#alpha kotaro bokuto x omega reader
Being Nekoma’s Omega Manager:
Alpha Bokuto’s Crush
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Alpha! Kotaro Bokuto x Omega! female manager (YN Kuroo) (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: SFW, mentions of mates but basically all fluff
A/N: ok I can explain… yeah I can’t but the idea of omega verse has been on my mind for a while and this is me exorcising that 🫠 also I’m not sure this would be classified as “traditional ABO omegaverse”. It’s my first time trying this genre so please don’t come for me 😅 I promise I’m willing to learn!
As if being an omega wasn’t hard enough, you were one of the few omegas that populated the halls of Nekoma
The school was comprised of mostly betas and alphas, including your big brother, Tetsuro Kuroo
Tetsuro was the head alpha and captain of Nekoma’s volleyball team
Tetsuro was big, strong, smart and a great leader
You were much the opposite of your brother, small, average, and rather shy
Nothing about you stood out particularly and you liked it that way
You weren’t popular but not exactly a wallflower either
You fit in with your own friends, who were compromised of mostly betas
Your smell was a pleasant, light floral- often making the atmosphere around you calm and serene
Tetsuro often described your scent like the wind blowing through a field of fresh flowers in the summer
Kenma, Tetsuro’s best friend and beta, told you that you smelled like perfume
“Umm thanks Kenma?” You’d say as he shrugged
“At least it’s a nice perfume smell!” Inuoka, another beta from the volleyball club added
While you got along well at Nekoma, you mostly hung out with your brother and the volleyball team
They had accepted you into their pack as an omega and someone they cared very much for
Yaku and Kai, both Betas, adored how small you were and how much you cared for the team
Yamamoto, another Alpha, watched you like a hawk and treated you like his own sister
You became so integrated into the team that eventually, you just naturally became their manager
“You’re always here Yn, might as well put you to work!” Coach Nekomata laughed
It worked out well for you because you were safe and you felt extremely needed within the pack
Your scent often helped calm down Kuroo and Yamamoto when they got irritated by Daishou and the Alpha’s of Nohebi
“Hey you got yourself a cute little omega I see,” Daishou said, “maybe you can let us borrow her for a while?”
Kuroo and Yamamoto both growled at the threat presented to them
Yaku and Kai told you to ignore them but your instincts told you other wise
You approached the boys, releasing a calming scent to calm them
“I’m sorry but I belong to Nekoma’s pack,” you say sweetly as you pull the two dumb alphas with you
While you loved your pack, you had yet to become attached to anyone in particular
Your inner omega hadn’t been stirred up by anyone at the school or at any of the teams practice matches
A lot of your fellow omegas were bonded to alpha’s already and sometimes, you felt lonely, desiring your own alpha
Your brother told you to be patient, that your day could come
You knew he wasn’t too excited for you to find a mate, wanting to keep you safe and protected within his pack for as long as he could
However, that would change when Nekoma’s training camps started
You were nervous but excited for everything new
Kuroo had told you that you would be the only Omega at the camp as the teams were comprised of Betas and Alphas, including the managers
You knew you’d get along with the managers no matter what, having met Karasuno manager before
When the teams arrived, you stood next to Kuroo, hiding slightly behind him
They had all been very pleasant to you, greeting you kindly
A large bus arrived, commotion stirring from it as soon as the doors opened
“Bokuto you need to chill out,” a voice sounded as you watched a very large man bounce off the bus
“Akaashi, you know how excited he gets when it comes to training camp,” one of the managers said as she followed the bouncy man
You watched as the black and silver haired man stood by the bus, the rest of the team piling off
You couldn’t see his face but his presence made the atmosphere shift around you
The wind was blowing a little strong, you hair flowing around your face as you pulled it from your mouth
Bokuto stopped, frozen as he smelt the air, his lungs expanding as he took in the beautiful scent
His body reacted before he had a chance to think, urging him to find the source of the pretty smell
He turned, his eyes lading directly on you as you stood slightly behind your brother
You were so tiny and meek, it drove him to the brink
He had never felt this way about another person, let alone an omega
He let the scent of you wash over him as his body carried him towards you
“Bokuto where the heck are you going?” Akaashi said as he made his way over, eyes fixed at on you
Kuroo watched as Bokuto approached, shifting in front of you as a low growl sounded from his throat
The growl from his friend and rival sent Bokuto into protective mode, his scent immediately changing as he bared his teeth
Akaashi came next to Kenma as they both watched , Kuroo standing his ground as Bokuto began to stare him down
The teams knew not to get involved when two alphas met toe to toe
Not only because a fight would surely ensue but also because they noted your presence close to the scene and didn’t want you to get hurt
“Omega,” Bokuto said, a low growl sounding from him as his piercing hazel eyes locked on yours, pupils dilated , “mine.”
You stiffened, as you took in Bokuto’s scent of warm, fresh cotton
You body began to heat up as you felt a soft whimper escape you lips
A whine that called to him, telling him that you found him just as attractive as he found you
What the heck were you doing? You body was acting on its own accord as the tall alpha loomed in front of you
You peered around your bother who was locked in a heated glare with Bokuto
You hadn’t seen Kuroo this angry in a while, not even Daishou’s annoying comments stirred this much emotion
You snapped from your haze, pumping calming pheromones into the air to defuse the tension between the two alphas
You could sense the tension dissipate, as your brother and Bokuto both calmed down, Bokuto’s eyes returning to normal
Bokuto looked from your brother to you, his face relaxing as he calmed down
“Who is this Kuroo?” He asked, still staring at you
“My sister and Nekoma’s manager now back off!” Kuroo growled
“Tetsuro its ok,” you said softly as your brothers head snapped to you
“I’m YN, it’s nice to meet you,” you said, a soft smile appearing on your face
“I’m Kōtarō Bokuto, it’s a pleasure,” he said, still staring at you
Kuroo was getting annoyed at how Bokuto was staring at you and what was with him calling you his earlier?
Kuroo could sense the change in Bokuto’s behavior and he didn’t like it one bit
He knew the alpha was interested in you, his scent reeking of possessiveness
Thankfully, Yaku and Kai came to the rescue
“Come on YN, we have to finish setting up the gym,” Yaku interrupted, sensing the tension forming and wanting to remove you from the situation
Yaku and Kai both knew things could escalate quickly and didn’t want to risk you getting hurt
“Oh of course!” You said, running to meet up with Yaku and waving to Bokuto
Bokuto watched as you left, your scent hitting him smack in the face once again
“Stay away from my sister Bokuto,” Kuroo growled as Bokuto smirked
Yeah there was no way in hell that was going to happen
As the training camp progressed, you felt not only the eyes of your team on you but the eyes of Bokuto as well
He watched you every spare second he could, his eyes finding you in every setting on the gym
“Looks like we won’t need much encourgement today,” Yukie said to Akaashi who nodded, watching Bokuto as he watched you
“I’ve never seen him like this before, do you really think-” Washio said as Akaashi nodded
“I’m not 100% for sure, but I think so,” he said, still watching as Bokuto’s eyes lit up at the sound of your laugh
He hated how close the betas of your pack were standing to you
Kenma and Inuka all but on top of you
His inner alpha yelled at him to stop them, halt them from getting any closer to what was his
He released a low growl, heard by Akaashi as he tried observed you
“Bokuto, we should get to practicing,” Akaashi said as Bokuto snarled
“Yeah, I need to hit something. I’m pissed off,” he barked
You stiffened, hearing the snarl permeat your ears from across the court
Bokuto was fuming as he slammed spike after spike into the other side of the court
“Hey Yn, can you fill up our water bottles please?” Kai asked as you chirped in surprise, Bokuto stopping when he heard you
“Oh yeah, I’m sorry, I was just zoned out! I’ll get right on it!” You said, grabbing the crates and hoisting them into your arms
“Hey can I help you with those?” Bokuto said, approaching you as you carried your teams water bottles to the fountain
“Oh no I’m ok! I don’t want to interrupt your practice!” You say, smiling back
“It’s ok, I’m on a break! And those look really heavy,” he says, extending his hand as you blush and hand him the bottles
You walk to the fountain and began filling up the bottles, Bokuto standing close by you
“Thanks so much Bokuto,” you say
“Please call me Kotaro,” he responds as you nod
“Kotaro it is then!” You giggle as Bokuto’s chest fills with pride at your name rolling from your mouth
“You are really pretty Yn and your scent is beautiful,” Bokuto bluntly stated as you felt your face heat up
“Umm thanks Ko, Kenma says it smells like perfume,” you say shyly
“Well it’s the best perfume I’ve ever smelt before,” he said as you felt your body heat, his scent becoming strong as you talked
You talk a little as you fill water bottles when suddenly the foul stench of anger fills the hallway
“BOKUTO!” Kuroo shouts as you chirp suddenly, eyes widening
Bokuto responds to you, his instinct to protect your from anyone and anything stronger than ever
He stands in front of you, arms crossed as you peer out from behind his hulking form.
“I thought I told you to leave my sister alone!” He barked as Bokuto growled back, his stench reeking of possessiveness
“I’m only helping her and stop being so protective of her Kuroo!” Bokuto snarled out the command as you stiffened
“She’s an unmarked omega Bokuto and she’s my baby sister so no, I will not back down!” Kuroo says as your eyes widen at the realization that both men are getting extremely angry
The smells mixed together and assaulted your nose as you tried your best to stay calm
“I would never hurt her Kuroo! I think you already know what I want,” Bokuto snarls as Kuroo’s eyes flame with anger
You try pumping your scent into the air as the men’s eyes dead lock on each other, eyes blown wide as you try desperately to calm them down
Unfortunately for you, it’s not working
“Whoa hey what’s going on here?” Yaku says, coming out into the hallway with Akaashi, Kenma and Kai
“Kuroo calm down,” Kai says as Kuroo’s vision snaps to Kai
“Back off! This is between Bokuto and me,” Kuroo shouted
Driven by your instincts, you do the only thing you can and begin scenting Bokuto
You had never scented anyone before, not even your own pack mates
Usually your calming scent filling the air was enough to chill the mood but your instincts drove you to do more
Your wrist rubs up and down his arms, as you see his form relax, his eyes shifting to you
Kuroo’s eyes turned towards you as he watched your eyes lock with Bokuto’s
He knew what this meant, and while he wasn’t happy about it, he could tell you wanted this
“Kotaro, it’s ok. Tetsuro is just looking out for me. He knows how dangerous it is being an unclaimed omega,” you say
“I want to be your Alpha Yn,” Bokuto says suddenly as your eyes widen
Akaashi palms his face knowing perfectly well that the customs of courting an Omega
“Bokuto, you are suppose to ask her with a gift you know,” Akaashi says, as you smile
“Oh right, uhh, hold on!” Bokuto says, ripping off his practice jersey as well as his T-shirt
“Here you go Yn,” he says, handing you his T-shirt
Even Kuroo is like “really YN? This is what you want?”
You accept the T-shirt, holding it up to your nose as the scent of Kotaro, the scent YOUR Alpha wafts through your nose
“I love it Kotaro and yes, I’d love to court you,” you say as he smiles
“Well HEY HEY HEY!” He screams, lifting you into the air and spinning you around
Kuroo stands there, his arms crossed as he just shakes his head
“You sure you want this Yn?” He asks as you nod
“Honestly this was the cutest courtship proposal I’ve ever seen,” Yaku says, wiping a tear from his eyes
“Akkaaaasshiiii we are going to have to make room for Yn on the bus!” Bokuto says as you smile, shaking your head
“Bokuto YN isn’t coming with you,” Kuroo notes
Bokuto’s eyes widen as he looks to you as he deflated, hair and all
“Sorry Kotaro, I can’t just transfer schools! But I can come visit you on weekends and we can FaceTime everyday until we can see each other?” You say as your alpha perks up and smiles
“Come on YN, I gotta show you all my skills while we are together! I need to prove that you have the bestest Alpha around!” Bokuto says, dragging you back to the gym as you giggled
“Well it finally happened,” Kenma said, walking back with Akaashi
Akaashi just smiled, knowing that, for a while at least, he wouldn’t have to worry about Bokuto’s emo modes for a while
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honeesucker · 1 year
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♡ = NSFW / Explicit / 18+ ONLY
☠️ = Dark Content / Problematic / READ STORY TAGS
☁️ = Fluff / SFW
🐾 = Alpha / Beta / Omega dynamics (Omegaverse)
🐕 = Puppygirl
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➤DynaMight | Katsuki Bakugo
・(Bone) Appétit ♡🐕 
     ○ Prelude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
・ A moment in time  ♡
・Bakugo Thirsts / Drabbles / Etc.  ♡
➤Eraserhead | Shota Aizawa
・Safeword ♡
➤Shigaraki | Tenko Shimura
・Darling, Dearest ♡ ☠️ part 1 part 2 part 3
➤Dabi | Touya Todoroki
・Flight ♡ ☠️
・ Haunted by a Shadow (ft. Shoto Todoroki) ♡ ☠️
➤ Hawks | Keigo Takami
・ Gliding Into You | RomCom Collab ☁️
➤ Fatgum | Taishiro Toyomitsu
・ Heart-Shaped Castella | RomCom Collab ♡ ☁️
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➤Haikyuu boys reacting to you texting them *~spicy photos~* and then falling asleep…
・ Iwaizumi Hajime  ♡
➤ Haikyuu boys reacting to your hand on their thigh… ♡
・ Semi Eita
・ Kenma Kozume
・ Ushijima Wakatoshi
・ Tsukishima Kei
・ Akaashi Keiji
➤ Haikyuu boys reacting to you calling them ‘Daddy’… ♡
・ Bokuto Kotaro
・ Ushijima Wakatoshi
・ Daichi Sawamura
・ Akaashi Keiji
・ Iwaizumi Hajime
・ Tendou Satori
・ Tsukishima Kei
➤ Bokuto Kōtarō
・ Sugar Coat ♡ 🐾
・ Bokuto x Puppygirl PWP ♡ 🐕
・ Bokuto X Fem!reader PWP  ♡
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➤Coming soon!
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➤Coming soon!
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➤Coming soon!
Call of Duty Thirsts / Drabbles / etc.  ♡
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sugamamacustard · 4 years
Back me up
Pairing: Alpha! Kotaro Bokuto x Omega! Reader, Alpha Wakatoshi Ushijima x Omega! Reader
Genre: Tiny itty-bitty angst, domestic fluff!
Request: Hello! So I found your blog and I was contemplating wether to send in a request cuz im shy hehe Can you please write about an omega!pregnant reader and Alpha! Bokuto or Alpha! Ushijima (whoever you're more comfortable writing for) getting overprotective after something happens to their omega?
Summary: Pregnancy can bring out both the best, and worst, in any and all alphas, and yours is no exception. Life, however, is unpredictable in every sense and sometimes, the worst and best parts get melded into one-- and make you fall in love with your alpha all over again. 
Author’s Note: Domestic fluff domestic fluff domestic fluff domestic fluff domestic fluff domestic fluff domestic fluff domestic fluff domestic fluff- If you saw something earlier, no you didn’t :D
Requests: Open!
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Kotaro Bokuto
➵ There were few things you hated about your pregnancy. 
➵ Honestly, at this point, it wasn’t even that bad for you! Minimized morning sickness, your boobs were rarely ever sore and you had one of the most amazing alpha by your side.
➵ Kotaro was just as excited about your pup on the way, making the whole experience so much more pleasant. He constantly chirped about your up coming family to his team, made sure he read every book he found on the subject of pregnancy and child care.
➵Honestly, perfect husband material.
➵ 10000/10
➵  There were times when he sometimes was overbearing, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
➵It was adorable and made you purr. 
➵ This faithful day you were both at the store, starting prep on stocking up for, not only the new nursery you were planning, but the intense nesting you were sure to go through further into your pregnancy. 
➵  You were at the point in your second trimester you had just enough of a bump to look pregnant and sometimes it attracted the weirdest people. 
➵ Humming, you walked down the aisle filled with gym supplements and pre-workout powder, keeping your eye open for the one your alpha preferred, quickly grabbing the largest tub and heaving it into the cart before moving on.
➵That was obviously your first mistake, as you were quickly stopped when you tried walking away. 
➵ “Pregnant woman aren’t allowed to have that. It’s bad for the baby.” A woman sneered at you, hand on her hip, glasses resting on her head as she glared at your belly than you.
➵ “Oh, it’s fine, it’s-” 
➵ “Fine? You’re fine with killing your pup?!” She snapped, teeth bared as you stared at her incredulously. “Someone like you shouldn’t be allowed to have pups.”
➵ “Ma’am, it’s not for me-”
➵” So your killing other people’s pups?” 
➵ You wanted to rip your hair out at this point. It was like you were talking to a brick wall.
➵ Taking a deep breath, you figured this wasn’t worth the argument, taking your cart and moving on.
➵ The woman’s alpha however, wasn’t having it. He appeared from behind her, grabbing the front of your cart and stopping it from turning. 
➵ He yanks it forward, making you stagger, before pushing it back and out of your hands, sending you tumbling. 
➵ You chirped as you braced yourself, arms wrapping around your middle, cradling your bump
➵ You didn’t fall too far, falling into a firm chest. You nearly chirped again, but relaxed when your alpha’s familiar scent clouded around you. It was strong and heavy and meant to assert dominance.
“Is there a problem here?”  Kotaro was never really an aggressive alpha, though he had the stature to do so. He was big, bulky and scary when angry. These were all things that you adored about him. That while he had all of these attributions, he instead was a bright and cheerful teddy bear. 
But he still had them nonetheless. He was still big. Still bulky. Still scary when angry. And right now, he was livid. 
“This sorry excuse of an omega is trying to kill her child-” The woman began, stopping when she stepped forward only for Kotaro to snarl at her. 
“I’m sorry, what? I’m pretty sure my omega was trying to explain that is wasn’t for her. In case you haven’t noticed, it was for me. Now piss off. I’m not scared to show you why I need that protein.” 
The duo looked to each other before stomping off, grumbling all the while. You could feel an arm snake around your waist, Kotaro snorting before grabbing the cart and spinning it around and leading you in the direction of the cashiers. 
“Am I getting out of cuddles any point in the near future?” 
“Not likely.” 
“That’s fair.” 
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Wakatoshi Ushijima
➵ Oh boy, oh boy
➵ Wakatoshi is intimidating as it, nonetheless when your pregnant.
➵When his and your pup is on the line.
➵ He is ruthless and mean if someone dares look at you wrong.
➵ Honestly, also great dad. 
➵ Like 9999/10
➵ He’s a little brash and kind of forgets about you when fighting someone for a minute
➵ But I swear he makes it up you later
➵ You honestly love him so much, even if he can be brunt and brash sometimes.
➵ Your doctor okay’d minimal coffee for you after you passed your danger mark, making you understandably excited. 
➵ Wakatoshi, though hesitant, gave you some suggestions about drinks he would pick up when he was supposed to stay low on caffeine. 
➵ Your name was called and you went to grab your drink (A half-caf. macchiato) only to frown when a hand was faster than yours.
➵ “Pregnant woman aren’t allowed coffee.” A man sneered, dumping the full coffee into the nearby trashcan.
➵ You internally whined at the lose before glaring at the man, the barista already making you a new drink as well as the one you ordered for Toshi.
➵ Was this alpha trying to mansplain pregnancy...to a pregnant lady?
➵ The man was yammering on and on about, fake, side effects. 
➵ It took ten whole minutes for you to get him off your back as a pair of kind beta women came up behind you, pretending to know you and taking the drink and leading you out the door.
➵ They handed the drinks back to you when you were out the door before waving you off, letting you make the small trek back to your home.
“Holy hell, ‘Toshi. The audacity of some people.” You huffed, setting down his drink before sitting beside him. He rose a brow, quickly pulling you in with a hand resting on your swollen baby bump. 
“What do you mean, love?” 
You huffed, sipping your drink while pulling your legs in. “This man tried explaining what I can and cannot have in my pregnancy. Like, he was acting like I didn’t know. He threw out my first drink and some betas had to come help!”
The grip around you tightened, making you look up at your alpha. His eyes were stone and cold, making you question whether or not telling him was a good idea. He huffed before settling himself, picking you up with one arm and a scooping motion and his cup in his other hand, he carried you to your bedroom, gently placing you in your nest and the cups on the bedside table, you watched Wakatoshi move quickly around the room. He pulled off his sweater, pulling on a t-shirt, replaced his jeans with sweats, and even grabbed your pregnancy pillow, scenting it before handing it and the sweater to you. You took them gratefully, setting them down while Wakatoshi crawled in beside you, pulling you down with him. 
“Next time, I’m going with you.”  
You laughed. “Whatever makes you feel better, ‘Toshi.” 
His warm hand on your stomach lulled you, and your pup, to a sweet rest. 
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eaucian · 4 years
★ out in the garden (nsfw)
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impt. alphaknight!kotaro bokuto x omegaprince!malereader 
req. yes
sum. bokuto and you are finally getting married. this day being so important because now, by law, you can mate. finally claim each other as only being the other’s
wc. 1.4k
w. literally like two swear words okay? — sexual themes (smut) — bottom!reader
n. this is only the smut for anyone who doesn’t want to read the whole damn thing i wrote cause i got carried away lol. also I really hope you see this anon!! haha, hope you like it!
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Your knight and you were stuck in your own little world, and it had been not even two minutes into marriage. But you would belong to each other tonight. You would be with him from the setting of the sun to it’s rising. And you’d be with him everyday for it afterward. 
It sounded heavenly.
And heavenly was all you felt soon after the ceremony had finished as Bokuto carried you to your shared room.
It was both of yours officially now, even though it’d housed Bokuto since he was a miniscule five year old. But now, now as he kissed you senseless and carefully undid your glittering garments as the sun barely began setting, it truly felt like it was both of yours.
Words were nothing but unnecessary at the moment, when mouths could be used for something so much better.
You could support this easily as Bokuto moved his lips from yours, leaving your mouth to release a whine at being separated. You wanted something of his touching you, it had to be more than hands, it had to be better than hands, despite the fact you knew his hands were amazing. 
“Ko,” you whispered, cupping his face to bring it back to your lips. He gave way with no resistance, back to kissing you greedily as his hands continued trailing down your body, undressing you with experience.
Soon enough you were bare for Bokuto to admire, and he was pantless and a sight to behold. Though you were much too preoccupied by his mouth to pay attention to that. 
His mouth which was trailing down your neck, placing kisses on every inch of you he could, leaving matching bruises. He held you to his chest with one hand, the other gliding along your side, roaming to the crook where your back met your ass, where he desperately wanted to touch.
You held in a moan as he nipped further down your chest, finally mouthing at one of your nipples. Perhaps being a quite sensitive omega was a positive thing now that you thought about it.
He stayed there, what felt like forever before he moved lower, laying you down on the bed while simultaneously kissing down your abdomen. His hands held your hips with a grip so strong they’d surely be bruised by morning.
“Ko, please,” you begged now. You loved his mouth on you, going lower and lower with each kiss, but right now you wanted him inside you. You wanted him to make a mess of you, and make you his because now he finally could.
He licked at your dick making you shiver at the unexpected contact, he continued to do so before taking you in his mouth. He made every move expertly, making you see nothing but stars before leaving your dick to go somewhere else.
He could smell your slick.
“Want to make you feel good,” he murmured, lifting your legs and spreading them out so he could have access to your beautiful hole. 
He watched, slightly licking his lips as he glanced at your flushed face. Seeing your face was all he needed to see before his mouth went to your ass. He licked at your hole, savoring your taste because how could every single part of you be perfect?
His tongue worked with you, the slick leaking from you only helping his tongue move around before he lifted his head, opting to use his fingers instead. They were longer after all.
It barely took any time for him to find your prostate, he knew you too well. 
You were moaning his name, gripping his shoulders, as he now leaned over you, begging him to move on. You begged more, telling him you were good, that you needed him now. 
He obliged. 
He positioned himself at your entrance, looking to you for the okay. You may have been very recently married, but he always asked for your permission. If you wanted this. 
You nodded as best you could. 
And he pushed himself into you as fast as he could. Thrusting from the moment he felt your walls clench around him. You always felt so good.
“So tight for me,” he grunted, pushing into your hips further if possible. He was certainly trying his best to go faster.
All you could do was let out strangled noises, wanting nothing more than for him to continue hitting that spot! 
“Bokuto, please more,” you whimpered beneath him. Eyes closed with the utter pleasure you were feeling. He followed each and every one of your demands, leaning down to nuzzle at your neck before continuing to place love bites there. 
He knew exactly where he wanted his Mating Mark to be.
“Fuck, please, please,” you managed to say as he continuously managed to keep a fast pace, hitting your prostate each and every time without a single miss.
“Good?” It was barely a question.
“Good, god. Yes good, Ko,” you told him as he targeted your neck, the opposite side this time. 
There wasn’t a spot on you without a bruise that Bokuto placed there.
Soon enough you had been fucked too many times to count, had orgasmed too many. You’d felt so amazing you had almost no idea as to how you ended up in his lap instead, bouncing on his cock, Bokuto lifting your hips so that his only the head of his dick would be inside you before allowing you to fall back down onto it. 
This could only be described as heavenly now, and it’d been left to Bokuto doing most of the work as you simply moaned his name like a mantra and screamed. He loved seeing you on top of him. 
You looked ethereal to him, taking him so well and warming him so good. You were perfect, there was no denying that when you looked like this for him. Because of him.
When you had come again, the substance staining Bokuto’s pale skin along with your own stomach, Bokuto couldn’t help it anymore.
He flipped you over, your chest to the bed, arms weak and cradling a silky pillow for support.
“Gonna claim you, make you mine. Just like you always were, mine,” he spoke into your ear, barely loud enough over the slapping of your skin, as he only pulled out of you to change positions. You thought it nice how you couldn’t even remember what it felt like to not have him inside of you.
“Yes! Ko, make me yours,” you whined, your voice muffled by the pillow. You weren’t even sure if the words came out right. Nonetheless you had given him your approval, now he really couldn’t help it.
His lips, his mouth found its own way to your bare neck. Your neck which already looked like it belonged to Bokuto.
He didn’t wait, he bit into your neck. Your sight turning white with pleasure. Pleasure was the only thing you could register. Maybe it’d be the only thing you could feel from now on. This was by far the best sex you had had with Bokuto, and there were certainly many encounters in many different places with him before this.
The only sound in the room was both of your heavy breathing. He flipped you over, quicker than any time he’d changed positions with you before. 
You knew why, and you found it silly with your hazy brain. It could be labeled as putty by now, thinking was far too hard.
“Can I-” he hesitantly asked. How he was still able to form sentences was unknown to you. You could barely nod.
He kissed you hard, pushing into you with a few more lazy thrusts until you felt him come inside of you. Your own walls only tightened around the sensation.
You knew his knot was in you when it felt like you were being stretched farther than you had been in forever. It was painful, but that pain didn’t exactly matter since each slight movement caused his dick to hit the edge of your prostate. The pain was nothing. 
You were both sweaty, and frankly exhausted. But you had never been so comfortable or so sure that he was the right one. Bokuto was yours, you were his, and it had all started in a garden. 
You would look back on that later gladly. Right now, words had to be spoken.
“Love you, Ko,” you told him, between panting breaths. Lifting your arm to cup his cheek took all your effort. Kissing him softly took none. 
“I love you more than the stars shine,” he replied.
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roanniee · 3 years
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Word Count: 1.9k
Reader: Gender Neutral
Warnings: Omegaverse, Beta reader/Omega Reader, swearing, ANGST, HURT/ Maybe slight comfort? Arranged Marriage, Alpha Kita Shinsuke, insecurity I think?, hidden relationship, old money, old blood, use of bearer as gender neutral replacement for mother, and alpha parent for father. Very very very slight fluff at the end. Let me know if I missed anything.
Well. It's Agony August so here's another one hehehe
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As a beta, you never expected much in life.
You were not an Alpha, who were revered for their abilities.
You were not an Omega either, who are sought after for their rarity.
No, you were a beta. You are, by society's definition, normal.
Just like over a third of society, there was nothing that you could do to even stand out. Which was why you never understood why your boyfriend chose you.
Kita Shinsuke is the most sought after young alpha in Inarizaki, and possibly the entirety of Hyogo. You understood why, of course. The Kita Family are of old blood and old money, and your boyfriend is the only heir to the family.
So why was he, an alpha, with you, a beta?
Sure, no one knew that you were together, but why?
Was it because of your intelligence? Was it because of your long standing friendship with him? You were his friend since middle school, after all. Was it because of your family, who were just as old and full of history as his?
Or was it because he needed someone that he could claim if no omega catches his eye?
You have no idea. You never wanted to ask him either, for fear of his answer.
With a sigh, you headed to your class, anxiety creeping up on you like a vine on an iron gate. Something was going to go wrong today, although you weren't sure about the specifics. All you know is that something was going on.
"Hey, Y/n-chan. Did you hear?" Akagi asked as soon as you were on your chair in the classroom. You looked at your friend with a tilt on your head, the sinking feeling of a bad news slowly making itself known.
"What is it, Akagi-kun?" You asked, ignoring the way that your heart begged you to tell the volleyball libero that you weren't interested in anything he has to say.
"Kita has decided to court the newly bloomed omega."
Ah. There it is.
"Really? That's wonderful for the both of them."
You should've known. You should've known that this would happen. That Kita would drop you for an omega. He had never claimed you as his after all. He never even spoke up that he was dating you and despite your senses being slightly stronger than most betas your age, you can never smell him on you.
Despite his promise to stay by your side, he was still very much a traditionalist. The belief that alphas are meant for omegas just as omegas are meet for alphas is ingrained deep in him, a principle drilled in his mind the moment he understood the difference between the secondary genders.
It was in that moment that you knew, that you confirmed your suspicions and the thing that has been nagging at you since you said yes to a date with Kita.
He was only with you to pass the time, until he found an omega worthy of his attentions.
As you focused on class, you can't help but think how cruel Kita was.
And how stupid you were to even think that he truly liked you for you.
You didn't need to talk to Kita about the rumours about his courting of an omega, for you saw it with your own eyes that very same day.
With a broken heart and a betrayed mind, you decided that your time is better spent focusing on your studies than to even confront Kita, and was therefore spent avoiding the alpha. Not like he sought you out anyway. It's been days since Akagi had told you the news, and your now ex-boyfriend has not even made a move to talk to you or contact you.
Although, that might be because you had changed your number and neglected to let him know, and that you have done anything you could to avoid him, and that included spending your lunch hours in the rooftop and your free periods in the secluded areas of the library.
But your luck had run out, and so you found yourself cornered in the school gates by Kita.
"You have been avoiding me."
You shrugged off his hand on your arm with a soft smile. A smile of understanding, of acquiescence.
"I have. It wouldn't do your courtship well if your omega thought that there was an unmated person that is not your relative."
You saw him flinch slightly, guilt in his eyes for abandoning you so quickly. You wanted to laugh. To cry and scream and be angry at him.
But you were tired. Weariness had seeped into your bones, just like how sufferance had settled in your brain and heartache made itself known in your heart.
You wanted to break down, just like you had when you had gotten home that day, but you couldn't. Not in public, and definitely not in front of him. That was not what you were taught.
You swallowed and turned around from him, whispering your next words so that only he could hear.
"I hope you don't regret choosing an omega over me, your long time friend and lover, Shinsuke."
You had officially cut off any ties with Kita just last week after you left him standing guiltily by the gates of Inarizaki.
It was the eve of your birthday, and you stayed up late, letting your mind wander.
Alone in your thoughts, you let your questions take over your mind.
Would Kita still be yours if you were an omega?
Would he truly love you if you were an omega?
…Did he even love you at all?
Tears slipped down your face as insecurity after insecurity filled your brain, betrayal and heartbreak pouring off of you in waves. It was unfair, that you had to go through this all because of the fact that you were a beta.
The clock struck twelve, signalling the arrival of your 18th birthday. Just as you were about to wipe your tears, a searing pain made you scream out, waking everyone in your home. One of your parents ran into your room, took one look at your writhing, sweating form in your bed and one sniff of the sweet scent filling the air and gasped loudly.
"Call Nana."
"What? Why?"
"Y/n has bloomed into an omega."
You opened your eyes with a groan. Your whole body was sore, and your throat was in pain, hoarse and dry from screaming.
"Y/n? Hun? How are you feeing?" Your bearer asked, handing you a glass of water that you quickly chugged.
"Sore and in pain. What time is it? What happened?"
"It's 11am of Thursday. You bloomed into an omega, child." Your alpha parent stated from the doorway.
That was surprising. Sure, omegas has bloomed late, your own cousin having bloomed at the age of 20. But you never thought you would go through it too.
"You know what this means, right?" Your bearer asked you, and you reluctantly nodded.
Omegas from your family are matched away to someone their age as soon as they bloom. It was tradition and not one has strayed from it.
Your family is not about to let you do it either.
"Good. Continue resting. Tomorrow, you go back to school and your match will be picking you up. Play nice to him, please. He'll be taking the train from Tokyo."
You could only nod and hope that it goes well.
Your arrival to school and all eyes were on you, your new scent souring slightly in displeasure. You knew that you'd receive looks from blooming as an omega but you didn't expect everyone you pass by to look at you.
Still, you tolerated it, sticking close to your beta and mated alpha friends to keep any unmated alphas from approaching you. It worked for the most part, but your luck ran out at the end of the day.
Kita's scent assaulted your senses while you waited for your match at the school gates. He was standing beside you, waiting for you to address him, but you kept your focus on your phone.
"So... You're an omega now."
You looked up and raised a brow at Kita. That was hardly a proper greeting, and you were very much tempted to ignore him.
But in respect to your past friendship with him, you didn't.
"Yes. Why are you asking?"
"Do you have an alpha yet?"
"Again, why are you asking?"
"Y/n... We have known each other for a long time. I could stop my courtship with-"
You glared at him, your scent turning sour and angry both for yourself and the omega that Kita had been courting. The change in your scent caused the attention of the gossiping students that were all waiting for someone too.
"Stop right there. How dare you even try that."
"Y/n, please. I want you back."
You looked at him incredulously. You couldn't believe it. Kita wanted you back.
But you knew better now. He didn't want you. he wanted your omega.
So you shook your head and steeled yourself before laughing at his face.
"I don't want an alpha like you, Kita-san." You said, making him look at you in shock. Before he could speak up, you continued talking. "I don't want an alpha that dropped their beta lover as soon as an omega caught their attention."
You could hear the gasps that was caused by your words.
"But I didn't-"
"That's what you did to me, Shinsuke." You spat out, glaring at him even further. "I had to hear from someone else that you decided to court an omega. You didn't even have the decency to break up with me properly. I don't want that. I don't want you."
You knew that you rendered him silent, and that the rest of Inarizaki High would know about yours and Kita's past relationship. You prayed that your match would arrive soon. You didn't want to talk to Kita anymore, your head throbbing in anger and your heart cracking in pain. Your omega howled in agony at the fact that you had been rejected before you could even bloom, and the last thing you and your omega wanted is to be around Kita any longer than you already had been.
"Hey! Y/n, I'm so sorry I'm late."
Luckily for you, a very bulky figure walked up to you with a very bright smile, one that you couldn't help but reciprocate. His scent appealed to you better than Kita's ever did, and your omega preened at it.
"It's fine, Bokuto. I haven't been waiting for long."
"I told you to call me Koutarou. And still. It wasn't fair of me to make a gorgeous person like you wait at all. How about I get us something you want?"
You ignored Kita and focused on Bokuto, catching the way he referred to you as a person rather than an omega.
"I'd love to. And thank you for the compliment. Why did you use person specifically?"
Bokuto smiled at you and lend his arm out, waiting for you to take it. And you did, waiting for his answer.
"You're more than your secondary gender." He said, and your eyes went teary.
In a world where secondary genders dictated one's place in society, it's refreshing to find someone that didn't care much about it.
Kita watched as Bokuto led you out, his own heart slowly breaking.
He walked away, heart and mind reluctantly accepting that you were gone from his life.
He lost you, his best friend, his lover, over his own doing.
And he knew, with the way you're smiling at the alpha that you were holding on to, that he will never get you back.
Perhaps he deserved it, for betraying your trust and breaking your heart.
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©Roannie 2021 Please do not plagiarise or repost my works.
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readerinsertz · 4 years
Omfg I love your reader inserts! Can I get an Alpha! Bokuto Kōtarō x Omega! Fem! Reader? A scenario where Reader-chan goes to Nekoma and is the male volleyball team’s manager, reader chan gets stuck in heat and Bokuto gets jealous of Kuroo trying to help reader-chan? Smut would be nice but it doesn’t have to be fam! Have fun!
Rating: Explicit, MDNI
Genre: Omegaverse AU (Alpha!Bokuto, Omega!Reader)
Word count: 7.4K
Warnings: 18+ content, MDNI, afab!reader, heat sex, fingering, bokuto being whipped for you, soft sex, biting, doggy, okay maybe not that soft, knots
AN: I made it extra smutty since this was requested a while ago!!
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 You could tell before you had fully sat down for Registration that it was going to be a bad day. You had only just woken up on time, having forgotten to plug your phone in last night to recharge, you’d left your lunch at home and didn’t have enough money to buy some at the cafeteria. You forced the fiercest scowl on your face, learnt from fellow Omega Yaku to ward away anyone who wanted to talk to you. You were definitely not in a talking mood.
“You okay, (Name)-chan?” A quiet voice spoke, your aggravation melting away as Kenma asked about your well-being.
“I’m as good as my current circumstances allow me to be,” you told him, pouting as you were forced to remember how horrible your week had been. Due to the harsh rain and living on the first floor, your apartment had been flooded quite badly. Thankfully, the landowner was getting it under control and wouldn’t be charging but you, and the rest of the first floor, had been forced to move out of the building. You had moved into a cheap flat but since you hadn’t had much time to pack, you’d had forgotten a lot of your things. 
“Do you know when you’ll be able to move back in?” Kenma asked, golden eyes worried.
“Hmm, probably not in the next week or two, there’s going to be a lot of renovation from water damage,” you relayed what your landowner had told you when you had rung her earlier.
“What about your,” Kenma’s eyes swept across the class to make sure no one was listening in on your conversation and moved closer to you, “Suppressants?”
In your haste to pack enough clothes, toiletries and technology you didn’t want to get water damaged or stolen, you had forgotten to grab your Suppressor Pills. For pretty much any Omega living in Tokyo, they would have been one of the first things packe. You, however, had gone to a small middle school in the Miyagi Prefecture that had had a very small number of Alphas in attendance. As a result of the limited interactions with the other Designation, you hadn’t really needed Suppressants. When you had chosen to attend Nekoma High in Tokyo, which was bound to have a much greater population of Alphas than your previous school, you had decided it would be best to go onto the medication. The first year of High School had been split between managing the Nekoma Volleyball Team and testing out different types of Suppressants. It had only been at the start of the second year, after almost giving up trying to find medication that worked for you, that you’d finally found Suppressants that didn’t make you feel nauseous or had your moods constantly swinging from high to low. Unfortunately, the few months you’d been on the Suppressants hadn’t been enough for them to be given enough importance that you would remember them in your travel packing list and so you had left them in your flat. Your flat that was currently inaccessible… For the next few weeks.
“Eugh, don’t remind me about that problem! I tried to swing by to grab them but I wasn’t allowed entrance- they said that the water may have damaged the structural integrity of the first floor and it’d be too dangerous for a ‘small Omega to go in’,” your face turned into a nasty frown as you quoted to your fellow Omega what one of the construction workers had told you, “so I’ve not been able to get them. I’ve had to make do by rolling as much Scent Blocker, which I had to buy from the pharmacy ‘cuz I forgot that as well, as is physically possible on all my Scent Glands.” Your frown turned into a grimace as you recalled the chicken dance you were forced to do every morning to dry the amount of Scent Blocker applied to your body. 
“Isn’t there anyway you can go buy some more Suppressors? I’m not sure how much longer you’ll remain out of Heat, especially since you’ve been on them for a few months now,” Kenma mused. You just sighed at his suggestion and rested your head on your folded arms on the desk.
Whilst Alphas and Omegas had to first go to their local doctors to discuss going on Suppressors and trailing ones that worked well for them, once they had decided on a Suppressor type they could set up a standing order for that prescription and collect it over the counter at a pharmacy of their choice. As you had had bad reactions to the most common Suppressors, you had been forced to use a type that was produced in smaller batches. A limited number of pharamices stocked those pills and only one was reasonably close. The owner of that pharmacy was an Alpha that still had archaic views on Alphas and Omegas and the roles of each Designation. 
“The Suppressors I’m on aren’t ones that are made in huge quantities. If I go to her and ask for some emergency Suppressors since I’ve left my previous prescription at home, she’d probably spend an hour lecturing me on how all Omegas are unreliable, knot-driven beasts that spend most of their time thinking about Alphas instead of taking their pills. She won’t even listen to my reason!” 
Kenma regarded you with sympathy. Since he was on the most common Suppressant, one you’d had reacted to with severe cramps and vomiting, he couldn’t just give you his and get another month’s worth from a pharmacy that wouldn’t judge. The male’s eyes widened as he thought of a temporary solution and moved to his bag. Struggling for a second, he untied the jumper that his alpha, Kuroo, had given him that morning. 
“Here, it should cover your scent and give other Alphas second thoughts on approaching you.” You smiled your gratitude and quickly pulled it over your head. Unlike many Alpha-Omegan mates, Kuroo and Kenma didn’t mind if their scents weren’t just on their mates- the entire volleyball team were like this- so you’d often been given articles of clothing from Alphas who had mates to ward off any bothersome Alphas. Before you could discuss anything else with Kenma, the teacher walked in and your class fell silent.
Sweat beading along your hairline had you huffing and quickly swiping it away. The sun was blazing down on the gymnasium but the team you managed were dedicated to training and so you had been forced to endure the heat with them. Not that you could say, with all honesty, that you really minded since the Fukurōdani team had come to practise with your team. You looked up just in time to see the Alpha Captain spiking the ball, it bouncing on the shiny floor before Yaku could get to it. Your gaze remained on the third year, taking in how his muscles flexed as he moved around the court. Even though he was on the opposing team, you couldn’t help the smile as he scored another point- or maybe it was because of his cute celebration. 
“Ho, ho, ho, what prey has caught your eyes?” Kuroo asked, sneaking up on you in your brief lapse of attention. He had wanted to sit on the sides and observe his team to locate any big weaknesses in their teamwork or form so wasn’t on the court for the friendly game. Tracing your stare back to where you had been looking at, Kuroo’s smirk widened. “Cute, our lil’ Queen has had her interest piqued. And by a bird, no less- at least it’s a bird of prey. I’m sure he’ll be able to handle your claws.” Kuroo curved his hands to resemble claws and winked at you. You scoffed and rolled your eyes at his antics.
“Just because we’re members of the Nekoma Volleyball team doesn’t mean we’re literally cats, Kuroo!” You side-eyed him. “I still don’t know why you know the term for a female cat.”
“I’m in Class 5, y’know, a college preparatory class.”
“Yeah, but you’re you! You know the full word of DHA but don’t know that sleeping without those pillows over your head will cure you of your serious bed hair.” You stood on tip-toes to pull at a strand of his black hair. The two of you both jumped apart at the louder than normal sound of a volleyball hitting the floor. Looking over you saw how Bokuto was glowering in your direction, though he seemed to be staring at Kuroo. The cold look he had on his face instantly melted when your eyes met with his and he gave you a beaming grin. You tucked a piece of hair behind your eye and shyly glanced down at the gym floor. Whilst you would have normally sent the male a smile and a wave, Kuroo standing there, no doubt observing you two, had you feeling more timid than usual.
“I’m sure, if you ever get tired of this dancing around each other, you could just go over and declare your want to Court him,” Kuroo spoke, your eyes bulging and heat blooming on your cheeks.
“Kuroo! Oh my God, why-what-would?!” You spluttered out. 
“What?” Kuroo shrugged his shoulders. “I thought you were all about being a progressive Omega. It’s not a bad thing if an Omega starts a Courtship- it’s the twenty-first century after all.” The captain studied you for a few seconds. “If you’re afraid of rejection, I’m sure that won’t happen; you two have been flirting with each other since the end of your first year- how many times has he taken you out for ice cream after a joint practice? Bo is clearly into you, look he’s puffing his chest out for you.” Peeking up you saw that Bokuto was, indeed, puffing his chest up, the action of an Alpha wanting to impress an Omega. 
“Shouldn’t you be, I don’t know, watching your own team for errors?” You prompted him. Kuroo narrowed his eyes at you, not liking your stubbornness. He was tired of having to spend ages listening to Bokuto gush about you plus Kenma had told him that you often texted him about the owl-looking captain. It was clear that you both had a lot in common and had great chemistry but you came from a traditional family who would disprove of you, an Omega, making the first move. It also didn’t help that you both went to different schools and were on rival teams- he had barely been able to hold back the first time someone remarked on how close you were to the Fukurōdani team, especially their captain. Since you were similar to Kenma, you wouldn’t want that type of negative attention directed towards you. 
“This isn’t over,” Kuroo warned, pointing a finger at you and turning to head back to the bench. You just laughed and moved to one of the open doors, intent on refilling the team’s water bottles to give to them once the set was over. 
Luckily, when you returned from filling the canteens up, you were greeted with a soaring Bokuto spiking the ball down onto the floor. The sheer power behind the ball forced it through Lev’s block. When both of his feet were on the ground, Bokuto knelt down and punched the air with both fists. The whistle blew as the first set went to Fukurōdani. Bokuto stood up, arms still curled not noticing how you stood in the doorway, transfixed over how his top clung to his frame in such a way that you could see the silhouette of his back muscles. 
As he walked off the court he brought up the hem of his blue shirt, using it to wipe off the sweat on his forehead, and revealed part of his six-pack. The simple action had you flustered, hand coming up to fan your face for what seemed like the fifth time in a minute. You had asked a few members sitting on the bench earlier if they had thought it was hot but all had replied with a ‘no’. The air-con and opened doors helped to keep the heat from becoming sweltering yet you still felt like you were trapped in an inferno. Before you could dwell on your sudden heated body, your team was huddling in front of Kuroo on the edge of the court and you jumped back into action.
The box filled with the drink canteens dug painfully into your hip as you shuffled to where the sweaty players were gathered. In your peripheral vision, you saw a flash of white dart forward and what sounded like the start of your name being yelled before Kuroo sauntered over and grabbed the heavy box from your grip. Normally, you would have spat at him that you could manage. Instead, you gladly handed the crate over your arms feeling both weak and heavy simultaneously.
“You okay?” The Alpha asked, worry flitting through his face as he took your flushed appearance in and how you leant on him slightly. His eyes did a quick sweep over the gym to see if there were any Alphas loitering- there had been a few occasions where a knit of brave, or dumb,  Alphas had turned up during practice to flirt with the Omegas on the team- but stopped at the pouting Bokuto. Akaashi was holding the back of his shirt to stop him from doing whatever the captain wanted to do. Judging by how his body was tilted in your direction, Kuroo assumed the Alpha was jealous of how close you were standing to him. Kuroo didn’t take it to heart that Bokuto, in his obvious attraction towards you, thought of him as a rival even though Kuroo had his own mate. He was an Alpha too and occasionally found himself growling low when he saw another Alpha near Kenma.
“I…I feel a bit faint,” you muttered, bringing his attention back to you. Frowning and handing the drink box to his Beta, Kai, he brought the back of his hand to your forehead and felt your temperature. 
“You’ve got a bit of a fever,” Kuroo muttered, hand sweeping to check your cheeks. There was a loud shout and the sound of heavy footsteps before Bokuto was next to you.
“Are you okay, (Name)-chan? Do you need to go to the infirmary?” The captain bombarded you with questions, fretting over your weak body. By this point, most of the team members had noticed your situation and were looking in your direction, Bokuto’s loud voice not helping. Your cheeks just burnt more at the extra attention. 
“I’m f-fine, Bo-kun.” You didn’t see how he lit up at the nickname, chest puffing out instinctively. “It’s probably because I haven’t had much to eat, I left my lunch at home,” you sheepishly admitted. Immediately, you heard the chirping sounds of several Alphas, an instinctive response to situations where harm could or had occurred to an Omega- the team still teased Lev over the time he had spent five minutes chirping and cuddling Yaku when his mate had gotten a paper cut. 
“(Name)-chan, that’s bad for your health,” Kuroo gently chided. Seeing that the teams were beginning to get agitated from sensing an Omega in distress, Kuroo ordered Kai to lead Nekoma’s team back onto court whilst he dealt with you, hoping that the Fukurōdani team would follow suit. Thankfully, the males fell back into place on court though Bokuto remained by your side, waving off his teammates’ questions. 
Kuroo led you to the locker rooms, knowing you wouldn’t be a fan of the attention. It was an indicator as to how out of it you were when you didn’t protest as Bokuto’s arm wrapped around your waist to help support you. You leaning into the other captain’s touch had the messy haired male raising his eyebrow but not saying anything. Kuroo instead focused on rummaging through his locker to find the spare snacks he kept there. You laid on the floor, half of your body on Bokuto as he propped you up whilst leaning his back on the wall. When Kuroo turned back, brandishing the packaged food, he noticed the white with black and gold striped jacket that your lower half was sat on; he couldn’t help but smirk at how the other Alpha’s attempts to keep you as comfortable and off the cold, hard ground as possible. 
“Here, (Name)-chan, I’ve got some food. You should’ve told me about your lack of lunch, I’d have happily shared my bento,” Kuroo gently scolded. Bokuto growled deep in his chest, arms flexing around you to pull your back closer to his chest at Kuroo’s words. Even in jest, it was a bad idea to insult the mate of an Alpha, or an Omega as Kuroo came to find out when Kenma jumped onto a female Beta for insulting his mate’s unruly hair. 
Kuroo opened the wrapper to prevent a fight. A conflict with his friend was not going to help you at all. As his Alpha was howling at him to help an Omega in distress, one, who though not his mate, was a member of his Pack, Kuroo didn’t think before he held the dry cracker up to your lips. 
Before your lips could even open to accept the food, a hiss came from Bokuto, his eyes almost glowing in the state he was. 
“Bo! She needs food, calm yourself!” Kuroo snapped at his friend. He could see your body respond to the aggression that was coming from the two males. The feline captain knew that Bo wanted you to be his mate but had thought that, since you were in his Pack, the other Alpha would be respectful enough to let Kuroo help you. At the very least, he had assumed that Bokuto would swallow his instincts if only to make you feel better quicker.
A whimper left your lips, your eyes scrunching at the fire that was flooding through your body. Immediately, you had both Alphas’ attention on. You wiggled in Bokuto’s lap, the male groaning at the feeling as your weak hands tried to pull off your tracksuit jacket. A more pathetic whine fell from your lips when you were unable to pull the zip down. The Alpha you were in the arms of being to cluck to comfort you. 
“Off, puh-lease,” you moaned out, just having enough function over your hands to tug on your jacket. Instantly, Bokuto was unzipping the clothing but stilled when the zipper was almost at the end. 
“Are you sure, (Name)-chan?” He asked, uncertainty dancing through his eyes. Even now, he didn’t want to take advantage of you. You nodded your head violently, regretting it when the action made the room swim. With as much care as he could, Bokuto took off the offending material. The moan you let out once the air met your flushed skin had both males blushing. Deciding that just having your jacket off wasn’t enough to cool you down, you pulled your black undertop as high as possible, the edges of your bra just peeking out. Bokuto swallowed and forced his gaze away from your stunning body
The owl-like captain clenched his jaws shut, eyes scrunched closed as he tried his hardest to reign his inner Alpha in. He didn’t understand why he was responding so intensely to Kuroo or you; he had been around you many times before and had had to witness your Pack cuddle you but had learnt to restrain himself. The saccharine scent that wafted into his nose had Bokuto’s eyes flying open. From your previous year testing out Suppressants, he had become accustomed to your lavender scent, though it had become diluted from your medicine. But now, it was a lot stronger than he had ever smelt.
“I… I think she’s… she’s in Heat,” Bokuto informed Kuroo.
“That’s impossible, she’s on Suppressants,” Kuroo told him, staring only at your flushed form. You had a light sheen of sweat on the skin bared to the air and you were panting. Heat would also explain your sudden spike in temperature. “Unless…. Shit!”
“What?” Bokuto asked, cradling you as gently as he could and cooing down at you when you whimpered in pain. Without thinking, one of his large hands slid over your shirt to rest on your right side, rubbing circles into the flesh. It calmed you down, your eyes sliding closed and your body turned to lay chest to chest with Bokuto. 
“Her apartment got flooded last week, she had to vacate it. (Name)-chan forgot to pack her Suppressants. She told us she was going to go back and get them yesterday but obviously she wasn’t able to,” Kuroo spoke softly, taking your appearance  in. He ignored Bokuto’s warning grumble, the male stroking your head to try and ease your pain. “Stop breathing her scent in!”
“I can’t help it!” Bokuto whined, nose pressed into the crown of your head. “She smells so good.”
Kuroo sighed, hand brushing through his black hair as he tried thinking of something. From the brief glimpse he had got, your pupils were extremely dilated and you had stopped responding to them in anything other than monosyllabic noises or through your body. 
“Did she come into school in Pre-Heat?” Bokuto’s voice was almost feral as he pictured all the Alphas leering at you. You mewled in his arms, worming your face into the crook of his neck.
“Bo, you really need to try and control yourself, she’s mainly reacting to you.” As he was already mated and your Pack Leader, your body was, at the bare minimum, not reacting to his Alpha scent. If your sudden Heat got too bad, you might start actively rejecting him since he wasn’t a viable Heat Mate.
A Heat, or Rut, Mate was typically an Alpha or Omega that stayed with another Omega or Alpha, helping them with their Heat/Rut but wasn’t their actual Mate. Heat/Rut Mates were becoming increasingly more popular, especially to the younger generations, as society changed with its civillisation’s evolving perceptions of Alphas and Omegas. This allowed Omegas and Alphas to not go through as many Heats/Ruts in as much pain without having to first find their Mate. 
“Does she have a Rut Mate?” Bokuto wheezed out. The look on his face betrayed his fear that you did have someone to help you through this intimate time. Kuroo knew that, if you did, Bokuto would let you go to them even if it would pain him.
“No,” Kuroo shook his head, eyes wandering around the room. Thankfully, all the doors and windows were shut so your scent would remain locked in the changing rooms for about another half hour. 
“We’re gun’ hafta…. Hafta move her to a… Heat Room,” Bokuto grunted out, losing himself to your enticing scent. Heat Rooms were rooms found in almost all buildings from schools, workplaces and even in some shops which were completely sound and scent proof with locks on either side to prevent Alphas, or Omegas if it was a Rut Room, from getting in and mating with the in-Heat Omega or in-Rut Alphas. 
“There’s one on the other side of the sports field,” Kuroo told him. He stood up to peer out the window. “I can’t see any Alphas out there so I think her scent has been contained so far.” He moved towards you but halted when Bokuto growled a warning at him, eyes flashing. By now your slick had made your pants completely wet, your skirt dampening as your body continued to produce it, the short material not fully hiding the sweet smelling fluids that had stuck to the back of your thighs. 
“Did you hear that, sweet ‘Mega, we’re gunna… get you to a…a Heat Room,” Bokuto whispered to you, still struggling to control himself with your scent rolling over him. He trailed a hand fervently along your cheek, heart swelling when you turned your face to nuzzle into it, eyes opening to stare up into his.
“Alpha…please,” you begged, rubbing your thighs together to try and quench the need you felt. Kuroo turned, reaching out to you in order to take you from his friend to carry you to Nekoma’s Heat Room. To his surprise, he saw you extend your arms in Bokuto’s direction. 
Although it wasn’t under the best circumstances, Kuroo knew that this could be the push you two needed to get together. He forced his Alpha down, the animal inside of him ordering him to go and protect an Omega in his Pack, and turned to stare down at Bokuto. “She’s chosen you.” He hoped that Bokuto would understand what Kuroo was implying but by the grim determination that flitted through his face had Kuroo almost growling. Whilst it was admirable that Bokuto was silencing his Alpha and the black haired male knew that he could trust the other to get you safely to the Heat Room, Kuroo was sure that Bokuto would resist all your temptations and it would end with you two dancing around each other once again.
With little effort, Bokuto scooped you up, his arms also picking up his jacket that you had been sat on. Without even looking at it fully, he could tell it was sodden with your slick. Once you were securely tucked into his chest, the Alpha sending a small cluck to tell you it was all going to be okay, he strode out of the room. The feeling of the sun’s rays directly on your skin had a quiet whine falling from your lips. Bokuto hushed you, maneuvering you so that he held you with one arm, freeing his other hand so he could pull your top down and his sports jacket around your arms to protect you from the additional heat.
You don’t really pay attention to the walk to the Heat Room; there might have been a time or two where the Alpha carrying you stopped and growled at something or someone but you weren’t fully conscious of his actions. By the time he had reached the small building which would secure the Omegas and Alphas, you had begun to beg under your breath for him to take you. Him gripping the flesh of your legs and sides was the only response he gave you to your pleas.
The Beta nurse stationed at the Heat/Rut Room jumped up from the desk and took charge, ordering Bokuto to place you into one of the free rooms. He swiftly moved around your sweating figure, checking your vitals and asking questions to the Alpha that stood by your side, hand holding yours as he answered to the best of his ability. He watched on as the nurse managed to coax you to drink a full bottle of water and take a few bites of a Heat Bar- snacks packed with as much nutrients as possible to help an Omega through their Heat. When he deemed you as stable as he could get you to be, the Nurse moved to the entrance of the room, gesturing for Bokuto to follow him. The ace did so unwillingly, keeping his hand wrapped around yours for as long as possible. When you made a noise of protest, he stopped and pressed a kiss to the back of your knuckles, promising to be by your side as quickly as possible.
“You’ll have to get her to drink a full bottle of water once every thirty minutes. A Heat Bar should be consumed about once an hour. From what I’ve gathered, this is just a Flash Heat- normally when an Omega suddenly goes off their Suppressants they can get a Flash Heat. It’s not an actual Heat as it doesn’t last as long and while it does have similar symptoms, they’re not to the extremes that an actual Heat can produce.” The Nurse didn’t give Bokuto any time to respond, leaving the Alpha to stand there and nod dumbly. “I’m assuming that you’re on Rut Suppressors; you’re under twenty, so your sperm isn’t potent but use these anyways,” the Nurse thrusted a handful of condoms into Bokuto’s arms, ones specially designed to accommodate an Alpha’s knot. “I would predict her Flash-Heat should end in probably three or four hours so you won’t have to spend the night here. Just make sure she’s as hydrated as possible and also be ready to explain this when her Flash Heat does end, she’s probably going to be very disorientated.” The Nurse looked at Bokuto, an eyebrow raised when the Alpha made no move to go to the Omega in the room. “Aren’t you going to tend to your Mate?” 
“Ah, no, I’m not her Mate!” Bokuto yelped. “Not that I wouldn’t want to be her mate, I’d love to be her Mate, but she’s not mine.”
“Right. Look, there’s an Omega in a Flash Heat in that room who is quite clearly calling for you. Her symptoms are pretty extreme for a Flash Heat, the only reason why this one so closely resembles an actual Heat is because her Mate must have been around her.” The Nurse nudged Bokuto towards the room, nodding at the unsure Alpha. With a final explanation on how to lock the door from the inside, the nurse closed the door.
The strong scent of the forest and mint had your eyes opening to see Bokuto at the foot of your bed. Everything the nurse had done to stabilise you had worked and you were more coherent; if you wanted to, you could just spend the entire time just wrapped in the Alpha’s arms as his scent would be enough to keep you settled. The Nurse had advised it would be best to mate with him at least once to flush the Heat completely out of your system. Recollections of him looking after you came back to you and, as your Omega preened at how such a strong Alpha had helped you when you were unable to look after yourself, you knew you couldn’t deny her any longer. Just seeing Bokuto there had slick dripping from your hole. You saw how the Alpha gulped as you opened your legs, allowing the scent of slick to spread to him.
“(N-Name)-chan,” Bokuto began, eyes never leaving the wet spot on your pants. 
“Please, Alpha,” you begged. “Need you.”
In a trance, Bokuto walked over, his hand trailing softly along the skin of your leg as he climbed onto the bed and knelt over you. The skin where he had traced both cooled at his touch but was also set alight at the Alpha’s caress. Your thighs fall open to give him more room yet Bokuto’s hands remained fisted in the bed sheets on either side of your hips. 
“Tell me if you want me to stop, ‘Mega,” Bokuto breathed quietly, licking his lips as he saw how his voice affected you.
“Please don’t. Never stop, my Alpha.” The words broke through his restraints and the captain closed the gap between your lips. Your lips met in a frenzied manner, lips parting to let his tongue into your mouth. Your hands moved up his chest to tangle into his hair to pull him even closer. A growl left Bokuto’s lips as he dominated the kiss, drawing back to pepper kisses down your jaw. When his lips came to where your neck met your shoulder, Bokuto began to kiss the area, dragging his sharp teeth over the skin to leave it marked and you keening. As much as he wanted to, he wasn’t going to claim you fully with a Mating Bite when you were in the middle of a Heat. 
“Wish we could be d-doing this under better c-circumstances,” Bokuto told you, hands never stopping roaming your curves as if to reassure him that this was really happening.
Urgently, you tugged at the white hair at the base of his neck to guide him back up to your lips. Your tongues met in a dance of passion and when Bokuto pulled back, your teeth nipped his bottom lip to show your displeasure.
“Now, now, pretty Omega, behave,” Bokuto ordered, large hands squeezing your hips to drive his point across. You were unable to prevent your hips from bucking against him, your clothed arousal rubbing over the tent in his shorts and forcing a feral growl from him.
“You smell so fucking good,” Bokuto praised, words pouring out of his lips now that he no longer had to fight against his Alpha instincts. His hands pulled your shirt off of you, taking a few seconds to understand how your bra unhooked before it was sent flying to the floor in a similar fashion to your top. Immediately, his hands were cupping your breasts, pressing kisses to one nipple whilst his hand toyed with the other one. Bokuto’s calloused fingers had your head tossing back as he rolled your nipple between his volleyball-toughened fingers. At the sound of your gasp, Bokuto moved his head from where he was creating a hickey just below your left breast, directly over your heart, to ask you what was wrong.
“Sorry, my hands are really rough. I don’t want to hurt you,” the Alpha apologised, taking his hands off of your soft body to stare dejectedly at hands he deemed unworthy to touch you with.  You grabbed them, bringing one to your breast and pushing the other one under your skirt.
“I want to feel your fingers on my clit and curling against my walls until I’m hoarse from screaming your name, Alpha,” you whispered against his lips. You were answered with an unhinged growl. Bokuto’s eyes began to glow gold as he stopped trying to control his Alpha instincts.
His face lowered to your neck and began to leave love bites from the column of your neck to your breast, heaving as you tried to regain your breath. The sharp pricks from his teeth and how his lips kissed the marks better, switching to sucking hickeys into your flesh every so often had loud moans falling from your lips. Desperately, your hands bunched the fabric of his shirt and tugged harshly on it, making it clear you want it off. Complying with your non-verbal command, Bokuto leant back long enough to rip the shirt off his chest before bending back down and placing a kiss on your right left collar bone in response to your whine at the sudden distance. Bokuto couldn’t help the slight huff of amusement as he saw how badly you needed him to be close to you. 
Your breath hitched when you felt the Alpha’s finger press against the damp spot on your pants. The spike of pleasure as his hands brushed your clit had your fingers dragged down his broad back, fingernails leaving pink lines on the skin. Bokuto growled in his chest as he felt how wet you were from his ministrations.
“Fuck, you’re soaked,” Bokuto cursed as he felt your arousal. 
“Please, touch me,” you begged him, fingers curling into his biceps.
“I am touching you,” Bokuto smirked, pressing a quick kiss on your lips.
“Don’t tease me, not like Kuroo-kun.” Saying the other Alpha’s name was a mistake as the Fukurōdani’s captain ripped your pants off and threw them over his shoulder. Your cry of his name turned into a moan as two of his fingers immediately went to circling your swollen clit. The pleasure had your eyes rolling back and offering your hips up for more. Bokuto pressed his fingers down, gathering your slick in his fingers then pulled his hand away; he hushed you gently when you let out a whine of displeasure but was busy staring at his fingers that were spread apart, your slick clinging to his fingers. 
“Look at this, so wet, ‘Mega. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” You moaned at his promise and wrapped your legs around his waist to try and persuade him to hurry up.
“Patience, (Name)-chan,” Bokuto chided. He sighed then added, “I really want to go down on you, oh, what a sight you’d be as I eat you out- your thighs tight around my head and my arms pinning your hips down onto the bed so I can pleasure you how you deserve.” You felt even more slick gush out of your needy hole at his words. “But, more than anything, I want you to feel better so we’ll leave that ‘till after you’re out of this Heat, how about that?”
Before you could answer him, Bokuto pushed two thoroughly slick-covered fingers into your pussy. You both groaned as he began to pump his fingers in and out, curling his fingers so the pads massaged that spot that had your thighs shaking. Cautiously, he added a third finger, keeping his eyes on your face to know if you were in pain. When you only wiggled your hips to encourage him to continue, he began to move them in and out again to make sure you were properly ready for his cock. 
“Alpha, p-please, need your knot,” you babbled, nails scratching from his shoulders to his elbows at the pleasure. Thankfully, Bokuto just wanted to make you happy so quickly complied. Within a few seconds he had shimmied your skirt down to your ankles and guided you to turn over onto your hands and knees into the Mating Position. After a few seconds of nothing, you swivelled your head to see him pulling his shirt over his broad shoulders and push his shorts down enough to free his erection. One of his big hands traced up your thigh, taking a second to grab one of your butt-cheeks in his hands, rumbling at how it fit perfectly in his hand. The non-verbal praise had you blushing and bending your spine to push your ass into the air more. When nothing else happened, the Alpha lost in a daze as he admired your pose, you wiggled your hips to make him move. A second later, his hand came down to softly spank your rear, though with not nearly the same power as his spikes as he didn’t want to hurt his Mate, telling you to behave. 
“(Name)-chan, one last time. Do you want this to happen?” 
“Yes, Bo-kun, I want you, wanted you for the longest time. Please, please give me your knot- I need it, please.” The Alpha scrambled to rip open the condom package and pulled it over his hard dick, cutting off your pleas as he pushed his length into you. Your head dipped back as you finally felt full, Bokuto pressing his forehead against your shoulder blades, similarly affected. Bokuto stayed still for a few moments, wanting for you to be fully adjusted to his size and girth before he started to really move.
“Ready?” The white-haired male asked as he brought his right hand closer to your own hand spread out on the bed sheet. Bokuto slid his fingers between yours to give you something to hold onto. Your hand latched onto his, giving it a quick squeeze.
“Yes, Alpha, I’m ready. Oh, and Bo? Don’t hold back.”
Bokuto pushed his head into the part of your neck that met your shoulder as he withdrew from your tight walls. When only the tip was still in your pussy, he slammed back in. You groaned as you felt the pleasure race through your veins at how he stretched you out perfectly. Bokuto began to speed up his pace, the animal inside of him caring little to draw it out or make it more romantic. The sounds of skin slapping against each other quickly filled the air as Bokut continued to slam into you; each time, the tip of his cock brushed against the spongy tissue that had your shaking arms soon unable to hold you up properly.
Unable to keep your top half up your stomach fell onto the bed, deepening the arch of your back.
Bokuto moved his hands to hold your waist, the two being large enough to wrap around the majority of your frame, and held you up with his muscles. Somewhere distant in your mind, you pouted at being unable to scratch your nails down his back but you didn’t dwell too much on it as Bokuto continued to fuck the Flash Heat out of you. Putting his weight on one hand, the ace moved his free hand to rub figures of eight on your neglected clit. Your hands curled into the sheet as you felt yourself rapidly approach your high, the swelling of Bokuto’s knot helping you reach your end. Your thighs spread out more, your back bowing further as you threw your head back from the pleasure coursing through your system.
“Alpha… Alpha please, g-gunna cum,” you wailed a warning. 
“Cum on my dick, ‘Mega,” Bokuto panted, licking a strip of flesh from your neck to the back of your ear. Your entire neck was turning purple from the amount of marks he had pressed into the flesh, the sight making the Alpha preen and his knot swell.
When the Alpha raked his teeth down the right side of your neck, you came with a shout, your Heat having enhanced everything by a hundred. Feeling your walls clench around him had Bokuto roaring and coming undone, his knot catching on the rim of your pussy and tying him to you. The Omega in you whined at how you couldn’t feel his cum spurt deep inside of you but just the feel of his knot expanding had you purring.
You started when you felt a tongue lave over some of the bites on your necks, Bokuto beginning to groom you. A giggle left your lips as you tilted your head back into him, not used to this. The volleyballer grinned at how at ease you were, the Alpha in him also content. Bokuto wrapped his arms around you so he could gently manoeuvre the two of you into a laying position, doing his best not to tug at where the two of you were connected to not overstimulate you. Once on your sides, the captain reached to the bedside table where the Nurse had left a few bottles of water and snack bars. He twisted the lid off, your half-shut eyes greedily drinking in how his muscles flexed at the action. When he pressed the bottle to your lips, you gulped down the water, only realising then how parched your throat had become from the Mating. When it was half empty, you pulled it away and nudged it to Bokuto to drink. He finished it up and threw it into the bin near the room.
“How long will your knot last?” You asked, sighing as his muscular arms draped along your waist. 
“Thirty minutes maybe.” You almost choked at how long it was- most knots lasted for fifteen minutes. For his to last so long showed just how strong an Alpha he was. “How are you feeling? Still feverish? Hungry?”
“I think the Flash Heat has gone, just you being near me was enough to drive most of it away,” you admitted, a hand absently trailing along the veins running along his forearm. The Alpha behind you nuzzled into the back of your neck. 
“That’s good, I’m happy that you’re feeling better. Maybe after this we can go get ice cream… y’know, to replenish the lost calories.” You couldn’t help but giggle at how he was still not asking you. Replaying what Kuroo had told you earlier, you decided to just go for it.
“Bo-kun, after this is over, would you let me… Court you?” 
“WHAT! NOO!” You cringed at his rejection but soon relaxed as he continued to shout. “I was supposed to be the one to ask you that! No the other way ‘round.”
“Bo-kun, do you want to Court me?” You asked with a giggle, interrupting his sulking moment. He instantly perked up, a massive grin on his face.
“I would be honoured to!” You smiled and leant in to press a chaste kiss on his lips.
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell the rest of them you were the one who popped the question.”
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sugamamacustard · 4 years
Fire man.
Pairing: Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo x Omega! Reader, Alpha! Toru Oikawa x Omega! Reader, Alpha! Kentaro Bokuto x Omega! Reader
Genre: Fluff, NSFW/ Smut
Request:   hi custard!! can you share any headcanons about omega! reader going into her first heat and how her alpha takes care of her? for kuroo, oikawa, and bokuto if possible? 🥰🥰
Summary: Your heat hits unepectedly and it’s up to your alpha to help you through it. How is he doing it?
Author’s Note: Hiya Anon! I just wanted to say hi. :D I think Bokuto’s banner is one of my favorites...
Requests: Open
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Tetsuro Kuroo
➵Kuroo, when your in heat, is a tease. 
➵ He is making your whine and beg while keeping you just barely hanging on the edge before even thinking of giving you his knot. 
➵ He’s not giving you anything until you beg like the good kitty you are. He’s making sure you know who’s in charge and he will not give in.
➵ He is alpha. You are his bitch in heat. 
➵ And you aren’t forgetting it anytime soon. (Though his after care is like 11/10)
➵  You’re breathing was heavy and your core hurt. 
➵ Sweat was dripping off of you in buckets.
➵ You were so...So warm. 
➵ And nothing can ease you of this pain. 
➵ Nothing but your alpha. 
➵  He was on his way, or so he texted you, but it was too long. 
➵ He was taking too long. 
➵ Where was he? 
➵ He was supposed to be here by now. 
➵ And he wasn’t. 
➵ You had half a mind to lock him out. Though, the other half was your omegan half and she was snarling at you for even thinking about this. 
➵ So you didn’t. But it wasn’t like it was an all serious thought anyway, since you could barely move to drag your fingers between the folds of your sopping cunt let along move to lock the windows and doors. 
➵ You just wanted your alpha, was that too much to ask?
➵ “Naught kitten, eh? Playing with yourself without your alpha?”
➵ You barely had enough strength to look up, watching Tetsuro cross over to you, setting down a grocery bag by your doorway. 
➵ “Need...Need alpha. Need my alpha. Need his knot. Need-” You panted, drooling as the captain’s fingers trailed the very same way yours had. 
➵ “Don’t worry. Your alpha will help you.” 
“Fuck, kitten. Have I told you how pretty you smell in heat? I don’t think I have.” Tetsuro groaned, hips rolling as his cock effortlessly pushed into your cunt, a squelching noise ringing through the room along with your absolutely divine moans. 
“No, alpha. No. I’m your pretty omega though. Yours, all yours.” You whimpered, gripping the sheets below you with a white-knuckled grip.  His cock hit all the right spots for you, pressing against your cervix and sending shots of absolutely addicting pleasure through your spine. Your thighs clenched tightly around his hips as a gush of slick sloshed out of your cunny and around your alpha’s dick. He hissed in pleasure, slowing his already agonizing pace. His fingers traced your clit in a mindless motion, scooping up slick before bringing his fingers up to his mouth and sucking. 
He hummed in satisfaction before moving the, now, slick free hand to one of your breasts. The pads of his fingers were rough from volleyball and whatever and still had you withering from the touch. A squeeze had you chirping loudly in pleasure, more slick gushing out. “Please alpha! Please give me your knot, fuck me until I don’t know my name! Please- help me!”
Tetsuro chuckled rolling his hips once more. “Well, since my kitten begged so prettily, I suppose I could help.”
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Toru Oikawa
➵  I can see Toru being a huge tease as well, just not in the same way as Kuroo
➵ This man is quick to have you cumming over and over on his fingers, which you know are talented.
➵ And then, when your sobbing and begging for his knot?
➵ Then, and only then, will he let you hop on his dick.
➵ And he’s not helping you.
➵ If you want something, you’re working for it. 
➵ He’s making you ride him over and over, even when a mixture of his and your cum is dripping down your thighs.
➵ And it’s not until your sobbing into his shoulder do you get his knot to relieve yourself of any and all pain.
➵ But he’s cuddling you right after and soothing your tears, whispering such sweet things with that silver tongue of his. (After care like 7/10)
➵  You texted your alpha thirty minutes ago. 
➵ It was a thirty minute walk from your house to his, not including fangirl interceptions. 
➵ So you were patient. 
➵ You didn’t dare try to touch yourself, as your alpha would make you pay for that, but instead sat nice and patient. 
➵ “Pretty bird!”
➵ Your head perked up in excitement as your brown haired angel popped into your room, immediately purring as your pretty figure.
➵ He laughed, using quick strides to get to your side, crawling into your nest and peeling of his shirt as you pawed at it yourself. 
➵ “Does my pretty bird think she’s getting off that easily?”
“Toru!” You pleaded, needy as your hips stung, the grip on them almost certainly leaving a bruise. You had been bouncing for hours and the strain on your hips, thighs, knees and calves was burning with an oh-so delicious ache. You couldn’t count the amount of times your alpha had made you cum, both on his cock and his fingers, but the overstimulation had long since turn into a pitiful painful bliss that had you quivering with every move. 
“Ah-ah-ah. That’s not what my omega calls me, now is it?” Toru chuckled, speeding up your bounces as his hips thrust up in time with yours. His lips went right back to attacking any skin in his general vicinity, watching your tear stained-face. When you whimpered a response, one he obviously was not looking for, he stopped completely-- the head of his cock prodding your cervix and making you whimper. “Is it, omega?”
“No! No- No your my alpha. My strong, gorgeous alpha! My amazing, incredible alpha! Please, alpha! Help me- Help your omega please!” You sobbed and whined, trying to bounce again, but his hold on you was cement solid. You were stuck and he wasn’t letting you go until you gave him what he wanted. When you began sobbing into his shoulder murmurs of ‘my alpha-my alpha-my alpha’ he began moving you. 
“That’s it pretty bird, now just let your alpha care for you.”
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Kotaro Bokuto
➵  Let’s be honest.
➵ Bokuto is the complete opposite of the other two. 
➵ He’s a lover by heart. A totally selfless lover.
➵ He’s giving you everything you want when you want it. 
➵ He doesn’t care about his own pleasure only yours.
➵ Want snacks? He’s got you.
➵ Want to crack a few jokes while he’s buried balls deep inside of you? He’s joking around with you.
➵ Want to ride him until your both crying? He’s got tissues for right after ready to go.
➵ Kotaro is selfless and giving and probably one of the best to have during your heat.
➵ He has no qualms on going down on you for hours, or fingering you until your satisfied or lending his thigh to you to grind on until your calmed. 
➵ Everything he has, is yours. He is yours. And you better be all his >:(
➵ Knocking on your alpha’s door was nerve wracking in every sense, even if you knew he would be and is happy to help whenever you need.
➵ He opened the door within moments, smiling brightly when he saw you. “Y/N! Angel!”
➵ He hugged you tightly, scenting you as he did so only to pause.
➵ “Are you- Is your heat here?” The angel, no matter how many times he claimed you were an angel-- it was always him--, questioned, pulling away but keeping his hands on your hips. 
➵ When you nodded shyly, he purred even louder-- if possible. 
➵  “Then why didn’t you say so, angel? Let me help you!” 
“Alpha- Alpha!” Your cries were like music to your alpha’s ears, his tongue flicking across your clit with a hum. The vibrations sent you crashing over the edge once more, your fingers yanking as he kept your thighs in his hands. His head ached slightly but it was all worth it. All worth your pleasure. He would go through it a hundred times just to see you like this one more time in his life. 
His jaw was beginning to hurt ever so slightly, but it was so minimal in the grand scheme of things. So minimal in comparison to you. Everything is minimal when it comes to you. He was missing practice at this point, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to focus on you. Focus on how your thighs clenched around his head, or how slick dripped both down his chin and your, now sloppy, cunt. Or maybe on how pretty your swollen little clit was, just sitting there-- waiting for him to suck on it like a lollipop. 
And he had a one track mind. So lollipop it was. His lips immediately went back to sucking on the clit, tongue swirling around your sensitive nub over and over and over again while you whined and squirmed under him. But he wasn’t moving. Not until you wanted him. Not until you were past satisfied. When he did pop off with an audible pop he only looked up with a smirk, wiping his chin on your thigh. 
“I gotta treat my angel right, ya know? So stay still and let me have my meal.”  He barely heard your beautiful moans when he went back down on you. 
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eaucian · 4 years
★ out in the garden
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impt. alphaknight!kotaro bokuto x omega!prince!reader [m!reader]
req. Hewwo, requesting for a kingdom au? Alpha knight Bokuto mating and finally claiming his sweet omega prince reader after years being childhood friends to lovers. can i be 🌻 anon uwu?
sum. bokuto and you are finally getting married. this day being so important because now, by law, you can mate. finally claim each other as only being the other’s
wc. 3.4k
w. tiny bit of swearing, sex (unprotected) — maybe mentions of a dead father/sexuality (please take those lightly lol)  — bottom!reader
n. i really don’t know if i’d like to continue this with some one-shots/drabbles, so please let me know if you’d like to see more lol. or send me some requests about what you’d like to see happen! otherwise i hope you enjoy this 🌻 anon. ily, and thank you for this wonderful request, i loved writing it <33
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Today was the day. 
You, a prince that had only dreamed about this moment, about marrying someone who you actually loved, was getting married today. 
You and Bokuto were consumed by nerves, separately wishing for some sort of release from feeling like something might go wrong. For release from the feeling that people disapproved of your marriage.
Bokuto was a knight. 
The sheer idea that he had fallen in love with a royal, a part of the family he served, was forbidden. It was jaw-dropping and uncalled for.
The part where you had fallen for him as well, was well past allowed. 
But your kingdom was much more open to relationships formed of love once your father had taken to the throne. His own marriage was arranged, but arranged in a way where he and your mother had been allowed a year to get familiar with each other. 
Though your father had always insisted he’d fallen for his wife the moment he saw her. 
When you had been young, even before your Presenting, he had put you to bed each night whispering, “When the time comes, you will fall in love. And it does not matter to me who it is or where they come from because you will love them. And if they love you in return tenfold that is all that matters.”
He had sung this to you like a mantra, and you had taken it to heart. 
Growing into yourself, a prince being something you never thought too much on, you dreamt every night of meeting the person you loved. But there were also nights where dreaming was the last thing you wanted to do.
Tonight you were turning twelve.
There was a large party being thrown because in the coming two years, you would Present. The moment the whole kingdom was waiting for, to see what your Disposition was. You didn’t much care for what your own Disposition was, but it seemed to you like many people you didn’t know, did.
You had snuck away from the people concentrated in the ballroom of your family’s estate. It had been a lot, and recently your senses had been becoming easily overwhelmed. Your physician had said it may have been signs of early Presenting a few days ago. 
You had not been happy hearing that news.
Regardless, you had left your own party because it had been too much, and gone out to the gardens. The flowers scents also berated your nose, but it was much gentler than that of being stuck in the ballroom.
At least here, the wind would push away some of the overwhelming-ness of it.
You wandered silently for a bit before spotting a familiar figure sitting on a fountain located at the center of the gardens. You hadn’t noticed you’d wandered that far into them.
“What are you doing out here?” You heard yourself ask before consciously thinking about it.
The person in question turned their head to you, surprise subtly drawn across his features before quickly being overtaken with the best smirk his lips could provide.
“I should be asking you that, it’s your birthday, shouldn’t you be celebrating it?” He replied accusingly. You could easily tell he was joking with you.
“It was too much,” you replied honestly, making his smirk slightly drop.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, you don’t have to worry,” you told him honestly, again. You approached the fountain, taking a seat next to him and running a hand gently through the water. It was cold to the touch. “Just wanted to get away for a bit,” you added, moving to look at him. 
“Well, what are you doing out here?” You ask him again, hoping he’ll answer this time.
He looks away from you, looking toward the rose bushes nearby instead. “I’m not supposed to be in the castle,” he tells you. “I’m not even supposed to be here, in the garden. I’m supposed to be home.”
“Then why are you not?”
He doesn’t respond and it’s answer enough.
“They’re fighting again, aren’t they?” You ask gently, inching yourself closer to his side.
All he does is nod.
“You can stay with me tonight then.”
“What? No! [Y/n], I can’t do that anymore, we aren’t children,” he protests.
“I’m the prince and I allow you to stay with me for the night,” you say, staring right into his eyes. You smile, “Is that good enough?”
“But. . . your father-”
“My father would approve and you know it,” you cut in.
“I can’t. . .” he says, though he knows all too well that his arguments are futile. Ever since you were both waddling around, barely able to walk, you had been the one to win every small argument ever had between the two of you. He simply couldn’t win.
“You can if you say yes,” you stand from the fountain, extending a hand to him and waiting with a smile. 
Bokuto contemplates his answer. Would he regret saying yes? He knew he wouldn’t, that wasn’t a question at all. But was it right? He was only a child who aspired to be seen as a knight, and you were standing in front of him, a prince. 
A prince who was giving him a hand so that he would spend the rest of the night with him for company. Doing things they most likely weren’t supposed to in the castle, breaking vases that cost more than Bokuto’s family had ever been worth.
Bokuto took your hand. 
He took it and smiled, smiled so that your own smile only grew. 
You had won again.
Your thoughts were interrupted by your friend, as well as servant (though you refused to call him that), spoke to you, “Are you excited?”
You turned to face her, eyes wide, “Are you kidding me?” 
He was not kidding you. 
After a split second you answered, “Of course I am. I can’t tell if I’m more nervous than excited but I can tell you I am without a doubt, excited.”
Your eyes could’ve been sparkling in that moment.
“It’s almost time then, I heard they’re calling you out in a few minutes.”
Your eyes grew wide again. Now it was definitely the nerves.
Kou had the ability to laugh at you, watching as you looked yourself over in the full length mirror in your dressing room, fixing nonexistent problems and brushing away unseen dust. 
“You look beautiful, handsome and all of the above. You’re fine,” he reassured now, hugging you tight.
“Thank you,” you told him gratefully, “I have no clue what I’d be doing right now without you.”
He laughed again, releasing you only so he could visibly smile and take one last look at you. 
“It wasn’t all my doing,” he said, though his face was now slightly colored pink due to the compliment. 
“Oh it was,” you reply, smiling at him. “Thank you,” you said again, softer and far too quiet for anyone to hear. 
Sugawara was going to reply before there was a knock at the door. 
You sighed, “That sounds like my cue.”
Suga allowed you to be taken from the dressing room, watching you walk away smiling like an absolute fool.
He shook his head gently, cleaning whatever he used to help you believe you looked fine, though he thought you’d looked perfectly fine the moment you stepped foot into the dressing room. He would be in the crowd watching you be married later. 
He couldn’t wait to see you so happy.
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The walk you had been taken on was short. You’d found that your approaching wedding was approaching a little faster than you expected. Once taken to a small waiting sort of room, your mother had come to spend the short time until you’d walk to be with Bokuto. 
“Now isn’t this exciting, little one?” your mother had cooed, scooping you up into a hug because for some odd reason, she had always been able to pick you up as if you were air. 
“I’m not so little anymore,” you quietly mumbled. Once speaking louder though, you told her, “It’s very exciting.” You had paused here, contemplating continuing. “I just wish he could be here, do you think he’d approve?”
“Oh, love. He would approve, I am certain of it,” she told you without an ounce of hesitation.
“You truly think so?”
“I already told you, I know so.”
You simply nodded to yourself, huddling closer to your mother. She wrapped an arm around your shoulders, placing a kiss to your temple.
“This is the day,” you whisper. Completely taken aback by the realness of the situation. This shock had practically been coming every two minutes today. It was not helpful.
“It is. And you have nothing to worry about because he loves you unconditionally while you love him just the same.”
“I do,” you replied. Speaking the exact words that you would tell him in a mere number of minutes.
And those minutes seemed to go by faster than normal, seeing as another person had come around, knocking on the door before coming in and telling you it was time.
It was time. 
And were you ready?
Yes, you absolutely were.
This was the moment you’d been waiting your whole life for. Ever since you had entrusted your father with the secret of liking men, boys at the time. You had almost burst into tears, waiting for your father to respond, to say something. 
But he had hugged you. Hugged you so gently and told you that it was okay.
That as long as you were happy and treated right, you could love whoever felt right.
You had never been so thankful for him.
And now, years later, you were walking down the small aisle like set up made in the garden of your estate. And nothing had ever felt so right.
There were few people there. Close family and friends sat, but you knew that sometime during the day, or during the coming days you’d be bombarded by people outside of your closed circle wanting to know every detail of your wedding. 
You would battle that front when it was necessary to. It would be easy with a knight by your side after all.
So you looked at your knight. He was dressed, not in his armor (for once in his life, you’d like to joke. Though it didn’t sound like joking was appropriate at this time), but in lavish wedding attire. Something you’d helped pick out and found worked extraordinarily well with Bokuto’s figure.
You met his eyes, while continuing to walk, and could barely register the utter gentleness in his eyes and smile.
He was looking at you as if you were the sun itself, coming down to greet him.
To Bokuto, you were the sun. You were everything.
By the time you had reached the altar, Bokuto had been mesmerized by you. Completely lost in your gaze, your faint scent, the fact of how amazing you seemed to look in everything. Bokuto thought that there wasn’t a single article of clothing that wouldn’t suit you. 
He deemed himself right about that.
“Hi,” you told him, biting your lip in, excitement? Every emotion you felt by now had become one big incomprehensible emotion. It felt good regardless.
“Hi yourself, princey,” Bokuto replied, all smiles. He somehow felt even giddier than you.
The ceremony passed as quickly as you could blink. At one point you could barely watch him as Bokuto made his vows to you, the only thing registerable was the steady stream of tears falling from your eyes. One of the only moments you’d cry and be okay with it, because it was completely out of joy.
You didn’t even hear someone say you two should kiss, you only felt Bokuto wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you to his chest, and kissing you with no restrictions. It didn’t matter that there were some people watching, it didn’t matter because in reality all there was, was you and him.
Your knight and you were stuck in your own little world, and it had been not even two minutes into marriage. But you would belong to each other tonight. You would be with him from the setting of the sun to it’s rising. And you’d be with him everyday for it afterward.
It sounded heavenly.
And heavenly was all you felt soon after the ceremony had finished as Bokuto carried you to your shared room.
It was both of yours officially now, even though it’d housed Bokuto since he was a miniscule five year old, you four. But now, now as he kissed you senseless and carefully undid your glittering garments as the sun barely began setting, it truly felt like it was both of yours.
Words were nothing but unnecessary at the moment, when mouths could be used for something so much better.
You could support this easily as Bokuto moved his lips from yours, leaving your mouth to release a whine at being separated. You wanted something of his touching you, it had to be more than hands, it had to be better than hands, despite the fact you knew his hands were amazing.
“Ko,” you whispered, cupping his face to bring it back to your lips. He gave way with no resistance, back to kissing you greedily as his hands continued trailing down your body, undressing you with experience.
Soon enough you were bare for Bokuto to admire, and he was pantless and a sight to behold. Though you were much too preoccupied by his mouth to pay attention to that.
His mouth which was trailing down your neck, placing kisses on every inch of you he could, leaving matching bruises. He held you to his chest with one hand, the other gliding along your side, roaming to the crook where your back met your ass, where he desperately wanted to touch.
You held in a moan as he nipped further down your chest, finally mouthing at one of your nipples. Perhaps being a quite sensitive Omega was a positive thing now that you thought about it.
He stayed there, what felt like forever before he moved lower, laying you down on the bed while simultaneously kissing down your abdomen. His hands held your hips with a grip so strong they’d surely be bruised by morning.
“Ko, please,” you begged now. You loved his mouth on you, going lower and lower with each kiss, but right now you wanted him inside you. You wanted him to make a mess of you, and make you his because now he finally could.
He licked at your dick making you shiver at the unexpected contact, he continued to do so before taking you in his mouth. He made every move expertly, making you see nothing but stars before leaving your dick to go somewhere else.
He could smell your slick.
“Want to make you feel good,” he murmured, lifting your legs and spreading them out so he could have access to your beautiful hole.
He watched, slightly licking his lips as he glanced at your flushed face. Seeing your face was all he needed to see before his mouth went to your ass. He licked at your hole, savoring your taste because how could every single part of you be perfect?
His tongue worked with you, the slick leaking from you only helping his tongue move around before he lifted his head, opting to use his fingers instead. They were longer after all.
It barely took any time for him to find your prostate, he knew you too well.
You were moaning his name, gripping his shoulders, as he now leaned over you, begging him to move on. You begged more, telling him you were good, that you needed him now.
He obliged.
He positioned himself at your entrance, looking to you for the okay. You may have been very recently married, but he always asked for your permission. If you wanted this.
You nodded as best you could.
And he pushed himself into you as fast as he could. Thrusting from the moment he felt your walls clench around him. You always felt so good.
“So tight for me,” he grunted, pushing into your hips further if possible. He was certainly trying his best to go faster.
All you could do was let out strangled noises, wanting nothing more than for him to continue hitting that spot!
“Bokuto, please more,” you whimpered beneath him. Eyes closed with the utter pleasure you were feeling. He followed each and every one of your demands, leaning down to nuzzle at your neck before continuing to place love bites there.
He knew exactly where he wanted his Mating Mark to be.
“Fuck, please, please,” you managed to say as he continuously managed to keep a fast pace, hitting your prostate each and every time without a single miss.
“Good?” It was barely a question.
“Good, god. Yes good, Ko,” you told him as he targeted your neck, the opposite side this time.
There wasn’t a spot on you without a bruise that Bokuto placed there.
Soon enough you had been fucked too many times to count, had orgasmed too many. You’d felt so amazing you had almost no idea as to how you ended up in his lap instead, bouncing on his cock, Bokuto lifting your hips so that his only the head of his dick would be inside you before allowing you to fall back down onto it.
This could only be described as heavenly now, and it’d been left to Bokuto doing most of the work as you simply moaned his name like a mantra and screamed. He loved seeing you on top of him.
You looked ethereal to him, taking him so well and warming him so good. You were perfect, there was no denying that when you looked like this for him. Because of him.
When you had come again, the substance staining Bokuto’s pale skin along with your own stomach, Bokuto couldn’t help it anymore.
He flipped you over, your chest to the bed, arms weak and cradling a silky pillow for support.
“Gonna claim you, make you mine. Just like you always were, mine,” he spoke into your ear, barely loud enough over the slapping of your skin, as he only pulled out of you to change positions. You thought it nice how you couldn’t even remember what it felt like to not have him inside of you.
“Yes! Ko, make me yours,” you whined, your voice muffled by the pillow. You weren’t even sure if the words came out right. Nonetheless you had given him your approval, now he really couldn’t help it.
His lips, his mouth found its own way to your bare neck. Your neck which already looked like it belonged to Bokuto.
He didn’t wait, he bit into your neck. Your sight turning white with pleasure. Pleasure was the only thing you could register. Maybe it’d be the only thing you could feel from now on. This was by far the best sex you had had with Bokuto, and there were certainly many encounters in many different places with him before this.
The only sound in the room was both of your heavy breathing. He flipped you over, quicker than any time he’d changed positions with you before.
You knew why, and you found it silly with your hazy brain. It could be labeled as putty by now, thinking was far too hard.
“Can I-” he hesitantly asked. How he was still able to form sentences was unknown to you. You could barely nod.
He kissed you hard, pushing into you with a few more lazy thrusts until you felt him come inside of you. Your own walls only tightened around the sensation.
You knew his knot was in you when it felt like you were being stretched farther than you had been in forever. It was painful, but that pain didn’t exactly matter since each slight movement caused his dick to hit the edge of your prostate. The pain was nothing.
You were both sweaty, and frankly exhausted. But you had never been so comfortable or so sure that he was the right one. Bokuto was yours, you were his, and it had all started in a garden.
You would look back on that later gladly. Right now, words had to be spoken.
“Love you, Ko,” you told him, between panting breaths. Lifting your arm to cup his cheek took all your effort. Kissing him softly took none.
“I love you more than the stars shine,” he replied.
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