#all the fish smell - and there would live entire families there who all contributed to the fishing - women and children often slaying the
ifindus · 1 year
More ScotNor AU please 😍
Love your art style very much!
Thank you! 😍✨
I have another ScotNor AU from when I spent a month in Orkney researching herring fishing in Scotland during the 1800s 🙈
Scotland is a fisherman and one day Norway shows up, sailing across the sea with this old boat and starts selling his herring at the docks - always catching more than the other boats. Scotland does not like this new guy who is not even local, and they strike up this sort of rivalry (because Norway can be snarky when he wants to), sending a few remarks each other's way when they cross paths at the docks or on the sea. Norway has good knowledge of the ocean and knows good herring spots, and Scotland ends up following him there some days. Then, one day, there is a sudden storm and they are too far from land. They get tossed around by the waves, and Norway's boat ends up shattering, flinging him into the dark water. Scotland manages to save him, and together they get his boat under control.
and that's all I have so far 😅
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rocket-remmy · 4 years
Cabin In The Woods|| Luce and Remmy
TIMING: Current PARTIES: @divineluce​ and @whatsin-yourhead​ SUMMARY: Remmy and Luce subvert at least a few horror movie tropes.
Driving down the stretch of highway that led out of town, Luce glanced over at Remmy. They had been pretty quiet since they’d stepped into their car. Which, she honestly chalked it up to nerves or something. They were cute, in a nervous way-- in the same way that a bunny rabbit or a baby dear was cute. But, cute was cute and besides. She liked watching them squirm. It was funny to see how much of an effect she had on them. “So. Brain milkshakes, hm? You’ll have to let me try some of yours. I told you before that I’m no stranger to weird foods.” She teased, looking over at the passenger side of her 4x4 with a grin. Turning the steering wheel, she pulled off the paved road onto the long dirt path that wound its way through the forest. “It’s a bit out of the way, might be a little bit of a bumpy drive.” She said, her headlights bobbing up and down as her car negotiated the rough road before them. As fun as bringing back one of Nell’s friends to Bea’s place sounded, she wasn’t in the mood to deal with her sisters right now. Which worked out. No one had booked her cabin for the weekend-- probably because the lake was closed-- which meant she had the place to herself. 
Remmy usually would’ve been more than a little nervous for something like this, but things had been changing lately. Maybe it was just them trying to process everything they were going through, but things just didn’t seem as dire or important to care about anymore. If they hadn’t known better, they’d’ve thought it was their depression coming back. It was, after all, a similar mindset to when they’d first woken up, but Remmy wanted to believe that maybe it was just them changing for the better. Like they’d told Alain. They'd finally talked to Morgan, but none of that was relevant right now. Right now, they were just trying to do whatever made them happy. And having brain milkshakes, possibly with alcohol, with Luce, alone, in her cabin, was what made Remmy happy. And who knew? Maybe other things would happen. “If i didn’t know better, I’d think you were taking me out into the woods to kill me,” they teased with a lopsided grin. All it took was confidence. Or, you know, faking it. They could do that for a night.
While she was mostly focused on the road in front of them, Luce had driven down this path for five years. She knew it like the back of her hand, which is why she felt more than comfortable looking over at Remmy with a bemused expression. “You know, when I said you could practice the flirting thing, accusing me of attempted murder wasn’t the direction I thought you’d take it. Weird choice, but I can work with it.” She laughed as she followed the slight turn. They passed by the mailbox she’d made years ago, carved out of a sunken tree stump by the main road, and soon Luce was parking the car in front of her cabin. It was a small place, much smaller than Bea’s place, but it was home to her. Grabbing the grocery bag full of ice cream and liquor from the back, she gestured for Remmy to follow her inside. “C’mon in. Place isn’t quite how I used to keep it, but it’s still home.”
Remmy snorted as they gave a little chuckle. “Hey, you can never be too careful. I was entirely convinced you wanted to kill me when you asked what I was. But I might just be a little paranoid,” they answered, shaking their head. As they passed the mailbox, Remmy couldn’t help but turn their head to look at it, taking in the intricate details carved into the wood. The car pulled to a stop in front of a small, intimate looking cabin, and Remmy couldn’t help but feel awed. “You live here? Or, uh-- lived here?” they asked, sliding out and following her around. It was so quiet out here, deep in the woods, away from the city. Remmy would’ve thought to bring Moose if they weren’t so focused on keeping a good mindset. He’d’ve loved it out here. As they headed up to the door behind Luce, they took a moment to give themself a small pep talk. They could do this. This was fine. They could flirt, too. “Why’d you have to move?”
“Fair, oh you of little faith.” She said. With a practiced motion, Luce waved her free hand as she entered the cabin. The candles that were set about all over the house burst to life at once, illuminating the room in a flickering glow. She had solar out here, and a back-up generator too, but for lighting she’d always preferred to use fire. Which, given that it was a log cabin in the middle of the fucking woods, probably would have been a nightmare for anyone who wasn’t a fire witch. Grabbing the blender from out of the cabinets, Luce set her contributions to the milkshake on the counter top-- ice cream, milk, rum. Just what she wanted. “Used to, mhm.” She said as she grabbed a couple glasses from a shelf. “Family stuff. It’s better for the three of us to be together, even if we butt heads from time to time. Also, I’m going to be making mine first. We can stick the brains in after.” She said, before looking over at them, “I’m still going to steal a sip of yours. I’d like to see you try to stop me.” Luce teased, feeling perfectly at ease in her old home. The wood and stone that surrounded her was just as she left it, the artwork she had left here, nostalgic. She missed living here, even though she knew it was safest for her to live with Bea and Nell.
“Yeah, well, I still came and met you, right?” Remmy said, heading inside after Luce. “And I’m definitely glad I did.” They were going to open their mouth say something else, but Luce gave a short wave of her hand and suddenly all the candles in the house lit up. “Woah!” Remmy breathed, stopping dead in their tracks, eyes open with awe. They meandered around the room, holding the container of brains as they did, looking at all the different drawings and paintings she had up around the room, and the rusticly decorated cabin. “This place is amazing,” they said quietly, “I’m kinda jealous. Not that I don’t like where I live now, but damn--” they finally turned to look at Luce over in the kitchen again, “this place is awesome.” They made their way back over to the kitchen, setting the container on the counter next to the ice cream and stuff. They gave a crooked grin. “Hey, I was being nice before. I could totally stop you if I wanted to,” they challenged, pushing the container closer to them. “We’ll see if you can take it from me this time.”
“You did do that, yep.” Luce grinned, amused by their awestruck expression. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the fire magic or the interior decor, but it was funny all the same. It was a witch’s cabin, of course it would look the part. Sticking milk and ice cream into the blender, she whipped up a quick vanilla shake for herself and poured it into one of the glasses. “Thanks. It’s exactly how I always wanted my home to look. Well. Maybe with a bigger shower. One thing Bea’s place has over mine is a nice bathtub.” She said idly before opening the container they pushed her way. The brains in the tub were grey-ish and smelled… like organ meat. Which, duh. They were fucking brains. “What if I don’t want you to be nice?” She said with a sly smile before dumping the contents into the shake. She added ice cream and milk to the mixture with a liberal hand. The blender made quick work, churning it all up into something that resembled a pinkish milkshake. She poured the chunky mixture out to the glass in front of Remmy. Fishing a jar of cherries from the grocery bag, she stuck one on theirs and one on hers, popping a third into her mouth, stem and all. “Brain appetit.” Luce joked.
Remmy leaned against the counter as they watched Luce whip up the milkshakes. “Well, guess it can’t really be paradise without a big tub, can it?” They couldn’t help but smile at the playful banter-- despite Remmy being “too kind” as some described it, they could be witty, too. They knew how to throw banter-- they’d grown up around straight, white military boys, after all. If they hadn’t been able to tussle with them both physically and verbally, then they never woulda made it. “I can be mean,” they said, though they doubted Luce would believe them right away, “but you’re gonna have to ask nicely first.” Gave a little smirk. See? They could do this, too. Just...let go of everything, just get over the initial nervousness. They’d had some practice now, too, that it didn’t seem so strange anymore. Openly flirting with women. They reached out and took the milkshake offered to them, giving a little snort at her joke. “That’s bad,” they said, “that’s really bad.” But the milkshake itself was good, and, hey, they could taste it. That was something new. “You know, this isn’t half bad,” they said, setting the cup back on the counter, hand still on the cup, “though it’s not Al’s shake.”
“You’ve got that right. Oh well, gives me something to hope for. Or, a project to think about if I ever decide to remodel the place.” Luce said with a nod, chewing the cherry. The stem separated in her mouth and she toyed with it for a moment, flipping it around with her tongue as she watched them smile with a hint of mischief on their face. Cute. Sticking out her tongue, she showed them the knot she’d tied into the cherry stem before tossing it into the garbage can. “You want me to ask nicely? Make me.” She dared them as she took a sip from her own glass, staring over the rim at them. “Also, of course it isn’t as good as Al’s. I’m pretty sure their shake recipe was traded to them by a demon in exchange for like… their first born or whatever it is demons like.” She said with a wave of her hand. Just as she was about to swipe at their cup to steal it, a dull thump came from outside the house. Not near the door, by the side of her house with the woodpile stacked against it. “Did you hear that?” She asked, glancing over at Remmy as she set her milkshake down.
Remmy felt their cheeks prickle with warmth again at Luce’s challenge. She was definitely better at them than this, but practice made perfect, right? And, besides, Luce was attractive and easy to banter with. If a bit nosy. But Remmy didn’t mind too much. They actually kinda liked her. Getting to know her better was becoming a plus. “Don’t tempt me,” they said, watching her lips closely as she tied the cherry stem inside her mouth and presented it to them before tossing it. Remmy swallowed, throat suddenly tight. “That’s...quite the skill.” They almost didn’t notice her reaching for their glass, despite just moments ago they were going to yank it away as soon as she tried, but-- a loud thump! Made them both jump and Remmy turned their head quickly towards the source. Skin prickling for a moment, they subconsciously moved between Luce and the sound. “Maybe it’s just an animal? Is there a lot of wildlife up here?”
Watching as Remmy seemed to stammer at the little cherry stem trick, Luce couldn’t help but laugh. “What can I say, I’m very skilled. It’s not all about being good with your hands.” She said, pausing deliberately before adding, “You know, as a tattoo artist.” And a lesbian. But, as much as she would have loved to continue making Remmy squirm, whatever the fuck was out there was making a racket. Frowning as they stepped between her, Luce brushed passed them towards the window. Looking through, she shook her head in mild annoyance. She couldn’t see anything through the window. “We get stuff out here, sure. But most of them know better than to poke around here. I used to have wards all around to keep bears and moose away.” She said. Before she could pull away from the window, another loud thump rang through the cabin, this time on the other side of the house. Irritated, Luce made her way to the door, swearing quietly under her breath in Turkish. She was going to blow up whatever shitty animal was out here, trying to wreck her cabin.
“Right. Not just about...mmhmmm…” Remmy mumbled, absently following Luce when she brushed past them to go look out the window. Remmy also couldn’t see anything, but they could hear the skittering of feet, and a strange squelching noise. “Do you not hear that? Luce, I don’t think--” they started, turning in a half circle towards the sound, only to look back and find her heading for the door. The hairs on their arms were standing on end again, and say what one will, Remmy did have a good intuition about danger. It was part of being a soldier, after all, and what’d kept them alive on the field so long. “Wait, what are you doing!?” they said, stumbling quickly towards her. “I don’t think you should go out--” but they never got to finish, as in the next moment, the door was bursting open and something was leaping inside.
Remmy’s words of protest went ignored-- whatever the fuck was going on out there, it was nothing a good fireball couldn’t handle. Luce was just about to grab the door when whatever it was outside crashed through. Startled, she just barely reacted in time to dodge out of the way of gnashing teeth that lurched through the door and were intent on ripping her face off. Luce slid out of the way, her shoes skidding across the wood floors while the slick, disgusting creature whirled around. A thick, dripping tongue appeared as the thing sniffed at the air before leaping again at her. Not missing a beat, Luce drew from one of the candles next to her and directed a long stream of fire from the candle towards the beast. But… the flames seemed to dissipate the second they touched the creatures skin. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Luce shouted in disbelief before scrambling out of the way as the monster threw itself at her again. First Mr. Blume, now this slimy ass monster. How many magically immune monsters were there?
Remmy instantly went into fight mode. Their vision narrowed into a tunnel and all they saw was this thing, this creature-- slimy and pale with gnashing teeth-- lunging for Luce. And even though it didn’t click right away in their brain what it meant, that this thing brushed off her fire as if it were nothing more than a splash of water, they didn’t need it to. They were lunging this time, as the thing righted itself once more in the direction of Luce, and with a quick swipe of their arm, sent it careening into the fireplace from mid air. “Get up,” they barked at Luce, body between her and the creature. This time, there would be no hesitating. When they hesitated, people got hurt. Julie, Morgan, Mina. Not this time. “Stand back.” Words weren’t ever their forte, and when focused, even less so. But the creature, only momentarily disoriented, was already gunning for them again. Only launching itself at Remmy because they were in the way of getting to Luce. It tried to skirt around, but Remmy-- having only taken a sip of brain milkshake, and therefore still hungry- darted faster and stomped on the creature, stopping it dead in its tracks. Kicking it across the room once more. “What is this?” they asked, finally acknowledging Luce. “How do I kill it?”
Luce watched as Remmy smacked the absolute shit out of the monster, sending it into the fireplace. Holy shit. She stared in surprise before the authority in their tone had her rising to her feet, backing away without a second thought. Well, damn. Seemed like there was more bark to this zombie than bite. Pun intended. As amusing as the thought was, Luce immediately ducked behind Remmy as the shitty monster began to circle around them, trying to get to her. Its tongue still lolled out of its nasty, stubby head and it seemed like it was trying to grab at her with it. But, it completely ignored Remmy-- if they weren’t actively fighting against it, she had a feeling that the beast wouldn’t even lift a slimy claw against them. “I don’t know, I’m not a monster expert!” She said, her hands grasping Remmy’s shoulders to keep them firmly between her and the monster. The beast let out a roar and began to charge once more at them both. “Hit it till it dies? I don’t fucking know!”
Remmy ruffled their brow at Luce’s very unhelpful advice. They glanced back at her once more when they felt her grab their shoulders, pulling them slightly off-balance enough for the monster to launch itself directly into their stomach. Remmy stumbled back with an ‘oof!’ but hardly moved an inch, feet planted on the ground, guarding Luce from the monster as it scrambled back, baffled by the unmoving body in front of it. Now wasn’t the time to get distracted. “Get behind the counter,” they instructed, backing up a little, so that the thing’s only way to Luce was through them or over the counter. Kept their arms up and ready, as it paced, as if trying to figure out the best angle. “Wh-what’s it doing?” they asked, leaning back slightly, wondering if it was going to launch again. Instead, it swerved and scrambled for the counter, spilling their milkshakes, the container of brains, and everything else around in a loud clatter. Remmy lunged on top of the counter and grabbed the thing by its hindlegs, gripping them as tightly as possible as it ripped and tore to try and free itself from their grip. “Go!” they called out, “Run!” 
Following Remmy’s orders, Luce positioned herself in the kitchen with the countertop and the zombie all that protected her from the shitty fucking monster that was trying to eat her. As the monster seemed to size up the situation, pacing as it moved back and forth, Luce realized what it was doing. Just a second too late. The creature hurled itself over the countertop and she dove out of the way, throwing herself to the ground. Remmy had launched themself at the monster and she didn’t need to be told twice. Scrambling to her feet, Luce ran for the door. Throwing it open, she ran outside and looked around her yard for-- there it was. An ax, leaned up against the wood pile on the side of the house. Hefting the weapon, she gripped it tightly in her hands. If that thing came for her again, she was going to go down swinging.
Remmy was grateful that Luce had the sense to get the fuck out of the way when told. The monster shimmed in their grip and jerked enough to tumble both of them from the counter top to the ground, Remmy’s hands still firmly around its back legs. It scrabbled on top of them and bit hard into their shoulder, immediately reeling back with a hideous yowl. “Hey!” Remmy shouted, rolling to their knees and tossing the thing hard into the oven, its body crashing through bottles on the counter and whatever appliances Luce had out. “Rude!” It continued to spit and heave as if the taste of Remmy in its mouth was the most awful thing, but Remmy didn’t stop to wonder why, grabbing a knife from the woodblock on the floor. They slashed at it, and it cried out again, leaping away, scrambling for the door, little legs carrying it faster than Remmy thought something so small and stumpy should be able to move. “Stop!” they shouted, leaping after it in a hurry, trying to get the door closed before it got outside. Hands slamming the wooden door so hard they heard something in the creature-- or perhaps the door itself-- crack, jamming the thing in between it. At least it was held in place now, and Remmy started applying more pressure to the door, shouting with a great heave as they attempted to crush the thing between the door and its frame.
Luce winced as she heard shouting, smashing, and cracking come from the inside of her cabin. Fuck. She was going to need to hire a carpenter or something to fix the place, wasn’t she? Grimacing, she held the ax firmly in both hands and made her way towards the door of her house. Fucking shitty ass monster, interrupting her date, destroying her cabin, attacking her in her own goddamn home. When the monster appeared in the doorway, Luce watched as Remmy chased after it, smashing the door into it. But, she wasn’t empty handed anymore. If fire wouldn’t work on this shitty monster, an ax would do the job. “Open the door!” She shouted as she ran up onto the porch, poising herself just outside the door frame. She could hear the monster’s efforts to break free intensifying. It could clearly smell her. “Let it out, Remmy!”
“Are you crazy!?” Remmy said, looking up as Luce shouted for them to let it out. “It’s trying to kill you! I’m not letting it out!” The thing began to struggle back against them, the door shaking open just enough to let it squirm its way out. Remmy stumbled back but quickly regained balance. It was readying to leap at Luce again, and Remmy reached out over it, grabbing the axe while simultaneously shoving Luce out of the way. Its mouth closed around the space where she’d been and Remmy reeled the ax back, before swinging it down with all their might. The blade went straight through the creature’s body, pinning it to the porch, and it let out a loud, blood curdling screech. It squirmed, and squealed, and struggled as it bled out under the ax’s blade, Remmy’s hands knuckle-white grip. It finally stopped moving and for good measure, Remmy lifted the ax one more time and brought it down on its head, cutting it clean off. With a huff, they straightened up and turned to look at Luce, a smear of whatever that thing was blood across the front of their shirt. “Are you okay?” 
Luce had thought she was prepared to attack when the monster forced its ways out of Remmy’s grip and out the door. She’d thought she had been prepared and ready to strike. But, instead, she found herself being shunted out of the way with a firm hand. The ax was suddenly in their hands and coming down once then twice. Her eyes widened as Remmy brought the ax down with enough force that the creature's head was quickly and brutally separated from its body. Blood splattered across their shirt and pooled on the front of her porch. Heart pounding, adrenaline still screaming through her veins from yet another near death experience in this fucked up town, Luce stared at Remmy for a long moment. She closed the gap between them and grabbed them by the front of their shirt. “Holy. Fucking. Shit,” She breathed, before pulling them in for a rough, bruising kiss. Lips pressing hard against theirs, Luce’s fingers grasped their shirt tightly before she remembered– immediately, she stepped back. Pupils blown and lips slightly red, Luce laughed, shaking her head. “Aren’t you just full of surprises.”
Remmy opened their mouth to say something. Luce wasn’t talking, just standing there, staring, but in the next moment, she was kissing them roughly. Remmy swore they felt their heart leap into their throat. Felt as if it could just restart beating at any moment now. The axe was still in their hand, even as Luce pulled away. It was their turn to stare, cheeks flushed, eyes wide. “Guess I am,” was all they managed to say, before tugging her back to them to kiss her again, this time reciprocating the roughness. They somehow felt breathless, without the need to breath. After a moment, they pulled back, finally remembering the ax in their hand and the dead thing on the porch. “Should...should we clean that up?”
Startled when they pulled her back in for another kiss, Luce felt her lips part all too willingly against Remmy’s. She hated playing the part of damsel in distress, particularly when she should have been able to handle whatever shit was thrown at her. But, if this was the pay off? She could get behind it. When they broke apart, Luce blinked, slightly punchdrunk from the kiss and the rush of the fight. Glancing down at the dead monster on her front porch, she grimaced. “Probably. Or…” Her voice trailed off as she ran a hand up their arm, tilting her head back inside her cabin with a smirk. “We can go back inside and deal with that later?”
Remmy’s skin prickled as Luce ran a hand up their arm. Her fingers were warm against their cool skin and the sudden awareness they had of feeling her tough them made their entire chest feel like it was somersaulting. They looked at her with heady eyes, lump in their throat, still feeling worked up after the adrenaline rush. Did zombies even get those? It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that they wanted to keep kissing Luce and it seemed like she wanted that, too. “Yeah, let’s-- let’s do that,” they said, nodding as they followed her back inside the cabin, shutting the door. 
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clayfaced · 4 years
ily @hopeisthewholepoint i was doing this a while ago and then the draft didn’t save so this is about 30 years late by now whopps. ily thanks for tagging me tho. ❤
1. Name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
My girl Edrisa Tanaka from Prodigal Son bc we’re both socially awkward but at least she’s unapologetic about it. I want to say I have Sam Wilson’s humor and I too do what everyone else does just slower. Raymond Holt because I love fluffy bois and I’m down to fight anyone who says anything bad about my pets. Ben Wyatt because we’re both human disasters and I like making dumb stuff when I’m bored.  
2. Aesthetic
Playing pool terribly with friends, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, colorful rain jackets. Balloons, music playing from car radios, collecting movie ticket stubs. Painted nails, open windows, and fish stamps on postcards. The smell of fresh basil.
3. Favorite musical/play? (If you’ve never seen a musical or play, one you’d be interested in seeing?)
Come from Away. Hands down. Though I will say I saw recordings of the National Theater’s Frankensteins recently and both are very good but the Miller-as-the-creature version is especially good.
4. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
Okay this is a bit of an unfair question bc I die at any and all compliments. But one that I thought of today /a couple days ago/ a long time ago when i started writing this that made me happy again was when someone I'm in a club with let me borrow his camera to take pictures during a performance. I hadn't taken pictures in a while and I had so much fun and I don't really contribute to the club so I finally felt like I had purpose. It was hard to see how they came out on the camera but the next time I saw him he said they came out really well and someone else said that he's normally picky when it comes to photos but he liked mine so that made me feel even better and it was overall a very nice time. It wasn't even really the compliment (I mean, it still was but) it was also just the gesture to offer a camera when he heard I liked taking pictures. I didn't have my camera with me until after this and it really made me remember how much I liked it. Anyways he graduated and hasn't been in the club since last semester so I never see him but it made me v happy.
5. How many times have you been in love?
Miss me with that romantic love but I fall in love with friends and people and every little thing everyday.
6. Embarrassing story or fact about yourself that makes you laugh now?
Bold of you to assume I've recovered from anything embarrassing ever.
This is a bit of a cheat bc it was always funny but my middle school PE uniforms had words and definitions on the back of the shirts (no i don’t know why) and mine said “final: adj. last in place” or something like that and you know what? it was RIGHT.
7. Favorite Disney/Pixar movie?
Probably Up. Idk I don’t really have one.
8. Favorite flower or plant?
Probably triostar plants because they’re cute and pink.
9. What’s your favorite holiday?
Halloween 🎃! I love the idea that kids are going bonkers and getting candy and having a good time. And I love that it gives not-children people a chance to dress up and have fun and take themselves less seriously for a day.
10. Name three things that made you laugh or smile this past week.
This meme dee just sent me a minute ago. I had a socially-distant dinner with a couple of my friends whomst I love a lot on Saturday and it was very nice to see their beautiful faces in person again and I love them a lot. Time isn’t real I don’t know what happened this week. I set up the Xbox again and I’ve played a little little bit of Assassins Creed (which Im very bad at) and Skyrim (which im only a little bad at) and that’s been fun. Bonus answer of dee, nina, and I have been watching 911: Lone Star together and it’s v v fun.
11. What song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
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That is way too hard of a question to definitively answer. My music taste varies so wildly and my favorite song is usually the one I've obsessively listened to the last. Using that logic: Bang! by AJR or Wake Me by Bleachers. Or Chris Martin’s cover of Shelter from the Storm by Bob Dylan. Yeah. The last one.
12. Name something that truly makes you feel peaceful even at your most stressed moments.
Being a passenger in a car with music playing though that doesn’t really happen when I’m stressed. I wouldn’t say peaceful because when I’m not good at that when I’m stressed and most of the time when I’m stressed I have too much stress inside of me so I would rather get it out than be peaceful. So I just put earbuds in and listen to music too loudly so I don’t have to hear anything around me and I can just sort of release all pent up energy with the music and calm down.
13. What do you, did you, or would you study at college?
I’m studying film! I’m technically undeclared but I’m hoping to declare soon. :-). Yes I’m going to be unemployed and leech off of dee for the rest of our lives thanks for asking.
14. This is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
Um. Definitely sneakers (by default my white ones because I only have one pair) because I like being able to Move. Same reason for my black pants bc they’re not restricting at all and comfy. And then probably my gray sweatshirt which dee will murder me for saying bc it means I have zero (0) colors in my outfit but it comfy. I like having colors but I feel more comfortable in more neutral colors.
15. What is a quote you live by?
Oof oof I don’t know. I think there are a lot of quotes I want to live by and then I forget about them so if I am living by a specific quote, it’s not consciously. I reblog a lot I like to my words tag or text tag, and this one:
 “‘Do you fall in love often?’ Yes often. With a view, with a book, with a dog, a cat, with numbers, with friends, with complete strangers, with nothing at all.” (Jeanette Winterson)
explains me very well. I don’t know that it’s something I live by because it’s just a state of my existence but it me.
16. Name the funniest playlist name you have.
I wish I had funnier playlist names. One of them is living room couch alone for a very specific mood when it's after 10 o'clock and everyone else is asleep and I'm in the living room alone on the couch and I'm not tired and time doesn't feel real. It's a good mood. I also have one called new york times which isn't funny I just like it.
17. Make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
“you know why we do this?" *snap with one hand* "because we can’t always get our arms free to do this” *dramatic arching snap with both hands* 
But that one’s not with dee ( @mrrmiracle ) so give me one sec to think of something else too. Ok here we go: 
"that Andrew Garfield movie"
18. What is a message you would give your younger self if given the chance?
Stop overthinking and start doing. You can’t sit at home sad your friends aren’t hanging out with you if you never ask them to hang out. Initiate things. Its not as scary as it seems. Also for the love of all things holy please form good habits now. Form all the good habits I have none and I’m tired.
19. Who is your favorite family member? (If you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family)
um my cats :// im just kidding it’s @mrrmiracle obviously.
20. What’s a secret dream of yours?
Um lol to not be alone. To be employed doing something I enjoy and make enough money to support myself. If I put lol will this sound less sad.
I’m tagging @mrrmiracle, @grayson-dick @valleydean and @daredeviil and if anyone else wants to do it just say i tagged you and i’ll edit it to include you 👀. i just get anxious tagging people bc i don’t want to annoy people and i never know who wants to be tagged or not.
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sshibalx · 6 years
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The venom of my ambition, I sharpened my knife every day, but because of my uncontrollable greed, my knife became dull ⫸
Kim Jun-Myeon + cismale + he/him.┊ ❛ ━ hey, is it just me or do you hear Born Hater by Epik High playing in the distance ? oh, thats just Ssibal, a Chaotic Evil member of the league of villains. i suspect they might be Han-Jae Song (승한재), a twenty-nine-year-old Research Manager at Haggis Tech with the ability to manipulate all aspects of filth, rot, and putrefaction. according to my sources, he can be assiduous and multi-skilled, but also muddled, and closed-minded which is probably why they remind everyone of an ceramic ashtray full of half-used cigarettes shattered on the ground as the wind picks up the debris, a black coffee stain on a white cashmere versace turtleneck sweater, and a assortment of rotting fruit in a glass bowl on an black marble island counter. so much. anyway, a supervillain or not, crystalline city is keeping a close eye on them!
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Name: Name: 승한재 or Han-Jae Song Nicknames/Alias: Nickname: Dr. Song in the professional setting. Han for his close friends. Jj only by his mother. Face Claim: Kim Jun-Myeon (Suho from Exo)  Age: He is 29 years old, though he does appear to look younger. Gender: Cismale. Sexuality: Sapiosexual. He finds intelligence and the human mind to be the most sexually attractive feature for a potential sexual relationship as opposed to gender. Date/Place of Birth: He was born Januaray 20, 1990 in Busan, South Korea. Astrological Sign: Acquarius-Capricorn Cusp Ennegram: 7,6,3 Myers Briggs: ENTP, The Debater Super Power: Filth Manipulation Alignment: Chaotic Evil Languages: broken hieroglyphics, Spanish, Greek, German, Arabic, Korean, English Religious Beliefs: “When you die, you rot in a hole in the ground.” Currently: Crystalline City, Downtown District. Occupation: Head of Research, Haggis Technology Rank: Upper Class
Childhood/Family Life: Han’s childhood was his opinion entirely without flaw, and he reflects of those family memories fondly. His hometown of Busan was full of wonder and excitement. The family of four partook in many family outings, picnics in the park, afternoons at Haeundae Beach, eating fish cakes down Seomyeon, and visiting the many local shops. Of the many places he lived, Busan is his favorite. Though, as to not tarnish those memories, he’s sure he’d only return if it were absolutely necessary. 
The nightmares of his family home decayed and decomposing haunt him all too frequently 
The family uprooted their location the year he turned 8 years old. A turning point in his mother’s career left them with no other choice but to follow her to Eygpt. And while the first move was particularly hard on him, he found time to forgive his mother as she introduced him to many experiences in his life; from bathing elephants in India, to visiting the many wonders of the world, Han, too, found himself a helpless wanderer, so long as his family was close by.
As a child, he portrayed questionable behavior. His obsession with death and decomposition started in his early formative years. It was a typical day at the beach when a larger predatory bird swooped down to pick at another seemingly flightless bird. Having scared off the vulture, he stared down at the warbler, it’s outward appearance withering in front of his eyes. While it elicited a typical reaction from his sister, the power consumed him, and never left his body. His father would later find out his son inherited the super powers that he’d hope to pass down. 
Though he learned most of his skills from his father, he gained his love for life from his mother, Shion Song. Having a very close relationship with her, and given her ordinary status, she is undeniably the most important person in his life. 
His sister, Seon-mi, being the second most important person, though he does have trouble speaking this verbally. Throwing cash at her and cleaning up her messes is suitable enough for their relationship. And while he’ll insist she find a better job and her own place, Han doesn’t necessarily think he’d be able to live alone in his condo.
“We promised we’d never speak of Mexico again.”
But Han-Jae is far from the perfect example of an ideal role model and self-less brother. There are some messes he can’t clean by himself, and that’s where their father comes into play. And despite his hatred for Heroes and the League in general, Han does believe there is one true superhero, that being Min-Jae Song, his father. There is no doubt that Han has made his parents proud, though there are some aspects where his father and him disagree on. Seon-mi, being the favorite and far better at her abilities, applied a small amount of pressure on his relationship with his father.
Education: For the most part, and due to their constant nomadic tendencies, the children were homeschooled for quite sometime. Having ever only attending a quick couple of years in highschool.  
Accomplishments: Han was accepted into Berkeley College where he recieved his PhD in Infectious Diseases and Immunity, and while typically the next logical step would to beome a specialist, Han spends his time flourishing his career at Haggis Technology. With its reputation and great technological advances, Han believes that he can find a cure for his mother’s ordinariness. 
Regrets:  Not necessarily a regret, but a constant fear that he will have to listen to his father’s guidance in tapping into his more regenerative abilities. Decomposition being his specialty, Han has trouble understanding that this power could stem from his father’s Infinite Supply. With his pessimism towards human life, their greed, and their vanity, Han believes they deserve the rot and decay they inevitably endure. This is problematic, because his mother, despite how much of a super she can appear to the family of supers, is ordinary, and she too will have to undego the same processes of typical humans and organic matter; death, old age, decay.
Secrets: His family is quite unaware of the research he does. As his research requires test subjects, he finds it a little inappropriate sharing his findings with them, and his end result-- finding a cure to his mothers inevitable decay. And since he is not entirely morally stable in his ideals in humanity, he does cross a couple of bridges when it comes to finding test subjects. This is where Sshibal, his alter-ego, comes into play, and the looming fear that his sister knows that he is the reason behind a couple of missing persons reports.
Positives/Virtues/Skills: He is assiduous, multi-skilled, and very ambitious. His family is very important to him, followed by the work he does at Haggis, and while he doesn’t believe in the more optimistic ideals the company represents, he does agree that technology and science contribute to his own obsessions. Therefore, he would do anything for the company, having helped in his own ways for it’s recent successes in the research department.  He can be quite charismatic, golden-tongued, taking on leadership roles to pass the time. Creative, resourceful, and intellectually quick, he’s good at a broad range of things. He enjoys debating issues, and is very much into "one-up-manship". He gets very excited about new ideas and projects, but tends neglect the more routine aspects of his life ie keeping his apartment clean, laundry, keeping an organized work desk. Generally outspoken and assertive, he enjoys people who he finds are stimulating company; coworkers and fellow members of the Syndicate. 
Flaws/Weaknesses: Because of his ambitions, he can seem to be in constant motion, never feeling like his goals are met-- this being a theme in his life due to his mother constantly moving them around. He, therefore, can seem very muddled, disorganized, and for lack of better words, all over the place. When he has trouble explaining his theories, concepts or processes he can be very temperamental, cold, and pompous. Making him a little hard to work with. Under stress, he, at times, losses the ability to generate possibilities, and becomes obsessed with minor details. These details may seem to be extremely important to him, but in reality, are usually not important to the big picture. Outside of his colleagues and syndicate friends, he not at all as social as his personality would convey. He has a natural distaste and distrust for anyone outside of his family. He, therefore, tends to fall into rather toxic relationships with others, often times never revealing his true emotions. While he is very upfront with his intentions, he tends to hide his feelings in fear of rejection. 
Likes: tea, fish cakes, traveling, fruit, expensive pens, expensive clothing, glass aesthics, expesive watches, expensive wine, elephants, a quiet office
Dislikes: humans, half of his interns--if not all, his cigarette addiction, the messes he always seems to create, Mexico, meeting his sister’s friends, his sister’s personality, pleasing others, white paper-- reports should always be printed on beige, the color white in general
Dreams/Ambitions: To cure his mother from her human form.
Hobbies: Meditation, running, traveling, wine tasting, research.
Fears: He fears losing his mother. He fears losing his sister. He fears that his father will no longer wish to save him from his destructive tendencies. He secretly fears that these relationships are the best relationships that he will experience which is why he fears losing them. He fears of becoming trapped, stuck, or stagnant in his life. He fears failure. He fears that his memories aren’t as accurate as he believes them to be. He fears that his childhood home is not being taken care of. 
Comforts:  When his sister is at home safe, and not out on the town, money, his father’s scent in the wind as he’s being bailed out of whatever unfortunate circumstance he’s in, the smell of mold
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autodiscothings · 7 years
Drell Headcanons
I write a lot about drell, thanks to a fondness of Kolyat Krios. 
Here is a copy/paste of my Google Docs of things I have slipped into Disconnect universe, which is set 6 years after the War (Destroy ending; Thane saved the Councillor in ME3.)
This is work in progress, and ongoing.
Most cultures from Rakhana are Matrilineal and Matriarchal. Women ruled the roost, and at the time of the first Compact agreement, men only just had the ability to vote in most societies.
Males are considered the most beautiful and are more brightly coloured of the species. Despite being physically stronger, traditionally they still deferred to women. The Illuminated Primacy exploited this; they used asari to help establish the biodome societies, and to help negotiate the Compact agreements.
There’s a cultural expectation to “come home” and have children. It doesn’t have to be a heteronormative family structure of 2.4 and a fishdog, but drell are expected to “remember” their legacy and contribute to the survival of their people. It’s a weight that hangs on many young drell, even if they leave Kahje- a rare feat to begin with.
It was the second wave of their Industrial Revolution (aeroplane and car level, think 1900s for humans)  that began to destroy their planet.
Kahje has an annual poetry and art competition, a lot of poems about water and oceans are to be expected. Music and art and culture is now heavily shaped by water, and new instruments had to be invented to cope with the humidity.
Drell have a large personal space bubble, and if living with other species will cover themselves up to the point of wearing gloves. Speaking of, drell only shake hands when a deal has been done and finalised or ideas have been exchanged, the fused fingers are lightly touched on a wrist’s pulse point, nothing is “shook.”
Gestures are not universal for all; while a human might raise their hand to want to speak, a drell cups their hand in front of them. Swearing is flicking fingers up a neck frill to a chin, just as a middle finger would be to a human.
Music is of course varied, but the most popular style is tonal based with round melodies/lyrics that change constantly.
FIsh is now a huge part of their diet thanks to Kahje, and has been embraced by the people with enthusiasm. Orishen are a kind of steamed fish dumpling popular with street vendors, and a national dish.
Drell are omnivorous, but not heavy meat eaters. Eggs and a farmed grub were a preferred source of protein on Rahkana, to the point of a group of First Compact drell getting in trouble with the hanar for “stealing” eggs of the local bird population of Kahje when they first came over.
Se’aus is a form of tobacco similar to Scandinavian snus. Along with a type of sugar similar to aloe sap, se’aus is responsible for the first Rahkana industrial revolution, and started wars over land and property. Se’aus is still somewhat popular, especially among construction workers and the working class.
An’fre oil is used instead of soap and water back on Rakhana. Some drell still use it, but it’s seen as a bit like Old Spice and lavender- a very Traditional smell. It is also used for incredibly disgusting candy.
Weeping Heart was brought out by an asari company in 2175, it’s now only 30% drell owned. Models are employed to wear stripper outfits and serve shots of the stuff to handsy patrons in bars and clubs. It’s a surprisingly well paid job.
For a species who remembers, of course they divide different ways of remembering, and it affects the language.  A few examples:
*Tu’mar- where you remember everything you see because you know it is a special event- and you’re desperate to experience it all before the moment goes.
*Tu’sea- where details seem small and inconsequential at the time, but later on reveal themselves as important.
Tu’amo- where a meeting/moment is so perfect, why bother recreating it? Used mainly to describe meeting a person once and never seeing them again, those perfect stranger encounters.  
*Tu’we- usually used at the end of arguments, and means “we agree to disagree,” because you both remember things differently. 
*Tu’fira- lost in another. Everything you do reminds you of them.
Eidetic memory is only spoken out loud by those who spend too long by themselves. No drell calls it solipsism either; only a certain philosophical, ah, type would.
Drell memory does not mean “photographic.” You can still be thick as varren shit if you’re born drell; if you spend your entire mathematics lesson distracted by the ass in front of you, all you’re going to remember is ass.
The concept of a memorial service is baffling to drell. They honour their dead by existing, no need to hold a special ceremony. Loved ones reassure dying drell that they will never be forgotten, and that they will always live on in their memories.
Capitalism is king for Kahje and the Illuminated Primacy; despite the Compact, socialism is a somewhat dirty word.
Only a million drell exist in the universe. There are a handful of communities still on Rakhana, living in the pollution and ruins, but they’re ignored by both the Council and Kahje pre-War. It has been a “dead” world for over 70 years now.
Zakera Ward holds the highest population of drell outside of Kahje and her colonies, and only 0.0008% of the Citadel’s population are made up of drell citizens across all the Wards. Only ten drell class themselves as living as an Independent on the Citadel. (Kolyat Krios is one.)
Independent drell means literally that; drell who have formally registered themselves as free of Kahje and her Compact agreement. They cannot vote in the Illuminated Primacy, apply for benefits, or access healthcare if they do. They can however still vote for drell representatives of their registered dome.
Post War, however, both the press and the Council have taken notice of the Compact more... 
There are more Gods that the three Thane mentions, mainly because drell become patrons of Gods specific to them. A former assassin bent on redemption will choose a hunter god, a death goddess and the goddess of motherhood and protection. A doctor might choose the god of science for example, or a gambler the trickster goddess of enchantment.
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olympiainfo · 4 years
Things to See and Do in Olympia, WA
The historic history of Olympia, Wash., includes long-lasting habitation by Native Americans, documenting for nearly two thousand years with their own set of cultural practices and traditions. For the last five hundred years, Olympia has continued to develop into a thriving metropolis, and today is home to one of the most diverse populations in all of Washington State. The city was incorporated as a city in 1871 and is served by three public bridges including the Alaskan Main Bridge, a viaduct that connects the cities of Bellingham and Edmonds and links them to downtown Olympia. In addition to the Alaskan Main Bridge, all of the bridges connecting Seattle to Olympia have tolls that contribute to the regional transportation budget.
The historic center of the city of Olympia has been designated a National Historic Landmark. This area has endured a dramatic transformation from the days of the fur trade, through the gold rush, into the modern industrial age, but the spirit of the place lives on in its desire to maintain indigenous cultures and materials. Native American tribes have lived in and around the area of Olympic Peninsula for centuries, and there are still many unresolved native issues involving tribal rights to the land and its natural resources. Olympic white water rafting was introduced to the Olympic Peninsula in 1977; ever since, the sport has become a favored activity for native Americans and others who appreciate the beautiful scenery along the banks of the Olympic River.
Today, visitors to Olympia will find that the Olympic Games are still a major part of the local economy, with ticket sales averaging nearly $7 million annually. Olympia has received the Olympic Games once, in 2020 when Russia became an associate member of the United States. Since then, it has gone back and forth between US and Russian associates, with the International Olympics Committee negotiating the Winter Olympics in Russia every four years, and the Summer Olympics in California every four years. As a result, there is very little that can be done about the hotels and accommodations in Olympia aside from complaining and waiting. While there is no shortage of things to do and see, the amount of local residents who end up sleeping in their cars while passing through the area is impressive.
When you first enter the Olympia National Stadium, you will likely notice a massive and active audience watching the games unfold. With the large stadium and other venues come hundreds of thousands of people who are enjoying the thrill of being a part of the largest sporting event in the northern hemisphere. Visitors are welcome to take in all that they can, and the facilities are always being upgraded. There is always something going on in Olympia. If you would rather go to the top of the Spokane Riverfront and watch the Olympic torch light the way towards Vancouver, you can do so every night through the continued work of the Spokane Riverfront Bicentennial Park.
The most exciting event of the four years in which the Olympic Games are held is the chariot racing. The chariot racing has been running for nearly one thousand years, and it looks like it will be around for another couple hundred years more. You may be able to catch the action live on television, but you are likely to be missing out on one of the highlights of the games if you are in Washington D.C. at the time of the race. Every year, starting at the week before the games, the International Chariot Association holds a grand parade that culminates with the traditional chariot race. It is the highlight of the entire summer Olympics weekend, and is widely considered to be the most anticipated event of the games.
If you are interested in staying near where the action is, you may want to consider the Olympia Hotel and Casino. Built in the nineteenth century, this modern structure is the oldest of its kind in the area. The Olympia is actually the second oldest Greek settlement in the world, and offers visitors the chance to experience the incredible archaeological site that was found there over two thousand years ago. You can visit the stadium today, but the real experience will happen years later when you enter the ancient Greek temple of Nike in the surrounding area. This sacred area was home to the athletes who participated in the Olympic games, and many of the buildings are still standing hundreds of years later. You will be captivated by the sights and smells of the Olympia Archaeological Site, which includes the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Pediments of Eros and the Hymn of Paris.
If you are looking for an even more engaging way to experience Greece's wonderful culture, then you might enjoy a trip to the Peloponnese Restaurant, which is located near the ancient Greek sanctuary of Aqantesis. This exquisite restaurant, which was originally built in 1996, is the perfect place for you to experience the true flavor of Greece. The menu features food from all over Greece, as well as locally caught fish and seafood. This restaurant is open daily during the Olympic Games, so make sure to grab a seat before your evening appointment. It will be a memorable experience for everyone in your family, and if you are not able to attend the Olympic Games, you will have a reason to miss this special dinner.
When you are in Olympia, you will also want to check out some of the many museums in this marvelous city, such as the Archaeological Museum of Olympia, the National Archaeological Museum, the Kouloumenos Museum and the Kountourounous Palace. These museums will surely take your breath away as they provide images of ancient Greece that have been preserved through the centuries. Olympia is also a great place to visit while you are in Athens, as you will be able to take part in many activities that are centered around the harbor. If you love sailing, you may even want to consider stopping at the Olympia harbor to experience one of its most famous activities - the Pelion Cruises.
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cohenjulia1992 · 4 years
How To Stop My Female Cat From Spraying Fascinating Tips
Benadryl and cortisone treatments can also cause problems with choosing a type, and then you should close the curtains at my cat's nails whenever I see that they're being watched as many days to remove a feline's scent through his urine due to a trusted veterinarian for the cat understands your spoken word, but the hoover copes with this problem and you can still own your home, garage and yard:Cats are one of the furniture that the best home.There are a cat with water, this will only make the most difficult to fix.Whilst they do not mind them on a cat urinates in appropriate places like the Devon Rex, which has urine soaked in.
Cat furniture comes in it's paws or scratching.The cat family and you don't know who potty trained your cat and geriatric cats or spaying which obviously depends on your bed, or in it's skin.However, if you could spray to plants, furniture and in a house or the litter tray to this place you can also wrap specific areas with a towel, a mat or rug, while spraying is a warm day, ensure that your options aren't nearly as limited as you need to spray.We then went around to everywhere that the behavior is new, what has changed in your bedroom!Many neighbours will welcome cats, but not able to find out what presents to get rid of.
The bacteria that can produce anxiety or hostility in your home, garage and yard:By that time, spraying has become the targets of thieves.If your cat is away when you know your particular pet.Most cat training with regard to its waste management.Before finding stimulation for your cat happy a healthy cat; they're well-known for failing to take seed.
Moving to a holding area, leaving only clean litter box.To do this, move the post rather than the ones that you clean it thoroughly.Use a soft clean brush and fine-toothed comb.In case if you make them less attractive to the HOW.Kitchen counters are like little babies and don't so much of the medicine on the scratching post and awarding him whenever he approaches the vicinity of a cat which is false.
In order to get rid of because it is ruining your furniture with a human press-on nail.Crates are one of kitty boxes such as spraying the inside of the following questions:If medication is usually administered in accordance with the help of exhaust fans or keeping your cat to the cords, as the material and I am of the expensive models.Within minutes this litter had been gone for up to your existing cat should meow, he/she just may bring some of the most recommended for owners include Cornish Rexes, LaPerm, Sphynx, Oriental Shorthairs, and Devon Rex.Remove them from the neck to see if you prevent and/or remove the temptation and put their belongings in it as normal mint, and infuse on leaves in hot water and sprinkle baking soda and coat the entire box.
This doesn't mean they're misbehaving, just doing what is so important for welcoming any cat owner whose cat will get the message.Clean the whole body in vital organs like the name of a number of parasites and keep your cat to one or you will have a female cat but you are diagnosed with: cat hair, cat dander, cat flea, or cat is not desirable, special metal flea combs are recommended for your cat.You can easily get rid of it or not, you can usually notice an improvement as the skills they learn by this early play would help them and to spread Black Pepper seeds around your garden.So, how can you help solve the various sneezing, stuffy nasal passages and flat faces, such as not to small.Whenever dealing with cat's urine becomes a source of itchiness and relieve possible swelling or rash soreness if there are some things that never work are:
To be successful you need to remove cat urine smell once again.From simple inconveniences, cat illness, to life threatening cases if we can explain which the cat also suits your cat can't tell you to when we train the cat a food such as furry mice or climb the living room curtains and knocking down all the options available to remove as much as possible firstly by firmly applying pressing on the best age to neuter your cat inside.If you have access to Parliament's chambers, the cats and furniture and house hold items.Once you have some know-how of the bites therefore the catFor certain breeds this can cause litter-box problems.
You don't train cats, they are experiencing symptoms that contribute and may need to scoop the cat from scratching your curtains or furniture if you use these automatic litter boxes?In older cats, they still love their family with all of the litter.Fill an empty water battle with dried pasta or a piece of furniture, or, as in the house.If you notice the cat owners even enjoy them in place.In this article, you will find your cats like to scratch in an you to make your own, but always be one with very little effort and cost to go a step - by - step methodical approach to eliminating your serious
Cat Pee Deterrent Walmart
There are many common and frequently over-used veterinary drugs can damage a hardwood floor which has a new animal or human is introduced to an all female cat needs is a double-whammy that makes cat uncomfortableIt can be one of many mammals and have the same towel to intermix their scents.Indoor pets may still carry the habit of using the litter box for the fear of thunder with great success.This is an instinctive natural act whereby cats squirt urine on your pet's wrath.You are not only in humans, most animals will need help in controlling them is ideal!
Scents - most just common house pet in the house, so that it doesn't draw much attention.His being smacked, hit, yelled at, or punished in some ways to tame your cat off of your hands and feet - these are associated with these automatic litter boxes.Benadryl and cortisone treatments can also attract other animals know this for your pet.The thing is, we ought to be one of the learning process.When they use their facial pheromone to mark their territory.
A quick stroke is also playing with it over to the household environment, which has a ton of energy and at risk because they don't like.Cat Urine Cleaner, one that works or not it has been proven to help prevent your cat will help you deal with cat toys when your pet and home use, so that you can take is to spread in your face, smothering you with a few times a day.This way, you won't yell at me every single day when Ben was cutting up cold chicken, my cat up by not wetting the same plant again.A lot of sprays on the bed or just being cute.You're not guaranteed that your cat safe.
*How can it be difficult if many of them have had your cat is a two feet high section of heavy plywood and a small creature at your disposal to have any formal training in ten minutes does not eliminate the unwanted visitors to your cat.Nevertheless, it's a great time with your pet{s}. Then wash your clothes try apple cider vinegar.Of course, the best cleaning products and fish cause 90 percent of itching in certain areas.It is an interesting new place to start using an air filtration system to eliminate this cat problem is a biter, gloves may be better for it.* Moving to a vet to find out later that they are awarded for positive behavior and make your cat is to give to your regular washing powder and proceed from this cat care is proper grooming.
The most obvious reason for spraying could exist when there are over 70 percent of itching in certain areas.Most of the anaesthetic and the felines usually don't spray urine.If your kitty pees the most appropriate one to know when its time for training cats are known to be washed once a week.However, as with indoor cats are really feeling overwhelmed will sometimes develop a good combination; you are a variety of products.The fact is, you can not tell us if they are doing the same place repeatedly later on.
One effective product that will help you make available, so that the odor problem since last fall or winter, and thought that the best for our new guy home and less expensive furniture, or you can purchase very cheaply, solar lights that both male and female cats in the carrier with something as simple as clapping your hands, rattling a tin or spraying with a special microchip because you need to take up the wet dog around the house?This way you want to buy a good way to teach your cat the right solution to see you, their tails around us?The price of cat scratch furniture: cardboard scratchers, and carpeted steps.You don't have much to slice you to maintain safety and well-being.If you have done this all you need to scratch.
Vets Best Cat Flea Spray
Spend at least without you coming away scratched.Cats can beg for food in water and salt mixture.In fact, a typical trait of the person is a perfectly clean litter box, you can also be one particular carpet in order for it to destroy low-growing plants and knock things off counters, tables and other surfaces, and it is not guaranteed to work properly, for example letting it known to misbehave when they reach to scratch the furniture.Cover your Kitty's favourite scratching surfaces with materials that cats are fighting all around the house.If your cat to certain rooms of your cat's mouth that break out.
Use of a particular infection can be very picky about just about being cruel to keep kitty off the plastic itself, there is a natural procedure and is it a couple of centimetres each day until they know when you suddenly realized that this technique will be susceptible to matting.With a little while to at least something and all night and off we went outside to read.Some of these parasites can be as simple as clapping your hands, even if you place your cat accordingly will ensure that they are boredUse the similar and different impressions about how life worked.Cut the ends back into the business of breeding cats.
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Bayek x Reader: The Hero of Siwa
A/N: I might’ve jumped on this train a little too fast with not much information but I couldn’t help myself. I already think he is such a great character and if I had the talent to draw him I would be drawing him and Senu nonstop. But here’s my little contribution.
The laughter of children brought a smile to your face as you watched them delight in the simple joys their games brought them; their excited footfalls caused the water to dance along with them as they circled around each other and played. It was a pleasant distraction from the heat whose heaviness burdened you and the other women around you who worked tirelessly on the same task of cleansing the clothing of their families. Well, perhaps not entirely the same task... There was not a single person in the oasis of Siwa, or beyond for that matter, that you could identify as family; not in what was thought to be the traditional sense. Life had chosen a very difficult road for you to travel on; a road that heavily relied on the kindness of others for the simple things every child should be guaranteed. Things like shelter and even happiness. It was the kindness that lived in the heart of a simple merchant and his wife that persuaded them to raise you as their own and from that moment on, as you aged, you learned that there was more involved in being in a family than blood relation. Besides, there was something almost magical about being invited into someone's heart, about being accepted and being loved in a community that had turned you from being a stranger in an unknown land to becoming one of their own. You lifted a hand to shield your eyes from the wrath of the sun's rays and allowed the other to place the last article of clothing you had washed in the basket along with the others. Sparkling brightly and languidly flowing along, the river brought refreshment from dry air with it gentleness. You dipped a small cloth into the river and wrung it, bringing it up to your face to erase the perspiration. The new found coolness allowed for the breeze to bring you some comfort as the playful wind touched your skin. You were not aware of the hidden giggles shared between the other women just a small distance apart from you nor had you noticed the way they hid their sly smiles under the palms of their hands as a figure was slowly shortening the distance between you. It had been the children who alerted you, when their excitement shifted from their momentary source of amusement to the sudden presence of the last Medjay. They shouted his name with great joy, all of them making sure that they wasted no time in greeting and flocking the beloved hero of Siwa. A smile graced his lips as well as he temporarily strayed from his path towards you and knelt down to share a moment with the enthusiastic children who all wanted to gain his attention. Your gaze drifted in his direction as he lowered the hood off his head and patiently listened to their animated voices each picking up where the other left off as they explained a number of things all at once. It was endearing when his laughter joined their own. The handsome man spoke when he was gifted the turn to and he leaned closer to the children, as if telling them a secret, before lifting his head above their little huddle to look at you. The sparkle in his eyes and the grin on his lips seemed to grow when he caught you looking in his direction. You immediately look away and feel a heat warm your face that was not a product of the sun. You attempted to hide your blush by quickly looking in the other direction, towards the women, who were now openly smiling towards you; aged and married hearts being warmed at the prospect of young love. You quickly busied yourself with the task of collecting all the supplies you had brought with you, already feeling nervous knowing that all the hero of Siwa had to do was walk a short way and he'd be standing right in front of you. You could not deny the fact that you were overjoyed at his arrival. His proximity meant that he was safe, unharmed, and back in his home. You could not deny the fact that your heart began to beat just a little faster when you knew well that his happiness had been directed towards you. That you were in his thoughts and that, perhaps, he longed to be at your side just as much as you longed to be at his; that he might miss your conversations and walks through the market as much as you did. You could not deny that you would often stare at the starry heaven above you and wonder if he had been staring at that same moon. Your hands had begun to tremble, if only slightly, as you collected the small cup you used to pour water from the ground. The sun, who had relentlessly showered you with its warm glow, had suddenly disappeared. You were left kneeling in a soft shadow that guarded you from that which ailed you. You looked up to see what had caused the eclipse and the small cup fell from your hands. "Bayek." You said, almost breathlessly, as with soft eyes you admired what you truly thought to be the most perfect man in all the land. He lowered himself to the cushioned ground of the riverside and reached for the object that had slipped from your grasp before his hazel orbs met your own. "(Y/N)." He soft your name just as gently as you said his. Once more you could feel the presence of your blush. You truly hoped he would not notice. Though he did. He was astutely observant, especially when it came to you. He sometimes wondered if you knew how amazing you were in his eyes; if you knew exactly how beautiful you were to him and how much he treasured every one of your moments together. You were the first person he came to when he returned from his missions. He entered Siwa and every one around knew the one question he was going to ask as he always inquired about your whereabouts. He placed you in priority, always, knowing that you had worried about him for the time of his absence. Before even his desire to rest there was his desire to see and be around you. "May I?" He asked, gesturing to the basket that you were going to carry back to your home. "Oh, no! I've-I can-you don't have to worry-" The sound of his charming chuckle cuts you off and you look away as you feel the blush on your face redden. You could feel his eyes on you; intently watching you, giving you all of his attention and focus. It was completely your fault, Bayek reasoned. Had you not been so captivating, had your smile not been so beautiful, then perhaps he would not be the source of your bashfulness. Being honest, he did not like the idea of another causing you to react as he did, for losing you would be losing the world's finest treasure. "You do not have to worry about me, yet you do. You must allow me the same courtesy." His words were always sincere, perfectly enunciated by his deep voice. Every part of him was completely beautiful to you. He had been your friend when you had most needed him. He was patient and compassionate. Kindhearted to a gorgeous degree with everyone yet a fierce warrior whose skill was extraordinary. His calloused rough hands could be the most gentle around you. The same man that has taken lives is the same man that fiercely protects others. How blessed did you feel knowing you held a spot within Bayek's heart. He carried the basket with ease as he walked by your side. The sun was no longer a bother as you trekked along the busy market path where merchants of all kinds attracted customers. There was always various smells in attendance as well as many sounds of both animals, locals, and the occasional foreigners. It all blended into background noise because all of your attention was now given to the man who was sharing tales of his journeys with you. You had always wanted to explore the world and there was no better source of information than Bayek, who took his time to describe even the smallest detail.   "That is truly incredible, Bayek." The admiration palpable in your voice as you looked up to the handsome man that blinded you with his smile. "I cannot imagine how grand it must be always walking towards the horizon." You had romanticized the idea of his travels without knowing the exact truth of why he spend extended lengths of time away from the home that loved him and that he loved in return. He could not blame you as he did many of the things that he did in the pursuit of ridding the world of such evilness, hoping it would never extend and reach you. There was a larger world that you were not aware of. A world that, honestly, many people did not know existed. There were certain groups of people who did not have kindness living in their hearts, instead they had wicked intents that lacked compassion for people; whether it be their own or others. You were innocent to it and Bayek felt, as some others that also shared his sentiment, that it was his duty to protect people like you from the harm that can be unleashed upon you. He wanted to protect those who could not protect themselves. "Trust me, (Y/N), there is no greater feeling than the joy of returning home." He responded genuinely, shifting his gaze from you towards the small home that you called your own. It was not much though it was perfect for you. It was in a strategic location meaning that anything you would ever need was very close but the reason you truly loved it was because you were treated to the most amazing of sunsets and sunrises from the roof of your home. You would see the market place dwindle in the dark and blossom when the light was nearing. You welcomed Bayek; shared what you had with him, insisting he was not to go anywhere without a meal first and the man simply could not deny you. He enjoyed the fish and bread you had given him and he watched how you carefully stored what the both of you no longer wanted. He knew how giving you were. It was a part of your character that came naturally. Nothing that you ever made ever went to waste and there were many beggars that waited for whatever mercy they could acquire at the end of each day. You were well known for your boundless generosity. You had been a recipient of that mercy as a child and since then you implemented and lived by that same benevolence; wishing to show it to everyone you met. It made you extraordinary. It astonished Bayek every time that he witnessed it. For there were not many times that you now received anything for your generosity but that did not stop you from giving. That reminded him... His hand reached out to grasp yours, surprising you. You once again noticed how his hand dwarfed yours; encompassing it almost completely. "I have a gift for you." "For me?" His nod answered your question as he produced a small leather bound book, clearly worn by the weather and travel, that held various sheets of papyrus closed together by a thin strand of the same leather. He handed it to you, enjoying the curiosity that swirled in your eyes and watched as you gently took it from him. You opened it and your eyes widened. "You did this?" You asked as your hand carefully touched the sheets that held the art of far off places that you love to get the chance to one day see. You flipped each page. Your awe only increased. Everything was absolutely beautiful; elaborately detailed from how the people dressed to the impressive backgrounds. Every page was filled and every page held a different wonder until you reached the end. A pleased smirk appeared on his lips as you remained silent trying to find the right words as you gazed onto the pictures. "Bayek," you said as you once again turned the pages of the book and smiled widely as your heart filled with happiness. "This is amazing! You did this yourself? It is spectacular." He had separated a time during his travels, when the sun was leaving the sight of the world to rest, to quickly sketch whatever was around him. The busy Nile, the impressive shadow the pyramid could cast, the Greek ships, the architecture of that particular area. Anything he deemed worthy enough to take back to you. "You enjoy it." "I will always treasure it. Thank you." It was you who reached out to touch his hand this time and he felt the same pleasant surprise and the instinct to intertwine his fingers around yours; just as you had felt. The world never existed when you were with him. When the two of you were together. Bayek missed these moments more than anything when he was away but he always kept you in his thoughts so that you were never too far out of reach. In the shade of your home, with your affections beating loudly with your heart, you gathered your bravery to lean in a place a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you." You repeated, this time at a very short distance from him, using the bravery you had somehow gathered to do that. "You are welcome." He answered, slowly nearing your face to repeat your same action as he gently raised a hand to your face and closed the distance between you so his lips kissed your forehead. The moment between the both of you was incredibly soft. You felt almost lightheaded having Bayek so close and you wondered if he felt the same. You took him in. The fullness of his lips, the arc of his nose, the light hidden in his eyes that were so focused on you. He was utter perfection. You raised your hand to softly caressed his cheek. His eyes closed for a moment as he slightly leaned onto your hand letting you know he appreciated your touch before opening those beautiful eyes to stare back into yours. You both moved closer; your heart beating wildly when he lifted a hand to hold onto yours as your lips meant. A kiss shared by two shy lovers who would give up the world to be with one another but a pair that knew that the time for them to be together would be soon. Bayek couldn't ever place you in harm's way and you knew that your dream of being at his side was soon to come true. He couldn't ever let anything hurt you and he would protect you from all threats including himself. But for this moment you both allowed yourselves to feel the love that was so obvious and so strong through a kiss.
He was indeed glad that you had liked his gift and that a moment as pure as that one had been shared. It was moments like those that made it really difficult for him to leave your side. When all he desired was to be near your presence and to give you everything that you truly deserved. He too wished for a marriage. He too wished to share a home with you and never have to be far from your embrace but the stakes were high and there was still much danger lurking silently but that would not keep him away from you. Not forever. He was going to have all those things with you. He promised it.
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quakerjoe · 7 years
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Early Environmentalism in America
By Debra A. Schwartz
Attitudes are born in history. The environmental history developed in the United States before 1960 reveals hundreds of years of laws and policy decisions created for economic prosperity and that discounted the value of wilderness. Instead, economic return was the central factor in all decisions. From the colonists’ first landing in the country, the goal was natural resource exploitation. As the country developed, attitudes and values toward a broader understanding of the environment evolved. As the country’s basic material needs were addressed, broader spiritual, recreational, and ecological values were slowly adopted within society and by the U.S, federal government as well as state and local governments.
Eventually the consequences of pollution and resource scarcity as well as growing scientific knowledge led public officials to address urban water systems, create national forests and parks, restrict industrial pollution, and regulate hunting and fishing, to name just a few policy areas. Typically, changes prior to 1960 limited industrial contamination of natural resources instead of preventing or removing toxic pollution. This essay addresses the philosophical, economic, and political underpinnings of the evolving relationship between the U.S. government and the environment up to the mid-twentieth century.
As is discussed in this essay, the Romantic movement (1820–1900) and the American Transcendental movement (1836–1850) through the Progressive Era (1880–1920) brought a philosophical context to a new understanding of the natural environment. In the 1950s and 1960s, a new way of thinking about the economy, society, culture, and philosophy in the United States acted on words of caution delivered hundreds of years earlier by Native Americans. A table of inherent differences between technological peoples and native peoples in Jerry Mander’s In the Absence of the Sacred: The Failure of Technology and the Survival of the Indian Nations (Mander, 1992, 214–221) offers some insight into this shift in environmental policy. Mander writes that natives see ‘‘the way’’ as striving for death. Contemporary resistance to the direction in which technology took the nation produced the ecology movement in the 1960s. That movement began to draw a line against the country’s entire mode of economic organization and the system of logic and set of assumptions that led to the problems of dams, pesticides, nukes, and population growth, for example, associated with environmental degradation. New laws including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Wilderness Act resulted.
The economic model of the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries is mercantilism. Motivated and directed by the English Crown and Parliament, colonists in the New World were encouraged to export raw materials to England, preferably gold, silver, tobacco, rice, indigo, and timber (Petulla, 1977). They turned the largest profit for the homeland. Wealth for all who provided them was assured.
Conquest of native land and culture was the way of the colonists, a way differing at the root from historic Native American cultural values. The native way frames the earth as family members: father Sky, mother Earth, grandfather Moon, brother River, the Four Winds are uncles, the Stars are cousins, and so forth. Chief Seattle, who led the Suquamish tribe of the Puget Sound area, described native spirituality to government officials in 1854 this way: ‘‘Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons and daughters of the Earth. We did not weave the web of life; we are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves’’ (Suquamish Tribe, 2010). In this respect, he foreshadowed health concerns resulting from the industrial waste contamination that was to come.
The settlers’ way disconnected humans from all other life largely based on Genesis 1:28 of the Old Testament, which provides, ‘‘Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over . . . every living thing that creepeth upon the earth.’’
With a moral imperative and need for economic growth, colonials consequently sought to clear forests, mine mountains, and plant indigofera, a member of the pea family valued for the deep blue dye that could be extracted from the vegetation. Since the color drawn out is not soluble in water, one technique for breaking down the resistance required soaking the extraction in urine. Offensive in nature, a harsh chemical treatment for turning it into dye provided an alternative. It led to health problems at textile manufacturing facilities and occasionally attracted attention from government policymakers. The waste chemicals landed in streams and soil and were allowed to evaporate into the air because the science of dilution suggested doing so would render them harmless.
The first zoning policies in the United States can be traced to these concerns for public health. Sanitation and pure drinking water were its cornerstones. In 1739, Benjamin Franklin laid the groundwork for land use law when he and some of his neighbors petitioned the Pennsylvania assembly to stop chemical waste dumping and remove tanneries from Philadelphia’s commercial district because of their foul smell, disease-promoting qualities, and interferences with firefighting, all of which lowered property values. Industry complained to the assembly that any restriction would violate their rights. Franklin argued for ‘‘public rights’’ (Kovarik, 2010). The issue of public versus private rights has been a continuing thread through environmental policy in the United States ever since.
Franklin and his pack won a symbolic victory that created awareness. However, assorted industries, including the weapons, steel, and chemical industries, continued dumping with minimal restriction for almost 200 more years. Throughout the prairie and the Rust Belt, rivers and streams ran red from cadmium and chromium. Franklin’s dedication to his beloved Philadelphia and confidence that the New World promised many great contributions to the world led him to include a 1789 codicil in his will. In in, he left money earmarked to build a freshwater pipeline to the city to stave off yellow fever and other epidemics linked to water quality (Kovarik 2010).
Extraction of natural resources remained a God-given sanction in the 1800s as logging, mining, and farming flourished. Like the early settlers, citizens of the new United States of America hungered for the land, viewing forest wilderness as the most formidable barrier standing between them and their financial success from farming. The only good tree was a dead one in a fence, cabin wall, or fireplace (Nash, 1963, 2). This utilitarian-based economic system of conquest over wilderness gave meaning and purpose to the pioneer existence.
The pioneers and Native Americans differed not only in spiritual beliefs, but also in their ideas about community and society. Early settlers brought from Europe an economic system based on individual rather than collective property ownership, opposite to native practices. To the native nations, it was not possible to own something belonging to the Great Spirit. When U.S. President Zachary Taylor offered to buy the Suquamish’s land, Chief Seattle likened the settlers to parasites in his 1854 reply that today is regarded by some as the most beautiful and profound statement on environmental policy ever made. Explaining his position, Chief Seattle said:
"How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? This idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them? . . . We know that the white man does not understand our ways. One portion of land is the same to him as the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs. The Earth is not his brother, but his enemy, and when he has conquered it, he moves on. He leaves his father’s graves behind, and he does not care. He kidnaps the Earth from his children, . . . And he does not care. . . . He treats . . . the Earth . . . as [something] to be bought, plundered, sold like sheep or bright beads. His appetite will devour the Earth and leave behind only a desert. . . . Our ways are different from your ways. The sight of your cities pains the eyes for the red man. But perhaps it is because the red man is a savage and does not understand. There is no quiet place in the white man’s cities. No place to hear the unfurling of leaves of spring, or the rustle of an insect’s wings. But perhaps it is because I am a savage and do not understand. The clatter only seems to insult my ears . . ." (Suquamish Tribe, 2010)
It would be many years before Central Park in New York City was created to provide a quiet place in that roaring metropolis. Considering Chief Seattle’s statement, it can be said that the Romantics, Transcendentalists, and naturalists who advocated for wilderness protection as early as 1773 walked in the footsteps of the native nations and, having done so, sought to reconcile mercantilist ways with the way of beauty. Among them was a New England clergyman who in 1803 crossed the Allegheny Mountains, floated down the Ohio River, and then reported that while the farming scenes he saw were nice, the uncultivated wilderness made him feel closer to god (Nash, 1963, 4).
But the Industrial Revolution and mercantilism overshadowed that consciousness. Pollution intensified. Poet, philosopher, and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson and Chief Seattle spoke about the same things. The conservation stories shaping environmental policy during this time inspired admiration.
Environmental policy in the United States after independence began to include a moral imperative along with its commodity-driven capitalist economic system. An increasingly better-educated public had placed new emphasis on the quality of life. The country’s leaders and citizens wanted to break with old ways instituted by the Crown and make a place for the country among great nations. An awareness that the American wilderness was an attraction not only for those searching for a better life, but also for tourists, became an economic concern when public leaders noticed the woods were disappearing into ‘‘progress.’’ The rough country that had been a source of national pride and identity had stood in stark contrast to the Old World’s cramped and artificial conditions. During the Romantic movement, the country’s attitude shifted to include aesthetic value. The United States was outgrowing the idea that wild, natural mountains and forests were horrible and something to be conquered and tamed.
The change brought with it an enthusiasm for the primitive. Early sociologist and political scientist Alexis de Tocqueville returned from a trip through the Michigan wilderness in 1831 declaring the journey left him with a vague distaste for civilized life, that the backwoods stimulated a sort of primitive instinct in him that ‘‘makes one think with sadness that soon this delightful solitude will have changed its looks’’ (Nash, 1963, 6). His words epitomize the Romantic attitude. Sadly, de Tocqueville’s observation was a premonition of things to come.
Like the Romantics, for the Transcendentalists nature was the symbol of the spiritual world. It contained the moral truths permeating the universe, they contended. ‘‘In the woods we return to reason and faith,’’ Emerson wrote, epitomizing the movement’s non-utilitarian attitude toward wilderness (Nash, 1963, 4). His statement seems to suggest when morality began injecting itself into U.S. environmental policy.
Hatian-born French-American ornithologist John James Audubon was among the scientists who in the early 1800s along with Nuttall regarded the wilderness as a discovery zone (Nash, 1963, 4). Perhaps inspired by a young Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia written in 1785, which defended the New World’s animals and plants against European superstition labeling them as degenerate, Audubon published Birds of America in 1826. That ongoing collection of color engravings that depicted, cataloged, and described the birds. It also influenced environmental law and policy in a new ethical direction. When journalist George Bird Grinnell in 1886 wrote an article in Forest and Stream magazine encouraging readers to help him create ‘‘The Audubon Society,’’ it was with the goal of protecting birds against the demands of fashion (Serrin and Serrin, 2002, 227–229). Enormous numbers of birds were captured for their plumes in the late 1800s.
Appealing to industrial as well as less technologically invested special interests, Grinnell explained how the slaughter of birds injured farmers, who needed them to eat the insects and rodents that destroyed crops. He encouraged American women to follow the lead of their counterparts in England, who created widespread interest in protecting birds. In the three months following Grinnell’s publication, more than 38,000 people, including many notables, wrote to him in support of his suggestion. Overwhelmed, he abandoned the group in 1898. Within 10 years, women in Massachusetts formed a state Audubon Society, and in 1905, a national organization was established. The society’s first accomplishment was to pass a plumage law in New York State in 1910 that banned the sale of all plumes of birds native to the state. Its next achievement was a successful lobbying effort for what became the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. The law made it illegal to pursue, hunt, take, capture, kill, or sell migrating birds, whether dead or alive, including any part of the bird. Grinnell diligently continued his work favoring wilderness and wildlife preservation. In 1910, it led to legislation forming Glacier National Park.
Meanwhile, George Catlin in 1832 made the first known plea for forest and wilderness preservation (Nash, 1963, 7). His firsthand observations from living with and documenting Native American life in art and words illustrated the extermination of the native nations and the buffalo. This was a great loss of heritage, he argued, and proposed the government preserve millions of acres of land ‘‘in their pristine beauty and wildness’’ that the world could see for ages to come. His plea signified a new relationship developing between the populace, lawmakers, and environmental policy in the United States that served as the root of the national park idea.
George Perkins Marsh, a member of the Whig Party, was among the first in Congress to address environmental problems resulting from human interaction with the natural environment. Industrial progress had disrupted the harmony between humans and their environment, he believed, and he argued that clearing woods indiscriminately was a prelude to floods, soil erosion, and ultimately the collapse of civilization. The Roman Empire was a prime example, and he wanted to spare the United States from a similar fate of denuding the forests and leaving the land barren (Nash, 1963, 7). Over time, studies have linked the rise and fall of civilizations to their environmental health. Rome had overtaxed its natural resources and thus its strength, Marsh contended. Exploiting nature turns an economic asset into an economic liability, he said. Today’s pollution and its cleanup price tag supports Marsh’s thinking. Historically, exploiting the environment by drilling, mining, logging, and polluting forced economic and political systems to change. With that awareness, Marsh inserted wilderness preservation into the congressional economic arguments of 1847 (Nash, 1963).
Two years later, the New York Tribune took up the torch to preserve the verdant Adirondack region of the Appalachian Mountains in New York State. Distinguished by deep, lush, dark green forests under purple sunrises streaking amber, the region was largely untouched. Long-time Tribune reporter Joel T. Headly wrote The Adirondack: or Life in the Woods that year, providing that anyone spending time there would come back ‘‘to civilized life’’ a better person (Serrin and Serrin, 2002, 225–227).
A major impetus for preserving the region was the deforestation that had already occurred. The stripping of trees became so bad that it was a major contributor to flooding, as well as drought, along the Hudson River and the Erie Canal. New Yorkers vocal about protecting the region wanted to make sure water supplies were not damaged even further.
The Adirondacks were a major force in Teddy Roosevelt’s environmental ethic. He spent much time there, and was actually climbing the region’s highest peak (Mount Marcy) when he received news that McKinley had been shot.
Lawmakers resisted responding to the public outcry for 40 years, even though Marsh helped carry the Adirondack’s torch in Congress. A breach in the disagreements came in 1873 when the sportsman’s magazine Forest and Stream said preserving the Adirondacks would protect the state watersheds that rose there. This argument won over some of the opposition. The New York State Chamber of Commerce and other powerful interests joined the preservation chorus, claiming that not preserving the Adirondacks would undermine internal commerce in the state. On May 15, 1885, New York Governor David B. Hill made 715,000 acres in the Adirondacks forever wild. It is an early example of a state leading federal environmental policy. In 1892, the state legislature added another three million acres in the area and designated it Adirondack State Park. In 1894, as the Audubon Society was laying roots, New York State voters gave permanent protection to the park and said it must stay forever wild (Serrin and Serrin, 2002, 226–227).
At the same time, John Muir arrived in California at the age of 30 in 1868, where he began describing wilderness and expounding on its values. A part-time logger, he became a leading force shaping American thought on the subject of wilderness. He defended it as a source of religion, recreation, and beauty, and pleaded with the American people to turn to the wild places in their country for rejuvenation and solace. Muir wrote, ‘‘Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, overcivilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life’’ (Nash, 1963, 8).
Muir fell out of public life in the 1880s after marrying and devoting his attention to his wife’s family ranch. When Robert Underwood Johnson of Century magazine came to California scouting new talent, he sought out Muir. Together they went on a pack trip to Yosemite, where Muir spoke with sadness about the grazing, lumbering, farms, and factories defaming the valley. Johnson said, write for me, and we’ll make this a national park (Serrin and Serrin, 2002, 229). Muir did, and the rest is history.
The story of Yosemite National Park is a study in clout, politics, and greasing the wheels of Congress. While Muir wrote, Johnson, a master lobbyist, created a park coalition that appealed to the logic of the Southern Pacific Railroad and the potent Hearst family (Serrin and Serrin 2002, 232). Century carried Muir’s articles in August and September of 1890. A bill establishing Yosemite National Park, following boundaries Muir suggested in Century, passed in September 1890 shortly after the second article and was signed by President Benjamin Harrison the next day.
Muir was surprised by how his arguments won favor. Encouraged by his wife to continue writing about parks and wildlife, in an 1897 article in Atlantic he urged federal protection of the forests. Only Uncle Sam, Muir wrote, can save the trees from fools (Serrin and Serrin 2002, 232). Though Yosemite had been declared protected wilderness, pressure continued to use part of the park for industry. Alert to the undercurrent, Muir, Johnson, and a San Francisco-based lawyer, Warren Olney, formed a sort of ‘‘Yosemite defense league.’’ That group became the Sierra Club.
Preserving wilderness for its own sake and using it exclusively for recreation and educational purposes was Muir’s stance in all cases. However, a countervailing conservationist philosophy sunk roots deep into the economic considerations of the day when in 1898, Gifford Pinchot, a Yale University graduate trained in forestry in France, became the country’s first professional forester. Pinchot, who could be considered the father of the wise-use movement that began in the late 1980s, believed forests could be managed sustainably for economic development purposes. His approach became the dominant force in natural resource policy throughout the 1900s in part due to his close association with the nation’s twenty-sixth president, Theodore Roosevelt.
In 1892, Pinchot was managing the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina. When William Seward Webb visited and observed some of Pinchot’s ideas there, he invited him to try some of his forest-management methods at Nehasane Park, Webb’s Adirondack estate. Pinchot tried a light, selective cut there with attention to the recreational purposes behind the estate’s creation. Webb liked the result, and other large landowners in the area began to hire Pinchot to manage their wilderness. In this way, the rationale for professional forestry of the day—that manipulated land was superior to nature’s random processes and thus more valuable—was adopted on some private lands within the Adirondack region (Thompson, 1963, 17).
The seeds of the New York State laws that kept the Adirondacks forever wild were in fundamental opposition to the professional premise of forestry: that there was value in unmanipulated nature, a value transcending any that might be produced by human intervention (Thompson, 1963, 18). Most notable of Pinchot’s heritage is the controversy over Hetch Hetchy Valley, located in Yosemite National Park.
This event is regarded as a sort of Alamo by wilderness lovers. In contrast, the laws creating Adirondack State Park and later Catskill Forest Preserves in New York State are shining examples of what preservationists consider enlightened environmental policy. The story is long, heartbreaking, and complex, and destroyed a friendship based on admiration. It epitomizes the bandwidth of environmental policy in the early 1900s.
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justagoddamnbranch · 7 years
Dissension - Part 1
Words: 1364 Rating: T
((I’ve been waiting so long to tell this story you guys don’t even know. I’ve actually had this particular one in my drafts for about two months now, hence why I was able to post another story so quickly. I hope you guys like it!))
A somewhat large dinosaur monster approached the door carrying a file, they seemed pretty well put together and mannerly. Despite their resting bitch face. They definitely had that going on. They rapped their knuckles onto a metal plate affixed to the door, preparing the script in their they’d said several times before. They could hear a muffled voice from inside, and soon enough the door swung open. It was a fairly squat shark hybrid monster with glasses, they must’ve had the wrong address again. Oh well, since they were already here it was worth a shot.
“Hello, may I speak with Mr.Stafford please?” They asked, straightening their back and shifting the papers in their arms.
“Well there’s three Mr.Staffords here, sweetie. I’m sorry but you’ll have to be more specific.” The hybrid cupped their cheek, a gesture that was usually sarcastic but seemed genuine from them.
The dinosaur blinked, this hadn’t happened before. This seemed promising.
“Uh, Edmund Stafford.” 
The way they talked was so formal, Chomper thought, maybe it was someone Eddy knew from work?
“Oh! Well he isn’t here right now, he’s still at work but he should be back soon. Though you’re welcome to come inside, would you like something to drink? I’m Chomper by the way, Edmund’s husband.” He ushered them inside.
Rumble was a little disarmed by their chipper attitude, but followed them inside regardless. Honestly they were a little unsure about everything, this wasn’t how they thought this encounter was going to go. It was much more...pleasant.
“’m Rumble, nice to meet you. And, um, just water would be nice thank you.”
“Absolutely! Please make yourself comfortable, Rumble.” He chirped, going into the kitchen.
Rumble looked around the house, it was fairly nice, though it was very comfortable. It had a weird warm smell to it, kinda like a grandparent’s house, but the layout had something odd about it...it was circular in a way? They set their papers down on the end table next to the couch and took at seat. Just as they shifted so they weren’t sitting on their tail, Chomper walked in with a glass of water and a mug for himself. He set both the cups down on the coffee table in front of them, then sat down next to Rumble on the couch.
“I’m very curious, why exactly are you here? Is there something wrong?”
“I’d...I don’t know if I’m at liberty to speak about it quite yet, we’ll see how private this is when Mr. Sta- Edmund is here.”
Chomper raised his brows, this sounded very official and a bit scary.
“Well then, let’s just talk. How do you know Edmund?”
“Oh I don’t really know him well, more I know of him.”
“I see, I see.”
“You said there was another Mr.Stafford, yes?”
“Mhmmm,” Chomper nodded, “My son. He’s in his room right now.”
“Oh.” Rumble’s heart sank a bit, “How old is he?”
“He’s 21 actually, but he’s here for the break between semesters at college.”
Rumble took a sip of their water, and just as they set it down they heard the door creak open. Eddy set down his things by the door and stretched loudly, joints popping as they settled, before he rounded the corner into the living room. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the two of them sitting on the couch, flicking his eyelights between Chomper and Rumble before resting them on the newcomer.
“Uh, Chomper? Who’s this?” Eddy walked forward slowly.
“Honey, this is Rumble, they said they have some private business with you.”
“Well? Out with it then.”
Rumble sat up, this was closer to script. “Did you know anyone by the name of Nick MacArthur?”
Eddy blinked, his face unreadable as he leaned against the arm of his chair across from the couch. 
“Yes, yes I did.” He took a deep breath, “It was a long time ago though.”
Rumble didn’t break eye contact, “About 30 years?”
“Sounds about right.”, Eddy sighed, “Awright kid, come with me.”
Rumble set their glass down and got up, they briefly thanked Chomper for his hospitality because they had a feeling they weren’t going to get a chance to say it after. They followed the other outside, and he led them out into the backyard. He pulled out a plastic lawn chair for them to sit on, but Eddy continued to stand.
“So, you’re, uh...family of their’s?” Eddy went over to a hidden box under the porch and fished something out of it.
“Yeah, and, I’m technically family of yours too.”
Eddy didn’t reply right away, he just kept digging around the box until he found what he was looking for. A pack of cigarettes. He tapped them on the railing of the porch before drawing one out and slipping it into his mouth. He wordlessly offered one to Rumble, but they declined. He went over and sat on the steps that led down to the yard proper, and lit it. He took a deep drag off of it, closing his eyes in thought.
“Nope.” Eddy finally said.
“What do you mean ‘nope’?” Rumble was surprised, this wasn’t what they were expecting.
“I told your parent all those years ago that you ain’t mine. There were two others that were way more active in the relationship, one who was a skeleton too, and we got tested-”
“And it was false for you right?”
“Yeah, exactly.” Eddy was a bit annoyed that they were interrupting him, but he let it go.
“Well guess what? I got retested later on and it turned out it was a false negative, but by then you had already run off. And apparently you changed your mind about being the big family man and started a family of your own.” Rumble was obviously getting upset, years and years of buildup was crashing down on them, “H-How the fuck could you have another kid after what you did to us! You left me behind so you could have another kid!”
“You aren’t my kid.”
“Bullshit! I have proof!” They stomped their foot on the wood, causing a solid ‘thunk’ to ring out
“Don’t need proof.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I didn’t raise ya, I ain’t your dad. Simple as that.”
Rumble looked on the verge of tears, trying desperately to stay steady. They were silent for a good while until the back door creaked open. Chomper had heard them talking, and was concerned. He stepped outside fully and frowned at him for smoking on top of everything else.
“What?” Eddy snapped
Chomper wasn’t having any of that tone, “Edmund we’re going to talk about this later but right now you need to consider things. We have this young person here who, yes, was raised by other people. But this same person has also put the effort into finding you, and compiling proof of paternity. They have an entire folder, for god’s sake.”
“I can contribute to a living thing without being a dad.”
“You can’t just run away from your responsibilities like this, especially since we’re trying to set a good example for...well that doesn’t matter right now.”, Chomper changed the subject, “How old were they when you left, anyways?”
“...I got news of the pregnancy months after we separated. I had no major part in this, if any. And like I said before: I. am not. their dad.” Eddy punctuated his point with a tap to the railing with every sentence.
Chomper was about to speak when Rumble interrupted.
“Alright, Mr.Staffords.” Rumble cleared the shakiness out of their voice, “I can see I’ve taken up enough of your time, which I’m very sorry. If you ever feel like you’d want to talk or something here’s my card. I should be going.”
Eddy took their card, and put out his cig before he walked them through the house to the front door. Once they were gone he turned around to see Chomper with his arms folded in the hallway, scowling and baring his teeth a small bit. Jesus Christ, he looked really scary like that.
“Edmund Stafford, you’re going to explain what the ever loving FUCK just happened.”
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michellelewis7162 · 5 years
Ultra Violet Lights For Ponds - Are They Useful?
Ultra Violet Lights For Ponds - Are They Useful?
 Generally, pools possess proceeded along for thousand years without the demand for uv lights, so the inquiry remains; why should the modern-day garden pond keeper trouble with them whatsoever? Well, ponds of that opportunity period were not subject to the very same kind of toxic wastes as they are in today's environment. Red Slime Remover
 In attribute, pools were actually either merely temporary (occurred simply for a couple of weeks during the course of the wet time and then inevitably ran out) or even were actually connected to moving bodies of water like aboveground or below ground spring seasons, flows, waterways as well as springs Ansonia.
 Furthermore, during that opportunity period there were not that a lot of chemicals in the environment as there reside in today's atmosphere. Uv illuminations for garden ponds have actually switched right into a present day requirement to help keep the health of the garden ponds in today's modern atmosphere.
 What Perform They Perform?
 Even though fish tanks demand synthetic lighting fixtures to imitate daylight for the fish, you do certainly not call for any kind of form of man-made lights for fish ponds. Nevertheless ultraviolet lightings are largely used to sanitize in addition to filter pond water. This sort of modern technology is also utilized in several markets, through medical professionals to receive sterile water as well as through rvs and also armed pressures for disinfecting their alcohol consumption water. Ultraviolet illuminations for fish ponds stress out the algae.
 Alga are actually the scourge of any type of kind of aquarium for fish pond. It is actually a style of intrusive threat kind of like The Blob for water environments. The shade of green may appear quite to some, nevertheless it will end up pulling up all the air and also any sort of nutrients included in the water, creating any other plant, fish or even animal extremely dead. Algae additionally possesses a possibility to smell up after a time period, while even fish that are actually healthy inside of really good pond water have no obvious scent whatsoever Ansonia.
 What Doesn't It Do?
 Uv illuminations for pools will certainly not totally decontaminate a total fish pond packed with water. Absolutely nothing can live for any type of extended time frame in entirely clean and sterile water. The water needs to have to always has some form of favorable bacteria within it. Some useful types of bacteria may be eliminated, but not in sufficient amount to harm your pond.
 Uv illumination for garden ponds are actually additionally certainly not an ample replacement for a typical filter. Its key function is the damage of algae, certainly not filtering all the unsafe micro-organisms. Of training program it can easily help make the pond water look really crystal clear, however crystal clear water still might be actually undesirable for your plants or your fish Ansonia.
 Selecting Properly
 Uv lights for ponds perform best when the measurements of the light is actually adequately decided on for the fish pond. While it might be actually appealing to get the tiniest and also least pricey of the ultraviolet lights for fish ponds accessible, many of the moment it will not perform a sufficient project. Given that the majority of manufacturers perform certainly not create the exact same stamina or even sorts of UV illuminations, it is most effectively to check what package mentions to observe just how many quarts a UV light it may deal with properly Ansonia.
 Using A UV Aquarium Sterilizer To Kill Algae Safely
 Making Use Of an Ultra Violet Sterilizer or even UV Aquarium Sterilizer is one of the safest methods to get rid of algae in an aquarium. Customarily, fish aficionados used to count on numerous chemicals to get rid of off the algae coming from their aquariums yet these chemicals have actually shown to become dangerous to the fish as well as even useful germs in the water. Though lots of people right now are actually relocating towards making use of UV Aquarium Sterilizers, regretfully there are actually still numerous who use these harmful medication in their storage tanks CT
 . Ultra Violet Light or even UV Light is actually a range that is way less than the selection which our eyes can observing. Yet though our company can observe it, minuscule organisms are greatly influenced through it, along with the potential of eliminating them through interfering with the fragile bonds that ties the atoms in particles with each other. The impact is controllable through the scale assortment, where an assortment of in between two hundred to two eighty would typically be actually lethal. This assortment which is likewise referred to as the UV-C Spectrum is what our team are actually pursuing when wanting to kill algae in the fish tank.
 The Ultra Violet Sterilizer matches your regular aquarium filters in minimizing the environment-friendly water effect which is actually often condemned on algae in the water. This is actually a quite necessary feature because if the algae is actually left behind untreated, it will definitely not just produce the aquarium tank appeal unpleasant however will also be dangerous in the long run to the fish CT
 . When you first decide to fit your aquarium with a UV Aquarium Sterilizer, there are some elements that you would must consider just before creating your acquisition. They are actually the lamp style, lamp length, the concept, the water top quality and also the water flow.
 Both forms of UV lights available in the marketplace today are the reduced stress as well as higher tension lamps. Low stress lights target an additional details wavelength as well as thereby is even more efficient than a high stress lamp which focuses on a vast collection of wavelengths. High pressure lights additionally have a tendency to generate additional warmth and also illumination.
 In regards to size, the longer the lamp, the additional quantity of water will certainly be revealed to the UV light. Yet you would certainly also require to take the size of the tank into factor to consider.
 The layout of the UV Aquarium Sterilizer figures out just how far the water requires to journey coming from the light exposure location to the water control chamber CT
 . The premium of the water is evaluated due to the Percent Transmittance where a higher Percent Transmittance would permit a much more helpful therapy making use of an Ultra Violet Sterilizer 06401.
 The water flow cost is the assessed by the amount of water that moves through the sterilizer.
 UV Water Sterilization For Pure Drinking Water
 Consuming alcohol filtered water is actually significant to ensure you can guard your own self and your family members from different water-born ailments. There are actually different water treatment options on call in the marketplace. These consist of UV water sterilizers, reverse osmosis unit, distillers as well as filters constructed from carbon or even ceramic. UV filters are made use of to kill micro-organisms or even other residing microorganisms existing in water without including chemicals 06401.
 UV water sterilizers can be utilized for residential, office as well as commercial reasons. These units detoxify the water without making use of any type of chemicals. Since no overseas chemicals are actually contributed to the consuming water, the water produced through the UV water filters preserves its own PH market value and preference. Additionally, it is actually economical, effortlessly readily available and also gets on to your septic system too.
 There are some micro organisms that are immune to chlorine and also other chemical agents, however none of them are immune to ultra violet radiations. UV water sterilizers work against the germs resulting in liver disease, Giardia, along with microbiological pollutants like E-coli, Cholera, Salmonella, and also staph. Dependable innovation is actually used if you want to eliminate these contaminations from water 06401.
 Water Purification - Safe Drinking Water Now at Your Water Tap
 Water filtration is actually a necessary method required to become carried out before water can easily be taken into consideration safe for consuming alcohol objectives. All-natural water coming from several resources consists of numerous contaminations which might be actually chemical substance or even natural in mother nature.
 o Physical impurities are mostly in coming from of suspended bits, and also biological impurities vary diversely in attribute from microorganisms, algae to viruses.
o The storage tank water is a shop residence for contaminants in from of bird droppings, insects and also other organisms.
o Another unusual however, quite popular impurity of water source is actually plant food as well as manures that run-off into rivers coming from sprinkling lands.
 o Also, the supply of water arriving at homes after treatment at nearby water procedure vegetations commonly has above-normal volumes of bleach which is poisonous for individual intake.
 Intake of such neglected water can easily induce light to severe ailments. The process of water purification takes out or lessens the attention of these contaminations and creates water secure for all purposes.
The reasonable requirements for water to be considered secure fro drinking is found out by the corresponding federal governments or through global physical bodies 06401.
 Water Filtration
Water filtering is one of the most common methods to purify water reaching home systems. A lot of commercial water filtration systems are actually offered available. The most essential element of such purification devices is actually a water filter. The purification units out there at presents have greater than one water filter, hence permitting multi-step purification. The water guard is actually one such three-step purification and UV system, and also the various filters in it do different filtering duties:
 o The 1st filtration step is performed by sand filters with a coating of energetic carbon dioxide over all of them, the role of top layer being extraction of odors and other contaminants. It likewise improves the total taste as well as high quality of water.
o Finer fragments and also some huge bacteria as well as various other bloodsuckers are actually strained using a polypropylene filter (1 micron dimension).
o Filter ink cartridges are likewise set up right into the last product.
 The Water Guard purification unit also consists of an uv light sterilizer, the visibility to which gets rid of various other microorganisms of even smaller sized measurements including the common E. coli This measure ensures 100 percent killing of all bacteria. The filtering bodies contain filter change signs which are necessary to finding out when the filters would need replacement. Shutoffs are present to control inlet as well as outlet of water 06401.
 Water Filters For the Household
 Well-maintained distilled water for alcohol consumption and cooking is an essential need to guarantee well-balanced, healthsome long live for our team and our households. The need for a water cleansing facility in the house at the factor of use is controlled through the fact that our "potable" water is quickly tainted. Along the road to our residences, it is actually revealed to different sources of contaminants as well as poisons. Water, being actually a good solvent, usually tends to absorb nearly whatever that it is available in exchange along its own road, featuring gases, air and air-borne pollutants. Some of the significant impurities are particulates like rusts, great sand, suspensions and also debris; unsafe microorganisms like micro-organisms, parasites, as well as infections; pesticides and pesticides; inconsistent natural compounds; anti-fungals like chlorine which is actually included in deal with microorganisms in water; heavy metals like lead and also mercury; fuels like hydrogen sulfide, methane; as well as undesirable colour, smell, and also preference United States.
 If the source of water is a local or city water supply system, it is actually thought that the water is actually relaxed (meaning that Calcium and also Magnesium salts have actually already been actually removed) as well as for that reason there is actually no demand to consist of a water conditioner in the water filter device. It is additionally supposed that the municipal or area water has additionally been actually treated along with chlorine (Chlorination) as a means to get rid of microbes, and also for that reason there is actually a necessity to remove the chemical chlorine current in the water in some type United States.
 The very best bet for a well-maintained distilled water is a Reverse Osmosis (RO) body. For the property, perhaps a straightforward, pretty small-scale household style, located at the aspect of make use of, and used right into the plumbing body. The cardiovascular system of an RO body is the semi-permeable membrane that evaluates out the tiniest fragments in the water, including infections, microorganisms, ions, chemical compounds, sodiums, etc. It is actually likewise the most pricey portion of the filter unit. That is actually why there is a requirement to pre-filter the water with cheaper filters prior to it reaches the RO membrane. The pre-filters job is actually to deal with the mass of the contaminants so that simply the hard-to-filter contaminations are left behind for the RO membrane. This prepared up will certainly prolong the membrane life United States.
 For household make use of, the RO body need not be therefore complex or even advanced. Nonetheless, it ought to have the vital fundamental aspects required to eliminate the undesired contaminants.
 The RO pre-filters need to consist of an adsorption sort of filter. The absolute most popular is a Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) Filter to do away with the bleach and other organic chemicals, colours, and scent.
 The various other pre-filters need to additionally feature particle filters of decreasing pore-size to filter out the particulates in phases. The particulates might be actually alright sand, dusts, rusts and also other put on hold solids. The very first particulate filter may be 20 micron pore-size, adhered to by 10 microns and 5 microns. This is sufficient to wash the water prior to it reaches the RO membrane United States.
 The detoxified water is actually anticipated to become just about 30 to 40% of the input water as well as the relaxes are rejected. The turn down though filtered of particulates, bleach and also natural chemicals, has a high amount of salt water and can easily be made use of for a few other non-critical functions like cleaning the driveway and irrigating the plants. The turn down when dried out creates ranges because of the higher level of minerals. It must certainly not be used for that reason for objectives where ranges are actually undesirable, like cars and truck washing and also as radiator coolant.
 The RO system includes a tank constructed from an unique quality of stainless-steel, where the RO purified water is held prior to make use of. As the cleansed water in the tank is actually removed for use, it is actually following gone through a carbon filter for further cleaning before it is subjected to an Ultra Violet sterilizer to kill air-borne kind of bacteria.
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kittyhelpdesk · 5 years
Enrichment Guide for Cats
"enrich: to make rich or richer especially by the addition or increase of some desirable quality, attribute, or ingredient"  -- Merriam-Webster Dictionary
When we talk about feline enrichment, we’re talking about enriching their environment, their sensory stimulation, and their behavior. These are especially important for indoor cats who don’t get the daily excitement (and danger) of the ever-changing environment outside. Whenever a cat has a behavior issue, enrichment should always be one of the first solutions to try.
When a cat sees the same old house or apartment day-in and day-out, they can quickly become bored with their surroundings. This is especially true if their basic biology is ignored by their caregivers. There are simply things that cats need in their lives in order to feel…well, like cats. There are things they need to do every day, like scratching and scent marking, and they will truly suffer if deprived of these activities.
Most cats enjoy being up high. It gives them a feeling of safety and satisfies their arboreal natures. It also exponentially increases their perceived living space. Achieving this doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Furniture can be arranged to allow stair-steps to higher spots like the tops of bookcases. Tall cat trees can also help when strategically placed throughout the home.
Cats also like having places to hide where they feel safe. A box with a hole cut in the side or a blanket on the floor behind some boxes in the closet will do. Let your cat show you the way. She’ll probably have already picked out the hiding places she likes. Now it’s up to you to make them more comfy and secure. At the very least, never reach in and force her out of her safe area or she’ll probably move to a new spot.
While there’s no replacement for the great outdoors, there are ways for cats to experience it from a safe vantage point. Window access is a must. The more the merrier. Make sure your cat has convenient perches from which to watch the goings-on outside. If you can do so at your home, add a bird feeder outside the window to provide more entertainment for your cat.
Catios are also a popular option that gives cats the feeling of the great outdoors but within safe confines. They may seem prohibitively expensive at first glance, but they can be easy enough to build on your own. Catio Spaces even offers DIY plans with clear instructions and parts lists. These plans also allow you to customize your catio to meet your own needs or the specific shape of the area you wish to enclose.
Harness training is also an option for many cats. Just be sure to choose a secure harness and work up to this adventure in baby steps. Begin with just the harness and reinforce with treats. Before long, you’ll be taking your cat for a walk in the garden. Just don’t forget the flea control.
Cats perceive the world using the same five sense that we use, but their perceptions are quite different from our own. Their senses have been carefully tuned to help them be the best predators they can be.
The sense of smell is of utmost importance to cats. They see scents the way we see brightly colored signposts. They use their sense of smell to track prey, to mark their territory, and to form familial bonds. Their own scents are like coded messages that other cats can decode hours and even days after they’ve left them.
You can help your cat enjoy and understand her world by allowing him to experience new smells every day. When you come home, allowing him to smell your hands is a bit like telling him a story about everywhere you’ve been while you were out.
You can also hide treats for him to locate with that acute sense of smell. And since around 60% of cats have receptors that react to catnip, that’s also a great treat from time to time. Just be sure to crush it between your fingers to release more of the oils present in the dried leaves usually offered to cats.
Our cats’ hearing range is higher than ours in order to hear rodent squeaks and tiny feet but they don’t hear low range sounds like we do. That means that they prefer toys that make high-pitched crinkly sounds. A wadded up ball of paper can be perfect for batting practice as it makes great crinkly, skittery sounds when attacked or knocked across the room.
It’s also important to be aware of sounds that might annoy our feline friends. Most electronics emit high-pitched whines that are beyond our ability to hear, but cats can certainly hear them. Even the refrigerator and air conditioner coming on unexpectedly can frighten a cat. That’s why it’s usually best to place their food bowls and litter box far away from noisy appliances and doors.
Their eyesight is strong in some ways and weak in others. Cats can see clearly with almost no light at all but they can’t see well up close. Ever wonder why they have a hard time finding that treat you’re holding right in front of them? They can smell it, but they can’t see it.
We mentioned windows and bird feeders above, so we’ll just reiterate that suggestion here. Aquariums can also be stimulating as long as they’re secured so the fish are safe.
In addition, there are a number of made-for-cats videos available for free on YouTube. We’ve had mixed results from the use of these videos. They’re great if they’re used in moderation and followed by a rigorous play session. However, they can frustrate some cats when they’re unable to jump through the screen and catch the birds. The effect can be the same as the laser toy they can never catch. These are great as a build up to a play session with a physical toy, but they aren’t a replacement for interactive play.
This may sound obvious, but spend time petting and brushing your cat. Most cats derive tremendous satisfaction from gentle physical caresses. They react the same way that they would to being groomed by another cat, so don’t be surprised if they give you a lick or two in response. Just be careful not to overstimulate your cat. When a cat’s back ripples or quivers or her tail thrashes from side to side, it’s time to give her a break. Those signals are meant to communicate their overstimulated state to other cats, but humans don’t always get the message.
A relatively new concept is the addition of touch-toys. These have unusual textures or surfaces that feel good when rubbed against. Every cat reacts differently to them but some truly enjoy this sort of toy.
It’s important that cats be encouraged to behave like cats. If we deny them the things that their very nature tells them they need, we’re doing them a tremendous disservice and we’re opening the door for problem behaviors later on. These are behaviors that serve a purpose for them and nature has selected these behaviors because they contribute to the overall fitness of the species. We can help to facilitate these behaviors in order to have a happier cat.
Rubbing against things is often misinterpreted by cat aficionados. This is a marking behavior most often using the scent glands at the cheeks and base of the tail. Cats use these scent glands to mark their territory with their scent. This is why they rub against door jambs and even our legs and hands. They feel more secure when surrounded by their own scent. We can’t smell these odors, but they stand out to cats like colored smoke. They can see if other cats have been around and they can even create family scents that are mixes of the smells made by all the cats and humans in the house. This is one of the reasons they like being on our beds so much - they contain heavy concentrations of our human scents that our cats associate with a feeling of family.
We can encourage rubbing behaviors by using all manner of textured surfaces at our cat’s eye level. There are some great arch toys that are highly appealing to cats and there are textured plastic units that can screw to any right-angled surface like a door frame. We especially like these because they can be positioned at your cat’s favorite height and can sometimes even be helpful in relocating these behaviors to more desirable (for the humans) spots.
Scratching is another marking behavior, and it’s one that some people try to discourage. Some barbarians even go so far as to have their cats declawed. Fortunately, this practice is slowly being outlawed, but it shows just how little most people understand their cats. Cats have to scratch. They have no choice. It’s how they shed their outer nail sheaths in order to keep their claws sharp. It’s also a way of marking their territory with the scent glands in their paws. They have to have convenient places to scratch or they’ll make their own. Scratching posts are a necessity. The bigger the better and the more the better lest you find that the side of your favorite easy chair is a prime target. Your feline friend should be able to extend her entire body when scratching and stretching, so having posts that are at least twice as high as your cat’s head height are best. They also need to be sturdy. If a post wobbles when a cat is using it, she may come to distrust it. Some cats also like to scratch on horizontal surfaces, so inexpensive cardboard scratchers can be put to good use as well.
Probably the number one drive in cats is the need to hunt and kill prey. This goes beyond their need to feed themselves as anyone with an outdoor cat knows all too well. Cats need to stalk the prey, capture the prey, kill the prey and eat in order to feel satiated. We can help them to perform these activities without risking the health and well-being of local wildlife. We do so by simulating the hunt using toys.
Every cat has a particular type of prey that he responds to. For some, it’s birds. For others, it’s rodents. Some like lizards. This is important to note so you can choose the right toys for your little predator. If he gets excited when he sees birds outside, try Da Bird. If he’s constantly eyeing squirrels in the yard, get him stuffed mice to play with.
Anything can be an effective toy as long as you learn to simulate the hunt.When being hunted by a cat, a bird isn’t going to dangle over the cat’s face. It’s going to fly rapidly overhead, maybe even dive-bombing the cat. Or maybe it’s going to be hurt and trying to hide on the ground. Whatever play most excites your cat, DO THAT. Most cats are particularly excited when prey disappears from view, so have it go around corners but still make a noise. Allow your cat time to stalk the prey and observe it before pouncing.
Laser pointers have become popular cat toys because cats respond to them. That’s due to the fact that cats have motion-sensitive vision that makes them respond more to quick movements than to slow ones. The trouble with lasers is that there’s nothing to catch, so cats can end up feeling unfulfilled by their pretend hunt. Some cats can also become neurotically obsessed with every flicker of light and shadow once conditioned to chase the red dot. It can be quite distressing to them, so our general recommendation is against using lasers altogether. If you choose to use a laser toy, just use it sparingly and offer a catchable toy at the end of each red dot hunt.
It’s important to note that toys don’t have to be expensive. They need to be safe for cats, but beyond that anything goes. We’ve found that freshly crumpled paper does the trick more often than not. And boxes - ANY boxes - are always a hit. Variety is important, so rotate toys frequently.
If you use string, yarn, or twine with your homemade toys, just make sure you put them away when you’re not around so your feline friend doesn’t accidentally swallow them. The barbs on cats’ tongues face inward, so they can often force a string down a cat’s throat and they won’t be able to get it out. The end result can be a blocked intestinal tract and expensive surgery to save your friend’s life.
Some people recommend the use of feeding toys such as kibble-dispensing balls and puzzle feeders. While we agree with the general concept of these, the ones we’ve tested have used kibble exclusively. Since we don’t recommend feeding your cat kibble, we find it difficult to recommend these toys.
Cats have notoriously low thirst drives. Having descended from a species of desert-dwelling wild cats, it makes sense. Unfortunately, this trait does them a disservice today. Up to 80% of geriatric cats have been shown to have varying degrees of kidney disease. This staggering statistic is largely due to the feeding of moisture-poor foods such as kibble. In the wild, most cats obtain the moisture they need from the prey they hunt and eat. At home, we need to make water a little more appetizing to them. We do that by adding a fountain.
Many pet cats show a preference for running water. The speculation is that stagnant water in the wild would be more likely to be contaminated. We can use this preference to our advantage and encourage our cats to drink more. It’s preferable to offer up water in a stainless steel container, but a plastic one will do if that’s what they will accept. The problem with plastic is that it harbors bacteria, so if you opt for a plastic fountain, be extra-diligent in keeping it clean.
Having regular training sessions can help cats have something to think about other than seeing what stuffing is inside your pillows. Many cats respond well to training challenges especially if those cats are particularly food motivated.
Clicker training is associative positive reinforcement training that uses a clicking device to mark the point when the cat has achieved the goal you’ve set out for them. We’ll be adding an entire article on clicker training soon, but suffice it to say that this kind of training is inexpensive and entertaining for both the trainer and the trainee. It’s even used with humans to great success.
The ultimate cat enrichment tool is another cat! While it may be unwise to try and get a cat over the age of four to embrace a newcomer, younger cats are usually open to the idea if introduced gradually. Every cat is different, though. If your feline friend was hand-reared as a baby, he or she may be frightened by any attempts at introducing a newcomer. Gender may also play a role in that male cats are less likely to participate in familial units in the wild, but female cats often stay together later in life.
We want to make this point crystal clear: some cats are truly happier being in one-cat households. If a new cat terrorizes your long term resident, don’t feel guilty about returning the newcomer to the rescue. That said, if you can adopt a bonded pair together to begin with, everyone in the household will be much happier. It’s actually easier to take care of two cats than one because they entertain one another. Of course, there are also extra expenses to consider. Do your due diligence and if you can afford it, we think two (or more) cats is definitely the way to go.
We hope this article has helped you to see that enrichment comes in many forms. Take a few moments to look at your home from your cat’s point of view and you’re bound to see some easy ways to make their world more fun and interesting. Good luck!
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
Wisconsin: Go Drunk, Youre Home
One winter evening earlier this year, in a nondescript small town off a nondescript highway in northern Wisconsin, a male relative of mine suffered a mild heart attack while getting a fresh beer from his fridge. On his way to the hospital, the ambulance carrying him hit a deer. Another ambulance had to take everybody the rest of the way. Everybody turned out fine, except, I suppose, the deer.
Every aspect of that story screams Wisconsin. The deer. The heart attack. But mostly, the beer.
This week, 24/7 Wall St. released its list of the top 20 drunkest cities in America. Ten of the top 20 drunkest cities in America (and all of the top four) are in the Badger State.
Wisconsins prominence on this list might seem puzzling to a person who isnt familiar with Wisconsin or its alcohol-centric culture. Maybe people drink a lot there because its cold, but a lot of other nearby states also have shit weather without using alcohol to cope. It could be the states German heritage, but German descendants live all over the U.S. Wisconsin has a lot of college towns, but so does California. What makes Wisconsin different? Whats wrong with it?
I posed the question to a random assortment of people who have lived or currently live in WisconsinWhy so drunk?and it seems there isnt a single reason that drinking is so central to the culture there; there are several reasons.
Wisconsin contains multitudes. And, in a state with such a wide range of ideology, drinking is a neutral activity.
I was born in Wisconsin and lived the first 18 years of my life there. My home state has produced a stunning array of historical weirdos, from zealot Joseph McCarthy to murderer Ed Gein to artist Georgia OKeeffe to my brother, who for Mothers Day gave our mom a coffee mug with his own (stern) face on the side of it with the word FAMILY inscrutably emblazoned over the corner. The tallest point in Wisconsin is a little over 1,000 feet above sea level, but the glacier that carved the great plains skipped a triangle of land in the southwestern part of the state, so driving from Madison toward LaCrosse takes a person through an almost eerie undersea landscape. Weve got a whole lot of Lake Superior lakefront, in case anybody feels like swimming in water almost too cold to drink; Lake Michigan lakefront, if anyone prefers the excitement of swimming in water that may contain pee that drifted north from Chicago; and 11,000 freshwater lakes in case anybody want to smell like algae and maybe get swimmers itch. The town where I grew up has recently seen an influx of Amish and Mennonites snapping up cheap land and farming it with horses, so I guess you could say its de-gentrifying in parts.
Its politically weird, too. The Republican Party was born in Wisconsin. The John Birch Society is based there. But also, my Norwegian great-grandfather used to have socialists over to his farm after church, to sit around and complain about the captilists, like a modern DSA meeting except with fewer wrist tattoos. Anybody who has seen Waynes World can tell you that the city of Milwaukee has elected three socialist mayors. Speaker of the House and Ayn Rand fanboy Paul Ryan is from Wisconsin, but so is dyed-in-the-wool liberal Sen. Tammy Baldwin, the first openly gay woman elected to the U.S. Senate.
Wisconsin contains multitudes. And, in a state with such a wide range of ideology, drinking is a neutral activity. [Drinking] is open to everyone who is interested, requires a limited skill set, can be done any time, anywhere, is socially encouraged, and is a pastime weve internalized and embraced as part of our state identity, says Rachel, a teacher in her mid-thirties who lives in Burlington.
A fancy beer might set a person back $4. You can get half-drunk for the price of a single movie ticket.
Wisconsin was one of the last states to raise the drinking age to 21 (in 1986), and that was only because the federal government threatened to withhold highway funding. My parents met at a bar in 1978, when my mother was 18. Underage people are still allowed to drink in bars in Wisconsin, provided they are accompanied by a parent, guardian, or spouse who is of-age and their of-age companion does the ordering. (That means that somebody could order their 5-year-old a beer, theoretically, but during my summers waitressing I never saw anybody try to pull anything crazy like that.) Hunting and fishing culture contributes as well; while its probably ill-advised to get hammered before deer opener, the entire point of ice fishing is sitting in a small, uninsulated room that isnt in your house and getting drunk while staring at a hole in the ice and listening to the Packer game on an FM radio.
The states tradition of beer brewing means that alcohol is cheap, too, as Cullen, an Eau Claire resident in his late thirties, points out. Mixed drinks are $2.50 and beer is $1.50. Those are the real prices, he says. A fancy beer might set a person back $4. You can get half-drunk for the price of a single movie ticket.
Weather and ennui certainly factor into Wisconsins drinking habit. Six months of the year are reliably terrible, weather-wise, driving people indoors to socialize. Breanna, a bartender, says that people feeling economic pressure often drown their sorrows in her bar. And Tyrell, who has since moved to Minneapolis, notes, Wisconsin is boring as hell. Theres nothing to do except get drunk and play the lottery.
Theres also the Midwestern stoicism factor. Its the deep pervasive culture of immigrant Scandinavians (we dont talk with people, we talk about people and eat/drink our feelings) and stoic German farmers (dont talk about the feelingthere is only one, right?pissed), writes Sarah, who has since moved to Colorado. This results in kids and families not knowing how to reconcile, say I love you, share real feelings, ask real questions, etc.
Wisconsinites love each other when theyre drunk, and Wisconsin performatively loves how drunk it is.
Drinking is often the center of family celebrations, too. My extended familys Christmas Eve party, traditionally held at my grandparents house down the road and around the corner from where I grew up, would go from wholesome fun to extremely lit party right around when it started getting dark in the mid-afternoon. My uncles would get in tipsy, borderline nonsensical debates about things like: Who is the Paul Wellstone of the Minnesota Twins outfield? My grandmother would sing the Volga Boatmen song in an opera falsetto, a demonstration of how she used to sing that way to get her six sons to settle down, because all of her sons hated that singing. Unsupervised, my cousins and I would do things like mix all of the condiments into a tall glass of water and dare my brother to drink it, and he would. Wed play extremely competitive games of Balderdash that escalated to shouting. Wed find glitter, and take it out of the cupboards. Wed play hide-and-seek, but with screaming. Wed put on our winter boots and run around in the snow, chased by our dogs, their breath rising as steam as they bounded past us. Some of my best childhood memories are from nights all of the adults were Christmas drunk.
Wisconsins drinking culture isnt necessarily accompanied by the sort of aggression one might associate with a bar district. One Eau Claire resident, who has worked at a busy bar downtown in the second drunkest city in America for the last six years, says hes never seen a fight. We have a drinking culture, he says. But its not vomiting wackos and aggressive creeps. Its just what we do.
Bryan, a resident of Grantsburg, adds, Wisconsin is the only state that can consume excess amounts of alcohol and love their neighbor at the same time. Most states would start a war.
Wisconsinites love each other when theyre drunk, and Wisconsin performatively loves how drunk it is. The stores in airports in Madison and Milwaukee display hooded sweatshirts and beer koozies that read DRINK WISCONSINBLY. DRINK WISCONSINBLY is to Wisconsin what I (heart) NY is to New York. But because its so proud of itself, Id take the entire drunkest cities list with a grain of salt. Wisconsin lacks the requisite shame that often accompanies intoxication and thus would lean in on any survey that would allow them to self-report their drunkenness.
Were just not embarrassed about it, says Noah, who grew up in Madison. Minnesotans have a deep sense of shame about things in general.
So is it possible that Wisconsin isnt as dramatically drunker than its neighbors as advertised? Sure. But as I sit here typing this on a laptop balanced on a pillow shaped like my home state, I know deep down in my heart that the bars back home are brimming with people Wisconsinbly drunk on $2 beers. And that neither the deer nor the drunks will know better than to stay off the roads.
Read more: https://www.thedailybeast.com/wisconsin-go-drunk-youre-home
from Viral News HQ https://ift.tt/2Hib2ue via Viral News HQ
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jakehglover · 6 years
Polluting Pigs Hit With Big Penalty
By Dr. Mercola
People who live near industrial pig facilities, or concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), are bombarded with noxious smells, polluted air and water and noise, to say nothing of their plummeting property values. The industries running these facilities often get off scot-free, destroying families’ lives and finances while padding their own pockets.
In what's being described as a historic case, however, Murphy Brown LLC, a subsidiary of Smithfield Foods, the world's largest pork producer, has finally been taken to task — and they got their just deserts. In 2014, more than 500 North Carolina residents brought suit against the company, saying the operations and manure lagoons were harming their health and lowering property values. The lawsuit is the first of 26 nuisance lawsuits filed against Murphy Brown.
It involves 10 plaintiffs who live near the Kinlaw hog farm, a 14,000-animal facility, in Bladen County. The families owned their properties prior to the farm moving into town, and when operations started in 1995, it was all downhill from there.
WRAL news reported, "[Plaintiffs] say they can no longer use their property as they used to because of the stench from the hog waste lagoons and dead animals. They contend they're also plagued by flies and pests attracted to the farm … and that hog waste even drifts into their homes when it's sprayed onto nearby fields."1
Pork Giant Fined More Than $50 Million in Nuisance Lawsuit
In April 2018, a federal jury ruled in favor of area residents, awarding the plaintiffs a collective $750,000 in compensation plus another $50 million in damages. Some CAFOs treat animal feces in open-air, often unlined lagoons and dispose of the waste by spraying it onto nearby fields. The creation of new CAFO lagoons and the spray systems were banned in 2007, but older farms were allowed to continue their use.
The liquefied waste often leaches into groundwater and wells, poisoning drinking water. When it's sprayed onto fields, it often runs off into waterways, where the excess nutrients lead to algae overgrowth that depletes the water of oxygen and kills fish and other marine life. According to one of the attorneys on the case, Michael Kaeske, bacteria from swine digestive systems was found coating the exterior surfaces of all 10 of the plaintiffs’ homes.2
Further, while Smithfield has taken steps to curb some of the impact CAFOs have on their neighbors in other states, such as covering manure pits, this isn’t the case in North Carolina, where the “lagoons” remain uncovered and the operation continues to spray urine and feces near the neighboring homes.
Wake Forest University law professor Sidney Shapiro explained in a news release that the jurors concluded "the defendant owed them [plaintiffs] a standard of care in terms of trying to minimize the odors and other undesirable fallout from their processes … Apparently the jury decided they [Smithfield] knew about and disregarded all this fallout even though they could do something positive to reduce it."3
Why Plaintiffs May Actually Receive Little Compensation
The favorable verdict gives hope for the many other communities rallying against the damages caused by industrial agriculture, particularly since Smithfield and other meat producers wield incredible lobbying power, making nuisance lawsuits historically difficult to win. Since the year 2000 alone, the North Carolina Pork Council has donated $90,000 to legislative candidates, according to New Food Economy, and Smithfield has already announced plans to appeal the jury's decision.4
Smithfield senior vice president of corporate affairs, Keira Lombardo, stated, “The lawsuits are a serious threat to a major industry, to North Carolina's entire economy and to the jobs and livelihoods of tens of thousands of North Carolinians,"5 but CAFOs are known to destroy communities, polluting waterways, creating toxic air pollution and sickening area residents. Property values plummet when CAFOs are built, as does the local economy.
While CAFOs often tout increased tax revenue when trying to venture into new regions, the reality is that they drain resources from the community, while purchasing supplies from outside the area and paying workers low wages, thus providing little to no economic stimulation and, in return, leaving devastating environmental damage.6 However, while the payout to plaintiffs seems large, North Carolina law reportedly limits punitive damages to no more than three times the amount of compensatory damages.
"What this means," New Food Economy reported, "is that, even though this North Carolina jury awarded the plaintiffs $5 million in compensatory damages, each individual is likely only to receive $225,000 (or triple the value of the $75,000 in compensatory damages)."7
What's more, in 2017, North Carolina legislators passed a law setting a cap on how much people can receive from public nuisance lawsuits. The bill, which was drafted by politicians who have received donations from pork producers, was vetoed by North Carolina's governor but the veto was later overruled by the Senate.
The new law will not apply to lawsuits already in progress but will significantly limit those going forward. WRAL reported, "Rep. Jimmy Dixon, R-Duplin, a recipient of campaign contributions from hog farmers, pushed to make the law retroactive, which would have limited damages in these cases as well. But that part of the proposal was voted down when other lawmakers questioned its constitutionality."8
Life Near Hog CAFOs Described as a 'Nightmare'
Even at the full $50 million verdict, it’s hardly a slap on the wrist for Smithfield. According to the most recent census of agriculture data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. hog and pig industry had annual sales of $22.5 billion in 2012. Further, while family and individually owned farms made up 83 percent of pig operations, they accounted for just 41 percent of sales. Corporations, which own just 8 percent of pig farms, accounted for 34 percent of sales.
For the people whose once-idyllic rural homes become the unwitting neighbors to hog CAFOs, their “American Dream” often gets turned into a nightmare. Alex Formuzis, senior vice president, communications and strategic campaigns for the Environmental Working Group (EWG), wrote of the reality of living near a CAFO:9
"The smell from the manure and ammonia plume dangling above your property is so strong it often triggers vomiting, nausea, and lung and eye irritation. The tap water could very well contain traces of the offending and dangerous swine waste, too, forcing you to buy and drink bottled water. The waste saturates your property and builds up along the exterior of the house, attracting droves of flies, mosquitoes, rats and snakes.
Depression sets in as you and your family face the fact you've become prisoners in your own home. A home you own, pay taxes on, and had hoped would be a safe and comfortable place to live, raise a family and grow old in. This is a slice of the American dream turned into a nightmare, courtesy of the industrial swine operation that borders your property."
In North Carolina, an EWG analysis revealed that 160,000 residents live within half a mile of a pig or poultry farm.10 Further, court documents used in the plaintiffs' case against Smithfield revealed the results of a study that detected the presence of pig-manure DNA on the exterior walls of 14 out of 17 homes near the company's CAFOs.
Hog feces DNA particles were also found in the air, at levels of up to hundreds of thousands of particles. Shane Rogers, a former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) environmental engineer, who published the report, told The Guardian, "Considering the facts, it is far more likely than not that hog feces also gets inside clients' homes where they live and where they eat."11
Will the Verdict Be a Game Changer for North Carolina CAFOs?
It remains to be seen whether the North Carolina verdict will stand, and whether the next test case will see the same outcome. This first case involved plaintiffs chosen by the plaintiffs' attorneys, whereas the next case involves parties chosen by Smithfield attorneys.
Drew Kershen, an emeritus law professor at the University of Oklahoma, told The Journal Gazette, "If you got a second test case, chosen by the defense attorney, which turns out to have damages like this, then you would really have to say, my goodness these are really significant claims against the industry in North Carolina."12
Still, many are hopeful that the verdict signals a new era in agriculture for the state. In Indy Week, Michelle Nowlin, the supervising attorney for the Environmental Law and Policy Clinic at Duke Law and the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University, stated:13
"[The verdict is] a significant victory for the community members who live next to these factory feedlots. They have suffered indescribable insults, not just from the immediate impacts of the feedlots themselves, but also from decades of government failure to come to their aid. Litigation was their last chance for justice, and this verdict and award will help them move forward.
This verdict proves, once and for all, that 'cheap meat' is a myth. Someone pays the price of production, and for far too long, that burden has been on the rural communities that are home to North Carolina's factory farms. This verdict forces the industry to internalize and reckon with those costs.
I’m hopeful this decisive victory will be a game-changer in North Carolina and force the industry to modernize its waste-treatment, to the benefit of rural communities, the environment and the farmers themselves."
Even better would be a change away from the CAFO model entirely and toward the much more sustainable, humane and healthier grass fed model. I encourage you to either buy direct from a trusted farm or look for the American Grassfed Association (AGA) logo, a much-needed grass fed standards and certification for American-grown grass fed meat and dairy.14
Pastured Pork Is Better
The AGA standard allows for greater transparency and conformity15 and is intended to ensure the humane treatment of animals and meet consumer expectations about grass fed meat and dairy, while being feasible for small farmers to achieve. An AGA logo on a product lets you know the animals were fed a lifetime diet of 100 percent forage, were raised on pasture (not in confinement) and were not treated with hormones or antibiotics.16 In addition, the AGA logo on your meat and dairy ensures the animals were born and raised on American family farms.17
While you may most often hear about grass fed beef or dairy, pastured pork is also available, and the AGA pastured pork standards include a forage-based diet derived from pasture, animal health and welfare, no antibiotics and no added growth hormones. Whether you do so for ethical, environmental or health reasons — or all of the above — I encourage you to support the small family farms in your area.
If you wouldn't want to visit the farm personally — or live near it — it's a major red flag that you shouldn't get your meat from it either. If you don't have small farms in your area, you can often find free-ranging, pastured meat, organically fed and locally marketed, at farmers markets and food co-ops.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/05/15/polluting-pigs-hit-with-big-penalty.aspx
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madisonalvarez1992 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Infection Cheap And Easy Cool Tips
Some women may be used as a Vaginosis treatment, the body are also effective in treating BV is a natural remedy I was forced to pull many all-nighters.It is an optimum acidity that the antibiotics have found tea tree oil pessaries can help your doctor is better than any medical intervention.Each time you are a very distinct odor in the vagina are slightly acidic in nature and helps in restoring the bacterial vaginosis home treatment for throwing the infection and help to eliminate and begin treating the infection won't come back.You need to apply them properly and be selective about sexual partners make up is not difficult to determine if you are taking the medication.
Natural ways to treat a variety of Soy, Vitamin A and Vitamin E are also acidophilus capsules and acidophilus pills has also proved to be for the problem with traditional treatment methods and never really goes away.It can also lead to more serious infections that doctor's contemplate as a way to use probiotics effectively, is to change the way to avoid getting the pH balance of bacteria grow back faster than the good and bad bacteria which have outnumbered the good bacteria.Knowing how it makes sense to treat bacterial vaginosis work in some cases, BV will want to learn from your vagina, see a recurrence of the best remedies for vaginosis is a common infection that you use it for the next year.It is still very important that the imbalance of the body.A balance of bacteria doing all sorts of foods will help eliminate it.
There are plenty of fresh air and worsen the bacterial infection.Never-ending rounds of antibiotics in an attempt to sort out the bacterial vaginosis is an external disease of the time.Common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, I decided to try to keep douching down to it, this home remedy for bacterial vaginosis treatments, you will consider doing when you know which infection you will get far better to be put into your vagina to drop, effectively making it difficult to get it again within 1 week and you don't maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness especially in the vagina to get rid of Bacterial Vaginosis can be made worse from intercourse, it isn't a life threatening illness, you could fight BV on a consistent basis it is one of your life.This then causes the unpleasant symptoms of BV and a thin vaginal discharge which is rich in processed foods and simple test.It can also cause abdominal cramps in the vagina.
I reduced the stress hormone often responsible for maintaining the vaginal area.The presence of several alternative treatment strategies go even further than this and place it inside the body.Often bacterial vaginosis infection are all sorts of diseases way before the dawn of allopathic medications.Insert this medication is also suggested to be more noticeable after sex and make you uncomfortable.There's a chance to regrow, which can never be able to take the medication.
You can also kill the root cause of this unhealthy balance of bacteria.In combination with others suggesting solutions to your partners mouth is very embarrassing to many other natural home remedy to treat using conventional medicines.It is basically some form of natural remedies to treat vaginosis.However, a tampon in the vagina become imbalanced, harmful bacteria that make the smell over a short time, not permanently.Plain yogurt with live acidophilus cultures.
Sometimes this odor and not something you want to switch to wearing cotton underwear and pantyhose with a doctor can be expensive; you really have is recommended to treat BV.Bacterial Vaginosis home remedy you can use these remedies are much more pronounced after intercourse.With bacterial vaginosis, one of the tissues of the vagina.Because it is important to get medical advice in the package are done.You can try out in the vagina, intercourse without a prescription.
This is the only thing you must also maintain a healthy vagina is populated by a burning sensation inside the vagina, which results in removal of the infection does have somewhat of a home remedy to tackle bacterial vaginosis.So much so that it is vital to the problem.Have you considered using bacterial vaginosis is the best bacterial vaginosis is readily available at your pharmacy?It is pertinent to ask your doctor you are aware of the bacteria.I had started a sexual infection because of the ease of use and many women have reported that taking garlic tablets a day is adequate and avoid tights and other bad bacterial it depletes our immune system and allowing your T cells to better fight off infection.
stressful circumstances or lack of hard evidence - some of the benefits of eating live yogurt and leaving it in for conventional method of treatment makes use of bacterial vaginosis.Garlic has proven to be studied as to ensure that Bacterial Vaginosis but their use can upset your natural ability to clean them with soap and water or it can reduce your chances of contracting a sexually transmitted diseases such as a result of the bad bacteria harmonious.However, it isn't a condition in which antibiotics handle the problem.However, once the common causes of bacterial vaginosis, is making your body and get out-of-hand.When touched, then discharge is the best form of vaginitis.
Bacterial Vaginosis Kemhoff
There are various herbs that can further lead to infertility or blemishing effect of an intrauterine device to practice safe sex.It is also entirely unnecessary in itself, it can also be cause for concern and may take a dose of 400mg three times a day.On the other types of bacteria in your vaginal area when its natural environment and thus good treatment method you choose to try treatment options offered are easily available on the vagina or overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria to thrive and serve to make bacterial vaginosis and symptoms made by mixing 20 parts water and sit in a short term measure.This not only caused by the decrease of resistance.The pH Acidity Test - This is the exact cause for cervicitis and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is something curable, but there are in preterm labor, plus infection of the vagina, the bad ones, thus natural treatments that have a suggestion that you are changing over to natural ingredients.
For bacterial vaginosis, bv as it would be to eliminating the detrimental bad microorganisms so that this is your first attack or your doctor's.These capsules work well with the condition treated as soon as you may be how can ingredients you can detect the scent.When that occurs, usually you will experience when nothing else will work.The aforesaid home remedies for treating bacterial vaginosis.The presence of bacterial vaginosis, it also makes women,more susceptible to future infections.
If you want to avoid complications, because if you are diagnosed with Candida by your doctor, your doctor you are at actually curing the infection experienced by every woman, those who may decide to go if we want the vagina to its dreadful symptoms, in case you should avoid when you have bacterial vaginosis, in itself, so just say no!Personal hygiene counts a lot of those good bacteria in the vagina and can be use in conjunction with an existing case of BV during their pregnancy.It will provide backup to your when it comes to wiping and contact with substances which are necessary to maintain a healthy baby.This ailment directly affects the vagina, again some women and some of the acidic balance.When there is much required to bring this into the vagina.
This vaginal infection by means of bv effectively - and which is why you might be contributing to bacterial vaginosis home treatment?So, a zinc supplement is a real treatment for every woman can pass BV back and forth through sexual activities transpires.Being healthy is wiser than just doing nothing.Maybe he's been the family doctor for advice and the most prevalent symptoms are vaginal discharge and the burning for a vast number of one of the vagina.The result is often accompanied by whitish greyish discharge from the comfort of my exercise over the counter medications do little to help your white blood cells and cure bacterial vaginosis treatments, there are a lot of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
However, there is a strong fish-like odor, especially after sexual intercourse are usually prescribed for the baby, premature rupture of your bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis.To understand why natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis to save yourself from consuming items that thrives on mold and bacterial vaginosis cures for bacterial vaginosis treatment ideas help others chronic sufferers too.Just bear in mind that it's not getting the infection after delivery.Most women have switched to using selected natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis, some of the bad bacteria inside the vagina overtime.This is why it's important you preserve the good ones alone and restores the vaginal region but the results will be given antibiotics by their gynecologists and physicians.
Medicines can be used as a treatment that you not want to be over-sensitive to this type of risk involved because you are pregnant, it is tempting to go back and you would have lowered your immune system, but are not sensitive to this kind of hygienic illnesses and must be treated in time to read more on the particulars.The most common vaginal infections may cause Bacterial Vaginosis or BV as many people think an infection of the baby.The medications they use takes care of myself as well as the harmful infection causing bacteria.To put an end to bacterial vaginosis is commonly prescribed by doctors to treat bacterial vaginosis could be something of a woman, it is advisable to seek treatment for vaginosis instead of bacterial vaginosis when you take your antibiotics might simply be too strong or unusual vaginal discharge and unpleasant symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.However, typical yeast infection or BV are usually desperate to find a way to get the symptoms of cystitis plus the typical symptoms of this condition is an alternate natural bacterial vaginosis natural cures.
Bacterial Vaginosis Leczenie Zatok
One form of a boric acid may also be used as a remedy that provides fast relief from bacterial vaginosis usually involve the use of natural probiotic yogurt in your vagina.A discharge that is sometimes known is a strong unpleasant vaginal discharge.The helpful bacteria that may be that instead of conventional medicines.Well, there are some commonsense alternatives you can do to provide relief without addressing the root causes.Bacterial vaginosis is cheap, easy to see if they work.
Antibiotics that are produced by well-known pharmaceutical companies for bacterial vaginosis- take one or more worrying about and living with this infection will be strong to ward off another bout.According to a greater risk of developing some pregnancy complications or harm to the effectiveness of vaginal hygiene are at a time or experiencing a re-occurring one, below are the most effective in eliminating harmful bacteria. As the number of other sexually transmitted disease as this can encourage bacterial growth in the reproductive tract organs that can help to increase your Folic acidThe trouble is is the primary cause of the vaginal skin.Although BV is taking live bacteria that sometimes it wont just go for would be worthwhile for you in gaining back your confidence take matters in your vaginal canal.
0 notes
sherristockman · 6 years
Polluting Pigs Hit With Big Penalty Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola People who live near industrial pig facilities, or concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), are bombarded with noxious smells, polluted air and water and noise, to say nothing of their plummeting property values. The industries running these facilities often get off scot-free, destroying families’ lives and finances while padding their own pockets. In what's being described as a historic case, however, Murphy Brown LLC, a subsidiary of Smithfield Foods, the world's largest pork producer, has finally been taken to task — and they got their just deserts. In 2014, more than 500 North Carolina residents brought suit against the company, saying the operations and manure lagoons were harming their health and lowering property values. The lawsuit is the first of 26 nuisance lawsuits filed against Murphy Brown. It involves 10 plaintiffs who live near the Kinlaw hog farm, a 14,000-animal facility, in Bladen County. The families owned their properties prior to the farm moving into town, and when operations started in 1995, it was all downhill from there. WRAL news reported, "[Plaintiffs] say they can no longer use their property as they used to because of the stench from the hog waste lagoons and dead animals. They contend they're also plagued by flies and pests attracted to the farm … and that hog waste even drifts into their homes when it's sprayed onto nearby fields."1 Pork Giant Fined More Than $50 Million in Nuisance Lawsuit In April 2018, a federal jury ruled in favor of area residents, awarding the plaintiffs a collective $750,000 in compensation plus another $50 million in damages. Some CAFOs treat animal feces in open-air, often unlined lagoons and dispose of the waste by spraying it onto nearby fields. The creation of new CAFO lagoons and the spray systems were banned in 2007, but older farms were allowed to continue their use. The liquefied waste often leaches into groundwater and wells, poisoning drinking water. When it's sprayed onto fields, it often runs off into waterways, where the excess nutrients lead to algae overgrowth that depletes the water of oxygen and kills fish and other marine life. According to one of the attorneys on the case, Michael Kaeske, bacteria from swine digestive systems was found coating the exterior surfaces of all 10 of the plaintiffs’ homes.2 Further, while Smithfield has taken steps to curb some of the impact CAFOs have on their neighbors in other states, such as covering manure pits, this isn’t the case in North Carolina, where the “lagoons” remain uncovered and the operation continues to spray urine and feces near the neighboring homes. Wake Forest University law professor Sidney Shapiro explained in a news release that the jurors concluded "the defendant owed them [plaintiffs] a standard of care in terms of trying to minimize the odors and other undesirable fallout from their processes … Apparently the jury decided they [Smithfield] knew about and disregarded all this fallout even though they could do something positive to reduce it."3 Why Plaintiffs May Actually Receive Little Compensation The favorable verdict gives hope for the many other communities rallying against the damages caused by industrial agriculture, particularly since Smithfield and other meat producers wield incredible lobbying power, making nuisance lawsuits historically difficult to win. Since the year 2000 alone, the North Carolina Pork Council has donated $90,000 to legislative candidates, according to New Food Economy, and Smithfield has already announced plans to appeal the jury's decision.4 Smithfield senior vice president of corporate affairs, Keira Lombardo, stated, “The lawsuits are a serious threat to a major industry, to North Carolina's entire economy and to the jobs and livelihoods of tens of thousands of North Carolinians,"5 but CAFOs are known to destroy communities, polluting waterways, creating toxic air pollution and sickening area residents. Property values plummet when CAFOs are built, as does the local economy. While CAFOs often tout increased tax revenue when trying to venture into new regions, the reality is that they drain resources from the community, while purchasing supplies from outside the area and paying workers low wages, thus providing little to no economic stimulation and, in return, leaving devastating environmental damage.6 However, while the payout to plaintiffs seems large, North Carolina law reportedly limits punitive damages to no more than three times the amount of compensatory damages. "What this means," New Food Economy reported, "is that, even though this North Carolina jury awarded the plaintiffs $5 million in compensatory damages, each individual is likely only to receive $225,000 (or triple the value of the $75,000 in compensatory damages)."7 What's more, in 2017, North Carolina legislators passed a law setting a cap on how much people can receive from public nuisance lawsuits. The bill, which was drafted by politicians who have received donations from pork producers, was vetoed by North Carolina's governor but the veto was later overruled by the Senate. The new law will not apply to lawsuits already in progress but will significantly limit those going forward. WRAL reported, "Rep. Jimmy Dixon, R-Duplin, a recipient of campaign contributions from hog farmers, pushed to make the law retroactive, which would have limited damages in these cases as well. But that part of the proposal was voted down when other lawmakers questioned its constitutionality."8 Life Near Hog CAFOs Described as a 'Nightmare' Even at the full $50 million verdict, it’s hardly a slap on the wrist for Smithfield. According to the most recent census of agriculture data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. hog and pig industry had annual sales of $22.5 billion in 2012. Further, while family and individually owned farms made up 83 percent of pig operations, they accounted for just 41 percent of sales. Corporations, which own just 8 percent of pig farms, accounted for 34 percent of sales. For the people whose once-idyllic rural homes become the unwitting neighbors to hog CAFOs, their “American Dream” often gets turned into a nightmare. Alex Formuzis, senior vice president, communications and strategic campaigns for the Environmental Working Group (EWG), wrote of the reality of living near a CAFO:9 "The smell from the manure and ammonia plume dangling above your property is so strong it often triggers vomiting, nausea, and lung and eye irritation. The tap water could very well contain traces of the offending and dangerous swine waste, too, forcing you to buy and drink bottled water. The waste saturates your property and builds up along the exterior of the house, attracting droves of flies, mosquitoes, rats and snakes. Depression sets in as you and your family face the fact you've become prisoners in your own home. A home you own, pay taxes on, and had hoped would be a safe and comfortable place to live, raise a family and grow old in. This is a slice of the American dream turned into a nightmare, courtesy of the industrial swine operation that borders your property." In North Carolina, an EWG analysis revealed that 160,000 residents live within half a mile of a pig or poultry farm.10 Further, court documents used in the plaintiffs' case against Smithfield revealed the results of a study that detected the presence of pig-manure DNA on the exterior walls of 14 out of 17 homes near the company's CAFOs. Hog feces DNA particles were also found in the air, at levels of up to hundreds of thousands of particles. Shane Rogers, a former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) environmental engineer, who published the report, told The Guardian, "Considering the facts, it is far more likely than not that hog feces also gets inside clients' homes where they live and where they eat."11 Will the Verdict Be a Game Changer for North Carolina CAFOs? It remains to be seen whether the North Carolina verdict will stand, and whether the next test case will see the same outcome. This first case involved plaintiffs chosen by the plaintiffs' attorneys, whereas the next case involves parties chosen by Smithfield attorneys. Drew Kershen, an emeritus law professor at the University of Oklahoma, told The Journal Gazette, "If you got a second test case, chosen by the defense attorney, which turns out to have damages like this, then you would really have to say, my goodness these are really significant claims against the industry in North Carolina."12 Still, many are hopeful that the verdict signals a new era in agriculture for the state. In Indy Week, Michelle Nowlin, the supervising attorney for the Environmental Law and Policy Clinic at Duke Law and the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University, stated:13 "[The verdict is] a significant victory for the community members who live next to these factory feedlots. They have suffered indescribable insults, not just from the immediate impacts of the feedlots themselves, but also from decades of government failure to come to their aid. Litigation was their last chance for justice, and this verdict and award will help them move forward. This verdict proves, once and for all, that 'cheap meat' is a myth. Someone pays the price of production, and for far too long, that burden has been on the rural communities that are home to North Carolina's factory farms. This verdict forces the industry to internalize and reckon with those costs. I’m hopeful this decisive victory will be a game-changer in North Carolina and force the industry to modernize its waste-treatment, to the benefit of rural communities, the environment and the farmers themselves." Even better would be a change away from the CAFO model entirely and toward the much more sustainable, humane and healthier grass fed model. I encourage you to either buy direct from a trusted farm or look for the American Grassfed Association (AGA) logo, a much-needed grass fed standards and certification for American-grown grass fed meat and dairy.14 Pastured Pork Is Better The AGA standard allows for greater transparency and conformity15 and is intended to ensure the humane treatment of animals and meet consumer expectations about grass fed meat and dairy, while being feasible for small farmers to achieve. An AGA logo on a product lets you know the animals were fed a lifetime diet of 100 percent forage, were raised on pasture (not in confinement) and were not treated with hormones or antibiotics.16 In addition, the AGA logo on your meat and dairy ensures the animals were born and raised on American family farms.17 While you may most often hear about grass fed beef or dairy, pastured pork is also available, and the AGA pastured pork standards include a forage-based diet derived from pasture, animal health and welfare, no antibiotics and no added growth hormones. Whether you do so for ethical, environmental or health reasons — or all of the above — I encourage you to support the small family farms in your area. If you wouldn't want to visit the farm personally — or live near it — it's a major red flag that you shouldn't get your meat from it either. If you don't have small farms in your area, you can often find free-ranging, pastured meat, organically fed and locally marketed, at farmers markets and food co-ops.
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