#alligator loki is cuteness overload
hrefna-the-raven · 5 months
Mischief and fever
Masterlist - Loki masterlist
Notes: I'm stuck at home with fever, feeling miserable so I wrote a little comfort drabble with my favourite alligator 😇
Words: 460
Summary: being stuck in your room with a fever sucks, fortunately there is a very special alligator around to keep you company
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You groaned as you slumped back into bed, your damp clothes uncomfortably clinging to your body. Illness was something you despised, not only because it physically confined you to the bed, but also because it had a way of infiltrating your mind, engulfing every waking moment with a sense of despair. You were an Avenger, you were supposed to save the world, help others, not be struck down helplessly with a fever. Despite your best efforts to hold back the tears welling up in the corners of your eyes, they eventually streamed down your face accompanied by audible sobs until...
Suddenly something was poking you, persistently, in the side. Annoyed and snivelling, you turned over, ready to dismiss whatever annoyance existed in your personal space. To your surprise, your eyes fell upon the alligator variant of Loki nudging you with his snout. This particular variant may lack the ability to speak or shape-shift, but he always found a way to make you understand. For some inexplicable reason, he had become obsessed with you ever since Thor brought him to the Avengers' headquarter, and since then, the two of you had become inseparable. Once he was certain that he had captured your undivided attention, he gingerly slithered onto your lap and curled up, pressing his snout against your stomach, his yellow eyes locked onto yours, as if trying to will away the illness that plagued you. It was a display of care and love so unexpected, yet so comforting. The day turned into night, in the sanctuary of your embrace, Loki stayed faithfully by your side. Each morning, he would make his way to your room, curling up beside you with his scaly body snugly pressed against yours. His presence brought a sense of reassurance during your arduous journey towards recovery. Without uttering a single word, his company and gentle touch became a guiding light, leading you through the darkest moments of your fever.
As the days passed and your strength gradually returned, he still remained by your side. Sometimes he would attempt to force you to move around a bit, other times, he would bring you food, playfully rolling his eyes as you questioned the mysterious disappearance of half of the cookies from the bag which never failed to paint a smile across your face. It was an unspoken language between you, filled with a profound understanding, unconditional support and a happiness you never wanted to let go of again. To the rest of the Avengers he was an annoyance, even more so than this universe's own Loki, to Thor he was a fancy pet but to you, he was a true and loving friend and you have never been more grateful that he, apparently, thought the same about you.
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hrefna-the-raven · 7 months
Chasing butterflies
Masterlist - Loki masterlist
Words: 802
Notes: after reading the alligator Loki comics, I just had to write a little drabble with him, he's just too adorable 😍
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As you strolled through the vibrant gardens, the scent of blooming flowers filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere. The sun's warm rays gently caressed your skin, and all seemed calm and peaceful. But little did you know that your peaceful walk was about to be interrupted.
A flicker of movement caught your eye and you found yourself drawn towards it, a peculiar green portal opening before you. Intrigued and filled with a sense of adventure, you cautiously approached it. As you peered into the portal's depths, your eyes widened with surprise. Emerging from the other side was none other than an alligator. But this wasn't just any ordinary alligator; it wore a golden horned helmet atop its head. You couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the sight before you.
"Are you," you mused aloud, sitting on the ground in front of the reptile, "a Loki?"
The alligator responded with a grumbling sound, as if acknowledging your question. It nudged its head against your outstretched hand, seeking affection. With a gentle touch, you stroked its rough scales, weighing the chances of this either being your Loki in disguise or another one from another universe. After all, he was able to visit other worlds so why wouldn't it be possible for another him to visit you?
Unbeknownst to you, this peculiar alligator was indeed Loki, but this was his true form, this god was confined to the body of an alligator, though his mischievous spirit remained the same. Intrigued by his playful nature, you couldn't help but be drawn to his magnetic charm. His glossy green scales shimmered under the sun and his toothy grin hinted at an intelligence that belied his reptilian form.
Curiosity piqued, you spent your afternoon observing alligator Loki's antics. You watched in awe and giggled as he attempted to chase butterflies, his agile tail swishing through the air as he darted after the fleeting insects. After getting bored of the chase, he would hide behind the bushes, patiently waiting for unsuspecting servants to pass by. With a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, he would leap out, startling them with playful growls that left bewildered and little scared. Whenever you laughed at the mischief he was causing, he would gently nudge you and let out a contented hiss.
Despite his nature, Loki's heart overflowed with affection and a desire for friendship, he just wanted to get away from Thor for some time and he couldn't have had more luck, finding you. Your kindness and sweet giggles filled him immense joy and you treated him as an individual rather than an exotic pet. However, Loki was well aware that he couldn't elude his responsibilities indefinitely. As he curled up on your lap, reveling in the gentle strokes of your fingers on his belly, a portal materialised and Thor emerged. His concerned expression swiftly transformed into relief at the sight of Loki nestled comfortably on your lap.
"There you are!", Thor exclaimed, "I've been searching high and low for you!"
The alligator hesitantly opened one eye, observing the thunder god before he huffed, turning his head towards you again. You weren't sure what to think of this but decided to let this play out before intervening.
"Please come back home with me", Thor begged, "I even brought your favourite toy."
He revealed a plush hammer that resembled Mjölnir. He squeezed it, producing a high-pitched squeak that immediately caught Loki's attention. His head turned, eyes widening as they fixated on the plush hammer. It was clear that Loki not only desired the hammer but also longed to return to Thor, hindered only by his pride. You couldn't help but chuckle at the resemblance to your Loki's personality. Setting the alligator down, you gently nudged him towards Thor.
"Go home, little friend", you smiled, nodding reassuringly, "you can visit me anytime if you want to."
Loki hissed in agreement and nodded before trotting towards Thor. He swiftly snatched the toy from Thor's hand and began to chew on it, filling the garden with squeaky noises. Thor scooped up the alligator, expressing his gratitude to you, and disappeared through the portal just before it vanished.
You let out a content, yet sad, sight as you got up and made your way back to the palace. Upon reaching the doors, your beloved Loki stood there waiting for you. His hands gently cradled your face as he planted a tender kiss on your lips, his gaze searching for any signs of how your afternoon had been.
"Did you enjoy your time in the gardens while I was away?"
"Yes, my beloved", you replied, entwining your fingers with his and strolling through the corridors together.
"Did you have fun?"
"Oh plenty", you chuckled, walking alongside a oblivious Loki as you headed towards the dining hall.
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