#alloru talks
alloru · 1 year
I'm participating in Artfight again!
hello everybody!! just letting all of you know that I'll be taking part in the annual event of Artfight this year!
in case you don't know what it is: Artfight is a competition of sorts between two teams players are divided into, where one "attacks" another artist by drawing the other's oc! if someone else has drawn your character to attack you, you can take revenge by making art for one of theirs etc.
there's more info by the people running the site if you're interested! my goal this year is to participate more than last time - and help our team win of course - but I'm not insanely serious about it, so I might not get to yours if too many people show up ^-^'
either way, have a nice next 24 hours! come participate in artfight with me if you feel like it c:
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alloru · 2 years
greetings, fellow human beings!
there hasn't been a bird update in quite some time, largely because I haven't seen anything but crows out and about in my yard, but it appears there has been a new daily visitor!
a cat has taken a liking to prancing around the place hunting for a quick lunch. it's pretty chonky and well-fed, which is why I assume it belongs to one of the neighbors.
I haven't been able to get a closer look at it, but it seems to have brown/black striped or spotted fur. usually all I see is a messy blur jumping onto the nearest tall object to run away from me, so I can't really tell
it has had a lot of fun climbing the trees and I've caught it snooping around some bird's previous nesting spaces, so hopefully it won't be too much of a threat to the local feathery population ^-^
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alloru · 2 years
bird update! or rather yard update, since this one only tangentially has to do with birds :p
the neighbor's cat greeted me today! so far I've only been able to observe her from afar as she did her thing, but this morning she came up to my window and meowed lots until I noticed her.
she didn't seem distressed, so we just had a nice and polite conversation with each other. it seems that me being there was new for her too, since I was up a little earlier than usual.
here's some observations I made during her short visit: she is neither very fluffy or very not-fluffy, so basically a normal cat shape, although she looks very young (not a kitten, but maybe a teenage/young adult cat if you can call it that). her eyes are also very big and pretty!
she seems to be very curious and friendly - overall, 10/10 experience, would definitely recommend meeting your neighbor's cat and having a chat with them :D
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