#castiel winchester
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It’s time for:
Chapter 3 of „Your Soul Is My Anchor“ by @eymwrites
My thoughts: „The way he looks at you when you’re not watching says more than a thousand words“
Next Friday: Part 4.
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 2 months
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qtepasacalabaza · 9 months
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and won't you please give me some decency?
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adeliadrawstuff · 29 days
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I've been on a drawing grind lately, I got my funk back!!
I wanted a messy but clean look with this one :P
+print's, stickers, and shirts here
Sam’s Version
Dean’s Version
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mothalite · 1 month
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diavalkitty · 3 months
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mok-a-chino · 1 year
They are literally the "Badly injured and almost dead but still beautiful" concept.
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Look at them. Pretty boys.
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fandom-eater67 · 3 months
To people who say Cas didnt love Dean in early seasons. I raise you: cas recieving heaven lobotomy because they saw him on earth and decided he was "serving Dean" more than heaven itself.
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caswilllovedean4ever · 4 months
Evey time Dean said something like "well, we're probably going to die tomorrow..." Cas always said something else like "I'll go with you" because if Dean did die Cas wanted to too because he couldn't live without Dean
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valeron99 · 3 months
The story about...
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//I drew this in last year on mermay 2023, but didn't draw one page, and was late, so i decided to post it today in that way that it as it is//
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Because Castiel deserves it 💙💚
Want it? Prints and more available in my redbubble shop M-O-E-M (Link in my pinned post)
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im-just-a-ghost5 · 10 months
Me, reading fanfic about deeply traumatized characters I relate to getting treated with basic human decency, getting their backs blown out and being loved unconditionally by another deeply traumatized character I relate to in a DIFFERENT way : ......mmm.....therapie......
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 11 months
Guardian Angel
Castiel x Winchester child!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: Castiel gets to know the Winchester’s little sister
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Sam and Dean had a tendency to be cautious around new people. A tendency, they were noticing, that was not passed on to their little sister.
At least not where a certain angel was concerned.
“Why is the sky blue?”
“Because blue light travels in shorter waves than other light, so it’s scattered more than other colors, and therefore blue is the color you see most often in the sky,” Dean looked up to see you, the edge of Cas’s trench coat gripped in your small fist as you followed him around.
“Ok. Why is grass green?”
“Because of the pigment chlorophyll in the leaves and stems.”
“Ok. Why is-“
“Baby, how about we leave Castiel alone,” Sam scooped you into his arms, carrying you to his bed in the dingy motel room.
“I wanted to ask him more questions!” You protested.
“Yeah well, you’ve asked him enough for now, it’s bed time.”
After Sam put you to bed, he stepped over to his angel friend.
“Thanks Cas,” he sighed. “You kept her occupied for quite a while.”
“It was my pleasure,” Sam was surprised at the sincerity in Cas’s voice. “She has some very good questions.”
“Cas?” Sam sighed at the sound of your voice, but Castiel stopped him as he stepped towards you.
“I’ve got her, you had some research to do, right?”
Sam glanced at you, before looking back at the angel. There weren’t many people he trusted with you, and just because you liked Cas didn’t mean that Cas was safe; the angel thing was all relatively new to Sam.
“Cas?” Your voice came again.
“Yeah, alright,” he finally decided. “But I’m right over here if you need anything.”
“I’m sure we’ll be fine,” Cas made his way over to your bedside. “Hello, little one. Aren’t you supposed to be asleep?”
“Can you sing?”
Cas glanced self consciously over at the Winchester brothers, but they were engrossed in research.
“I…have the ability, yes.”
“No, I meant like now. Can you sing me a song?”
“I…I suppose. If it would help you sleep.”
You grinned and settled back against your pillow as Cas began to sing softly.
You were asleep in minutes.
“Castiel? Cas, I have a question.”
“He’s probably busy, why don’t you-“
“What was your question?”
Dean jumped in surprise when Castiel appeared suddenly next to him.
“Why can’t we see your wings?”
“I don’t often show them, as it would be counterproductive to my attempts to appear human.”
“Was that all?” Dean could tell Castiel was eager to return to wherever he’d come from, but he hid it well from you.
“Yeah,” Castiel stiffened in surprise when you ran up to him and hugged his leg. “Thanks, Cas.”
“I…you’re very welcome.”
And just like that, he was gone.
“Castiel?” You curled your legs into your chest. “Cas, I-“ your voice broke, struggling to escape past the lump in your throat. “Cas please come. Please.”
“I really don’t have time for questions now, I’m sorry, I-“ Castiel stopped when he got a good look at you. “Little one, what is it?”
“S-Sam and Dean were supposed to be back by now,” you couldn’t hold back your tears, but you were managing to hold back your sobs. “And-and they won’t answer their phones, and-“
“Hey, hey,” Castiel placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, worried when your tears increased and your breathing labored. “I’m sure they’re just in the middle of a hunt. They’ll call when they’re on their way home, I’m sure.”
“I’m scared,” the fragility in your voice broke Castiel’s heart.
“You don’t have to be scared,” Castiel knelt by your bed and looked you in the eye. “Your brothers are very strong, and they’ll do anything to make it back home to you.”
“W-will you stay until they come back?”
“Of course I will,” Castiel promised. He was surprised when you launched yourself forwards and into his arms, but it only took him a moment before he reciprocated, holding you as though you might break.
“Thank you, Cas.”
“Any time, little one.”
Sam and Dean returned home a few hours later to find you fast asleep in the arms of your favorite angel.
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adeliadrawstuff · 2 months
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"Dude, on my car... he showed up naked... covered in bees." - Dean
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ghoulboyspooks · 11 months
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my friend and i are rewatching supernatural so here’s some obligatory destiel fanart
(deans taking a video of cas while he’s not looking) (your honor theyre in love.)
edit: ik it’s a camcorder!! im sorry!! i posted this half asleep 😭
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outofthecavern · 1 year
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He’s still got it
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