moonbeamwritings · 1 year
To anyone else, a couple sitting together at breakfast not speaking to each other may seem odd, but for you and Kiyoomi, though, it’s nothing out of the ordinary.
“So, you’re away for a game this Friday, right?”
His response comes in the way of a slight nod, eyes narrowed in focus on the plate of food in front of him.
“When will you be home? Monday?”
He nods again, and your eyebrows crease in confusion. You open your mouth to question why he’s suddenly acting so strange, but before you can, Kiyoomi’s tilting his head in the direction of the table to your left. And then you hear it — the gossip.
“I just can’t believe she would do that! I thought she was my friend, ya know?”
Your mouth snaps shut in an instant, anxious to hear what unfolds next.
“Well,” the girl on the other side starts, clearly apprehensive, “she has liked him since high school. I thought you knew that.”
Silverware clatters down to the table. Whatever answer the first girl was expecting, it certainly wasn’t that. You and Kiyoomi share a pointed look, your mouths full of food.
“He’s my ex-fiancé. Are you serious right now?”
You have to control your face, taking a sip from your coffee mug to hide your surprise. Kiyoomi’s no better — eyes all but bulging at the new bit of information.
“I think you’re being a little unfair.”
You and Kiyoomi lock eyes in an instant, sharing looks that scream “oh shit.”
“Unfair?” The first girl is incredulous, and you can tell she’s biting back the volume in her voice. You have to strain to hear what she says next. “They started hooking up the second him and I broke up.”
Kiyoomi hides another expression behind his fist, cheeks stuffed with pancakes. His eyes widen, brows raising as he looks at you over his hand. You’re familiar enough with what you lovingly call Kiyoomi-speak to know he’s saying, “Can you believe this shit?”
Your expression mirrors his own.
You spend the rest of your meal digesting the conversation coming from the table beside you, and as you walk back to your apartment, Kiyoomi’s hand in yours, you unpack it together.
“Her ex seems like a dick.”
“He does! The friend is no better either.”
“Mm,” Kiyoomi’s brow furrows. “That friend she was eating with kind of sucks, too. It seemed like she was pulling out all of these excuses for the other girl.”
“That’s what I was gonna say! She probably knew all along.”
“Mm, probably.”
You continue to chat the whole way home, and as silly as it sounds, the idle conversation has warmth thrumming beneath your skin. It’s nice, you think as Kiyoomi delves into the theory that the poor girl was probably cheated on. To have someone who understands you, someone you can always rely on to people watch and gossip with you.
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wwowizard · 1 year
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yes. i AM normal about them.
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jazzkrebber · 11 months
whenever people think about kanej and zoyalai double dates, they think Inej and Nikolai bonding over pirating while Zoya is about to pummel Kaz for being, well, Kaz, but I've always loved the idea of them being in the corner judging everyone nearby. that guy has a red button up on? so last season. that person just tripped? they're laughing their asses off. that lady just got arrested for theft? rookie mistake.
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kueh-lapyx · 6 months
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Bastard of the barrel 🐦‍⬛
Trying out a new technique to study values, midtones and planes of a subject, and ive learnt lots about bounce light and the subtle shifts in values even in an all black material (thank you Kaz for always being emo and wearing full black)
Haven't practiced pencil shading in a loooong time till this one, so i definitely need lots of constructive feedback :D
But overall im pretty proud of it, with this being the first time doing a portrait in this hatching technique :) can't say i will do this again though, my patience has been stretched thin with hatching HAHAH
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sasami-san · 7 months
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fumifooms · 11 months
Monsters and Ghosts
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Monsters & Ghosts, the monstrous siblings
The Toudens Dungeon Meshi Ryoko Kui
Red song lyrics (both fonts & shades): Animal by The Living Tombstone // Black background song lyrics: This is Home by Cavetown // The two dialogue bubbles, flighted birds & swallowing: Shut Hell by Yu Ito // Blue quote: Susan Ee // White background quote: Numbers 13:32, the Bible // “Burning shadows of human hands” song lyrics: Uncanny by GHOST // Brown-gold song lyrics: My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstone // Orange quote: Mira Grant Last quote below: Stephen King // Last song lyrics below: Monster from Adventure Time.
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trek-tracks · 6 months
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Let him see
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bonefall · 9 months
Been thinking a lot about the idea that a StarClan cat appearance becomes more fantasy-like based on the stories of them and how they're perceived by the living. So new spirits would look more like how they were alive while older spirits would look different.
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[ID: A sketch of BB!Gray Wing, Patron of Wisdom, over many generations. Xeir hood has changed into the wings of two pheasants, with their eyes overlapping xeir own, and beaks crossing above the nose. Xeir body is covered in illegible script.]
While I do imagine they keep a "BE NOT AFRAID" normal-form that they can choose to appear as, yes. Over time, ancestral spirits begin to lose touch with their mortal forms and become abstractions.
Once, long ago, the Four Seasonal Gods resembled something very much like an ancient patron of Silverpelt. In comparison to Rock, Sol, Midnight, and Sharptooth, even the oldest spirit in StarClan (Gray Wing) is still an infant.
Partner and I are still designing the other founders but Gray Wing and Clear Sky are pretty solid.
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[ID: A sketch of BB!Skystar, Patron of War, over many generations. He is wearing a thousand pelts stitched together like a king's robe, flowing down his body.]
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ennyxy · 1 year
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Unfortunately I'm not good with backgrounds for pictures like this, but eh. I'll include a transparent one under the cut.
Anyway the sketch for this looked a bit different but I did some adjustments in the end. Just something I drew for fun, as always ^^
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aleksanderscult · 7 months
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Uhh excuse me, sir, who are you to talk about drama???
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candyskiez · 2 months
Having fictives in your system is funny sometimes because I can just casually make a funny remark of "oh this character would ABSOLUTELY do this" and I'll hear someone going, in vague confusion, "no the fuck I don't???"
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judgingskeletons · 1 year
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Look at this handsome perfect fellow and their gorgeous fish friends!! I adore this! <3 100000/10
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A friend of mine kickstarted a short film project and it's really cool but why am i the only one in the storyboard group who seems to have a grasp on actually writing. like, not just writing the words but the technical stuff around that. fellas 80s/90s musical is still not a genre exactly. a crossover is complicated as fuck especially regarding pacing. we have three protagonists currently who are introduced on their own but we can't just go out and write them! we need to coordinate how long those parts are so it's even! with pacing there's gonna be several scenes per introduction so we can piece them together and not have three blocks that is confusing and weird! pacing! coordination! length! and for the love of god we can't have a single perspn write the main crossover plot if they don't even know the characters
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inkykeiji · 3 months
i still cannot believe dabi actually showed up in this lil white number like he is such a theatre kid
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like genuinely got himself all dressed up for this fight and kept the belt—because of course he did, because the belt is iconic, the belt has come with him throughout all three of his outfit changes—and showed up looking sexy as hell to what he was essentially intending to be his own funeral.
he definitely has a flare for the dramatic!!!
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thehecklingmouse · 7 months
kaveh who talks about mehrak like a real human child and alhaitham who starts to get sad and jealous because someone managed to woo kaveh before he made his move
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trek-tracks · 1 year
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"You. Do. Not. Die."
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