#all those filler words you add to sound smart just seem so natural for him
spirkbitch · 1 year
i love writing spock in fanfiction because i just write him the same way i wrote research papers in school and it always works
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mendesbadrepuation · 5 years
Rooftop Conversations *Peter Parker*
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Description: Peter joins the Blue Panther on the roof where they always have some private talks. It was Blue’s favorite time to really get to know more about Peter and Peter got someone to vent to. Will he ever figure out why he is so attracted to this mysterious Blue Panther?
A/N: this is the second part/chapter to Notice Me! it is a little short for my liking and basically a filler chapter. the next chapter will include a lot more action, some angst, and lots of fluff. what can I say? I love fluff!! hope you guys enjoy and also if you want to be added to the taglist please say so! I am still learning how to add certain links so bare with me on the list. much love :))
warnings: slight angst if you squint
part 1
It was the third night here in the city of love. For some it really was causing them to grow closer to each other. For others, like me, I was still trying to figure out if Peter was falling for me or MJ. One moment I can look into his eyes and there is this split connection. It’s almost scary how I can feel this pull towards us. Then, the next, he is off doing something with MJ in this city of love.
There is also this constant state of denial that I have. It’s like my body’s way of protecting itself from getting hurt. I knew that deep down if Peter really is to get with MJ then I’ll truly be crushed. I’ll know that I’m not the one for him and he is into someone else.
My thoughts were overlapping each other as I look out at the beautiful city. Our hotel had a beautiful rooftop that just gave this amazing skyline. Rooftops were a safe place for me and they were also a safe one for Peter. This time I was masked again and I wasn’t really expecting anyone’s company up here. I had wondered off after a long day of trying to gain Peter’s attention. I craved to be with Peter so much that it was exhausting almost.
“It seems that we both have a lot on our minds.” Peter intervenes my ever-going thoughts of him as I turn my head around. He was perched on the ledge of the building. His mask still covering his handsome face.
I huff out a laugh at that statement. “More than I can even comprehend at this point.” I say and Peter moves over beside of me. This time he presses the spider that releases his suit and pulls his mask off. His brown locks just fall around in a disheveled mess. I watch as he looks out at all the city lights and the strangers taking walks underneath the security lights.
Peter goes around a large vent and picks up his backpack where his clothes were at. I keep my eyes forward even though I do desperatly wanted to see that toned body.
“You know what’s strange?” Peter randomly says. I glance at him to let him know I’m listening. My eye pieces on my mask focuses in and I can tell from his racing heart beat that something was really on his mind.
“Love.” It felt like my eyes could have popped out of their sockets at that one word. To keep him from seeing my shaky hands I simply grasp onto the ledge of the roof. My feet were lightly kicking up against the concrete building as he looked so fixated on a particular piece of the view.
“Strange how?” I encourage him to go on. He comes beside me and takes a seat next to me. He had a cute plaid button and a pair of jeans on. Just classic Peter.
“You remember that girl I told you about it? The one that’s just like a dream?” He says and I nod my head slowly.
“I think as we grow closer everyday I just fall more and more in love with her. She’s just my own little piece of heaven. She’s absolutely beautiful and so mesmerizing.” Peter states softly as it was obvious he was thinking about her. To me, I could only assume it was MJ.
“I can see that twinkle in your eyes. The one that people get when they are in love.” I put the air quotes around love.
“Why the air quotes around love? Don’t you have someone you just care so much for?” Peter asks.
“I do. He’s like so smart in every way possible. The sweetest and most down to earth guy I’ve ever met. He really holds this special place in my heart and I just feel like if I ever lost him. My life could never be the same.” He looks over at me and I look back him. I knew that if he could see my eyes right now that we would have this telepathic connection towards each other. My heart aches for him.
“Does he know that?” I just shake my head slowly and I frowned. Thankfully Peter could not see that expression on my face.
“I’m not sure he feels the same way. I’m too much of a chicken to talk to him about it.”
“The Blue Panther is actually scared of something? You’re like totally bad ass.” Peter says and there was a blush on my cheeks.
“When the mask comes off at the end of the day I am just a person.” I reply.
“I know what you mean.” Peter looks back at the view and I slowly stand up on the ledge.
“It’s late. You should get some sleep. I have a bad feeling about the next few days. Just be prepared for something.” I warn Peter and just as I’m about to jump down the dark alley way of the building I hear Peter say something.
“Goodnight Blue. Thank you for always being there for me.” Those words rang in my ear as I nod my head and disappear into the darkness.
Once I reach the bottom and I’m out of sight I release my suit. I walk into the back entrance of the hotel and make my way up to my hotel room. Since Fury basically took over our trip he gave each of us our very own rooms at a very nice 5 star hotel. If you asked me it was a little too fancy for my liking but I could not complain about the softness of my bed.
As soon as my head hit the pillow I crashed. I knew that Fury wanted answers from today’s researching around the city but I could not carry on. Sleep took over my body and my dreams were filled with Peter.
I can hear the sound of my lock being opened from outside. My eyes open slowly and I was still so extremely tired from the previous day’s events. A figure comes tip toeing through and the door is shut softly behind them.
“Y/n?” The one voice I could recognize from anywhere.
“Peter? What are you doing?” I whisper and I was still groggy from being asleep. It was hard for me to register what was happening. The bed side lamp was still on because I fell asleep so fast I never got the chance to turn it off. Peter does so before I could make out anything else.
“I couldn’t sleep.” He replies. Without hesitation I grab the corner of the blankets and open them so he could join me. Peter was shirtless and in a pair of pajama pants. I could already feel his warmth radiating off his chest as he climbs into the bed next to me. Instantly he takes his arms and wraps them around my middle. His head rests on my chest and for a moment I don’t move. I knew what was going on when he was like this.
“Talk to me Pete.” I say those words and he came crashing down. My fingers ran through his soft hair to soothe him as fresh hot tears came from his eyes.
“I don’t feel like talking. Can you just hold me? And do what you’re doing with your hands right now.” His voice was shaky as he held on to me tighter. I do as told and start to hum a soft melody for him. This wasn’t the first time he has done this and I was thankful he came to me. I knew what was bothering him and I knew why he never told me the full reason. It just felt good to know that I was the only person to comfort him and keep him from falling off the deep end.
I became an anchor for Peter Parker.
After awhile Peter fell asleep peacefully in my arms. I stayed awake for a moment so that I could cherish this time of being so close with him. It made me feel special to him that only I could do this. A friend that has always been there for him and I was even closer to him than he knew. What are friends for though right? Actually we are more best friends than anything. This was just a natural thing for Peter and I.
That next morning the sunlight barely peaked through my curtains and gently hit my face. It was just enough to get my mind racing. Instead of Peter latched on to me his chest was now pressed into my back. His arms wrapped strongly around my waist and his head rested right above mine. A cozy spooning position that made my heart soar.
I hear Peter take a deep breath and he tightens his grip around my middle. I could hear his sudden heart beat speed up when he realizes that he was still holding me. That’s when my mind would play tricks on me and get my hopes up that he actually liked me. More than just friends.
My hand latches on to his forearm and I rub it lightly. “Good morning Y/n.” Peter’s raspy morning voice made my heart skip a couple of beats.
“Morning Pete.” I roll over and I’m greeted with the same smile I had on my face. “Feeling better this morning?”
“Much better. Thank you for last night.” Peter starts to slowly get up and my stomach got this empty feeling inside of me as he got out of the bed. All the warmth quickly disappeared and I shivered, pulling the blankets around me tighter. I refrained my groaning so it wasn’t weird that I already missed his contact. “You better get ready. We have a whole new country to see.” Peter says and before he leaves he looks back at me one more time.
I sit up in the bed, knowing my hair was a mess and it was obvious sleep was still in my eyes. He pauses and just stares with such adoration. “Do I have drool on my face or something?” I panicked and swiftly wiped my face.
“No. No!” He replies quickly and smiles. “Meet me at the top of the Eiffel Tower tonight at 7?” Peter asks quickly and almost too quickly.
“Sure!” I smiled at the thought of what the night could hold.
“Awesome. See you in a few!” Peter rushes out of the door and I flop back down on the bed. My heart was racing as a huge smile rested on my face.
Again, if you want to be added just comment your name. I am a learning on how to make a list. if you have any tips that would be great. I struggled with the google search. you can call me a noob lol.
Taglist: @sunshineshawnm
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