid, Chelsea cutler, Ben Howard…. list goes on I listen to everything all the time
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
Yes exam days 

36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
Yes, not sure who they are now or what they are doing but I know where geographically 

37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I’d like to, but I don’t think so.. at least for me, I don’t know a person until I meet them, I can’t develop feelings for them until I spend time with them 

38. Who did you last call?
The Ford dealership 

39. Who was the last person you danced with?
@iriseagain lolol

40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
Because I loved them 

41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
Omg um I made cupcakes on a Tuesday in October I think, so cute they were on my snap chat, go follow me lol 🍰

42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
No I did not 

43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
I embarrass myself every day haha but I love it that’s just me it’s cool 

44. Do you tan in the nude?
I would if I didn’t have neighbors but hey tan lines are attractive 

45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
No, I probably would have made it more memorable though because I honestly don’t remember where we were or what we were doing 

46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?

47. Who was the last person to call you?
Haha my mom 

48. Do you sing in the shower?
Yes, loud and proud 🎤

49. Do you dance in the car?
As much as I can without crashing or being a hazard to others, but yes always

50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
No🤔 I’d like to 

51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Senior year of high school

52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Of course, but that’s why people love them right? 

53. Is Christmas stressful?
No it’s wonderful and full of love, pine, and everything warm🎅🏽🎄

54. Ever eat a pierogi?
Yes they are good with sour cream 

55. Favorite type of fruit pie?

56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Veterinarian or Teacher or Surgeon of some sort

57. Do you believe in ghosts?
Sometimes hah especially after a scary movie👻

58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?

59. Take a vitamin daily?

60. Wear slippers?
I have one pair from like 6th grade I’ll throw on every once in awhile for fun cuz I’m weird

61. Wear a bath robe?
No I do not

62. What do you wear to bed?
Sports bra and Calvins usually unless it’s cold then a hoodie 

63. First concert?
It was a Jason Aldean, Florida Georgia Line, Dierks Bentley concert 

64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
I love target but I normally just shop at Wally World 

65. Nike or Adidas?
Um I can’t. If I had to I guess Nike cuz I own more Nike ✔️

66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
Cheetos… but if y'all like cottage cheese (which I know most of you will be like EW.) dip your Fritos in cottage cheese. That’s some good shit 

67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Retired softball player so Seeds all the way 

68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
All the old stuff from like jr high love story, you belong with me, picture to burn, mine

69. Ever take dance lessons?
No I probably should though💃🏻

70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
No… maybe something medical wise

71. Can you curl your tongue?
No, I can make a stupid face while attempting to do so though that you’d probably like 

72. Ever won a spelling bee?
lol Yes 😂😂🤓

73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Yes I have, I think whenever I get a puppy I go cry to myself about it, but many times… when I see beautiful things or beautiful people in my life I cry sometimes at how beautiful everything is, songs make me happy and cry… don’t judge me I’m appreciative and emotional 😅

74. What is your favorite book?
The giving tree 🌳

75. Do you study better with or without music?
with, quietly though in the background just to keep my mind going 

76. Regularly burn incense?
Regularly burn candles? YES

77. Ever been in love?
once, 5-6 years ago

78. Who would you like to see in concert?
Sooooo many people… before I die, chance, marc. e. bassy, usher needs to do a tb concert, pink, Carrie underwood, beyonce, I’ve been to so many concerts, the list goes on and on for people I want to see 

79. What was the last concert you saw?
I think it was Halsey

80. Hot tea or cold tea?
On cold days, hot. On hot days, cold. 

81. Tea or coffee?
Coffee ☕️ but both 

82. Favorite type of cookie?
My moms chocolate chip 🍪

83. Can you swim well?
Very ��

84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Yes…. can’t everyone? 

85. Are you patient?
I work with children and sick angry people who need their meds all day, so VERY 

86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
Aw a band could be cute, but if it was my wedding DJ all the way 

87. Ever won a contest?
Yes… a few
88. Ever have plastic surgery? My cheeks are naturally this way I promise

89. Which are better black or green olives?
Um I eat more black just cuz they are more common, but green taste like butter and are more expensive so I have those only when I’m treating myself or trying to be fancy 

90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
Shit happens🤷🏽‍♀️ just be someone you are proud of
91. Best room for a fireplace?
Mines in the family room which is nice… but honestly best place for a fire is outside surrounded by good people with some s'mores and a drink in your hand 🔥
92. Do you want to get married?
I do 💍
5 notes · View notes
res-hippie · 4 years
get-to-know-me survey
1: Name: noor 3: 3 Fears: being burned alive, buried alive, heights  4: 3 things I love: tv shows, books, nature 5: 4 turns on: humor, kindness, not insecure, dependable/reliable 6: 4 turns off: rudeness, arrogance, treating ppl based off appearance, idk just talking down to someone 8: Sexual orientation: straight, unfortunately 11: What do I miss: being happy 12: What time were I born: sunrise 13: Favorite color: light orange/peach 14: Do I have a crush: Jack Whitehall 😍 15: Favorite quote: anything by sylvia plath 16: Favorite place: in nature, on a rainy day 17: Favorite food: Indian street food 18: Do I use sarcasm: not really 19: What am I listening to right now: hindi songs 20: First thing I notice in new person: the way they look at me, their attitude 21: Shoe size: unreasonably small 22: Eye color: warm brown :) 23: Do I like roller coasters? God no, I have motion sickness 🤮 24: Favorite style of clothing: 70s, mini skirt, fitted tops, color block sweaters, ie: jackie burkhart, sumtimes fran fine 27: Meaning behind my URL: none, it just sounded cool 28: Favorite movie: the prestige, eternal sunshine of a spotless mind 29: Favorite song: alors danse by stromae, she'll be loved by maroon 5, 30: Favorite band: imagine dragons  31: How I feel right now: unhappy 32: Someone I love: me 33: My current relationship status: imaginary 34: My relationship with my parents: unhealthy, non-existent 35: Favorite holiday: christmas 36: Tattoos and piercing i have: simple, ears 37: Tattoos and piercing i want: oof😍 nose piercing on left side in which i would insert a small silver hoop, more on my ears at least 2 or 3 (double helix) [maybe one cartilage and maybe a tattoo of a small leaf or something somewhere] 38: The reason I joined Tumblr: it looked fun 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? yes and no 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? lol no, I'm not sure if i would want them, seem like a nuisance 42: When did I last hold hands? with myself? 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Yeah probably 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? More often than my real smile  57: What do I think about most? Past mistakes 58: Do I have any strange phobias? You know how ppl are scared of flying on planes? Well, when I was young, I saw a movie where an astronaut's tether to his ship got cut and he floated away to his death, and the scene must've stayed with me, bc I was scared of flying, not bc I thought the plane was going to go down, but I thought we’d go too high, and we'd accidentally get stuck in space and die there. lmao I really didn't understand atmosphere as a child. So whenever the turbulence hit, everyone was like “I hope we don't go down,” I was praying “I hope we don't go up” 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind, i think 61: What was the last lie I told? Its ok 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? ghosts no, aliens yes 64: Do I believe in magic? Science is magical 67: What was the last book I've read? Red queen 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? Lol yeah 69: Do I have any nicknames? noor, for myself: dumb bitch 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? No, i don't really care to either  78: How can you win my heart? Be funny and be nice 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? Idk, y'all suck 80: What is my favorite word? Atm: y'all 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? Stop having kids 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? To fly 86: What is my current desktop picture? Flowers🥀🌻🥀🌻🥀 :) 90: Failed a class? Had an F for awhile, never failed 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? on my bucketlist ;) 98: Played on a sports team? Does PE count? probably not 
99: Weird desire? I want bigger hands 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Vegetarian 110: Gotten my heart broken? Yeah :( 111: Been to a professional sports game? No, Thank God 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? no 124: Voted in a presidential election? yes, but she lost to an oompa loompa 127: Met someone famous? No :( and i live in LA, so it should've happened already 128: Stalked someone on a social network? Fk yeah 129: Peed outside? Not that I can remember, ever 130: Been fishing? No, and like, i want to, but i don't want hurt the fish 132: Been rejected by a crush? Informally, yeah 133: Favorite K-drama? Heartless City, and i think, Smile You, Jung Kyung-ho can GET it
134: Favorite Ship? idk, maybe Klaroline
What is your idea of paradise?  In nature, alot of greenery, like a meadow, empty for miles around, gloomy af, raining hard, like to me that is heaven on earth Do you believe in god and if so what is he/she/it like?  I'm an atheist :) I don't believe in God. 159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? neither, inner beauty, intelligence doesn't matter 183: What is my spirit animal? panda 184: How do I want to be remembered? i don't tbh, pls forget me, Obliviate bitches 185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose? idk playing the piano, typing without looking at keyboard, a lot of button pressing going on here, genuine confidence
190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? the future, im curious  191: What makes me the happiest? rainnnn, gloomy weather, a warm cup of cha, and a good book, or my tv shows 194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be? fuck y'all tbh 195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens? fk yea, take me away homies 199: Live in the city or suburbs? suburbs, i want sum peace and quiet, city life is glamorous, but you realize it's kind of a facade every once in a while
216: Favorite fictional character? Atticus Finch
0 notes
allthislove · 5 years
Tumblr media
This is something we're all worried about. And Disney is well on their way to that.
However, Disney isn't attempting to buy Sony. I don't think they even could. Maybe it's because we're in the West that people don't think about it, but Sony is fucking huge. They're not a small company at all. It would be very difficult for Disney to buy Sony. Fox was huge in America but very small compared to Sony. Sony isn't a film studio and television network alone, like Fox. Sony is a multinational conglomerate with business in tech, music, film, television and video games. They also own Columbia Pictures.
And again, a purchase of Sony Pictures wasn't on the table. A purchase of the Spider-Man film rights wasn't on the table. Sony is going to kill with the Venomverse movies and the Spider Verse animated franchise. Marvel has very limited say in those and Marvel Studios has none.
All Disney wanted was equal share of the Spider-Man movies in THEIR franchise. Not Spider-Verse. Not Venomverse. Just whatever MCU Spidey stuff came out. Tom was only contracted for two more movies, which probably would have been one more group movie (whatever new team they decide to do) and the last one in his trilogy.
I can't rationalize how Disney is out of line for asking for that. They own Marvel Entertainment, Spider-Man is Marvel's character and Marvel Studios has been trying to get Spider-Man back from Sony since before they were under the Disney umbrella.
This is sheer fandom idiocy, because a lot for former MCU fans decided they were bad recently because they don't like certain storylines. So, they decided to take Sony's side, even though Sony's been evil since before they made the first Toby movie.
I know he's disgraced right now, but Michael Jackson was fighting Sony decades ago because they hoard other people's IP.
And wanting the film rights to your own IP (which, honestly, isn't even what Disney is asking for, because they probably can't get the rights) is not evil. By all accounts, they either asked for 50/50 or 40/60 (I've heard both things). That's incredibly reasonable for a film that's certainly going to make over a billion dollars. And that Disney was going to co-finance. (Up until now, Sony was mostly financing the MCU Spidey films, with Marvel contributing a fraction of the funding, because Sony got the bulk of the film revenue and Marvel got the merch revenue.)
Both companies are greedy, evil corporations, but I don't understand why Marvel is in the wrong, here, except maybe putting their foot down.
As bad as Disney is with their near monopoly, Sony's been a pigheaded, evil corporation screwing artists out of their ip for decades.
Like... do y'all understand how much IP Sony owns? Do you know how much music they own? This is not a small company getting bullied by "the mouse". This is Japan and America measuring dicks, to use a crude phrase.
0 notes
It's our pilot episode! Cass and Nat go colonial and then modern as they learn about two amazing women from American history: Sybil Luddington and Wilma Mankiller. Also notable: Cass drops her first Nic Cage reference, DJ Rip drops his first beat, and Nat drops her first teacher name. Let the bits begin!
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Sybil Luddington’s Ride Sybil Luddington’s Statue
Wilma Mankiller Wilma Mankiller with President Clinton
Sources for Wilma Mankiller story:  Biography.com, WomensHistory.org, New York Times, Wikipedia
Original Theme: Garreth Spinn Original Art: Sarah Cruz
Rip Camillucci  0:03   Welcome to arcade audio.
Natalie Younger  0:28   Welcome to shared history
Cass Maher  0:31   where the points are made up and the history doesn't matter. Or so you thought,
Natalie Younger  0:37   yes, this is a shared history, the podcast where we are going to talk and just tell each other's story, a little story about history that maybe wasn't in your history books
Cass Maher  0:48   that probably should have been brought.
Natalie Younger  0:50   Yeah, probably should have been. I'm Natalie Younger.
Cass Maher  0:54   I'm Cass Maher.
Natalie Younger  0:55   And on the ones and twos
Cass Maher  1:01   is our producer, Rip.
Rip Camillucci  1:03   I got my full DJ set up here. It's about to get lit, y'all
Cass Maher  1:06   just wait till the beat drops halfway through the podcast, and we're not gonna tell you
Natalie Younger  1:10   it's gonna get turnt.
Cass Maher  1:12   It's a drinking game. Whenever the beat drops, y'all have to take a drink.
Natalie Younger  1:14   Yeah
Cass Maher  1:15   Please don't do that.
Natalie Younger  1:15   and then you have to call your high school history teacher and apologize.
Rip Camillucci  1:20   All on your way to work.
Natalie Younger  1:23   This is our first episode. So enjoy our wackadoos
Cass Maher  1:27   We're shaking our sillies out.
Natalie Younger  1:29   Cass and I started this podcast because we both are big old history nerds. And
Cass Maher  1:34   Natalie was going to write a book.
Natalie Younger  1:36   And then that was a lot of work.
Cass Maher  1:37   And I was like, 'No, you're not.'
Natalie Younger  1:40   It'd be a lot easier. And I'd be a lot less beholden to proper citation if I justtalked into a microphone with a friend of mine.
Cass Maher  1:50   Also, I'm picturing if the book was basically just like you're writing it out the way we're talking. Yeah. Be so incoherent.
Natalie Younger  1:57   Mm hmm. Yeah. And so I knew that Cass is a big old nerd. And we also have just been needing to hang out.
Cass Maher  2:05   Yeah, Natalie,what's our shared history?
Natalie Younger  2:08   Oh, I'm glad you asked. Cass, Rip and I are all improvisers and comedians in the currently sunny city of Chicago,
Cass Maher  2:19   the one sunny day we'll get all year
Natalie Younger  2:20   Yeah, and we're going to be inside talking into microphones during it. And yeah, we met, we met at a improv show where we played really obnoxious Minnesotan and church ladies,
Cass Maher  2:32   all of our names were Carol,
Natalie Younger  2:33   Yeah and it was magical immediately. And we were like, We need a Hangout. But we both over commit ourselves. So the only way that we could trick ourselves into actually hanging out was by making it a project.
Cass Maher  2:46   Natalie, I'm busy, I can't let's write a sketch show together, that'll be good. What if we do a podcast?
Natalie Younger  2:52   Great.
Cass Maher  2:54   So almost a year and a half after,
Natalie Younger  2:56   after we said we should hang out, we finally are hanging out at the not a show. And it's still work related. So the way that this shenanigans will work is we have both chosen a person or an event, I believe we both did people from history, and we're just gonna, you know, tell each other about it. I know for me personally, I was really excited about focusing on women and people of color in history, because I feel like especially in-- Well, no, in all history--I was gonna say, especially in US history, they're not given the page count that they should be.
Cass Maher  3:36   Yeah. And a lot of their accomplishments are passed off to your other people.
Natalie Younger  3:42   But for this episode, we gave ourselves a theme and our theme was women and US history. I had to remember. And yes, I did it correctly.
Cass Maher  3:53   Yeah.
Natalie Younger  3:57   So yeah, so we're just going to tell you a story. That's this is a story time with your friends Cass and Nat and Rip.
Cass Maher  4:05   the reason why Natalie is not doing a book, and we're doing it this way, is again, as previously stated, we're both nerds. So we like are doing the research. But also we are not professional historians.
Natalie Younger  4:18   Oh, yeah, hashtag disclaimer.
Cass Maher  4:20   So some of this may be embellished or maybe not 100%. Correct. But you're going to get the basic gist. And we're mainly just going to talk about what we
Natalie Younger  4:32   Yeah, this podcast brought to you by the internet and our
Cass Maher  4:36   subjectivity
Natalie Younger  4:37   and yeah, and our memories a little bit. Yeah. Mostly the internet and subjectivity.
Cass Maher  4:45   Kidsdon't cite this in a paper.
Natalie Younger  4:47   Yeah.
Cass Maher  4:49   Cool. Well, I'll kick us off.
Natalie Younger  4:50   Yeah, do it.
Cass Maher  4:52   So I chose someone who I had briefly heard about and only pretty recently, feel like you may have heard of this person, since you are kind of a history buff. Sybil Ludington.
Natalie Younger  5:07   I don't believe I'm familiar.
Cass Maher  5:10   Oh, my gosh. Sybil Ludington is a badass bitch. So Sybil Ludington was a young girl during the American Revolution
Natalie Younger  5:22   Oh was she a Daughter of the American Revolution
Cass Maher  5:24   One might say she was. And Sybil's claim to no fame was she had
Natalie Younger  5:32   That's so sad. I'm sorry.
Cass Maher  5:34   Getting real. She had a Midnight Ride akin to Paul Revere.
Natalie Younger  5:40   Okay
Cass Maher  5:42   but unlike Paul Revere, Well, I'll tell you Sybil Ludington's story and then tell you how Paul Revere didn't quite stack up. Paul Revere is a great man. But Sybil Ludington, kind of
Natalie Younger  5:55   Good hat. Great hat on that man.
Cass Maher  5:57   Yep. Love the lantern. So Sybil Ludington was 16 years old when she did her ride. And she traveled twice a distance of Paul Revere at in more in a longer time span because Paul Revere
Natalie Younger  6:13   I thought you were gonna say in like, half the time. Because when women do it, we get it done more efficiently.
Cass Maher  6:18   Well, it was kind of -- I'll explain it. So, she rode 40 miles, which is about 65 kilometers, which means nothing to anyone but
Natalie Younger  6:27   I'm so glad that you transferred it to kilometers. We are in the United States.
Cass Maher  6:31   I every time I every article that I researched, it was like 40 miles about 65 kilometers and I was like no one needs that.
Natalie Younger  6:38   This is for our fans abroad.
Cass Maher  6:40   Oh, yes. You're welcome.
Natalie Younger  6:42   Our budding audience abroad.
Cass Maher  6:45   So yeah, so she was born in 1767. And by the time the revolution hit, her father was a leader of their local militia. And they got word that there a nearby city of Danbury, Connecticut. They lived on the border of New York and Connecticut and they got word that Danbury was going to be attacked by the British and her dad being a militia man was got this Intel and was like we need to gather the militia. They were all home on their farms. And Sybil was like I can do it. So he's like dope.
Natalie Younger  7:31   I think you said this, and I miss it. Where is Sybil? Is she in Danbury?
Cass Maher  7:35   She's in in your New York. So it was called. It was called Fredericksville, the city she was in, which is like, like an hour north of New York City...by car which they didn't have, but they renamed the town Ludingtonville because of her.
Natalie Younger  7:56   That's a mouthful, though. They could have just named the town Ludington.
Cass Maher  7:59   Yeah,
Natalie Younger  8:00   like that's already a town name.
Cass Maher  8:01   Yeah. Like right there
Natalie Younger  8:03   Literally Luddingtown
Cass Maher  8:05   Full stop
Natalie Younger  8:05   What if they named it Ludingtonton and
Cass Maher  8:06   Ludington town
Natalie Younger  8:08   Ludingtontown
Cass Maher  8:09   Yep,
Natalie Younger  8:09   That's in the UK. That's 100% in the UK.
Cass Maher  8:11   New Ludington town. Yes anyway so so he got this Intel all the militia was spread out on their farms. And it was they got this at like 9pm so it's dark out and keep in mind they're in New England and so this is not like we're sitting in the the great all God's country Midwest, very flat very easy to see and know where you're going there like fully wooded and it's been raining. It's dark out and it's all muddy. And it's it's this is a hard ride to make. So she jumps on her horse, Star. I felt that was important to know the horse's name
Natalie Younger  8:53   Yeah that horse is a goddamn hero
Cass Maher  8:55   right? And they said she she had a stick, like a pointy stick. That's all she had to like prod her horse and stuff. And she rode she hit four towns. Now keep in mind, Paul Revere got to Lexington stopped and had a drink with Sam Adams
Natalie Younger  9:16   Like you do.
Cass Maher  9:16   waited for his friend. What is it, Samuel Dawes?
Natalie Younger  9:21   Yeah, Paul Revere is using the buddy system.
Cass Maher  9:23   William Dawes. Yeah, he was just like, chilling until William Dawes showed up. And William had the same message. He's like, you guys, guess what the British are? Oh, hey, Paul. What's up? You tell him about the British coming. That's what I was saying. So they hung out how to drink and then we're like, Let's go together. Paul Revere never made it to the town that he was supposed to.
Natalie Younger  9:42   Where was he supposed to go?
Cass Maher  9:43   He was supposed to go to
Natalie Younger  9:45   I don't know any of this. I'm trash with US history.
Cass Maher  9:48   Yeah, but but I don't know what the final town but he got intercepted by the British. Okay. And he was with his friend William Dawes and Samuel Prescott. And they escaped. Paul Revere didn't they confiscated his horse. So he technically didn't finish the ride
Natalie Younger  10:03   what was his horses name?
Cass Maher  10:04   They don't know because he didn't own a horse at the time he had to borrow someone else's like a hack
Natalie Younger  10:09   Just bummin' a horse.
Cass Maher  10:11   I want you all to know I think Paul Revere is amazing. But in relation to this story, it just doesn't.
Natalie Younger  10:15   He doesn't need it. You don't give him the praise. Everyone's like great. He gets it.
Cass Maher  10:19   So he didn't finish his ride. He took time to like hang out with Sam Adams. And then he had to walk back to Lexington where they said he caught the end of the battle. Like it's kind of it's kind of a downer. Great. So anyway, at the end, he was 41 at the time. So Sibel was a 16 year old girl, she made a 40 mile ride in pouring rain, treacherous mud woods that are really easy to get lost in. And she actually got intercepted by a British officer who tried to pull her from her horse. She fought him off with her pointy stick- with her stick. And the reason she had this deck was to you know, proper horse, which friends be kind to animals. But also she didn't get off a horse the whole time. She didn't have time to like, jump off the horse and like knock on the door. Hey guys, sorry.
Natalie Younger  11:09   She was she like rapping on the doors
Cass Maher  11:11   She was rapping on the door while she's on her horse going from house to house like dope British are here, y'all know I gotta hit three more towns. Um, and she has she
Natalie Younger  11:22   activate your phone tree.
Cass Maher  11:25   So yeah, so she gathered 500 militia between the times of 9pm and Dawn which I don't know what that is five 6am it was still dark.
Natalie Younger  11:33   It depends on the time of year
Cass Maher  11:34   It depends on the time of year, Did they have daylight savings time yet? Did Ben Franklin screw us all over by then? Yeah, and I'm looking at my notes. Yeah, so she fought off several British officers. I think a highwayman stopped her too and got 500 militia. The by the time the militia was gathered and made it to Danbury they, they weren't able to save the town. But by that time, most of the people knew so most of the people had gotten out of Danbury
Natalie Younger  12:11   So it was kind of like a ghost town that the British were invading.
Cass Maher  12:13   Yeah, they I think I mean, some people still died and they burned down a few buildings. The reason the British were going there was to intercept like ammunitions and supplies and stuff. So I think they were able to get like, most of that stuff out clear the town a little bit. And when the militia got there, they were still able to force the British to retreat.
Natalie Younger  12:38   Oh, cool.
Cass Maher  12:38   Yeah. into close to the New Jersey sound. Which you guys all know where that is. Yeah.
Natalie Younger  12:45   Sounds like it's in New Jersey.
Cass Maher  12:48   Nailed it. They were they were able to force them to retreat, which then is like known as the battle at Ridgefield, so I don't know that at all. But that was mentioned basically,
Natalie Younger  13:01   I mean, if Sybil wasn't there. We don't care about it anymore for the purpose of this podcast
Cass Maher  13:04   Basically, they did their jobs. Sybil was a bad ass. She was 16 years old. She had 11 brothers and sisters.
Natalie Younger  13:13   That's too many.
Cass Maher  13:14   So there's this really cool story of her dad was in there. This was before the ride. Her dad was like in their home and a bunch of British loyalists. 51 British loyalists were approaching the house to like, capture her dad. And it was just like him, I think they had one guard or patrolman. So Sybil like planted candles all around their house, and she lined up her brothers and sisters and had them march in like a military formation. So all the British loyalists saw was all these candles, and then like faint outlines of like marching a small army of 12 children, and they and they didn't so and then they they went away. They're like, Oh, there's too many people. We can't fight them. We've got 51 they've got a full troop. And that was Sybil.
Natalie Younger  14:08   So theatrical Sybil, the drama!
Cass Maher  14:11   Right. Like that's like, have you ever seen the Patriot where they like make all the scarecrows? Screw Mel Gibson. But she did that but real life and better.
Natalie Younger  14:22   It's like, but but for real and better. And without anti semitism.
Cass Maher  14:29   Woof. We'll get into that in a different podcast. Yeah. Also, her mom and dad are first cousins, which doesn't really matter. But I thought that was funny and weird. Yeah.
Natalie Younger  14:39   That's a product of the times
Cass Maher  14:40   a product of the times. So so she was she made, God, a 40 mile ride at 16. overnight in the rain. That's hard. And fighting off a British person. Just let me tell you, I've done that before, it is hard. And yeah, she was. She was thanked personally by George Washington, which was a big deal. Y'all know how obsessed with George Washington everyone was.
Natalie Younger  15:10   He was the first celebrity
Cass Maher  15:11   he was the first celebrity
Natalie Younger  15:12   American celebrity
Cass Maher  15:14   before they before we came up with our presidential system and everything like George was they wanted to make him their king. Yeah, he was deified like know, if you got to see him. It was like touching Beyonce. So the fact that he personally thanked this 16 year old girl was a huge deal. And, and, and then she just went off to live a quiet life. She got married, she had a bunch of babies. And and she died at age 77. And no one knew about any of this. No one talks about it.
Natalie Younger  15:51   That's a long life for that time.
Cass Maher  15:52   Yeah, right. Um her great grandson, or her grandson or something, was the first one to write it down. And this didn't get published until like 1880 or 1900. So I don't do math that that's almost what like 100 years.
Natalie Younger  16:08   Because they were at that point. I feel like they were like, oh, oh, but But Paul
Cass Maher  16:13   Yeah. But Paul
Natalie Younger  16:16   we can't admit that we were wrong and that we gave all the credit to a mediocre middle aged white man.
Cass Maher  16:23   and so her grandson wrote all this down. And it was like well known history in the town. Like they renamed the town about her. And then it wasn't until this woman historian and like the 1880s found about this story and published it and some magazine or article. And there's this awesome statue at the halfway point between her ride of her on a horse. And like the horse
Natalie Younger  16:47   Fighting a British man?
Cass Maher  16:48   The horse is kind of reared up and she's got her like, she's got her stick in her hand. And she's like, waving it and it's this awesome statue that no one's going to see because it's in the middle of Connecticut like wilderness. But God what a badass broad
Natalie Younger  17:03   That is dope. You know, I've never heard of her.
Cass Maher  17:06   She's really really cool.
Natalie Younger  17:08   I am admittedly very I am. I am quite literally trash with US history.
Cass Maher  17:13   Same
Natalie Younger  17:13   because our country's young and we study things that don't matter in school.
Cass Maher  17:18   Yeah. And then they hit the like,
Natalie Younger  17:20   sorry, Mr. Dolan,
Cass Maher  17:21   they hit these. They hit these like, these random highlights of you know, like Paul Revere has been mythologized.
Natalie Younger  17:30   Yeah.
Cass Maher  17:30   Also during the American Revolution, like, there's no way we should have won that war.
Natalie Younger  17:35   Oh, no,
Cass Maher  17:36   like we had, we had no troops who were all you know, like, like underground - ya know if the British like suspected you they would take out and so I feel like a lot of what helped us win was this like mythologizing and like, you know, the American Revolution was basically just like a inspirational basketball movie where there's that the coach gets, no seriously, it's like it's a buncha it's a bunch of ragtag group that shouldn't win and shouldn't make it to the state finals and then Denzel Washington comes out and he gives a "You Are Titans" gives an inspirational speech and it's - somehow it works
Natalie Younger  18:19   And then we all flap our wings. We all end
Cass Maher  18:21   Americans are all heart
Natalie Younger  18:23   And we quack
Cass Maher  18:23   And not a lot of planning. I feel so so yeah.
Natalie Younger  18:27   Yep, that tracks
Dude that's cool. Ludington, Sybil Ludington
Cass Maher  18:34   only one D which through me - that's not important, but
Natalie Younger  18:40   It's just just the one D
Cass Maher  18:41   is just the one D because the the town name was so long, they had to cut a D just to make it shorter
Natalie Younger  18:46   Jesus. Well, I'm going to go into mine now. Just because we're talking about Sybil Ludington, and what a what a proper name, segue to the most badass name, even though it's not for the correct reasons ever. I am here to tell you the story of Wilma Mankiller.
Cass Maher  19:10   Fuck off. Is that a real name? Or did she change it?
Natalie Younger  19:15   That is her real name. It is a however, it is in reference to a tribal military rank.
Cass Maher  19:25   Got it
Natalie Younger  19:26   And geographic region, but I think it's the military rank first, and then the region she grew up in was named for that. Because of her for her grandfather, neither here nor there. So Wilma Mankiller full name Wilma Pearl Mankiller, because you got to soften it a little. When your lastname is
Cass Maher  19:49   Wilma Mankiller.
Natalie Younger  19:51   When your last name was man killer, you gotta throw a little pearl in there. So I'm jumping, jumping forward in time, to the most of the story takes place in like the 60s 70s. But Wilma Mankiller was born in November 18 1945 that's a day after my husband's birthday. Not in 1945
Cass Maher  20:15   your husband's middle name is also Pearl, which is bizarre
Natalie Younger  20:18   is crazy. In a town I can't pronounce in Oklahoma,
Cass Maher  20:24   show me
Natalie Younger  20:25   Tahlequah?
Cass Maher  20:30   Well, I mean, it's got a Tahlequah. Yeah, there's no way I would have been able to pronounce it better. I just wanted to see it
Natalie Younger  20:36   The confidence, though. She's a descendant of the Cherokee Indians. And they were so there in Oklahoma, because they were forced to leave their homelands, you know, hashtag Trail of Tears, Forced to leave their homelands, to make way for white settlers in 1830s. So she's the descendant of the Cherokee Indians who were relocated there. And then she was kind of subsequently relocated, but she is the sixth of 11 children, big families on this episode, and she grew up on Mankiller Flats, which is located near Rocky Mountain Oklahoma, which I don't know where that is, either
Cass Maher  21:20   Mankiller Flats
Natalie Younger  21:21   Man killer flats.
Cass Maher  21:23   I can already see this movie
Natalie Younger  21:25   Right? You see, like the title pop up?
Cass Maher  21:27   That's like john Ford western action going on
Natalie Younger  21:34   yes. So So I believe that like, I believe that her grandfather, great grandfather had this tribal rank, and therefore that was his last name, or considered his surname. And he he owned like several plots of land and mankiller flats. So the land is indirectly named for her, not her for the land.
Cass Maher  22:00   geography lesson here as well
Natalie Younger  22:02   you know, just doing what I can. So she was she was grew up on mankiller flats, before moving with her family in 1956 to San Francisco, California, as a part of the Federal relocation act to move Indians off of the reservations and into large cities. Because the government can't make up their mind. They're like first Native Americans please move out of your home territories over here. You know what? Now you're all in this place. We'd rather have you in big cities. Let's move you over here. One biography said that they moved in hopes of a better life and they were a poor family with like 13 mouths to feed
Cass Maher  22:39   Also I feel like every history book is like, they throw on "they moved in hopes of a better life" to soften, to 'pearl' you know, that relocation forcibly
Natalie Younger  22:51   well and then another another bio a read said that was her dad Charlie's idea and that her mother Irene was not into it and did not want to go to San Francisco
Cass Maher  23:00   mom's always like "Charlie, I swear to God"
Natalie Younger  23:03   "This is my home Charlie."
Cass Maher  23:06   You wanna Man Killer?
Natalie Younger  23:09   All biographies basically said that, like Wilma didn't want to leave Oklahoma got it. Which I guess lends to spoiler alert she ends up going back to Oklahoma at some point. But so they go to California and hopes of better life but you know, guess what? California was still rough economically even in even in the 50s San Francisco was very expensive.
Cass Maher  23:30   California was never really killing it, I feel like California was a rough place for a long time
Natalie Younger  23:36   Yeah. No, they still were like impoverished in in San Francisco - maybe - I'm just gonna blame tech bros is even though this is the 50s
Cass Maher  23:48   Guys, check out this rotary phone
Natalie Younger  23:51   and surprise, surprise, loaded with discrimination against Native Americans. But reluctance aside it was in California that Wilma first got into activism. I guess I should have started with Wilma Mankiller is a
Cass Maher  24:07   Native American activist.
Natalie Younger  24:09   And the first female chief of the Cherokee Nation
Cass Maher  24:12   we are gilding so many lilies -- wait she was the first female chief
Natalie Younger  24:16   uh huh
Cass Maher  24:16   Wilma!
Natalie Younger  24:18   But, so, activism has been like a through line in her entire story. So they they moved to California. Her first like foray into activism was with San Francisco's Indian center and leader with, and this was a really dope story that I got to then go off on a tangent on, the Native American efforts to reclaim Alcatraz Island. So in...
Cass Maher  24:45   Alcatraz is so cool. I'm sorry. The Rock?
Natalie Younger  24:50   Great Nick Cage movie totally by him as a chemist.
Cass Maher  24:52   I love that movie
Natalie Younger  24:54   Yeah, so Alcatraz has been closed. The penitentiary had been closed in 1964. And been declared surplus federal property. And no, that was in 64, the penitentiary close in 63. And, according to the Treaty of Fort Laramie, in 1868, between the US and the Lakota, all retired, abandoned, or out of use Federal Land could be was, was by right could be reclaimed by the Native American tribes that had been forced out of it to begin with
Cass Maher  25:24   Hell yeah.
Natalie Younger  25:26   So in 1964, well, in 1964 a small group of Sioux demonstrated on the island for like four hours, and they were like, "Hey, can we have this back?" And then in 1969, from November 69, to June 71. So for 19 months, a bunch of American Indians from various tribes and their supporters occupied to the island, and like, lived there. Until they were like, forcibly removed by the US government.
Cass Maher  26:02   Shocker
Natalie Younger  26:02   So they were like, where there was,
Cass Maher  26:05   That's a through line here too.
Natalie Younger  26:08   Yeah. So they, their, their -- Their argument was that they that the Native American people should get Alcatraz Island back
Cass Maher  26:15   Because this in your peoples law, Americans.
Natalie Younger  26:19   Yeah. And they use the they use the Treaty of Fort Laramie as like their precedent. Yeah. legal term. Yeah, so. So this was going on and, and Wilma was was intrigued by it and like, kind of like inspired by it. She would make food and meals and bring them to the people on the island and raise money for their causes. And, so it was in San Francisco that she got like super into activism. But first marriage, she got married at 17. It was 1963. Her husband's name is Hector Hugo Olaya de Bardi. Which I just wanted to say but he doesn't matter.
Cass Maher  26:57   That is a fun name.
Natalie Younger  26:59   right? A lot of names.
Cass Maher  27:00   Hector Hugo.
Natalie Younger  27:01   Hector Hugo Olaya de Bardi. And they had two daughters, Felicia and Gina.
Cass Maher  27:08   Lot of great names in this story
Natalie Younger  27:09   Good names in this  story. But it's all this....wait. Yeah. Okay. So she got super into the occupation. She was very intrigued by the occupation of Alcatraz prison. And her husband was like, "Hey, why don't you just remain a traditional housewife?" And she was like, 'Nope, I mean, my name is man killer. So"
Cass Maher  27:33   what do you think, Hector Hugo?
Natalie Younger  27:35   Hector, I don't gotta listen to you. My last name is man killer and I got shit to do.
Cass Maher  27:39   I do what I want.
Natalie Younger  27:40   I don't need no man. Also, they got divorced later anyway, which is why I keep saying he doesn't matter.
Cass Maher  27:46   checks out.
Natalie Younger  27:47   sorry, Hector. So she said, Oh, that time I have this quote, quote, "when Alcatraz occurred, I became aware of what needed to be done to let the rest of the world know that Indians had rights too" and this is when she went like all in on activism. So she took night courses and and like, got her bachelor's while working on as a coordinator for like Indian programs in Oakland public schools. And she did all this stuff in San Francisco. But then like the second she divorced Hector, she was like, "bye I'm going back to Oklahoma. because I never wanted to leave Oklahoma in the first place."
Cass Maher  28:21   Cuz California in the 60s suuuucks.
Natalie Younger  28:23   Um, yeah. So she goes back to Oklahoma and remains living on Cherokee reservation in 1977. And she brings her daughters, she's like "byeeee...she's like their man killers now, we're leaving"
Cass Maher  28:40   Come to my flats.
Natalie Younger  28:41   Yes. Come to my These are my flats.
Cass Maher  28:43   These are your flats now.
Natalie Younger  28:44   These are my These are my sensible flats.
Cass Maher  28:46   Everything the light touches is your
Natalie Younger  28:49   I imagined the light touches a lot on flats, not a lot of peaks to cast a shadow?
Cass Maher  28:54   That's a lot of light, Mankiller.
Natalie Younger  28:57   So she goes back to Oklahoma in 77. And resumes activism in Oklahoma. In 79, I believe is when we begin a trend of Wilma almost dying.
Cass Maher  29:10   Jesus
Natalie Younger  29:10   So, in 1979 she was in a serious car crash she was driving back from I think she was getting her master's. And she was driving back and had to like - from classes to where she was living. It was a long drive late at night. She has like what tried to like around a car or another car tried to go around the car and she gets in a serious had a head on collision. That like she was like in physical therapy and had to have like 17 surgeries and whatnot. But she lives, the driver of the other car does not live, the driver the other car is her best friend. So she gets in a head on collision with her best friend. And then after after recovering she was diagnosed with my my mya...I'm a doctor... myasthenia gravis, a chronic neuromuscular disease that makes speaking and simple motor functions increasingly difficult and can lead to complete paralysis. So that's like basically when she's kind of recovered from the car accident she gets diagnosed with that
Cass Maher  30:15   it's hard to be an activist when you can't talk very well.
Natalie Younger  30:17   Yeah. And there's, but there's, i guess i Cherokee vision of being of good mind which to Mankiller she took it to mean like thinking positively about what happens in your life and kind of taking whatever comes your way and and still doing the best to serve others. So she heckin' kept going. which becomes a theme it because she also had a kidney transplant, breast cancer, and lymphoma and I read one bio that said that she actually had to have two kidney transplants. So by the time..
you only got two of those
so she had no original kidneys
Cass Maher  30:51   in in the 70s
Natalie Younger  30:52   not made with original parts
Cass Maher  30:53   I don't want to get a 17 surgeries in the 70s
Natalie Younger  30:57   Yeah. Big ups to her brother Donald for the kids a donation. At least one of them. I don't know where the second one came from
Cass Maher  31:04   Donny, your mankiller but you saved this woman.
Natalie Younger  31:08   Aww what a great logline for Donny's life story. But this isn't about Donny
Cass Maher  31:16   No.
Natalie Younger  31:17   So after not dying like the first time, question mark, she took charge of the newly created Community Development Department of the Cherokee Nation. And the core of her activism in Oklahoma was kind of around what she called like self help projects. Basically, she would she would design projects that would for like rural communities that would help better them, but they were like designed to be like where you're going to help better yourself like this, you it's they would do the she would design projects to like get the community involved so that they could play a role in their own betterment and help solve their own problems and whatnot.
Cass Maher  31:55   Teach a man to fish
Natalie Younger  31:56   Yeah. The most notable one was a project in Bell, Oklahoma. It's a small village on a reservation where volunteers from the community helped construct an 18 mile long water system because they didn't have fresh water and repair dangerous housing. So that was the one
Cass Maher  32:13   was this woman just exhausted all the time?
Natalie Younger  32:16   from probably from almost dying constantly.
Cass Maher  32:18   Yeah. Hey, hold on guys. I have limited speech and motor functions
Natalie Younger  32:23   and every cancer
Cass Maher  32:24   let me get my masters also running rural outreach development programs with  probably no funds and
Natalie Younger  32:32   and raising two, I'm sure, badass daughters
two Mankillers.
Yeah, two mankillers -- takes a lot out of you
Cass Maher  32:38   damn, all well thinking positive thoughts.
Natalie Younger  32:40   Yes. So the project at Bell, the water system, got her recognized in Ms. Magazine as Woman of the Year in 1987. So good for her
Cass Maher  32:49   it better.
Natalie Younger  32:50   And she met her, she met her second husband working on that project cuz I believe he was a volunteer she recruited. His name was Charlie Soap.
Cass Maher  33:01   So many good names.
Natalie Younger  33:04   It's a good name. It's a good-- Charlie soap.
Cass Maher  33:06   He should have taken her last name.
Natalie Younger  33:08   He was a full blooded, Native American -- full blooded Cherokee. And was totally cool with her not being a traditional housewife. I'm sorry, I'm hating so much on Hector.
Cass Maher  33:20   Hector Hugo.
Natalie Younger  33:21   But so all of that is just like that's before she even did what she's like most known for.
Cass Maher  33:26   Oh, we haven't even hit that yet?
Natalie Younger  33:28   We haven't hit her becoming chief.
Cass Maher  33:29   Oh, that's right.
Natalie Younger  33:30   Yeah. So she became she became deputy principal chief of the Cherokee Nation in 83. And then the principal chief resigned in 85. He resigned to take a position in like the some Federal Bureau Bureau of Indian Affairs or something. Something
Cass Maher  33:49   bureaucratic
Natalie Younger  33:50   bureaucratic and seemly, incorrectly named. And, and so. So she became the first female principal chief of the modern Cherokee Nation by like, just default because she was deputy. Yeah. And at that, I think at that time, and still, the Cherokee Nation is the second largest tribe in the US after the Navajo but yeah, so she just took over for him because he left for the other role. Yeah. So she had to run for reelection. So she ran for reelection in 87. And even though she had already done the job, had a hell of a time. Like faced a lot of opposition.
Oh, yeah.
Not for any like, particularly like stances, but just because she was a woman.
Cass Maher  34:38   Yeah. Cuz clearly she had done the work and had proven she can do her job.
Natalie Younger  34:43   She done the work at that point for two years
Cass Maher  34:44   you know that word 'electability' that we keep hearing?
Natalie Younger  34:50   Yeah, like her car is vandalized, she was threatened. And what's weird about this is that I guess like, in traditional Charokee culture, like women play a vital role in social and political issues like and women are women. empowered women are like a normal thing.
Cass Maher  35:07   Yeah, it's not a matriarchal society. But they are
Natalie Younger  35:09   No, there's like a balance
Cass Maher  35:11   But they are very valued.
Natalie Younger  35:14   So, in one of her in her autobiography, Mankiller argued that like European conquest, disrupted kind of that idea of balance between the two genders in the Cherokee Nation, and,
Cass Maher  35:27   and also a lot of Native American tribes believe in multiple genders, that there are multiple genders.
Natalie Younger  35:34   That's fair.
Cass Maher  35:34   That's dope.
Natalie Younger  35:36   so yeah, so she just felt that having a female chief was like a good - a small but strong step back to achieving that gender balance.
Cass Maher  35:46   Oh, that's awesome.
Natalie Younger  35:47   That they used to have traditionally before Europeans came and fucked up everything,
Cass Maher  35:53   man, we kind of did a lot of that...fuckin up things.
Natalie Younger  35:57   Yeah. Shared History: What did what did...
Nat & Cass  36:02   How did white people ruin this / How did the whites ruin everything?
Natalie Younger  36:06   I mean, that could literally be the tagline of most things.
Cass Maher  36:11   Most history books.
Natalie Younger  36:12   most history books. But obviously she won the election in 87. Ran again for reelection in 91. Won again. And then retired in 95. Because
Cass Maher  36:26   Girl needs a break! Oh my god,
Natalie Younger  36:29   she cited illness and I'm like, I feel like ill health... you, you carried through a lot ill health. You get to--You don't need a reason to retire.
Cass Maher  36:38   Wilma you couldn've use ill health as a reason to retire a long time ago, you're tired.
Natalie Younger  36:43   Like you've you've done enough.
Cass Maher  36:45   You did the work.
Natalie Younger  36:47   When she was chief she focused on like education and job training and health care
Cass Maher  36:51   a lot more of that, like, self sufficient.
Natalie Younger  36:54   Yeah, helping yourselves. She also worked with the federal government to pilot like, more self governance of Native American tribes. She worked with the EPA, and she, she, I love this, "She worked to improve the image of Native Americans while staunchly combating the misappropriation of Native Heritage."
Cass Maher  37:16   Oh my god.
Natalie Younger  37:18   Yes.
Cass Maher  37:18   That's a big task.
Natalie Younger  37:20   Yeah.
Cass Maher  37:20   Especially in the 70s.
Late 70s and 80s, trying to be like, "yes, we agree. We're important and our culture and our heritage is impressive and important. Please stop taking it as your own."
Yeah. Village People
Natalie Younger  37:35   Please stop buying your children dream catchers.
Cass Maher  37:39   Hey, Coachella take off the headdresses.
Natalie Younger  37:42   Yeah, I had a dream catcher as a kid. And I'm like, I feel bad about it.
Cass Maher  37:47   I went to summer camp, and we made them all the time with like yarn and stuff.
Natalie Younger  37:52   What a beautiful piece of heritage that you made...your traditional yarn dreamcatcher. But yeah, so by the end of her tenure, like the budget for the Cherokee Nation was like 150 million dollars. And they and the membership population had like doubled. And yeah, and then after leaving office, because she was like, "Guys, I don't feel great. And I've done a lot. I'm tired," and then retires and immediately is like, still lecturing. Still like, like, authors, several books.
Cass Maher  38:29   She's a woman who's like, you know what, I'm gonna take a break and focus on me. All right, I've got a rally coming up. We're gonna have some speeches and some outreach stuff.
Natalie Younger  38:39   I gotta teach a class at this local college. I think she taught at Dartmouth, that's not a local college,
Cass Maher  38:46   Of course she did
Natalie Younger  38:46   you know, small college, Dartmouth
Cass Maher  38:48   casual you ever heard of Dartmouth?
Natalie Younger  38:49   ever heard of it? You wouldn't hear of it, it's very small.
Cass Maher  38:53   Do you know what she got her master's in?
Natalie Younger  38:55   I do not know what she got her masters in.
Cass Maher  38:57   I'm sure it was some sort of, like, like, women's lib or like, you know Poli Sci, it was probably like a double masters. But like "I don't need to talk about that. I got work to do."
Natalie Younger  39:10   Yeah, yeah, she's like, "I don't need it. I'm just here to like, help you help you. I just want to help you help yourself." She received numerous honors, appropriately so.
Cass Maher  39:21   Thank God.
Natalie Younger  39:23   One of which being the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which she received in 98. So it would have been with Clinton. Yeah, there's a bunch of other people who got that, I think a Rockefeller got it that year. Because Rockefeller is gonna Rockefeller,
Cass Maher  39:40   Lean and Rockefeller.
Natalie Younger  39:42   Lean with it and Rockefeller it
Cass Maher  39:43   He worked so hard accruing his millions.
Natalie Younger  39:46   Yeah, I mean, thanks, as an art kid. Thanks, Rockefellers, for being patrons of the arts. Thank you, Rockefeller, specifically for the hit TV show. 30 Rock. You did it David Rockefeller. Thank you.
Rip Camillucci  40:04   Thank you for your address.
Natalie Younger  40:06   Yeah, thank you.
Rip Camillucci  40:07   Wilma Mankiller completed a master's degree in community planning at the University of Arkansas
Cass Maher  40:13   checks out thanks, Rip.
Natalie Younger  40:14   Yeah,
Cass Maher  40:14   Thanks producer Rip
Natalie Younger  40:15   Rip on the ones and twos and the actual facts
Cass Maher  40:18   beat dropped.
Natalie Younger  40:21   That was a--
Cass Maher  40:21   drink
Natalie Younger  40:27   --that was....that was a beat drop that we were talking about. It's just it's just Rip dropping a fact.
Rip Camillucci  40:34   Oh, yeah, we call facts beats here on Shared History.
Cass Maher  40:38   Hey, you got the beat on that? Yeah, let me drop it real quick.
Natalie Younger  40:42   Yeah, so that's, uh, that's Wilma Mankiller. She is sadly no longer with us. She passed away in 2010 of pancreatic cancer
Cass Maher  40:51   wait, when she was born, she was born in 34? 45
Natalie Younger  40:54   45. Yes.
Cass Maher  40:56   How old is she? What's math?
Natalie Younger  40:57   I'm bad at math. What is that? That's a 6--
Nat & Cass  41:01   That's gotta be 75?
Cass Maher  41:05   Sybil Ludington outlives her
Natalie Younger  41:06   Please hit the comments with better math than we can do.
Cass Maher  41:09   Sybil Ludington outlived her if that's it
Natalie Younger  41:10   Yeah, that's insane
Cass Maher  41:11   But also, she did a 40 mile ride at 16 and had plenty of time to chill after that. Yeah.
Natalie Younger  41:16   Also, did Sybil Ludington have every cancer?
Cass Maher  41:19   Probably not.
Natalie Younger  41:21   And like no clean drinking water?
Cass Maher  41:23   Oh, God
Natalie Younger  41:23   and or Well, I was gonna say or electricity but Sybil Ludington didn't have electricity.
Cass Maher  41:28   But she's good at riding a horse. No Sybil, you are awesome. And we thank you for your service to this country. Also, Wilma was probably just like, "another kidney? Cool. Go ahead. Do what you gotta do. Doctors. I'm working. Yeah. Can I have like a standing desk while you're doing all this?"
Natalie Younger  41:44   Yeah, I have plans. So can we just like Hurry up this second kidney transplant?
Cass Maher  41:51   I just hate hearing these stories. When it's like, oh, she was busting her ass and so overqualified. And doing the work and it doesn't even seem like a footnote. Because I've never heard this in anything.
Natalie Younger  42:06   Yeah. When I like i was -- i hate US history. So I was like, trying to figure out who I was gonna talk about. And I really wanted to do, I really want to do a woman of color. And I was like, Oh, I found so many activists are women of color in this country. It's insane. And also 100% justified and believable. And there should be many more activists that are not people of color because they need to stop doing all the work for us.
Cass Maher  42:38   Like a nap. Let me help. Yeah.
Natalie Younger  42:41   But uh, I started, I read just like a little blurb on her. And I was like, I wonder if there's like, enough here. And then I got into this and I was like,
Cass Maher  42:51   and Wilma was like, "hold my beer."
Natalie Younger  42:53   Yeah.
Cass Maher  42:54   Cuz I'm working. I can't drink right now.
Natalie Younger  42:56   Yeah, I can't drink right now. I have things to do. I have communities to rebuild.
Cass Maher  43:02   Oh, my God.
Natalie Younger  43:03   I have impacts to make. I have--
Cass Maher  43:06   and I have like several illnesses
Natalie Younger  43:07   tribes on Alcatraz to feed. And two beautiful daughters.
Cass Maher  43:12   and two beautiful daughters.
Natalie Younger  43:15   Who are also probably very smart.
Cass Maher  43:16   Yeah. I wonder what they're doing now.
Natalie Younger  43:18   well tune in next time....I do want to read, I have a quote because Obama issued a statement after her passing
Cass Maher  43:27   drop that beat
Natalie Younger  43:28   because she passed away during his presidency. He said, "as the Cherokee nation's first female Chief, she transformed the nation to nation relationship between the Cherokee Nation and the federal government and served as an inspiration to women in Indian country and across America." And he stated "her legacy will continue to encourage and motivate all who carry on her work." I just any opportunity to quote Obama I'm going to take
Yeah, Yes, we can.
Yes. We could.
Cass Maher  43:58   Oh, wompwomp.
Natalie Younger  44:02   On that note,
Cass Maher  44:03   Yes, we will. Yeah.
Natalie Younger  44:08   But yeah, I just, I just really liked that her story was one riddled with disease and great names.
Cass Maher  44:16   Seriously, can we recap some names quick?
Natalie Younger  44:19   Charlie Soap
Cass Maher  44:20   Charlie Soap. Hector Hugo
Natalie Younger  44:23   Mankiller
Cass Maher  44:24   Wilma Pearl
Natalie Younger  44:25   Wilma Pearl Mankiller
Cass Maher  44:26   Irene and what was Dads name?
Natalie Younger  44:28   dad's name was Charlie as well.
Cass Maher  44:30   Oh, yeah. And Donny mankiller and
Natalie Younger  44:33   Hector Hugo Olaya de Bardi and Felicia and Gina. And Donny, Donny and his kidney.
Cass Maher  44:41   Donny and those kidneys.
Natalie Younger  44:42   Donny and those kidneys.
Cass Maher  44:43   Wow.
Natalie Younger  44:44   Yeah, I'd never heard of her.
Cass Maher  44:46   No.
Natalie Younger  44:47   But that's what we're here for.
Cass Maher  44:49   That is why we're here to share history with y'all
Natalie Younger  44:54   dude, I-- reading about this too, also, like I went down so many rabbit holes because like I could do it whole episode just on the Occupation of Alcatraz because it's like, I just think it's really interesting. It should be the plot for the sequel to The Rock. And it's like so interesting and like and also sad. Because I mean, they're not, they aren't there. But still just, now it's just like a tourist destination. But yeah, I'm glad that like you did like a rebel because I almost did one that was more about like colonial days.
Cass Maher  45:33   Yeah.
Natalie Younger  45:34   I'm glad that like, it just so happened that you went colonial and I went within the last century
Cass Maher  45:40   Started with the colonizers and ended with the
Natalie Younger  45:42   Yeah, started with start started with the colonizers and ended with the indigenous people. With the native people.
Cass Maher  45:49   Yeah, you and I aren't huge history buffs or I mean US history buffs.
Natalie Younger  45:54   No.
Cass Maher  45:56   I think part of that is it's so hammered into us in, like grade school and stuff. And it's very much like "look at how great..."
Natalie Younger  46:08   I would love to study US history in a different country. Like I would love to like study. I wish I'd studied abroad.
Cass Maher  46:16   Yeah.
Natalie Younger  46:17   And taken like a US history.
Cass Maher  46:19   Yeah.
Natalie Younger  46:20   I don't know that. I wanted to that. I would care too much to take the US history. Like, in like if I had like, if I was like in London. Likfe if I was in England. I don't think I'm
Cass Maher  46:29   --all right. So our cousins got mad at us. And they threw a hissy fit. And we love our tea and they threw it all away.
Natalie Younger  46:38   Yeah, they threw away all of our tea. It was a really rough time for us.
Cass Maher  46:41   Yeah. No, it'd be awesome to get the outside perspective. I'm sure a lot of the bullet points would be the same, but the tone would be a bit different.
Natalie Younger  46:49   Yes. And I'm sure that like, also, yeah, just other countries of, other nations have been around so much longer.
Cass Maher  46:57   Yeah. Americas real young.
Natalie Younger  47:01   Yeah, we BBs
Cass Maher  47:02   Yeah.
Natalie Younger  47:02   I once student taught in -- when I was in high school, I student taught an eighth grade US...seventh grade? seventh grade US history class. Shout out to Mr. Cheney whose not gonna listen to this but if he did, I would lose my mind. I loved that man's class. I, he, I like student taught with him. And I had to teach. He taught US history. I wanted to student teach history. And he happened to be my cooperating teacher and it was US history. And I was like, ugh. But I had to teach you the Declaration of Independence. And I taught it as a breakup letter. Because when I was in middle school, everyone I broke up with I did it via note. So it seemed like it would resonate with the seventh or eighth graders  in the audience to teach breakup letter.
Cass Maher  47:57   Dear Britain, it's not me. It's you.
Natalie Younger  48:02   we slid this into Britain's locker
Cass Maher  48:04   will you let us have own country? Check Yes, No or Maybe. They said no. We changed that
Natalie Younger  48:10   We're gonna do it anyway. Yeah, we, we crossed-- they said no, but they did it in a pencil, so.
Cass Maher  48:16   PS there's a map on the back of this ...bring it back to Nic Cage.
Natalie Younger  48:22   PS here's where we hid all of the treasure.
Cass Maher  48:25   Say what?
Natalie Younger  48:27   Tray-sure
Cass Maher  48:28   Yeah, US History was always really boring to me because we are such a young nation then it's like cool. We're spending like 12 years in school going over a little bit of this where it's like when you do you know European history or-- that's really the only history we get. You literally got thousands a years on that, so it's like a little variety.
Natalie Younger  48:48   I took a class in high school that was a golden age of the Mediterranean and we like started at like Mesopotamia and like went through the Renaissance?
Cass Maher  48:59   which you probably barely got to touch on anything
Natalie Younger  49:01   Yeah, it's just like--
Cass Maher  49:01   because so much happened inbetween that... cool. They made a painting, statues.
Natalie Younger  49:07   Big wooden horse
Cass Maher  49:07   Split from a lot of churches, bunch of schisms
Natalie Younger  49:10   Yeah we're going to spend one week on all of the schisms, we're gonna cover all the schisms in one week. I will lightly touch on some on some papal orgies in that. There will be there will be an episode of this podcast where I'll cover papal orgies. And then great everyone had the plague and now it's modern day.
Cass Maher  49:33   Cool. If you want to learn any more about this take a really hyper specific elective.
Natalie Younger  49:37   Yeah. Or watch Mamma Mia....to learn about the golden age of the mediterranean. The true Golden Age of the Mediterranean.
Cass Maher  49:46   I feel like this podcast is like the Mamma Mia historic, historical, you know, it's like we're going to talk about this but we're just gonna, we're gonna have fun. and maybe sing a little
Natalie Younger  49:54   and no one can see it but we're definitely wearing huge bell bottoms and platform shoes
Cass Maher  49:58   but there also is a strobe light where Rip is behind on the ones and twos.
Natalie Younger  50:01   Yep. And Rip is wearing like a real like plunging neckline with just chest hair. just magnificent chest hair.
Cass Maher  50:09   Yeah, it's...I wish you guys could see this. It's Fabulous. Yeah.
Natalie Younger  50:14   he's doing this for just for us.
Cass Maher  50:16   Yeah. He spent a lot-- he bought all this equipment just for this
Natalie Younger  50:20   Yes. All this AV equipment.
Cass Maher  50:22   Yo, great story
Natalie Younger  50:23   Yeah so that's the story of Wilma Mankiller. That's Yes. Sybil Ludington. I'm surprised I had never heard of because
Cass Maher  50:28   Yeah, because she
Natalie Younger  50:30   because she's a white woman.
Cass Maher  50:31   She's a white woman. She is like, I feel like she is always, not always, but it is a little more well known Female history. I feel like you can hear abou--you have a better chance of hearing about her. But it would always be like, there's this chick named Sybil, she's good at riding a horse.
Natalie Younger  50:48   "She did it first"
Cass Maher  50:53   Wow, we that was a lot of history.
Natalie Younger  50:55   Yeah, I hope everyone learned.
Cass Maher  50:57   Thanks for sharing.
Natalie Younger  50:58   I hate you so much.
Cass Maher  51:00   You said Wilma Mankiller wrote a memoir.
Natalie Younger  51:06   She has an autobiography.
Cass Maher  51:07   I'm gonna be reading that.
Natalie Younger  51:08   Yeah, I didn't write down the title. But shout out to women's history.org and The New York Times and Wikipedia for for being my major sources.
Those are your citations kids working on your papers.
Thus brings us to the conclusion of the first episode of shared history. Thank you for sharing this with us. Rip doesn't have his mic in front of him, but he just let out the heaviest of sighs.
Cass Maher  51:41   So, if you guys want to get a hold of us, our Instagram and Twitter handles are @sharedpod.
Natalie Younger  51:48   Or you can email us any corrections questions or suggestions of stories or events or people you want to cover in a future episode at [email protected].
Cass Maher  52:00   And the password is
Natalie Younger  52:01   Cass no
Cass Maher  52:02   Oh, no. We don't share that? Great. I should note that shared is spelled like
Natalie Younger  52:10   the word not the name? Not Sonny and?
I was gonna say it was Sonny Cher. No, it is spelled s-h-a-r-e-d. Yes, I wanted to do a Cher bit.
Rip Camillucci  52:18   Cher'd history spelled like Sonny and Cher will be the Patreon bonus series where it's just all Cher stories
Natalie Younger  52:26   and that'll always bring us back to
Nat & Cass  52:28   Mama Mia...on that, note.
Natalie Younger  52:33   Thank you and good night.
Cass Maher  52:35   Good night.
Rip Camillucci  52:40   Thank you for playing arcade audio. play more at arcade audio.net
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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peculiar-persephone · 7 years
the longest tag game ever
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
i was tagged by @eliotsbambi (thank you so much!)
tagging: idk pals 20 people is A Lot sooo… how about @queerenbian @icanneverbesatisfied @whatcha-gonna-do-about-it-huh @imthehoneyyourethebee @butlinislin @secretschuylersister @genesis-of-a-warrior @smhfoggy (I hope it’s okay that I tag you??) and anyone else who wants to do this! (Ignore me if you’ve already done this or don’t wanna do this, btw!!)
the last…
1. drink? Water
2. phone call? @queerenbian, last night!
3. text message? My mom. She sent me a picture of my niece 😊
4. song you listened to? I’ve Got All This Ringing In My Ears and None On My Fingers by Fall Out Boy
5. time you cried? Last night because of my leg lmao
6. dated someone twice? Yes, I was stupid enough to do that with more than one person. 10/10 do not recommend.
7. kissed someone and regretted it? Hahahahahahaha. Yes.
8. been cheated on? Yep.
9. lost someone special? Yes.
10. been depressed? For about a decade.
11. gotten drunk and thrown up? I’ve never thrown up while drinking. I feel like I’m going to pretty much every single time lol, but I never do.
favorite colors
12. Purple
13. Black
14. Rainbow (shut up don’t tell me how to live my life)
in the last year, have you…
15. made new friends? Yes!
16. fallen out of love? Nope.
17. laughed until you cried? Yes 😊
18. found out someone was talking about you? Lol I don’t have any friends IRL so no
19. met someone who changed you? Everyone you meet has the ability to change your life.
20. found out who your friends are? Already handled that in high school lol.
21. kissed someone on your facebook list? Yeah, my fiancé lmao
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? All of them. I have like 100 and most of them are people I’m obligated to be friends with in there. I don’t like people lol.
23. do you have any pets? Three cats (McGee, DiNozzo, and Abby) and a bearded dragon (Charlie). We’re hoping to move out of our apartment and into a house soon so that we can get a dog, but Barney wants a small one and I want a big one, so gods know we’ll probably end up with two lmao
24. do you want to change your name? Maybe, but I don’t know if I will.
25. what did you do for your last birthday? I went to work lol.
26. what time did you wake up? Today? At 6:01am without an alarm, because my body just knows that’s when it’s time to wake up lol. Except I didn’t have work today because of the holiday, so I went back to bed and got back up at 9am!
27. what were you doing at midnight last night? Laying in bed desperately trying to fall asleep.
28. name something you can’t wait for: My best friend of a decade, who currently lives on the opposite side of the country from me, is coming to visit at the end of this month ❤
29. when was the last time you saw your mom? Two days ago!
31. what are you listening to right now? I’m currently watching Untold Stories of the ER, so I’m listening to that. I’m also wondering what happened to question number 30. Poor 30. Someone took it away.
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom? Not to my knowledge, no.
33. something that is getting on your nerves? WHEN PEOPLE DON’T USE THEIR FUCKING TURN SIGNALS.
34. most visited website? I’m not even gonna check to be sure. It’s Tumblr.
35. hair colour? Currently? A Mess™
36. long or short hair? The horrible in-between place.
37. do you have a crush on someone? Yes–the (unfortunately fictional) loves of my life, Matt Murdock and Jessica Jones
38. what do you like about yourself? I’m too tired to take anyone’s shit anymore.
39. piercings: I had my ears pierced when I was younger but we found out the hard way that I have an allergic reaction to silver lmao, so we had to take them out. They’ve since closed up, but I always think about getting them re-done.
40. blood type: Not a clue. I hope it’s alien.
41. nickname: Mika, Mickey. Lala to all the smol humans in my life, Kayla to most of my family. And my fiancé calls me Bunny because I scrunch my nose like a rabbit a lot (my glasses never stay up lol)
42. relationship status: Engaged to be married!
43. zodiac: I’m a Leo and I take that very seriously.
44. pronouns: She/her and they/them are what I put in my bio but literally, y'all can call me anything.
45. favourite tv show: Supernatural, Parks and Rec, Glee, I’m gonna stop there before I list 50 lol
46. tattoos: I currently have four and I’ve drawn about ten more.
47. right or left handed: I’m ambidextrous but I mostly use my right hand because it’s a right-handed world.
48. surgery: Just my wisdom teeth.
49. piercing: (This is a repeat question, so lemme tell you the one I want instead?) I wanna get the Monroe piercing but every time I’m like “yeah I’m gonna do this!!” I chicken out lol
50. sport: I don’t play any, but my stepfather takes ice hockey very seriously, so I was kind of raised into it. Go Devils.
51. vacation: I recently went to Cape May, NJ!
52. pair of trainers: … w a t?
more general
53. eating: Food.
54. drinking: Consumable liquids.
55. i’m about to: Get yelled at for being a smartass about the previous two questions, probably.
56. waiting for? My life to begin.
57. want? A really cool rock.
58. get married? The ring on my left hand says “I sure hope so, buddy.”
59. career? Gods, I just want to perform.
60. hugs or kisses? Both is good.
61. lips or eyes? BOTH??? Ahhh. Uh, eyes.
62. shorter or taller? There are benefits to both.
63. older or younger? (As long as it’s legal) in my opinion, it doesn’t matter.
64. nice arms or nice stomach? Let us not objectify people’s bodies. All bodies are good bodies.
65. hook up or relationship? Relationship. I just need to let y'all know that that word was literally already typed out for me in the question and I still had trouble spelling it.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: Bit of both.
67. kissed a stranger: Nada.
68. drank hard liquor: My fave lol
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: MY LIFE
70. turned someone down: Yes.
71. sex on the first date: I mean,,, I don’t recommend it to anyone but it worked out for me. ALSO, ONLY IF CONSENT ON ALL SIDES IS A GO.
72. broken someone’s heart: I don’t really know if anyone ever loved me enough to have their heart broken when it ended.
73. had your heart broken: Yes.
74. been arrested: No lol
75. cried when someone died: Of course.
76. fallen for a friend: Too many times.
do you believe in…
77. yourself? I try to.
78. miracles? I believe that the universe works exactly the the way it’s supposed to.
79. love at first sight? Sure.
80. santa claus? I wish.
81. kiss on the first date? If all parties involved are willing and comfortable.
82. angels? I believe in real-life angels. People who are too good for this world.
83. current best friend’s name: Mollie
84. eye colour: Hazel(ish)
85. favourite movie: Rocky Horror Picture Show, A Nightmare Before Christmas, Deadpool
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emziley · 7 years
All of the even numbers!
MVP for being the first ask I got...ever XD (also, sorry It took so long! I was almost done then my computer died and I had to restart D: )2. Do you have any nicknames?Emi, Milly, Em, Emziley (But I rarely use that aside from screen names) also, Jade 4. What is the longest your hair has ever been?probably at my butt! or at least lower back....its almost back at that length 6. Favorite flavor?Blue8. Are you friends with any of your exes?Yes! and hes married to my best friend now too :)10. How grammatically correct are you when you text?I text how I would normally speak so not very accurate? but also not like text talk12. Creamy or chunky peanut butter?Creamy! Who eats chunky?14. DC or Marvel?Yes. Mostly Marvel16. Do you have any stickers on your laptop computer?There’s a small note taped on it XD its my moms computer so not really. but If I had my own there would be stickers all over it!!18. Do you read any magazines?Not really20. What is your go-to Starbucks drink?I never tried starbucks!22. Last show you binge watched?Voltron?24. Favorite Disney princess?me!- just kidding, Probably Elsa! (Does she count?)26. Favorite thing to cook for yourself?I CAN MAKE FISH!!! Its one of the very few things I can make so I’m glad I like fish xD28. Have you ever butt dialed anyone?Probably?30. Any styles of music you do not like?Country? I mean some songs are good but---32. Have you ever gotten a ticket while driving?I can’t drive :( 34. Showers or baths?I’ve been really wanting to take a bath and I haven’t been able to, so bath.36. Are you fluent in more than one language?I’d like to be, but I’m not.38. What is the heaviest you have ever weighed?I don’t know? probably around 200lbs40. Have you ever uttered a spoken hashtag?Yes. moving on.42. Favorite non-chocolate candy?Jolly ranchers :D44. If you could have one superpower, which one would you most like to have?Teleportation. Then I dont have to drive! Or walk... XD46. From 1-10, rate your dancing ability.4? 48. From 1-10, rate your driving ability.Idk like a 5 for when I started to learn? 50. Do you drink soda? If so, which one is your favorite?Moutain Dew. The worst shit for you52. Spring or autumn?Im alergic to spring so autumn xD54. Can you play any musical instruments?Yes! A guitar! Kind of piano, I want to learn more. Someone once told me "learn to play a little of any instrament you can get your hands on"56. How easily do you cry?Very. 😧58. Favorite YouTube channel?ArtfulImpersonator :v (and not just because you're asking) 60. How long have you known your best friend?Wich one? About 5 years ago? 62. Last CD you bought?Ed Sheeran for my sister for christmas 💜64. Have you ever been broken up with?Yes,66. How long was your longest relationship? Are you still with that person?2 and a half years, and yes :) 68. Have you ever acted in a play or a musical?Multiple! And I would love to again. 70. Have you ever sexted?😶 yeah~ 72. Real or fake Christmas trees?Story time! Once we got a real tree and it had a nest of spiders in it. Never again will we get a real tree. Ours has "snow" on it :) 74. How well can you write in cursive?Pretty well! You might be interested to know I learned at a young age because they thought it would help me with my dyslexia! 76. Do you like any boy bands?Hahhahahahahaha. Most. 78. Have you ever gotten any stitctopic. Thankfully not! I think I'd panic too much tbh80. What is the oldest piece of clothing you still wear and how old is it?I still have socks from when I was seven? But I also have old sweaters from my grandparents which are probably older than me82. Have you ever dyed your hair?Yes! It was rainbow at one point 😃84. How long have you been at your current job?Currently don't have a job :/86. Phrase you say the most?Well fuck. 88. Have you ever gotten fired from a job?No. 90. Have you ever been a Boy/Girl Scout?I've been both! XD girlscouts we just colored, venture crew (boyscouts) we did alot of fun stuff but it didnt last because the troop was dying out to the point it was me and my sister and one other person holding it together92. Do you eat meat?Yes, though im not a big meat eater94. Worst habit?Hating myself... 96. Do you believe in ghosts?Yes98. Do you consider rapping singing?Not really? 100. Favorite store to shop at?Cleché but hot topic102. Favorite Pokémon?Piplup! I want a real one. 104. Do you drink alcohol at all? If so, what is your drink of choice?I don't drink much, but usually Mikes hard lenonade (of various flavors) but I did have a sangrea last night which was pretty good! 106. Favorite type of cookie?Peanut butter blossoms or oreos108. Biggest pet peeve?I don't know actually? 110. Favorite literary character?Probably Karkat Vantas xD does homesuck count? 112. Do you wear or have your ever worn glasses? Yes, sense I was 2 actually xD114. Have you ever been the victim of a prank? Yeah, nothing too bad though! 116. Have you ever taken a nude selfie?Maybe......... Yes. 118. Favorite fandom?They all have their downsides but homestuck basically rearranged my entire life and had such an influence both good and bad so I think I want to go with homestuck120. Have you ever snorted when you laughed? All the time xD122. Favorite Disney song?Let it go is fun to sing~124. Random girls’ name.Melony126. How many people are in your nuclear family?4 and a cat so that's 5128. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?INFP-T (i think thats Mayers-Briggs?) 130. Biggest regret?Art school 132. Do you like any soap operas?XD no, I like to pretend Im in one sometimes though. Its fun. 134. What sports team(s) do you root for? Uh hufflepuff quittich team? 136. Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same gender?Yes. XD then we dated. 138. Name a moment in your life when you were pleasantly surprised. When my partner changed their mind from "I'll think about it" to "yes"140. Have you ever left a movie theater before the movie was done?Yeah, I REALLY had to pee... 142. Is sex before marriage wrong?Not nessisarilly, as long as both people want sex, go for it! 144. Can you handle spicy food?Not as much as I used to and that upsets me :(146. Do you like MTV?Not really~148. TV show or movie you quote/reference the most?Steven Universe xD150. Where do you think is the best place to meet a new lover?Anywhere! If you're having fun at a place and they're having fun at the same place (or chatroom :v) ans you hit it off and eventually date and~ 152. Favorite thing to do outside?Look at (and take pictures of) nature. 154. Do you say “y'all” at all?Yes xD156. Do you believe in evolution?Yes? 158. Favorite Beatles song?Ob-la-di ob-la-da (I think thats the name?) 160. Have you ever been to Disney World or Disneyland?Yes! And preformed there ;D162. Do you like to go fishing?I don't have the patents for that tbh164. Do you take medication for anything? Yes, for Epilepsy. Thank you for reminding me to take it! 166. From 1-10, how much do you like children? 3 maybe? If they're well behaved.... 168. Have you ever been bungee jumping or skydiving?Yeah, no. Nope. Not doing it. 170. Do you collect anything?I uses to collect giraffes xD and still have alot of them! But Yeah, I have a few collections. 172. Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman?Not yet. Soon. 174. What was your favorite toy to play with when you were a child?My mind xD nah probably babrie dolls? 176. Have you ever learned anything from a how-to YouTube video?Like everything. { :v still cant brush wigs without watching your video and crying... } 178. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender? Yeah~180. Do you have a pool at your house?Yes. 182. Do you like karaoke?Sometimes? 184. Have you ever ran a marathon?Hahahahaha. Nob:(186. Any guilty pleasures?Yes.............. Yes. 188. Do you live in a house or an apartment?House. 190. Worst job you’ve ever had?Im not sure you could call it a "job" but I worked at a haunted house where they gave you "cash prizes" for the days you worked. I missed the first few days because I was in the hospital and told him I couldn't be near strobe lights. Unfortunatly I was put by the strobe lights. I worked 2 days, desided I was more trouble than I was worth and never went to pick up my money. I stilk get a little anxiety thinking about it tbh. 192. Were you ever voted homecoming/prom king or queen? Nah :p kinda wish I ran but~194. Have you ever gotten detention? I don't think so? 196. Have you ever taken a road trip just for the fun of it? Yes! My family used to have mini rode trips alot... Recently though me and my dad went on two big ones, one to california 2 years ago and colorado a few weeks ago! 198. Were you a part of any academic clubs in high school or college?No... 200. How long have you been on tumblr?4ish years?(Thank you 😁)
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