#all of this sounds v aggro bc its v late atm sorry
clonehub · 2 years
Perhaps I am too gracious with anons like that but in general, the reading comprehension of the star wars fandom genpop is in the toilet. Stop taking everything at face value. I do it too sometimes but at least I can correct course when I need to. In what world can you admit that GL and DFs love of M*A*S*H and other military shows and movies influenced their handling of tcw and star wars in general but you can't see how any single bias they may hold could influence how they write people of color. You can see how GLs studying Anthropology in college influenced star wars. I'm telling you now that whatever racist shit he picked up from Anthropology in the fucking SIXTIES made it into star wars. Anthro now is a lot better but still has shit to deal with. It's been fifty something years.
(it's also only just occuring to me that this man probably remembers parts of the civil rights movement or at least its immediate after math since he graduated in 1967 hold on while I lose my mind)
A lot of fans like to pat themselves on the back for coming up with theories and then maybe part of a theory being right, somehow, eventually, and they think that holds the same weight as being able to draw connections between what's presented on screen and how it is influenced by greater sociopolitical happenings and also by Disney being a fucking corporation before anything else. The basics of media analysis is praised as enlightened but the minute you ask someone to examine why in the world someone would want an elite team of genetically enhanced soldiers to be whiter than the people they look down on, they suddenly don't know how to think and noooo fiction doesn't affect reality and nooooo I can tell the difference between fiction and reality nooooo the writers didn't do it on purpose. Which goes to show a further lack of reading comprehension because nobody's ever accused them of doing it on purpose. And whether it's on purpose or an accident, it's still racist.
But you point out something like this and because of a massive level of insecurity surrounding their chosen interest and also an embarrassing amount of intransigence in general they revert so quickly to "yeah I love this show that I've acknowledged has massive issues it's complicated :/" or even worse, "idc it doesn't have to be good 🤪". The latter is a deflection I hardly entertain because again, were talking about racism not narrative quality (altho tbb is in fact. Bad)
Idk it's just getting more and more frustrating especially as star wars media gets more and more tepid (again, bc of status quo + capitalist effects on art bc Disney is a corporation! We are in the mass production stage of media babey!) The themes and morals are right there and people miss them despite claims that So and So character is actually their son/husband/boyfriend/whatever. Star wars is for everyone except if everyone is racist, in which case then ur making up the racism and also how dare you criticize the unbridled yet horrifyingly milquetoast imaginations of a man who named a tech specialist Tech, don't you know he loves star wars :(
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