#alpha and betta [ alphys/undyne ]
😪 - Time to get awaken by a loud crashing noise directly outside of the lab, who is it you might ask?? well it's just sans, He's a little scorched in some places but he's still grinning so clearly he's having a great time. Starry eye sockets blink up at undyne."OH HELLO UNDYNE, I WAS JUST TRAINING WITH ALPHYS, SORRY FOR THE NOISE. SHE THREW ME HARDER THEN INTENDED."
Dr. Undyne hasn’t slept In days and has finally fallen asleep! Send “😪 “ to wake her up!
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"I'll grab the popcorn."
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At last, the Alphyne starter I promised @hoardingmuses​ forever ago...
It had been a few days since Undyne stepped out from the laboratory since everything went wrong.
Their bodies started melting. Family members reached out to hold one another in fear. Their viscous state acted as an adhesive. Instead of remaining as separate entities, the monsters started melding into each other. Not even turning their SOULs green could stop it...
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A fresh pile of garbage amassed in the trash dump. Occasionally, there are gems hidden in the junk. New technology that can enhance the lives of Monsterkind! Sifting through the pile was normally fun! But this time, the doctor’s mind remained in the lab.
How could this happen? Undyne followed every bit of research the previous Royal Scientist had laid out. To be on the safe side, she injected DT on herself. She self-monitored to see how her own body would react. Nothing of this sort happened to her. She ethically couldn’t continue with the project if it did!
Undyne reached into the pile and something slimy attached to her.  Scaly arms pulled away, revealing a wad of stringy bubblegum. It must have started out as a big glob, since the gum looked like it was pulled in different directions. She tried to wipe it off, but instead it spread onto her labcoat. This was what made her boil over.
She did everything right. They were supposed to go home this weekend... God damnit.
"God DAMNIT!" She bellowed. Releasing her rage, the scientist kicked at a pile of boxes and toppled some nearby junk. It was all she could think of -- no, feel like -- doing.
She froze when she heard a voice calling for her attention and turned around. Somebody was behind her.
Crap... How long was the lizard monster there? They seemed so... so...
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Muse's Heart meme
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"Pff... if I didn't know better, I'd say you're trying to fluster me on purpose, Anon!"
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗💗💗!!!!
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗💗💗💗!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💥💥💥
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"Look, you can't tell Sans this, Dyne. I can't let him in cause he's just too nice! I'm protecting him. He'll just get torn to shreds if I send him out there with the rest of us." - From Swap Alphys (universalundernet)
Undyne looks at the perfectly-timed message she received from Alphys about the same subject. Of course, she’s not going the divulge the message to Sans. After all, she knows how vital it is to keep a secret from others.
She sends a message back: “My lips are sealed. Honestly I’m surprised cuz hes REALLY good. But i trust your judgemnt, Captain!”
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((Dr. Undyne has an inevitable question for @thealphashypal​!))
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“Wanna go on a date? You know -- r-romantically??”
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Look at these two dorks.
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Hell YEAH Science Fish will smooch Buff Lizard when they reach the surface.
Undyne’s been holding back her feelings for Alphys for so long, she’s gonna let her know as soon as it’s “safe” for her to do so. Like, when they first step outside the Underground and watch the sun rise together. ;3
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Of course! The flavouring! Alphys picked it up and ate it whole, plastic and all. "Thanks, almost forgot it." She was way too proud of herself. - From Swap Alphys
Noodles + sauce pack + YouKnowWhat’sMissing...
Here comes Undyne with an electric kettle filled with SCALDING HOT WATER!!!
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Instant noodles? Well there goes the packet. Opened and eaten raw. - From Swap Alphys
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Undyne flaps the sauce pack in front of Alphys, flashing a mischievous grin. “Don’t forget the flavoring!”
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Ship meme: Alpha/Betta (fantastic pun, btw)
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you...
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Hooray, Underswap Alphyne!
Who’s the cuddler: Alphys. I love the idea of protective warrior!Alphys wanting to be the big spoon despite being shorter than Undyne. ><
Who makes the bed: Undyne. One of the things that carries over from Alphys’s original characterization is that she’s a sloppy person.
Who wakes up first: Alphys, because of her morning workout routine!
Who has the weird taste in music: It depends on what one thinks is ‘weird.’ >< Napstaton’s catchy experimental music that took the Underground by storm rubs off on Undyne, and Alphys’s hyper-chipper anime opening/ending songs are what she listens to while working out.
Who is more protective: Alphys is physically protective. Undyne is emotionally protective.
Who sings in the shower: Alphys... singing at the top of her lungs what sounds vaguely like the original Japanese lyrics to her favorite anime songs.
Who cries during movies: It’s a tie. They BOTH curl up together and cry over emotional anime scenes!
Who spends the most while out shopping: Undyne, but not because she’s a big shopper. She just likes to read the labels on food. ><
Who kisses more roughly: Undyne, because of those crazy sharp teeth.
Who is more dominate: Alphys, generally. But she quietly folds to Undyne because of her soft spot for her fishy GF.
My rating of the ship from 1-10: 8!
@universalundernet might like this post, too. ^^
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"Undyne...I have a secret I need to tell ya. You promise not to tell anyone? Okay. Here it goes... I'msecretlyanerdwholikesscienceandstuff." - From Swap Alphys
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“Aw c’mon, Alphys. You don’t have to make stuff up for me to, uh... think you’re really... uh... ... cool.”
Good GOD Undyne can’t tell Alphys how she really feels. No, no. Not yet. Not until she finds a cure and they all get back home...
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"So what's this then? A soul magnifier? A way to look at the deeper traits in a soul to help see if a soul can have multiple traits at once?"
A short pause.
"Saw something like that in an anime. Don't I sound all smart, bwahahaha. Bet I fooled you right? Nah, you're too smart for me, you nerd." Phew. Saved. - From Swap Alphys
Undyne blinks in surprise that Alphys got it right. “YEAH! I have this theory that, due to our research of human SOULs having different colors, it MUST follow basic color theory and be a combination of more than just one SOUL trait!! What better way to test out the theory than with THIS?” she gestures proudly at her magnifier.
It HAD to be a coincidence that Alphys found an anime with the same topic. That’s gotta mean her theory is correct if HUMAN anime shows that same idea!!!
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“MAN, that’s some super-relevant anime you’re watching. How ‘bout I, uh... drop by your place and watch it with you some day?” The fish blushed slightly. “You know... for science??”
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(( @universalundernet​ ))
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@thealphashypal  ( continued [link NSFW] )
Undyne emerged from the bathroom, dressed in a bathrobe, hair matted and clinging onto her net. She threw on her glasses to take a clear look at whoever was in the lab.
Good God, it was ENSIS.
“H-hey Alphys!” Nggh... how long was she waiting there?? “Just having a mid-day shower to beat the Hotland heat. You know what I mean!” The excuse was technically half-true...
There’s no way she’d say anything if she heard any ‘unusual sounds’ in the shower… She’s too nice to put her friends on the spot like that!
“That reminds me,” Undyne continued, running her fingers through a lock of hair in an attempt to look nonchalant. “Mind if we have anime night at your house this weekend? I need a break from the lab. I’m practically melting over here!”
But still... what if she heard...?!
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