#all the rb tags say they’re both images
a-tian · 3 years
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agent-aquato-and-co · 2 years
Milestone Dtiys!
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The dtiys is officially over!! I’ll be announcing winners in a bit, thank you to everyone who entered :D
First off, hi from Otto!!! I know I’ve continued to make a show out of being ridiculous with how often I mention it, but really, I do appreciate the interaction on this blog! I struggle to commit to projects, even ones that I’m genuinely attached to, and the support has helped make it all the more easier for me to return to this and keep it going- even if my updates can be sporadic.
So!!! I’ve decided to do a dtiys to celebrate 500 (560 at this time, actually!!) followers!
If you don’t know, ’dtiys’ stands for ”Draw this in your style.” And its an art challenge where you redraw the original image in your own style! Which actually leads me to my first thing! (Please read all of this before starting, btw! Under the read more)
You don’t have to specifically redraw this image!
I’ll accept anything that is art of Raz, Lili, or both of them, doing whatever! You’re absolutely allowed to choose to redraw this image as your entry, but if you want to do something else? Go for it! I’d love to see unique content of these two!
There will be a prize at the end!
I’m still unsure if it will be a raffle to choose who wins, or me picking which one I like the most (I think I’ll determine it based on how many submissions we get? If there’s a small amount of entries, I’ll just raffle it?) but regardless, I intend on reaching out to a winner at the end to draw them something, which we can negotiate once they’re chosen! (I don’t want anyone to think I’ll cheat out whoever wins, so just know that it won’t just be like. A messy bustshot with no color. I’ll do something worthwhile! Just nothing too scary big GHJRBGKBERH)
Additionally, I’m not sure if it’ll be just one winner? I don’t expect many people to participate, but if enough do, I’ll expand to a 2nd and possible 3rd place prize!
Final Date is July 16th!
I know people are preparing for Art Fight next month, and some might just be busy in general, so I figure a month until a winner is chosen is a safe end-date! If submissions stall before then and activity dies, I might cut it early, but don’t worry about me cutting it off early without warning. If I choose to pick early, I’ll give advanced notice!
And of course, obviously nothing explicit or gross, out outwardly hateful in your submissions, but that should (hopefully) go without saying.
Here’s a link to their OG refs, and here’s a link to where you can find all of Raz’s pin designs, if you choose to go that far FKSJBGKDFGBK
Use the #AACDtiys tag for your posts and be sure to tag me in it! (You can tag this blog or my main one, either works!) In order to avoid clogging up this blog, I’ll rb all entries to my main: @quigley-yy !
I think that’s it! I’ll be rb-ing this post a few times to make sure no one misses out! Please rb to spread this around! I absolutely am not limiting this to only current followers, new ppl can join as well!
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kiwinatorwaffles · 3 years
hi guys
now that ive been using tumblr more why dont i make a real intro?
hi im kiwi and welcome to my blog!
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i also go by fels/waffles and nathan/nate, but kiwi is generally preferred unless you already know someone named kiwi and need a way to distinguish.
as you’ve probably guessed, i’m aroace!
i use both she/her and he/him pronouns, but honestly use whatever’s funniest. like call me bro if you want. my gender is The Bit. (but i only use gendered terms/honorifics)
i am a multifandom... kinda? i mean i rb stuff relating to my interests
but my main fandom for now is hermitcraft + hermit-adjacent SMPs, and on the side there’s legend of zelda, ace attorney and cookie run ovenbreak. also i never shut up about the loathing games so if youve played any of them.... put your fingers in my enclosure i wont bite i prommy
feel free to use my art for icons, banners, edits, dubs etc as long as you credit me.
i’m also a mod for @thelinkconvention (although i can’t check notifs very often) and i’m totally not a mod for @evilxdoodles but you should check it out wink wink nudge nudge
a lot of my art ideas and fics are co-written by my best friend and partner in crime @skyspersonalhell :D
i try my best to write image descriptions for my art (which i put in the alt text) but i’m not always consistent :’] i appreciate any IDs people write for me!
VDHAU masterpost for those who want it!
check out my store on etsy!
please don’t tag my work as ships if i don’t tag/specify it myself 👍 i can’t stop you but i would prefer not to have my works misinterpreted. you can check under the cut for my more detailed stance on shipping!
please do not bring discourse to my page. don’t make me tap the sign.
open up the cut for my tags, page content warnings, boundaries/full shipping stance, and other socials!
my tags!
art- #kiwi’s scribbles random thoughts- #kiwi’s calls writing & headcanons- #orchard’s library asks- #birdhouse inquiries homemade memes- #kiwi’s shitpost central oc content- #kiwi’s ocs (individual stories are tagged with the "original story: __" and "fandom ocs: __" format but you can check out my toyhouse for more actual stuff)
a masterpost of silly misc tags on my page can also be found here!
i might end up drawing possible triggering content! here are some things i draw:
blood, gore, and violence
dark and heavy material
general spooky content sometimes
gay people /j /j /j /j
my page also includes lots of swearing and all caps! if you dont like that then it probably isnt the best choice to follow me.
i filter any triggers with # ___ tw and keep in mind i do also use the #cursed tag for filtering those type of posts if you know what i’m saying just a heads up
here is my full stance on shipping! please read it if you are wondering about my boundaries! but the tl;dr of that post is that while i am not against shipping, please do not take it to my page if i don’t mention it myself 👍
there are certain ships i am really not comfortable with, so please don't take it personally if i block you for that reason
like i said earlier, please do not tag any of my works as a ship, unless i specify it myself! i mean you CAN i can’t stop you but i’ll probably end up blocking you for my own comfort. nothing personal
as mentioned before, do not bring discourse topics onto my page! any asks or comments about discourse will be not be dignified with a response and promptly deleted!
if the discourse pertains to something i posted, then please do inform me with a reason why i was wrong! however, if you phrase it like a callout or discourse, i will be treating it as such and deleting it!
if you want to learn more about me, here’s my carrd! it includes other socials as well as a (kind of loose) byi.
i don’t have a specific dni, but i do block people who make me uncomfortable. i also don’t interact with people if they’re weird.
i'm kind of on a hiatus on instagram but if you still want to check it out -- @ kiwinatorwaffles for my main and @ kiwisnotgay for my doodles/alt. you can check out my original characters in more depth on my toyhouse, which is also @ kiwinatorwaffles!
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 4 years
Unpopular Opinion /lh /rp
Talking about dSMP character’s heights and sort of their body types? Not in a weird way just in a ‘how I imagine them’ way. Loosely based off of their irl heights, but some of them I don’t know, so it’s mostly guesswork and vibes. Also if you disagree you’re wrong. (Just kidding leave your ideas in the tags/replies)
Obviously this is all roleplay/character stuff. None of it is intended to be weird or to reflect on the irl people! I’m just having fun with headcanons :)
Tommy is 6′3 and very very lanky. This child is not short. Stop drawing him short. He’s taller than Techno. He’s not as tall as Wilbur, but he’s tall. He towers over most people. Emphasis on most because everyone is so tall on this server what the hell? 
Anyway I think the mental image of this super tall kid actively trying to make himself look shorter/smaller is heartbreaking. Like imagine him curled up into a corner trying to make himself as unnoticable as possible in Logsted. Imagine him slouching when living with Techno to try to make himself seem like less of a ‘problem’. Imagine Dream telling him that he’s a ‘big strong man’ and that he shouldn’t need help, he can defend himself, so when he goes back to Tubbo, he tries to make himself look *tiny* as a cry for help. He wants comfort.
But he’s also incedibly skinny. Back in L’manburg and Pogtopia, he developed some muscle from all the fighting. His shoulders broadened out and he looked slightly intimidating. But like most teenage boys, he was still lanky as hell. This only got worse when he was exiled to Logstedshire, with little food (and no drive to eat the food, or get up, or exersise) he became more malnourished and he just looked *small* despite being 6′3. This probably isn’t helped by the constant use of golden apples when he moves in with Techno, which give him energy and strength but no real nutritional value. Techno was just trying to get the kid to eat normally. When he finally stands at his full height, Techno is shocked that he didn’t notice all the slouching.
Anyway Techno is 6′2. He’s taller than a lot of people but not as tall as his brothers. He makes up for this with muscle and strength and a healthy body. Wow, the only healthy person on the server. Amazing. You love to see it. Good for him. He could win in a battle of raw strength against anyone else on the server. He’s quite broad, which makes him look bigger generally.
Wilbur is 6′5 and also he is a stick. Just. Straight up and down stick. Nothing there! He is just a pale sickly stick. This gets worse the further into the timeline you go. When claiming L’manburg and fighting in the war he starts to get insomnia, causing him to look like a corpse half the time. When in Pogtopia, he’s too busy to take care of himself properly, so he only looks worse and worse. His hair is a mess, his skin is far too pale, and he only eats enough to be able to hold his own in a short fight. There’s a reason he doesn’t wear armour or really try to fight at all. He’s subconciously self-destructive, then actively so when he blows the place to the ground. He’s always been too busy for self-care.
Ghostbur is a much more healthy, younger version of Wilbur. I would say he’s ‘water rising’ era Wilbur. The life returned to his body, in a morbid kind of way. He’s still tall but he prefers to make himself seem shorter just to be less threatening.
Phil is 5′11. He has an average build, with slight muscle from the years of playing in hardcore. He’s older, now, but he can still kick your ass. Also, he taught Techno how to fight smart, not hard. He doesn’t need to be super strong because he’s intelligent enough to outwit most people on the server. He has a wordly knowledge that others don’t possess. He also has wings, large and grey, clipped so he could get onto the server (there is a no flying rule after all).
Fundy is... 5′10, just a little shorter than Phil. His fox genes make him smaller, despite his father being 6′5. He’s got a healthy, svelte build. He’s sneaky and light on his feet. In the wars he built up some muscle, but it was quickly lost since he prefers to take a backseat to any fighting outside of those times (especially now) and he’s built for spying.
Schlatt is an interesting one because a lot of people are gonna fight me on this, but he’s not actually old. Everyone calls him old but honestly I think he’s younger than Wilbur (in canon, I feel like Wilbur is in his late 30s, early 40s, simply because). I think Schlatt’s around 35-ish, but he looks older due to his shitty health. People call him an old man either to demean him or because they see his actions and appearance and go ‘yeah, this guy is old’. Which is fair enough, because irl Schlatt and c!Schlatt both act like they’re from the 1950s.
This guy looks like shit by the end, but he looks alright at the start. Slicked-back hair, sharp ram horns, golden animalistic eyes. He’s intimidating. And loud. Then everything shifts, right towards the end. He’s frail and deteriorating throughout his short presidency, and by the end of it he’s practically a corpse, just like Wilbur.
He’s 6′3, with broad shoulders and a silhouette that seems strong not only because he carries himself as if he can fight, but also because of the percieved power that comes along with it. In reality, Schlatt is a poor fighter, and the abuse he ends up putting his body through (working out excessively to try to fight his condition, and turning to alcoholism as an escape) completely destroys him, making him probably one of the least healthy and weakest people on the server. It doesn’t really show until his death scene, since he’s covered up the deterioration since day one. Basically, mans is dead. 
Glatt, or Ghost Schlatt, or whatever you want to call him, would be a healthier Schlatt. Again, from the ‘water rising’ era. I headcanon him to have longer hair in that era. Not sure why.
Ranboo is the same height as tommy, but is more naturally lithe than made that way by lack of food. His enderman DNA can be blamed for that. He’s healthy most of the time, but may have spirals where he doesn’t take good care of himself (perhaps he forgets) and he looks pretty bad. If he goes a few days without keeping up his self-care routine, he looks a lot worse than he actually is. Sleep tends to be his biggest issue, his mind keeping him awake all night and leaving him looking like shit in the morning. Really, he’s just a kid with a troubled soul, and it shows sometimes. Most days, though, he looks very well put together.
Tubbo. He’s 5′6. He’s more childlike than Tommy, which only makes it worse when he acts in the way he does in season 2. He has burn scars across one side of his body, from his execution, and he is partially blind in one eye because of it. He takes very good care of himself, since he has to look good while being president if he wants those sweet sweet approval ratings. But when he’s super stressed, he will pull all-nighters and forget to eat. He’s got a lot of issues, but his body is very normal and healthy, all things considered. 
Quackity is 5′8. Which is really funny because that’s his actual height. He’s less sharp (?) than a lot of people on the server, but he has some muscle because he’s constantly training to ‘take down Technoblade’ (in reality, it’s a habit he picked up in Schlatt’s era, and never had the heart to drop). He tries his best to stay healthy (again, to better kill Techno) and he’s careful with his life, knowing that it’s his last.
Niki is 5′5. She’s also able to kick so much ass. That is all.
Dream is a bitch and therefore I will not be discussing him. Also he’s a blob or whatever so I guess height is irrelevant. Or maybe he’s a mysterious figure with a mask. Who knows.
No one else is important enough to talk about /j (but really I’m tired so I will stop here). Put your own thoughts in the comments, tags, and rbs. This was all in good fun, so don’t get mad haha.
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yttd-joe-obsessed · 3 years
Welcome to the Daily Joe Posting Lands!
Hello hello!
This post will give basic info on how this account will have stuff organized!
or will have stuff organized after the old posts because as of now I am not planning on going through all of my old posts and changing them up-
But anyway! Here’s the tags that I’ll most likely be using! These ones don’t go deep into categories and such, they’re mostly just the basic things to sort stuff out
So here’s a basic outline of the tags:
#joe images- images that contain Joe in them will be tagged with this!
#joe rambles- text that talks about Joe will be tagged like this!
#joe rambles and images- posts that have both will be tagged like this!
#joe only- posts that are only about Joe will be tagged like this!
#joe and friends- posts that are about Joe and the other characters will be tagged like this! Will also be tagging the characters!
#hallucination joe- posts with the scary red man that keeps Sara and me up at night will be tagged like this!
And now, the less Joe-related tags! Plus some other stuff! Putting these under a read more, so if you wanna know em, click the read more to check em out!
Those who don’t click on the read more, I still hope you enjoy your stay!
I honestly wasn’t expecting anyone to click the read more but um-
Here are the less Joe-related tags:
#not 100% joe related- posts that might mention Joe but aren’t really about him will be tagged like this!
#account rambles- posts that mainly talk about this account will be tagged like this!
#yttd crossovers- posts that are crossovers of yttd with another franchise will be tagged like this!
#yttd au- posts regarding AUs of the game will be tagged like this! Will also tag the AU!
#yttd ship post- posts regarding ships will be tagged like this! There will also be a tag with the name of the ship!
#reblog- reblogs will be tagged like this!
#rb- reblogs will also be tagged like this!
#personal beans- more personal posts will be tagged like this!
#not joe related- posts with no Joe at all will be tagged like this!
#not yttd related- posts not related to the game will be tagged like this!
#yttd spoilers- spoilers will be tagged like this! If there’s another franchise spoiler in the case of #yttd crossovers, then there will also be a tag regarding said spoiler!
#original-ish- posts thought up of and made by me will be tagged like this! This includes any drawings, edits, or just random rambles I do!
#not by me- posts that weren’t thought up of or made by me (not counting reblogs because duh) such as Nankidai sketches or the 4-komas will be tagged like this!
Those should be all of em, but expect more to be added soon!
There will, of course, be character tags. Using Sara as an example, the tags for characters other than Joe will be like #sara chidouin and #yttd sara.
However, in cases where a character has multiple names, I will also be tagging those!
Examples include:
#jou tazuna and #joe tazuna as well as #yttd jou and #yttd joe, as I’ve been doing so far
and #midori doll and #real sou hiyori as well as #yttd midori and #yttd sou
For Shin I’ll just be using his real name instead of the name Sou since it makes things easier for me lol
And now! Something that no one asked for! A meet the mod section!
Aka Imma just say my name and how I found out about yttd lol
Name’s Nahi, but Ink works too! Found out about Your Turn to Die near the end of 2020 and now it seems like I can’t really escape! So here we are, and I hope I don’t forget about this account any time soon ^^;
And that should be everything! Hope you enjoy your stay!
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jeongahn · 4 years
✨ HEHE HELLO MY SUN! 95hua is my gfx and 17joshua is my gif portfolio blogs - Bea 💓
(Don’t) Creator’s send me a  ✨ + your creations tag and I’ll talk about some of your pieces I love! Bea’s creations (gfx) and her gifs and her blog @joshuahong (I still want to tag joshsua, it’s been literal YEARS)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - How do I make this short. Bea. I truly love your work so much, that when I tried to go through your archive from 2015 and onward - all my brain did was “oh that’s a fave. no wait that’s a fave. that one too. OH but THIS ONE-”. I’m not exaggerating. Every single piece. So to keep this condensed, I’m only going to talk about the pieces that gave me the visceral “!!!” because I remember how floored I was at the piece. Just know that EVERY piece you’ve done gives me that reaction. So this ask? This ask is now my own personal hell because I don’t know how to choose 3-5 pieces that I love more than the other. But I will try. This is more of a “walk down memory lane,” - in which I recall how much the piece amazed me at the time it was posted. This might seem long but let me tell you - this is as condensed as I could possibly make it. Like I am pulling my own teeth trying to mention just a FEW of these pieces that I really love. I need a drink. GOD this is obnoxiously long I don’t know what to do.
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(1) (2) (3)These graphics are so heavily ingrained in my mind that I’m now realizing how much this inspired some of my graphics I did years later. Like??? It set the tone for what I value in a piece of work LOL. And when I look back at my own work now - I can see how much of these “lessons” I incorporated.
For (1) in particular, I adored the bleeding effect on the surrounding gifs! And how each panel bled into one another through those wisps.
 In (2) the COLORS just had me squirming like a delighted little sausage. It fit Seventeen’s image at the time so well. It was youthful, colorful, fresh. Everything that Akkinda was at that time. I LOVED the sparkles and the fucking TREE. Ugh that was truly one of the best graphics I saw at the time. 
In (3) - the way you oriented the text was amazing. It was a lot of text but the way you spaced it out and added these visual breaks made it so easy to digest. Like one panel is text heavy. Then another panel is image heavy with a bit of text.Then there’s a gif panel with more text but also spaced out with more image. The balance is fucking incredible Bea. And literally - that’s how my own mind is programmed to make gfx now so it’s nuts seeing that it might have been influenced by your own methods I viewed over the years. LORD, I should call you professor?
Very few things I never heal from. This manipulation of Jeonghan and Joshua from the Chocolate MV? Is one of them. The Chocolate MV in general? Is another. But okay I recall how I gasped because of how GOOD this was. It’s still hitting me. Your brain is so sexy Bea. Also, I’m bummed we never got Mint Jeonghan. But like, who cares? Bea edited a mint Jeonghan and that’s all I’ll ever need. I would literally frame this LOL. Like I’m half considering slapping it onto my corkboard just so I can look at it often.
I would literally pick every single piece from 2016 but I think JiHan was my most favorite and I can’t tell if that’s the bias in me that’s making these decisions. 
This is the coolest shit I’ve ever seen lmfao. I wish I had something more flourished to say but I remember thinking how fucking genius you were for highlighting the teaser like this. Since it was so scenic. And rather than making a hardcore gfx out of it - you just enhanced the vibe with text, coloring, and a bit of texture. You also did this same concept with Jeonghan and it just...oof it was so perfect. 
And then later on, when all the teasers were released - THIS stunning piece of work was done. I was SO impressed by the way you did the gifs with that cross effect. It’s not easy showing 13 pieces of anything. But you did THAT. And ALSO used the images of the teasers, you’re a MAD MAN BEA. A GENIUS. I’m still so shocked by how well done is this.
And you know what this talented fuck did WITH THE ACTUAL MV? You’re not going to fucking believe this. You’re really not. Why am I suddenly so angry. Just look at THIS and you’ll understand full well, why I am SCREAMING. I’ve NEVER seen anything done like this at the time it was posted. Like Bea REALLY set the fucking tone with this gfx. To this day I can’t think of a single gfx that captures an MV THIS WELL. UGH it’s BRILLIANT. If I HAD to pick a favorite - like you threatened to burn my pumpkin patch - I would choose this one. But because I’m not being threatened I’m now making this LONG ASS POST on WHY I LOVE BEA’S WORK SO MUCH-
I recently watched InuYasha in all of it’s entirity because I thought of this gfx a while back lmfao. Jeonghan as Sesshomaru and Joshua as a half demon? Satiates something inside of me. Anyways. The tones used here always get me. The soft beiges and purples at so NICE. I think I mentioned it reminded of buying lavenders out of burlap bags in romantic market places LOL. But the vibe still fits. The movie poster vibe is something you didn’t do often back then so it was cool seeing you try out a different style! The way top right and bottom left are correlated is something that flew right over my head back then. But now? I’m eating this shit up. It’s delicious. 
Shout out to the “Story of the Moon” series Bea did with Meanie, in which she insp credited herself. Is that not, the biggest flex? I love all your star crossed lovers concepts. Bea loves to: yearn. OH btw, here’s the actual Story of the Moon. It’s so sweet. Probably not the original but SO pretty either way. I think this might be the original. Re: Bea loves to learn.
I swear I’m done with 2017 but I gotta mention part 2 of Demon!JiHan. I never realized how much I loved this series of gfx. Bea. This is GOOD shit.
This is GREAT. One thing I loved about YMMD concept was how the gradient reflected on the concept of day to night. So I adored how Bea did this! It was a clever way to utilize 13 images since the aspect of day and night happen in 12hr cycles. 
Just know anything Bea does of JiHan is most likely going to be some GREAT work because of the way a storyline is involved in it. I remember you talking to me about this concept so seeing it come into fruition was pretty fucking cool. Again. Bea loves to yearn. The colors reminded me of the 2015 piece I adored so much.
She did it again with the flawless approach on Demon!Jihan. It’s like year by year it becomes more and more sexy. I LOVE this. The editing on this is more “today Bea”. It’s got such a nice use of shadow and saturation. I remember those images were so hard for me to edit because of the shadow so I didn’t edit them LOL. But nothing stop’s Bea’s expertise. The red tones really get me. I love how this series went from soft burlap bag of lavender to reddish hues. It feels aggressive and I LOVE that.
This is probably the best birthday graphic that ever exists. Again Bea was so clever with how she displayed a lot of images from Joshua’s ENTIRE career. Along with text. Not just eras. Not just songs. But Joshua as a person as well. Whenever I see this I feel so fond. You can smell the love radiating off of this gfx. Joshua would be SO honored.
This is so pretty. Like it reminds me of salwar kameez lmfao. I remember this fondly. It’s like they’re what is inside of a string light. Not light bulbs. It’s Seventeen’s Vocal Unit.
Shout out to this graphic that is reposted literally everywhere. Bea you unlocked every Carat’s deep want: Tatted!Seventeen. Your talent with manipulations is unreal. The tattoo series and Cyber/ Humanoid series really showcase that. Another shoutout to how Bea inspired that one set of teasers with the pressed flower freckles. I want this in a resin dish. Who on Etsy will do this for me-
(1) (2). The dichotomy of these 2 graphics still get me. In (1) there’s this warm and luxurious vibe. Then in (2) it’s the same luxurious vibe, but creepier than the previous because of the icy feel. It’s so neat. Both are SO beautifully done. I love the shimmer tears on Joshua in (1) and the icy sparkles on Vernon in (2). 
I REALLY love this set. The BUTTERFLIES are you KIDDING ME??? I love them. I’m so glad you incorporated them. I love how you subject edit. The way you create glow on the face is so nice. It literally reminds me of using “How Many Carats?!?!!” on the face. Which is SO fitting lmfao. On this work it’s a bit more... “soft glow” but I had to mention it. Joshua with the monarch butterflies makes my heart warm. I dunno if Monarchs are California’s butterflies. But so many places in my town are dedicated to Monarch butterflies so when I think of California, I think of Monarch butterlfies. Anyways I adore the FLUSH on these images. It’s so INNOCENT
I love the entire Cyber series but the way you did everyone’s bionic arm? INCREDIBLE. I can’t even begin to understand HOW you did this Bea. It almost makes me angry that you do this shit for FREE. I get to look at this for free? It feels illegal. I was so floored I missed several details. Like how you made the lighting work with this neon light vibe. That takes a GOOD artistic eye and you clearly have that. Jihoon’s current of energy on his face? U G H it’s so GO OD. I want to stare at it forever. WAIT the BACKGROUND as well. Listen the more I stare this. The more details I realize I miss because I’m so caught up in one detail. It’s just such an incredible series that you execute so flawlessly. 
I just really love this. I can’t describe why. It’s just so nice to look at. That panel with Joshua’s glitter tears (p2)? I love it. All of it is so satisfying to look at and I got that entire vibe from the MV in general. So this was an appropriate way to display it!
I have yet to see all of your 2020 gfx so instead I’m gonna rb them and gush lol but really Bea. All your work is so good and if I could write a book on how much I appreciate them - (clearly) I would.
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genebelcher · 2 years
a fairly informal breakdown of the bob’s burgers movie trailer someone found on snapchat
so a few weeks ago i wrote breakdowns/analysis of the first and second trailers for the movie but last night on reddit i saw someone found a trailer on snapchat that contains some footage i hadn’t seen before!!! so i took screencaps from the bits that were new to me and i’m gonna talk about my observations, theories, and (possible) connections to the other trailers!!
don’t look under the read more if you don’t want to see any pics from the trailer (ik some people like to avoid spoilers entirely), or if you don’t want to load a bunch of images right now (i have way less than i did for the first two since it’s shorter but there’s still a good number of screencaps in this post). also at the bottom of the video there’s a little popup that occludes the lower 20% or so of the picture; i do not control the UI of snapchat.
(also pls dont rb this bc there’s a lot of people on this hellsite that i do not want interacting with me, there’s a reason i didn’t put this post in the main tags, just wanted to get my thoughts out somewhere)
because it’s a snapchat trailer the images are all in portrait instead of landscape, which is a blessing for me not wanting to turn my phone to take caps and a curse because it’s hard to make out what’s happening in a lot of these.
(note: the text in colored bubbles is the dialogue in the trailer)
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so as many people would guess (particularly because of the sinkhole) there’s a grand re-re-re-re-opening at some point, likely the end of the movie. also if it’s the end, note that louise is still wearing her bunny ears; her character arc apparently revolves around her thinking about maturity and possibly not wearing them anymore, so i’m assuming she keeps em (which makes sense in both a watsonian and doylist context: louise’s ears are CLEARLY very important to her, they’re her #1 comfort object; they’re also the most iconic part of her design and make her silhouette very unique and also make her look taller which helps visually group her with her siblings around the same height: despite being younger than gene and tina, she hangs out with them all the time and often has a strong grasp on social situations they’re involved in and is generally kind of “wise beyond her years” sometimes which is represented by her having an accessory that makes her look taller
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here we see gene in his pajamas, then he jumps up and turns around and is instantly in his rockstar outfit. i’m guessing this is from (an earlier part of) the scene where they’re onstage and then a ufo with robots inside shows up, which i suspect is gene’s imagination b/c gene loves robots and aliens and both are a little too fanciful to appear in the actual setting of bob’s burgers. him instantly changing clothes is also a hint that it’s a dream/fantasy sequence. also note he’s holding his napkin dispenser/spoon contraption, but it’s decorated with stars and lightning bolts which is adorable and also connects to that line in “video killed the gene-io star” when he says he signs his name with 4 lightning bolts, a peace sign, and a yin-yang
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here we see linda putting louise’s iconic bunny ears on her head, POSSIBLY for the first time? someone in the comments of the reddit post said it looks like toddler louise. looking at the christmas cards from the credits sequence of “die card or card trying”, that tracks; she’s around this same size in the 4th picture, which is the oldest one where we see her with the hat. i am SO EXCITED to see the story of the ears and why she’s so attached to them
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half the reason i took this screencap is because louise’s face is HILARIOUS but also in the background we see a whole bunch of (i believe) small plush toys that are PROBABLY wonder wharf prizes. in the second trailer we see a rack of similar plushies drawn in the same style; they don’t quite resemble the style used for characters and props that are actually animated but now i think that can be chalked up to them being in backgrounds.
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bob and linda high-fiving in the bank. hopefully because they’re able to pay off those debts! this is one of the moments i was talking about that’s hard to capture in a screenshot due to being in portrait and not landscape 😔
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tina and gene dancing, in what i’m pretty sure is the trailer park musical number. i actually think the trailer park is where a lot of the wonder wharf employees live since its surroundings seem to be in close proximity to wonder wharf and because some of the residents we see dancing in this sequence are also in some of the scenes at wonder wharf proper
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near the end of the trailer there’s this very badass sequence of the belcher family in a little seashell car (the same one calvin and felix are driving the kids around in in the first trailer; the lights and hinges on the back are the same and you can see it’s scalloped like a shell in the first trailer) busting through a wall under the dock (it looks like it might be below where the bathrooms are?). this pretty much confirms that they were driving around in under-dock storage at wonder wharf. another interesting detail (that could be completely coincidental) is that the kids are sitting in the same order when bob and linda are driving as they were when calvin and felix were driving: louise is in the middle, with tina on her left hand side and gene on her right hand side. this could mean absolutely nothing but it could also mean these are the same/consecutive scenes and felix and calvin got out of the car, then linda and bob got in the car. (i double-checked to see if the kids ALWAYS sat in that order in the car and it’s not the case: in “bed bob and beyond” they’re sitting in reverse order, while gene is in the middle at the beginning of “it snakes a village”.)
this makes me wonder whether the statue calvin twists the nipples on in the first trailer (what a phrase...and it is entirely accurate to the trailer) is at wonder wharf (i assumed it was at his house because it looks WAY too nice to be at wonder wharf, but it’s a merman which fits the nautical theme) and whether it or the storage has anything to do with the kids falling through a trapdoor in the second trailer 
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the last bit of new footage in the trailer is a scene of gene and louise surrounded by other kids (probably at school) with a tape, which i SUSPECT is the footage they captured in the scene seen in both trailers where they’re exploring the sinkhole in their pajamas and louise falls in. (in that scene gene wants his gasp to be dramatic which solidifies that it’s the same scene for me.)
note: these caps only cover the new content; there are other bits in this trailer that we’ve seen previously.
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cheekbites-moved · 7 years
pls dont rb, this is just my about page. thanks.
the basics:
name’s luna! 💙
im in my 20s.
im a non-binary trans person and my pronouns are they/them
im your local inattentive type adhd ass whaddup ✌️
this is a personal blog and so what i post varies depending on whatever my hyperfixations are at the time. i tag everything by post type (txt, images, etc), category (like audio or art), and media/subject. i also tag triggers as trigger//. if you need a trigger tagged, feel free to send me an ask with what you need it tagged as, & i’ll be happy to do so for you! :)
i have a taglist where you can find what i post, all organized by category! i forget to update it sometimes, but it’s the place to find what i post in an easily accessible manner :)
im under “moonyscape” on twitter & “ozlice” on ao3!
i am an amv editor! my youtube where i post them is “contractorseal”. they are posted under my “my video” tag on here as well.
i also have a gayming channel, “lunarlla”! my videos from it are also posted under my “my lp” tag on here.
singing is a huge passion of mine, and sometimes i post brief acapella covers on here! you can find them in my “my singing” tag.
some notes about me:
my blog contains nsfw content. i tag it all as ‘nsfw//’ or ‘nsfwish//’, but still. minors pls dni, & tread carefully otherwise if nsfw stuff makes you uncomfortable.
i curse.. a lot lmao
i also use caps lock a lot
i aaalso use emoticons a lot
i also use words like dude, man, bitch, etc a lot. gender neutrally.  
im rly slow at processing things, esp jokes, so if u send me a joke and i take it seriously/dont understand it, please dont tease me for it bc i just am v slow at processing things thank u
my adhd makes me very forgetful. if i don’t respond to your ask, it’s not personal, i just probably forgot!
please don’t:
tell me you’re unfollowing me
i know these messages have good intentions, but someone telling me that they're unfollowing me triggers my rsd way worse than losing a follower so. i appreciate the sentiment, but please just unfollow me. it’s easier for both of us.
ask me for advice on anon/if i don’t personally know you
i am not a trained professional in any capacity. there are hotlines and textlines that are ran by people who are trained to help people through rough situations. please contact them instead if you need help. i’m happy to share the ones i know of if needed, just. please don’t treat me like i am one of them cause i’m not.
tell me you’re jealous of me
or that i’m “lucky”, or put yourself down as you praise me. being put on any kinda pedestal makes me not only uncomfortable, but it also just makes me feel like the struggles/efforts i’ve put into getting to where i am are being belittled. so please just. don’t say those kinds of things to me. it's a very unpleasant time.
call me qu**r
if you identify with the word, you are not in any way, shape or form invalid. i just don’t personally identify with it, and am not comfortable using it in a casual manner unless it is the preferred label of a person i’m talking to. so please don’t use it for me. thanks.
thats all for now! thank you for visiting my about!
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junker-town · 5 years
How 4 NFL teams changed their future before the 2019 season
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Photo by Joel Auerbach/Getty Images
The Texans have gone all-in for the 2019 season while the Dolphins are clearly in for the long haul.
The weekend before the 2019 NFL regular season kicked off was chaotic. There were two big-name players moved, a notable contract extension, and one team went all-in on a young quarterback.
The trades involving Laremy Tunsil and Jadeveon Clowney gave us a deeper look into the mind of two front offices — and how they plan to attack the immediate futures of their clubs and beyond. Four teams in particular changed their trajectory in just a few days.
Here are the short- and long-term outlooks of those four teams that made major moves in the final weekend before the new season begins.
Houston Texans
Texans send to Seahawks: DL Jadeveon Clowney Texans receive from Seahawks: 2020 third-round pick, LB Jacob Martin, LB Barkevious Mingo
Texans send to Dolphins: 2020 first-round pick, 2021 first-round pick, 2021 second-round pick, OT Julie’n Davenport, CB Jonathan Bademosi Texans receive from Dolphins: OT Laremy Tunsil, WR Kenny Stills, 2020 fourth-round pick, 2021 sixth-round pick
Texans send to Patriots: 2020 sixth-round pick Texans receive from Patriots: CB Keion Crossen
Texans send to Chiefs: G Martinas Rankin Texans receive from Chiefs: RB Carlos Hyde
Houston was the busiest team over the weekend thanks to four trades.
The first trade they made was sending Jadeveon Clowney to the Seattle Seahawks for a 2020 third-round pick and linebackers Jacob Martin and Barkevious Mingo. The compensation for Clowney is subpar for a three-time Pro Bowler, but that was the Texans’ own fault. They didn’t get a deal done with him by the July 15 franchise tag deadline and Clowney never signed the tender, meaning that he was ineligible to sign with any team until the end of the season.
Seattle capitalized on the Texans’ mismanagement and stole one of the top defensive ends in the league for pennies on the dollar.
The trade for Laremy Tunsil was a bit of a head-scratcher in terms of what Houston gave up, but it should work out well in the very immediate future. Tunsil is a young offensive tackle who has the room to grow into a perennial Pro Bowl talent, and the Texans finally got Deshaun Watson the protection that he needs on his blindside — which they had to do after he got sacked 62 times last year.
But forking over all that draft capital to the Dolphins is going to hurt Houston down the line. It’ll now be more difficult to add premium talent to the roster without those picks in 2020 and 2021.
At the very least, the Texans do appear to have the pieces for a lethal offense this season. Deshaun Watson, DeAndre Hopkins, Kenny Stills, Will Fuller, and Duke Johnson should be able to light up opposing defenses — if Watson can stay upright. He should have a better chance at that with Tunsil protecting him than Matt Kalil.
In more minor moves, Houston traded a 2020 sixth-round pick to the Patriots for cornerback Keion Crossen and received Carlos Hyde from the Chiefs in a player swap. Hyde isn’t expected to be a big contributor at this point in his career, but the Texans needed running back depth after losing Lamar Miller to a torn ACL.
Short-term outlook: They have a young, star quarterback on an offense loaded with skill talent and a franchise left tackle. Even with losing Clowney, they have the top end talent in J.J. Watt, Whitney Mercilus, and Justin Reid to stay firm on that side of the ball. The division is theirs for the taking again, especially with the recent retirement of Andrew Luck.
Long-term outlook: Watson, Hopkins, and Tunsil are a great trio to build around, but they’ll have to creative with their team-building in the coming years due to a lack of draft picks.
Miami Dolphins
Dolphins send to Texans: OT Laremy Tunsil, WR Kenny Stills, 2020 fourth-round pick, 2021 sixth-round pick Dolphins receive from Texans: 2020 first-round pick, 2021 first-round pick, 2021 second-round pick, OT Julie’n Davenport, CB Jonathan Bademosi
Even if they won’t say it, the Miami Dolphins clearly aren’t focused on this season.
They weakened an offensive line that was already bad by trading their franchise left tackle to the Texans, but it was the right move for a team that’s buckled in for a long rebuild. Two first-round picks and a second-round pick is just too much value to ignore for almost any player — they received more in terms of draft picks than the Raiders did for Khalil Mack around this time last year.
It should also be noted that no matter what you think of Tunsil’s ability, his impact would be diminished in Miami this year, considering the other four linemen in the starting lineup. One good player and four bad players on an offensive line is still a poor unit.
The Dolphins now have four first-round picks and three second-round picks to reload their roster over the next two drafts. Oh yeah, they’re also projected to have $131 million in cap space in 2020, according to Spotrac.
Losing Tunsil and Stills leaves this offense without much hope for the 2019 season. Newly acquired Julie’n Davenport will be expected to compete for the starting left tackle position while return specialist Jakeem Grant and undrafted rookie Preston Williams will battle for the wide receiver reps vacated by Stills.
It’s not a great situation for them to evaluate second-year quarterback Josh Rosen, but that doesn’t matter too much right now with Ryan Fitzpatrick entrenched as the starting quarterback.
Miami is headed toward a multi-year overhaul. Now we just have to see how that unfolds over the next two years — and how the Dolphins put together a strong supporting cast for their eventual franchise quarterback.
Short-term outlook: Radioactive waste.
Long-term outlook: They’ll have the cap space and draft picks for a turnaround in the next couple years. The next step is to figure out who their franchise quarterback will be.
Seattle Seahawks
Seahawks send to Texans: DL Jadeveon Clowney Seahawks receive from Texans: 2020 third-round pick, LB Jacob Martin, LB Barkevious Mingo
Houston’s fumbling of the Jadeveon Clowney situation made Seattle a big winner right before the start of the season. The Seahawks added one of the top defensive linemen in the league for a third-round pick and two role players.
They’re going to need the help up front with defensive tackle Jarran Reed facing a six-game suspension and first-round pick L.J. Collier recovering from a high ankle sprain. Once both of those players join Clowney on the defensive line, Seattle will have the firepower it needs to help mask a young secondary that’s still trying to find consistency in the post-Legion of Boom era.
The risk in trading for Clowney is that that he’s just a one-year rental because of his franchise tag. However, the Seahawks are only on the hook for $8.9 million of his $15.9 million contract. Giving up a third-round pick and two reserve linemen for a dynamic playmaker is worth the gamble even if he walks in free agency. For what it’s worth, the Seahawks promised Clowney they would not tag him after the season.
To make things sweeter for the Seahawks, they’ll have the cap space to extend Clowney after the season, if he’s interested. Even with Russell Wilson locked up, Seattle is projected to have $83 million in cap space next year, according to Spotrac. That’ll be more than enough to give Clowney his extension and sign Reed to a long-term deal.
Short-term outlook: Pretty, pretty good. They got the pass rush help they needed to help out a young secondary.
Long-term outlook: Even better than their short-term outlook. They have their franchise quarterback locked up, the cap space to extend Clowney, and an extra second-round pick from Kansas City due to the Frank Clark trade.
Indianapolis Colts
Colts extend: QB Jacoby Brissett Colts sign: QB Brian Hoyer
The Colts were dealt a crappy hand when Andrew Luck retired, but they seem to be comfortable with a couple quarterback options heading into the future.
Indianapolis reached a two-year extension with backup-turned-starter Jacoby Brissett worth about $15 million per year, making him the 19th-highest-paid quarterback in the league. The Colts also signed Brian Hoyer to a three-year, $12 million deal to solidify their quarterback depth chart for the coming season. Hoyer is quarterback with a lot of experience who can start in a pinch if need be — Tom Brady said Hoyer was a valuable piece to the Patriots’ operation even as a backup.
While Brissett and Hoyer aren’t as good as Luck, they should bring competent quarterback play while the Colts try to figure out their long-term option at the position. Even if Brissett flames out, his contract isn’t hefty enough to stop the Colts from selecting a quarterback in either the 2020 or 2021 NFL Draft. That likely won’t be a top pick, though, since general manager Chris Ballard has done a fantastic job of building up their roster to a place where they can still compete without Luck.
Indianapolis is projected to lead the league in cap space next season with a whopping $141 million. Losing a superstar, franchise quarterback definitely stings, but the Colts are still set up for a bright future.
Short-term outlook: Even with Brissett, this team can win the AFC South with a combination of coaching, skill talent, and offensive line play.
Long-term outlook: The Colts can still find their franchise quarterback if Brissett doesn’t work out as the starter.
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