getgcne · 3 years
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📧 @allseeingspirit​ || 🚪 Tap on a table/door/wall/chair to get my muse’s attention without speaking   (meme)
For all his duller senses, he whirls around immediately at the trapping, harsh teeth bared and an audible snarl bubbling from his worn throat. His clawed fingers dirtied and flexed, ready to swipe at the offending noise. Brody couldn’t say the company was anyone intimately familiar but there’s enough recognition that he knows there’s no point in attacking. 
He’s not sure how long he’s been HERE—wherever here was. The fog. 
The Bad Place, Brody had deemed it. It almost made him miss the crumbling bits of a falling society in the midst of an apocalypse that he’d been plucked from. At least he knew that, was familiar with it. This was new, this place was full of rules he was not privy to and logic he had yet to fully grasp. It set him on edge. Pissed him off, frankly. What he’d gathered so far at least was that it wasn’t smart to go at anyone the unseen Entity didn’t want you to.
He’s had just a few hunts...trials; he’s sure he’s heard that word whispered on the tongues of the terrified survivors he’s meant to fetch. The time between them almost seems worse for the time being. It leaves him with the time to fully let that paranoia and the acknowledgment of so many questions and unknowns sink in. The time between leaves him with nothing more to do than to be alone with his thoughts and uncertainties. 
There’s been scarce interaction with the others and Brody has been just fine with that. He’s no concept of their characters or their motivations and he doesn’t seem to CARE. As long as he’s left to his own devices, they can carry about with theirs. Times like these though, he at least makes his opinion of company apparent. He growls his warnings, hisses them so he’s given his space. Brody has no intention of attacking but he’s no intention of being welcoming either.
 Still on guard but at the very least not openly hostile, the hunter lets his arms fall loosely at his sides and cocks his head. Brody’s ready to move if need be if this company chooses to be hostile but it also appears he’s at least curious enough to give them an audience albeit begrudgingly so.
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fierceathlete-a · 5 years
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Innocence died screaming.                                          Trust me, I should know.                                                                       The  d e e p e r  you go,                                                                                                    the darker it gets.
Wraith Aesthetic // @allseeingspirit  Liked here for a board
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deathsscourge · 5 years
“You better not die on me.”
Blood wells in his throat, stifling any attempt at laughing. As the failed chuckle falls on chapped lips, and red liquid dribbles from them, he casts a tired gaze to their surroundings. The fog dances with blurry vision, dark trunks twisting and swirling with each slow movement of his head. Overhanging branches block what little light would come from such a dreary, starless sky. Though crows circle him far above; cawing, as if bells tolling for each minute life slipped away. As dead grass tickles bare skin around his wound, ripped fabric torn across the man’s shuddering figure reveals a deep gash. 
His glove is drenched, soaked red from a fruitless effort. Bandages in a similar state had begun to fall away, the hasty job proving useless after another swift chase. It was a miracle anyone had found him silently bleeding out. And of all people… 
“I’ve been living this long for you…” The woodsman’s delirious mind supplies, as he shifts to meet Philip’s unique eyes. Pain spikes through his body; a wheeze escaping him, expression scrunching to will away an encroaching darkness. 
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irageneveart · 5 years
Maybe I didn't look properly but I sadly didn't find the Miner cosmetic for Evan. Though thanks to you I saw Herman's suit and god damn that looks great! I mean Herman is the killer whose appearance unnerves me the most but he sure knows how to dress xD And can I just say that Philip with the owl cosmetic looks cute as heck? And on a different note now that we're back with the bing bong boy - he doesn't have enough content out there ;-; or do you maybe have a blog in mind with Wraith content?
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alright so first of all, Herman is FANCY and is such a fking daddy material in these suits djskfndksn and I don’t even like that term hahaha
next, the Evan cosmetic:
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apparently I rebloged this with the tag “ook at me nutting myself on the moon blccxxgxkxgkgxgx“ so you can imagine how much I loved this when I saw it lmao
Wraith Blogs I can think of:
@mistress-imagines writes for him and they have really cute HCs for him
@allseeingspirit it’s a Wraith RP blog, their art is cute as fuck and their answers are very nice
@cosmiickiller is a Wraith lover (sorry if I got it wrong! 🧡) and I really like how he draws Phillip, so soft and nice
+ any DBD imagines blogs, they usually write for whatever killer (or survivor) they might get a request for. if my followers know other The Wraith/Phillip Ojomo centered blogs please leave them in the comments so my anony can see it! :D
now on the second part of your ask, you’re just so so sweet, thanks for thinking of me hehe 🧡 if you have an idea please go ahead and give it to me, be it art or writing! if it is too self indulgent and it kind of goes against my free requests rules (like, you want a self insert or just very very very specific things) then I can write you some HCs for him instead! (or there are my ko-fi requests where I do aaaanything my requester asks for, cause they pay for it. no matter how indulgent)
really, just send in your request haha. if I won’t be able to do it I will tell you so or I’ll change it a tiny bit so I can still give you something :D
thank you so much for enjoying my content, both my art and my writing. I’m trying to give content daily but sometimes it doesn’t go as planned, or sometimes it doesn’t come out as good as I wanted it to be. so I really appreciate your kind words
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The Wraith appeared, a deep frown across his usually, unexpressioned and painted face. He seemed restless and was in need of unanswered question. "I've killed for you, followed your orders. Please, may I have a break from the dreaded trials. Maybe a day in the real world. Please." He begged to the spider, pleading for his wishes to come true. @allseeingspirit
"Oh Phillip, you both know you won't be seeing the outside world anytime soon. However, I do agree that you deserve a break after all your hard work.."
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pumpkiwi · 5 years
news !
@allseeingspirit is open for asks, both anonymous and public! ask anything you want to the wraith!
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fierceathlete-a · 5 years
015. — Grab my muse by the hair.
Violent Actions // o p e n
A scream was ripped from her lips as a hand tangled itself into her hair. Yanked away from the generator she’d been working on, Meg could feel some of her hair strands snapping away from her scalp. Her hands came up to grab at her hair, trying her best to fight off some of the pain by grabbing the foreign hand to keep it close to her scalp.
She’d heard the bell ring out but had been overconfident, so sure that she could start up the generator and get away before the Wraith showed up. The athlete hadn’t realized just how close the killer had been until it’d been too later. Meg found herself cursing it all, kicking and screaming as she tried to get free. 
There was no way she’d be going easily, that was for sure.
“Let go, damn it!” Meg snapped, knowing full well that her words would end up on deaf ears. It wasn’t like these killers ever cared anyway. She’d never been grabbed by the hair before though, something she’d found off. Usually, the killers just grabbed people by the shoulder and carried them like a sack of potatoes over to the hook. Why grab her hair in the first place? It was weird. Out of place. Strange. Killers rarely strayed from their set patterns and odd compulsions. 
Why stray from that now?
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fierceathlete-a · 5 years
♗ or ♡, pick your poison :o)
Nonsexual Acts of Intimacy // s t i l l  a c c e p t i n g♡ : Accidentally falling asleep together
Meg still found it rather confusing that the Wraith never tried to kill anyone trespassing in AutoHaven outside of trials. The ginger wasn’t sure if she’d ever truly understand why he simply ignored them all but she wasn’t going to complain. As long as she could use this place as an escape from the camp, Meg didn’t care.
Back pressed to the dry grass, blue eyes stared up at the darkness above her. She always lost track of time while like this, simply allowing her thoughts to drift back to her home. At some point, the Wraith had found her resting on top of the hill. Her eyes drifted over to him, absentmindedly realizing that he was hoving over her slightly and blocking the not-all-that-interesting view of the sky.
“I don’t mind if you stick around but like... can you at least take a seat or something? You’re so tall, kinda blocking the sky.”
There’s no response, not that she’d ever expected one. He does sit down though, allowing the silence to wrap around them once again. It’s not long after that that Meg starts to break the quiet, filling the air with old stories from back home. Her voice is softer than usual, a whisper to the non-existent wind. Neither is sure how much time passed by, yet the athlete eventually fell asleep with her head leaning against the Wraith’s knee. He’d dozed off as well, body hunched over itself with one hand resting on top his weapon - just in case.
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fierceathlete-a · 5 years
> @allseeingspirit < 𝕎𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕥𝕙 :
In spite of the bell’s cry out in warning, the survivor remained stubbornly leeched to the generator, perhaps in hopes or desperation to finish it at the cost of bloodshed. Evidently, it was poor judgment; Philip effortlessly tore through what little distance there was between him and his prey, a hand immediately lunging for her head the very second he deemed her in range. Rigid, grimy fingers raked through her hair, ruining carefully interlaced braids and undoubtedly causing a sharp pain in the head. He ripped red strands from her scalp and a horrid scream from her throat, ignoring the nails that dug into the back of his palm as he pried her from the generator. Four pistons were happily chugging, betraying the near-complete repairs it underwent and, by extension, succeeding in irking the Wraith. At least he caught his victim before it was completed, though he would have to revisit it to erase some progress.
For the time being, he slung his prey over a broad shoulder in one smooth motion, his ease enforced by the certainty of having done so countless times, and frantically scanned the vicinity for a suitable hook to hang his offered sacrifice on. Much to his dismay, the closest sacrificial hook was a bit further than he wished, and he was unsure if he could even make it. Of course, that would do little to keep him from trying, undaunted as he dutifully trudged past wrecked cars and heaps of trash.
Philip took immediate notice to how fiercely she struggled against his tightening grasp. Fists pounded between his shoulders, feet kicked into his ribs and her ceaseless wriggling made it difficult to walk straight. She certainly was not keen on submitting, that much was clear; she nearly had him bumping into walls and knocking over stacked tires as he went. The further he endured all the pesky little thing’s meaningless hitting, the more apparent it became to him that he would not make it. Though he ensured she was situated firmly between his forearm and shoulder, grasp growing harsher as his annoyance peaked, Philip, admittedly, could not carry such a relentless being forever. A low growl erupted from his chest. Miraculously, his ire had yet to get the best of him, to coax his grip into tightening to the point that each and every spindly little bone simply snapped, to end it by force instead of succumbing to the inevitable, dreaded game of cat and mouse.
Unfortunately, there was no guarantee that his swings would prove so merciful.
“Let me go already, you half-naked mummy! I swear that I’ll fucking bite into your bony shoulder if you don’t drop me this instant,” Meg snapped, continuing her struggling for freedom. She kept aiming to kick lower, hoping that a good swing to the gut might make the killer drop her this instant. She could feel his grip getting harsher and that was the last thing she wanted. As a last-ditch effort, she athlete didn’t hesitate to grab one of the protrusions coming from the top of his head and yanked. (She’d always jokingly called them tree branches but honestly, no one had a clue what they were.)
“Also, keep your nasty fingers outta my hair next time! Do you know how long it takes for me to get these braids even? Too damn long for you to be messing it up!”
She could practically feel the anger radiating off the killer but she couldn’t find it in herself to care. What was he gunna do, chase her down for the rest of the trial? Let him. The second she was on her feet, Meg would outrun him until the rest of the generators were done. She wasn’t scared of some footrace. That was her strong suit, after all.
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fierceathlete-a · 5 years
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@allseeingspirit asked:   💋💋💋💋💋💋 >:)
Shut Up & Kiss Me // s t i l l a c c e p t i n g
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fierceathlete-a · 5 years
@allseeingspirit liked this to hear Meg’s dumb nickname for them
Meg would call the Wraith by Bing Bong Boy or Living Tree. Depending on the situation, she might also start using Treehouse.
For Philip, she’d call him Headache since he’s always slamming his head against things. That's the issue that comes with being so tall. She might also call him Tree Trunk since he’s got some decent muscles due to all the heavy lifting he does. Twig Legs would be used too.
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fierceathlete-a · 5 years
cry; wipe away their tears.
Nonverbal Starters // c l o s e d
She didn’t think about just where she was going, all Meg knew was that she had to get away from the campfire. The athlete ran as fast as her legs would take her. Leaping over gnarled roots and ducking beneath low branches, she never looked back. It wasn’t like anyone would come looking for her anyway, no one had a clue that she was upset.
If there was one thing Meg was good at, it was hiding her emotions from her fellow survivors. She always pretended to be brave and happy, determined to get out of there. Everyone had a breaking point though and the ginger had finally hit her’s.
The ginger isn’t sure just when she got to Autohaven Wrecker’s but she knew it was the only other place she considered ‘safe’. At least, she thought it was safe whenever there wasn’t an on-going trial. She’d learned the area well enough to get where she was going from there rather quickly.
Finding the crushed-up sedan that she’d started seeing as her own, she didn’t bother trying to crawl inside it like she usually did whenever she wanted a nap. Meg ended up curling up on top of the hood instead. Knees drawn up to her chest, she wrapped her arms around them before resting her forehead on her knees. 
Meg didn’t bother fighting back her tears any longer, letting sobs rock her body. She wasn’t sure just how much longer she’d be able to handle all this. Dying over and over was starting to wear down on her psyche, turning everything into a constant struggle to smile. Her mind was racing, wondering if her mother was even doing alright. Was she still alive? Had she remembered to take her medicine that morning? Did someone else take care of her during Meg’s absence?
Tilting her head up to the sky, the ginger was sure her blue eyes were bloodshot. Staring up at the empty sky just made everything feel worse. She missed the moon and the stars. All the nights she’d spent stargazing on the porch came back to her, “I just wanna go home...”
It was then that she felt it, something touching her cheek. Meg jolted away in an instant, teary eyes scanning the area only to turn up empty. Her eyebrows furrowed together before her brain finally registered just what was going on, “Wraith...?”
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fierceathlete-a · 5 years
👄 philip!!
Let’s Talk // s t i l l  a c c e p t i n g
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“I mean, what is there to say? He’s a killer, simple as that. A trial happens and we all get hunted down like prey scurrying away from a bloodhound,” she deadpanned, staying warm by the campfire. Letting her thoughts wander for a moment, Meg added, “Guess it’s nice that he’ll let us survivors wander around AutoHaven outside of trials. We’ve found some extra first aid kits and flashlights that way. You never know when he might snap though, keeps ya on your toes.”
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fierceathlete-a · 5 years
♚ : Head scratches
Nonsexual Acts of Intimacy // s t i l l  a c c e p t i n g
She’s curled up in the front seat of a partially crushed car, her feet tossed up onto the dashboard. There’s a cool breeze coming in through the broken window, brushing against her skin as she kept her eyes closed. It’s an old sedan in Autohaven Wreckers, a car she’s hidden in several times before when she wanted some peace and quiet. A little hideaway that she was only ever able to visit whenever there wasn’t an ongoing trial.
Meg isn’t sure how long she’s there for, just dozing off against the dingy leather seat. However, she is startled awake when something hit the side of the vehicle. Her eyes snapped open as she sat up in the seat. Looking to the left, blue eyes spot the Wraith staring back at her. It’s obvious that he was leaning over just to look in the window. Unsure of just what he was expecting from her, she raised an eyebrow.
“Um, hi? I’m back again, so...” the ginger always hated when things were awkwardly silent. Meg didn’t have a single topic to talk about and it wasn’t like the Wraith ever opened his mouth to say more than odd noises. Letting out a sigh, she absentmindedly lifted a hand and scratched behind the Wraith’s ear, “Chill out, man. I’m not dead and rotting inside one of your cars. It was nap time, that’s all.”
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fierceathlete-a · 5 years
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@allseeingspirit said:  ​❝ good morning. no, don’t get up, it’s raining, let’s stay in bed a little longer… ❞ // idk what au you wanna do for this but,,., go crazy
Autumn/Halloween Starters // s t i l l a c c e p t i n g I’ll give you that Modern AU that you were just blowing up my DMs about
     “I wanna but you do know that we can’t really stay and be lazy all day, yeah? You’ve got work in an hour and I need to head home. It’s not like I can just live at your house or anything, even if your bed is nicer than mine,” she mumbled, moving to sit up in the bed.
     Late-night movie marathons in October were always fun to have but sometimes she should really consider just when they did them. Maybe she should also consider bringing spare clothes too.
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fierceathlete-a · 5 years
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Nonverbal Memes // closed @allseeingspirit said: [ attention ] for your muse to touch mine as a way of getting their attention
     The ginger wandered around Autohaven with a mission in mind, eyes scanning the area for a specific thing. She ignored the little ding of the bell as she walked into the gas station. It was then that she took notice of the odd shimmer out of the corner of her eye. A small smile made its way to her lips as she reached out to touch the mirage standing in the doorway of the garage.
     “Kinda surprised that I had to hunt you down for once, it’s usually the other way around.”
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