#there are writers who deserve credit for good shows and im handing that too them!
thegeminisage · 8 months
tng update time and oooooh am i ever mad about it. tonight we watched "hero worship" and "violations."
hero worship: i wanted to like this episode. but, firstly, it's just yet more evidence why children should not be on starships. this has been bothering me the entire time i've watched this fucking show. i hope there aren't any kids on voyager or whatever because this is literally fucking killing me
secondly, i felt really weird about everyone just...going along with this kid's idea that he was an android. i feel like there's a way to be lenient of his trauma without reinforcing the delusion or whatever sorry ik that's not how you're supposed to say it. it just didn't seem like solid therapeutical practice is all. i will admit there was also some secondhand embarrassment watching this kid's impersonation of data but i think it COULD have been cute (which seems to be what they were going for) with a better execution
i DEFINITELY think data's interactions with him should have been supervised too, not because i don't love and trust data wholly but because he has this way of missing certain emotional cues. and while that isn't a problem in day-to-day life, like, that's just the way he is and i resent anyone who would make him feel like it's a bad way to be/there's something wrong with him because he is PERFECT the way he is!!! for someone who is so vulnerable i think that data could accidentally do harm where it isn't intended (almost did a couple of times!), and data wouldn't be happy about that either because of course it would never be his intention. like i LOVE episodes where we just throw data into the deep end and let him figure it out, i love watching him go, but this is a child whose entire family/ship just DIED HORRIBLY who thinks he is responsible for the event. im not saying dont let data be his buddy data deserves so many buddies im just saying give data some INSTRUCTIONS at least. for both their sakes
anyway it was mid at best. it had a few good moments but ultimately not enough to salvage it for me
okay wait hold on i feel like i need to start a brand new text block for violations. you're only allowed 4000 characters per paragraph and i have stuff to say. i have Things To Get Off My Chest. please picture steam pouring from my fucking ears right now
actually forget the bullet list i don't need a bullet list this is not a normal liveblog Post. do you know every day i see threads on r*ddit and sometimes even tags here on tunglr dot edu about how people don't like tos because it's sexist. thats all well and fine and good. tos IS sexist. ARE WE SAYING TNG IS BETTER?????
tasha yar and the rape gangs. the naked time: 2! where both women got turned into insatiable sex object. deanna's impromptu and nonconsensual pregnancy. tasha's impregnantion by rape and her death at the hands of her rapist. that time they filmed deanna's feet. beverly crusher for all of season 1 having absolutely no personality outside of being a mother. lwaxana troi getting gang raped by ferengi for laughs. genuinely uhura on tos in the fucking 1960s got treated better than deanna troi on tng in the 1990s. yes tos has extremely bad moments sexism wise. JUSTICE for janice fucking rand. but truly how can you be as sexist against women when they aen't there. meanwhile, tng has women in every goddamn episode and all it takes is for one bad writer to
actually you know what is so funny. gene roddenberry and two women are credited with writing this episode. ALL of them are going to hell, gene roddenberry especially. i hate hate hate HATE his rape fetish. justice for janice rand AND tasha yar AND DEANNA TROI!
the thing about this episode is, it could have been good. there were good parts about it. for example: worf's joke about being probed. they knew what they were doing and it was hilarious. deanna getting to talk about her overbearing mother. riker's little speech to deanna when she was in the coma with literal tears in his eyes and this is a WHOLE separate rant but
my problem with tng is that you don't see them care about each other. we're TOLD that they care about each other. they SAY, "oh, x is worried about [character who's in danger this week]." but we almost never SEE them act it out. every once in awhile riker gets weirdly protective of picard, and worf seems kind of protective of everyone which i like, and picard also does a good righteous rage on behalf of others, but i don't usually get to SEE it. like when wesley goes missing or whatever he and his mom don't always immediately rush into each others arms on their reunion. when deanna passes out you don't always see riker abandon what he's doing and rush to her side. nobody asks "are you okay?" with genuine concern. and even when we DO get for example geordi driving himself crazy wondering what went wrong over data's fake death we don't get any follow-through - there's no reunion between geordi and data at the end the way there would be for kirk and spock.
BUT RIKER AT THE HOSPITAL BED. ohhh i was eating. it was so good. he wasn't even saying anything of merit but just the SIGHT of her passed out like that had him almost in tears. riker, who is the epitome of good humor and dealing with space horrors with laughter. IN TEARS. it was so good. a true show instead of tell moment. and in THIS fucking episode
my issue is: they had three on screen rape scenes. the first rape scene was extremely long. like they couldn't show anything explicit because this is 90s tv but it was VERY VERY LONG so it hardly seems to matter. and THAT was bad enough. but then they made us watch it AGAIN when he planted his dad's face in the memory and A THIRD TIME when he was like "ugh she's being so sweet to me even though i raped her i can't NOT rape her again." like at least that time she was able to hit him and get away but it feels like a hollow victory when he's already gotten away with it TWICE, AND!!! when worf had to come in and save her anyway at the end.
it was doubly horrible that he got away with the crime SO WELL that nobody suspected him - like, picard is out here asking deanna to let him into her mind a second time and she GOT RAPED. A SECOND TIME. deanna is like oh yeah you can come in! and it could have been a compelling mystery and plot twist to be like OH IT'S THE DAD but really it's the son except we SAW HIM DO IT the first time. there wasn't even any mystery to solve or anyone to suspect, he wasn't misdirecting US, we just got to watch him successfully misdirect this poor stupid naive trusting WOMAN
also, the thing about deanna's attack being a rape scene while riker's was someone dying under his command and beverly's was IDing her husband's dead body is that for riker and bev these are REAL THINGS THAT HAPPENED TO THEM. deanna never got raped by riker. like, he wouldn't do that and they wouldn't still be as close and comfortable with one another if he had. (i am mad on his behalf TWICE now that they left it open whether or not he committed that particular crime when every other piece of evidence says he wouldn't. the guy is not a closet serial rapist and leaving the endings open to be edgy is extremely poor form.) like, they literally JUST made deanna's attack a rape scene to sexualize her and feed roddenberry's fetish and HE'S DEAD. HE WAS DEAD WHEN THIS AIRED. HE CAN'T JERK OFF TO IT ANYMORE
they didn't even explain why that guy kept leaving people in comas. deanna i get because he was stalking her and wanted to fuck her but why riker? why beverly? that made it MORE suspicious. why all those other people on the other planets? was he raping every single one of them? how did he plan to keep going after he'd framed his dad for his crimes?
and it COULD HAVE BEEN GOOD. beverly's thing with IDing her husband's body was fun and terrifying. deanna could have gotten a memory that spoke to character development instead of being sexualized like this. in fact i think it was lowkey a pussy move not to deal with any of riker's close encounters because of the two of them riker is the one who has actually been raped! "someone died under my command" is generic and lame. but the way the telepathy worked was cool, the plot twist could have been cool, you could have felt real betrayal from liking this dude if he hadn't been all evil smiles from the beginning. and they dropped the ball SO HARD. and i could forgive them for doing that! i have given tng so many benefits of the doubt! BUT THREE RAPE SCENES IN 45 MINUTES?
the worst part is, there was no emotional resolution. they had that guy say the word rape out loud and then the credits rolled. deanna and riker didn't speak one word to each other. she was never like, i know you didn't actually rape me like that's not what happened. no one was like, beverly go have a hot drink and call your son. there's NO EMOTIONAL FOLLOWTHROUGH ON THIS SHOW. tos was guilty of that sometimes too but this level of it is fucking unreal
tng enjoyers im sorry for my meanie posts earlier. love who you love etc etc. i'm just. baffled. HOW IS THIS BETTER THAN TOS. at least what happened to janice rand (and uhura one time) was over quickly and didn't replay three FUCKING times!!! "tos is too/more sexist" I AM TURNING MY BRAIN INSIDE OUT TO TRY AND UNDERSTAND THIS FUCKING STATEMENT
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clonehub · 2 years
Perhaps I am too gracious with anons like that but in general, the reading comprehension of the star wars fandom genpop is in the toilet. Stop taking everything at face value. I do it too sometimes but at least I can correct course when I need to. In what world can you admit that GL and DFs love of M*A*S*H and other military shows and movies influenced their handling of tcw and star wars in general but you can't see how any single bias they may hold could influence how they write people of color. You can see how GLs studying Anthropology in college influenced star wars. I'm telling you now that whatever racist shit he picked up from Anthropology in the fucking SIXTIES made it into star wars. Anthro now is a lot better but still has shit to deal with. It's been fifty something years.
(it's also only just occuring to me that this man probably remembers parts of the civil rights movement or at least its immediate after math since he graduated in 1967 hold on while I lose my mind)
A lot of fans like to pat themselves on the back for coming up with theories and then maybe part of a theory being right, somehow, eventually, and they think that holds the same weight as being able to draw connections between what's presented on screen and how it is influenced by greater sociopolitical happenings and also by Disney being a fucking corporation before anything else. The basics of media analysis is praised as enlightened but the minute you ask someone to examine why in the world someone would want an elite team of genetically enhanced soldiers to be whiter than the people they look down on, they suddenly don't know how to think and noooo fiction doesn't affect reality and nooooo I can tell the difference between fiction and reality nooooo the writers didn't do it on purpose. Which goes to show a further lack of reading comprehension because nobody's ever accused them of doing it on purpose. And whether it's on purpose or an accident, it's still racist.
But you point out something like this and because of a massive level of insecurity surrounding their chosen interest and also an embarrassing amount of intransigence in general they revert so quickly to "yeah I love this show that I've acknowledged has massive issues it's complicated :/" or even worse, "idc it doesn't have to be good 🤪". The latter is a deflection I hardly entertain because again, were talking about racism not narrative quality (altho tbb is in fact. Bad)
Idk it's just getting more and more frustrating especially as star wars media gets more and more tepid (again, bc of status quo + capitalist effects on art bc Disney is a corporation! We are in the mass production stage of media babey!) The themes and morals are right there and people miss them despite claims that So and So character is actually their son/husband/boyfriend/whatever. Star wars is for everyone except if everyone is racist, in which case then ur making up the racism and also how dare you criticize the unbridled yet horrifyingly milquetoast imaginations of a man who named a tech specialist Tech, don't you know he loves star wars :(
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sour-n-salty-citrus · 3 years
Do you have any hopes for the season finale? I saw in another ask, you described the dynamic between rick and morty this season as "very weak, distant, and downright frankly boring" and I completely agree with you! I hope that, because this is most we'll see rick and morty interacting this season, it'll have at least a few moments of what makes their dynamic so interesting to watch.
(Ok i started airing my grievances with this season, which ended up being... long, so skip this paragraph (starting at / / /) to get to my thoughts on the finale)
Oh gosh I remember that ask (I think-). And yeah, maybe I'm being a bit overly critical. I'll probably look back on this season with retrospect, and a kinder, fonder view. Ik androgynousblackbox (think thats right) made a great point about it being the season FOR rickorty shippers. And sure, I agree on some bits, like Rick acting all pissy and partying the way you would if your ex got with someone new in the planetina ep. Overall though, i think my problem lies in that I was enjoying more individual moments than episodes themselves, especially the middle three. For example- Amortycan Grickfitti. Like, I really liked the idea of the Ship getting on a crazy adventure with Summer and Morty (and Chutback). I like the idea of a Beth-Jerry-Rick adventure. But put together, it's just kinda... meh? You know? I liked the first half of the Thanksgiving special... but it kinda dragged on after that. I get that they want to give other characters (particularly female ones) more attention, which is completely understandable and i encourage it(!) but I can't help but find it underwhelming. Like, Summer in the voltron ep was like- girl how are you STILL vying for Rick's attention! He's the worst! Haven't we done this already? (I will say though I ADORE how far Beth has come, props to her for continuing to seeing through her dad's BS. I was worried the character would relapse into a more typical s1/s2 Beth, and I'm glad she didn't). Some of these plots, funnily enough, seem more fitting of the comics (they actually had a voltron parody already). Fun and entertaining for two or three-something issues, not so much a 22 minute episode. i think most of my complaints come from the dynamic between our titular characters- ok, I know I'm very biased (I mean you can see it), but I came to the show primarily for their relationship. It doesn't even feel drama-fueled, just that they kinda... can't be arsed. I'm torn because on the one hand, they're unhealthily codependent and this separation is probably a good thing, but on the other... it doesn't feel natural? I'm not sure if that's the right word- it's like, season 4 had them practically joint at the hip, but all that's suddenly flung out the window. It just kinda feels like this "i got better things to do" vibe from both of them and its strange. The only time they both got a solo adventure (I'm classifying "solo" as an adventure where they spent a significantly large portion of time together, without the other family members) was in the sperm ep and Thanksgiving ep. And, well, in the Thanksgiving ep Morty felt like a side character in his own show, and the sperm ep... um. Yeah. I don't think it's AS bad as people were saying, but I was cringing the whole time (the second hand embarrassment for Morty was so strong I had to turn off the episode multiple times and return to it. It's just like- godammit MORTY). And I think there's good reason those two seemed to be the most disliked episodes overall. They're the ones RaM spend the most time together and it's... meh. Meh? Meh. I don't mean to say the season overall is bad (it has loads of good points, and its amazing for Smith family as a whole) just that if we're talking specifically about the dynamic between these two? Yeah, I wouldn't recommend a single episode from this season so far to use as an example of their relationship.
/ / /
There's one thing this season has been pretty good at, though. And it's showing us what happens when Rick is alone.
And that brings me to the finale.
"Who is Rick without Morty?"
Well... we already know the answer to that. Pathetic. Sad. Lonely.
This season has been phenomenal in humbling Rick. (And trust me I'm happy for it- every time someone beats the crap outta this shitty old man I'm like YES!!! IT'S WHAT HE DESERVES!). Ep 1 had his "nemesis" clearly besting him, ep 2 had Beth making constant digs (love her) and overall pointing out his extreme callousness and cruelty towards even himself(ves). Ep 3- when Morty shows interest in a girl and ditches him (like seriously it's not like he's moving out, chill) he immediately goes on a bender and develops a deep attachment to the first person he can (wearing yellow, funnily enough). Ep 4, he devotes himself to becoming an "honest man" for his new child, only for it to instantly be taken away from him. Ep 5 highlights how RICK is the asshole for making fun of and taking advantage of someone well-meaning and honest, if "simple", and how literally not cool that is. Ep 6 has his crazy rivalry with the president, and they both get smacked down a couple pegs for that. Ep 7 shows what happens when he allows himself to get carried away, and that he can end up driving everyone else away in the process (lucky they still wanted to save his ass when he needed them). And episode 8? Hooooo boy. Episode. 8. We see a direct parallel in Birdperson with Morty, and the whole "Rick and [insert] 100 years!" Rick has few people he cares about, arguably only one or two that he truly devotes himself to, but when he does, boy does he go HARD. We see younger Rick, optimistic, energetic, friendly and hopeful. And we see all of that crushed in minutes. Rick is desperate for a companion, someone to see the stars with. He needs someone there, someone he can trust and rely on to stay. Someone like Morty. So without Morty, who is Rick?
No one.
And the thing is, Morty doesn't need Rick anymore. Not like Rick needs him. In season 1, Morty was this bright-eyed kid who was new to the cosmos and the multiverse, who needed his grandpa there with him as they explored all these places together. But that's not him anymore. That's not them.
The promo has Morty using the portal gun to go somewhere w/o Rick's permission (i like to think it's boob world lol). It doesn't matter to me as much where he's going, as much as he's doing it alone. He doesn't just not need Rick there, he doesn't want him.
(Also correct me if im wrong but I've missed that sweet portal gun so much. I think the last ep was like- the first time this season we saw it).
Morty's response to Rick? "Replace me!". And wow. Wow. WOW. Morty doesn't give a FUCK! I think Rick thinks that because he's so smart, that he can offer so much, that Morty will come crawling back, and I don't think he will.
Hopes for the finale! Hmm. I mean, I definitely hope "evil" Morty makes a reappearance, haha. I think we all do tbh ;). I want to see some Morty development too, this season has been very Rick-centric (not that there's anything wrong with that!) so I wanna see what's in store for Our Boy. I really hope we get to see the Citadel again, and see the state it's in, but I doubt it. We know something super big is in store, it's just a question of what? Other hopes I have is some Summer + Beth action (please let them team up Im BEGGING) and Jerry too ahaha. I'd love if some other side characters made an appearance as well. Oh- I'm definitely expecting a dramatic cliffhanger at the end of the first half leading to the second half, with the kind of angsty music that leads into the credits (pls that shit is so good (OH WAIT imagine if it was like, for the damaged coda, but like- the chopin version or smth so it could be more subtle maybe bruhhhh)). Ok haha, maybe that's asking too much, the writers made it clear in the story train ep that they weren't gonna do that big dramatic showdown (... unless 👀). Oh, I'd also love some Premium Angst too, like someone getting kidnapped/nearly dying (like ACTUALLY nearly dying). These stakes better be so damn high I could spear a man on them! OH, also I remember androgynousblackbox (is that right? I hope it is) mentioned something along the lines that they could be driving Rick and Morty apart this season in order to have them come back together stronger than ever in an explosive finale, which, I'm strongly hoping for myself.
Thanks if you made it this far! If you have any thoughts on or hopes of your own for the finale please feel free to share! :D
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gingerest-ale · 3 years
YOUR PUNK AU ART has me on the floor. Absolutely spectacular!!!!! If you want to elaborate on your artistic choices I for one would LOVE to hear it <3
THANK UUUU!!!!!!!! also again i want to give credit to thee lovely castielsweedgarden (tumblr won’t let me tag them) for the original concept, the original post is here and their tag for alt!natural posts is here all their content is SO DAMN GOOD please check it out
OK ARTISTIC CHOICES. So for some background I’m a costume designer so I actually spent a lot of time doing research for these outfits and also I pay way to much attention to detail so get ready for an infodump because im a nerd.
ok so my headcanon for the jacket (and if u read the og post this will make more sense hgafkgsjk) is that Dean stole it from John the night he and Sam ran away and he starts to modify it and make it his own and put patches on it that would piss off John and thats why he keeps wearing it because he took this thing his dad loved and made it his own and that is the ultimate “fuck you” to John.
Dean keeps his hair in a really short crew cut because i really enjoy Dean teasing Sam about their hair being long
Sam and Dean dye their hair in motel bathrooms and Dean changes colour every other month meanwhile Sam just dyes their hair black because “i dont want to damage my hair with bleach Dean”
I had a lot of fun with the patches and most are pretty self explanatory BUT i want to draw attention to: 
the handprint patch on Dean’s shoulder right above where the actual handprint is
the patch that says “i love my non binary child” is the first patch that goes on the jacket because Dean wants to support Sam and it is thee ultimate patch that would piss John off
The bee patch was a gift from Cas <3
Deans shirt is ripped from hunting but he likes the aesthetic of it 
The chain around his neck is silver or iron or some other useful ghosthunting metal
also the tattoo on Dean’s hand is inspired by this one fic its so good please read it
Dean wears a bunch of jewelry and you can’t see it but he also has a bunch of tattoos
Sam wears platform boots and it makes them like 7 feet tall but its ok its what they deserve
I said this in the tags but ill say it again: Sam got the spiked choker because they were tired of getting strangled by monsters all the time and honestly i think a lot of canon!Sam’s problems could be solved if he just wore a spiked choker
Anytime Dean teases Sam about their fashion choices Sam always tells him thats its for practical reasons. The rosary? Its for making holy water in a pinch. The ripped fishnets? they’ll just get ripped anyways. The platform boots? its too intimidate monsters. The spiked choker? Its self defence Dean come on, it’s a purely tactical decision, no aesthetic reason at all.
Sam modified the sweater themself. Spent the long hours in the car embroidering an exorcism onto a cropped sweater (it didn’t use to be cropped, but a werewolf clawed into the bottom part of it and well. here we are) in pink thread and sewing some black lace onto the hem.
why yes, Sam’s skirt does have a blood splatter on it!! you would think this would get Sam some suspicious looks, but their aesthetic is so Like That that people assume its just painted on in an attempt to be edgy. People who assume this are wrong.
Sam likes wearing revealing clothing because it lets other people see how insanely strong and muscled they are and alt!Sam loves being absolutely intimidating to people.
Like. Imagine. This seven foot tall giant shows up, wearing all black and spikes and you can see their insanely muscular thighs under the fishnets and oh god why do they have so many scars you Do Not Want To Mess With Them.
to be clear I think alt!Sam is just as much a sweetheart as canon!Sam is but they dont try to make themself look smaller
The shirt Cas is wearing says “BOB the man, the myth, the legend” and it is very much based on a shirt my lovely gf has.
The reason cas is dressed Like That is because he woke Jimmy up in the middle of the night and the tshirt and sweatpants and the socks are Jimmy’s pyjamas and of course he had to grab his coat and put on his crocs shoes before leaving the house to get possessed by an angel, he’s a sensible man!!!
ok so i need to talk about the crocs because some people seem unhappy about them. Castiel does not care about human fashion standards. He does not care about how he is perceived by others. Crocs are sturdy, comfortable, practical shoes to him and thats all that matters, why are you laughing Dean? They’re waterproof!
I honestly don’t know why i drew Cas with hoop earrings it just felt right but my current headcanon is because he say Beyoncé wearing some or something.
ok trench coat doodles time!!!!! there are many of them and i wont go into all of them but here are a few noteworthy ones
the one on the top right is based off a lil doodle one of writers did for a fan I think??? I can’t remember someone please link the post ;;
dean just doodles lil bees and hearts all over the place because they make Cas happy
theres a badly drawn Leviathan on there. in case you were wondering what that is
so many games of tic tac toe were played on the trench coat. Sam always takes the circles. Sam always wins.
the big heart on the bottom right contains a doodle of the poodle Dean found hot on that one terrible episode. I’m not sorry. 
I did draw an airplane with gun arms. it’s an inside joke i have with my gf. No i will not elaborate. I think that Dean drew that on there because he thought the idea was funny.
bottom left corner has cool sun wearing sunglasses because we are all kindergarteners 
the SW and DW drawn on the coat are because they put their initials on the places they call home. 
Thank u for your ask my apologies for writing ten million words about it please enjoy
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1waizumihajime · 4 years
hey~ so awhile ago i made a uquiz that asked for some unpopular a3! opinions. here is the verdict (note: responses have only been edited for spelling, and if a response mentioned members of multiple troupes they are repeated in each section) enjoy!:
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tsuzuru should become a professional gay drama fanfic writer based off the mankai company
Chikage is a cool character but if he doesn't get over his mom trauma and keeps treating women bad its gonna be a problem. Like outside of kidnapping izumi as a sabotage for the company he treated her so bad bc she's a woman and he was like "oh I realize ur not like other girls" I hate it here
Sakuya is underappreciated and deserves some more heart to heart talks.
Citron and Izumi would make a fantastic couple!!
TsuzuMizu is one of the world’s greatest love stories. The Y E A R N I N G
I think that. Chikage :)
I don’t like Masumi
why does everyone like chikage and itaru i dont understand
masumi pls stop deep breathin
Tsuzuru’s deadlines were only for the first 4 plays of the company and the fact that no one says this to him or try’s to help him with his sleep and work means they’re perfectly fine with him ruining his health if they get what they want from him (a good script) in this essay I will
if they don't release the sprites of itaru and banri's older sisters i have no choice but to assume they're hot af and also sapphic
Izumi needs to place a restraining order on Masumi
Muku has bigger duality than Itaru
Masumi is creepy
Itarun is baby
citron is a walking racist stereotype and thats why i dont like a3 :)
itaru is too good looking for his own good, love that for him
sakuya deserves the world but that's not an opinion it's just a fact
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I- u. H m— u h— ...... so like- Taichi Banri and Tenma hanging out being friends. Y e s—
muku nonbinary
Yuki is a cishet, and saying he isn't when it's stated he is, and gets bullied for not being cishet makes me feel wrong
a3! writers: we addressed kazu's problems me: you didn't address shit a3! writers: we've addressed them
misumi deserves the world
Yuki is Ace and no it’s a fact people refuse to acknowledge
maybe we should talk more about how kazunari never got his conclusion and still has issues being himself but im just sayin
i don't think is actually unpopular but a3 im begging you. please stop type-casting characters and let characters other than yuki play female characters hdjkhfjkhfjs khjksh ok thanks
Misumi x Tenma is NOT valid (Sorry not sorry)
idk if this is unpopular but i wish misumi’s character was more fleshed out...his whole life can’t be 1.) triangle and 2.) parental neglect ToT
Muku has bigger duality than Itaru
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cmon we could have a little izumi/banri's older sister. just for fun and banri's mild suffering
Juza is overrated
I- u. H m— u h— ...... so like- Taichi Banri and Tenma hanging out being friends. Y e s—
if they don't release the sprites of itaru and banri's older sisters i have no choice but to assume they're hot af and also sapphic
i actually don't see the appeal in SakyoIzu. idk, Izumi can do better than that
banri depressed :( thats why he angy
juza and omi superior ship
banri has good fashion taste fite me
taichi is a top tier boy <3
Taiyuki supremacy
jtszbn :]
taichi and juza good ship why does no one ship GRRR i angery
juza is way more interesting than people give him credit for! him just casually offering to cross dress...i love him. also he definitely wears eyeliner
idk man but taichi is severely underappreciated
Juza and banri are both subs but banri is a brat and makes juza top. Juza's mom has beaten god behind a 711
Nachi is best boy
Azumi needs to Stop
Uhhhh the puppy characters aren't actually that cute and Taichi is very annoying on the surface before taking into account his backstory. The characters who have passions and interests outside of just being good to you, the player, are much cuter imo
it's not an unpopular opinion, i'm literally just in love with omi
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Homare’s definitely gay, I can feel it
azuma... asexual.. thank u for coming 2 my ted talk
Tasuku is a himbo. He's buff, he's stupid, and contrary to popular belief he is NOT mean, yall are just sensitive. I will die mad about this
Tasuku is a himbo. No I will not budge on this. After he stops being an asshole he BECOMES a himbo and if liber would just SHOW him being the himbo he was meant to be then I'd be able to rest in peace
Hisoka is a really good flirt
U h Hisoka is so fuvkimg short i swear to fucking god he needs to drink more fucking milk-
Beyond the Wall is not that good.
guy deserves more thirsty hoes why does he have so few give guy thirsty hoe stans
homare rights
Homare world domination
hisoka unhinge
Azuma is genderfluid.
Tsumugi and his "grandma" vibe ;)))
Homare mermaid play. We need it
Azuma deserves a hug so does Homare actually all of Winter Troupe deserves a hug
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Cybird pls let me date izumi I would like to give her a kiss pls
They’re all gay
I'm gay
i’m conflicted about izumi bc on the one hand i like fleshed out female leads but on the other hand because i’m so different from her i find it hard to relate to the game sometimes
the anime is still not perfect but I like it for what it is
um i dont hate this particularly, but it annoys me how everyone ships the lead and co-lead (saku&masu, tenyuki, juban) because they have a good dynamic, like ??? yeah lol and?? but its harmless and stuff so in chill w it. only exception is tasuku and tsumu because they do have chemistry!! absolutely hinted at
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sikereviewdotcom · 5 years
strawberry shortcake s2 ep1 - horse of a different color
this one was suggested by someone who couldnt keep their mouth shut and not sing the strawberry shortcake intro theme in the middle of our economy class
no one wanted to hear that, but they  went ahead and then i actually followed up on that train of thoughts i remembered about the fucking cartoons and i knew it pronto: its a must-see shit its like slightly above the level of magical school bus series, but the final rating is for the fin not the beginning so lets begin this horseshit:
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were reviewing “horse of a different color”, it focuses indeed on strawberrys horse, honey pie pony (its her entire damn name, how sweet right? like all of them, i got diabete from this review but its the cost of maintaining this blog anyway, the kids are playing together on a that tree having fun jumping around like chimpanzees hooba hooba but sadly our filly quickly realizes she cant play king kong with them and keep falling on her ass,
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yet since theyre all retarded or young (id say its a fifty-fifty case for them kinda normal ig, i mean they ARE literal 6yo) they try several ways of getting her up on that tree, not thinking how to get her down if they ever were to succeed (good for them: aint happening) its child labor too btw, from an horse still same deal what if honey pie fell down on them? crushing them corpses with her mighty pounds? the findus company would be delighted to hear such news, im sure its some quality (sweet ass) horse meat
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once it all fails she understands a horse isnt meant to climb a tree, too big too fat its four legged, not even entertaining the relationship giraffes have with trees
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but it aint over, then (after a talk with herself) hp hears the laughters of a bunch of kids which catches her attention, it always does who can ignore that sorta noise? although she aint annoyed by it shes just into the idea of riding a bike now, shes even gonna get a go at it oh yea thats it we finally found her human hobby gogdamn shes a backward furry
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of course it fails aswell since she has no hand for the handle and shes heavy so i guess its the reason why she rides into w/e and cant stop? because otherwise she couldve also just.. actually it makes no sense does it? i mean she couldve easily stopped the ride actually how is that kid bike even holding her? ive never tried putting a pony on a bike for 6 y/o but i doubt about its capacity in not being crushed aswell as i doubt in the kids bones not being severely damaged after a visit under honey pies horsy buttcheeks
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but all of that really makes her sad: she cant play with her human friends and shes the only horse around strawberry land or whatever see me tearing it for her, theres so much emotions in this episode especially after that filly trynna get kids to get into some horseplay horseshit like dude theyre only 6, lets go easy on them, might have a problem with the parents of the kids watching this episode no one even thought how fucked up this one part is? sure horseplay isnt only sexual or w/e but it still is the visual of 6yos on all four jumping around and neighing together with their ass a little bit too exposed wow im going on a dangerous road here? aint i? not gonna sue the writers im sure it was their subconscious speaking probably got issues from their childhood, eventually got them sorted out since 2004 what do i know? aside from me not caring
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back on track : after seeing horsey being so sad the kiddos decide to get her a horse friend but where the fuck? they got no idea, they are proud nonetheless and go tell honey the good new until they are like “wait but we have no idea where to find horses!” ofc we get a big reveal, some serious strawberry shortcake lore: actually all the horses, ALL OF THEM FROM THE ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET are on one (1) single island: ice cream themed to diversify it all they are just chilling over there in ponyland and for some reason this one here got lost or idk guys she took the boat and checked the rest of the world out as an even younger filly, found strawberry and her friends and decided now she was a centaur  slash humanrry furry human, idk you get it but shes their friend and so on to introduce the concept of an AWESOME island full of equestrian activity and ofc ice cream but its kinda lame because who cares? everythings already made out of food, also why isnt the ice cream melting? its one water? nevermind for the introduction as i was saying, hp sings an horrendous sounding song it deteriorated my ear drums they got pierced or something  or maybe im exagerrating? either case horses cant sing:
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so to the ice cream land they go, huh
of course it wouldnt be a big adventure without an almost broken bridge oh no whatever shall we do? could we possibly cross it safely? lets try it out  guys: yay it worked good for us little stress and suspense it was wack how they got honey pie out of the hole her big ass hoove made im mesmerized by the power of friendship and sugar at this point, just in full awe for the rest of the episode probably over dosed on all the ice cream flavoured horseshit, i got some all over my mouth its dripping on my desk i gotta clean that later
next thing we know: horses its all this episode is about (aside from labor) but you see, so far hp would switch between normal human language and neighing well turns out her other fellow equines can only neigh and so they just neigh together while our english well-spoken mammal translates to the moronic kids who just smile smuggly
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of course the animals are having a welcome party then, dancing around while the morons are just bored, harsh one being a cartoon character isnt it guys? w/e theyre gonna ask for honey pie to come back home now, convinced that her natural habit isnt her place and she loves them too much to just leave them and never come back and break any plans they ever had together- oh shit looks like shes leaving forever huh? what a plot twist mark that on the bitch quota for today
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the first one to leave is the little boy btw, important thing to note: hes the biggest pussy he cant even face reality: oh no, no more pony back time before sleep thats quite a bummer, downer and man how are they going to survive now they got no animal to watch over them? jesus theyre soon, on the boat (idk where they got it from idk why suddenly theyre on a boat because then theyre once again gonna cross that bridge but ok) anyway yea theyre having a relationship crisis during that ship trip yada yada ah and the bridge, because (see i do not call them morons for now reasons obviously they deserve this title not only because theyre 6 but also because they are just daft:) they proceed, once in the middle of the bridge all 4 of them, to stop and wonder
“will the bridge be able to hold all of us? wont it break? damn i wonder if it will crack” and they talks without moving until vlam: a tree comes and breaks it (dont ask) so now theyre in trouble:
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back to ponyland: bitch pie realizes how much she misses her actual friends and that she can speak english which her other horse friends cant do so she is special and probably abnormal, shes a big outcat of the pony society and has no other reason but to escape her incoming death sentence for fraternizing with the humans of course none of the second part is true, she just wants to see the kids again so she says asta la vista baby to the neigher team and runs away see, she hasnt taken the boat and yet also arrive to the bridge? why a boat sequence then? i will skip this for now but it WILL play in the rating, imagine im the parent of the youngster watching this crap and i have to endure it
if it sucks this bad and is this illogical i might just get bored and change the channel, idc my progeny aint gonna be watching this in either case, ill make them watch political debates then interrogate them on what they learned after what but it wasnt actual political debates just random furry youtuber venting with their fursona sprites animated and thats how you make your kids retarded, the kick of this joke is that i aint planning on getting any kids but totally gonna make them watch classics too such as the attack of the killer donuts as soon as they reach 6 so they wont be dumb and probably not getting diabete or w/e in their adulthood
then honey pie saves the kids btw all of them, heavy shit
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and they all go back to strawberryland, happily after a big “wow i missed you sm, you are my real friends w/e if you dont look like me i aint speciest guys really!” theyre all vegan too btw so this works for them i havent watched enough strawberry shortcake episodes to know if they ever eat meat but i have doubts seeing how theyre into a very cannibalistic diet which include eating dessert when obviously thats what they are at least half part, this cartoon raises a lot of political questions it may have a deeper value than i first attributed to it
the end: another terrible song plays about horseshit and how tasty it is
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thats all folks
so the rating: big 6/10, so you know 5/10 if its a decent kid show where im highly eager to click on the x and get back making jams but nah
surprisingly enough, i only wanted to stop watching half of the episode and not the entirity of it so credits for thats since im an adult and not a kid, imagining kids enjoyed this sweet childish cartooness or w/e now why +1? its because of how many political questions it raised, how it made me think about our society and cakes yknow its more than kids having a conflict with an horse it talks about veganism, specism, handicap, cannibalism, the management of the limited ressources were exploiting and so on yea really makes you think, its subliminal messages to make kids smarter: they watch their dessert-imbecile counterparts doing bs and then get it right irl: good  ah- it also makes it better for you when youre watching this with your kid, you suddenly transcend to another level of spirituality, existential crisis activated or at least reasoning mode or w/e youre willing to name this the point is you arent bored still despite all of this i rated it quite low for such a serious kid cartoon what couldve possibly made me tic? 1) kids are morons and cant understand all of this, not clear enough for the targeted public 2) projection onto the characters/dialogues from the writers of their childhood traumas (the horse play event didnt go unnoticed, karren brown) 3) my little pony ripoff 4) its controversial, our society, especially in 2004 couldnt understand the depth of this shit and finally 5) i got so much ice cream flavoured horseshit all over my desk god help me this is so filthy what a fucking mess i would totally recommand it to anyone who feels like being blown away by the statements made in this work of art 6/10 but really we all know in the future, itll be a 9/10, some ahead-of-its-time-crap
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tg, out
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sadwetmoomin · 5 years
ok so im tired
The problem isn’t ‘not enough people of color or women are making enough good films and TV shows.’ The problem is whenever someone ACTUALLY gets recognized, white, cis men think that their own identity and the ‘integrity’ of award shows are being compromised to appeal to diversity. I remember watching Ramy Youssef accepting his Golden Globe for his performance in his own show, Ramy. Now, the show itself is incredible; as someone who’s trying to maintain faith and culture (though not Muslim), I found a lot of the things in Ramy’s reality really interesting and relatable. I felt like this was a story that many people have experienced, and making it a comedy makes our own lives more enjoyable. Furthermore, it addresses real issues in a way that exposes how ingrained they are in our everyday lives, and how (as a latina and child of immigrants) I had to grow up with all these preconceptions about myself and the people around me. However, when he was making his acceptance speech, a person walked up to the screen and talked over him, saying, “He only won because he’s Muslim. The academy loves to pick people because they’re diverse, and it’s unfair how political they are.” Yet, how can this statement be true when most of the nominated people were white? If the Academy truly rigged elections to pick people based on diversity alone, the whole audience would be different shades of brown, correct?
And why does the meaning of the award change depending on whose hand holds it? Without seeing the show itself, how can a person decide the merit a person deserves? Not only does it discredit the hard work a person did to fulfill an artistic vision, but it implies that the main difference between a white man’s work and anyone else’s is that a white man always deserves to be nominated. According to this ideology, a white man will always produce quality work that deserves every award it is teased with; everyone else is only there to piss off Republicans.
Listen, a lot of movies were good this year; i recognize that. But what I don’t understand is that in an industry where creativity is encouraged, a formula has developed that systematically puts some movies at a higher value than others. In a sense, there’s an elitism that only recognizes movies that appeal to a certain demographic and doesn’t venture too far from the center and actually pushes boundaries. Some actors aren’t getting nominated based on their actual performance; they’re getting nominated because, well...they’re That Actor. They are always supposed to get nominated because that’s What this Actor does.
And this reality sucks! How the hell am I supposed to say “women and people of color aren’t recognized enough” when the first argument I receive is, “what? men can’t make good movies?!” What, in fact, can I say that won’t make me feel trapped or won’t let people ignore me like they’ve been encouraged to do? And how can I say “The awards that aren’t segregated by gender but are still given to us are so few that we can’t even change the pattern?” Without someone saying “Well, you won that year!”? How can I communicate my point for people to actually understand that one award in more than 75 years isn’t nearly enough to solve a deep-rooted issue like this one? And how the hell am I supposed to actually create knowing in the back of my mind that if I don’t get recognized, people will automatically shrug it off with, “Well I guess women/POC didn’t make any good movies this year!”
In this reality, a Gerwig film will never come CLOSE to a Scorsese film. Or a Tarantino film. And, mind you, I’m not saying that these two men don’t deserve their nominations; OUATIH was a good movie, and I’m sure the Irishman was good (listen, I’ll be honest - i’m not sitting through a 4hr movie about Old People who Used to be Interesting). What I am saying is, Greta Gerwig had a truly interesting take on an old classic and made something important of it. And while she did all that, she made a stunningly beautiful film with a star-studded cast that truly made Little Women something incredible. Every single March sister had an assigned “fate” for women at the time, and throughout the film, Gerwig’s writing demonstrated that we’re still in this reality today! And film analysis aside, her creativity shone, and Little Women was intelligent, well-spoken, INTERESTING...I finally felt like there was a movie that had packed all my frustration growing up in a patriarchal world, even exploring a male character trying to live outside that world that didn’t suit him, and made that frustration art. Not seeing Gerwig receiving proper credit for directing this movie into perfection was disheartening, to say the least.
Furthermore (and this point will be shorter), there’s also a prejudice around actors usually known for comedies. In short, the elitism goes even deeper to exclusively prefer drama actors over comedic ones. Ironically, however, the dramatic performances by these comedians tend to shine, exposing these people as truly talented actors with a versatile and noteworthy range. Of course, this brings me to mention Uncut Gems, which deserved a seat at the table, and it makes me mention Adam Sandler, who truly SHONE. Furthermore, Awkwafina (and The Farewell in general) was incredible, and the story she told was powerful and amazing. Though Hustlers was not my favorite movie, Jennifer Lopez was AMAZING...yet these aren’t ‘serious’ actors, right? They haven’t done whatever the fuck these other people have done!!!
We have to start recognizing newer directors, newer writers, newer actors, newer stories that haven’t been explored before or invent a new category on Netflix or whatever. Not to be Virginia Woolf on main, but there is a certain beauty of ordinary life, of ordinary women, of ordinary people of color, of ordinary people from the LGBT+ community, that doesn’t have to be fetishized or insulted in order to be of worth to male audiences. Women don’t have to beat up, people of color don’t have to be criminals, men don’t have to be war heroes or powerful bosses or manly at all! What are we supposed to learn from art and culture if we are only exposed to the same points of view over and over again? What makes a tired world war story (albeit a different world war this time) - in which the SAME people are considered infallible heroes (even though in WWI no one truly was the good guy but that’s another point) - something new and truly nuanced about our society or the way the writers think or tell stories? I can’t critique any of these old, white, male directors or writers or actors because not wanting to watch their films or whatever makes ME the idiot for “not knowing what culture is”! If their names are the only things giving them merit, then they can do no wrong, and I am in the wrong for preferring someone else’s movie.
tl;dr Movies are a form of art, and everyone is encouraged to indulge in said art and make something wonderful. Yet, if we are going to applaud certain pieces of art over others, then we have to break down these nonexistent barriers that define what “valuable art” consists of. We can’t change the definition of good art based on whoever holds the award, and we can’t hold good art to the same standard of people who no longer know what the world of art looks like. Give people a chance to actually CREATE; and see how beautiful films can actually be.
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joyofbebbanburg · 5 years
The One
Ok so I wrote this off my phone and didnt spell check or anything so I apologize in advance for any mistakes.
This is for @amofbebbanburg who is not only my best friend and sister but shes also my co writer and I'm so lucky to have her.
Here's on of your many stories I have for you babes. Hope you like it ❤😘😉
Also I do not own the Pictures. All credit goes to who the pictures belong too. And pls excuse the picture placement I could figure out to to change the placement.
Failed date after failed dates...when will it ever get better? When will you ever find the one. It's hard to date when you work on a film set. You were the make up artist for The Last Kingdom and with the crazy schedulings you have its difficult to find someone who understands.
You were meeting this guy Jake for a nice date but not only was he an hour late but all he talked about was his ex and how different you were from her and that he was disappointed because you were so different.
So here you are once again getting back to your trailer on set to call it a night.
Just as you approached your trailer you hear Alex call your name.
"Am! Hey how was your date?" He asks
"Oh hey....another terrible date....I swear Alex I have to be the issue...maybe I'm just not good enough.....maybe I'm just to fat....or im just not pretty enough" you sigh and continue to ramble insults to yourself of all the possible things wrong with yourself.
You do this after every date, and after each date gone wrong your list gets longer.
Alex was sick of you talking bad about yourself. He had fallen in love with you over the time you've worked on set. He never wanted to ruin the friendship but now he knows he needs to make his move.
You look at him shocked at his raised voice
"You're perfect Am...you're kind, smart and you have the best personality. Any man would be lucky to have you...if I'm being honest I'm glad these dates didnt work out" he confesses
"Excuse me?" You ask him a little offended
"What I mean is....I like you Am and I want to call you mine....let me take you out and show you how you deserve to be treated" he takes your hands in his and kisses them.
You had always had a soft spot for Alex but assumed it'd be to unprofessional to persue him romantically, so you just pushed your feelings aside.
"You want to take me on a date? You like me?" You asked still in shock
He starts to chuckle
"Yes Am. If youd allow me to, I could make you forget every bad date you have ever been on" he grins and you smile
"Okay..let's plan a date" you agree
You and Alex had agreed on the weekend coming up he'd take you out to dinner.
True to his word; he made the night memorable.
Jake who? What bad dates? All you thought of was Alex. He was a true gentleman. Making sure you stayed happy and had a good time. Nothing felt forced, it was all natural with him.
Now you understand why every date wa terrible and why you couldnt find 'The One'. The guy you were ment to be with was tight in front of your eyes and your glad you finally realized it.
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(This was your outfit for the date)
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overthinkingkdrama · 7 years
Jona Spoils Chicago Typewriter
[The following review liberally spoils the ending a plot details of Chicago Typewriter. I recommend watching the drama before reading.]
Yet another drama that I took my sweet time finishing after it had officially stopped airing, and yet unlike with MoonClouds or Goblin,  I really felt like CT was worth my time. At the very least, an interesting break from the norm, and one that deserves a bit of a closer look.
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Chicago Typewriter is a supernatural reincarnation romance that spans over two timelines. The majority of the drama focuses on Han Se Ju, a novelist in modern-day Seoul, his devoted literary fangirl, Jeon Seol, and a quite literal ghost-writer, Yoo Jin Oh, who has been haunting the titular typewriter for the past 80 years. In their former lives the three were passionate freedom fighters in occupation-era Korea. The hypersensitive, hopelessly self-involved Se Ju as gotten himself a wicked case of writer’s block right at the beginning of a hugely lucrative project. Yoo Jin Oh offers to assist him in finishing his book through supernatural means, but that will mean compromising his principles and passing off someone else’s work as his own. It will also mean drawing closer to Jeon Seol, as the three are pulled further into the web of memories from their past lives, toward a shared fate.
When we were still in the early buzz phase, the first thing I noticed about this drama was the casting, which is fantastic. Im Soo Jung is an actress I’ve only seen twice. Once in the movie Time Renegades and once in the perennially relevant I’m Sorry, I Love You. The idea of a Kim Go Eun-esque advent on television after a career that’s focused largely on movies I’ve historically had a hard time watching through legal means was exciting to me. Add to the fact she would be playing opposite the exquisite Yoo Ah In and rising star Go Kyung Pyo who very recently upgraded in my estimation cute to smoking hot, and I was totally there for this. Plus, the story boasted a novelist entangled in supernatural events and occupation era period elements. All of which is very, very much my speed.
Then I found out who the writer was and had to backpedal a little bit.
CT comes to us from the same writer as Kill Me, Heal Me a melodrama with a psycho-fantasy premise which I wasn’t precisely thrilled with. I don’t think KMHM represents everything wrong with this world or anything like that, but it’s one of those vastly popular dramas within fandom that I had a lot of issues with. From a story and pacing perspective I found it to be quite messy. Adding pacing issues and a writer with an inability to edit her ideas to the all too prevalent tvN bloat is a recipe for disaster. *cough* Goblin *cough*.
While CT does fall into some of the same pitfalls as KMHM, I think the material plays more to the writer’s strengths. Jin Soo Wan is better suited to out and out fantasy with a dash of period romance than psychological dramas. Her flair for the melodramatic felt somehow more appropriate paired with the fantasy premise of CT, and thus while far from perfect it felt more refreshing and frequently less forced than her previous drama.
So now to get down to the nitty-gritty, starting discussing the details of the drama…
The biggest strength that this show has, I believe, is its casting. A good performance and a charismatic lead can cover a multitude of sins, and nowhere is that more apparent than with our leading man, Han Se Ju. Se Ju as a character is at times so insufferable that I think in the hands of anyone less capable than Yoo Ah In, I would have been forced to hate him. But YAI’s intensity, grin, almost whispering line delivery punctuated by frequent freak outs, made the character more appealing and sympathetic than he otherwise would have been. There’s just something about that boy.
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Go Kyung Pyo does smoldering and mysterious very well, as he demonstrated in Jealousy Incarnate, and he’s pulling out a somewhat similar performance here, but to his credit it works very well for his character. Im Soo Jung switches between bright and bubbly to soulful very well, though I can’t help but wish that she had been given a little bit more substantive to do as Jeon Seol. Other than acting as a walking a plot device, occasionally disseminating key information regarding her past life, and being thrust into unlikely situations with Se Ju, there didn’t seem to be a whole lot of reason for her to be involved in the plot.
This criticism does not extend to her 1930s persona. Ryu Soo Hyun is so much more interesting to me than her modern day counterpart that it’s really a shame that the format of the show didn’t allow us to explore her character a little more thoroughly. What we get of her is so intriguing. Her loyalty, her ruthlessness, and her commitment to the cause rivaled that of either of her boys. The drama spent so much time building up the mystery of who Jeon Seol had killed in her past life that I was worried they wouldn’t be able to make the scene as impactful as it needed to be. Boy, was I wrong.  And then her cold-blood rampage at the end of the drama absolutely caught me off guard and gave us a far darker and more poignant ending than I had ever imagined.
And that’s basically where we start running into problems with this drama. The 1930s segments of this show are so much stronger on the whole than the modern day stuff that it really makes you wish the entire drama had been a period piece. Or at the very least there had been a little better balance between the two. The lion’s share of the last two hours of this drama take place in the past, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that they are two strongest episodes of the show. With the exception of Yoo Jin, all of the characters in the present were weak and unsubstantial compared to their 1930s counterparts. Han Se Ju isn’t a terrible character in my estimation, but he becomes so much diminished when you hold him up to his Scarlet Pimpernel-esque resistance leader, Seo Hwi Young.
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^^YAI somehow managed to upstage himself in his own drama.^^
And it was clear also that the writer didn’t know what she wanted Jeon Seol to be, other than love interest. She couldn’t even settle on one occupation for her (Olympic marksman, delivery girl, veterinarian, editor). The modern day stuff lacked focus and direction.
Another issue is the fact that there are once again too many characters in the drama and not all of them have a clear function in the story. Why is the Italian chef even in this drama? Why did we spend so much time with shaman and her daughter when they have so little impact on the story? Did the writer not think we had enough comedic elements in this drama?
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^^This drama?^^
As for the modern thriller aspects: Why did we both with the copy cat killer/revenge crazed stalker character arcs? Was Tae Min and his dangerously sociopathic behavior not enough? There was a perfectly viable subplot about a sibling rivalry between two writers–the legitimate heir unhinged by jealousy vs. the gifted son of his fathers mistress who will always outshine him–that could have offered more than enough suspense and interest if it had been developed better. Not only that, but Tae Min’s character has a connection to the 1930s setting that those other character I’ve mentioned don’t. That plagiarism plot and family drama should have been the main source of conflict in the modern day, but it often got lost in the shuffle of stray subplots. It’s this everything-and-the-kitchen-sink style of writing that I had problems with in KMHM.
That being said, there’s still a lot here to appreciate here, and I’m not ready to throw out the baby with the bath water. At it’s heart, this drama is about the bond between our main triad, and their love and sacrifice for each other is what holds the story together. 
I remember when my mother was watching this, she was far more diligent about watching week to week and finished it before me. When we discussed it afterward she said that she found the ending somewhat confusing in that, “It was hard to tell who was in love with whom.” And I told her that was because the three leads were all in love with each other.
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There are several points at which lip service was paid to a traditional love triangle, but it came across as equivalent of pasting a hasty no-homo over a poly relationship. “This is totally binary, guys, we swear!” I didn’t buy the binary relationships they were peddling, and I don’t think the writer’s heart was in it either. It was everywhere evident in the writing that the only happy ending for these characters was one where all three of them were happy in one place, with no patriotic duty to sacrifice for and nothing forcing them apart.Together as friends and–yes, I do believe–as lovers. A true 0T3.
Their tragic fate in the 1930s and the bitter sweet one in modern day was really sold me on the show. And the way that the leads played it with such warmth and sincerity absolutely struck me to the heart. When they were hurt and broken, I cried with them. And that’s what I think makes this evidently imperfect drama something truly special. There are some really good ideas here and if there had been a little more focus and some paring down of ideas, CT would have made an even bigger splash in the fandom.
I give Chicago Typewriter a strong 7.5/10 along with my recommendation to give it a try. It’s flawed, certainly, but it breaks away from the typical and ending sings. It’s really ambitious, and that alone made it worthy of my attention.
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koriginaladdict · 7 years
im just wondering but why do u only stan white characters??? in arrow, spn, tvd, teen wolf u go ham for the whites o_0
first off i don’t owe anyone anything, much less justify myself but i want to discuss this because tumblr is a messy place and little sanity won’t hurt
You know i really don’t pay attention to race, gender or orientation when i watch tv? i’m watching tv to have fun not turn into a wannabe sjw or use sjw arguments to force everyone else to like characters they don’t or better yet? fake liking them
that said, all I care about is the story and character development, i don’t like ALL white character some i even hate like elijah mikaelson, peter hale, theo, savitar was annoying af, elena gilbert, kate argent (omg that’s the worst) gerard argent,  shall i continue? it’ll take me forever and trust me, ii have more white characters I dislike than poc ones, so the point is invalid 
it’s not my fault the tv industry is mostly with white people, that’s why we need representation, it’s all about proportion, i’ll give a little example, there are 100 white characters, 15 poc, if i happen to like 20 white characters ad 5 poc does that make me racist? No because there isn’t as many poc characters as there are white ones it’s not fan’s fault it’s the industry itself
also let’s add in that poc are in much less episodes and seasons than white ones, the writers neglect them, let me tell you, i’d trade the twins, theo, gerard, peter hale, even liam and hayden if it meant i’d have a full season of braeden and kira back, they had more potential, were more interesting, badass and fun to watch in the little time they had than all of the ones i mentioned had in seasons
it’s not my fault poc characters aren’t given good material some times (like some white characters) or are neglected by the writers
and fans instead of wanting better for them (side eyeing iris and james) they  act like they’re pure perfection who don’t need improving and anyone pointing it out is attacked for being “racist” which makes it only worse for the character who can have amazing potential
every single character needs criticism, we all criticize white characters to no end, but if we do poc we’re racist or biased? you’re being more harmful and creating more conflict, if someone insults a poc character, over their race and hate them for it THAT’S RACISM, and i saw that and it’s disgusting, target those people instead of the ones who genuinely care about the show and want what’s best or are just enjoying other characters in their little corner
i’m sorry how is it racist to point out that on s1 james had nothing but being kara’s love interest and also lucy’s ? it’s true, while yeah the break up was sh/t the guardian storyline made me love him and see the potential in him
i loved iris on s1, back when her work as a reporter was actually there and she wasn’t just a half of westall/en, if i dare point it out i’m the racist one? sure
since we’re here, let me fix the misconception, you said “i only like white characters” 
but how about nyssa? she’s my 2nd favorite after laurel, mc kenna was so amazing back on 1 that’s a character i miss, diggle was awesome on s1-2 ish till the WRITERS reduced him to being an olicity prop, 
I love bonnie, lucas had potential, lucy bennet too, but again WRITERS chose not to explore them
i love kira (who and arden deserved so much better) and braeden (oh that woman is so badass i can’t), BOYD !!!!! i was so sad for boyd he didn’t deserve to die like that !!!!  i wanted so much more of him, more interactions especially with derek, i wanted more !!!
trashnatural? that sh*/hole is mostly white straight guys and only worships the winchesters so ? whatever little representation we had I sure as hell enjoyed it (do you even follow me? the only character i don’t like on spn is post s5 dean)
lucifer? that’s a show with good rep, that a perfect show, maze is my favrorite, she’s badass af, in all episodes, had big character development, tied good friendships with pretty much everyone, that’s a character to love, and i think personally she’s the best character of the late 2010′s new shows hands down
amenediel is good too, ella is fun af (even tho she isn’t there as much) but point is, when a character is 
so there your point is completely invalidated
if you actually knew me, I’m algerian, kabyle and my people fought and died to have our identity recognized and our language to be allowed to be spoken publicly (i mean conferences, tv radio ect), some people weren’t allowed to name their kids amazigh names like massinissa, aghiles, tawes, feta, ect…  so i know damn fucking well about how important racism, discrimination is it’s really insulting to me to be accused of such things just because of fictional characters 
here educate yourself 
to finish this off, i see people as people, I see characters for their personality, i don’t see them as labels, i didn’t love derek hale and castiel because “white guy” but because over the course of 5 and 8 seasons (almost a decade) respectively, they had amazing stories, amazing characteristics, always saving people and rarely get credit for anything
i think tumblr should stop obsessing so much over lables and solely judge characters over their personality and actions and DEMAND WRITERS to treat AND WRITE them better and longer
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