#almond's botting adventures
hellcheercaine · 11 months
Welcome to my safe space
Hi there tumblrs! 👋 I’m Caine.
Given the traction I have on my blog recently, I figured that I’d do a proper introduction to pin to my profile.
I used to be a Rogue and Gambit shipper before I left fandom culture, but Stranger Things pulled me in and this is where I found my spot here with the wonderful Hellcheers and Harringroves.
The golden rule of this space:
'Ship and let ship.’
I don't care if you follow me even when we like different ships, but if I see any ship bashing or anti comments/tags from you on my posts, you will be blocked.
Don’t like what you see here? Save your energy by tapping the block button. I am not responsible for your online fandom experience, and I am not here for petty arguments. Please keep your purity culture to yourself.
P.S: This space is not for minors. If you are a minor, this is your last chance to scroll away from this blog.
However, if you are a minor and you decide to follow my blog, it’ll be agreed that you, will acknowledge full responsibility of your own online fandom experience here.
P.P.S: Blank blogs do not interact, unless you have something (e.g. a pfp/post) to prove that you’re not a bot. Bot blogs will be blocked and I’m sure that you, would definitely wouldn’t want to be caught in this crossfire.
Are we good? Let’s move on to the good stuff.
This blog is a safe space for:
Hellcheer (Eddie Munson and Chrissy Cunningham),
Harringrove (Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington),
Seyloy (Aloy and Seyka) shippers
This blog is also pro-Sylki and Wolfwren.
Memes, text posts, moodboards, prompts and sometimes ficlets will be written for these three. Got a question/request? Ask me.
ST + Text posts:
Looking for some wholesome Hellcheer text posts? They're here.
Chrissy Cunningham posts can be found under the tag Strawberry Shortcake Chrissy Cunningham.
Eddie Munson? They can be found under the tag Almond Tallcake Eddie Munson.
Want some Harringrove? They can be found under the tag harringrove texts.
Do you just want the ones with just Billy Hargrove? They can be found under the tag Walking Fruit Salad Billy Hargrove.
Or the ones with just Steve Harrington? They can be found under the tag Goody Two Shoes Steve Harrington.
Gothbasket (Jason Carver + Eden Bingham) can be found under the tag gothbasket texts, while Munver (Jason Carver + Eddie Munson) the tag munver texts.
Horizon + Text posts:
Are you looking for Seyloy posts? Look here.
Aloy’s text posts can be found under the tag Aloy Despite the OSHA Violation.
Wait, what about just the ones with Seyka? They can be found under the tag Seyka Despite the HR Violation.
Text posts from other characters can be found here.
Other stuff:
🎸📣 Hellcheer Playlist
🍦🚬 Harringrove Mixtape
☁️🌊 Her Sky, Her Sea (Seyloy Playlist)
💭 📣 Chrissy Cunningham (a dreamer’s playlist)
Other fandom text posts:
Wolfwren (Star Wars Ahsoka)
Sylki (Loki)
Masterlist coming soon. In the meantime, you can read some of my works and OTPs here.
Tracking: #hellcheercaine
Other ships from other fandoms (e.g X-Men, Naruto, The Bear, Adventure Time) and mental health related content will be blogged/reblogged once in a while.
Some house rules:
- No reposting (if you decide to use my moodboards, ficlets, text posts or prompts for your work, please give credit where it’s due unless it’s cleared by me). If you’re not sure, please ask.
- racism, sexism, ableist, terf or any anti lgbtqia beliefs is not welcome here. You'll be blocked if you’re found making such comment on my posts.
- No religious or political discussions here.
Ship analysis, character analysis and discussion is welcome, but outright hating a ship or character will not be tolerated. Please refer to the aforementioned golden rule if you’re not sure.
Lastly, be kind and respectful to one another, be it fandom discourse or anything else. As one may not know what’s going on in everyone’s lives, it is important that we be empathetic to one another.
Hope this helps.
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kirin-d · 2 years
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His Highness Leomar Nantael “Leon” de Param
Created through MidJourney Bot using prompts from the ‘A Mage Reborn’ post on the Choice of Games site. What I typed:  a tall man with a broad-shouldered athletic build, pale skin, Fine-boned facial features with green almond-shaped eyes and an angular jawline, short Golden blonde hair, wearing a white suit, adventurer, fantasy, forest, tarot, gold leaf --ar 9:16 --no beard --no mustache --no stubble --no long neck Liberties I took: I wanted to remember Leon where we first met; so, I added “adventurer” and “forest”. I used “tarot” and “goldleaf” because it would not only align with my earlier results but produce results I knew we aesthetically pleasing to me.  “Wearing a white suit” was added based off of the art from the linked CoG post What I did: U4. Further variations resulted in facial distortions. Light Upscale distorted eye positions & created a more dappled shadow effect. Max Upscaling darkened one side of the face too much. Beta Upscale is funny. It simply is the picture but clearer, and that somehow makes it worse?? What I like about the image: it shows duality without a prompt. A split down the middle. A mix of the young & the old- maybe even a before & after the war. The golden crown behind the head? Perfect. Even if it certainly seems too fancy to be the Leomar from the game.
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almondmisery · 4 years
WELL. i am trying to make a twitter bot that spouts ships + random quotes to go with them, and. huh. huh. huh.
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ciestess · 5 years
Tag Game: About the Author
I was tagged by @jaywrites101
Rules of the Game: Answer these questions and tag blogs you’d like to know better.
Nickname: ”Tess” works, I guess!
Zodiac: Uh... Seeing as I don’t have a birth date, per say, I can’t properly answer that. But I HAVE looked into it, since I find it so interesting, so I can give a pretty decent approximation! Sun: Scorpio (Libra cusp), Ascendant: Capricorn, Moon: Aries.
Height: In this body, 5′5′’. Don’t count on that remaining true for any other adventures, though...
Time: 9:47 pm
Favorite Band/Artist: HARD...! Ok, um... I really like Thousand Foot Crutch, I guess... But I mostly have been listening to remixes, lately. Fave of those are  UNDERDOGS and Zen - Kun
(You can check out my Nightcore, Mashups, Switching Vocals, & Remixes playlist on YouTube, if you want to know my taste in music better!)
Song Stuck In My Head: Radioactive in the Dark
Last Movie I Saw: Shazam
I thought it was pretty good!
Last Thing I Googled: How to find my Google search history, lol!
“soul eater characters” I was trying to figure out who would make the best/most interesting opponent for Dan Phantom. I decided on Death the Kid!
Other Blogs: @ciestessde is where I post only about my stories and other WIPs.
Do I Get Asks: Occasionally. Usually it’s for a One-Shot Wednesday request, but not always.
Why This Username: ‘Cause it’s my name, and it’s basically NEVER already taken!
Following: I am still a baby. I’m following 38, and I only have about 25 followers (minus porn bots, ‘cause I always block them). I’m following so few just because I don’t like missing peoples’ posts, and that’s inevitable if there are too many for me to go through!
Average Amount of Sleep: ... What is this “average” of which you speak? I can sleep for as little as 3 hours for a few days, then 12 for the next few!
Alright, fine. If I’m being good, then I sleep an average of 6 hours.
Lucky Number: 8. It’s sideways infinity!  ∞
What am I wearing: Black T-shirt with black sweatpants.
Dream Job: Does “superhero” count?! Heh... I don’t really have one. I just wanna live my life enjoying myself and helping people. ...And enjoying a life of helping people.
Dream Trip: Yeeeahhhh... NEXT!
Favorite Food: Cheesy pasta.
Instruments I Play: I sing. If I practiced, I could play the piano (or other instruments -- I’m just most familiar with piano), but it would take quite a bit of practice.
Eye Color: They change. No, really.
Not necessarily with my mood -- they’re rather fickle about “why” or “when.” They’ve been: brown, hazel, light green, light blue, purple, pink, and red. And yes, I mean the iris. And yes, I had witnesses -- same lighting, same clothes, same mood, no preparation (they weren’t pranking me), and all of the above colors within half an hour.
They’re current favorite configuration is central heterochromia (inner orange, outer light green, with a varying-darkness-and-width grey limbal ring).
Hair Color: Dark-medium brown. I know, boring compared to the eye color answer.
Aesthetic: I call it “Dark, Elegant Practicality”
Languages I speak: Me? English (with a bit of Spanish). How did I learn it when I didn’t grow up in this dimension? Well, when she is being less shy, I’ll introduce her to you!
Most Iconic Song: Now THIS is a hard one. Yikes.
Maybe... “I am all of me” by Crush 40? Or “Shadows” by Tragedy Machine? 
Oh! “Untraveled Road” by Thousand Foot Crutch!
Random Fact: Lobsters, crabs, and shrimp are all types of arachnids. They are essentially aquatic spiders!
Tagging: Any authors or other people I follow who I’m curious about! @perfectshadow06 @karinakamichi @elonmuscovy @emotional-support-lance @jakei95 @cocofinny @whosmae @little-noko @ketsukilledmysoul @rainbowchibbit @accidentverse @fatal-error-blog @deepcrimsontide @negatedtale @loverofpiggies @demytasse @deneuves @rem-is-best-almond @greeblingyaoza @kaedesan721
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readthisyouwhores · 6 years
[Shilo’s POV]
Today! Today is the day I, Shilo, finally get to bone a cute twink, a chubby twink in fact my favourite kind, I miraculously managed to bag on my trip to the local sex shop near town.
Well… I say ‘bone’ but I’m actually quite clueless when it comes to all things sexual. My initial goal for my outing that day was to simply purchase the limited diamond encrusted dildo they finally had on sale. I had actually been planning on getting it since the start of the year…what possessed me to get so distracted to the point where I failed to go through my long awaited transanction at the till will forever be unbeknown to me. It went a little something like this…
Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a young teenage male with short stubby fingers yet unusually long legs despite being severely vertically challenged. Out of nowhere I mustered up the courage to talk to him whilst he happened to be browsing the dildo section of the store.
A strong squeeze of the buttocks strangely accompanied the growth of my unexpected confidence… As I made my way towards him I tried my very best to pull off my gayest strut which when I look back on it now mainly consisted of me sticking out my non-existent chest whilst swaying my flat ass side to side. Speaking of my oh-so flat ass…In each of the times I’ve invested in quality butt pads they were always incapable of holding onto the little amount of 'ass’ I have and more often than not ended up sliding through my cute periwinkle booty shorts, the silicone traveling down my legs following a sound similar to that of a phone taking a screenshot as it lands booty side up onto the sidewalk, exposing my derrière of its fat absent nature to the world.
What drew me to this twink was that his body was the very antithesis to mine. The curvature of his tiny body, the way his fat ass stuck out. jiggling with each blink of his beautiful almond shaped eyes. I, shilo aka king of the twinks, just knew I had make this gay fucker mine.
[The next day] (3RD PERSON NARRATIVE]
Shilo woke up in a sweat due to the loud banging on his door.
“Who on earth would knock on someones door at this ungodly hour” Shilo thought to himself.
All of sudden it came back to him, that twink he met in the dodgy sex shop was coming over TODAY.
“Those short stubby fingers of his sure do have a lot of strength in 'em” he gulped.
Shilo hurriedly made his way to the door and peeped through the door viewer. Stunned by the twinks beauty he could feel his spleen vibrating. His eyes followed the curvy or 'Thicc’ (as the kids these days love to say) outline of his meal waiting outside his door.
“Hello? Are you there?” The twink questioned with annoyance present in his tone. His surprisingly deep voice made shilo choke on the saliva he was previously swirling around his mouth whilst analysing the body of his soon to be first.
“Ja ik ben hier- uh I-I m-m-mean yes g-g-gimme one second”
He attempted to turn the door knob but failed to get a hold of it as the nasty thoughts that entered his mind made him sweat profusely. After wiping his hands down he went for the door knob again and held it with his strongest grip.
Behind the door stood the small curvaceous twink shivering as he was in nothing but booty shorts.
“Took you long enough…QUIT STARING I’m freezing my tits off out here” the twink snapped.
“O-oh yeah of course come in… I’m very sorry” shilo  stammered.
“By the way ummm I don’t think I recall asking what your name was? I’m shilo big bots”
“The names Megu…Megumin Bakurestu st.chubbs Mohammed, but you can call me baby girl for today” Megu retorted accompanied with a slight smirk.
Shilo pulled megu towards him.
“Stop with the act, I know you’re pussy just follow me 'baby girl’” shilo purred into megu’s small elvish ears. Making megu weak at the knees and damp between the butt cheeks.
“O-o-k daddy” megu stuttered.
“That’s more like it”
Shilo sat megu down his bed and began palming his hard on.
“YeEeeeeeEee daDdEeeeee” megu screamed.
“dat vindt je leuk tu es mi 'little slutty’” shilo groaned
Shilo ripped off megu’s $200 gucci booty shorts that strangely had some red stains that seemed to be near his butthole shilo was however too aroused to question it.
“Undress me…NOW” shilo said in a deafening screech.
Megu ripped shilo’s clothes apart and began suckling on his nipples which weirdly seemed to be dripping some white liquid…megu was too intoxicated with pleasure to question.
He began making his way down shilo’s body, from his chest to his navel and finally arriving at his stiff white cock.
Megu pulled back shilo’s foreskin to expose the head, swirling his tongue around his sensitive tip.
“eins…zwei…drei…HEIL HITLER” Shilo bleated.
Megu dipped his tongue into his slit making shilo’s knees twitch uncontrollably.
“STOP” shilo boomed.
“Why?…Daddy…do you not like it?” Megu’s voice quivered he appeared to be the verge of tears.
“Megu…No…I love it. I just need something more” He rasped.
“What Daddy Shilo? I’LL DO ANYTHING TO MAKE YOU HAPPY!” Megu cried.
“Spread your slutty cheeks for me megu..RIGHT…NOW” Shilo ordered.
“B-b-but Daddy Shilo…I have a little Issue with my butt ho-”
“I SAID DO IT” His voice boomed, cutting megu off.
Megu, being the submissive twink he is, obeyed shilo’s orders regardless of the fact that inevitable damage was the only thing to come of shilo butt fucking him, but alas the role of a bottom is to 'always obey no matter what the order’. Megu turned on his stomach and began to meekly spread his sore buttocks apart.
Shilo, clearly not seeing that there was something gravely wrong with the anus he was about to enter, positioned his dick without any lube present (OUCH!) and went straight for it. Megu let out a glass breaking screech of pain. Shilo however took no notice of the hurt he was inflicting upon megu. It was too late Shilo was already deeply buried in megu, thrusting harder with each passing second.
D-d-addY -sHIlO b-b-bIG BOtS please stop. PLEASE" megu begged,his body losing life with each thrust.
“I’m glad you like it b-b-baby girl’
Shilo contiuned to be oblivious to megu’s plees. However one thrust happened to be one too many. Megu’s body slumped down onto Shilo’s bed. His body lay there lifeless not a whimper to be heard. Shilo felt a damp sensation on his leg, his eyes followed the trail of the red substance on his bed and landed on Megu’s blood dripping butthole. Shilo yanked his penis out of megu and began screaming.
"mEGU ARE YOU OKAY?! MEGU WAKE UP!!I DIDN’T REALISE IT WAS BLOOD, I THOUGHT IT WAS CUM WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY?!” Shilo desperately cried out. Shilo was a dumbass he didn’t know that anuses don’t cum. Shilo was now stuck with a dilema now that Megu was dead…to fuck or not to fuck.Unfortunately for Megu’s deceased body…Shilo was closet necrophilic. He continued fucking him for hours on end until his bed had become a pool blood.
“Well…I think I’ve had enough. Time to bury him!” Shilo exclaimed.
The following day Shilo simply decided that it would be extremely disrespectful to bury him in his garden so instead he mailed Megu’s lifeless body to the sex shop where their steamy short lived love story began.
Shilo lived happily ever after despite the fact his dick itched furiously 24/8 to the point where he had to slice it off.RIP.
The end.
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almondmisery · 4 years
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should i keep this ship? just for kicks
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almondmisery · 4 years
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...sure you will
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almondmisery · 4 years
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almondmisery · 4 years
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bbc les mis????
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almondmisery · 4 years
Your shipbot gives amazing answers?? I look forward to seeing more :D
Thank you so much! I'm having so much fun with it :D
If you'd like, you can follow the twitter now! It doesn’t post anything yet, but I hope to have it up and running in a week or two. You can also look at the source code here and generate some of your own! It is VERY repetitive right now because there's only 25 or so quotes in there, and I feel like there are more ships I want to add as well, so honestly I wouldn’t really recommend it yet, haha.
If there’s any quotes that you (or anyone) think(s) should be in there, please send them to me via ask or message! I’m trying to get in as many quotes as possible so the bot doesn’t repeat itself all the time.
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almondmisery · 4 years
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the beginning of the end
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