phantomwarrior12 · 5 years
Happy Birthday, Sugar
Prompt: "You're like a fine wine, sugar. You just get better with age."
Word Count: 975
Summary: Allie turns thirty and Team Free Will has a surprise party planned, but Gabriel has bigger surprise.
Warnings: None, fluff
A/N: Hey folks!
This fic was the result of @idabbleincrazy‘s 30th birthday challenge! Happy Birthday, hon! I hope it’s as fabulous as you are!
I apologize on how close to the deadline this is, college started back up and the writers block was hell, but I finished!
Hope y’all enjoy!
~ Phantom
"How long ago did Allie leave with Dean?"
"It was an hour ago, Gabriel. They'll be back soon."
"They better. I didn't snap up all these party decorations for nothing." The archangel grumbles, casting a frustrated glance around the newly decorated bunker.
"He texted me a half hour ago to tell me they were on their way back. Just be patient."
"Patience was never one of my strong suits, Samsquatch."
"We're well aware," Castiel supplies from his place at the table, reclining in the chair with a look of exasperation.
"We're well aware." Gabriel mocks under his breath, folding his arms and perching himself against a nearby pillar.
"Uncle Gabriel, do you want to help me finish decorating Allie's card?" Jack holds up the large, brightly colored sign.
Gabriel stumbles over his response, thoroughly disinclined to do something that artistic, "Uh, you know what, champ? How about you decorate and I'll cheer you on?"
Jack offers a mild shrug and nods, "You'll need to sign it, though."
"Of course I will, Jack."
Sam smirks, folding his arms across his chest as Jack returns to coloring and Gabriel's shoulders sag in relief.
"Not the artistic type?"
"Not in the slightest," Gabriel snorts, "I'm creative, but not in the artistic sense. I'm more of the just-desserts-type-creative."
"Right, I remember." Sam waves him off, disinterested in reliving the hell that was watching his big brother die seventeen thousands ways from Tuesday.
"Anyway, Allie'll like the card more if it comes from the kid."
"Fair enough," Sam agrees, eyes turning back to his phone it vibrates. "Everyone, hide! Dean's bringing her in!"
The lights of the bunker dim as the angels, nephilum, and hunter retreat behind cover.
"I said keep your eyes closed, sweetheart."
"Dean, if I fall down these stairs--"
"--you won't. Now gimme your hand and I'll guide you down the death traps."
"A vampire nest is a death trap, stairs are just guaranteed death."
When they reach the bottom of the stairs, Dean steps back, "okay, open them!"
When her hands fall away from her face, the lights snap on with the help of an archangel, accompanied by two hunters, a nephilum and another angel yelling, "Surprise!"
The smile that spreads across Allie's face makes the wait worth it and suddenly Gabriel's at her side, pressing a tender kiss to her lips.
"Happy birthday, sugar."
Allie's smile broadens, winding her arms around the archangel's waist and giving him a tight hug, "Thanks, Gabe."
"All right, now go get drunk." He teases, releasing her to enjoy the festivities they had all worked so hard on.
A few hours have ticked by, the Winchesters have passed out at the table. Jack nodded off in one of the new recliners Dean got and Castiel sat at the table, watching the three of them sleep peacefully.
As for Allie, she had retreated to the kitchen to retrieve another case of beer, but when she returned, they were all asleep.
"Well, they didn't last long."
Gabriel chuckles, meandering closer to the drunken hunter, "Those knuckleheads could never drink you under the table."
"That's true, but now who am I supposed to share this beer with?" She's a little tipsy and Gabriel reaches out to steady her swaying form.
"There's always me, sugar."
"Archangels can't get drunk," her words are beginning to slur and Gabriel knows he needs to get her off her feet.
"No, but I have a little birthday surprise for you." He gently removes the beer case from her hand, handing it off to Castiel who had come to see if he could help.
"A birthday surprise?"
"Yeah, but you need to come with me." Gabriel smirks, grace already coursing beneath her skin, slowly clearing away the booze-induced daze.
"Where we going?"
"Somewhere quiet," Gabriel offers a gentle smile to Castiel, as if to tell him that he's got it from here. The younger angel nods and starts back towards the kitchen to put the beer back in the fridge, offering a quick "happy birthday" before retreating from the room.
"Thanks, Cas!"
"Okay! Let's go."
It takes nearly fifteen minutes, but Gabriel finally helps Allie into her room, settling her onto the bed.
Her eyes have begun to droop, exhaustion from all the excitement of day taking hold as she curled up beneath her comforter.
"See? Isn't that better?" Gabriel's voice is soft as he gingerly brushes a few strands of hair back away from her face.
She nods, savoring the warmth of the archangel's touch, "what's my birthday surprise?"
It's a murmur, but the question makes him smile. Warm honey drift to ring box sitting on the nightstand, "It can wait til morning."
"Will you cuddle with me?"
His features soften, a warm smile spreading across his lips, "Of course, I will."
He gently peels back the covers, sliding in beside Allie before tugging the comforter close around her.
She rolls over, resting her head on his chest, winding an arm across his torso as he held her close. The silence seems to stretch on, but it's comfortable, content with their frames pressed together.
"Gabriel?" She asks at last, enough alcohol having cleared just enough from her mind to allow it to function.
"Yes, sugar?"
"Do you know how old I am now?"
"No. How old?"
Gabriel's features contort into a frown, detecting a hint of distaste in her tone, "You make it sound like thirty is a bad thing?"
"It's not bad necessarily, it's just--it's weird, getting older." She murmurs, snuggling a little closer into the crook of his neck.
"It's not a bad thing. You know why?"
Gabriel leans down, pressing an affectionate kiss to Allie's forehead, cradling her delicately against his chest.
"Because, you're like a fine wine, sugar. You just get better with age."
Gabe Squad: @thewhiterabbit42 @erisunderthemoon @stuckoutsideofthebox @nuvoleincielo @lyselkatz @high-church-of-the-holy-dick
Forevers: @heaven-hell-imagines @spnfamily-alwayskeepfighting @currentlyfangirling99
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hnrywinchester · 5 years
Top Shelf
Pairing: Gabriel x Allie (name only mentioned once since it’s a challenge, so I’m tagging gabriel x reader too)
Words: 1733
Warnings: Swearing, some spice
For @idabbleincrazy’s 30th Birthday Challenge
I hope it’s what you had in mind girl! XD
Prompt: “I just want to know my life hasn’t been completely pointless!”
There were some moments in time that just, stood still. Some were good, some were bad, others somewhere in-between, but all of them memorable. Maybe it’s your first kiss, or your wedding day, or perhaps watching someone you love slowly slip from this realm to the next. Then sometimes they raced by without so much as an opportunity to truly experience them them. Gabriel had had many of these moments throughout his millennia, some stood out more than others, some he’d like to forget all together. However, there were others he wished to relive, just one more time. He wanted to appreciate the moment more, etch every facet of each millisecond into his brain, recall the way things felt against his finger tips, the tastes and smells, all of it.
Throughout his years on Earth, he’d had his fun. Lots of it. One might argue too much. Drink, sex, drugs, gambling, to name just a few of his favorite past times, had all occupied his time, wasted it away, but he had a lot to spare. Sure, he’d been mixed up with the wrong sorts of people all the time, he was immortal, only one of his own could kill him and well, they were no where to be found. What did he have to lose? Nothing, he thought.
One cold, January night he found himself at a bar in Northeast America, one of his favorite spots. He was enjoying some solitude and whiskey, two of his lesser appreciated favorite things, when she walked in. There was nothing particularly unique about her, but he’d be lying if he claimed his heart didn’t stop the moment his eyes met hers. She took up the seat beside him, her nearness already setting off an army of butterflies into his stomach. Damn if it hadn’t been a long time since he felt those.
“What’s a girl like you doin’ in a place like this?” he asked, noticing the way her hair shined in the dim, cheap lighting.
“Celebrating my thirtieth birthday,” she responded curtly, smiling at the bartender as he passed her a beer.
“Looks that way.”
How on Earth was a girl like this ever alone? It didn’t make any sense to him. Did the rest of the world not see the allure?
“New to the area?” he continued his questioning, determined to learn the answers of this mystery woman.
“Nope,” she responded, “Never seen you around here before though.”
“I pass through every now and again.”
Finally she turned her head to look at him, again slamming his heart against his ribs as her eyes met his. There was so much dancing behind them, he felt he’d need a lifetime just to uncover their secrets. Her hard gaze softened as she kept it locked on him but it never wavered, this girl was nothing like he’d ever seen before.
“What’s your name?” Gabriel asked, being sure to return her intent stare.
“Allie,” she responded, “Yours?”
“Like from the Bible?”
“The very one.”
A breathy, skeptical laugh escaped from her nose, the corner of her mouth ticking into a smile he couldn’t help but mirror. She had smile lines around her eyes, the small little creases capturing his attention as he seared her face into his memory. He didn’t want to forget this one. He’d mastered self control long ago, one might say it was one of his redeeming qualities, but he felt it faltering now as the smell of her perfume wafted into his nose. What was it about this woman?
“Can I buy you a drink?” he asked, finishing off his own tumbler.
“Sure, angel boy,” she responded, oh she had no idea, “I’ll have what you’re having. You look like a top shelf kinda guy.”
“Oh? What makes you say that?”
“Just a hunch.”
“No evidence to support your claim?”
Gabriel’s smile grew, crinkling into his eyes. Fuck, she was intoxicating. Who knew after all these years, all the beings and gods and goddesses, that it would be a thirty year old human in a seedy bar on the side of the road that finally enraptured him completely. When he held his fingers up, requesting their drinks from the man behind the bar, he still didn’t pull his eyes away. Neither did she. With a quick flick of his power he could have read her mind, but that was cheating, that was ruining the fun, but it did tempt him. Was she thinking of the same things he was? Probably not. His thoughts had drifted to how she’d feel pressed between the wall and his body, the feeling of her skin on his, the taste of her lips. It’d been awhile since he had any form of release, he was trying to be good. She was making that very difficult.
“I was right. Top shelf,” she concluded after she’d sipped from her glass, licking the burn of the liquor from her lips.
“Hmm. Guess you’ve got me all figured out then?” he retorted, shooting his entire glass back in one swig.
“Never said that.”
“Didn’t have to.”
Her response was nothing more than a raised brow, that smirk from before spreading a little further up her cheeks, those creases around her eyes deepening further. It was the kind of smile it’d be a travesty not to kiss. She hadn’t turned him away yet, perhaps she was enjoying this just as much as he was.
“So, I find it hard to believe that someone like you would celebrate a birthday alone from anything but her own free will,” he hypothesized, turning his body towards her on his stool.
“Maybe I just wanted something new,” she observed, pulling her gaze from him, “I bore easily.”
An absence filled him when her eyes left his, she was a drug and he needed more.
“Well, at the risk of sounding arrogant, I’m new,” he remarked, “complete with a few tricks up my sleeve.”
“Tricks huh? What kind of tricks?” she inquired, her eyes still locked on the wall in front of her as she emptied her glass.
“Sorry honey, I’m hashtag no spoilers. That’s something you’ll have to find out for yourself.”
What happened next flew by in a blur. More drinks, more banter and before he could even comprehend his actions he was in the back of her car, hovering over her heaving chest as his hair hung messily into his face. Her fingers swiftly worked the buttons of his shirt, subjecting his torso to the cool night air. The trails of fire her skin left on his as she raked over his newly exposed body making him forget it was winter at all. He needed to slow down. This wasn’t a moment he wanted to glaze over.
He sat back on his heels, peeling his button down off his shoulders as her eyes watched intently, soaking in every inch of him.
“What’s fair is fair, sugar. Your turn,” he instructed, his fingers coming to graze under the hem of her sweater, the softness of her skin was pure heaven.
Obeying his wish, she ripped her sweater over her head, propping herself back onto her elbows as he marveled at the sight before him. He was right, she was perfect. Her face was strong, there was no question in her expression, but still he had to be sure. Surely nothing this perfect would want him.
“Are you sure?” he whispered, wrapping his hands around her waist, pulling her body up to his.
“Such a gentleman,” she cooed, locking a hand into the hair on the back of his head, “I’m sure. Are you?”
“Oh I don’t think I’ve ever been more sure of anything in my entire life.”
Finally, she laughed. It was genuine, and perfect, and beautiful. All the horns and harps of heaven didn’t hold a candle to it. Her eyes sparkled in the glow of the street lamps as she lowered her lips back to his. The fervor was gone, replaced with intent movements and slow, lingering kisses. He could taste the whiskey on her tongue as their mouths synchronized, for a first kiss they sure had found a rhythm quickly. There was no battle for dominance, no rush, no hint of regret, it was just… them.
Shockingly, he found this alone to satisfy him completely. Neither pressed the other for anything more, in fact they relaxed into their current activity, content and blissed.
“At the risk of… missing out,” he began as she pulled away for air.
“I get it,” she interjected, “thought you were just passing through?”
“Never said for how long.”
Her smile reached her eyes for the first time that evening as she pressed her forehead to his, her hands gently cupping either side of his face. He hadn’t felt like this in a long time, carefree, no strings attached happy. Although he wouldn’t mind a string or two with this one. He had a lot to learn about her, but some piece of him knew he wasn’t going to be disappointed with what he uncovered.
“You’re… you’re something else Gabriel,” she laughed, the sound of his name falling from her lips sweeter than honey, “I have to admit, I came out tonight just wanting to know my life hasn’t been completely pointless. That these thirty years haven’t been wasted trying to be what everyone else wanted me to be.”
“And what did you discover?” he asked, brushing her hair from her eyes.
“These thirty years have been wasted trying to be what everyone else wanted me to be.”
The confession brought a frown to his face, but a happy little grin sat upon hers. Without another word her lips fell back to his, picking up right where they had left off moments before, but Gabriel’s mind now filled with even more questions. He submitted to her ministrations, wanting to take everything she was willing to give him.
“You gonna tell me what that means?” he sighed as her mouth traveled lazily to his neck, hands running down his arms to wind her fingers with his.
“Nah. I think you like the mystery,” she hinted, “I’m hashtag no spoilers.”
“So, do I get to see you again then, Madam Mystery?”
“Guess so, fly boy. You still need to show me those tricks you promised.”
“Oh sweetheart, you have no idea what you’re in for.”
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idabbleincrazy · 5 years
Allie turns 30 Challenge
Ok, so I'm hosting a challenge for my birthday! (Jan 2nd) For this challenge, instead of using (y/n), use my nickname Allie. For the rest, you can either go with 'you' or 'she' I don't mind which.
I have made up a list of 30 different prompts, some are quotes and some are just general themes to include.
These can be used for the following fandoms: SPN, Lucifer(netflix), Timeless, or iZombie.
Genre choice is up to u, but tag appropriately. And if going the smutty route, no Spn: Lucifer, Nick, Crowley or Jack(that is a huge no-no); Lucifer(netflix): Dan; and iZombie: Major, Ravi(he belongs with Peyton and I refuse to come between them 😝) oh and for Timeless, same goes for Rufus/Jiya. Other than that, have at it!
Deadline: January 15th (i may extend it)
No word minimums or limits but please try to use a 'keep reading' tab (if u can) if more than drabble length as i will be reblogging them.
To claim a prompt, just send me an ask with the # and character you plan to use. (#29 has Dean in it but he doesnt have to be the main character) also, feel free to claim more than one prompt!
When you post your fic, make sure to include the prompt in the summary, if its a quote, make sure it is bolded in the fic, and make sure to tag me so and use #allieturns30 in the tags.
"I just want to know my life hasn't been completely pointless!"
"It's my party, and I'll cry if I fucking want to."
"Why, God, why? We had a deal, let the others grow old, not me!"
"I really shouldn't have a slice of cake, my metabolism is gonna go to shit now."
"I swear, if I hear one 'over the hill' joke, heads will roll!"
"You're like a fine wine, sugar. You just get better with age."
"Holy crap, I feel old!"
"No surprise party!"
A surprise party is thrown in the bunker.
"You got me a what?!?"
Spa day with the girls.
"I can't wear this, too much skin shows."
"Is that a wrinkle!? That wasn't there yesterday!"
Cheered up by the guys.
Smutty birthday wild card
"You didn't have to go through all this trouble, just for me."
"No birthday pinches!" Birthday pinches ensue.
Happy Birthday sung off-key or extremely well.
"Kill me, just kill me now. I don't want to get any older than this."
"Just 'cause your a grown up, doesn't mean you have to grow up."
"Why are there twice the amount of candles on this cake? Jerk!"
Birthday wish comes true.
Party games
De-aging spell (can be me or the other main character)
"Why didn't you tell us/me it's your birthday?"
"Can we just skip over this day?"
"In this life, every birthday is a blessing."
"If you feel so old, maybe I should get you a Life Alert button?" *smack*
"Gray hairs are not funny, Dean! You should know. I saw that box of Just For Men in your trash can."
"Thank you, for making this the best birthday I've ever had."
Update: deadline extended to January 30th (just figured I'd give u all a couple extra weeks cuz I know the holidays can be hectic.)
@outforawalkbitkah @hankypranky @hnrywinchester @phantomwarrior12 @i-blame-my-love-of-whump-on-ryan
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Allie’s Birthday Fic
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Something Stirs - A Birthday fic for @idabbleincrazy
“Hey, Allie,” Sam says, sliding into a chair across the table from you.  “You hanging in there?”
You look around the room, milling with AU World hunters.  There are people here you’ve heard stories of, who died before you hooked up with the Winchesters.  Well, they aren’t the same people, but it’s kinda close.  Everyone is antsy: happy to be safe, but anxious to figure out how to get back home and save their world.
You can’t blame them for worrying.  You have no idea how to get them back home, either, not without an archangel.  Michael was still locked in the Cage.  Sam kept Lucifer from coming back across the portal with everyone.  Raphael is dead.  And Gabriel…
You look up and meet Sam’s eyes.  They are soft and sympathetic.  
You don’t want sympathy.
“I’m fine,” you insist.  “It was his choice.”  It was the wrong choice, but it’d been his to make.
“I should have stopped him,” Sam says.  “Or tried to get his body.”
Yeah, you should have.  I should have, too, you think.  “He wanted us to leave him.”  You rub your face with your hands, pushing hair back from your eyes.  “He wanted to die.”
“Sam!” comes a call from across the room - he can’t sit down for more than a few seconds before someone else needs him.
He gives you a look, questioning, wondering if it’s okay to leave you.
Waving him on, you stand too.  “I’m gonna go to bed early.  LIttle worn out from our AU world jaunt.”
“If there’s a way to get him back, Allie, we’ll find it,” Sam promises.
You don’t believe him.
Your room is at the end of the hall, tucked away in a quiet corner of the Bunker.  The only person staying near you had been Gabriel.
It’s just you now.
You know you shouldn’t be so torn up about this.  It isn’t like there was anything really going on between you and the archangel.  Just a crush on your part, something about the broken being he’d become that pulled at your heartstrings.
How shattered he’d been when he came to the Bunker from Asmodeus’ ‘care.’  How hard he’d fought to seem normal after getting his revenge on Loki.  How much Sam and Dean had asked of him, but even you had to agree you all needed his help to defeat Michael and save Mary and Adam.
He’d given his help and it’d cost him everything.
Sam and Dean both knew you felt something for Gabriel.  Dean teased you mercilessly when he figured it out, but Sam just kept his mouth shut.  You weren’t sure if Cas knew or not - sometimes the angel was extremely perceptive and sometimes he was oblivious.
The door shuts behind you, leaving you alone in your room.  The quiet is deafening after the loud chatter in the library.  Flopping on your bed, clutching a pillow for comfort, you think about what brought you to this point and wonder what you could have changed.
The other day - which seemed a lifetime ago - Dean asked you to stay behind with Rowena, to provide her backup.
Of course, you refused.  No way were you being left behind.  Especially not if Gabriel was going - he wasn’t even at full strength and needed someone to watch his back.  Not that you’d ever tell the archangel he needed help.  He still had his pride, you knew.
So off you went, into the alternate world that had no Winchesters.
The whole world was different, light suffused with a strange tone that made everything look washed out.  Was something different with the sun here or was that just the way things looked?
Time was short and you all hiked through the woods.  You hung behind Gabriel and Cas, listening to Cas try and talk Gabriel into coming back to Heaven.  Silently, you cheered.  You’d lose Gabriel forever if he ruled Heaven, but he’d be fulfilling a role, finding a purpose - something he desperately needed.
Then he basically called himself a fuck-up and said he didn’t think Heaven should want him.
Your heart broke.
Gabriel noticed you behind him and fell back to walk beside you.  “You ready if Michael’s angels attack us here?” he asked, concerned.
“Yeah,” you nodded.  “I think I am.  What about you?”
His look was haunted, but he nodded as well.  “I have to be.  For whatever use I’ll be.”
“Hey,” you said, bopping his shoulder.  “You’re gonna do fine.  Low grace or no, you’re still a warrior.  You took on Loki and his sons.”
“Needed help with that,” he pointed out and then changed the subject.  “Hey, it’s your birthday coming up, right?  Big plans?  Partying in the lively town of Lebanon?  Shots with Cas?  Stealing the Impala for a joyride?”
You saw his deflection for what it was, but went along with it.  “I’d like to live to see my next birthday, so I’m leaving Baby alone,” you laughed.  “But maybe a couple of us can go out to that one bar in town.”
“The only bar in town, you mean.”
“That’s the one,” you said, grinning at him.  His eyes caught yours and you felt a flutter in your stomach.
“What’s the birthday wish this year?” he asked.
You gestured around you.  “Fix this?” you suggested.  “Get everyone home safely?”
“Might be a tall order,” Gabriel said.  “In any universe, my brother is formidable.”
“I know.  I just…” you started, but trailed off when you realized you almost confessed more than you meant to.
“You just what?”  The look Gabriel gave you made it seem like he already knew and was asking for politeness’ sake.
“I just…  I don’t know.  I don’t want anything for me.  I want good things for everyone else.  I want this to end happily ever after.”
“Ah, the old ‘world peace’ answer,” he said, nodding.  “Noble.  Unrealistic, but noble.”
You felt a flash of irritation.  “I just want to know my life hasn’t been completely pointless!” you retorted.  “I want something good to come out of me hunting.  Whether that’s saving this world or saving people in our world or… or convincing you that you need to go back and save Heaven, I don’t know and I don’t care.  I just want to leave the world a better place.”
Gabriel blinked.  Apparently that wasn’t the answer he’d been expecting.  “You heard my talk with Cas, huh?”
“Yeah.  It sounds like they need you.”
“Maybe.”  He looked away.  “Maybe I want to keep a low profile still.”
“Until you’re healed?”
“Maybe.  Maybe what I want is on Earth, not in Heaven.”
Before you could ask him what that could be, your group ran into others and learned of the tunnel with the vampires.
And, well, after that, you had no control over things.  No say to stop Gabriel from sacrificing himself to get you back safely to your world.
All you had was one last glance from him.
Squeezing the pillow tight, you feel tears leaking from your eyes.  Despite what you told Sam, you weren’t okay.  You didn’t feel like you’d ever be okay again.
Gabriel, you think.  Damn you.  You didn’t have to do that.  We need you here, for more than your grace.  I need you here.  Forget Heaven.  Come back to me.  If I want anything for my birthday, it’s that.
Your heart clenches.  You know your words will do no good.  You know about the Empty, Cas told you.  You know Gabriel is back in the other world’s Empty, way out of earshot of even the most desperate prayers.
You need to get yourself together, but maybe you’ll allow yourself another half hour of crying.  No tears after that.  You need to get back to work.
Until then, you pray to a dead archangel.
Somewhere, in the singular Empty that spans all worlds, something stirs.
Golden eyes and a cocky grin are the first things that form.
The Empty is quiet no more.
Title gif by @warlockwriter, original gif by @astralgabriel,
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hankypranky · 5 years
Happy Birthday Allie!
Gabriel X Allie
Written for @idabbleincrazy‘s “Allie Turns 30 Challenge 
Prompt: “I can’t wear this, too much skin shows.”
Word count: 3900ish
Thank you for hosting this challenge but MOST IMPORTANTLY thank you for being you and my friend :) Happy Birthday!
Part I
Frustrated in your attempt to find something in your wardrobe to wear for your birthday party, you finally gave up. Your closet in the bunker was empty, and you felt so too. Even if you wanted to sleep, you couldn’t. All of your clothes were on a gigantic heap on your bed. 
Hearing a rapp on the door, you quickly throw a tank top on, “Come in.”
The door swings open, but instead of entering your room, Gabriel leaned on the door frame. “You know, I may not be at my full strength, but I can feel your anxiety all the way from the library. What’s up sugar plum?”
“Nothing,” you murmur. Crossing his arms against his chest, he waits for you to continue. “It’s silly.”
Unwrapping the lollipop he pulls from his pocket, he practically shouts, “I’m captain of silly! Tell me.”
“I don’t know what to wear tomorrow…” Looking at your mess makes you feel even worse. “I just want to be left alone.”
“Oh come on darlin’, we’re going to party. It will be fun.” He goes over to the large heap of clothes on your bed and pops the sucker into his mouth and holds up the first thing he touches.
Crap, not that one.  He held up the light blue garment. “What is this, is this a blanket? I thought this was a dress.”  Still running his fingers along the edges of the fabric, “Allie! This is a hospital gown. Of course you aren’t going to wear this!” He narrowed his eyes and kept digging through the pile, “Flannel, flannel, flannel… geez baby girl.” His eyes flare with pride as he pulls out a black top with sequins, “Aha!”
Crinkling your nose you told him to turn it around. He did, “I got stabbed in that shirt. Big ole’ slash mark on the side.” Inspecting the poor stitch job you did he frowned. Avoiding his gaze you explained, “You can’t see it when I wear a jacket…”
Dropping the shirt, he sat down on the corner of the bed. You watched as his fingers twirled the lollipop around the soft curves of his lips as he pulled it out with a wet ‘pop’ sound. “How about this, we can make your party formal. ‘Birthday Suits only’.
This got a laugh from you, “How about no.”
“Come on. I haven’t been to an orgy in forever.”
Your heart sank a bit, you had been harboring a crush on the Archangel for years now. Not letting any jealousy rear its head, you kicked his foot. “We are not having an orgy for my 30th birthday.”
Popping the sucker back in your mouth, you heard a loud crunch, “Suit yourself.”
You were hitting your wall. Your room was a mess, your clothes everywhere and you just about had zero fucks left. Sweeping all the clothes off your bed in one shove, they hit the tiled floor.
Plopping down you laid on your back and threw your arm over your eyes.
Momentarily you forgot Gabriel was in the room with you until you felt the mattress shift beside you and your heart sped up.
His fingers traced up and down your forearm cooing your name. “Allie. Allieeee.” Frozen, you didn’t know what to do. Trapped between embarrassment and delight he spoke your name again, “Allie.”
Unable to take the sensation anymore, you threw your arm down. Your eyes met immediately and you were mesmerized by the tiny flecks of red in his iris’, unsure of how they could hold so much concern while sparking with that mischief you had grown so accustomed to.
Your hand was on your bed and you could feel the warmth coming off of him but one little move and the tips of your fingers felt something slightly wet and tacky. Hesitantly, you tried to identify what you were touching when you looked down and shouted his name, “Gabriel!”
There were lollipop sticks and candy wrappers falling out of his pocket onto your bed. His eyebrows shot up and he blinked a few times, “Whoops.” He sat up slowly and tucked them back into his pocket. Swiping the crumbs off your bed, all he managed to do was smear little bits of chocolate into your bed coverings.
With a deep sigh, you got up to retrieve the only other clean sheets you had. “Help me make the bed, will you?” It was more of a command than anything.
Gabriel stood up a little bit straighter, “What? Over a little bit of candy? Just put the top sheet over it.” Rolling your eyes, you couldn't help but laugh.
“Look, I'm all about cheering you up, but I draw the line at domestics. You should have known this was a possibility of being my friend.”
Ripping off the corner you pulled the sheet off your bed and tossed a corner of the new sheet at him. If he hadn't caught it with his hand, it would have smacked him in the face.
He began to tuck it under the edge of the bed, “Ugh, you sleep on these?”
“Of course I do. What’s wrong with them?”
He pinched his mouth shut and shook his head.
Continuing the make the bed, the fabric felt much softer, like a cotton silk.
Your head sprang up, “What did you do?”
“Turned these cold southern grit sheets into ones that are fit for a queen.”
“Gabriel, you can’t waste your grace like that!”
“It’s my grace and I can do whatever I want with it. Just like it’s your birthday, and you can cry if you want to.”
“I’m not crying.”
He countered, “And I’m not wasting my grace.”
Putting the blanket back on your bed, you murmured thank you so quietly, you weren’t sure if he heard you, but he gave you a small, warm smile.
He strutted towards you, “New plan! Tomorrow morning we are getting mani-pedis and going shopping!
Holding his pointer finger up, “No if, ands, or buts.”
“Now get in bed little lady, I’m going to tuck you in and tell you a story.”
“What?” You couldn’t believe what he just said, he was going to tuck you in? That’s ridiculous. “I’m a grown woman.”
Looking at his watch, “And in fifteen minutes you are going to turn thirty. So let’s get this show on the road so we can celebrate sooner.”
Still perplexed, you climbed into the bed wondering how he coaxed you into this. Yet, with every inch Gabriel raised the covers, your worries slipped away into the softest sheets your had ever laid on. With a final tug, he pulled the them up to your chin and switched off the light.
He pulled a chair closer and leaned in. The shadows on his face only highlighted the gentleness in his expression. You snuggled a little deeper into your bed, just wanting to look at his face forever.
“There once was a little girl who named Jenna who was having a hard time fitting into junior high. She lived a charmed life next door to her best friend Matt. For her 13th birthday, he made her the coolest dollhouse she had ever seen and sprinkled it with wishing dust and gave it to her right before her party started.”
Hmm… this sounded familiar. Not in the bed time story sort of way, but familiar somehow…
“Jenna also invited the popular girls over too and when they arrived, she stashed the beautiful dollhouse Matt had made in the closet.” Gabriel’s voice was a little more hushed and you could tell he was much less animated than he wanted to be. “The mean girls blindfolded Jenna and had to wait in the closet to play 7 Minutes in Heaven with her crush. Except, it wasn’t her crush that came, it was Matt.”
He drew in a deep breath as if feeling Jenna’s pain personally, “She was so humiliated she threw him out of the closest and cried. Trying to calm herself, she rocked back and forth,” the slight squeak of your chair as Gabe mimicked her motions, “She cried, ‘thirty, flirty and thriving… thirty, flirty, and thriving…’
You rolled over a touch so you could ask, “Gabe, are you telling me the plot of the movie 13 Going on 30?”
He narrowed his eyes at you, “You’ve seen it?”
You couldn't help but chuckle, “It’s a good movie. Go on.”
Continuing the tale where he left off, his voice lulled you into a sleep like state. Following the story and listening to his voice raise in excitement and become coarse when he was re-telling a serious scene. It was so peaceful you drifted off.
Only a slight recognition he was done when you felt his breath on your forehead, “Happy Birthday Allie,” and planted a small kiss. Too far gone, you reveled in the feel of his skin against yours...
The next morning you felt like you had slept for 12 hours, but it was only 7AM. You didn't really want to get out of bed,  but Gabriel promised you a good day, and by god you were going to let him spoil you. First, coffee…
Merely a few feet down the hall, Gabriel practically skipped up to you with a cup of coffee in his hand. “Happy Birthday Toots!”
Blinking a few times at his chipperness, “Thanks Gabe.”
He instructed you, “Back to your room, shower and shave, or whatever you do.”
“Don't tell me what to do. It’s my birthday!”
He scoffed, “Just trust me.”
Grumbling a fine, you turned back down the hallway. Self righteous dick. So what if you were planning on doing both those things anyway.
Not bothering to blow dry your hair, you did manage to put on a little bit of makeup and head back down to the kitchen. When you saw him in approaching you in the  hallway, “What? You gonna’ tell me to go back to my room or put me in a corner?”
“Of course not! That’s cruel. I was actually coming to get you, we have a surprise for you.”
Following him down the corridor, a sweet sugary smell clung in the air. Of course it was something sweet.
The table was full of pancakes, waffles, hard boiled eggs, and fruit, meat and fancy juices... Was there now end to this? But it was Sam and Dean’s joyful faces when they shouted “Happy Birthday!” in unison, that made your day.
“Thank you!” This really was a feast. “Wow Gabe, this looks incredible.“
Pulling out the chair for you he said, “Oh, don't thank me. Dean-O here made the pancakes and waffles. I only squeezed the orange juice and convinced them not to start without you.”
Eyeing him wearily, you knew he did much more than that, you would have settled for Dean’s pancakes alone.
“Dig in,” Dean said gruffly, not waiting before reaching across the table and picking up 3 pancakes in one fell swoop of his fork.
Breakfast was mostly small chit chat and deciding which car you and Gabe were going to take out for your shopping day because he flat out refused to ride around in your beat up Jeep.
Settling on the 1955 Chrysler Imperial in the garage, you pulled out, “We going to the mall?”
Quickly, he answered, “Nope, take 94 West, it’s a bit of a drive but we’re going to the boutiques in the city.”
“Gabe --”
“Oh hush. I have an unlimited credit card. Let’s use it and have some fun. He cranked up the old stereo and you cruised all the way there. Not literally though, this car has no cruise control!
You barely walked into the first shop before you walked right now. Shopping sounded fun in theory, but not in practice. He seemed to recognize you dilemma or was ignorant of the fact these boutiques were fancier than you were used to, “Ooooo, look! A cafe!” His face lit up, “Mimosas?”
Never needing a drink more than you did right now, you two sat down at the bar. Your drinks arrived promptly with little breakfast biscuits. After a few cocktails you felt yourself being loosened up.
“Well babe, Let's start at the nail salon.”
He corrected himself, “Sorry. Ma'am.” You punched him in the arm.
Mani pedis was a good place to start indeed. They had complimentary wine and you knew it, you were drunk. Well, kinda’. Okay, no denying you had a buzz and were flirting with Gabriel. Which was okay, because you two always flirted. He was one of the few you could be playful with. Staring down at your french manicure, you felt a little bit prettier.
Walking into the next store, you were feeling overwhelmed again. Gabriel was already chatting with the sales clerk while you perused the clothes racks. Nothing was jumping out at you. Tugging on your sleeve, you hit the pavement again.
This time, the shop you stopped in had a mannequin with jeans on one side of the display, and modern formal attire on the other side.
You had no idea where to start. None of this was really you. A gravelly voice interrupted your musings, “Dress or pants?”
“Uhh, I don’t know.”
He pulled a top off the rack? “What do you think, too floral?”
“Okay, how about this?” Gabriel held up a black stretchy dress.
“I don't know Gabriel. That doesn't seem like my style.”
“So you say. Keep looking, I’m going to pull out some things.” Unsure if he saw your eyes roll, you headed towards the jeans, picking out a few in your size.
While you continued to look around, Gabriel soon had his arms full of garments. You knew you had a stupid face when you saw him with arm full of garments. Giving you his best ‘duh’ expression, he explained, “These are just for me.”
It was comical how he was running all over the store while it felt like it took you forever to pick out one top. Zipping across the store, he had another armful and within moments he was begrudging pushing you into the changing stall.
“This place has a nice selection. I’ll model mine if you model yours, deal?”
The corner of your mouth turned up, “Sure.”
Trying on a couple of things, you weren’t feeling it.
“How's it going in there?”
“Uh huh. Then why don’t you come out and show me.”
“Because… we… don’t have enough time.”
“Dollface, we have all day. Come on out!”
You had on that black dress he had pulled out earlier. When you opened the door, you only had a moment to check out his new outfit, jeans, forest green leather coat, and a burnt sienna tee before he shouted at you, “Wow, you look stunning!”
This wasn’t you, did he not like the version that you are? Sure, it showed off some of your curves, but it felt wrong.
Sadness danced across his face, “Not feeling it?”
“It’s too formal for our crew.”
He wrinkled his nose, “I know, damn hunters in their camo and flannel. No tact. No sophistication at all.”
Ignoring his comments, you shut the door and moved onto trying on jeans.They were dark blue, almost black, and would do an excellent job hiding any blood that was spilled. Wow, they even had deep front pockets!
Your ass looked great in them too. “I’m coming out, I think this is the one.” Throwing on a generic black top you picked out, you emerged from the dressing room.
“Looks good! Definitely a keeper. What else is that pile? Did you see the purple halter top? Try that on with those jeans.”
Smiling at his approval, you went and switched out the shirts. As soon as the silky fabric slid across your back, it felt so good. When you turned around in the mirror and saw yourself, you were shocked at what you saw. The scoop neck feel low exposing more cleavage than you had seen yourself in years, but damn, you did look hot.
Gabriel’s voice shook you out of your musings. “Is it perfect?”
You lied, “It’s too small.” This would be something you would wear to a dance club, ya’ know, if you ever went.
“Lemme’  get you the next size up.”
You paced trying to come up with another excuse to give him. He knocked on the door but you just stuck your arm out to accept the top.
“Bad news, they’re all out of your size. Somebody out here is wearing it better than you.”
You threw the door open, “Excuse me?” Only to realize Gabriel was wearing the exact outfit you were.
Surprisingly, he looked hella’ sexy. The dark plum really highlighting his skin, the muscles of his arms rippling slightly. And when he moved the top rode up showing off a little of his happy trail.
Covering your mouth, you tried to stifle your laugh.
“Hot right?” Wiggling his eyebrows, “Like what you see sugar?”
Gaping at him you made a noise that you, yourself, didn’t even recognize.
He posed, one hand on his hip in a seductive manner, “Do you feel as sexy as I look?” Biting your lip, you tamped down you arousal.
Cavalierly, he threw his hands in the air, “I’m sorry, I hate it when someone shows up in the same outfit as me. But, I’ll take the high road and find something else.” He jutted his chin out and smiled, “You look better in it anyway.”
The blood rushed to your cheeks and you felt them burn. “I can’t wear this, too much skin shows!”
He purred, “No baby girl,” advancing towards you. “It shows just enough to leave the mind reeling.” Brushing the hair back off your shoulders, his fingertips trailed against your bare skin and it scorched you. Gently he gripped your hips and spun you around to so you could see yourself in the mirror.
Looking over your shoulder, the predatory glint in his eye keeping you firmly in place, he asked, “When’s the last time you felt sexy, like truly sexy?”
Unable to turn away from his gaze, you stuttered, “I- I can’t remember.”
He licked his lips, “You’re the whole package. Brains, brawn, beauty.”
You had almost forgotten he was wearing the same outfit as you but he quickly slipped out from behind you and emerged with a black leather jacket you saw an expanse of his tan skin which made you wish he wasn’t wearing a shirt.
Without skipping a beat, he had slipped your arm into one sleeve, guiding the other as he pulled the jacket over your shoulders.
“Are you nervous to stand out?” He ran his hands up down your shoulders, smoothing out the leather. You had forgotten to breath, and choked in a breath. “You shine. Even with my grace as low as it is, your soul is so bright. Whether you wear flannel, or a sequined gown, you can never hide.”
His golden hair partly fell around his face, “So, is this the outfit?”
Still unable to speak, you did the only thing you could do and raised your hand slowly and stuck your thumb out, giving him the most awkward thumbs up know to man.
“I’ll see you at the register.” When he winked and walked out, you caught sight of your reflection. As if your head was a cherry bomb that had been lit, you were mortified to see the expression plastered on your face. Needing to take deep breaths, you still felt shaky.
Not bothering to try on anything else, you grabbed the clothes that fit and walked out with an air of confidence you didn’t think you had before.
Within ten minutes you had loaded the bags into the car, you two hit the road back to the bunker, only Gabriel was behind the wheel. He didn’t try to fill it with small talk. He kept a sucker in his mouth the whole way, while looking deep in thought, sneaking glances at you every once in a while.
There was a tension in the air that hadn’t been there before. Do you make a move? Do you let him make a move? Do you just try to shove all these feelings back down and lock them up tight again? They have never been this close to the surface, and you didn’t like it. You should feel more numb than this. You can’t get attached to a being that was never going to die.
Part III
You sat alone on a chair, watching your friends sloppily sing old rock songs on the karaoke machine. Thinking back to Cas’ speech, you laughed a bit. He most certainly wasn’t human. ‘ I’d like to make a toast. Though, I’m unsure of why you celebrate each year, I know it is customary. We very rarely take the opportunity to celebrate life when so often we are burying people.’ He took a moment and cleared his throat, ‘Happy Birthday Allie. We wish you many more.’
Boy, if that wasn’t true, but what resonated was Gabriel piping up, “To thirty, flirty and thriving!”  
And your friends and fellow hunters raised their glasses and cheered to you with a “Here, here” you knew that one, above others treasured you.
You never would have imagined that a former demi-god trickster, graceless archangel, would be the one give you one of the best birthdays. His friendship, or whatever this was bestowed a gratefulness upon yourself that you have even lived this long.
Popping up and stirring you from your thoughts, Gabriel appeared and the room blurred around him. He was your sole focus and a rare, honest smile crossed his face. “ Wanna get out of here?”  
Following him down the dim corridor, you were only a few steps behind him. His head cocking back to check on you, every few steps until he reached his hand back for you to grab. His hands were small, uncalloused and warm verse yours. They were thick and fit yours perfectly.
He was leading you to the roof and when he opened the door, the cool air felt like a second wind you didn’t know you needed. It grounded you- Forcing you to stand to your full height.
Gabriel stepping from side to side. His eyes flicking between you and his surprise. Your eyes finding the blanket laid out, pillows surrounding it, illuminated by the lights he had strung around the ground. Such a romantic gesture, one you couldn’t believe. It was so beautiful, how the glares of light sparkled against the blankets and pillows, the shadows making the pillows look like a deep plush place you just needed to lay.
This moment, you scored into your memory.
He had done this for you.
His eyes wide, rocking back to forth on the balls of his feet, clutching your hand, the tension rolling off of him awaiting your response.
Throwing yourself against him, you pulled him down and kissed him. He didn't pull away just moved his lips against yours without hesitation but then he pulled back. The crinkles of his eyes turned up ever so sweetly as he gave you a small smile, “I had a whole speech you know.”
“You did?”
Nuzzling his cold nose against yours, “But you beat me to the ending.”
Pulling you closely against him, he leaned down and kissed you again and your whole body melted into him. So grateful he had such a good grip on you, because you thought your knees were going to give out, because with each brush of your lips, you felt more and more like one being.
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Into Forever
For @idabbleincrazys #allieturns30 challenge! Happy Birthday!! <3<3
words: 2040
Pure hurt/comfort here. a little talk of a bad hunt, previous physical and mental wounds, and civilian deaths. the angst! I’m sorry it went this way!
Prompt is in bold
And i’d like to say thank you for this because this fic really helped me knock loose a bad case of writers block. it’s been two months since ive written anything! uugghghhh!
Gabriel called her name as he lightly knocking at the bedroom door. There was no answer, the same as every time before.
“Can you please open the door? Talk to me? Anything!”
“She’s been locked in there for a few days.” Sam came up behind Gabriel, a tint of worry in his voice. “We came back from an easy hunt and she just, I dunno, hid herself away.”
“Did she even say why?” Gabriel asked as Sam continued down the hall towards his own room. The only response Gabriel received was a shrug of the shoulders and a sympathetic look before the hunter disappeared behind the door, the click of the lock echoing through the bunker’s hallway.
Gabriel sighed. His hand came up to knock again, but he stopped short, letting his body slump forward to rest his forehead against the cold wood.
“Come on, babe,” he whispered, before he turned around and reluctantly walked back out to the library.
Gabriel found Dean and Castiel there, sitting close and looking over an ancient book together. There was a quip sitting on the tip of his tongue about the lack of space between them, but his worry over Allie killed it before it could escape his mouth. He just pulled out a chair and sat without a word, his head in his hands.
Dean and Castiel exchanged a look of perplexed concern at the uncharacteristic quiet of the archangel.
“What’s with you?” Dean asked bluntly.
“Shut up, Dean,” came the muffled reply behind Gabriel's hands.
Gabriel groaned, rubbing his hands over his face as he sat up. “Sorry, Cassie. I just...she still won’t open the door.”
Castiel nodded in understanding, shifting closer to his brother. “I’m sure she is ok, Gabriel. She must need alone time for some reason.”
“Thanks, Cas.” Castiel gave a small smile and set his hand on Gabriel’s in comfort. “But what the hell happened on that hunt?”
“Ghost,” Dean said matter-of-factly on the other side of Castiel. “Bunch of teenagers hanging around in a graveyard doing stupid shit, and they just pissed it right off.”
“I thought you guys went to salt and burn it? Easy peasy, right?”
“Yeah,” Dean continued. “It wasn’t hurting anyone, just making too much noise.” Dean paused, uncomfortable with remembering what went on in that graveyard. “But these fucking kids, man…”
Gabriel and Castiel exchanged a look before they turned back to Dean.
“What happened, Dean?” Gabriel asked.
The hunter sighed, looked away, Gabriel could see the shame in his eyes.
“Dean.” And now there was a sharpness in Gabriel’s voice.
“I mean, who goes to a cemetery, at midnight, and has a fucking party! All they did was make it furious and violent, and we got there too late. Half of them were already dead. We all split up to save who we could, and Allie had three behind her as the damn ghost charged her. It was screeching, it sounded horrible.”
Dean closed his eyes, shaking his head like he was trying to remove the memories entirely from his mind. Castiel reached over and placed his hand on Dean’s arm, the simple gesture calming Dean’s trembling breaths.
“Anyway,” Dean kept going after a silent thank you to Cas, “this thing had Allie pinned. Just clawing and screaming. I was running over to help her when it just lit up.” Dean mimicked the sound of the fire that engulfed the ghost, his hands miming it. “I guess Sam got to the bones. Took care of it. I called Cas to heal Allie up, no big deal, but she seemed so out of it. I asked her what was up, what that thing said to her, but she didn't even look at me. Just walked back to the car, and when we got home…” Dean just gestured down the hall that Gabriel had come from, “off she went.”
Gabriel sat silently, a little dumbfounded. Allie took a beating from a ghost, and just checked out? That’s not right, not his strong hunter. It’s not even the first time she had gotten hurt by a spirit.
Just six months ago she had tried to throw a person possessed by a ghost out of a two story window, only to have his hands grab her jacket and pull her out with him. Gabriel had been there immediately to heal her, of course, but Allie was still feisty, cracking jokes through gritted teeth while Gabriel had a heart attack, frantically pouring his grace into her broken body.
How could a few scratches affect her like this?
He ran a hand through his hair, raking it back as he tried to understand.
“There isn't anything else you can think of? No reason why this happened?”
Dean only shrugged his shoulders, a little defeated.
“She didn't give me anything, man. I’m just as worried as you are. She doesn't answer me either.”
“Gabriel, why don't you go try again,” Cas suggested. “It has been a while since we returned. Perhaps Allison only needed a few days to regain her bearings. I would wager that you would be the one she would open up to.”
A small, knowing smile played on Castiel’s lips, and Gabriel couldn't help but smile back.
“You’re far too wise, Cas.”
“Careful now,” Dean called out as Gabriel headed back toward Allie’s room, “shit like that’ll go to his head.”
Gabriel snorted a laugh as he pretended not to see the two of them scoot closer, and rounded the corner out of the library.
The door was still closed, locked tight as Gabriel approached Allie’s room. Nothing had changed. Gabriel sighed as he raised his hand and knocked.
“Sugar? You ok in there?”
He wasn't surprised when there was no answer.
“I, um, I talked with Dean and Cas. They told me what happened on the hunt.”
Not even a rustle. Gabriel leaned on the door, frustration and fear starting to tear at the edges of his grace.
“Please,” he whispered into the wood, “please. You're scaring me. Me. You always say nothing scares me. But this, you are scaring the shit out of me! I just need to know you're ok.”
“...Cas healed me.”
Gabriel thought he could cry at the sound of Allie’s tiny voice through the door.
“Oh, sugar,” he breathed out, “thank father. I know. I know Cas healed you, but I’m not talking about your body. Tell me what’s rattling ‘round in that beautiful noggin of yours.”
There was a moment of silence, and Gabriel held his breath while he waited for a response. A click of the old lock, and slowly, so slowly, the door swung open.
Allie stood there, looking gaunt and so hollow that Gabriel was barely able to hold in his gasp. She didn't even look up at him as she left the door open for Gabriel and walked over to the bed and sat down, pulling her legs up.
Gabriel stepped into the room. He closed the door, not looking away from her as he locked and soundproofed it with his grace. His eyes were focused, not leaving her form. Walking towards the bed, he held out his hand and pulled with his grace, the rolling desk chair dutifully making its way over to him. He left some room between them as he sat down, but not so far that he couldn't reach out and touch her.
“How you doing, babe?” he asked quietly.
“That seems like the exact opposite of what you are.”
“Cas healed me.”
“So you said.”
Silence hung over them. Gabriel wanted nothing more than to reach out, to grab Allie and wrap her in his arms. To let her cry or scream or talk late into the night, whatever she needed to feel like her old vibrant self.
He thought maybe he could reach out to her with his grace, wrap her in his wings, but-
“That ghost,” Allie spoke, interrupting Gabriel’s thoughts, “it was in my head, screaming things. Things about me.” She looked up, finally meeting Gabriel’s gaze. “Us.”
A tear rolled down her cheek, and before Gabriel could even think, he was wiping it away, warming her skin with his palm.
“It didn't know anything. Nothing the ghost said was true, could ever change the way I feel about you.”
“But it did, Gabriel!” The panic was ratcheting up in her voice. “It did! It must have been in my mind or something!” Allie uncurled, launching herself off the bed and kneeling on the floor between Gabriel’s legs. “It showed me things! My family’s murder, the reason I got into hunting! People that have died because of me! Those things were true. It all was. Even…”
Allie cut herself off, not wanting to breathe a word of it.
Gabriel leaned in, both hands cradling her face, catching the tears that were falling.
“What?” Gabriel asked. “What else did it tell you?”
He pulled Allie close, and with a shuddering breath she wrapped her arms around Gabriel’s middle, clutching tightly as she quietly cried.
“Please.” Gabriel hugged her back, placing a gentle kiss in Allie’s hair. “Please tell me what’s wrong.”
The sounds of her crying broke Gabriel’s heart, but he let her weep for a moment.
“It...it was screaming at me. Horrible things,” she whimpered as she looked up at Gabriel. “Told me I’d be dead. The next hunt would be the last one. Gabriel,” she cried as she held tighter to his shirt, “I don't want to leave you!”
Gabriel was left speechless, and pulled her closer in horror at what Allie was dealing with on her own. “Oh, sugar.  That’s not gonna happen. I will always be here to protect you.’
Allie only shook her head. Her energy seemed to fade, and she laid her head down on Gabriel’s thigh. He gently pet her hair, tucking some behind her ears.
“Eventually I'll grow old. All you'll have to remember me is a tombstone.”
Gabriel’s fingers stalled in Allie’s hair and a pang of hopelessness ran through him. He could heal, he could ease the pain of any injury, but she was right. And there was no answer he could give to make this better.
“Honey, I need you to look at me right now.”
When she lifted her head, Gabriel gave her a small, sad smile. He leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss, sending a little grace with it to clean up the redness in her eyes and placate the tiny aches from crying.
“In this life, the hunters life, every birthday is a blessing. And it’s my job to make sure you see as many of them as possible. Nothing, in this world or the next, could take you away from me. I won't let anything bad happen to you.”
He sighed, and a frown played on his lips.
“But, it’s true that I can't keep you alive forever.”
All the color seemed to drain from Allie’s face, and Gabriel was quick to grab her hands and pull her up to their feet.
“Come on, sit on the bed.”
He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, sharing an embrace as they sank into the mattress together.
“I need you to listen, and believe me when I say that you will never, never, be just a tombstone to me. I will follow you until the end of time, to anywhere you end up. Humans are not meant to live forever, but your souls never truly die.” Gabriel placed a kiss on Allie’s knuckles, caressing the skin after. “And I will fight a bitch to get you from wherever those winged dicks decide to send you. I'll show you the whole of creation, from the largest galaxies to the tiniest atoms. The past, the future, it’s all at our fingertips. As long as you're with me, I’m whole, sweetheart.”
Allie’s eyes swam with tears again, moved by the reassurance that Gabriel would never abandon her, that he would always be here. Forever and into the next life.
“Oh, Gabriel,” she sobbed, “me too. I won’t…”
“Hush now,” Gabriel shushed as he leaned over, their lips hovering so close. “I know.”
The gap between them closed, and the kiss they shared was full of promises and devotion.
Gabriel x Reader tags
@nobodys-baby-now @booknerd1324 @tvshowobsessedhuman @thewhiterabbit42 @hankypranky
Everything tags
@doctor-zyre @ourloveisforthelovely @authoressskr @superwhoavengelocketc-blog @sumara62 @mscrazycatbitch @emmii4 @redberrysweets @space-time-paradox @tgpanther @anxietywontmakethewordsgo @l4life @acarpouschimerical @warlockwriter
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idabbleincrazy · 5 years
Hey, I'll claim #1 and Gabriel for your birthday celebration! ~ihaveallthesefeelsokay
Luckily im allowing 2 claims per prompt so have at it!
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idabbleincrazy · 5 years
Hey, is it ok if I combine #2 and #26 with Gabriel for your birthday challenge? :)
Go for it! Thanx for joining!
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idabbleincrazy · 5 years
For your birthday challenge, I accept #12 Gabriel x Allie 😉
😂 awesome!
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idabbleincrazy · 5 years
#6 with Gabriel from SPN, please! Thanks for hosting this challenge!
No problem! Thanx for joining!
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idabbleincrazy · 5 years
Oh girl gimme that angsty #1 prompt 🤪 with gabriel!
U got it hun! Looking forward to it! 💖
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