#all the vld aus simultaneously fix me and make me worse
bagelrites · 5 months
Ok ok fine. In MY vld au, Bad is the black paladin, Dream is the green paladin, George is the blue paladin, Sapnap is the red paladin, and Sam is the yellow paladin. Skeppy is the beautiful prince whose home world was destroyed and needs the paladins to help him save the universe. Ant is his manservant or whatever.
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maychorian · 7 years
Weekly Voltron Fic Recs #20
Rules: You can find past rec lists here. This is stuff I like, and I have a huge bias toward Lance, hurt/comfort, and general fluff, in that order. Gen unless otherwise noted. Please comment on the fics if you read and enjoy them!
I’m going to be busy this weekend with friend and family stuff, so I wanted to get this done tonight. I was going to try to make a separate list for the fics with spoilers, but there are just too many of them, so press J to skip this post if you haven’t finished Season 2 yet and don’t want to see major revelations about it.
This is a very long list. It’s been almost two weeks since the last one, and there’s been an explosion of fics with the new season. 
Here Stands a Man by awkwardCerberus Words: 2,568 (WIP 1 / 4) Author’s Summary: Following his disappearance after defeating Zarkon, Shiro is found floating through space and picked up by a Galran transport delivering a hold full of prisoners to a construction colony. Back at the Castle, the remains of Team Voltron are doing whatever they can to get Shiro back and trying hard not to fall apart in the process. My Comments: Heartwrenching Post S2 fic where Shiro gets pulled back into basically his worst nighmare once again. Can’t wait for him to get rescued, please.
A Couple of Ticks by easternCriminal Words: 1,533 (WIP 1/?) Author’s Summary: After an unaccounted for variable does their best to assist Voltron during their final battle with Zarkon, Hunk and Lance wake up in the Galaxy Garrison... a few months before Shiro crash landed back on Earth. My Comments: I am a sucker for time-travel AUs where a character comes back with knowledge of the future and tries to change the past. Plus this is my two faves, so you can understand why I’m excited about it. And they have a psychic connection, which is also fun. I’m really looking forward to more.
pull out your heart by valkyriered Words: 1,965 Author’s Summary: After two weeks aboard a Galra ship, Shiro is rescued by his team. My Comments: Really nice hurt/comfort focused on Shiro and Allura. I want Shiro to get all the hugs, please.
Spar Session by theoncomingwolf Words: 3,025 Author’s Summary: In which Allura takes the training bot's place as sparring opponent for the day. Set after s2, all paladins present. My Comments: Really fun action fic in which Allura is a badass, but everyone gets a moment. It’s cool to see her leadership qualities come out and her reflections on the paladins’ skills.
Pause and Wait by the_authors_exploits Words: 1,319 Author’s Summary: Keith and Shiro are stranded for the night, and Keith watches over Shiro while he gets some much needed rest My Comments: Season 2 was great, but it sure seemed to skip over a lot of stuff we would have liked to see. This is a nice missing moment from Episode 1.
For Your Actions are Mine by wolfsan11 Words: 1,368 Author’s Summary: The Red Lion has awaited her Paladin for years, but the figure who fights to reach her is neither what she expects nor wants. Yet, after her imprisonment, perhaps this little one is simply what she needs. My Comments: FANTASTIC Red pov. I love this view of her and her view of Keith. Lovely.
Insomnia by GriffinRose Words: 15,278 Author’s Summary: They reunite after the Wormhole Incident all in one piece. Mostly. But some scars can't be seen. Keith can't sleep, no matter how hard he tries. Luckily he's got the best team/family ever who are not about to let this go. No, seriously, they won't let it go. My Comments: Absolutely wonderful, subtle hurt/comfort and teamy goodness. What was really wrong and how to fix it was obvious to me early on, but it was fun to watch the team slowly figure it out.
Bromances in Space by ptw30 Words: 2,540 (WIP 4/?) Author’s Summary: Various drabbles for Voltron: Legendary Defender - mainly Keith and Shiro Story One: Hug It Out (Episode Nine - The Belly of Weblum) Story Two: Castle in the Sky (after Episode Thirteen - Blackout) Story Three: How Shiro Became a Dad (Domestic AU) Story Four: Dad Duties (Domestic AU) My Comments: Each chapter is a separate story. The first two have S2 spoilers, but the others are just fluff. They’re all excellent.
Okay I can't just go to bed with Season 2 ending like that I mean really... by Rangergirl3 for 4_angsty_zukos, PrincessMnMz, Zenthisoror Words: 3,590 Author’s Summary: Literally what I thought after binge watching the incredible, fantastic, and all around phenomenal S2.Goes without saying: Spoiler Alert for VLD Season 2 (especially the finale) Hell of a cliffhanger, and I couldn't rest without writing something for it, because it's going to be AWHILE before we know what happens. So, here you all are. I had to write this for myself because otherwise, I wasn't getting to sleep. :-) My Comments: What it says! I love reading all these fics and seeing the various ideas people have for what that Big Dumb Cliffhanger meant. No two so far that I’ve seen have been alike.
But a Scratch by manunulat Words: 1,052 Author’s Summary: This is a brief vignette set after s2ep2. Some things can't be fixed by healing pods. My Comments: Would you like some Hunk and Lance being funny, loving bros, with just a touch of angst? I always like it. I like this one, too.
for every bird there is a stone by lacking Words: 15,954 (4/?) Author’s Summary: Shiro walks away from his confrontation with Haggar injured and shaken. After falling through the corrupted wormhole and finding himself stranded alongside Keith on a solitary planet, Shiro begins doubting his bond with the black lion and his place among the other paladins. As the team is reunited and his health continues to decline, Shiro is forced to confront parts of himself he thought were long buried, and everyone is left questioning just how far he’s willing to go in order to survive. My Comments: This is excellent. Fantastic characterization and interaction, especially for Shiro and Keith. We can always use more post-wormhole fics when they’re this good.
your sacred stars won't be guiding you by contagionangel Words: 3,233 Author’s Summary: In one reality, a major change in long-past history means that, among other things, Shiro never crash-lands on Earth. Hunk still gets attached to the people he'll end up going to space with. A story of friendship, alien coverup conspiracies, and starting to grow courage without noticing. My Comments: I ADORE this. I love the Garrison Trio Plus, and all the ways things change and don’t change with their closer, more involved friendship here. And Hunk’s POV is perfect. I really want more, and the author has promised there will be some more. Like, a lot more, eventually. I am waiting with open hands.
The Core of Him by nightwalker for MusicalLuna Words: 2,072 Author’s Summary: Shiro wasn't afraid of doing what the Olkari king had done – he knew he'd choke on the words if he even tried. My Comments: Absolutely amazing Shiro character study, his view of the team and how important they are and what they mean to him. The other paladins are all adorable and well-characterized too, of course. There were a couple of lines in here that made me breathless with their vivid imagery and strong emotion.
White Hallways by Fernandidilly_yo Words: 3,159 Author’s Summary: (Set right after season 2 episode 13) Keith's reaction to finding that the black lion it empty, and Shiro is gone. My Comments: Utterly heartbreaking, but this also feels so necessary. Lance is a good kid.
Entanglement by story_monger Words: 1,910 Author’s Summary: Pidge has a major revelation about the castle ship's technology and absolutely has to tell someone about it. In which Hunk and Pidge yell at one another about quantum entanglement and Lance simultaneously is confused by and loves his uber nerdy friends. My Comments: ADORABLE. The Garrison Trio is so, so good, in both happiness and grief.
Stating the Obvious by nightwalker Words: 1,947 Author’s Summary: It occurred to Keith like a punch to the gut that they were talking about Allura now, Lance was going to try to talk about this. My Comments: Another scene I really wanted in the show and didn’t get. Lance is a good kid.
Between by Silverkleptofox Words: 2,086 Author’s Summary: Between the biggest revelation of his life and his whole world changing, there is no time for Keith to rest and recover. His teammates make sure he does anyway. Tag to Season 2 Episode 8. My Comments: Almost unnecessarily detailed hurt/comfort based on canon injuries, haha. I love it.
Casserole by genericfanatic Words: 1,922 Author’s Summary: After Shiro "dies" on the Kerberos mission, Keith is all alone. Some days are harder than others. My Comments: This author really excels at sharp, almost harsh depictions of pain and grief that are so realistic that you can feel it yourself. So good.
Nought but Grief and Pain (for Promis'd Joy) by Hedgi Words: 1,353 Author’s Summary: Keith has always been many things. Stupid has never been one of them. Impulsive, sure. Reckless, yes. Intense, quiet, alone—check, check, check. But not stupid. What’s the point in looking for another way, another plan, when all they need is another person on board Zarkon's ship? Introspection reaction to "The Best laid Plans" My Comments: Really painful Keith POV on a pivotal moment in the season. I was glad it ended the way it did.
Basic Chemistry by 15Strawberries Words: 1,211 Author’s Summary: Hunk has some down time in between battles. He tries to make the most of it. My Comments: The PERFECT Hunk. This is exactly how I see him. Adorable and beautiful.
Water Vaper and Earthquakes by boredomsMuse Words:  3,445 Author’s Summary: Hunk is generally a chill guy, well not in the matter that he's never scared or anything but in the sense that Lance has only ever seen the guy angry like once. Until Pidge gets hurt during an ambush, and Lance is really glad this isn't the first time he's seen Hunk angry or things might just have been a lot worse for the paladins of Voltron. My Comments: Really cool magic AU. I’m a big fan of berserker Hunk, and the sense of history with Lance is really fascinating. I would read a lot more of this concept.
Just What You Want by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) Words: 3,265 (WIP 2/5) Author’s Summary: 5 times Shiro got hugged by the team.Written pre-Season 2 but I think we need it more now. Also, nominally takes place in the Spectrum verse, but that only matters in chapter five. Updates Saturday and Wednesday. My Comments: Yes good. All the hugs for Shiro. Hunk and Pidge so far, and they were both perfect and adorable and genuine and sweet and made me super happy.
The Melting Milky Way by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) Words: 1,827 Author’s Summary: Shiro returns, but he has questions. How well did the team manage while he was gone? He doesn't get the answer he wanted. My Comments: Perfect Finale tag. Just read it. I don’t want to spoil it.
the currents you create by theoddoodisnude Words: 18,501 Author’s Summary: Some days, he woke up even more tired than he’d been when he’d gone to sleep, and willing his body to go through the motions was just—tough. Like wading through thigh-high water or running on soft sand that gave under the soles of his feet. My Comments: Here’s my obligatory Klance hurt/comfort for the week. I think there’s always one. Anyway, this one is very good. Very realistic depiction of depression, and I liked how supportive everyone was, and how hard Lance tried to deal with everything even when he just wanted to give up. Also some wonderful Hunk and Lance and team bonding in there.
Knowledge or Death (And Ignorance is Bliss) by squirenonny Words: 2,189 Author’s Summary: Keith tells the rest of the team what he learned in the Trials of Marmora. [Season Two spoilers! Set between "The Blade of Marmora" and "The Belly of the Weblum"] My Comments: PERFECT missing scene from S2 that we really should have gotten, omg. Unless disproven later by canon, this is how it went for me. Headcanon accepted, stamped, cosigned, and engraved in stone.
Lion's Call by Wolfie_Dragon Words: 2,948 Author’s Summary: After nearly getting killed during battle, Lance is confined to a healing pod. However, he seems to disagree with the severity of the situation, especially when he senses a cry of pain. And it's up to Keith to get him back to the infirmary. Angst/Whump oneshot. Written for the Whumpaween exchange on tumblr. My Comments: Aww, ouch. This is painful and sweet at the same time. Keith is exasperated, but he does his best.
Silence is Golden by VelkynKarma for BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) Words: 10,291 Author’s Summary: It's just a sore throat. It's really not that big a deal. But the rest of team Voltron doesn't really see it that way—and Shiro's taking a day off whether he likes it or not. My Comments: Aww, everyone tries so hard. What a good team. ::pats them::
Dark Necessities by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) for VelkynKarma Words: 9,564 Author’s Summary: Sometimes, the choices are easy. This is not one of those times. Shiro knew what he was agreeing to when he became their leader. It doesn't make those calls easier. My Comments: This was a rough read, but it was really well done. Being a leader is hard. I liked the way they talked it out at the end, even if nothing felt fully resolved. It can’t with things like this, sometimes.
Previously Recced Fics That Updated:
Mini Lions by earthstar Where No One Goes by earthstar One Week to Say Goodbye by squirenonny Beautiful Minds by PotatoBender (really gorgeous worldbuilding this chap) Aid by Haurvatat Someplace Like Home by squirenonny Coming Undone by Emerald_Ashes Light Up the Dark by BajillionKittens Love and Other Questions by squirenonny He Sleeps in the Sky of Ice by jadencross (now complete! read read read!) Engine Won't Turn by yet_intrepid (now complete! READ READ READ!) Trials Before the Dead by birdzilla (now complete! ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS) The Final Act of Mercy by ptw30 (now complete!) Parasite Knight by VelkynKarma (NOW COMPLETE) Beast You've Made of Me by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) (now complete)
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