#all the designs ive seen are very similar and idk if its cuz its in the novel
tokiwigiwi · 9 months
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some polaris explorations
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alright well i work best under pressure so given that i now have an hour and 20 minutes before i start a voice call with someone i think it’s the perfect time to do that one video analysis so i can actually start finishing up that maya post... man i really should’ve pumped that shit out earlier, but i kept procrastinating until we got new info. then more new info. and i mean we DO have lots of new updated info, bc i have a whole thing in there about Punk girl i gotta edit out now lmao
Zane Flynt? this trailer killed me, it’s the only thing i’ve watched all day. like. on repeat.
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ive said it before and ill say it again, 3 months ago i call zane attractive on reddit and get ridiculed but then we find out he’s an irish bastard and everyone jumps on the fuck train
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elpis is looking good and not explody/teleporty, so that’s always a good sign
so the locale plus the twang immediately had me thinking of lynchwood but that’s not right
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the bar itself looks a lot like that mine area we see, so i’d be willing to guess it’s nearby, you know, if it’s an area in the game at all lmao
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like the windows are similar plus the wood
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the bar itself is giving me some mixed signals here, but im gonna bet it was taken over by the CoV from the crimson raiders (recruitment banner, but then the CoV logo is on the wall/screen over there)
That, plus the rose on the counter next to Zane seems sus
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another mine looking building in the back
also lmao
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it’s time to enter the BONEEEE ZONNEEE
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no more DAHL dumpsters? F
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okay this area looks super familiar
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that plus the varkids, this is 100% the same place as this
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which is interesting
looks like Zane’s been hanging out on Pandora for a while... kinda upset we didn’t hear about his brothers at all in this trailer, but it was still fuckin hilarious and well worth the wait
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those canisters? vats? look like the ones near the burger launcher vid hang on
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also some in the back here
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so yeah more than likely the same area
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`lines up the perfect shot`
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`completely missed both shots`
lovey, bravo, champagne, sloooow clap
anyway i’d wager this is an old dahl mining camp? probably mining for iridium
you can see the 
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conveyor belt thingie here
and also all the minecarts and rails are very reminiscent of the caustic caverns
which probably would have dropped iridium into the vat below it, if said vat wasn’t tipped over onto its side
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more shots of the building he’s in
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closeup of the rails. which, weird as it sounds, is really great to see because sometimes in bl2 and even tps when you got super close up to a texture, it wouldn’t look too hot, even on the best settings. the textures in 3 are so CRISP i love them
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varkid 🤮 i hate bugs. model looks fantastic tho! i just... hate bugs
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see the camera is flipped upside down, so miles this cultist is not falling, he’s rising- he’s being lifted up
how nice
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im getting percy jackson flashbacks here. this is 100% how clarisse shoved percy into the toilet, right?
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with the way the cultist isn’t even trying to get out im afraid zane just shoved a corpse into the dook hut. i mean all the power to ya, man
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he’s stuck
this building in the back is new
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i won’t say it
you know what im thinking
i won’t say it
i promise
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there’s also what i think is a smiley face sticker on the wall to his right
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water physics lookin fine 👌
also the way zane jumps back. bonelesspotter i know you read these, are you picking up what i’m putting down?
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see the lack of drink is supposed to parallel hi s lack of companio- im sorry hahahaaha i can’t do this
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rose. it’s a SIGN
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there’s so much going on in the background here lemme just
im sitting here like >:( because i know i’ve seen that type of wall before and for the life of me can’t remember where
my brain is screaming sanctuary
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the actual middle piece looks super familiar
is that what they attach the out of bounds turrets to? possibly.
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this bit
also it looks like there’s a dam or something in the back back?
tbh im a lot more interested in the skyway all the way at the top, it reminds me a lot of bloodshot ramparts
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cuz it also used to be a skyway
also zane is doing his pose for the main menu screen of the game
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and i would say it’s possible this could’ve been the main menu, but the cliff is different, and there’s supposed to be a boxcar/shipping crate on the right (as when u go to options it moves over to it)
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more vats! what is the deal with this mine? why is it featured so heavily in this video gearbox tell me your s e c r e t s
you’d think, with zane being the one who’s been around the proverbial block over his years, he’d be on multiple planets throughout his entire trailer. but like 80% of it is pandora. maybe the other VHs are getting featured on other planets? at least he has a reason to be on pandora outside of the main story (maybe looking for his brothers, maybe trying to piss on their graves, who knows)
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i don’t know what he’s reaching for but uh
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perhapeth the blades are activated by swinging his arm out? could be a hold over from when they were like... actual metal blades and needed to be knocked out into position
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i love that he returns the wave after shoving this guy off the cliff
it’s not like he can see you man
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go off i guess though
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some bar on eden-6 (finally! a new planet!) also i like that the theme here is zane getting into fights in bars. good shit boys
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get wrecked kid
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i really like the design of this building. i love the windows. maybe part of jakobs manor? looks like maybe it’s a greenhouse or smth given it’s in this garden/courtyard area
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which should look somewhat familiar
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looks very similar to this area, but it doesn’t look like there’s a building on the left in this shot. maybe they added it in for the trailer 🤷‍♂️
the trees behind the big one (and next to the iron wrought fence) match up perfectly tho
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i just really like this shot ngl
i love these fuckign expressions i cant
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okay im sorry here’s a smiley boy
the facial animations are so fucking good this time around
that is all i am doing.
just appreciating the new animations.
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fuck dude we didn’t deserve this man
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seriously tho, the glass is gone. idk where it went. im just gonna pretend he was practicing that one iconic Kingsman scene while talking to himself and providing us with flashbacks
also this is my new favorite reaction image
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it’s ‘perfect in every way’
you want more booze?
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what are your thoughts on the new guns?
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where’d you hide the body?
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(it’s in the dumpster)
also unlike the magic cup
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the rose is still here
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Cultist coming to see why the windows of their bar are glowing neon yellow and blue im sure
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it’s cool to know the clone can actually emote
given in the So Happy Together it was basically an expressionless blue demon
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still no cup. all hail
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some more CoV graffiti!
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i am sad we didn’t get to see zoomer in this video at all
zoomer is cute
i like zoomer
that’s all for the trailer folks
i love the implication that he’s just sitting in this empty CoV bar, talking to himself, waiting for someone to notice and come confront him so he can kick their asses.
anyway this post 100% wasn’t an excuse to rewatch the entire trailer frame by frame or anything
maya post coming soon! wahoo
also i have 10 minutes left lmao nice
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legos-lass · 7 years
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@astrolindsey​ u dont have to read all of this youre my fiance and ik you love me already
1. Favorite (Reprise)
honestly part of your old (reprise) from the little mermaid (alan menken) just THOSE HIGH NOTES MMM. i love theres a fine fine line (reprise) from avenue q cuz its adorable but it is like two lines so.
2. already answered
3. If you could go back in time to see a certain production, which one would it be?
4. Who should write a musical?
i would watch the shit out of an existentialist comedic musical written by bo burnham. hes so hilarious and his songs are so catchy sjiowehefhe.
5. The routine you recreate when home alone:
every. part. of. one. day. more. from. les. mis. simultaneously.my bio used to be something like “my main hobby is recreating all eight parts of one day more by myself” and it is still true. but also hello! from bom but it fails miserably because i try to act out all the parts oof ouch.
6. A duet you’d love to perform and with whom.
if you were gay from avenue q with me as rod and john tartaglia as nicky. now hear me out ik john is supposed to be rod and rick lyon is supposed to be nicky but 1. rod is like My Role™ and as much as i also love rick, john was my fave member of the obc and ik he can do different voices well so...yeah hes gonna be nicky now so i can sing with him.
7. A musical everyone can learn from.
here we go again but avenue q. wowie zowie i like went through a midlife crisis the first time i listened to it but for now actually? changed? my? life? and everyones a little bit racist i mean cmon read my bio. theres so much about it that is so useful even if it seems a bit pessimistic. also elder price from bom learning to use his mission to actually help others and not just to be treated really well if heaven is some good shit but avenue q wins cuz i wasnt religious to begin with.
8. already answered
9. Favorite person to play (insert role)
okay well im gonna fill this in myself and say elder price and say MY BOY THE ETERNALLY PERFECT NIC ROULEAU I CANT BELIEVE I GOT TO SEE HIM ON BROADWAY AND MEET HIM!!!
10. Best digital #ham4ham
uhhhh well like i said in my last post i dont like hamilton really so i have no idea what this means sorry
11. Make up a name and the ingredients for a Waitress pie.
okay well ive only just started listening to waitress and im not nearly as creative with names (or passive aggressive with them) as jenna but uh i really like chocolate pie but ive never seen a nutella one so. yeah that sounds delicious. the name would be something about remington leith idk.
12. already answered
theres no 13 i guess cuz it is unlucky lmao
14. Express your love for the orchestras!
15. Favorite musical written by (insert composer, lyricist)
well lynz youre a FOOL and didnt send me a composer or lyricist so im just gonna reiterate that i love les mis it has been my favorite musical for so many years and i cant believe that my friend ryan saw it on broadway and i didnt.
16. Which part (or parts) do you sing in One Day More?
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but especially my love eponine
17. A line that never fails to make you laugh.
runs to get my official avenue q script that i spent $20 on to make sure i get the line perfectly right
rod: well--i have this friend--
christmas eve: nicky?
r: no no--another friend. and i think he has a very big problem. i think--ithink my friend is (whispers) gay
ce: what wrong with that? you know rod. gay people make major contribution ro art and philosophy and literature for many hundreds of years now
r: but my friend isnt an artist--hes a republican. and an investment banker.
ce: ew. well tell him to stay in closet then. he good for nothing.
r: (a moment) ...well okay! great! thanks for the advice!
ce: yeah i wouldnt want a friend like that!
r: thanks again!
ce: bye now (she goes inside)
rod: bye bye! (beat. to the audience) ...shit.
18. An upcoming production you’re excited for.
19. Do you have any funny misheard lyrics from a showtune?
yknow im sure i do but i cannot think of any right now...all i can think of is i used to think (on my own) “the trees are full of starlight” was “the tree’s are fluff’s delight” i have no idea what that means but it made sense to my young mind
20. A musical you would NEVER see with your parents.
avenue q. hahahahahahaha no puppet sex with rebecca and michael. but lets be honest my mum wants to go back to the city to see it off broadway since only i got to see it and if shes gonna buy me a ticket im totally seeing it again idc.
21. Musicals can introduce you to new cultures, interests, fancy words and so on. Name 3 things you’ve learned form musicals.
bom: literally everything i know about the church of jesus christ of latter day saints is from this musical except for polyamory and salt lake city.
hamilton: alexander was NOT a president. i really dont care about us history whoops
les mis: I Learned Im Not Straight Because Of Samantha Barks
22. Favorite OBC.
avenue q mmmmm love u john tartaglia
23. Cast recording you know by heart.
les mis movie sountrack i literally have like 98% of this musical memorized
24. Cast recording for a long car ride.
grease (movie soundtrack) is a bop and my whole family likes it *fingerguns*
25. Favorite Miscast performance.
i havent listened to too many and ik this one doesnt really count but idc cuz i love it. nic rouleau singing go the distance from hercules is my sexuality.
26. already answered
27. Showtune of the day:
im gonna go with two by two from bom cuz im listening to it right now and suidfuesrf it just kills me -the fucking chicken waddling walk ass choreography -WE ARE THE ARMY OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST oflatterdaysaints -ORLANDOOOOO I LOVE YA ORLANDOOOO -PUTT putt golfINGGGGG -arnold: thats me thats me hello. kevin: oh. hi! in the most fucking “:)” voice ever
28.  Who would play you in a musical about your life?
i would hope samantha barks (les mis 25th anniversary and movie eponine) cuz we have similar ranges and shes so beautiful and she is my Favorite Theatre Actress
29. Who would play your best friend in a musical about your life?
im gonna go with dana steingold (ave q current kate/lucy) really for no other reason than shes adorable and has a versatile voice and seems really sweet. i feel like we would be friends in real life.
30.  Who would play your romantic interest in a musical about your life?
honestly like maybe ben durocher (ave q current princeton/rod)? idk he just has a voice that i love and looks adorable in his glasses
31. already answered
32. Describe yourself with 3 musical theatre characters.
eponine from les mis (what a surprise), kate monster from avenue q, sophie from mamma mia
33. A character that inspires you to be better. (does la la land count? im counting it) mia from la la land cuz she has a similar personality to me but less Anxiety which ends up helping her achieve her dream. i want to be like that
34. A showtune that always puts you in a good mood. bend and snap from legally blonde idk it’s just so fun and makes me feel confident it is nice
35. A showtune that makes you feel melancholic. there are worse things i could do from grease
36. Best showstopper. i believe from bom oh my gosh when i heard nic rouleau sing it live for the first time i had GOOSEBUMPS and it has just the right amount of humor to bootedit: OH JUST KIDDING LOVE U BOM BUT DEFINITELY BEING ALIVE FROM COMPANY OH Y GOD. I CANT CHOOSE BETWEEN NEIL PATRICK HARRISS’ VERSION AND RAUL ESPARZA’S THEY BOTH GIVE ME SHIVERS
37. A place you consider to be your Santa Fe. this must be from a musical i havent seen? idk well it looks really beautiful and not very busy so i guess...oakland? it feels like home to me
38. The name of the prettiest theater you’ve been to. eugene o’neill theatre (bom on broadway) was lovely. i had standing room only tickets so i didnt really get to experience it cuz i was stuck in the back under the mezzanine (still great view though) but i looked around a bit during intermission and the was very royal looking and they had a nice bar area upstairs with CHAIRS I COULD USE
39. The most intense scene from a musical. mmm thats tough. from the little ive seen of moulin rouge so far the tango de roxanne part looks really crazy. so is the cell block tango from chicago. or honestly a LOT of american idiot...i love how badass letterbomb is
40. A great cover of a showtune: i really love this male cover of maybe this time from cabaret (i found this thanks to hetalia 2p!america fanart lmao)
41. Put your phone on suffle and write the first 2 showtunes that appear. 1. master of the house from les mis (10th anniversary)2. mamma mia from mamma mia (original cast)
42. Best design of a Playbill. i love effective minimalism so once
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