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Lucien-henri Grandgérard (French, 1880-1970) Femme nue allongée, 1911
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nupaintings · 2 months
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lemuseum · 5 months
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karrova · 10 months
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Gabrielle Hébert
Jeune fille nue allongée dans l’herbe, 1885-1896
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pigeonneaux · 8 months
La seule chose qui me manque de l'école c'est les cours de sport et les récrés' ou tu pouvais courrir aussi vite que possible juste pour le fun. J'ai pas eu l'occasion de faire ça depuis mes 13 ans, it would fix me
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Nu allongé à la rose by Delphin Enjolras (1857–1945)
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roxannebee · 9 months
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Le plus petit café du monde.
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lolochaponnay · 3 months
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mr-333 · 4 months
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nupaintings · 15 days
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littlewinnow · 8 months
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Draco with a little kitten!
Thank you to @oflights for the inspo!! The pose was super fun 🤩
Painting inspo ⬇️
Nikolaï Bodarevsky    Femme allongée avec un chat   1905
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galina · 4 months
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Un café allongé, s'il vous plaît
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woundgallery · 6 months
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Camille Henrot, Femme allongée et dents de requin (Woman Lying Down and Shark Teeth), from ‘Collection préhistorique’ (Prehistoric Collection), 2009, c-type print, 40 × 30 cm. Courtesy: © the artist, ADAGP, Paris, and kamel mennour, Paris
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jamiesansible · 8 months
I’m sure everyone remembers the article from 2020 where researches found three-ply cordage made by Neanderthals.^
But did you know that in the supplemental material for the article, it mentions that pine needles can be made into textiles?^^ As someone who works with textiles myself, I had come across pine needles as a dye stuff, but not as a fibre.
The source is listed as "L’acquisition des matières textiles d’origine végétale en Préhistoire" by Fabinne Médard. It talks about how other fibres, including brambles and broom could have been used prehistorically for a similar purpose, as well as flax. However, it contains only one metion of pine needles.
“Les aiguilles du pin sylvestre (Pinus sylvestris L.) fournissaient, après rouissage, une matière textile appelée « laine des forêts » qui remplaçait la ouate et l’étoupe dont on faisait également des tissus (Mathieu [1858] 1897)" * The needles of the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) provided, after retting, a textile material called “forest wool” which replaced wadding and tow from which fabrics were also made.
So Scots pine needles were processed, spun and woven, or simply used directly after processing, potentially prehistorically.
If you follow the source for the quote above, it takes you to a book from 1860 called Flore forestière; description et histoire des végétaux ligneux qui croissent spontanément en France et des essences importantes de l'Algérie. It says:
“On fabrique depuis quelques années, avec les faisceaux fibreux, allongés, et tenaces des aiguilles, une espèce de drap grossier.” ** For several years, we have been making a kind of coarse cloth using the fibrous, elongated and stiff bundles of the needles.
So this processing of pine needles was also happening in the 1800s.
Another souce from the 1840s describes the texture of forest wool as resembling "...horsehair, and has been used for stuffing mattresses"** and that an industry sprung up in Humboldtsau, near Breslau for processing it. Manufacturies for forest wool then spread to Sweden, Holland and France, which may explain the mention in the 1860 Flore forestière.
Despite looking a bit more, but couldn't find much else on the subject expect a recent masters thesis in German (which I couldn't access) and an article on the designer Tamara Orjola.
Orjola's work investigates the modern use of pine needle fabric, showing there is still interest in it. She says:
"Forest Wool began with research on the forgotten value of plants. Valuable local materials and techniques are left behind due to the unwillingness of mass-production to adopt more sustainable practices. In the old days the pine tree was used as food, remedies, to build homes and furniture and for many other purposes. Nowadays, it is only valuable for its timber." ***
I find the line from prehistory to now facinating - that people have looked to something as mundane as a pine needle to spin, especially as researchers are discovering a lot of what they thought was linen fabric is actually ramie (from nettles).
As far as I can tell, only Pinus sylvestris L. and one other variety was used. I am not sure what makes that tree more suitable than other pine trees, or if it was simply a question of availability. In terms of processing, the answer as far as I can tell is retting, presumably followed by scutching and hackling - similar to how flax is processed. However I have not done that myself and cannot speak to the specifics.
It would be something intresting to try though.
^ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-61839-w#MOESM1
^^ https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41598-020-61839-w/MediaObjects/41598_2020_61839_MOESM1_ESM.pdf
* https://journals.openedition.org/nda/602
** https://www.proquest.com/openview/276605d708970d416923b94e8856d20b/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=41445
*** https://lampoonmagazine.com/article/2021/05/15/recycled-wood-pine-needles-byproduct/
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pompadourpink · 2 months
Literal French expressions
À deux - at two
À la + n. - in the style of
À la carte - at the menu
À la mode - in fashion
Amateur - lover
Après-ski - after skying
À propos - about
Armoire - wardrobe
Art nouveau - new art
Au naturel - plain
Au pair - at the peer
Auteur - author
Avant-garde - before guard
Bête noire - black beast
Blasé - jaded
Bon appétit - good appetite
Bon voyage - good journey
Boutique - shop
Buffet - credenza
Bureau - office
Canapé - couch
Carte blanche - white card
C'est la vie - that's life
Chauffeur - warmer (n.)
Chef - leader
Cliché - picture
Clique - gang
Connaisseur - "knower"
Coup d'état - blow of state
Coup de grâce - blow of mercy
Coup de foudre - blow of lightning
Couture - sewing (n.)
Cul-de-sac - ass of the bag
Début - beginning
Débutante - beginner
Déjà-vu - already seen
Dénouement - untying
Dossier - file
Double entendre - double hear
... du jour - of the day
Eau de toilette - washing water
Eau de vie - life water
Encore - again
Ennui - boredom
En route - in road
Ensemble - together
Entourage - people surrounding you
Entrepreneur - starter (n.)
Essai - attempt
Esprit de l'escalier - spirit of the stairs
Étiquette - label
Exposé - exposed
Façade - frontage
Faux pas - fake step
Femme fatale - deadly woman
Film noir - black movie
Fin de siècle - end of century
Flâneur - "stroller"
Femme - woman
Folie à deux - madness at two
Foyer - fireplace, home
Gamine - female kid (casual)
Gauche - left
Gendarme - person of weapons
Je ne sais quoi - I don't know what
Laissez-faire - let (someone) do (imperative)
Laissez-passer - let (someone) pass
L'appel du vide - the call of the void
Lingerie - underwear
Maître d' - master o'
Mardi gras - fat Tuesday
Matinée - morning
Ménage à trois - household at three
Mon/ma chéri-e - my cherished
Montage - mounting
Motif - pattern
Mural - on the wall (adj.)
Né-e - born
Négligé - neglected
Nom de plume - feather name
Parole - word
Petite - small (adj.)
Pied-à-terre - foot on land
Poilu - hairy
Pot pourri - rotten pot
Pourboire - for drink
Première - first
Prêt-à-manger - ready to eat
Protégé - protected
Renaissance - rebirth
Rendez-vous - appointment
Répertoire - directory
Résumé - summary
Risqué - risked
Robe - dress
Rouge - red
RSVP - answer please
Sans-culottes - without pantaloons
Savant - "knower" (n.)
Savoir-faire - know how to do (v.)
Savoir-vivre - know how to live
Séance - session
Soirée - evening
Souvenir - memory
Suite - sequel, development
Surveillance - careful watching
Tête-à-tête - head to head
Touché - touched
Tour - circuit
Trompe-l'oeil - cheats the eye
Venue - came
Vignette - sticker, label
Vis-à-vis - face to face
Voyeur - "seer"
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Ballet vocabulary:
Allongé - laid down
Balancé - swinged
Balançoire - swing (n.)
Battu - battered
Brisé - broken
Chassé - chased
Chaînés - chained
Ciseaux - scissors
Coupé - cut
Dégagé - cleared
Développé - developed
Échappé - escaped
En cloche - in bell
En croix - in cross
Entrechat - between braid
En pointe - in tip
Failli - almost did
Fouetté - whipped
Glissade - sliding
Plié - bent
Jeté - thrown
Manège - carousel
Pas de bourrée - drunk step
Pas de chat - cat step
Pas de cheval - horse step
Pas de deux - step of two
Pas de valse - waltz step
Penché - leaned
Piqué - pricked
Port de bras - carry of arms
Relevé - lifted back up
Renversé - titled, bent backwards
Retiré - removed
Rond de jambe - leg circle
Temps de flèche - arrow time Tendu - stretched
Temps lié - linked time
Tombé - fallen
Tour en l'air - turn in the air
Kitchen vocabulary:
Amuse-bouche - mouth entertainer
Bain-Marie - Mary bath
Café au lait - milky coffee
Casserole - pot
Cordon bleu - blue ribbon
Crème brûlée - burnt cream
Crème de la crème - cream of the cream
Crème fraîche - fresh cream
Croissant - crescent
Éclair - lightning
Entrée - entrance
Filet mignon - cute net
Flambé - blazed
Foie gras - fat liver
Fondant - melting
Fondue - melted
Gourmet - foodie
Hors d'oeuvre - out of the work
Légume - vegetable
Liqueur - liquid
Mille-feuille - thousand leaf
Mousse - foam
Pâté - pasted
Roux - redhead(ed)
Sauté - jumped
Sautoir - "jumper"
Soufflé - blown
Velouté - velvety
Fanmail - masterlist (2016-) - archives - hire me - reviews (2020-) - Drive
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lolochaponnay · 3 months
Dans une maison, il y a un couple qui sont dans leur chambre, et l'épouse va bientôt mourir. Elle est allongée sur le lit, et avant qu'elle meure, elle dit à son mari : -J'ai besoin de te confesser quelque chose de sérieux... Le mari répond : -Il n'y a rien à confesser, tout va bien... La femme : -Non ! J'ai besoin de mourir en paix ! Je dois vraiment te confesser quelque chose de sérieux ! Voila, j'ai baisé avec ton frère, ton meilleur pote, le pote de ton meilleur pote et avec ton père ! -Oui je sais tout cela chérie... C'est pour cela que je t'ai empoisonné. Maintenant, ferme les yeux.
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