thestupidhelmet · 8 months
do you think kelo cheated on brooke with jackie?
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Hell no. 🔥😁
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love-geeky-fangirl · 5 years
who has the better relationship barney and robin or chandler and monica
Imo Chandler and Monica. They're a lot like Barney and Robin in many ways except they were more fun and more less drama. Barney and Robin had both communication and commitment issues and while Monica and Chandler had too, they seemed to have worked it out faster. Monica and Chandler were one of the healthiest, most stable, mature and compatible couples on TV.
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bangelgifs · 5 years
do you think there is some similarities between buffy summers and bella swan?
Hell no.
Aside from falling in love with a vampire, these two characters are utterly and completely different. Bella Swan has no discernable personality of her own (at least until she becomes a vampire), she’s passive, co-dependent, self-destructive and her entire world revolves around her boyfriend.
Buffy Summers is strong, independent, brave, confident and a hero. She has flaws (unlike Bella, who is the ultimate example of a Mary Sue) and she is a well-written and complex character.
The two aren’t even in the same ball park.
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sulietsexual · 5 years
if barry and iris had a problem with olicity interrupting their wedding they should tell them there instead of having a double wedding and then talk bad about they are opening wedding gifts?
To be fair, Felicity didn’t really give them a chance to object, she just butted in with her “Marry us too!” request. I mean, what were they supposed to say? I think it was fine for them to have a bitch about it later, especially considering the two multi-millionaires who disrupted their wedding sent them a coffee maker? I mean, really? That’s just cheap (and an added insult after pulling that stunt at the wedding).
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do you think count olaf would still turn evil if beatrice and lemony apologize to him about accidentally killing his dad?
Awful bold of you to assume I consider the Netflix Opera canon
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felicityollies · 6 years
would felicity still love oliver if he took the mantle of Ras al Ghul
Felicity loves Oliver no matter what. That’s not even a question. Oliver is her heart and her soulmate. Now, would she agree with that decision? Hell no. She never wanted him to have anything to do with the league or Ras, to begin with. Felicity would fight tooth and nail to make him see the light. She would save him from himself and this decision. 
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rocktheholygrail · 6 years
How would liv ravi and peyton react with. Major hiring blaine to work at Filmore Graves?
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amesantiagos · 6 years
Do you think doug judy should interact with charles Boyle next season ?
haha yes!! There was a deleted scene from the fugitive where they kinda interact but a whole case with charles and doug judy working together? television gold
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alphawolfice1989 · 6 years
What if Sadie is barney and Robin’s illegitimate child
stinsonscherbatskyforever answered you:
alphawolfice1989 asked:
What if himym introduce Sadie as barney and robin illegitimate child instead of being his niece?
This is a great fic idea. I could see that happening, I picture that Robin had gotten pregnant in season 6 and it would be like a who’s the father type scenario. What fun it is to think baby Sadie is BR’s. 😀
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the-one-where-mood · 5 years
Why is Rachel is the only one without a traumatic childhood in friends becsuse joey was molested by his tailor, Monica was fat, ross was scolded by his dad for not being as as athletic as the other kids and chandler dad came out of the closet on Thanksgiving?
There’s a lot to unpack here, but I think most importantly, it’s unfair to say that Rachel had it easy. I guess in a sense that you could say that she had it “easier” than the others (although I can only assume she felt a certain pressure from her parents) but her life was already planned out without her ever getting a say in it. Her “easy” childhood did her a great disservice when entering adulthood, because when she decided she didn’t want to essentially just get shipped off to another man for support, her dad cut her off from everything she had lived with before, without any preparation or idea on how to handle being independent, which in and of itself can be really traumatic. They all had shit to deal with, but Rachel has one of, if not the best development and character arc in the show, in my opinion! 
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thestupidhelmet · 8 months
Do you think kelso is more mature in that 90s show?
From the little we see of him on-screen, hard to tell. Going by his son's reputation (and the actions that earned him that rep) in town, unlikely. Adding to that, Kelso and Jackie's multiple divorces and remarriages to each other -- I'd say Kelso's maturity level sticks to its T7S status quo.
If he is more mature, another question is by how much? Probably so little as to be negligible.
Note: Jay Kelso is maturing, catalyzed by his feelings for Leia.
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love-geeky-fangirl · 5 years
in the last episode kelso was comparing jackie love interest to cars and he straight up insult fez by calling him a donkey cartell instead of naming a different type of car because he compare himself to the ferrari and hyde to the mustang but didnt give fez a car comaprison. Does kelso like hyde with jackie instead of with Fez?
Definitely. In season 6 he finally moved on from Jackie and realized that she is so much better off with Hyde. In 6x02 he actually helped them reconsile. And do you remember the: "Look at you watch her. You love her man?" And the kissing noises he made with Fez? He totally shipped them.
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bangelgifs · 5 years
how strong Buffy will be without her friends?
We see a glimpse of what Buffy is like without her friends in The Wish; she’s still physically strong and fairly resilient, but she’s hardened and lacks empathy and compassion. Without her friends, Buffy would be physically as strong but less human. She needs her friends to keep her tied to her humanity, so she doesn’t lose herself in her Slayer-ness (kind of similar to how Angel needs his friends to keep him in check with his humanity so he doesn’t lose himself to his vampire side). Without her friends, Buffy would be an entirely different person, and not necessarily for the better.
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sulietsexual · 5 years
who would win between blade and angelus ( the soulless liam ) ?
Dude, I know who Angelus is :P Also, I’ve never seen a Blade movie, so can’t really comment, but given how evil and relentless Angelus is, I’d give him the edge.
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felicityollies · 5 years
Will black siren laurel Lance return to earth 2 and become a district attorney and a wife to Tommy merlin there?
oh my god, i forgot this was in my inbox, i apologize!
Honestly? I don’t know if she’s going to go back. She could and if she did she’d probably make a new life for herself there. As for Tommy? Maybe. Although, in my head, she’s kind of a huge lesbo. 
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love-geeky-fangirl · 5 years
what other couple on tv do you see are similar to barney and robin ?
There are three I can think of:
1. Monica and Chandler from Friends
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Both couples started off as best buddies, started fooling around in season 5 and ended up getting married. Both Chandler and Barney had some commitment issues they eventually overcame for Monica/Robin. They are also both fan-favorite couples and the ones we didn't see coming.
2. Jackie and Hyde from That 70s Show
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This is another fan-favorite couple that unexpextedly hooked up in season 5. There's more similarities than just that though- one person (Jackie/Barney) is rich and obssessed with clothes and fashion while the other (Hyde/Robin) is an emotionally cold person with trust and commitment issues that eventually melts. Also neither of these couples ended up together which is something the fans are still bitter about.
3. Rory and Logan from Gilmore Girls
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Again the biggest similarity is the no string attached hookup in season 5. However there's more similarities- the guy is a rich playboy that doesn't want to commit and the girl is a smart and ambitious journalist.
What all of these couples have in common however is that they all started off as just a meaningless fling or a one night stand and later evolved into something meaningful. I like how all of these relationships started with just having fun and ended up as something so mature.
Can you think of any other couples that are similar to Barney and Robin @alphawolfice1989 ? Let me know.
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