#all over good album good vibes it’s a sunday morning in your own kitchen where you have to make breakfast but you make it exactly the way
hurricanewithmyname · 2 years
okay top three harry’s house tracks so far are grapejuice, matila, and little freak
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imagine-that-100 · 4 years
Holiday | Part 5 |
Description of Part 1: Alex Turner x Reader (Female) | You’ve been friends with Alex Turner and the other boys from Arctic Monkeys since you were 13. You never for a second thought that Alex would release a song about you though. From late night phone calls and almost constant texting and teasing, you’ve managed to stay close with him over the years. When a pact is established and a holiday is arranged, life seems to be treating you very well. But a month in LA will either make or break you.
Word Count: 15.7K
A/N: Okay so it was a bit more than the hour I promised you before Anon (I’m sorry I wrote a lil bit more). I’m excited that this is coming out now because the next part is where things get real fun. Taglists are always open. Thank you for reading x
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The next morning, Alex comes into your room to wake you up, which he was scared to do. He knows how temperamental you get when your woken up, so he was definitely anxious about doing it, but felt that he needed to.
You weren’t very impressed to be woken up, but you could have woken up by worse people. And once Alex has got you conscious, he explains his actions apologetically.
“Hey, sorry to wake you up but Miles just phoned and said that we’ve been called into the studio” Alex told you as he sat down on the side of your bed.  
You rub your eyes and nod up at him, “It’s okay, don’t worry”
“Well, I was wondering whether you wanted to come? You don’t have to though; you can stay here if you want to” Alex gives you the option, but you can tell he was sort of excited to ask you.
“No, I’d love to come” You said sitting up a bit more enthusiastically. Now you knew you could hear some new music; you definitely didn’t mind being awake.  
But then you second guessed yourself like you always do,” But won’t I just get in the way? You know I don’t want to interrupt your music”
You knew about his plans for a second Puppets album a few months before you came because you accidentally rang him when he was in a meeting about it. When he called you back later, he told you the news and you’d been ecstatic.
But you did make sure that he wasn’t due to be recording when you came over. The last thing you wanted was for you to be in the way and Alex feeling like he had to babysit you all the time.  
Alex shook his head at you, “You wouldn’t be in the way and I want you there so…”
“Well I’ll come if you’re sure that it’s not a problem” You smile.
Alex smiles at that and asks, “Yeah?”
He was so cute. It was like he could never believe you were actually agreeing with him.
You nod your head, “Yeah definitely” You smile noticing he’s already dressed and ready to go.
He’s in blue jeans and a thin distressed white top that looked incredibly soft. It almost looked like it could tear open any minute.
You had to stop yourself from thinking about that though and you asked him, “When do we need to go?”
Alex pulls his phone out of his pocket and checks the time that you see to be 8:45.
Alex purses his lips before saying, “To avoid traffic maybe leave here about quarter past nine?”
He says it more like a question, but you just smile and agree, “Yeah that’s sweet”
Alex runs a hand through his unkept fresh out of bed hair before he apologises, “I’m sorry. I did say that I wasn’t doing any work whilst you were over here, but people obviously don’t fucking listen to me”
You smile at that before shuffling closer to him to give him a hug and you close your tired eyes once your arms are around his back.
“Don’t worry it’s fine. I’m looking forward to hearing some new stuff” You say as your cheek brushes on the really soft material of his top.
You feel Alex chuckle at that before he hugs you slightly tighter, “I hope you like it. It’s a little different to what you usually hear from me”
“I’ve got no doubt I’ll enjoy it if you’re a part of it Al” You say as you continue to enjoy the warmth he provides you.
You feel Alex rub his hand up and down your back and you smile when he softly says, “You really like my music, don’t you?”
You laugh at that and nod, “Yeah, I don’t listen to much else in comparison to the amount I listen to you”
“You better stream the fuck out of this album when it comes out then” Alex tells you, trying not to laugh because he knew for a fact, he didn’t need to tell you.
“You know full well I will have it on repeat for at least a month when it comes out” You say releasing him from your hug. You sit back against your pillows and let your eyes adjust to the light.  
You smile at each other for a few seconds before you yawn and cover up your mouth. “Sorry again about waking you up” Alex starts but you wave him off.
It really wasn’t a problem you were always tired. Him waking you up had nothing to do with it.
“I best get dressed then” You say before rubbing your eyes again as Alex stands up and starts walking toward the bedroom door.
Alex turns around hearing you say that though, “Oh yeah dress warmer than you have been doing. The air-con in the studio can get a bit chilly”
“So, I can wear some jeans and not be sweating?” You ask him a little too excited.
Alex smiles at you. “Yeah you’ll be fine. Honestly bring a jacket” He tells you. 

“Oh my god yes” You chuckle before practically jumping out of bed and Alex chuckles at your excitement.
“You do know there is air-con in the house, right? You can wear your jeans here too” He tells you as he leans against the doorframe.
“But I like going outside here” You almost pout say as you pull a pair of jeans out of the wardrobe that you’d been dying to wear.
Alex laughs before pushing himself off the doorframe. He smiles before turning away saying, “I’ll see you downstairs”
After routing through your wardrobe, you find a top that you think will make a relatively cute outfit but at the same time will keep you warm.
You end up in ripped black skinny jeans and your old Hard Rock Cafe top. You also put on your black and red checked shirt to use as a sort of jacket to keep you warm.
You run down the stairs at 9:05 in your black and white Vans and see Alex sat on the sofa eating some toast. You’re aware your running slightly behind his schedule considering he wanted to leave in 10 minutes, so you just go straight into the kitchen and pour yourself some cereal.
You sit and eat it your cereal next to Alex and watch the TV until you’ve finished.
You offer to take Alex’s plate back into the kitchen and ask once more, “Are you sure you want me to come?”
Alex smiles and nods, “Yeah I want you there”
“I just don’t want to be in the way” You say honestly.
You didn’t like it when you thought people didn’t want you in a specific place. You most of the time felt out of place when you went for Sunday dinner at your parents most weeks so you just wanted to make sure you weren’t going to be a bother.
Alex shakes his head at you, “You’re never in the way”
You smile, “As long as you’re sure” and before you know it, you’re on the way to the studio.
Alex decides to take the Range Rover and you have a nice drive into through the city. It took you maybe half an hour to get there and signed in and everything.
Alex took you through to their own studio and as it turned out, you were the first to arrive. Not even Miles was there yet and it then only just occurred to you that you could have picked Miles up on the way.
But with the free time you had whilst waiting, Alex logged into the computers and brought everything up that was needed. You watched in awe. You hadn’t seen a mixing desk this big in your entire life.
Alex brought you out of your awe though and asked, “You wanna listen to what we have before everyone else shows up?”
You nod at him with a smile and shuffle your chair closer to his. You watch as he grabs two pairs of headphones, plugs them in and hands you one.
“Are you gunna make me cry?” You ask him as you place the headphones on.
Alex chuckles, “I hope not”
He pulls up a song on the screen and you start listening in complete adoration.
Each song was amazing, and you loved the whole vibe that you could tell this album was going to have. You could easily imagine yourself listening to it on repeat. And you already knew Y/B/F would love it just as much as the first.
“So, when’s it gunna be out? I want more already” You ask Alex as you both take your headphones off.
Alex laughs at that, “It’s took us two months to get these ten sorted, and we have until next year anyway. But the max deadline for changes is end of January. But it’s still a secret, so don’t be posting any photos you take today”
You hold your hands up as if you’ve been caught, “I promise I won’t post anything unless you look really good in it Al” You grin at him, so he knows you’re joking.
“Nothing. The only time I’ll ever tell you that you can’t post something is when it is to do with secret new music” He points a finger at you as if to warn you.
You chuckle, “Alright”
“So, you like what your hearing so far?” Alex asked you.
You grin at him, “I love it”
“Really?” Alex asked furrowing his eyebrows at you pretending to try and figure you out.
You laugh and say “Yeah I really really love it. I’m gunna have Miracle Aligner stuck in my head for weeks”
“Well you could have worse songs stuck in your head” Alex bigs himself up.
But it was obviously your role as his best friend to bring his ego down.
“I know yeah, like any of the songs by that shitty band Arctic Monkeys… Whoever writes them needs to find a new job” You play with him biting your tongue to hold your laughter back.
At that Alex shakes his head at you before he kicks your chair and you roll away from him.
“You’re a fucking bitch” Alex tells you laughing, and you start to laugh too.
You shuffle yourself back towards him and he turns away from you, quite obviously playing with you but it was all fun and games.
“Alex” You whine.
He shakes his head still looking away from you, “Nah fuck off”
You scoff at his fake behaviour before you pick yourself up out of your seat and walk around so he’s once again facing you. You sit yourself down on his lap so your sat across him with your legs hanging over the side of the arm rest.
“You know I love your music” You tell him as your arm goes around his neck to keep yourself from slipping off his lap.
Alex hums and raises his eyebrows as if he didn’t believe you. You obviously knew he was joking but you carried on anyway.
“You know full well you write some of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard” You tell him, and he finally looks at you again.
“Which songs?” Alex asks as if he wants to validate your beliefs.
You hum in thought, “There’s so many”
“Give me a few” He says as he puts his hand around your waist to keep you on his lap. He could feel you slipping.
You ponder for a moment, “Only One Who Knows is gorgeous and makes me cry all the time. Secret door is amazing too, I love that song… She’s Thunderstorms, Reckless Serenade, Number One Party Anthem… and dare I say Knee Socks”
“Fuck off, you had to ruin it” Alex laugh, and you laughed to.
“I just love your music Al” You laugh leaning your head down on his shoulder as he slowly started spinning the chair in a circle.
He was actually a child that had been allowed to sit in the comfy spinny chair in school.
“You could even go as far as to say that I’m a slut for your music” You play with a grin on your lips.
You both were laughing when Miles walked in and soon enough Alex span you around to face Miles who looked surprised to see you both in the position you were sat in.
“Miles Kaneeee” You half sang, with a smile on your face as he walked in the room smiling at you.
He looked between you and Alex as he sat down on the chair you were previously sat in and said, “You two look cosy”
“I said his music was shit so I had to give him a hug to make him feel better” You said picking your head up off Alex’ shoulder
Miles chuckled at that, “Better not be my stuff you’re slagging off Y/N/N”
“Never Miles, just said the monkeys were shit but he knows I’m lying… I wouldn’t have a tattoo if you were shit at writing music would I?” You say to Alex, giving you more evidence to back up your argument.
You even showing him your wrist again. Alex rolls his eyes at you and Miles laughs at your interaction.
“So, what song do you wanna do today Kane?” Alex asks him, blanking you and he tries to hold back a smile. Especially when he hears you scoff and sees in his peripherals that your shaking your head at him.
“Whatever we can get out Al… I know you don’t wanna be here right now, so I’m thinking if we just get two more sorted over today… and maybe sometime next week, then we don’t have to be here in reality for another two months because were over schedule” Miles says and Alex nods.
“Sure, let’s just get whatever done so we can go home… I’m fucking annoyed that they called us in. It’s not like I’ve ran late on an album deadline before I don’t know why he thinks I’m going to start now” Alex has a little rant.
“Maybe he thinks you’re busy” Miles says as he nods towards you and you furrow your eyebrows at that.
“And why would he think that?” Alex asked him, but you’re not sure if he picked up on Miles’ tone.
Was he seriously starting something when he’d literally just walked in?
“Oh I wonder” He snorts sarcastically bringing up the stuff that looks to be what you would create a new song on.
Alex sighs, “Yeah I am wondering” sounding a bit deflated.
He clearly wasn’t picking up on Miles’ tone. But you definitely were.
“Maybe because of the things she posts of you” Miles said in a rather annoyed tone.
You were starting to get annoyed now. You were tired and didn’t like to be harassed by people when it came to your old friends.
You got enough shit online about leaving Alex alone the past 10 years. You definitely didn’t need it from Miles.
You think Alex has started picking up on Miles’ vibe when he defends you.
“What a few pictures a day the past week, if that?” Alex said and you started to feel increasingly bad for even being in the room with them.
You were just trying to make some fun memories with one of your closest friends. Why did it have to be a massive deal if he was famous.
He was still a person. He was still your friend. One of the best.
“Well it’s not my fault if it looks like she’s distracting you with what she posts” Miles says in a really derogatory tone as he almost angrily clicks buttons on the computer.
After that you’d had enough.
“She has a fucking name for a start, and she can see and hear you. You absolute prick” You say obviously annoyed.
“Y/-“ Alex starts but you stop him.
“No Alex” You interrupt, sending Alex a serious look before you turn back to the person who’d annoyed you.
“Sorry if it’s an inconvenience to you that I’m over Miles, but I’ve not seen my best friends in almost a year. Some of us don’t have the luxury to live in a fucking mansion a few houses down from them or afford a flight to see them whenever they fucking feel like it” You say before getting up from Alex’s lap and heading to the door.
You pulled it open without looking back and headed back towards where you came in. You remembered there was a seating area and you think there was a cafe.
“Y/N” You hear Alex call after you, but you just carry on walking like a stroppy teenager.
You needed to cool off.
You couldn’t believe Miles, of all people, was being nasty. It wasn’t even that deep, but it hurt to think that Miles didn’t want you here because you were disrupting their work.
You’d been in the recording studio a few times back when the Monkeys recorded Whatever People Say I Am. You literally just sat and watched in the corner, just appreciating them and watching them be their creative selves.
You never got involved or disrupted them.
You told Alex that you didn’t want to interrupt anything to do with his and Miles’ music before you’d even booked your flight here. He’d promised you that you wouldn’t be interrupting anything which was obviously a lie at this point.
But surely that just meant that Alex wanted to see you as much as you wanted to see him.
You go and sit in the cafe area which you passed on your way through to the studio. It was quite cosy and once you’ve took a seat you just try and calm down.
You were frustrated at the whole situation. You felt like you should leave to give them their creative space but at the same time you knew Alex didn’t want you to go. So, you couldn’t even just ring Matt, get him to pick you up and leave.
After a few minutes, you decided to get yourself a coffee and just try and chill out. You needed to stop thinking about it.
You got yourself a Cappuccino which looked amazing. You got the large one as well, so it came in a massive mug which did actually help improve your mood slightly.
It was the little (or big) things in life.
Once you got that, you took your seat again and looked out of the window and started people watching. It was a fun game to play trying to figure out what everyone was up to in their own little worlds.
After five minutes of doing that you felt much better. But then someone had to come and ruin it.
“I’m sorry” You hear Miles say from behind you.
You take another sip of your coffee completely blanking him like a child. But you were annoyed at him and didn’t want a rant or an argument, especially in public. Silence was probably best.
He sighs and walks around to the empty seat opposite you and sits down. Now he’d insulted you and blocked your view, all within the space of 20 minutes. He was doing well.
Miles can tell you’re ignoring him when you look in a different direction out of a different window. He decides to try again, “I’m really sorry Y/N”
You look into his eyes as you take a long sip of your coffee. You half smile to yourself when he looks away from you obviously feeling awkward.
Once you swallow your mouthful of coffee, you decide to tell him what you’re thinking.
You hold your mug in your hands as you say, “I don’t appreciate to be made to feel like I’ve done something incredibly wrong when all I’ve done is post pictures with my friends that I haven’t seen in a long time”
Miles meets your gaze as he says, “I know I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I said, and I know I’ve pissed you both off because of it”
He then looks down and continues, “I’ve just had a bad morning which doesn’t excuse it, but I’m sorry for snapping”
“What happened this morning?” You questioned not really caring but you wanted at least a little explanation.
Miles sighed and looked back up at you before starting, “The girl I was sort of seeing decided to call it a day the night we went out…”
Shit. You didn’t expect that.
He continued, “And we had another argument this morning”
An “Oh” left your lips before you could stop yourself.
Miles pressed his lips together into a sad smile and said, “Yeah, so I’m sorry I’ve just had a really shitty morning”
You nod, now understanding. “Well thanks for apologising” You smile.
Miles half smiled back at you before saying, “Are you coming back in?”
“I’ll come once I’ve finished my coffee” You smile at him.
“Okay… I’m sorry again” He says as he gets up.
He adds on a lighter note, “If you want a snack after that, the chocolate chip cookies here are really good”
You smile as he leaves and finish your coffee in peace. You felt bad for him, you could empathise with him at lot. You would be in a mood for days.
After another 5 minutes you’ve finished your coffee and get back up to go into the studio. However, once you’ve put your mug on the side of the counter, so the waitress didn’t have to clear up your mess, you noticed the cookies that Miles was talking about. And they looked good.
You decided to be a nice friend and you got to the back of the queue to get Miles one. You wanted to cheer him up in what way you could, and it would also be an olive branch of sorts to make peace.
You were waiting in the line for about a minute before you felt arms go around your waist. You jumped not knowing who it was until you turned your head to see Alex grinning behind you.
You smiled at him and released a sigh of relief. “You shit me up then” You told him before you look down to his arms that have encapsulated you in a hug.
You smile seeing his Sheffield tattoo hugging your stomach.
“Sorry” Alex chuckles down your ear.
“You alright?” Alex asks you.
You nod, “Yeah… I’m sorry for walking out I could just feel myself getting angry”
“It’s alright, he didn’t have to say that. Shitty morning or not” Alex says, confirming that Miles must have told him what was going on too.
“I know” You say releasing a sigh.
“I just don’t wanna interrupt your music Al” You tell him as you watch the lady behind the counter make someone’s coffee.  
“You’re not interrupting me. If anything, you’ll make the whole thing faster so I can get us both home” Alex tells you.
You smile and chuckle at that. Once he had his mind set on being with certain people somewhere, he clearly didn’t like plans being changed.
“I’m sorry for snapping at you” You say feeling bad about it.
You shouldn’t have done that when he did nothing wrong and was just trying to calm you down.
“It’s alright” Alex says before releasing you from his grip as the line moves forward.
“Least I know who will wear the trousers in the relationship” Alex says moving with you in the line.
You giggle at that and look to Alex who’s already smiling at you. He waits with you in the queue when you tell him that you’re waiting to grab a cookie for Miles.
In fact, you’re certain that’s the only reason he waited because he kept on hinting that he wanted one. When you eventually got served you asked for two and Alex got all excited.
You teased him for a second telling him it was for you and not for him and his face fell. You managed to keep a straight face as you paid for your goods and picked up the bag of two cookies before you pulled Alex away from the counter.
You got one out of the bag and teasingly took a bite of it and he called you nasty. You couldn’t keep your face straight then, you burst out giggling.
“I’m only joking” You say before handing the cookie over to him.
Alex’s face immediately lit up upon you passing him the cookie. He ended up splitting it with you as you made your way back towards the studio and it was all gone before you even got back to the room.
When you got back in you noticed that other people had filled the large room and you smiled at them all when you went in. Miles was sat facing the computer still though and he hadn’t seen you return.
You quickly go over to him and give him a one-armed hug from behind. “Hope you’re okay” You tell him.
You bring the bag over his shoulder with your other hand and put the cookie in his lap. “And if that doesn’t make you feel better then I’ll shag you later” You say before you kiss him on the side of his head.
Miles laughs at that before smiling at you and you can see he’s saying a ‘thank you’ for the cookie.
After you hugged Miles, Alex introduced you to the rest of the band that you hadn’t met before. You said you hellos and talked to them for a bit before you all went about your own conversations.
The girls who were the string section of the band seemed lovely and you could hear on the tracks you’d heard how talented they were. You obviously knew how talented Zach was on guitar because he was in Mini Mansions.
You hadn’t met Loren before, but he seemed lovely and you said your Hello to their producer who you knew was James Ford.
After all the pleasantries were exchanged, Alex was being his needy self again and you found him trying to get your attention again. So of course, when he pulled you in for a hug you returned it.
You gave Alex a hug and he said in your ear, “So you’re gunna shag Miles to make him feel better?”
“I think the cookie did the trick. I think I’m safe” You smile at him when you pull away from the hug.
You don’t stray too far though because he still has his hands on your hips keeping you close.
“Ah right, I’m just wondering if you offered Miles a shag to make him feel better, what would you offer me?” Alex asks you with raised eyebrows.
“Ooo Al, that would be telling” You grin at him. His hands still on your hips keeping you close.
Alex grins at you and just as he’s about to say something back Miles asks the room, “So which one today guys?”
Both yours and Alex’s hold breaks, and you just stand next to each other and look towards the men and women who are about to create some amazing music.
“I recon Everything You’ve Come To Expect” Alex says and after a brief discussion everyone seems to be in agreement about the song choice.
The truth was you were excited to see how they went about recording songs these days. You couldn’t wait to watch the whole process intently.
Before long Alex and Miles went into the recording studio that was set up with an expensive keyboard and a microphone on one side and a lone microphone on the other side of the room.
You watch intently as the boys go into the room and you aren’t surprised when Alex sits at the keyboard and Miles sits at the lone microphone. From your view you can see the keyboard from the side so you can see what chords Alex is playing.
You giggle watching them mess about before they actually decide to do their work. Alex starts off at the keyboard and you watch his hands as you listen to the lyrics intently like you always did with any new song.
You don’t know why but it made you emotional. The song sounded like someone had been misleading or cheating on someone and you could really relate to that.
But the fact that it was more than likely about someone who’s mislead or cheated on Alex brought another emotion into it too. You never wanted any of your friends to go through that.
You wiped away a stray tear that rolled down your face as the song progressed. How were your friends so bloody good a creating music that made you emotional?
Whether it was a happy or sad song, they got you crying every time.
When they finished everyone waited for the room to go silent before the rest of the band and you gave a little cheer. You watched Miles and Alex smile at each other before you made eye contact with them through the glass that divided you.
Miles gives you a smile before standing up to come back through presumably to have a listen. Alex grins at you and takes his time getting up to come back in.
“Sounded good mate” James Ford, the producer, told Miles as he walked back in and his smile got bigger.
They started playing the recording as Alex came back into the room and he stood just behind you as you listened. You turned to smile at him as you both listened, and he smiled back at you and came and stood by your side.
You could feel your eyes getting watery again as you listened to the lyrics over the quiet chatter of the others in the room. Alex must have noticed because he bumped your shoulder which caused you to smile at him.
“You good?” He asked you quietly and you nodded.
You listened for a second more before asking, “Did you write the lyrics?”
Alex nodded at you and you released a breath. You turn to give him a hug which he returns, rubbing your back a little.
“If that’s about someone, can you please tell me who so I can go give her a talking to?” You ask into his ear as you hug him.
You feel him chuckle against you before saying, “You might kill her”
“I will kill her. Hurting you and making me cry” You say chuckling a little bit.
Alex pulls away to see that your eyes are once again watery, and he pouts at you. “Don’t be upset. I’m okay”
“Well stop writing good songs about your emotions then I might be able to get a grip of my own” You chuckle and Alex smiles at you before hugging you again.
You enjoy the feeling of the embrace as you listen to the rest of the song and you enjoy the feeling of him rubbing his warm hands up and down your back. You think you just enjoyed his company and his touch more than you really should.
You release each other with a smile before the song ends and you tell him, “I really love the song”
“No surprise there then. I had a part in making it” He smirks.
You fake glare at him, knowing he knew you too well. You enjoyed all music he created.
“Don’t be getting cocky” You warn him and you both laugh before he’s called upon to make lots of decisions about the song and what more should be done to it.
You learnt a lot that day and it was one of the most interesting things you’d seen in a while. You felt so privileged to be witnessing it all.
It was one of your favourite days in LA by far and when you and Alex got home that night you went outside to chill in his garden, and you had a lovely evening. The best part though, was when you and Alex were walking past the pool though and he pushed you in fully clothed.
Thankfully you’d literally just put your phone on charge in the lounge or you would have murdered him. You couldn’t do without your phone.
You were that shocked by what he did that you glared at him as he laughed at you from the side of the pool as you tread water to keep yourself afloat. You climbed your way out and ended up chasing him around his house as he ran away from you.
He ended up running away from you, up the stairs, up into his room and thought escaping onto the balcony would help him. It turned out to be his defeat because once out there you hugged him so tightly in your extremely wet clothes.
He was fuming that he’d been caught as you wrapped your arms around his neck so he couldn’t escape you. You even went as far as to briefly warning him that you were going to jump and when you did you wrapped your legs around him in hopes to transfer the dampness onto his clothes.
His hands grabbed the underneath of your thighs to keep you up right and he grumbled when the water started seeping through into his clothes.
“Maybe don’t push me into your pool next time if you don’t want to be chased after” You tell him as you also mess up his hair.
Alex chuckled at that and after a minute you released him from your grasp. You giggled to yourself when you fully separated and his whole front and the tops of his jeans were visibly damp.
After that you took a shower in his ensuite as the shower was just magical in there. It wasn’t weird because you’d asked if you could use it after breakfast your first morning in LA because you wanted to see if it was as amazing as he said it was.
It turned out to be the best shower you’d ever had so from then on that was the shower you’d been using. You even woke Alex up the other morning to ask him if it was okay to use his shower again which he thankfully agreed you could do.
And you would be doing for the remainder of your trip. It was just too good not too. You just kept the singing in the shower down and hoped he couldn’t hear you murdering his own songs.
The next day started off very relaxed compared to the previous one. You got yourself up and you used Alex’s shower again before you descended downstairs. It was a boiling hot day and you didn’t even bother to get dressed knowing that you were more than likely going to be in the pool for most of the day.
You walked down the stairs in your red bikini and your black sarong wrapped around your bottom half whilst you made yourself some breakfast. You noted that Alex was already outside with the doors open and you could faintly hear him swimming.
You also had your gold sunglasses on that were mirrored ones. When you had them on, you felt like you were in Love Island because they there the shape one of the girls in the show wore.
You quickly made yourself some toast and once buttered, you took it outside with you to eat by the edge of the pool. The sun was scorching so you were thankful that Alex had already wet the surface you sat down on, so you didn’t burn your arse as you sat on the side.
You watched Alex complete his length of the pool before and smiled noting he had his sunglasses on in there. You didn’t blame him today though because the sun was blinding just shimmering on the water so you wouldn’t bully him for it today.
“Morning” Alex waved from across the pool.
You smile and give him a wave back with your free hand whilst you continue to eat your toast. You watch as he swims towards you as you finish off your breakfast.
“You okay?” He asks you as he stands in the water just in front of your feet.
“Yeah I’m good. I can’t believe how hot it is today” You say as you wipe away the crumbs that fell on your lap.  
“I know. I literally came down opened the doors, felt how hot it was and went back up and put my trunks on” Alex tells you.
You reach down into the water and cup some of it so you can wet your thighs. They felt like they were burning, yet you’d already put your suncream on.
“I can’t wait to get in” You say before repeating your actions.
The cooler water brought relief to your boiling skin. You were so thankful he had a house with his own pool.
“Get in now?” Alex says with furrowed eyebrows as if he doesn’t realise that people aren’t meant to swim just after you eat.
You furrow your eyebrows at him though. It was obvious to you. “I’ve just eaten”
“It’s a myth” Alex tells you. “I literally had breakfast earlier then dived in”
“You’re an idiot” You tell him with a hint of a smile on your lips.
“I promise you it’s not real. And if it was, it was made up for kids up that do backflips into the pool. You’ll be fine” Alex tells you before he offers to help you drop into the pool.
“If I throw up, I’m not cleaning it out of your pool” You tell him with a grin as you undo your sarong.
“Come on” Alex tells you raising his arms up to you.
You lean down to him in the water and once your hands have found his shoulders you start to slowly slip into the pool. Alex’s hands on your hips lowering you in too so you don’t splash yourself upon entry.
The water sloshes around you as your feet touch the ground and you let out a sigh of relief as the liquid cools you down immediately. “Oh my god that’s so much better” You say before releasing your hold on him.
“I know. I couldn’t not go in today. It’s too fucking warm” Alex tells you as you both start to move further down the pool so the water gets deeper.
“Literally scorching” You agree before you take off your golden sunglasses for a second.
“Can you hold them for a sec please?” You ask Alex and he takes them off you and holds them above the surface of the water.
“Thank you” You smile before you take a deep breath and go under the water.
Your full body felt the relief of the cool water when you did that. You sank a bit before you pushed yourself back up above the surface and took a breath. You wiped your eyes ensuring no chlorine went in them and then reopened them to see Alex grinning at you.
You go to grab hold of the glasses again as you say, “Thank you”
However, you should have known that your fucking annoying best friend wouldn’t give them to you straight away. As you went to grab them, he moved his hand further away.
You give him a look as if to say, ‘are you actually a child’ and Alex lets out his cute little laugh. He sees your eyebrows raise though and he soon quietens.
You go to reach for them again and you weren’t surprised this time when he moved a step back again.
“Don’t be a dick” You tell him as you move closer once again.
This time you launch yourself at him and grab onto his toned bicep in hopes to make his raised arm drop down. You pulled on his arm as he laughed at your failing attempts.
You then look down at his face though and don’t know why you were struggling to get your cheap sunglasses back when a perfectly good pair sat on his face. Sunglasses were sunglasses and you could definitely see the look of surprise on Alex’s face when you snatched his and started swimming away from him.  
“That was nasty” Alex calls after you as you put his aviators on.
You chuckle before looking back towards him saying, “Gold’s more your colour anyway”
You obviously couldn’t keep the smile off your face as you said that. The smile turned into a grin when you watched him put the glasses on.
“Very rockstar” You tell him, and he raises his eyebrows at you whilst a smirk appears on his lips.
You both spent quite a bit of time in and out of the pool that morning because of the scorching heat that the LA sun provided. You eventually traded glasses with him when he handed you yours back and you proceeded to throw his in the pool and he jumped in to fetch them like a dog with a ball.
They really were his prized possessions. It was quite funny.
After half an hour of the both of you lounging on either side of the pool you have a thought. You’d been in LA a week and you’d not seen the beach yet and you hoped that could change.
“Al” You called from your lounger.
Alex was just on his phone on the other side of the pool and he looked up at you with raised eyebrows. You elected for opposing sun loungers because you were both nervous of the other stealing sunglasses again and you didn’t trust him not to throw yours in because you did it to him.
He answers you with a, “Yeah?”
“Can we go to the beach one day please?” You asked him whilst shading your eyes with your hand. Even with the sunglasses on, it was so bright out today.  
“We can go now if you want?” Alex tells you as he sits up properly.
“Don’t you need to go anywhere?” You ask thinking he might have to go back to the studio at some point today to finish off the song.
Alex got up and made his way around to you and said “No I’m all yours. I told James I’m not going back for at least another week so I’m all yours until then. You know I hate people Y/N so any excuse to fuck them off to be with people I actually like”
“You really are in the wrong career” You chuckle as he makes his way over to you.
“Tell me about it” Alex laughs.
“So which beach do you wanna go?” He asks as he comes and stands next to you.
“What are my options?” You asked like you’d know any difference.
Alex listed you some of them and you literally had no clue which one was meant to be better.
“Which one do you usually go?” You ask hoping he had a preference.
Alex shrugs, “I don’t know… I’ve been to Carbon Beach a few times but it’s just celebrities and I don’t wanna be nice to anyone pretentious”
“Okay then well Malibu sounds good if you wanna go there?” You shrug squinting at him because the sun was so bright.
“Yeah sounds good. Wanna go in a few?” Alex asks.
You nod enthusiastically. “Yeah sure just let me get changed and I’ll be right with you” You smile at him before you grab your book and stand up.
“Why do you need to get changed? You’re just gunna get there and take it all off again” Alex asked, and he made a good point.
“Well I’ll go and grab some clothes for the way home then and a towel. Can finally get some use out of my beach bag” You smile at him.
“Meet you in the car?” Alex asks you as you both head inside.
You grin, “Which one?”
“Which one do you want?” Alex chuckles as he closes the French doors.
“I want the roof down” You say.
You always craved the feeling of the wind rapidly blowing through your hair whilst you were in a car when it was sunny outside. The feeling must be even better when you’re headed to the beach, especially in LA.
“Audi it is” He smiled at you before he hurry’s you off upstairs to get your stuff together.
And not 5 minutes later Alex is pulling out of his gated community and you’re on your way.
You listened to the radio on the way and you sang along as you took in the views around you. Alex pointed a few things out to you on the way that interested you and you had a really nice time with him being your personal driver.
“You’re a good tour guide” You pointed out to him as he finished telling you about some crazy fan, he’d seen on the road you were driving down.
“You’re an awful customer. Your hair keeps flicking me” Alex joked as he drove.
“I’m sorry I can’t help it. It’s your car” You say not even attempting to move your hair to try and stop it bugging him.
You were in your element and not even the guy you fancied would bring you out of it.
“You wanted the roof down” Alex make a good point.
“I’ve never experiences a proper expensive convertible Alex. I’m not passing up the opportunity” You joked and looked over your sunglasses at him.
“You’re still a twelve-year-old. Swear down” Alex laughs as he shakes his head at you.
“It’s not every week I get driven to the beach in a fancy car Al. This is an exciting tour around LA for me” You smile, and you can see the sea in the distance.
“I could give you a proper tour afterward if you want? Can’t promise I’ll be any good, but I know a few places” He offers and your definitely not passing up that chance. It was something that had been on your bucket list for years.
“I’ll hold you to that. I’ve always wanted a road trip round LA” You told him honestly.
Alex smiled “Consider it done”
The beach was quite busy when you arrived, but that was to be expected. It was July and the weather was amazing.
Alex just about managed to find a parking space and he told you to get out, so he’d have more room to park the car. You laughed and did what you were told, and once parked Alex put the roof back up on the gorgeous white car and you headed down to the beach.
You walked beside Alex as you discussed where to leave your stuff before you headed down to the sea. Despite having the roof down in the car, you were boiling and felt the need to cool off already.
You ended up putting your stuff down near a nice-looking family who had a little Bluetooth speaker going. The tunes were quite good.
As you arrived near them you could hear See You Again by Charlie Puth playing, and you asked to Alex, “Wanna go here? Then we can listen to their music when we come back?”
“Good idea. Better have a good playlist though” Alex smiled as he put the stuff on the ground.
You followed his lead and put your down stuff down before you took off your black T-shirt dress that you just chucked on over your dry enough bikini. You watched as Alex pulled off his white top and you quickly glance at his body again.
He was fucking ripped and you wanted to groan like you were just seeing a picture of him on your Instagram. He looked really good in his grey swimming trunks. He was a freaking Adonis and his hair looked amazing too.
It was fluffy from drying in the sun earlier and you were glad that he didn’t put the gel back in it to come out.
“Race to the sea?” Alex challenged you with a smiled, throwing his sunglasses down on the towel where you’d just discarded yours.
“I’d say yeah but if I ran in this my tits would fall out and I don’t fancy getting arrested” You smile at him gesturing to your red strapped bikini.
Alex laughed at that before you both started to walk down. “You’re boring” Alex said as you walked over the warm sand.
“And you think I’m the twelve-year-old” You joked, nudging his shoulder as you walked down.
You hadn’t felt sand between your toes for such a long time. You really felt like you were on holiday now. You couldn’t believe that this could just be the norm for Alex.  
The water was a lot warmer than you’d expected it to be. On the rare occasion that you ever went to the seaside back home you were used to freezing cold murky water.
This was a lot nicer than that to say the least. The water was relatively clear, and you didn’t find yourself immediately wanting to run back out because of how cold it was.
You don’t know when it was silently decided between you, but this first swim seemed to be the both of you swimming out the furthest you felt comfortable with. You both chatted as you swam out and you made it out pretty far.
When you looked back the people on the beach could barely be distinguished from. They all just looked like tiny people in a picture of the beautiful scenery.
You both decided that you should probably turn back around as you didn’t want to run out of energy before you got back.
However about half way back, you were growing tired and you just wanted to be able to stand up and have a break for a minute.
“Can you stand up yet?” You asked Alex.
Alex then stops swimming for a minute to see if he can touch the ground again yet.
“Yeah, can you?” He asks when his head doesn’t disappear under the surface.  
You attempt to do the same as you’re not a lot smaller than him. But as you do so, half your face disappears under the water. Some salt water made its way into your mouth and you pulled a face at it.
You start treading water again immediately and say, “No I’m struggling”
Alex laughed at that before saying “Come here and I’ll help you”
You swim towards Alex, but the waves must push him further back from you. As when you think you’re getting closer, he seems to always be the same distance away.
“Alex are you moving away?” You asked him, getting annoyed because you don’t seem to be getting anywhere.
Alex then laughed and you knew he’d been playing you. You groaned and splashed water at him saying, “Stop being a dick, I might drown”

“You’re not gunna drown just come and get me” Alex laugh at your extreme thoughts.
After another minute, you finally reached him and at that point you were tired and nearly out of breath.
“You’re a dick” You told him, as you through your arms around his neck so he couldn’t escape you for a bit.
“You love me” Alex laughed hugging you to him in the water.
He could tell that you needed a rest as the waves weren’t doing you any good as you struggled to keep your head above the surface when they came. And who was he to deprive you of that break, when he certainly didn’t mind you clinging to him.
“I’ll love you if I can wrap my arms around your neck and you can swim me to the beach” You say with a grin.
“Not what I thought you were gunna say when you mentioned arms around my neck” Alex tells you as he spins around in your grasp so your now on his back.
You laughed at that. “That’s not really on my mind when I’m trying not to drown”
Alex laughs and thankfully he got you to a level where your feet could touch the ground again which would always be good news. When you reached the point where you didn’t need to swim to get back and you could stand up again, you made a beeline for your towels.
Alex, however, told you that he was going to take a few more minutes in the sea by himself which you understood. It was beautiful. If you weren’t knackered from that swim you would have probably stuck around a little longer too.
“Don’t get lost in that head of yours” You tell him before you leave him to his thoughts.
You’d noticed on multiple occasions over the years that Alex would just stare into space. Usually someone brought him out of his little trace but if not, you don’t know how long he’d be in his dazes for.
When you got back to your towels you were pleased to hear that the music was still playing from the family just next to you and all your stuff was still there. You sat down and you found that due to the hot sun your body dried off relatively quickly.
After a few minutes of sitting on the ground enjoying your view, you watched as Alex made his way out of the sea heading towards you. You’d be lying if you said that you didn’t appreciate the way his body glistened in the sunlight as he walked back over.
He was fucking stunning and you were half sure that he knew it. Jesus, with a body like that and his hair and his jawline to go with it you wished you were 30 already so you could just marry the man and he’d be yours.
After about 20 minutes of you being lay down and half chatting to each other, half relaxing, you felt a damp object being pressed on your stomach. You opened your eyes to see Alex lay at a right angle to you and his head was now lay on the lower half of your stomach.
“You okay?” You ask him.
“Yeah” Alex sighed to himself. “I just wanted a pillow” He smiled looking round at you.
“So you wanted a pillow so now I’ve gotta have your head as a tan line on my stomach?” You tease even though you didn’t care.
“Y/N you tanned that much last week that I don’t think it’s physically possible for you to get any darker now” Alex said, and he was probably right.
You’d gone a lovely colour and it was a tan you hoped you could keep for a while.
You knew his game though and you called him out on it. “You just don’t want me to tell you to get off”
“You’re not wrong” Alex tells you with a grin. You chuckle at his honestly and let him stay there.
He wasn’t doing you any harm and you weren’t going to be getting your stomach out back home anyway. It was nearly always raining, and you very very very rarely wore a crop top in the summer.
You both lay in that position for a good 5 minutes just listening to the family’s music. They had quite a range of stuff which was good, you really enjoyed relaxing and listening along.
You would have probably fell asleep in the next few minutes but the next song that came on stopped you. You smirked as you heard R U Mine start playing through the family’s speaker and you opened your eyes to see a faint smile on Alex’s lips too.
You brought your hand up and let it drag through his messy wet hair as you said, “They’ve got very good music taste”
Alex chuckled and agreed with you, “They really do”
You kept playing with his hair for a long while. You think you kept messing with it until you fell asleep and only when Alex picked his head up off your stomach and looked down at you, you woke up.
Once fully awake again Alex invited you back out for another swim. You definitely said yes because you were fucking boiling from the sun.
Alex helped you get up and you both made you way back down to the water.
“You’re a comfy pillow” Alex yawns as you walk.
“So are you” You smiled back, thinking back to the other day when you fell asleep on him.
You both then spend a good half an hour in the sea. You have a bit of a swim and you also mess about and chat a lot. You just found that the time really flew by when you were together. You couldn’t believe you were almost a week into your holiday.
You again got out of the water first and headed back to the towels. You wanted to make sure no one had stolen your bag with the both of your clothes, phones and Alex’s car keys in it.
This time you lay the opposite way on your towel. You were on your front and you had your head towards the sea so you would once again see Alex come out.
When he did, instead of laying on his towel that was next to you he picked the towel up and laid it you just in front of you, just leaving a patch of sand between you. He’d be blocking your view of the sea, but you definitely didn’t mind.
Once he’d done that, he lay himself down in front of you and you smiled at him. He smiled back at you and you decided to play a game on the smooth sand that was between you.
You brushed it side to side to smooth it out before drawing 4 lines on the surface.
“Noughts and crosses?” You suggest you Alex and smiled nodding.
You go first as draw a circle in the centre square. Alex then goes and draws a cross in the corner.
You play for a while; you giggle when you win the first time and you carry on giggling each time you win. After losing five times in a row Alex just has to ask you “How do you keep winning?”
“Years of Jedi training” You joke as you smooth out the sand again and draw the lines out.
“I’m being serious though. Each time you end up having two ways of winning. How are you doing that?” Alex said as you both started playing again.
“You mean like that?” You nodded down to the sand as you drew in another nought.
“You’re a wizard” Alex smiles at you and you could see his eyes peaking over his sunglasses and you laughed at his humour.
After a few more goes, Alex seemed to understand how you were doing it and he scorned you for going first every time, so he didn’t have that advantage. When he got his first win, he was very pleased with himself which made you laugh.
After a while of both of you not winning for about 10 rounds, you both give up. You grab your phone out of your bag whilst Alex carry’s on messing about with the sand.
The next time you look up at him, you notice he’s found a stone and he’s using it to carefully trace a spiral into the sand. You put your phone down on your towel and watch as he finishes the enticing piece of art.
“That looks really good” You tell him honestly.
“Yeah?” He questions.
“Yeah” You smile and watch as he folds his arms back on the ground.
You pick your phone up and swipe to put it on camera. You take it from ground level, and you make sure Alex is in it too. He clocks on quickly to what you’re doing and he looks over his sunglasses as you with an unimpressed face that you knew was fake.
You take a few pictures and smile at them as you look back through them. God, how did he look so sexy when he was faking anger towards you?
You took a portrait one too very quickly and giggled when Alex smile was peeking through his fake cold exterior.
“That’s a new lock screen that Alex” You said as you started changing it.
He just looked so good. You wanted an excuse to see it all the time.
“Pass me my phone?” Alex asks you and you reach around to retrieve it from your beach bag.
“Why? Do you want me as yours?” You joke as you pass him his phone.
He grins at you. “You read my mind. Smile” He instructs as he’s about to point his phone at you.
You quickly stop him, “Wait a second”
Alex did as he was told whilst you pushed yourself up with your so your chest was no longer on the ground. You ran a hand through your hair to make sure it wasn’t awfully parted, and you rested yourself back down on your elbows, so you were still lay down but sort of sat up.
The last thing you wanted was a double chin on his photo.
You looked at him and smiled, “Go on then” and Alex happily took a few pictures. He did the same took a few landscape, and then one or two portrait.
You watched the back of Alex’s phone as he tapped on it before telling him, “If I have a double chin you’re taking more”
Alex let out a laugh at that before shaking his head. “No, you look great” He tells you.
You held back the little ‘Awh’ noise you wanted to make when he said that but then ask, “Can I see?”
Alex nodded to you before locking his phone and passing it to you. You took it and pressed down on the button and were greeted with a picture of yourself that you surprisingly liked.
You were smiling happily at Alex, your eyes just peaking over the top of your sunglasses and your hair looked messily damp, but it looked good. And your chest…
It looked fucking amazing if you did say so yourself. Your breasts looked great and really big in the picture and your red bikini really did look fantastic.
“Woah” You said. “My boobs look great in this”
Alex chuckled at that as you passed him his phone back. You looked down at your chest and from your angle they just looked alright, so you had to ask, “Do they actually look that good in real life?”
“You really want me to answer that?” Alex grinned at you.
“Yeah” You smile up at him with an amused expression.
You’d asked him plenty of questions like this before. If not the same one, and he was never one to lie to you. Probably why you valued his opinion a lot.
Your eyes connected with Alex’s over both of your sunglasses before you watched his gaze flick back down to your boobs and he took his sweet time studying them.
“I would say take a picture it’ll last longer, but we’ve already done that” You chuckle.
Alex laughed properly at that before he calmed himself enough to tell you, “They look very nice Y/N”
“Just nice?” You ask. You were hoping for a bit more than just nice.
Alex smirked at you asking that and he looked at you over his glasses as he said, “What do you want me to say?”
“I don’t know” You chuckled just wanting to tease him.  
Alex smiled and then let out a little laugh before pushing his sunglasses back up as he said “They look like a real handful”
You let out a proper giggle at that. You could tell he really wanted to get that joke into the conversation which made it funnier.
“They are” You giggle, sitting up and taking your boobs in your hands.
You move your hands around a bit to try and cup them in a different way to see if you can actually fit your hands around them.
Your hands were about an inch too small for you to be able to cup them properly. Alex was watching your actions and he quickly became very thankful that he was lay down on his front.
You shrugged your shoulders before returning back to your previous position of you facing Alex as you said, “They are a definitely more than a handful for me”
“You’ve got small hands” Alex tells you.
You scoff, “I can reach an octave on the piano, they aren’t that small… Well, they might be compared to yours”
Alex put his hand out to you and you silently chuckled as you matched up the bottom of your hand to his before you lined your fingers up with his. His hands were really soft from both the sea and messing with the sand for the past half hour and you smiled when you saw that your fingertips stopped about half an inch before his.
“Looks like they’d be a handful for you too Turner” You grin
“Do you want me to test out that theory?” Alex smirks, before lacing his fingers with yours. His Death Ramps ring cooling your hot skin.
You giggle and say, “Sure, just at home though, because there’s kids present. Gotta keep it PG 13”
“I think copping a quick feel is PG 13” Alex tells you as he pulls you left hand towards him and he starts tracing your tattoo on your wrist once more.
“Well as much as I would enjoy it Al, copping a feel isn’t PDA approved in my book. Sorry” You smile as you watch him shake his head at your tattoo once more.
“It’s alright… I can wait an hour out two” Alex jokes and you giggled again.
You spent a few hours on the beach just chilling and also messing about. At one point he asked you to put suncream on his back because he thought it was about to burn and when you slapped it on his back he jumped, from both the cold substance and the harshness of the contact.
He then got you back when you both later went in the sea and started splashing you like you were kids in a paddling pool having a water fight. You messed about in the sea for a long while, both always laughing and having a great time.
You felt like you were teenagers again, having the best time with no care in the world. And once you were set to go home again Alex took the long way back and gave you a tour around LA.
He took you to all the places you mentioned and shows you the sights. You go out for a bit of a walk in the city and you had a really nice time both window shopping and seeing everything that the city had to offer.
As you both weaved between the mass of people around, you on the streets you were getting annoyed at slow people in front of you. You sighed and grabbed Alex’s hand and pulled the both of you around the slow people in front of you.
You loosened your grip on his hand expecting him to let go of it but to your surprise his grip never faltered. So, you both happily walked around LA, hand in hand, until you got back to the car.
You didn’t stay out for more than a few hours though because you were both hungry and in desperate need for a shower.
On your way home Matt texts and says that he’ll be round in an hour with no other context than that, but you reply to him saying:
Sweet, see you soon x
When you get home again Alex says as you walk through the door, “Imma go for a shower”
“Aw I wanted a shower” You pout as you move towards the kitchen.
“You can use the one in your bathroom” Alex laughs.
You shake your head, “It’s okay I’ll just wait. I highly doubt I’ll ever find a shower better than that one of yours”
“You could just save yourself the time and join me?” Alex grins as he leans against the large archway that separates the kitchen from the lounge.
You laugh at him as you walk to the fridge to grab a can of Pepsi Max. Alex pushes the idea again by saying, “Would save water too”
“Tempting but Matt’s coming soon, and I doubt we’d be done by then” You say as you turn towards him with a smirk.  
“Well you’re not wrong there” Alex raises his eyebrows at you, and you feel yourself get flustered.
“Go and have a shower” You tell him, “Then you can cook my tea. It’s your day remember”
“You know where to find me if you need me” Alex teases as he turns around and leaves you too it for a little while. God he was something else.
After 10 minutes Alex comes downstairs again fully dressed. This time he wears some black jeans and a loose black top, but his hairs styled somewhat from it being damp.
You look at him and shake your head. The temperature was still far too high for jeans.
“You’re making me feel hot” You tell him as he takes his seat on the settee next to you.
Alex smiles at you and says, “Could have made you a lot hotter if you’d of come in the shower with me”
“Mind’s in the gutter Turner” You shake your head.
“What can I say… the red bikini’s doing it for me” Alex smirks.
“Good thing I brought two then isn’t it?” You flirt back before you stand up and head upstairs.
“You wanna come back down in the other one for me?” Alex calls after you up the stairs.
“Make my dinner Alex” You shout back down, and you hear him laugh.
About half an hour later your back downstairs with your laptop in hand and Alex has just sat back down next to you. He informs you that he’s started making Spaghetti Bolognese which you’re rather excited about.
You then open up your laptop and finish checking your emails from work, relieved to see everything is still in working order. Alex then starts asking you things about your job which you didn’t mind about at all.
You told him all that he wanted to know, and he ended up getting you to show him some designs that you’d worked on in the past. So, you ended up being fully invested in you showing off your work to Alex that you didn’t even hear Matt come in.
“Hey lovebirds” You heard Matt call behind you.
You furrow your eyebrows at him as he comes in and both you and Alex send him a look of confusion as to why he addressed you like that.
“What?” You asked.
“I just said hello” Matt says as he takes a seat on the opposite sofa.
“No, you idiot. The lovebirds bit… Where’s that came from?” You ask.
Matt grins and says, “Oh you’ve not seen it yet?”
“Seen what?” You question.
“Google Alex Turner” He tells you as he turns the TV on with the remote.
“It’s happened again hasn’t it?” You asked Matt as you opened a new tab and typed in Alex’s name into google.
It pops up with:
Alex Turner’s Ongoing Romance With Y/N Y/L/N
“Oh brilliant” Alex says.
“I’m gunna piss myself laughing at this again. The last one was so funny” You smile as you sit back and start reading through the article.
Whilst Turner has changed his look over the years from the boyish hair styles to the long Beatles look to the hot greasers look, Alex never seems to fail at having a beautiful woman on his arm. The first two being Alexa Chung, presenter and model, and Arielle Vandenberg, model and Vine star but his new lady leads a more down to earth life.
It then begins to go into the very few details they know about you. They obviously didn’t do their research because you swear if they did, they would come across your Linked In profile and find that you were an Art Director. But in the article, they were basically just trying to say that you weren’t famous like Alexa and Arielle.
Most of what the article then went into was just background information on you and Alex and all the times you’d been photographed together in the past.
The new information did make you want to laugh though. The article wrote:
Turner was spotted today with Y/L/N at Malibu beach. The pair have been rumoured to be in an on and off relationship that’s spanned the last 9 years since Y/L/N first joined Arctic Monkeys back on their first UK and US tour. Whilst neither parties have ever commented about their relationship status, it seems from today’s encounter that things between the couple may have heated up since the last time they were spotted together in early 2014.
The Arctic Monkeys’ fans seem to love the idea of the couple being together and maybe from today’s activities, the couple have given them hope once more. However, Turner is known for his privacy so it’s unlikely that we will know more until they are spotted again.
As you read, you saw a photo of you both in the sea with your arms wrapped around Alex neck. It was from the second time in the sea when you were both splashing about and he wouldn’t stop getting you, so you clung to him to get him to stop.
You also see a picture in the article that definitely didn’t come from any paparazzi. There was a picture of you and Alex walking down the busy streets of LA together hand in hand and you sighed.
It was a cute picture but the writing underneath it just made you wish a fan hadn’t taken the picture. The article was just twisting the situation entirely.  
The couple were also spotted a few hours later roaming around LA hand in hand. The twitter user didn’t divulge any information on the pair, but the image does make the possibility of a rekindled relationship between Turner and Y/L/N look promising.
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All you could say was that you were thankful you were half cut out of the picture because whoever had taken it had obviously been a fan of Alex’s.
There were more pictures of you messing about in the sea laughing together too and there’s more of you both walking back to your towels on the beach. It’s scary to think you hadn’t even seen anyone taking pictures of you. It made you feel a bit weird about the times you’d left your stuff in your bag when you both went out.
“Wow who knew me trying not to get splashed would be proof of a relationship” You say as you scroll back up and look at the pictures again.
“That’s the first stage of a relationship Y/N, how did you not know?” Matt asks you sarcastically and you laugh.
You reread the whole thing again and you just decide to not let it get to you, even though it was a bit annoying. You never hid any part of your life and your social media proved that, so you didn’t understand why you were being speculated about.
“Well at least my tits look good in all the pictures” You say as you save the pictures onto your computer.
“Never noticed Y/N/N” Matt said and when you looked up at him you could see him trying not to laugh.
You smirk up at him, “Whatever Matthew, I know you were looking”
“Bre said that” Matt chuckles
You laughed, “Did she really?”
Matt nodded and grinned at you. “Not getting jealous I hope?” You ask him.
“No don’t worry she was complimenting them as well. That’s how it came up” Matt tells you and you can’t help but giggle.
“Love it” You laughed before putting your laptop on the floor and standing up.  
You sigh again and get your phone out of your back pocket before saying, “Alex I’m posting a picture of you on Instagram”
“Oh god, which one?” Alex says looking up at you.
“Just the one from the beach” You tell him as you bring the picture of him up that you liked the best.
He looked so cute, yet he looked like he could take you there and then in the picture. You loved it, so you were quite happy he didn’t mind you putting it up.
You didn’t bother with a filter as the light had already been caught in a really pretty way. And because you were in a funny yet marginally pissed off mood with the tabloids again, you posted the photo with the caption.
Boyfriend apparently.
You through your phone down onto the sofa just having enough of it as you pick your laptop up off the floor. You start pacing as you looked back through the article that was actually quite funny.
You shook your head as you read back through it and let out a sigh once you’d finished it again.
“Are you okay?” Alex asked you, taking up your attention again.  
You looked to him and smiled, “Yeah I’m fine. Just funny ain’t it?”
“You can be pissed off at it. They shouldn’t be assuming things” Alex tells you.
“It’s honestly fine. They could be saying a lot worse” You say as you close it, putting it down on the sofa that Matts sat on.
“That’s true” Matt agrees looking at you.
“Yeah, they could have said I was in a relationship with Miles” You joke and scrunch your face up.
Both Matt and Alex laughed at that and you got up and started pacing the room.
They both already knew you were about to start venting your feelings. You always did the same thing when you were trying to get your point across to someone.
“It’s just a little annoying because I’m literally an open book online. I post things about myself and my opinions that people don’t even want to know. So even if we were going out, why would I even contemplate hiding it?” You sigh.
You turn to Alex fully and say “It’s not like you’re pig ugly and I’d be ashamed to be seen with you”
He smiles at you and he seems like he’s about to say something, but Matt gets in there first.
“Yeah to be fair if any reporter or whatever actually bothered to find your account they would see how much shit you chat and just realise that if it was real you’d probably post it before even Alex knew you were a thing” He laughs.
You and Alex laughed at that. Matt knew you so well.
You nod, “I agree. It just baffles me. Like yeah, fair enough, you guys don’t have a great deal of social media but if you’re writing a fucking article about me as well, at the very least they could look me up first”
Your rant continues with you saying, “Like fucking hell, come on Alex let’s go for a shag because we may as well now you’re officially my boyfriend again”
“I mean it’s a cross I’ll bare” Alex looks at you with a grin.
You chuckle and grin back before carrying on, “Honestly it stresses me out. I feel a twitter rant coming on” You rub your temples as you sit down on the arm of the sofa that Matt was on.
“Do it” Alex tells you but then your all interrupted.
Your phone started to ring, and the song was Crying Lightning, so you knew it was Y/B/F calling. Alex picks up your phone goes to hand it to you, but you just tell him to answer it.
Alex did so and immediately put it on speaker for you. You were about to say hello, but Y/B/F got in there with her opening statement first.
“Are you fucking Alex Turner and haven’t told me? Like are you actually sucking his dick and haven’t told me anything about it? You actual slag” She said and you knew she was joking about the slag bit.
However, your jaw was on the ground as soon as she started speaking. You looked to Alex holding your phone and you couldn’t even formulate a sorry or a joke to say.
“Hello to you too” You say in disbelief.
Y/B/F scoffs, “Don’t hello me, you snake. Are you shagging Alex Turner and haven’t told me or not?”
“Jesus. Do you not think that you are the first person I would tell if I actually did considering you’re fucking obsessed with him” You try and defend yourself.  
“I’m obsessed with him? Okay, okay…” She says knowing full well that you were the obsession. Least she didn’t call you out on it.
She continues on, “Well, tell me why I’m reading things and seeing fucking adorable pictures of the two of you and you’re not sucking his dick? Because maybe you should be doing considering you’re in an ‘on and off relationship’” She starts giggling. Her joking annoyed persona failing miserably.
“Yeah Y/N, maybe you should. Get on your knees” Alex says, nodding towards the ground in front of him and you laugh.
“Wow peer pressure” You chuckle as you stand up to take your phone off him.
“But later Al, when Matt’s gone home” You wink at him with a smile.
Matt laughs at this as you return yourself to the arm of his sofa and wait for Y/B/F to start talking again.
“Honestly these pictures are the cutest thing ever. Please marry him” She coos over the phone. You can tell she’s got them up again and she’s looking at them.
“I don’t think one cute picture validates marriage Y/B/F” You tell her. Although you wish it did.
“But I really wanna be a maid of honour” She groans in a strop.
You smile at that thought, “You will be my maid of honour one day. I just need to meet my boyfriend first”
“Fuck that” She tells you “You met him in high school. You’re marrying Alex… Aw no, but if you marry him, you’ll have to change your song so you can’t”
“That’s true” You smile at her whirlwind of her speaking her mind.
“Which song? And why do you need to change it?” Alex asks you.
You chuckle at that before you look to your boys and say, “I’ve said for years that I was always going to ask you guys to perform Baby I’m Yours for the first dance at my wedding”
“Ah yeah. Can’t really have that song if you’ll be dancing with him” Matt said, and you thought to yourself ‘unfortunately not’.
“You could get Miles to sing it though” Y/B/F purposes.
“Can you stop planning mine and Alex’s wedding please” You laugh and look to Alex who’s already chuckling.
“Sorry it’s already planned out in my head. These pictures are fucking adorable” She tells you and you can just envision her sat in her spot on your settee at home scrolling though the article.
“Did I send you the other pictures of us from the night out the other day?” You ask her as you start routing through your camera roll.
“Oh my god no. Why do you think it’s okay to deprive me of that content? How dare you take more than one picture and not send me them all” She asks, and she sounds cute offended.
“Sorry hun I was on the pull. You weren’t the first thing on my mind” You say as you press send on the pictures.
“I’ve just sent them” You tell her, and you send them all to Alex too, knowing that he’d more than likely want the pictures of him and Miles.  
She gasps down the phone, “Oh my god. You look like a rocker couple”
You laugh at that and then look to Alex. He’s also chuckling away but then Y/B/F carried on saying, “You look like you would fuck each other so good”
You almost choke on your words and you start talking high pitched as you say, “You’re on speaker” Your embarrassment was evident as you looked away from Alex as soon as she said it.
“Well I’m just telling the truth. I would fuck the two of you so hard” She groans down the phone.
“Please stop” You plead, your cheeks getting hotter and you’re not being able to look at either of the boys in the room. Your head just hangs in shame as you look at the blank phone in your lap.
“How would that even work?” Matt asks and you head whips up and you shake your head.
“Do not encourage this” You tell him sternly.
You look to Alex though and he’s just grinning at you. You can’t hold his gaze for more than a few seconds, you have to look away.
“Believe me Matt, it would work” Y/B/F assures him through the phone and you sigh unlocking your phone again.
“Right shut up and look at this instead” You say before sending her the picture of Alex and Miles together.
“Holy fuck. Nah you can fuck right off Y/N, I wanna be in that sandwich instead” She says and you laugh.
Matt shakes his head and asks, “What’s she on about now?”
“Al and Miles the other night” You say bringing the picture up again and she
“Don’t you fucking dare tweet that picture out” Alex tells you making you look to him again and you can see he’s not joking.
“I wasn’t going to” You smile assuring him that the new album was safe with you. You wouldn’t even tell Y/B/F.
Y/B/F then has the bright idea to yell down the phone, “She might not, but I might”
“No Y/B/F you actually can’t” You say seriously almost panicking that she might have already posted it somewhere.
“Why not? It’s fucking adorable” She asks. You agree with her that it is adorable but you can’t have the pictures of them going out from your account.
You plead with her, “Just please don’t post it anywhere”
“Why not? What am I missing? Why is them being together such a big deal? They are best friends” She rambles obviously digging for information.
“Just don’t because they will never let me take their picture again. Privacy is important to them… And for the record I think Matt’s his best friend” You say trying to steer the subject away.
“Matt’s his best friend my arse. You don’t sing together like that if yo-“ She starts but then she goes silent.
“They fucking sing together... Am I getting a last shadow puppets two?” Y/B/F clocks on and you want to die.
Your eyes widen in immediate panic and you look to Alex needing help. He looks like he’s just been let down and you feel awful.
Matt leans over and grabs your phone off you to try and distract her as Alex stands up grabs your hand and leads you into the kitchen so you can’t be overheard from her on the phone.
“I swear I didn’t say anything. I promise you. I told you I wouldn’t, and I swear to god I’ve told her nothing you’ve told me” You ramble quietly as you enter the kitchen feeling extremely bad. You had that feeling like you were about to be told that you didn’t have a friend anymore and that scared the shit out of you.
“Y/N/N stop panicking” Alex tells you shaking his head. You looked petrified and you didn’t need to be at all.
“It’s okay” He smiles assuring you everything is fine.
“It’s not though is it, because she’s just fucking guessed it and it’s my fault” You say extremely fast and you can feel yourself panicking.
“Y/N” Alex says putting his hands on your shoulders. “Breathe” He smiles before tucking a stray strand of hair behind you ear.
“Is she the same friend who found out about Suck it And See and AM?” Alex asked you once you completely his order.
“Yeah” You nod.
You remembered those old conversations well. You’d already pre-warned Alex several times before you left your bedroom that he shouldn’t bring up any album information whilst you went out and got a drink from the kitchen. You couldn’t make a cup of tea easily and still chat to him whilst you did it, so you had to put him on speaker.
He’d obviously forgotten this, and he spilt the beans about the Suck It And See’s release date. And near the end of 2012 he’d done the exact same thing whilst you were on speaker phone in your car with her when he mentioned how AM was coming together nicely.
“She’s the same Y/B/F?” He double checked and you nodded.
“Then it doesn’t matter. I’ll tell her myself” Alex tells you.
You shake your head immediately, “Al no it’s fine, I’ll just make something up later and throw her off it”
“I can’t expect you to keep that big of a secret for the next year, can I? That’s not fair to you. I know you could easily do it like you’ve done for everything else, but it’s not fair” He tells you
“Alex” You start to protest but he silences you.
“Do you trust her?” He asks you.
You quickly tells him, “It doesn’t matter if I trust her it’s your m-“
But you’re interrupted.
“Do you trust her?” Alex asks you again.
“With my life” You tell him. “But that doesn’t mean you should tell her anything”
“I trust you… And if you trust her, that’s good enough for me” Alex tells you. “And she’s kept secrets before, so you can obviously keep her in line” Alex grins and you chuckle.
Alex walks back into the lounge and he silently asks for the phone from Matt by holding his hand out. You follow him in, and you can hear Y/B/F still waffling away about whatever Matt had occupied her mind with.
Alex takes the phone off speaker though and puts it too his ear. “Hey Y/B/F”
“Yeah hey, so that picture…” Alex starts off and then you watch as he looks towards the TV listening to whatever Y/B/F is asking.  
“Well because it could stir up some interest and we don’t want any of that quite yet” Alex tells her truthfully.
Alex smiles at what she’s saying and replies, “If I said that you were would you refrain from posting it for me?”
“Well you are” Alex grins and looks towards you. “Very serious. You can ask your best friend about it. She’s heard some songs”
“You’re very welcome” Alex chuckles after a while, looking around the room whilst Y/B/F speaks.
“Right. I see” Alex then starts grinning at you and you get nervous.
You raise your eyebrows at him questioningly. He shakes his head at you laughing as he silently tells you not to worry.
“Well I’ll be sure to tell her that later” He smiles, and you decide that you don’t like only hearing one side of a conversation.
Soon enough they are saying bye to each other on the phone and Alex passed you your phone back.
“What was she saying?” You asked worriedly.
Alex chuckled at that before putting a hand over his mouth to stop himself. “Nothing, don’t worry about it”
Even when Matt left after you’d both eaten you asked him again. But Alex Turner treated information like it was nuclear codes. Under lock and key all the time and you’d probably never get to hear them.
You ended up texting Y/B/F asking what was said because you knew there was no way Alex would be telling you.
And you wanted to die of embarrassment when her text came through.
You got flustered knowing that was what she promised him, no matter how much you may have wanted to do it. You couldn’t believe your best friend had promised it him.
I said that as a thank you I’d make you give him the best blowjob of his life and that you weren’t allowed to be nasty to him and make him wait when you did xx
So Y/N…
Instead of getting on your dancing shoes
Get on your knees, you sexy little swine xxx
The following days were really fun for you. You and Alex thankfully were no different around each other and you both joked around with each other a lot and the flirting was definitely still there.
Because of the whole article thing you both played on the relationship joke a lot. Which was quite nice for you to say the least.
It started off the day after when you just knew Alex wasn’t expecting the joke from last night to carry on. But you did and he was pleasantly surprised by it
“So boyfriend, what are you cooking me for tea?” You ask him nonchalantly, as you scroll past a food post on Instagram.
“Boyfriend ey?” Alex asks you.
You look around at him and note that he’s got a cute grin on his face and you smile to match it.
You shrug and tell him, “I mean that’s what you are apparently so imma embrace it”
“Okay then” Alex laughed as he got himself up off the settee.
“Why are you laughing? I read it online so it’s obviously true” You smile as you watch his movements as he circles around the sofa.
Alex grinned at that playfully replied, “So what would you like me to make for you, girlfriend?”
“Something spicy” You fire back with a touch of flirtiness to it as you look back towards the TV.
“I can whip you up something spicy upstairs if you want?” Alex says as he walks around the sofa you in and traps you in a loving headlock.
You let out a little amused him at that.
“Are actual whips involved? Because I’m down for that” You tease back trying to look around at him.
Alex lowly chuckles down your ear which makes you smirk. “Oh, next year’s gunna be good” He meets your eyes and grins as he lets you go.
“What do you mean next year? We’ve been doing this the past nine Al” You joke with him as he walks into the kitchen and you hear him laugh.
Taglist: @the-girl-before​ @murderousginger​ @minigranger​ @turnertable​ @bastillewolf​ @slothgiirl​ @billskarsgard-is-gorgeous​ @watashi-no-namae-wo-yonde​ @fookingsummertime​ @coolpunkrockgirl @marvel-avengers01​ @peakymoon1985​ @toolateformcrtooearlytoleaveemo​ @gretavanbobatea​ @chocolatecig​ @iamnotjesha​ @rachaeljayne15​ @edgythought​ @when-the-darkness-comes​ @angelicnobody​ @marveious​ @stelle-ms @woodhousesemma​ @boysinskirts​ @ilove1dandmagconn @musicmania100​ @he4rtbre4khotel​ @innocte​ @tomsbeck​ @whoknowswhatimeant​ @tony-starks-ego​ @bettyschwallocksyee​ @tobarmaidswhodontcount​ @elektranxtchiios​ @alexsvacuumcleaner​
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sinceileftyoublog · 5 years
Newport Folk Festival: 7/26-7/28
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Brandi Carlile and Dolly Parton sing “I Will Always Love You”
Another Newport Folk Festival has come and gone, and yes, it still is the greatest music festival in the world, and it is still my favorite weekend of the year. This year, for the first time in its 60-year history, the festival had an all female-led Saturday night headliner, arguably had its two biggest appearances to date, covered an entire masterpiece album, premiered the biggest female country supergroup ever, and finally found the heir apparent to Pete Seeger on what would be his 100th birth year.
After Pete Seeger passed away in 2014, a gaping hole was left at the Newport Folk Festival. Seeger had been around the festival since its inception, and while festival producer Jay Sweet has captained the ship incredibly since taking over in 2008, the question has remained: Who would hold the seat that Seeger did for years? The musical ambassador of the people and of the music of the Newport Folk Festival? That question was answered loud and clear this year, as Brandi Carlile cemented her rightful seat. Last year was a precursor, when she performed from her Grammy Award-winning album By the Way, I Forgive You and guest performed with Mumford and Sons and during the Change is Gonna Come set. This year, she got handed the keys to the car and packed a Saturday night headlining slot full of talent from the past and present, culminating in a 5-song set from none other than Dolly Parton. Now, Jay Sweet has pulled some pretty big acts during his 12 years on the festival, but he didn’t pull Dolly--Brandi did! She also premiered her new country super group The Highwomen, an all-female answer to The Highwaymen. The former’s reworking of the latter’s namesake song absolutely took my breath away (and was just released), and then Carlile closed out her weekend singing Pete Seeger's classic song "If I Had a Hammer" with Alynda Segarra from Hurray For The Riff Raff.
Overall, this year’s festival was fiercely female, showcasing talents from multiple generations from Parton and Judy Collins, Sheryl Crow, and Linda Perry to Carlile, Rhiannon Giddens, Maggie Rogers, and Yola. The collaboration sets, which really gained steam with the Dylan 65' Revisited set 3 years ago, continued this year and actually tripled, with the Saturday night All-Female Collaboration, along with a last minute addition of a complete cover of Graham Nash's "Song for Beginners" led by Kyle Craft with an all-star cast of Newport favorites. Finally, on Sunday, Pete Seeger was celebrated with set entitled "If I Had a Song" where audiences were given song books with which to sing along. It opened with Jim James singing “The Rainbow Connection” with perhaps the second biggest star to ever appear at the Newport Folk Festival in Kermit the Frog. I was also pleased to see that Our Native Daughters were asked to participate in the Seeger Celebration, singing the Seeger tune "If You Miss Me at The Back of The Bus" and joining Mavis Staples and Hozier for "Keep Your Eyes on The Prize". Two years ago, for the SPEAK OUT set at Newport (intended to be a platform for artists to speak out about issues of our times), I was critical of the set’s lack of diversity. I noted that both Rhiannon Giddens and Alynda Segarra gave the most topical and stirring performances of that festival but were absent at that finale. Well, this year, they both hit the stage and had their voices heard with songs of protest to make up for lost time.
It's good to know this incredible festival is in good hands and has its ears open. I'm already looking forward to next July. Until then, here's a few photos to pass the time.
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Newport is always a place to make discoveries. Saturday morning, the audience was woken up to the raucous duo of Illiterate Light.
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Liz Cooper & The Stampede bent over backwards (literally) to electrify the audience at the Quad on Friday with their psychedelic soundscape.
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Recent Tony Award winner Anais Mitchell and The Milk Carton Kids at The Harbor Stage, singing Graham Nash's "Simple Man" as part of the Songs for Beginners set.
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After a last minute dropout from Noname due to illness, Festival producer Jay Sweet was left with a hole at the Harbor Stage on Saturday. After tweeting about the brilliance of Graham Nash's album Songs for Beginners and the responses it garnered, an idea sparked. A supergroup of Newport faithful led by Kyle Craft, including Hiss Golden Messenger, Lake Street Dive, Amy Ray, The Tallest Man on Earth, and more played the album from start to end. I think we may have just started a new Newport tradition--might I suggest Neil Young's Harvest next year?
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Lukas Nelson and The Promise of The Real rocked the Quad Stage on Friday, closing the set with a rendition of Neil Young's "Rockin’ in the Free World" but slowed things down with reminders to Turn Off the News (Build a Garden), and song about an ex named Georgia that made performing with his father singing "Georgia On My Mind" every night a little tricky.
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British singer-songwriter Yola was everywhere at the Newport Folk Festival, performing her own set at the Harbor stage as well as at the Quad with both The Highwomen and Dawes. Here, she takes the stage at the Fort during The Collaboration with the First Ladies of Bluegrass covering The Eurythmics’ "Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves".
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After appearing last year as a guest to Mumford & Sons and others, this year, Maggie Rogers got the Fort stage all to herself to dance in and out of her sound equipment and share her debut album Heard It in a Past Life with Newport.
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Every year, there's an act that brings Quad to its feet and doesn't let them sit back down. This year, Jupiter & Okwess invited everyone to fill in the fire lanes, and a 45-minute dance party ensued, capping off with a collaboration with the Preservation Hall Jazz Band.
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Phosporescent returned to the Quad stage with hypnotic grooves and chill vibes, keeping all the heads bobbing inside the old fort.
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I'm With Her returned, bringing their sweet blend of harmonies bridging old-time music to the present, including covers of The Vampire Weekend and Joni Mitchell.
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This year was all about the women, and the fellas came to support. Jason Isbell, who generally headlines festivals like these, wasn't even given a microphone. Here, Amanda Shires (who happens to be his wife) allows him to share a few thoughts as they introduced a song they co-wrote, "If She Ever Leaves Me", dubbed the first gay country song, which was sung moments later by Brandi Carlile.
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Each year, the festival producer comes out to the early birds waiting for the gates to open to welcome them back and remind them to BE PRESENT, BE KIND, BE OPEN, and BE TOGETHER. There isn't a place in the world that's easier to do those four things.
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It's always fun to see what surprise guests will show up to the festival that aren't officially listed. This year’s guests included Jim James, Kermit The Frog, Dolly Parton, James Taylor...you know that this list might end up being bigger than the actual lineup. Here's surprise guest Tallest Man on Earth, who joined both the Songs for Beginners set as well as The Cooks in the Kitchen.
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Hozier returned for his 3rd appearance, singing a duet with Mavis Staples for their song "Nina Cried Power". He also gave over the stage to Brandi Carlile during his set for her to sing her hit “The Joke”. Here, he joins with Lake Street Dive for a cover of Sly & The Family Stone’s "Everyday People".
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Jade Bird had her own solo set at The Fort stage but joined in on The Collaboration, seen here singing "What's Up" with Linda Perry and Brandi Carlile.
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Phil Cook has become a regular staple at the festival. His love and respect for the musicians and the music played at the festival has endeared himself to both fans and musicians alike. For his set, Cooks in the Kitchen, Phil, who always seems up for a collaboration, was joined by his brother Brad as well as Tallest Man on The Earth’s Kristian Matsson, Amy Ray of The Indigo Girls, and Anais Mitchell.
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Molly Tuttle, who had her own set with guitarist Billy Strings, joined The First Ladies of Bluegrass, Courtney Marie Andrews, and others for a cover of “Big Yellow Taxi” at the Collaboration Set Saturday.
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Just a man, his guitar, and a huge open stage. Jeff Tweedy charmed the audience at the Fort on Saturday claiming he wanted to "hug you with his sad shit."
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Rhiannon Giddens returned to the Newport Folk Festival with the most powerful and gut-wrenching set of the festival, joined by Amythyst Kiah, Leyla McCalla, and Allison Russell to form the group Our Native Daughters, singing songs addressing American historical issues that have influenced the identity of black women. This marked only their 6th live performance, performing in Connecticut a week earlier for the first time. Emotions were overflowing both on stage and in the audience, as each artist (each of whom played multiple instruments) took turns singing songs of sorrow, hope, anger, and joy. It was an experience like no other at the festival.
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Linda Perry leading a sing along of "What's Up" at The Collaboration, asking the audience to sing so high, "I wanna touch the fucking stars!" Later, she was on Facebook Live for the introduction of Dolly Parton.
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There was a bit of a 90's renaissance at this year’s festival with appearances from Amy Ray, Linda Perry, and former Sleater-Kinney drummer Janet Weiss. Sheryl Crow, who had her own set at the Fort on Friday and later joined The Highwomen that day at the Quad, got in on the fun at The Collaboration on Saturday, performing "If It Makes You Happy" with Maren Morris and "Strong Enough" with Maggie Rogers and Yola.
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Newport always does a great job of honoring those who led the way. This year, we saw Judy Collins hit many stages and share stories about a young Bob Dylan writing “Mr. Tambourine Man” on her porch, as well as recalling Stephen Stills singing her "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes", to which she replied "It's a good song, but it won't get me back." Here, she shares the story of a friend discovering Joni Mitchell and bringing her "Both Sides Now", which was sung moments later with Brandi Carlile.
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Couples take in the If I Had A Song set at sunset on Sunday, which included a duet from Kermit the Frog and Jim James as well as a serenade to Judy Collins from Robin Pecknold (Fleet Foxes), Eric D. Johnson (Fruit Bats), and James Mercer (The Shins), singing “Suite: Judy Blue Eyes”.
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Newport Folk Festival marked the inaugural performance of The Highwomen. Brandi Carlile, Maren Morris, Amanda Shires, and Natalie Hemby, here joined by Yola, opened their set to a powerful reworking of “The Highwaymen”, made famous by Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, Waylon Jennings, and Johnny Cash. The Highwomen’s version, written by Carlile, Shires, and Jimmy Webb (the original songwriter) honors the stories of courageous female revolutionaries and includes an additional 5th verse:
  "We are The Highwomen / Singing stories still untold / We carry the sons, you can only hold / We are the daughters of the silent generations / You sent our hearts to die alone in foreign nations / It may return to us as tiny drops of rain / But we will still remain.”
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A stage full of Newport Folk ladies, including Brandi Carlile, Rachael Price, Maggie Rogers, and Sheryl Crow, bow down to the one and only Dolly Parton. I've seen Roger Waters, Jack White, My Morning Jacket, Jackson Browne, Beck, Levon Helm, and Mumford & Sons headline the Festival. This was the biggest of all the Saturday night headliners.
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