#all the damn vamps!leon
elfven-blog · 7 months
All the damn vampires (3)
Leon Kennedy x F!Reader A series based on the 1987 film 'The Lost Boys'
CW: MDNI (18+ series), no smut this chapter!
Word count: 2.1k
I'm sorry for how long this took!!
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After that night on the road with Leon, you had returned home having been able to catch Claire before she left hers and told her you weren’t feeling the best but would make it up to the two of them. Which is what brought you back to the boardwalk.
You’d paid for their food, and now the three of you were walking to the seaside rides while you ate ice cream. The girls had been grilling you on the life you had before moving, and on why you had moved. Claire had shrugged her shoulders arms spread as she declared how excited she was to get out of ‘this dumb fucking town and its dumb fucking missing posters’...clearly excited to go away to her Washington college.
Rebecca shook her head as she listened, a smile on her face “I dunno, I like it here. Having the sea so close is a nice perk.” Claire made a disgusted noise, pretending to gag at Rebecca’s words and drawing a laugh out of you. You had also told your new friends about the blonde constantly occupying your thoughts, and they had given you warnings about him.
“You should be careful, David’s gang are..trouble”.
“There’s just somethin’ wrong about them”. “Honestly! My brother says there’s always complaints about them at the station!” “Just don’t do anything dumb okay? We don't want you banned from the boardwalk too”.
All those warnings seemed to just go in one ear and out the other as they spoke to them, you nodded along and responded when they said them but you’d already made your mind up about the blonde biker. 
It wasn’t until later in the night that your opinion on him would shift more in line to that of your friends.
The three of you had spent the rest of the evening and some of the night on the boardwalk, you’d even managed to win a teddy from a game. Most of the games were aimed at you losing your money, not that it mattered while you were having fun with your new friends. As you were walking back towards the merry-go-round, your attention was on the silly photos the three of you had taken. Claire had large glasses on, and Rebecca had a tiny hat, the three of you posing in stupid ways. 
As you weren’t paying attention, you didn’t notice the familiar leather jacket making its way into your vision until an arm swung around your shoulder and pulled you into a cold side. A voice rumbling into your ear “Well hello there sweetheart” the pace of your heart sped up at the sound. 
A grin took over your mouth as you looked over at him, and something you couldn’t place flashed in his eyes as his hand slid lower to your waist instead. “Hey! How have you been?” you’re not really sure how to speak to him. Not after what happened when you last saw him. His blonde brow arches up, his head tilting and causing his hair to shift so that he blows it away.
“Really pretty girl?” He shakes his head, pitching his voice up as he mocks you, “How have you been?” your face goes red with embarrassment as you try to shake him off but his grip tightens and he pulls you closer to his side. “No no, I’m sorry doll, I’m sorry! C’mon don’t ruin the fun” 
His breath fans over your neck as he leans in close, his teeth scraping against the skin. And you swear they feel sharper than normal teeth but as you turn to look at him, his teeth are well, normal. You run a hand over your face, maybe all those rumours are starting to get to you.
Instead you roll your eyes at Leon, and smirks before pressing his lips to your ear. It’s like he can’t keep his hands to himself, or any other part of his body as his tongue dips to lick along the shell of your ear. “Let’s go and have some fun” comes that honey-soaked voice in your ear, and he’s easily able to pull you away from where you were going. Claire and Rebecca slip from your mind completely.
The blonde pulls you over to where his friends are, and the four of them seem to be terrorising the poor boardwalk guard as he tries to get them off the carousel. But once they see Leon, they walk away from their prey immediately, cheering and teasing the young man as they approach the both of you. And nerves fill your entire body, thrumming with electricity as the boys surround you as you wonder what they have planned.
You know you probably shouldn’t feel like this, especially when your friends had literally just warned you about the band of no-good doers but there seemed to be some kind of pull as the now six of you started walking towards where the band was playing on the seafront. Leon took your wrist, his cold fingers against your warm skin as he pulled you into the crowd and you saw one of the boys, Marko, wriggle his eyebrows at you causing you to blush before they were gone from sight.
Leon kept you close to him, grinning at you with that pretty smile as you danced together. The world falling apart around you until it was just the two of you, everybody else disappearing as your hands wandered against each other’s sides and your own trailed down his chest. It felt like you were in a trance as you swayed with almost no space between you, the scent of lemon and rust filling your nose before it was gone just as you’d registered it. You stumble as someone bumps into you, causing you to press against Leon’s sturdy chest, his hands settling on your waist and you watch as he glares at the other person. You swear you see his eyes change colour but as he looks to ask if you’re okay, you only see the blue.
With a shake of your head to clear your thoughts you give him the okay, and Leon snarls at the other person causing them to stumble back in shock you assume. The pair of you move away from the dancing, Leon’s grip feels tight on you making sure you don’t get lost. 
It’s towards the others that you head in the direction of, they’re all sitting around their bikes, the laughter filling the air now that you’re away from the music that made your ears pound. You give them a polite smile, shifting on your feet awkwardly and feeling like an outside until Paul slings an arm around your shoulder and makes a joke about the newbie on the beach needing to learn about the real Santa Carla and what the natives do for fun.
It seems to set the others off as they all pile towards getting on their bikes, Leon immediately tugging you onto his own. Your eyes widen as you straddle the vehicle, unsure how to sit or where to put your hands until the blonde snickers and pulls your hands to wrap around his waist “Hold tight, sweetheart” he whispers to you as the bike comes to life under you causing you to jump at the feeling of the vibrations and you push yourself closer to him. The grin never left his face as he felt you almost crush him to not fall off. None of the boys seem to care as they go faster and faster, some of them howling as their hair whips around them.
The sight of them having fun starts to quell the fear in you and it doesn’t take long until you’re joining Marko and Dwayne in their hooting and yowling. Leon turns his head to look at you, something gleaming in his eyes before he turns back to the road and speeds his bike up more. He easily catches up to David who laughs at the sight of you and decides to start racing Leon which causes you to hold onto him tighter. 
Your heart races as they accelerate around the twists and turns that take them up the hills, your knuckles almost white from clenching at Leon’s jacket, the leather turning warm from your palms. The wind bites at your face turning it red and your breath pants against Leon’s ear, adrenaline rushes your veins and you can swear in that moment you could fly. Your head tilts back, your eyes closing as you enjoy the rush. You don’t notice the way the others look at you, their smiles turning to mirth and their gazes filled with delight at the sight of you.
The bikes eventually slow to a stop and you hear the shrill whistle of a train nearby. Your brow furrows as they stop their bikes and get off, the man you cling to pats your leg to signal that you need to get off too, so you do. Confusion still fogs your mind as they lead you to a train bridge. Leon squeezes your hand as you stand among the wooden slats of the track, your eyes widening at the sight of nothing below you. Your body starts to shake but the comforting feeling of his cool thumb soothed over the back of your hand, and you swallowed the thick saliva that had been building in your mouth.
“What are we doing?” you’d never heard your own voice tremble so much when asking a question, and David laughs which makes everyone else laugh, You turn to look at Leon only to find him avoiding your gaze and his hand finally drops your own as he makes his way over to the gang. 
“She wants to know what’s going on! Marco, she wants to know” his grin turns devilish as he looks at you, his head tilting and something flashes in his eyes that you’ve never seen before. Your eyes shift to Marco as he shrugs his shoulders before jumping, disappearing below the bridge and even though you can hear his laughter below you somewhere, your heart still pounds as terror seems to grip at your heart and squeeze it.
You try to speak but no words leave your mouth, your eyes wide as your expression resembles that of a goldfish. “C’mon, it’s fun” rumbles out of Paul's mouth before he and Dwayne also disappear into that fog, and their howling becomes louder. David straightens up as he looks at Leon, his face suddenly serious as he arches an eyebrow at his fellow blonde. Leon just shrugs his shoulders at the silent question causing the bleach blonde to sigh and shake his head.
“Join us” is all he says before he’s below the tracks, and the whistle of the train is unexpectedly loud as the track shakes slightly while the machine creeps ever closer.
Leon looks at you expectedly, his hand held out to touch yours before he drops it. Worry sparks through his blue gaze before it’s gone. His tongue darting out to wet his lips, and his shoulders move with his own sigh “Join us, you gotta join us, doll” his low voice pleads like a broken record. You watch as he jumps with no fear, and you hear his voice join the others as they cajole you down below into joining their merry band.
And with a deep breath you do.
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You smile at the blonde as you stand at his bike, one of his hands settled in its place against your hip while your own are on his cool leather jacket. He quickly tugs you down, his soft lips pressed to your own and he quickly commands your mouth to part so he can press his tongue inside. The muscle exploring in that path you're familiar with now as it runs over your teeth, seemingly paying attention to your canines before it gently coaxes your own tongue into his mouth too.
It seems like forever as you stand in that awkward position that makes your back ache but you don’t dare move. His hand bruises at your hip. And it isn’t until your lungs burn for oxygen that the biker pulls away from you by only inches so that you can gulp oxygen down. It seems like the kiss doesn’t make him as breathless even though you can feel his soft breaths on your lips, you are the only one left panting from your shared kiss.
His hand squeezes your hip one final time before he pats your thigh and tilts his head so that the blonde hair hangs down, and his lip shows that grin he loves to carry around you “Best go inside now, sweetheart, I’ll see ya tomorrow ‘kay?” and you nod at him but don’t actually move until he practically growls at you. You blink and back away, as if coming out of a trance after clearing your throat and beginning to walk inside your house.
You blush as you hear him rev his engine and let out a low whistle before he rides away.
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horrorslvts · 11 months
just my type | leo valdez part one
keywords : leo valdez, riordanverse, canon x oc
writer's note : uhh yall ate up the idea of a daughter of hermes oc x leo valdez so mommy will feed u my children... i present to you absolute chaos and comedic relief couple. enjoy.. ship is very inspired by 'just my type - the vamps'
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the sound of metal hitting against metal reached the girl's ears, making her eyebrows stiffen a bit as she made her way onto the real crime scene; all those awful sounds came from argo II being made; and although silena de leon, daughter of hermes; beloved half-sister of luke castellan really respected the cause, the sound made her absolutely cringe.
the raven haired girl almost tripped over a few tools that had been abandoned in the middle of the way, making her cuss under her breath and look down at her sneakers to make sure they were not damaged by some stupid leftover hammer. with a little shake of the head silena finally approached the curly haired boy who was, apparently, putting some wooden planks on the side of the boat, and also spaced out enough to not realize she was making her way near. he stood on the third step of a high ladder. "hey bob the builder; don't you want to catch a break sometime?"
leo looked down at the -surprisingly- shorter girl, and flashed a little smile. he lifted his arm to wipe some dust away from his face and nose with his sleeve and shrugged a bit. "if you are asking me to-" he gently threw the hammer on his hand aside, letting it fall on some spare nails, and stepped down from the ladder he was on. "interrupted your sleep again? sorry, i'll make sure to delay an entire quest so you can get a few more hours of naps" leo said with a little chuckle and leaned with one arm on the boat, his hand running through his curls pushing them back making silena watch in awe.
now, silena and leo didn't know each other long. for what it's worth, silena met him and percy through annabeth who she has known forever; given that luke set them up to be friends when sil arrived at the camp for the first time; and they actually did. but gods, ever since meeting this dam son of hephaestus she had been losing her mind. whether it was the back and forth signs and jokes, or the absolute denial that either of them would ever see each other in any way above platonic; something made her heart skip a beat whenever she was close to the tanned boy, that's all she knew; should have seen her face when he first laughed at her spaniard accent; any other person would have taken a punch but he just got lucky with a push.
"yeah, that'd be so sweet of you!"
leo gave her a death stare with a chuckle, knowing damn well she wasn't anywhere near serious.
"so if it isn't that, why pay us a visit?"
silena slowly walked towards the rope ladder of the ship, tugging on it . "just curious to see how the ship is going. very good apparently." she pulled herself up the rope ladder which instantly caused a reaction by the other, making leo rush to bring her down in case she fell.
"whoa whoa you know that's not tied well yet right?!"
sil sat on one of the rope ladder's thin steps, only a couple feet above him and chuckled, swinging her feet to show her winged sneakers. "why do you always forget valdez?"
the curly haired sighed a bit. " if you get all tangled up in the ropes these aren't going to save you-." he looked at her from below with that signature troublemaking smile that brought an aching on her heart.
"i know, but you will."
the boy let his suspenders fall from each shoulder and climbed back up on his ladder, finally reaching her height and being almost face to face with the blue eyed girl; his breath was always cut short when the two were this close. it was funny how after so long of percy and annabeth being sappy now annabeth teased these two like her life depended on it.
"although you're not exactly knight in shining armor material.." silena reached to wipe his forehead from some mechanical oil. " more like greasy armor.."
"you know what's funny, sil?"
"your back is touching my fresh painted planks-."
sil finally realized why her shirt was sticking on her back for the past minute.
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 2 months
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Part 29
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Series Masterlist
Part 28 🟣 Part 30
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A reverse harem vampire AU ft. Mikey, Marshall, August, Sherlock, Charles, Melot and Napoleon
Series summary: Somehow, you've managed to live with your boyfriend and his roommates for months before finding out they're vampires, but the real shock first comes when they find out you have a special quality. A quality the guys would love to make use of...
Warnings: ongoing vampire shenanigans, an interesting proposal, Melot behaving like a child (it's not Mike for a change. Actually Mike is the sane one in this chapter??? Idk what happened.)
Word count: 2.8k (?) (Word isn't cooperating, okay)
A/N: I've got some seriously busy vamps in my brain these days... Hope you guys enjoy!
@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @ellethespaceunicorn @summersong69 @mis-lil-red
@sillyrabbit81 @livisss @itsrubberbisquit @ktficworld @proud-aroace-beastie
@plaidcat4815 @wa-ni @lovemusicpart2 @lizzystuffsthings @manysecrets2020
@sarcasmoverlordxo @mysweetlittledesire
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The house was quiet. Quieter than usual, that is, because with only one human being and six assorted creatures of the supernatural variety, it was usually pretty damn quiet to begin with. You wandered the countless halls, searching for… anyone. Literally anyone.
Where were you? And more importantly…
“Lost?” Leon. The past week had taught you that you could always count on him to show up unannounced. “They’re out, you know?”
Out doing what? Leon smiled at your question. “Running. Climbing.” He appeared behind you. “Crushing a tree or two…” A strange tingle trickled down your spine, following Leon’s index finger, until he suddenly pulled his hand away. “Beg your pardon, I forget myself. Anyway” — he appeared in front of you again — “Marshall might indulge and provide fresh venison for tonight. Although I’m pretty sure we still have a sufficiently stocked freezer.”
After… that night — barely twenty-four hours ago — this really came as no surprise.
“And why aren’t you with them, instead of here, bothering me?” you sneered. For some reason, Leon always managed to get on your nerves, even if he hadn’t quite deserved it.
“I’m a demon, sweetheart,” he taunted. You hated him calling you ‘sweetheart’ almost as much as you’d hated it when August called you ‘princess’ in the beginning — maybe even more. “I’m not quite as fast as them, and nowhere near as strong.” He offered you an arm, and without thinking, you took it.
“Besides,” he said as he guided you through the halls, “vampires may have crawled out into the light over the past centuries, but I am first and foremost a creature of the night.”
“Allergic to sunlight?” you asked, looking around you as you let yourself be led God knows where.
“I’m not abducting you, sweetheart — it really bothers you when I call you that, doesn’t it?” A devious smile lay on his lips as he asked the question. “We’re headed for the kitchen. I’m parched.”
“Alright.” With Mike missing all morning to appear by your side with tea and water, you hadn’t remembered to drink anything. “So, about the sunlight?”
“I’m not allergic. I can survive in the sun as well as you can at night. It’s just that I require certain energies to sustain me, and they are more abundant between dusk and dawn.” Right. Sex demon. Leon ushered you into the kitchen with something resembling urgency.
“Please, sit,” he gestured at the bar stools. “Can I offer you some tea? Water? Coffee? Anything else, perhaps?”
“What do you want, Leon?” Part of the reason he got to you so much might have been that the man could never give it to you straight.
“To talk,” he said, rolling his eyes. “I have a proposition. It’s unconventional, but I’d appreciate it greatly if you listened to it in its entirety.”
Ah. So he did want something from you.
It was safe to say that the fact you’d been blessed with relentless curiosity had come in handy more than a few times over the past months, and it came as no surprise that this time, too, you found yourself curious rather than terrified at the prospect of this proposal.
“Alright, I’m listening,” you said as you watched Leon rummage around the kitchen at a delightfully normal speed. “And tea would be great, thanks.”
Without thinking, you wrapped your fingers around the glass in front of you. Wait. How did that get there?
“Mike may have mentioned something about your bewildering inclination to simply not drink anything, if given half a chance.” There was definitely judgment in his voice. And his eyes. And in the way his lips drew together in a tight line. Oh, and there was that sigh. It was subtle, but that didn’t mean you missed it. “Why don’t you take better care of yourself?”
“I have four vampires doing it for me,” you deadpanned.
“Potentially six,” he said, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly. “And a half, if you play your cards right.”
You didn’t doubt that that was a hint towards the offer you were about to be presented with. “From where I’m sitting, I’m the one with a great hand,” you said, calming your nerves with a quiet, steady breath as your curiosity spiked. “You’re the one who has to tread carefully, I feel.”
A breeze blew past you as Leon moved to stand behind you, and as much as you wished for yourself to have gotten used to it by now, the move still startled you. Damn him.
His hands landed on your shoulders, and he squeezed lightly. Then, he was back at the counter, opposite you.
“Alright,” he said as he put your cup of tea on the bar. “You’re not wrong. And I won’t blame you if you decline my offer. After all, we barely know each other, and it is a proposal of a rather intimate nature — for you, at least. Less so for me. I simply need to eat.”
Oh. Oh. It wasn’t unexpected, per se, that the offer was related to that, but still… You knew what he was and how he fed. And now, you were somehow going to be asked to be a part of that.
“You want to feed on… me?” You already hadn’t understood this when he brought it up the other day. How did this even work? Did you… “So, what? You want to sleep with me?” The words were out before you had thought them through, and when Leon started laughing, you wanted to die of embarrassment.
“My apologies,” he said, “it’s an understandable question, but not quite what I was going to suggest. Although I wouldn’t pass up on the opportunity if it presented itself, I must admit.”
You stared at him for a few seconds — very long seconds — and sighed. “August?” You didn’t have to turn around to know he walked into the kitchen.
“There goes our privacy,” Leon said softly as he leaned on the counter.
“What’s going on here?” August asked, clearly suspicious of the scene in front of him. And with good reason. He knew — probably better than anyone — that you and Leon hardly got along great.
“Your darling brother wants to fuck me,” you said casually.
August had already begun to make himself a cup of coffee, and you watched his knuckles go pale as his grip on the countertop tightened. Leon knew better than to try and deny it.
“It’s not much of a compliment, princess,” August said softly after taking a deep breath. He turned to lean against the counter, coffee in hand. “My brother wants to fuck everything that moves.”
“Isn’t that a little stereotypical?” a suddenly appearing Mike weighed in. Marshall, Sherlock and Melot walked in soon after. They seemed equally surprised to see you and Leon having your little tea party.
“How fantastic,” Leon sneered. “The whole gang is back together. Sweetheart, I was hoping to have this conversation in private. Do you mind—”
“What you want does not just concern her,” Mike said sharply. “I’m staying. And I doubt the others will let you talk them into leaving.”
“At the very least it doesn’t concern Melot at this time, or Sherlock… potentially ever,” Leon tried, his eyes almost pleading with Mike to reduce the crowd.
“What does he want?” Sherlock asked. He was probably the only one who didn’t already know — and that included Melot, which you really didn’t mind as much as you probably should have.
The others looked at each other, then at Leon, then you before turning back to Sherlock. No one said anything.
“I’m not making this easy on him by telling you,” Mike said. “Like, don’t get me wrong, it’s not weird or anything — not weirder than we’re used to anyway. But I want him to ask for it” — he shot Leon a sharp glance — “himself.”
“Alright, out with it,” August sighed, clearly already running out of patience.
“Do I get to make my case without interruption?” Leon asked. It wasn’t the worst question. August looked halfway ready to lose his shit, and it probably wouldn’t take much to put Marshall on edge, either. Everyone nodded in response to the question. “Alright. We’re all aware of what I am, what I do, and how I feed, so I suggest we skip the biology lesson and move straight to the request—”
“You’re not screwing her,” Marshall snapped.
“Well, so much for no interruptions.” Leon rolled his eyes. “If it’s all the same to you, I don’t feel like I have to suffer through this for a simple question, I’ll take my l—”
“Marshall, shut up and sit down. And August, not a word out of you, either.” You watched, trying to control your face while both men begrudgingly obeyed your commands. You looked at Sherlock, who nodded approvingly. “Leon, please continue. I’m listening.”
“When I decided to spend my summer here—”
“You mean ‘showed up completely unannounced’?” Melot asked, scowling at Leon.
“Melot shut. up.” The moment the words left your mouth, you felt you’d overplayed your hand.
He appeared in front of you, his face so close to yours you could feel his breath on your skin. He was cold — very cold. “Did no one warn you that my age might provide a bit of an obstacle for those newly acquired powers of yours? What was your plan, my Queen? Send me to my room like a petulant child? Have me sit on the floor by your feet like a dog? I’ve been through it all, your highness, I—”
“Melot, that’s enough.” Sherlock’s voice was barely a whisper, so low you had trouble understanding what he said at all. “I must say the introduction has given me a good sense of what this request will be. Mike, am I correct in assuming it indeed does not concern either me or Melot?”
Mike nodded solemnly.
“Then I shall take this as my cue to leave, and you” — he grabbed Melot by the collar of his shirt — “are coming with me. And you’re staying with me until you can— Speak of the Devil, Priya’s timing couldn’t have been better. Come on.”
They disappeared, and the kitchen went awfully quiet for a moment, until Leon cleared his throat. “As I was saying: When I decided to spend my summer here, I was aware of the existing arrangement. I was, however, unaware of the… shall we say ‘intimate advancements’ within that arrangement.”
“And long story short, you want in?” you asked, hoping to speed things along a bit. It still wasn’t entirely clear to you how this was all going to work without… sex.
Marshall raised his hand, to your surprise, and you nodded. “Thank you. If I may answer that question you didn’t ask… It won’t work out without sex.”
“But he said he didn’t want—”
“For the sake of honesty, I didn’t say I don’t want to,” Leon reminded you, “but rather that that was not what I’m asking.”
“Then what are you asking?”
“I’m asking if I can feed on your passive sexual energy,” he explained briefly. That wasn’t nearly enough information.
You turned to August, vaguely remembering a conversation you’d had with him. “I thought succu— I mean incubi only fed off… Orgasms?”
“Is that what he told you?” Leon laughed. “I don’t blame him, of course. But I’d hardly dare to lecture you on vampires and their habits, despite my technically dual nature.” He sounded annoyed — maybe rightfully so.
“The people who work for me like their jobs, August, but they don’t have orgasm after orgasm on stage.” Napoleon sighed and shook his head. Whatever remnant of understanding you’d had about what was going on in this conversation was gone now, and you were lost.
“Rewind and freeze, guys. Passive energy? People who work for you?”
“The details of my occupation are best left for another conversation. To answer your other question: Passive energy refers to any kind of consumable energy a succubus or incubus can feed on, that they are not involved in creating. Orgasm isn’t a requirement at all — any incubus worth his salt can pick up on far more subtle kinds of energy. Now, it is generally acceptable to munch on the small things without asking — flirting, tension, a kiss or other displays of affection, et cetera. Now, when things progress beyond that most humans would consider feeding off that without asking for consent a major violation of privacy—”
“Just… humans?” Was that such a completely unreasonable train of thought, then?
“A few centuries go a long way in changing your perspective on a host of things,” August explained patiently. “You’ll experience some difficulty finding a strictly monogamous vampire over the age of… let’s say two-fifty.”
“Are there monogamous incubi? Is it ‘incubi’ or ‘incubuses’?”
“Either of those is correct,” Leon answered with a charming smile. “And to answer your question bluntly: no. As a species, we’re exclusively non-monogamous — not necessarily unwilling to enter into serious relationships, but monogamy would be… torture.”
“Questions about your kind aside…” Was Mike the one keeping a conversation on track for a change? What had the world come to? “Get to the proposal. I mean… I have my answer ready to go.”
“Right.” Leon nodded. “Well, without further ado: I’d like to request permission to feed on the available energies in this house.”
You’d seen it coming for a while now, but the question still took you by surprise on a level you didn’t quite understand. It was quiet for a while, and your face got hotter with every passing second, because everyone was staring at you.
In the end, it was Mike who broke the silence. “I’m okay with it.” No surprise there, really.
“It’d be hypocritical of me to be opposed to this,” August said next.
“I’m willing to pay my share in your current arrangement, if that makes you more comfo—”
“No!” That didn’t sit right with you at all. Four pairs of eyebrows shot up in surprise at your answer. How were you going to explain this? “That agreement comes with the responsibility to provide them with food no matter the circumstances. I don’t think I can promise you that.”
Leon nodded. “I understand that. That said… Do you have an answer for me at all?”
Pushy. Arrogant. Annoyingly sure of himself. Why on earth did you like that about him?
“Pardon my ignorance, but how does this work?” you asked, your voice trembling ever so slightly. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that the guys picked up on that — especially since Mike put his arms around you and put his chin on your shoulder.
“You’re asking me if I have to be in the room, aren’t you?” For someone who didn’t read minds… “I don’t read minds, sweetheart. But I do read people. And your face has subtitles.”
Great. “Yeah. That’s what I’m asking.”
“I don’t have to be,” he answered plainly. “I’m not opposed to it, either.”
“Watch it,” August growled.
“Can’t blame me for trying, brother.”
“Okay, so… It would be much like August… listening in, then?” You took a deep breath. That didn’t sound too bad — not that you were in any way dead set against his presence, either… As soon as you caught yourself with that thought, you heard Mike swallow hard.
Dirty little pervert.
“Does that still surprise you?” No. No, it definitely did not. You side-eyed Marshall, who tried hard to fight a dirty smile off his face.
“You’re no better.” The remark made him chuckle, and an image of your night in the shower flashed in your mind for a moment.
You cleared your throat before turning to Leon again. “I think my diplomatic answer would be that I’m fine with you feeding off anything that doesn’t happen behind closed doors,” you said slowly. “Other than that, I’d like the opportunity to go on a case-by-case basis, but I don’t see how that would work.”
“My guess is that someone would be available to communicate your wishes,” Leon offered. “And if not, well… It’s ‘no’, unless it’s ‘yes’, right?”
“That sounds agreeable.” You could feel your heartbeat in your throat, which was unusually dry, but your hands were so sweaty that you didn’t dare to pick up your cup.
“Hm, no door in sight,” Leon muttered softly. “Lucky me.”
His teasing would be the death of you, dammit! “Keep in mind that me not taking on any real responsibility in this matter, means I can deny you everything. You might want to consider playing nice.” “Where’s the fun in that, sweetheart?”
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erxxi3 · 1 year
— Into The Night
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Pairings: Dom Vamp! Leon x Sub Fem! Reader
Summary: Spending time with Leon in the middle of the night turning into a session 😏
Cw: Straight up porn with plot with some fluff at the end !
Character Count: 4.2k
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Leon had restrainted you by tying your arms behind your back as he bit your neck sucking some blood and leaving a noticeable mark on your skin. You were now sitting in the passenger seat of his black Jeep Cherokee that he always drove like there was a war on. He was in a dark mood.
Leon’s eyes still glowed red from the bite marks you left behind when he finally let you go but his fangs had retracted. It wasn’t long before he stopped at an abandoned warehouse with the moon shining bright against it.
It wasn't any brighter than usual since the sun was still setting. He took the keys out of the ignition and looked into your eyes, “Are you ready for this or should I take you home?” he asked softly without emotion.
You shook your head no, ‘I want to do this’ you thought. You wanted so badly to know what happened after everything was over. And now that you finally know where you came from… Well you couldn’t deny that it made you want to stay forever just to keep being with them. So you nodded yes again, hoping that would be enough to satisfy him.
He grabbed your waist and pulled you close to him pulling your shirt off your body exposing all your beautiful curves. He ran his fingers across your chest tracing every curve until they rested on your breasts.
He rubbed his thumb against your nipples while running his other hand along your side. Your hips automatically moved into his caress. He growled and leaned forward pressing his mouth to yours kissing you gently while one of his hands slipped inside your underwear.
Once he found your wet opening, he pushed inside your panties and thrust hard hitting that little bundle of nerves deep inside of you making you groan in pleasure. “Yes! Yes, baby! Yes~!” you mewled while grabbing his hair tightly with your hands. His fingers gripped your breast making you moan loudly. His lips latched onto your neck letting you taste his blood as the rest of his clothes dropped to the ground around his feet leaving him completely naked.
‘Damn he is gorgeous’ you thought as you kept your hands clutching his hair. He continued thrusting making you scream in pleasure, ‘Fuck he is driving me crazy!!’ he growled against your neck giving your nipple another squeeze and then biting it as if trying to get the pleasure out of your system. He picked up speed as he started pumping himself hard into you.
He moaned loudly as he continued fucking you and you knew it was about to come. “Oh god— fuck..” you cried as you felt yourself start to contract inside of him. “Yes-- yes--! Yes!!!” you chanted feeling him tighten around you.
The only problem was that your climax was far away so he continued to ride you roughly and soon your orgasm began to come closer. As you rode the wave you heard him grunt loudly and then collapse against you. As you lay on his chest breathing heavily you smiled happily. ‘God, how can you ever live without him?’ You smiled as you fell asleep next to the love of your life.
The next day
You woke up alone. The bed sheets were neatly tucked beneath the blanket but didn't cover your bare body as you expected. You looked down realizing the bed was empty and wondered where he went to. After a few minutes of searching the entire loft area, you gave up and went downstairs where he was preparing breakfast.
You smiled brightly at him seeing his delicious scent wafting towards you from the kitchen. The smell instantly made you feel a sense of calmness fill you. As you entered the kitchen he turned around with a smile. “Good morning, beautiful” he said leaning in for a kiss which you gladly accepted. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled you closer as if he never planned to let you go.
You giggled as you kissed him deeply. When you finally broke apart you could smell pancakes coming from the oven. You sighed happily looking over at him who grinned. ‘This is amazing!! How did I ever think I could live without him?!’ You grinned excitedly as you grabbed one of the chairs sitting on the bar stools waiting. “Is pancake batter still warm or is it ready to eat?”
He laughed at your antics, “Well if it's hot why not eat it right away?”
You pouted, “But it’s too early in the morning, let's savor it for a little longer, ok?” He smirked, “Alright, if you insist my dear.”
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✎ Aerin / infp / scorpio / quarter-life crisis (25+) ☆
Hiya it's a pleasure to meetcha~ I'm currently obsessed with otome games again, hence this sideblog. Currently primarily playing mobile games such as Cybird's Ikemen series (Rev/Sen/Vamp/Pri/Vil), Obey Me!, Tears of Themis, TWST, & L&DS. as if I didn't have enough alr,, Also really enjoy some Switch games like Code Realize & The Men Of Yoshiwara. (◠‿◠✿)
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• Got back into the rabbit hole thanks to none other than MLQC. My favorites always were and up to this very moment still are Gavin and Kiro. I am 120% whipped for Gavin, but uh, he was rightful to be jealous of Kiro in that one date hahahaha oops. *Did end up eventually deleting the game though. Never even got to meet Shaw, damn :')
• And in terms of IkeSen, I've finished at least one route for Mitsunari, Yukimura (+sequel), Ieyasu (+sequel), Sasuke, Kenshin, Motonari, Mitsuhide, & Keiji, & Kanetsugu. Currently on Kicho's route. Yukimura has been my favorite since my second route, lately Mitsuhide is crawling up too..
• Ended up reinstalling IkeVamp after a bit of a break. Started with Napoleon, but have also done (at least one of) Theodorus, Arthur, Vincent, Isaac, Comte, and Daizai, and Mozart's routes. Partway through Leonardo's on my alt, and semi-reading Charles' on main. Unsure as to who is my favorite anymore, but I do most often find myself leaning towards Arthur/Napoleon.
• Had also installed Ayakashi: RR for quite awhile before losing my account, and being left absolutely heartbroken. Ended up recently buying it for Switch thanks to both nostalgia and devastation. My favorites were always Nachi and Aoi, only managed to finish the Dawn book and Aoi's book unfortunately, but hoping to get to read some more now with the Switch port.. which tragically doesn't include Dusk faction. RIP. Have done a few on Switch now tho! :)
• Ended up downloading Obey Me! some time ago now for coins on Ikesen, but the game ended up winning me over so here we are haha. Leaned towards Satan and Simeon as my favorites for quite awhile.. but it could be anyone's game, seeing as I'm terribly easy to sway.. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ *Edit: I also really like Asmodeus, Barbatos and Solomon a lot lately. (Edit2: Deleted both OM & NB, but still enjoy stuff for it!)
• Played some of Tears of Themis during the CBT and absolutely loved it! Felt like forever for it come out, I can only speak the highest of praises for it so far. It's such gorgeous quality with interesting mechanics, plus, I'm a sucker for a good mystery game/storyline! Also in case my taste wasn't glaringly obvious at this point....... I really liked Luke and fell hard for him during the beta test lol♡ ......but post-release somehow became a huge Marius simp, go figure ʅ◕ฺᴗ◕ฺʃ*
• Can't believe I never remembered to add Ikerev on here, despite how much I post about it.. oh wow, talk about forgetful! Anyway I started off with the loml Luka <3 and have never looked back since! (Though I do really enjoy all of the characters, Luka is just always my #1 tbh. Very much enjoyed all of the feels in his TTLG sequel!!) Afterwards I completed Harr, Kyle, Zero, Seth, Dalim, & Jonah's (main+sequel) routes as well. Currently reading Fenrir's route on main. I'm such a sucker for the game I even made a alt account(s) just to be able to enjoy all the story events and more routes.. oop. Completed one run of Oliver's & now on Ray's route on the first alt, then started on Edgar & Loki.
• And while we're at it, Ikepri! I'm all over the place when it comes to Ikepri but my general consensus seems to be that I have a favorite.. half or so of the cast hahaha. Yves and Licht were my favorites before the global ver even dropped, but then Rio, Silvio & Nokto all stole my hearts along the way. I've completed both ends for Yves, Leon, Nokto, Licht, Rio, Silvio <3, & Chevalier. One route cleared for Jin, Clavis, & Luke, Sariel, Keith, Gilbert. Looking forward to the other new sequels, princes, and act! Yves, Licht & Rio were my faves at launch, then eventually Silvio wholly took over my life & wallet. + Keith's been climbing far up my roster lately too,, (Finished Gilbert's route on alt and currently reading Yves'!)
• Adding in IkeVil now that it's out in EN! Finished Harrison's route on main & William's on my alt. Swapped them around now to read the other ending for both routes. Still undecided as to my favorite/s, but Victor was the first to catch my attention, and holds most of my intrigue, alongside Jude now. I do hold the starter trio in high regard presently, and find I might be most biased towards Harrison..? Ended up deleting Ikevil and will likely just wait for Jude, Victor & Ring's routes while still keeping up with spoilers/subs instead.
• Fairly recently had gotten into SLBP and also ended up falling for Yukimura there as well, so go figure lol. Also completed Kaede, Masamune, & Hotaru's routes as of this update. Currently on Shigezane's route.*Edit: I ended up falling hella hard for Sogo (Kaede) and Hotaru.. and the many others.. the name Yukimura still rings a bell, I swear-
• Almost forgot to add TWST on here! My faves from jump were Riddle and Cater, and they still hold a very soft spot in my heart. I don't see most of the characters in a romantic light, as I'm a bit older than the majority of them. But there's a ton I enjoy platonically, or even joke about adopting (like Deuce and Silver. I seem to be quite biased towards Heartslabyul & Diasomnia, in case that wasn't also glaringly so far haha. Only about 3 books completed due to constantly deleting and reinstalling the app due to space/inactivity but I read the jp spoilers a lot anyway. I bark ferally for Divus Crewel (and General Lilia), consider yourself warned. -w-;
• Used to play a lot (and I mean A LOT) of otomes back in high school. Like the SWD series, Voltage games, etc. (phew, it's been awhile). Used to have the biggest crush on Mirai from Sleepless Cinerella ngl (and also kinda Ocean from that one genderbent fairytsle SWD game). There were regrettably some games where the grind took too long or I lost all my data and I could never finish them.. but it's alright, they live on in my heart! (Like that one game where she works at a hospital out of revenge to find out who botched her mom's operation.. that one was really fascinating ngl.)
• Now the proud owner of Code Realize for Switch. Will update as I play through, but I absolutely adored the anime, and Fran/Victor most definitely stole my heart. (I see Cardia/Arsène as cannon thanks to it but... I still very much enjoy my mans, yknow? ლ(- ◡ -✿)ლ) Might end up going the switch port route for otomes soon bc mobile ones got me f'd up rn.
• I play some What in Hell is Bad? here and there too! Beelzebub & Satan are my favorites as of writing this (Lucifer has yet to drop). A lot of my favorites are the lesser demons though, like Bael, Bathin, etc. Only got through roughly ch.2 of the main storyline, & had to delete due to storage issues & not having enough time/motivation for card grinding.
• Got curious cause of a friend and some ads about Love & Deepspace and well... I'm too far down to quit anytime soon lol. I joined just after the fourth LI was added (during the quad smexy banner, ikik). Started out a devoted Xavier girlie, now I'm all over Rafayel & Sylus too.. In Sylus' voice: "Get it together, sweetie.". Zayne loves my account though and comes home more times than I've got toes so heeyy bestie~ (I'll probably eventually get tired of the grind too.. but hey, there's always fics! ilysm writers <3)
• ANYWAY I'm back in the otome scene once more and would really just like some pals to gush over it all with! So if you'd ever like to talk or if you wanna add each other in-game, please don't hesitate! My ask/dm is always open 💖
➸ ps: I follow back from @foreverxdaydreaming! ♡
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Wishing you all the best! Stay safe & take care!
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nyanbinaryrose · 5 years
do issac, hector, and dracula and alucard
make me jk, lets do this
1. Sexuality hc: Gay, sometimes I expand to Bi, depends
2: otp: Isaactor! (Isaac x Hector)
3: brotp: Isaac x Dracula, I ship this sexually sometimes too, but the fandom has got so racist about this ship in fanfic it became less likable for me.
4: notp: Godbrand? I guess? I have yet to come across anyone shipping him in a way I can’t stand.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: a lot of authors and fans assume he was saved by Dracula early, as a teen, and I like that take, but I personally think Isaac was at least an adult when he met Dracula.
6: favorite line from this character: all of them?! He was my first ASMR/voice compilation for a reason! But if I had to choose, his monologue while examining the night creature in S2E2 is excellent.
7: one way in which I relate to this character: misunderstood outcasts are kinda my thing 🤷‍♀️ he’s a lowkey mood.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: the way this fandom treats him
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Problematic fave if the racists have anything to say about it
1: sexuality hc: bi/pan, the classic case of being able to love everyone, but thinking no one can ever love him. A mood.
2: otp: Did I stutter? Isaactor. But also, I just ship Hector with Happiness. Whoever makes him happy.
3: brotp: Hector and Alucard are book club buddies in a modern AU, fight me
4: notp: Carmilla
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: fans keep calling him Greek cause he said “east of Rhodes” and his name is Greek, but I think he might be farther east, outside of Greek borders. Turkey perhaps?
6: favorite line from this character: Hector’s read of Godbrand? Legendary. Wig snatched. This boy only knows how to roast two ways: the way he roasted Godbrand, and the way he roasted his parents.
7: one way in which I relate to this character: another outcast. Also, animal lover and fellow fawned when it comes to fight/flight/freeze/fawn reactions.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: once again, the fans. Please stop citing that line Dracula said “he’s a child in a man’s body” as some kind of in-universe fact. Dracula said that. Context. Isaac and Dracula’s convo in that scene was basically two angry traumatized characters roasting another kinder traumatized character for not being traumatized in the same way. Dracula’s wording isn’t a canon description of Hector’s personality. Try again.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Cinnamon roll, through and through.
1: sexuality hc: bisexual (tho perhaps more heteroflexible, if we’re honest)
2: otp: DracuLisa forever Lisa didn’t die what are you talking about why would you slander her like this shut your mouth she’s alive and if you say otherwise I will call the police
3: brotp: Dracula and Issac, tho I elaborated above.
4: notp: ....honestly, Dracula and Isaac, when it’s done in a super racist way.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: Dracula has a massive cock wait no that’s canon uh Dracula is a switch shit let’s try again Dracula got brojobs from Leon as Mathias wait fuck that’s canon too Dracula got pegged by Lisa damn this is so hard!!
6: favorite line from this character: what is a man? Nah jk, it’s “There are no innocents! Not anymore!”
7: one way in which I relate to this character: I too, would learn to love humanity if Lisa asked me to
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: he’s the most extra fuck of emo vamp ever. Like, we’d get along that way, but being embarrassments together is still embarrassing
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Neither? He’s the Prince of Darkness, get your Twitter stan lingo outta here
1: sexuality hc: pan, and poly!
2: otp: trephacard! I know it’s an ot3, I stand by it, fight me
3: brotp: Alucard and Sypha! Not s “bro” but she can be on the boys. And if romance was off the table, they’d be great friends
4: not: I have yet to see anything gross... so far...
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: Alucard is the kinkiest fuck in the trio. Probably still a virgin, but throw him in like, a sex shop, and he’s at home. He could write erotica like a pro, tho he’ll be a fumbling idiot the first few times he does it himself. Once he gets into it tho...
6: favorite line from this character: honestly, any time he roasts Trevor. Sassy bastard, I love him
7: one way in which I relate to this character: rejected by our fathers, luscious hair and stellar tits? We’re basically twins
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: another emo bitch but also- what those belts do, Adrian. For real. What purpose. They sure as fuck ain’t holding up your pants.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Cinnamon roll!
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truly-soulmates · 7 years
Update on the Supernatural AU Part 1
Since it’s been a while since I posted the idea for this AU so I thought I’d give an update on the story and characters.
So there will be One main story and a lot of side stories. The main story will focus on all of the ships but mainly Terrornuckel, H20Vanoss, MiniCat and NatePat. I might add Brohm back as a main ship but idk
The side stories will be: Voices (Brohm) Midnight Drop (CartoonzxSatt) Victory (Jon/Evan and Luke/Satt’s backstory) Backtrack (Minicat) Gone (Brock and his family’s backstory) Out of all the idoits here, why am I stuck with you three? ( Fluffy/Just stupid Derp Crew, Zeroyalchaos)
There are others but I can’t choose a good title for them. (I’ll probably edit this later and add them)
As I stated earlier, I would show you the rough drafts of some of the characters backgrounds and motives for the story.
Hunters would include
House Fong: Evan, his husband Jon, his half-brother Mark and Mark’s fiancee Jack continued the family’s name as the most feared name in the community, that is until the Winchesters came, took their title and got Jon and Jack killed. Now, two years later, it’s just Evan and Mark and they want revenge on Jon Winchester for ruining basically everything. But that might have to wait when they get word of a Vampire nest in South Carolina.
The Patrick’s: Brock wasn’t meant to be a hunter, in fact he tried to avoid it, but hunting ran in the family so there was no avoiding it. When his parents were killed by a Wendigo he was only 5. His oldest brother, Mat (16), and his sister, Krista (12), were gone on their own hunt and his brother, Leon (10), was on a hunt with their uncle. He was left in a motel room for a week before Leon came back and found him in a corner of the room, crying, and holding a dagger close to his chest. Since then, his siblings raised him. If Brock was honest, losing his parents broke his heart but he could never say that aloud, not when he’s a hunter.  When Mat left the their group to start anew with his husband Nate and their two kids, Manu and Keshet, Brock was heartbroken once again. Mat was his mentor, basically his dad, and now he was gone but that was okay because his sister and other brother was still there. Then, two years later, she had to leave as well. Krista “left” the hunting life for a peaceful life in the U.K. with her husband, Nikolai, and two kids, Grayson and Theo. All that was left of the group was His brother Leon, his wife Ella and Brock. Then, in September, Krista came back to the group with her son Grayson. Brock found out two months later that Nikolai and Theo were possessed and then promptly killed by John Winchester. Once again, Brock was heartbroken but now he’s pissed. Hunting kept taking everything from him.  And that’s not the worst of it,now it might take the guy he’s fallen for. He may have fell for a Werewolf, maybe…. Yeah, he’s definitely head over heels for this werewolf. He’s so fucked……
Tyler “Wild” Wine: Tyler was made for the Hunter life. He was born and raised for it, and no one could stop him from getting the title of second fear after he took down Murmur, a powerful son of a bitch. But that all changed when that damn John Winchester showed up and ruined his hunts. Tyler lost everything but he got over it when he met Craig, a simple guy who was dragged into a shit situation. Tyler abandoned the hunter life for a bit just to settle and work things out between them, by a bit he meant two and a half years.  When he finally convinced his husband to let him hunt again, he was so excited even more when he found out that Luke was on the same hunt as him. Now he can hunt again and he can come home to his lovely Husband of two years and to his beautiful 4 month old son, Percy. There’s only one problem though, they’re hunting witches and those witches are the last people they expected.
The Pattersons: An old Family, like the Fongs, was mainly ran by first born sons Luke and Jon, twins, while they’re half-sister, Glory, could have a normal-ish life. Jon left after two years of leading to marry Evan Fong and combined the two families. Luke soon married as well, but he married a non-hunter named Mike who he met while hunting a ghost. While Luke was busy teaching Mike how to hunt, Jon was “ killed” during a Vamp nest raid.  Now, after a couple of years, Luke is finally getting out of his depression thanks to Mike and his little angel Irene. He is ready to hunt again. But he never would have guessed that his first hunt would be his own husband.
The Sharps: a relatively new name to the Hunting community but that was expected when Nate married Hunter whose family was and is popular in the Hunting community. When Nate first met Mat is wasn’t a good first meeting, Long story short Mat saved Nate from being eaten by a Rugaru and then promptly knocked him the fuck out and that happened when he was 17! (The same time when Mat’s parents were killed) They met again years later when Nate, after a few years of hunting after Mat saved him, was helping Bobby Singer do some research on Sireins. When they met again, Mat may have stared at him for a good ten minutes and then as soon as he got caught he immediately turn to run but ran into little eight year old Brock, who was carrying three heavy books and then dropped them on Mat’s left foot. Nate had a really good laugh, got a date with said moron who got books dropped on him and then got hit upside the head for “lollygagging”, it was a good day. After that, they just kept running into each other until they finally settled down together, Nate was 26 while Mat was 24.  Now they have two wonderful kids, a son named Manu and a daughter named Keshet, who Nate will protect at every cost, even if it means killing a few.. “monsters”…yeah, monsters.
Jon was always a wild card while Luke was a natural leader. You could ask anyone and they would tell you that the Patterson twins were born to be perfect hunters. While growing up, Jon was always the one learning elegant and “Show-offy” moves as Luke always said.  Not that those moves would help him a week after he learned them. He was barely 14 when his father let Luke and him hunt some hellhounds a few towns over. At the end of that hunt, Luke became more tactical while Jon a taken on a mask to hide the scars of where the hound had got him. About two years later, Jon met Evan Fong in a bar trying to get information on a new hunt. From the moment they saw each other, they were always together, even when they weren’t together romantically. But when they did start dating, they were a even more deadly pair because they now had another reason to live.  But now…Jon is alone, well he has Ze and the others but you know what I mean, and he’s a blood sucker but that’s fine. He’ll wait for Evan, no matter how long it takes.
Werewolves: (Only need to finish Max’s and then we’re good here) -Ryan, if you asked him, didn’t always get along with the voice in his head. Yes, voice. He wasn’t crazy and no, he doesn’t have multiple personality disorder, he just has a voice who talks to him; kinda like lovers do. The voice wasn’t always there, it just kinda start talking one morning and Ryan just went with it.  When he was bit by Brian, it was an accident he swears, the voice was still there and this time he finally got a name from it. It’s name was Bryce. Ryan wouldn’t ever say it aloud but he fell in love with the voice. Then came the day he ran into a new Hunter, he says new because Max didn’t recognize him. This hunter had tied him down and performed an exorcism, the whole time Bryce screamed and begged.  Years have passed since then and Ryan misses Bryce daily. But now, after so much time, he heard him once again. He’s gonna find that voice again. And Brian, will you stop laughing, he’s real!!
-Brain doesn’t really remember most of his “old” life and by old he means that he doesn’t remember anything before he was 15, when a Werewolf bit him. But he really doesn’t care, he has his pack and that was completely fine until he met them, Two adult hunters that took Ryan, basically tortured him and then, sloppy, left behind  a “trail”. ( Their scents, blood, numbers and most of their fake names) So he took it upon himself to get even with them. That was before he met him, his moon. Brian had just bought some raw meats when he ran into man who smelled like gunpowder, sandalwood and rosemary. Since then, Brian keeps taking this guy, Brock, on coffee and library dates, he could possibly care less about his original reason for being there. That is until he meets Brock’s family and find out that those two hunters are not only married and have two kids but one of them is Brock’s brother and the other is his brother in-law. Now Brian has to decide if he really wants to avenge his packmate or if he wants to stay with Brock. -When Max was born he was given to his Dad because he was a bastard, he was accident that happened on a bad day. He knew this because his Father told him about his Mom and her family and Max honestly didn’t mind, she was a hunter and so were his half-siblings while Max and his Dad were both werewolves. But he did remember his mother’s smell, sandlewood and peppermint. Max grew up with a pretty normal lifestyle until his Father bit the boy nextdoor, Brian. His father ran away and Max had to teach Brian how to be a werewolf, which was pretty easy. And then years later, Max had to deal with teaching Ryan which was much harder because of his “Friend” .( Max swears Ryan is crazy) Then came the day two hunters showed up and took Ryan away. While Brian was hell-bent on finding him, Max was more concerned about the fact the one of the Hunter’s had the exact same smell of sandlewood coming from him as his Mother did. When they found them, Max met his half-brother. While trying to free Ryan as Brian keep the hunters busy, one of them snuck up on him, tackled him and tried to stab him but Max recognized his scent, kicked him off of him and heard the other hunter scream his name. Matt. Now, here he is with Brian facing his half-siblings and doesn’t have the heart to tell Brian the truth about his crush’s family. Also, not to mention the really cute guy that he keeps seeing everywhere but that’s not the problem.
Witches Craig, more commonly known as Mini, is a very powerful blood kitchen witch and is the head witch of his own coven. He could take out any hunter that is until Tyler found him. As soon as Craig laid eyes on the giant hunter, he knew that he had to have him. So, obviously, that meant he was going to trick home into loving him but to his surprise he didn’t have to, the Hunter already loved him. Now that he has the Hunter and their son, Craig is perfectly happy and can live a normal life; kinda. Who said that he still couldn’t continue his magic?
Mike, known as Satt to other witches, is a Hellenic Tech witch.  He never expected to get a family, he expected to be shot one day just for being him. Since being him lead him to being abandoned by his “family” for being trans, lead him to Witchcraft and lead him to his Coven. But when it lead him to Luke, he never expected the Hunter to fall for him, to marry him or for him to give Mike a beautiful daughter named Irene. Mike never saw that coming, but Luke one-day pointing a gun at him? He definitely saw that and he hated it.
Lucas wasn’t always a powerful Celtic Witch. Before he was very weak and could hardly make a decent hex bag. But that was all before He meet John, a Gecko Familiar, who changed his life forever. Now, years later, Lucas is extremely powerful and is working with Mini and Satt to keep themselves safe, only if John would fucking behave.
There will be a second part to this since there are still many characters that I would love to show you guys and part of one of the side stories!! (Hint: It’s about the favorite blue wearing boy) -
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elfven-blog · 1 year
i just finished your vampire story and I loved it! Can’t wait for more!!!! I wanted to ask if you’re ok doing react requests?
like I was curious how your vamp Leon would react to reader being really clumsy or making dangerous decisions a lot? especially once they know each other more
Hi!! I'm glad you're enjoying it!!! I'm enjoying writing it. I perfectly fine with react asks!
As someone who is clumsy themselves I would like to think he'd be a bit more attentive.
-definitely is watching out for you on the boardwalk rides, lots of 'Hey I'm not allowed there! What if you fall?' "...off the carousal?" - If he takes you on a bike ride, he's constantly making sure your secured. Helmet, proper gear (even if he doesn't use them himself) -Worries about you driving out of town and up those hill's to do your delivery, worries about you handling the bags too. -He also makes a lot of dangerous decisions (comes with the santa carla territory) so he mostly just follows along and tries to make sure you're good
Now with the added vamp powers 👀
-Uses his speed to catch you before you fall (and anything you may drop) -Has definitely used his night vision to move something from a precarious position, or to pull you out the way of harm -Now if reader knows about his vampirism, he's probably worried all the time about his fangs and talons. -Like reader's constantly wanting to see them and Leon's always like 'I dont think that's a good idea sweets'
And what if reader does get hurt? If there's blood involved, big big problem. He wants to help but he just can't. reader doesn't blame him, but he feels a little guilty staying away while she deals with it.
If he caused it? Like reader accidentally got caught on a fang or pricked by a talon? Oh he's spending the next few nights and days away and back with the coven again. You have to physically go to the den and drag him out. Hell marco will help.
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elfven-blog · 1 year
All the damn vampires (1)
Summary: Recently moving to Santa Carla you may have finally found the perks.
Leon Kennedy x F!Reader A series based on the 1987 film ‘The Lost Boys’
CW: none for this chapter I believe, will be some in future (will be an 18+ series)
Word count: 1.3K
Dedicated to @nexysworld​ 
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You and your family had been living in Santa Carla for a few months now, your dad having dragged the entire family there for a better work opportunity and not even thinking about the consequences. Like how he rooted his family into the murder capital of the world. Great going, dad.
Okay so maybe the town wasn’t so bad if you ignored the massive hordes of children disappearing, there were some things to do for fun like the boardwalk you were walking down had rides and games, and on Fridays there was a free concert. Or that’s what your mother tried to tell you every time you complained of nothing to do. “I’ve been at that boardwalk every weekend, you’d think the prizes cluttering the house would tell you that” so maybe your voice was a bit snippy, but you had the right to be, after all it was becoming significantly harder to find a job in your specific career field when your miles away from anything else.
“I know okay, and I guess you could have also just moved out instead of coming here with us! You’re a grown adult, you don’t get to throw a tantrum like a child” from the tone of her voice, your mother was clearly just as annoyed as you. She was right, you could have stayed where you were and just moved out but then your parents would be all the way out here. And what about you? Left alone without anyone on the other side of the country.
The sky had started to darken, the music on the boardwalk changing from the upbeat family tunes to bass filled rave music. God you loved the 80s. You and your mother split from each other as she made her way to the place she had found work “I’ll see you later okay? See if you can find some work” with a nod you started making your way elsewhere. Your eyes followed the crowd making their way to the beach concert, your mouth pouting before you shook your head and moved on.
Most of the stores in the area didn’t really need any more staff, and your options were dwindling by the second. That feeling of frustration settled into your gut as you were rejected again. Your feet took you out of the shop and towards the fair rides, deciding to have a break before you got back to job hunting. The lights of the carousel were bright, the music loud as you made your way to sit on one of the horses, a smile brightening your face when the ride started to move.
You heard the squeals of laughter die down slightly, and a tense feeling settles in the air. With a frown you look around and that’s when you spot what’s caused this sudden change. Five boys have stepped onto the carousel, mischief filling their eyes as they look to cause chaos on the boardwalk tonight. The others you have seen before adorned in their unique outfits and often on the back of their bikes, but one of them is a new face. Golden hair and blue eyes, his leather jacket has a few adornments on it like Marco’s, but the rest of his clothes are relatively tame.
There is seemingly nothing interesting about him, but for some reason your eyes can’t be torn away from the grin on his face and your ears have tuned into the snicker leaving his mouth as the guard yells for them to leave. Your eyes follow him as you slip off the horse, leaving the carousel yourself as you watch them make their way through the crowd. Eyes flickering away when one of them nudges the new Blonde and he turns his head to look over his shoulder. A heat spreading across your cheeks.
When you look back, they’re already gone, and you kick yourself a little for missing the opportunity before shrugging your shoulders and making your way to where the concert was being held on the beach instead. The music flooding your ears and pumping the blood in your veins as you dance to it. It didn’t matter that there was so many other bodies around you, nor did the fact you were struggling to find work in this new place stay in your mind. It was just you and the rhythm; the vibes of the moment and the scent of alcohol was all just a part of the experience.
You lose yourself in the scene, ignoring everything around you as you throw yourself into this moment and focusing on how you feel right then. That is until someone knocks into you, sending you flying forward, and your hands reach out to steady yourself but finding no need to as arms wrap around your waist and hold you.
“You alright?” His voice is low and resounds right next to your ear as he pulls you to stand again. Your back presses against his back and you feel the leather of his jacket, but below that there’s nothing but muscle. Once situated upright, you leave his grasp and turn, eyes widening at the sight of the blonde from before. There’s still a grin on his lips as he looks at you, hands falling to his side, and you catch a glimpse of the rings adorning his fingers. The heat is back on your cheeks as you nod at him.
“Yea, thanks to you” It feels like there’s a blockage in your throat as you try to talk, mouth running dry at the way his eyes glaze over you before he’s looking you in the eyes again. And now he’s close you can see every detail in his face, even in the haze of the night you could memorise every inch. He gave you a wink before he started walking away, his arm somewhat outstretched as he walked backwards like he was beckoning you to follow him.
There was something in your gut telling you to not follow the stranger, but there’s fluttering in your stomach that outweighs it and you let him lead you off. Away from the crowds of people, and the music becomes a distance thumping as you stray together on the beach. Once your far enough away, the walking stops, and he turns to you. You watch the way the moonlight reflects of his jacket, hands moving to his jeans. It’s strange you think for a moment, there should be some warmth emanating from him but maybe it’s just the cold winds waving in from the sea.
The look in his eyes has changed slightly as a hand moves to twirl your hair, and your breath catches in your throat with how close he is. The scent of the sea cascades into your nose as the waves wash up close by, his voice coming out just as smooth as before “What’s a pretty girl like you doing all the way up here” there’s a curiosity in his tone and maybe something more that you can’t place.
You swallow before finding your voice “What everyone else is, I guess. A promising new start” Your words cause a chuckle to leave him, broad shoulders shaking as his face contorts. The need to have him laugh more wriggles into your thoughts.
“New promising start? In this shithole?” His tone is different now, colder and more tense as his eyes flash over to the horizon before moving back to the crowd where he nods, you head follows his gaze but you see nothing of note. He must have seen someone he knew, “Murder capital of the world…far cry from paradise, doll”.
That was the last thing he said before his thumb moves along the soft skin of your cheek, and then he’s moving away with a deep sigh. “You should be careful, wouldn’t want you being one of those faces on the cartons”.
You watch as he makes a path back to where you were, shoulders hunched as he moves. And you find yourself hoping to meet the blonde again.
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elfven-blog · 1 year
All works for Leon Kennedy
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But look at you [Leons POV] NSFW
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Every Mark [Eating out] NSFW
C’mon Bunny [Breeding] NSFW
Something Missing [Yandere Cockwarming] NSFW
Two Head are Better than One [Blowjob] NSFW
Proven Right [Stalking, Creampie] NSFW
Something New [Stalking, Knife play] NSFW
Such a Pretty Mommy [Lactation kink] NSFW
Bully His Way Down [Eating out, Mean Leon, Request] NSFW
Like The Book [Eating out, Request] NSFW
Stained in Glass [Dubcon, Corruption] NSFW
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Don’t Read What’s Not Yours [Stepdad!Leon, Request] NSFW
That Puppy needs training-
What a pretty pup [Eating out] NSFW
Is it that bad [Breeding] NSFW
Pretty Owner [Breeding, Eating Out] NSFW
A Bunny in charge-
The Better Companion [Breeding] NSFW
Better Than a Mutt [Public] NSFW
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Vamp!Leon and clumsy reader
Stepdad!Leon and close encounters
The past, the present and the future [tarot reading]
The Cabin [Christmas]
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All the Damn Vampires[Series based on the 1987 film ‘The Lost Boys’] NSFW
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