bestridersdarksiders · 11 months
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Alowz has a new design folks!! I hope y’all enjoy it!!!
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lazyroseart · 2 years
My moots oc's that they ship with Death lol
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Zemira (Brown) - @spookyheaad
Life (Green) - @witheringvines
Alowz (Pink) - @bestridersdarksiders
Juno (Purple) - @crowsofafeather
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the-makers-daughter · 2 years
✨ with Life/Alowz :3
Pink rose flower crowns, dried lavender, and sage bundles.
She carries the distinctive scent of the start of spring mixed with rain. The flowers are blooming and she is their harbinger.
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tinkstrr · 1 year
💬 and I'll answer a question my OC has been dying to ask yours
For Life!
"I wonder if our children would be good friends, after all they are siblings in a way are they not?"
Ive stated many times she sees every child death fathers as her own dhdj
As well as "were we created by the same people?" She hasn't met anyone with the same name as her, and someone so unique too!that's saying something as she's seen many races over the course of her life
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✨ with Alowz/Life
From Siva, mayhaps a wooden/metal carved sculptures of flowers. Siva can even make the crystal trees with emeralds or rose quartz, and would associate such.
Thanx for the ask
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crowsofafeather · 2 years
✨ with Alowz and Kowa
Alowz, from Juno - Sharp, sparkling crystals scattered among the shards of a shattered mirror. The sensation of remembering a fairytale.
Kowa, from Clarence - Scraps of rough fabric in a bundle. A memory of sewing.
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bestridersdarksiders · 11 months
I'm making a tier list of all Death's wives, and I rate Life/Alowz as S tier!
:D Awwww!! thank you!!
can I ask what made you rank her as S tier? :D
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📚✒️for alowz please
"...he's strange and yet kind. Death is not the nicest person, but perhaps that suits him. He doesn't need niceties in order to be a good person, and I truly believe he is a good person. He helps me around the farm and garden even though he doesn't have to. He is stubborn and tries to hide any good intention he may have. I suppose I've grown rather fond of his company... I've missed having company."
Thanks for the ask!
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Alowz believes that the stars are meant to protect people with their light. They are guides.
Hedone always says "jinx" before she fires a gun, even if it's in her head.
Deimos doesn't believe in superstitions, but he is very particular about library books and it makes him anxious when books are misplaced.
Kowa doesn't believe at all.
Thanks for the ask!
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"I try to remember that I have those I can rely on. I am not alone and I can ask for help if I am uncertain." - Alowz
Alowz is very aware that she needs help from others. Her arc is about learning how to be her own person. She struggles with that because she's been alone for so long and she wants to be what others want so they don't leave again.
"I don't!" - Hedone
She tends to get worried and starts to pace if the tension is really high and everything is uncertain. But she tries to pretend like she isn't worried.
"I do my breathing exercises and try to think logically. Ideally, with planning and communication, any uncertainty can become certain." - Deimos
The lad with a plan. If something goes wrong or he is worried, he springs into action to figure out how to make sense of something. Sometimes that doesn't work for him though.
"I just cope." - Kowa
Kowa's so used to being uncertain it's a little bit insane. Her future is uncertain, her past is uncertain, and so is her present. Something could always go wrong. She's more likely to notice how she feels when something is certain.
Thanks for the ask!
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"How did you meet Death?" or "Are we sisters?"
First one because she's so curious about other peoples experiences with Death, especially romantic ones. And the second because Alowz/Life and Life share a name! :D
Thanks for the ask!
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💬 and I'll answer a question my OC has been dying to ask yours.
"How did you end up with Death?"
Alowz would love to know the answer to this question because Juno and her are so different. She wants to know the story because she's sure it's very different than her own meeting with Death.
She's fascinated by it all
Thanks for the ask
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What inspired you to create Alowz/Life and Kowa?
Being a simp for Death at first
When I first discovered Darksiders, I wasn't as much of a self shipper as I am now. It's funny because at the time, I made characters just to ship with canon characters because I like exploring dynamics and because I thought the characters were fun.
Life/Alowz was a similar thing. I thought "sure, let's make a sunflower child of a girl to pair off with Death of all people" and the rest is history.
I don't like Death in that way anymore, but yeah
Thanks for the ask!
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Alowz/Kowa Tangent
I really like the dichotomy between Alowz and Kowa. Mostly because they are the same character, but their experiences entirely define them.
Alowz was sheltered and protected her whole life, never needing to learn to fight, let alone was socialised properly, so more often than not, she’s very innocent and naive about how the world works, but acknowledges the danger of leaving her realm and recognises the very real threat of death.
Kowa however, was basically forced to run away after a very close call that Alowz simply hid away from. Kowa ended up learning how to fight and how to communicate in many different ways because of constantly being on the run. Kowa is also deaf and while she can speak, she prefers sign language overall. She knows how people work and has a very dark understanding of how the world works, purely because she was forced into it at a young age and made do.
Both Alowz and Kowa have the same capacity for empathy and kindess however. And when given the chance, both are very friendly and genuine beings. Kowa not as much, but that is only because that was the role forced upon her, but when she’s with friends, she can and will open up when shown she can trust them (which is a hard earned thing.)
But there are still massive differences. For one, the Void form. The Void form is what the Council originally wanted from the Makers in terms of Kowa/Alowz - a mindless being who can only be used as a weapon. But Alowz and Kowa had very different responses to that form.
Alowz suppressed it for many years and basically all but forgot about it. She never used her Void magic and as a result, her powers with said magic is weakened. Even after she kills the Council using said form, it’s difficult to utilise because Alowz is uncomfortable with that aspect of herself.
Meanwhile Kowa? Kowa has fully and unapologetically embraced it to the point where her life manipulating/bending magic is null and void (ha.) She basically uses her Void form and magic so frequently that there is no difference between her and the Void form. Kowa is not afraid of the darker aspects of herself and is not afraid to kill and hurt people if they threaten her life. Kowa is embracing a side that Alowz would have a very difficult time with.
Both of them come out very different in life, but still ultimately the same, which is what I really like when writing reboots or redesigns of characters - a designer should try and capture the essence of a character, no matter how deviated the story gets.
This was a longform way of saying “I love my OCs and I want other people to like them”
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Pick a character from a cartoon you liked as a kid that reminds you of your oc!
Cosmo from "Sonic X" reminds me heavily of Alowz. The soft-spoken, kind, and violence averse yet protective seedrian is basically Alowz.
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Since you never specified an OC,,, :3
For Juno, Alowz would associate and give her jewelry that look like eyes. She'd also probably heavily associate Juno with a crow feather, perhaps she'd make arrows from lost feathers of crows
Clarence, she'd associate with a plague doctor's mask. Would probably sew him a nice new robe and would give him a blue crystal for protection.
(I'd like to do one for Abigail and Erebus but I am not as familiar with those OCs unfortunately wjehdbcwev)
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