daletrabr · 1 month
Letra da música “All I Want Is You” de U2
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daletrafra · 4 months
Découvrez les paroles de la chanson “All I Want Is You” de Bryan Adams
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st4rryzz · 11 months
This my go-to song frfr
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cringecat69 · 9 months
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nojarama · 10 months
Happy anniversary to Roxy Music’s album, ‘Country Life’. Released this week in 1974. #roxymususic #bryanferry #countrylife #outoftheblue #alliwantisyou #thethrillofitall
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omgwillyouloveme · 3 years
Talk to me about everything you’ve done today. Talk to me about your future plans. Tell me how you feel rn. I want to listen. I want to know you even better every f*ckng day. Just have some real convo’s with me
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omeliastories · 5 years
All I Want Is You
Chapter Four
“Where did you stay last night?” Maggie’s cheerful voice broke through Amelia’s thoughts.
When she sat down across from her at one of the tables in the cafeteria, Amelia finally looked at her. “Why do you sound like that?” She asked.
“Like what?”
“Like you had a bowl full of rainbows for breakfast this morning.” Amelia replied.
Maggie smiled as she took a sip of her water. “Amelia, come on. I need details. Who was he?” She said. “Does he work here? Do I know him?” She asked. “Is he a good kisser?”
Amelia sighed quietly and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “If I answer your questions, will you leave me alone for the rest of the day?” She asked.
“Yes.” Maggie smiled.
“Fine.” Amelia sighed once more and rolled her eyes as she thought back on Maggie’s questions. “Yes, he works here. Yes, you know him. And... I can’t answer the last one.” She said with a small smile.
“Wait, what? You spent the night with a man and you can’t tell me if he’s a good kisser or not? Come on, Amelia! That was the most important question!” She said.
Amelia laughed a little and shook her head. Maggie was relentless. “Maggie, it’s not–”
“Wait. You said I know him.” Maggie interrupted. “And he works here?” She asked, just to be sure. Even though most of the men she knew worked there at Grey Sloan. She thought for a while, going through all of the men she knew in her head. “Wait a second.. you didn’t sleep with Deluca, did you?” She asked. “If Mer finds out–”
“What? No! Maggie! I wouldn’t do that to Mer. Come on..” Amelia said.
“Okay.. Okay. Let me think.” Maggie said. “Wait... haven’t you been sleeping with Link?” She asked. “What happened with that?” She asked.
“You didn’t hear what happened? I figured it’d be all over the hospital by now.” Amelia said softly. Maggie shook her head and Amelia sighed. “Umm.. let’s just say that.. Link’s face and Owen’s fist met, and they didn’t like each other.” She said.
Maggie’s eyes widened a bit. “Owen? Punched Link? Why?” She asked.
Amelia took in a deep breath, remembering that day in the elevator and Owen’s words to her.
“I protect the things I love.”
“I, uh... I have no idea. He just..–”
“Jealousy?” Maggie interrupted. “Does he know you’re with Link?”
“I’m not with him, I just... we were just...” Amelia sighed. “He knows... now. But,.. before.. he-he didn’t.” She said. “Anyway, that’s not the point. It’s over with Link.”
“So who did you stay with last night? Because you definitely didn’t stay in your room.” Maggie said softly.
Amelia sighed as she looked down at her hands. She knew Maggie wasn’t going to leave her alone until she found out all the details. If Amelia did shrug her off, though, she’d do whatever she could to find out exactly who Amelia spent the night with, so it was really a lose-lose situation for her. “I stayed with Owen last night.” She said softly.
Maggie’s eyes widened again as she set her water down on the table in front of her. “You stayed with Owen? Amelia... I thought–”
“I know, I know.” She said. “But, it’s not what you think. I went to drop Leo off last night and it was pouring down rain and lightening and... he didn’t want me to drive in it, so... I stayed on the couch.” She told her. “We didn’t do anything. Nothing happened. I was soaked to the bone and he let me stay there. That’s all.”
“Nothing happened?” Maggie asked.
Amelia sighed. “Nothing happened.”
“Bless you. Exactly, how many more times are you going to sneeze? Just so I’ll know whether or not I have the patience for it.” Tom Koracick said with a smile.
Amelia rolled her eyes and sighed as she stood up from her seat at the table in front of her. “You know what, Tom? Any other day, I would sit here and take your little side comments and your half-assed jokes, but right now... I’m this close to throat punching you, so please shut up.” She said.
“Mm. Sick Amelia is also grumpy Amelia.” Tom said. “Do you need to go home and lie down? Maybe a nice massage will help?” He said with a smirk.
Amelia rolled her eyes again and gathered up her files. She packed them away in her purse and threw it over her shoulder. “I’m going home.” She said before she walked out the door. When the elevator doors opened, Amelia stepped inside and pressed the button for the ground floor. She was starting to feel bad and she really wanted to go home. The only problem was... she didn’t know which house was home to her anymore. When the elevator stopped on the floor just above the one she was getting off at, Amelia sighed. As the doors opened, she glanced up and smiled when she saw Leo being pushed in his stroller by Owen.
“Hey.” Owen said as he stepped inside just before the doors closed. “Look who it is, Leo.” He said with a small smile.
“Mama!” Leo said excitedly.
“Hi, sweet boy.” Amelia said softly and bent down to press a soft kiss to the top of his head. When she stood back up straight, she leaned back against the wall and took in a deep breath.
“Are you okay?” Owen asked softly.
Amelia nodded slightly and let out that breath. “I’m fine. Think I might be coming down with a cold.” She said softly. She looked over at him and offered him a small smile. “Why are you leaving so early?” She asked.
“Leo has a fever. He’s just teething, but they won’t let him stay in daycare, so...” He shrugged. “We’re headed home, too.” He said. He was silent for a minute as the elevator finally stopped on the ground floor. When the doors opened, he motioned for her to walk out first as he followed behind, pushing Leo in his stroller. “Amelia..” He said softly as she walked just a little bit ahead of them. When she stopped and turned around, he took in a breath before speaking. “Are you sure it’s just a cold?” He asked softly.
Amelia’s brows furrowed. “What do you mean?” She asked.
“Well.. I’ve seen you work under... worse circumstances than just a cold. You’ve come to work sick plenty of times. Even after you found out about your tumor, you still wanted to work.” He explained. “Are you sure it’s just a cold?” He asked again.
Amelia took a deep breath and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “I’m fine. I’m sneezing, and I just... don’t feel good right now. That’s all. I’ll be fine by tomorrow.” She said as she started toward the doors again. “No worries. I’ll be back to work in the morning.”
“You’re not going to work today.” Meredith said as she took Amelia’s temperature. “You have a fever.” She said.
Amelia groaned as she sat up in bed and ran her fingers through her hair. “It’s just a cold. I’m fine.” She argued. “I have surgeries today.” She said with a sigh as she pulled the covers back and got up.
Meredith sighed. “Amelia... I’m not your mother. I can’t tell you what to do. But, I am your sister and I don’t think this is just a cold.” She said. “Why don’t you lie back down and I’ll let Bailey know that you won’t be in today.” She said softly.
“Not a chance. I’m going.” Amelia said. “I’m already late.” She said as she walked past Meredith and went to shower. She didn’t care if she had a fever or not; she was going to work no matter what.
“Doctor Shepherd, are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” Amelia said as she stepped away from the operating table for a minute. She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, closing her eyes for just a second as she tried to relax. Whatever was going on with her was getting worse, she could tell; and she didn’t like it. She thought it was just a cold, but apparently it was something worse. As she stepped back up to the table, Amelia glanced up at the clock and her eyes widened in shock. “Is that thing right?” She asked one of the nurses.
“Yes, ma’am.” The nurse politely responded.
Amelia shook her head slightly. “That can’t be right.” She whispered, more to herself than to anyone else. “I, uh... I-I need to..–”
“Do you need me to page Doctor Nelson?” The nurse asked.
“Uh.. Yeah. Yeah, do that.” Amelia said softly.
The nurse nodded as she walked away from the table to page the other neurosurgeon on call. He was there in ten minutes, to which Amelia was relieved. He had a few choice words to say to her, but at that point, Amelia didn’t care. She was sick. Maybe she should have taken Meredith’s advice and stayed home today.
After she discarded her gloves, her gown, and her mask, she walked out of the OR and sat down in the floor in the hallway. She just needed to sit for a minute. Amelia had never felt like this before. She got colds, but this was worse. She couldn’t breathe. She was cold, but hot at the same time. She needed to go home.
“Amelia? Are you okay?”
She heard the familiar voice just a few feet away from her. When she looked up, Owen was standing there, obviously worried, waiting for an answer. Amelia shook her head slowly and tucked her hair behind her ears. “I don’t think so.” She whispered. “Something’s wrong, Owen...” She said.
Owen walked closer and kneeled down to get a better look at her. She was sweating, which was unusual for her after surgery. He moved his hand and placed it on her forehead. “You’re burning up.” He said with a sigh. “I thought you said it was just a cold?” He asked.
Amelia smiled a little and looked into his eyes. “This is the worst cold I’ve ever had.” She said softly. “Can you just... take me home? I need rest, so I can come back–”
“Tomorrow? I don’t think so.” Owen said. “Come on.” He said softly as he helped her up. “Let’s get you checked out first.”
“Pneumonia? How the hell did I get pneumonia?” Amelia groaned.
“You were out in the rain the other night, remember?” Owen said. “You went to bed with your hair wet. You said you were cold.” He said with a shrug.
“And now I have pneumonia.” Amelia sighed.
“And now you have pneumonia.” Owen said with a nod.
Amelia sighed once more and ran her fingers through her hair. “Can I go home now?” She asked.
“Yeah. I’ll take you.” Owen said. “We need to get you some antibiotics to take for a few days.” He said.
“No. No meds. I’m fine–”
“Amelia. You are not fine. You need them to get better.”
Amelia looked up into his eyes, sighing in surrender. “Okay... fine.” She whispered. “I just want to go home.” She said.
Owen nodded once. “Of course.” He said. “I’ll get you a prescription on the way out.”
Amelia got up off of the hospital bed she’d been sitting on. She still felt like she couldn’t breathe, but it wasn’t as bad as before. Owen said her fever had gone down, but it was still pretty high. He wanted her to stay there for a day or two, but she refused. She would feel better at home. When they finally made it to Owen’s car, he helped her in and closed her door for her. They picked up her antibiotics on the way, which she still wasn’t thrilled about. When Owen pulled into his driveway, Amelia looked over at him and raised a brow. “Why are we here?” She asked.
Owen looked at her as he put this truck in park and shut it off. “Amelia... I know you’re trying to figure out your feelings and such, and you have no idea what you want right now... but, this is home. This will always be our home.” He said. “So, you’re staying here for a while. Letting me take care of you. I don’t care if you have feelings for someone else. I don’t care if you never love me back, but... I’m going to take care of you. I’m here. No matter what.” He said before he got out of the truck and walked around to her side. He opened her door for her and helped her out, then walked her to the door. “I have to go back to the hospital and pick up Leo, but I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He told her as he helped her get settled on the couch. “You think of what you want for dinner, and I’ll bring it on my way back. You shouldn’t take those meds on an empty stomach.” He said.
“Call me if you need anything. I shouldn’t be gone for more than an hour.” He interrupted. “Try and get some rest.”
Amelia sighed as the door clicked behind him. She felt bad because of everything he was saying to her. Why didn’t he say these things during their marriage? Or even before? Hell, why didn’t he say them after? Why wait until now? Why couldn’t she just make up her mind? Did she love Owen? Did she want to be with Owen? Was he right? Was this her home? It felt like it, sometimes. She wanted to be here with Leo. She wanted to be in his life. Did she want to be in Owen’s life, too? They’d tried more than once to be together and it never worked out. What made it different this time?
Amelia sighed as she laid back on the couch. Too many questions were going through her mind and she couldn’t stop them. She couldn’t sleep, she couldn’t barely function. What was she supposed to do? How was she supposed to make a decision like this? She still hadn’t talked to Link, but maybe that was for the better. Was this really what her life was going to be like? Why couldn’t she just come out and tell Owen how she really felt? It couldn’t be that hard, could it?
“No.” Amelia said softly, her voice breaking the silence in the room. She stared up at the ceiling, finally coming to the conclusion that she knew exactly what she was going to do. “I’m going to tell him that I love him.”
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adornedly · 4 years
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💖💖 miguel 💖💖
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tracilala · 5 years
💜 Reposted from @u2_breathe - #OnThisDay [June 12, 1989] "All I Want is You" is released U2 live from Slane Castle #U2 #U2NewsIT #u2breathe #Bono #TheEdge #AdamClayton #LarryMullenJr #rock #pop #music #alliwantisyou #u2alliwantisyou #80s #80smusic #2000s - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/ByoMNKGD3nI/?igshid=29mgosy4xrc1
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poetic-society · 5 years
All I want in this entire lifetime is to spend it with you. It’s all I’ve ever wanted... all i’ll ever wish for. Nothing else.
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daletrafra · 4 months
Découvrez les paroles de la chanson “All I Want Is You” de Bryan Adams
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paraphraze615 · 5 years
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Imagine that... #Love #Dating #Relationships #Marriage #RelationshipGoals #MarriageGoals #CoupleGoals #DearFutureWife #MeAsAHusband #MeAsABoyfriend #DatingMe #DatingMeBeLike #DatingMeIsLike #MarriedToMe #BeingMarriedToMe #LetMeLoveYou #ILoveYou #ILoveYouSoMuch #AllIWantIsYou #YoureEverythingToMe https://www.instagram.com/p/ByD3fWwAsnL/?igshid=jxhdwxmdp4fi
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My moring worship! #alliwantisyou #prayer #intercession #prayingfornations #prayingforfamilies #prayingforthebodyofchrist #prayinigforgoodhealth #prayingforlove https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt-x36blUtlnOPWCLd6jk8zf0tI1Y-9M5BqeVY0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6ue926wsqge8
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dqs-finest · 6 years
I don’t get it
How stuff can be going so well and then out of nowhere with no given reason things get weird and I start overthinking. I just want my feelings to be reciprocated back and she can’t seem to do that. I’ve accepted it but sometimes it’d be nice yunno?
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espritu2com · 6 years
#u2 #acousticguitar #alliwantisyou #bono #theedge #espritu2 @esprit_u2 @u2_eze_summer_of_love https://www.instagram.com/p/BtEly_KF1ng/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xaf2zfj7ldv9
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artimabhishek-blog · 2 years
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All I want is you ... Pen and tea on paper #art #drawing #penart #penonpaper #tea #ink #inkonpaper #alliwantisyou #trees #bushes #love (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc3ELzBJT4i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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