#alpacaman talks
grumpyalpacaman · 4 years
Hey there Tumblr, I believe it’s time we became acquainted with one another. I’m a fat hillbilly, rapidly approaching thirty and I write books for fun and hopefully money in some hypothetical dream future. That’s where you come in. I’m looking to refine my craft as a writer and feedback is really important to that goal. With that in mind, I’m going to be primarily posting chapters of my books here along with art and any other creative endeavours I may pursue in the future. Maybe a few DnD stories and other anecdotes I feel like sharing.
The book I’ll be posting for the for now is Nexus Notes. It’s a sci-fi/humour/adventure story about a scientific prodigy with a terminal illness, crippling depression and no friends. I know what you’re thinking, that DOES sound like a hilarious and exciting situation, rife with potential. Well, stick with me, it’s really not as dour as it sounds. We got lasers, we got a sardonic heroine, we got telepathic alien fish people. We got fun stuff, I swear. If any of that sounds like something you’d be into, stick around and give it a read. I’d really appreciate that.
A little background. This story started life as essentially a sci-fi Dungeons&Dragons game. Our own little Mass Effect/Star Wars/Star Trek/etc… campaign setting. Five teenagers sitting around in a basement, rolling dice. Riveting stuff. But as we played, the universe we built started to take shape and some of the characters really started to grow on me. This is NOT that story. As anyone who plays tabletop RPGs can attest, the stories that arise from them are usually too scattered and unfocused to make a great book. Doubly so when all the players are teenagers. But it formed the inspiration for this universe and its characters. Nexus Notes started as a fun side project for my friends. But the end result is the most proud I’ve ever been of my writing.
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