#all of which makes me think we're dealing with the Fall and Crowley's whole deal
ineffably-human · 1 year
Just some fun things I've noticed in the Good Omens 2 promo material so far, interpret how you wish:
- prominent use of 'up' imagery, not just 'something's going down in the up' but the 'this end up' box, the ascending? feathers, the up arrow in the opening, Crowley on the elevator and then at some point actually in Heaven
- in the series 1 opening all the marching figures are choosing to move upwards or downwards (towards Heaven or Hell) as they proceed. in the s2 opening EVERYONE is moving in the same direction. sometimes temporarily down but usually upward culminating in an ascent up a very pointy mountain
- said pointy mountain reminds me of the monologue about a bird sharpening its beak on a mountain representing 'eternity', and if ALL the figures are ascending, are they ascending towards eternal life? (Eta: Neil did say that some dialogue from the book they couldn't use in s1 slotted nicely into this season.)
- A pointy mountain also looks like a giant up arrow, so there's that.
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actual-changeling · 1 year
He asks him exactly once.
Some months after the world almost ended, Crowley still smells smoke and tastes fire whenever he first enters the bookshop, and so every single time he stays into the evening, he gets drunk. It's not the ideal way of dealing with it, but it works, and, really, it's not going to last forever.
Either way, it's past midnight and he's absolutely shitfaced. Aziraphale pulled out the good whiskey around eleven, and while he is still nursing his second glass, Crowley has lost count of how many times he has topped off his. Looking back, it is hard to tell why that evening, why that question at that time - not that it matters much.
The room is spinning, he is less than artfully sprawled across the sofa and only held in place by a stern look Aziraphale had leveled at the cushions at some point; they wouldn't dare to let him slide off.
"Stars, angel," he says, responding to... something, surely.
"The whole bloody sky 's full of 'em, but you only see such a tiny teeny sparkling sparkle."
Pushing himself a bit more upright so he can face Aziraphale in his armchair, the liquid sloshing dangerously, Crowley impatiently waits for a response, flopping onto his back when he doesn't receive one within seconds.
"Y'know, 's all so pointless, innit?"
Even with his gaze tracing colourful swirling lines on the ceiling, he knows exactly what kind of frown falls onto Aziraphale's face, half worried and half thoughtful. Distantly, emptying his glass and miraculously not choking, he wonders what his concerned little pout would taste like.
"Maybe we're simply not supposed to know the point, my dear, the-"
"The Almighty 's not here, angel, She doesn't care 'bout my stars."
His interruption ends on a sigh, a puffy exhale laced with the first sparks of millennia old angry frustration, and his mind is jumping between centuries and memories alike, leaving him uncomfortably dizzy.
"D'you think," Crowley begins, his voice oddly steady, "She's still- does She care 'bout me?"
If he were fractionally less drunk, he would have sobered up before the words slipped past his lips, but he isn't, and he doesn't. Regret comes all the same, immediately and forcefully enough to punch the air out of his lungs. Home, he needs to go home, needs to take the question back, needs to run before the pity undoubtedly radiating from Aziraphale hits him. His limbs are dipped in honey, unresponsive to his commands, and he screws his eyes shut just long enough to get rid of the worst of the vertigo.
He does not know the answer nor which answer he wants to hear, and yet he has whispered the question to the stars countless times, receiving nothing but cold silence.
(I still love you, he wants to tell her, sometimes, hoping that maybe-
You made me and I still talk to you and you're my Mother, you're the heat burning in my the stars, you're watching us, me and him, and you have yet to punish us him)
With considerable effort, he pulls himself upright with one hand gripping the backrest, dropping his empty glass onto the floor and swinging his legs down next to it. His vision is a blurry haze, his mind too heavy to fully comprehend the panic raging behind it, and a familiar rush of blood in his ears is drowning out Aziraphale muttering in concern.
"Sorry, 'm leaving. See you t'morrow, angel."
Making it to the Bentley with nothing but a twisted miracle, he shakes off Aziraphale's fluttering hands, and falls into the driver's seat; she knows where to go, whether he's actually driving her or not. Loneliness seeps into his bones while the engine cools, and he forbids himself from thinking about the response Aziraphale might have given him if he had stayed.
The stars above London are distant and quiet like they always are, and not for the first time, Crowley accepts the silence as the answer it is.
(He asks the sky again three weeks later, he never did know when to stop with the questions.)
(Deep down, he thinks knows hopes if he just keeps asking, eventually She will answer; he hates Her almost as much as he misses Her.)
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tinkdw · 8 years
do you think destiel has a chance of becoming canon this season? I mean we haven't had a season this full of destiel (destielicious, if you may) since s8 and dabb seems really in favor of the destiel reading + there are two queer writers... i feel like we're so close to canon destiel but i'm afraid i'm just biased bc i want it to be canon. thoughts? btw ily and your content
Hey nonny, given that I’m so new to tumblr your last words are so sweet thank you! *hug* 
I am also massively biased of course, I would love for Dean and Cas to sort their proverbial crap out and snuggle on Sam’s bed watching Lilo & Stitch while Sam looks on from his chair in constant amazement with both a warm and sinking feeling in his stomach. Cos he’s so happy for them and his family is whole and content but guys, not on MY bed.
Where was I?
Imo it’s a tough one for the show runners and the network, they don’t want to rock the boat but also don’t want to be seen to be queerbaiting, as I said recently it’s poor show for them that when you google Supernatural an article on queerbaiting comes up on page ONE. Also I’m kinda not sure that Jensen is very happy about the idea, but I’m happy to be proved wrong by people who know better.
Thus imo it’s an endgame deal, which I’m sure you know if you follow my blog. I basically scream endgame Destiel every day. To the point that I feel like if it doesn’t happen I’ll just be. What? Like in shock for a few millennia. I keep telling myself that it might not happen and that’s fiiiiiiine…. but then get sucked right back in cos as you say - fodder much? I mean season 12 - what are you doing? Even throwing in so much gratuitous Drowley is glorious to me as if fantastically accentuates the Destiel what with the Cas/Crowley mirrors since their conception and I LOVE IT.
Imo they wouldn’t be chucking so many tropes, so much Destiel fodder at us if it wasn’t going SOMEWHERE as that would make the queerbaiting issue WORSE and the CW has other shows with queer representation so they must be well aware of this as a sore point.
They could easily calm down the Destiel and keep everyone happyish in the middle ground, not rock the boat and upset the Pro or Anti side by, idk, heightening the SASTIEL, allowing Cas and Sam to interact as brothers without it being via Dean, levelling all their relationships with each other to a real brotherly, equal style. Comparing Dean and Cas’s relationship to Sam and Cas’s and even Dean and Sam’s is key to me understanding Destiel, it makes the differences so obvious. 
Have Sam and Cas bicker about, idk, anything, Sam easily bickers with Dean so why not Cas? I mean they have common ground over Lucifer - but they hardly spoke about him at all one on one? For that matter have we seen Sam and Cas have a real one on one conversation not about Dean since 9x11? I mean to me sure they care about each other deeply but they are portrayed as brothers IN LAW not brothers….nearly always either with Dean there as a buffer or talking about Dean. That one bonding episode in 9x11 is the only one I can think of and it stood out precisely because of that. 
Or have Sam call Cas once in a while, don’t have Dean walking off to speak to Cas ALONE so Sam can’t overhear…. Having Dean acting like a complete jealous husband over Crowley then like a WORRIED husband about Billie…. NOT having Sam clearing his throat, eyebrows into his hairline, mouth agape as a constant ‘third wheel’ to a married couple’s bickering or generally an audience mirror to Cas and Dean’s interactions….
Yeah these are choices they are making.
However there are other, many reasons why they probably won’t do it right now (plotline - generally, LBR the drama is at its peak when it’s dragged out right to the end; actors might not want to ‘go there’ on camera too much, certain producers might not be keen, they might lose some right wing fans which we know are numerous, even just fans who don’t see Destiel and would see it as just fan service etc etc etc).
So… things are kind of too good right now with Destiel which makes me worried as it isn’t the right timing imo. If we do get canon Destiel this season I would personally bet on either:
1. Both show their feelings (loosely, I’m not gunning for a double sided love declaration of anything but hey who knows) but they’re separated by *something* leading into season 13.
2. Cas shows his feelings even more clearly and Dean isn’t ready yet. I’m continually writing about the deconstruction of performing!Dean and how this season is particularly strong, but this part is gonna be a BIG deal and perhaps it’ll be one of the last to fall…. leading to perhaps Cas in a Romeo & Juliet style move going back to Heaven (as that now has conveniently become a potential option), thinking that Dean has rejected him (I wouldn’t put it past Dean to be outrageously harsh and hurtful out of fear and self loathing), again leading into season 13.
Basically no, I doubt by the end of season 12 we will have hand holding, waking up in bed together and getting coffee in their jammies Destiel. BUT I do think we will be getting deeper into their relationship and something big will happen cos man, it sure is leading to something….. so…..
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