#along with all the rest omg my camera does not do it justice the GREENS and yellows and reds are stunning
cerbreus · 1 year
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Rocks found today along the Mississippi river in St. Paul! Found some of my first Lake Superior Agates finally ♥ along with some other beautiful specimens.
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missmartian369 · 5 years
Girl Talk Pt. 2
It was a Friday night and since both were free, Cissie and Stephanie decided to have a sleepover. Currently both were in Cissie’s room, with Stephanie was sitting on the chair at Cissie’s desk painting her nails and Cissie was sitting on her bed scrolling through her iPad and listening to music. She had only one earbud in just in case Stephanie decided to say something to her.
“Make waaaaaay for Prince Aliiiiiiii! Say heeeeeeeeey it’s Prince Aliiiiiiiii!” Cissie sang.
Stephanie rolled her eyes, “OMG Cissie you have been singing that song none stop ever since we saw the live action adaption yesterday. Do you know any other songs?” She asked.
“I can’t help it! I just love this song so much! It’s like my favorite song from Aladdin! And even though Will Smith can’t sing the song wasn’t that bad.” Cissie said.
“Whatever.” Stephanie said, chuckling.
“Oh come on Steph don’t act like you haven’t been singing Aladdin songs since we saw the movie. I’ve seen you have ‘A Whole New World’ on repeat on your iPod.” Cissie said.
“Yeah but I’m not singing it at the top of my lungs like you do.” Stephanie retorted.
“You want to bet on that?” Cissie asked, raising her eyebrow and smirking.
“………Nooo.” Stephanie said, putting her head down.
The two girls then burst out in giggles.
“I can never get anything past you Cis.” Stephanie said, wiping a laughter induced tear from her eye.
“That’s because I know you so well.” Cissie said.
Cissie continued to sing ‘Prince Ali’ as she looked at her iPad. She was on Instagram and she was just scrolling down on her feed, seeing the different pictures and videos that people posted. Suddenly she paused her scrolling, abruptly stopping her singing in the process. This didn’t go unnoticed by Stephanie.
“You okay Cis?” Stephanie asked, looking over to her friend.
Cissie didn’t answer her. She just kept looking down at her iPad.
Stephanie got up and walked over to sit next to Cissie to see what she was looking at. It turns out that Cissie came across a video that Traci posted on her Instagram of her, Cassie, and Asami.
“We just saw Aladdin and it was amazing!” Traci exclaimed.
“Amazing! I was singing along the whole time!” Cassie exclaimed.
“All three of us were! Right Sam?” Traci asked.
“Yes! A whole lot of singing! Have fun!” Sam exclaimed.
“Damn right we had fun! This whole movie was just a great time! Right boys?” Traci asked. The camera then pans up towards Jaime, Bart, Virgil, Tye, and Ed walking behind them.
“Wo-ho yeah.” The boys mumbled, raising their fists half-heartedly. The camera pans back down towards the girls.
“They’re just fronting for the camera.” Cassie said.
“They know they liked it!” Traci said.
“Can’t fool us!” Sam said.
“He….seems like we weren’t the only one who saw the movie yesterday.” Stephanie said. She noticed that even though it was posted today, the caption stated ‘Last night was fun! #movienight’.
“Yeah.” Cissie said quietly. She swiped the video to look at the second part, which involved Traci, Cassie, and Sam singing ‘A Whole New World’.
“Seems like they had fun.” Stephanie said.
“Yeah it does.” Cissie said quietly.
“Hey are you okay?” Stephanie asked. “What’s wrong?” She added.
“I just wish that we were there with them.” Cissie said. She came across another video posted by Virgil of Tye and Jaime both dancing to the end credit version of ‘Friend Like Me’ in their theater row. The video then pans over to Traci, Cassie, and Sam doing the same thing on his other side.
“Just look at how much fun they had! We would have been with them if it wasn’t for….” Cissie started.
“Hey! None of that!” Stephanie said.
“What you know it’s true! If we hadn’t of left the team you, me and Tim would have been there with the rest of our friends enjoying that movie night. Hell we even planned on doing so when we first saw the teaser for Aladdin! But then we just had to mess everything up.” Cissie said, raising her head to look at Stephanie.
“Cissie….you know we had to do it.” Stephanie said.
“Yes I know. We were following the orders of our mentors.” Cissie said, rolling her eyes. “But we could have told them.” She added.
“No we couldn’t have. Our mentors told us not to, remember? Plus they wouldn’t have understood if we did. We are doing what we have to do for the greater good of the people. The League can’t operate effectively with all of the restrains put on them.” Stephanie said.
“Yeah but what about the Team? The league had restraints, not us. We could have stayed!” Cissie said.
“The teams follows what The League does and says.” Stephanie said.
“Not always! Hell when has the Team ever not disobeyed orders?” Cissie asked.
“Cis you agreed with Batman, Green Arrow, and everyone else about this whole thing!” Stephanie said, raising her arms up in the air. “You thought that we could all do more good if we didn’t have to deal with the restraints that were set forth. You thought that leaving would be a good idea, too!” She added.
“Yeah I know I did…….but now I’m thinking that I was wrong. That me, you, and Tim were wrong……for leaving.” Cissie said, putting her head down again.
“Cissie we were not wrong! Like I said before what we are doing is for the greater good!” Stephanie said.
“It might be for the greater good but that doesn’t make it right.” Cissie said. “I think we really hurt our friends.” She added.
“They have to understand.” Stephanie said, folding her arms.
“Steph…..did you not feel the negative energy that we were getting from Traci and Cassie when we went over to M’Ganns’ place for the premier of The Bachelorette? They didn’t talk to us that much.” Cissie said.
“Oh what are you talking about? Traci was talking up a storm.” Stephanie said.
“Yeah but that was just when she was talking to us about Bachelorette related things. We didn’t have a lot of the small conversations during the commercial breaks like M’Gann, Artemis, Zatanna, and Raquel were having. Hell, Cassie and Traci were mainly talking to Violet! They barely had any conversations with us.” Cissie said.
“Well they talked to us when were all about to leave.” Stephanie pointed out.
“Yeah but even then I could tell that they were upset and hurt, and even angry. Cassie definitely wasn’t afraid to let us know that when she said “You left us” point blank. And I could just here the hurt in Traci’s voice when she told us that they all missed us, and Cassie didn’t even argue with her!.” Cissie said.
Stephanie opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. After a few seconds she signed and looked down at her lap.
“Steph…..don’t you miss them?” Cissie asked.
After a moment of silence, Stephanie nodded her head, “Yeah I do….” She whispered.
“I do, too.” Cissie said. “And I know Tim does, no matter how stubborn he is about this whole thing. He misses Cassie and everyone else, too.” Cissie said.
Stephanie only nodded her head in agreement. After a moment of silence Cissie spoke again.
“M’Gann, Artemis, Zatanna, and Raquel said that if we didn’t resolve our issues then at the premier night then it would help us move in the right direction for possibly all eight of us to come together as a group again. Well……I’m thinking that maybe they were right…..and this conversation that we’re having now could very well be the next step in getting there.” Cissie said softly.
Stephanie didn’t say anything, she just continued looking down at her lap. Both girls sat in silence for the next five minutes, thinking about the conversation they just had. Suddenly the doorbell rang.
“That must be the pizza we ordered. Come on let’s go. I know you’re hungry.” Cissie said, getting off of her bed to walk to her bedroom door.
“Definitely.” Stephanie said, getting up from the chair and following Cissie in the hallway and into the living room to answer the front door.
The two girls spent the rest eating pizza, talking, and watching the Ridiculousness marathon on MTV. However, both girls knew that their thoughts on their friends weren’t going to go away any time soon. After the talk they had tonight, they knew that they couldn’t stay away from their friends much longer. Hopefully, the next step to reconciliation would come soon.
Here is the second installment of my Girl Talk series featuring Cissie and Stephanie. And awww they miss their friends. :(:( I really hope to see more of them in 3b of Young Justice: Outsiders and even a reconciliation between everyone (Even though I do plan on writing a reconciliation chapter for this story). I hope you all enjoy! :):):)
FanFiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13268013/1/The-Team-and-Their-Shenanigans
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18737131/chapters/44444542
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