#already cute but he was wearing a really nice outfit with a big gold hoop in one ear and OH MAN
practically-an-x-man · 10 months
Men with pierced ears >>>>>
that's it that's the post
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Fifty-Seven
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Smut and Fluff.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
As promised, Wednesday after work, you and Harry went to the tattoo parlor so you could get your nose pierced. You picked out a white gold stud, and picked out a few hoops you’d want to interchange with once you could.
“This one is so cool, it has diamonds on it. It could be for like special occasions.”
Harry couldn’t wait to see you with the hoop once it was time. He was already parched just thinking about it. You grabbed some thinner hoops for work as well. He watches you look over the naval piercings. He points to a few he likes and you grab one of them. Your name gets called and you go to sit in the chair.
“Which side?”
“Left, please.”
“And you’re doing this so you can have a hoop later, right?”
“Alright, so I’ll do it a little lower down. Now, don’t twist this like you would an ear piercing. You need to let this be so it can heal properly.”
“Okay.” You reach out for Harry’s hand as the man cleans up your nose. You close your eyes, and Harry almost thinks to take your picture because he think you look so cute.
“Okay, here we go.”
You grit your teeth and white knuckle Harry’s hand. He places his other hand on your shoulder.
“Son of a bitch!” You yelp as the needle goes into your nose.
“Almost done.” The man reassures you.
Your nostril felt numb, but you were happy with it when he showed it to you in the mirror.
“Looks great, love.”
“Alright, Harry, you ready?”
“Yup.” He hands him a piece of paper from his pocket. “I’d like that on my forearm, where there’s space.”
Harry sits down in a chair as the man cleans up his arm. You sit next him.
“What are you getting?”
Before Harry can answer, the man puts a piece of paper over where Harry wants it and peels it back. You see a very small, very detailed sunflower.
“A sunflower, for my sunflower.” He winks at you.
“Oh, Harry…are you sure?”
“Positive. Will yeh hold my hand?” He smiles.
“Don’t make fun of me.” You pout. “It really hurt.”
“I know baby.” He puts his hand out to you as the man gets to work. You’re amazed that Harry doesn’t even flinch, but he had so many he could hardly feel it anymore.
Thirty or so minutes later it was done. You take a picture of it for him before the man bandages it up. You each pay separately for your things and head out.
“So my nose really looks good?”
“Yup, can’t wait to see the hoop in it though.”
“Six to eight weeks.” You smile. “I can’t believe you got my favorite flower tattooed on you, that was so sweet.”
“S’not weird?”
“Not at all! It’s so special, like, something for the two of us.” He takes your hand in his and kisses it.
Harry had confirmed your double date with Rachel and Mariah. The four of you agreed on a trivia night at a local bar. You all meet there Friday night after work. It was a little weird for Harry to be hanging out with someone outside of work, but he got on with Mariah pretty well, so it wasn’t totally awkward.
You and Rachel told stories from college, and Mariah talked about getting into photography. Rachel explains why she wanted to be a high school art teacher.
“I just think kids that age lose a lot of the fun in their lives. Art is important at any age, but when they’re getting ready to go to college, I wanna help them destress with my classes.”
“That’s so cool.” Mariah says and Rachel blushes.
“Mariah, what was it like when you and Harry first met?” You were a tad tipsy.
“Oh god, I was terrified of him.” She laughs and his jaw drops. “But then when he shook my hand and I saw the bright pink color on his nails, I knew wasn’t so scary.” She giggles. “I’ll never forget, after the first two weeks, he comes over to me and he says, ‘I think you’re the only person here other than myself that isn’t a blithering idiot’.” Everyone at the table laughs at her impression of him. It was pretty good.
“I was right though.”
“Very true. God, it’s so annoying when someone else tries to set up a shot for you, isn’t it? Like hello, I have a vision.”
“Exactly! If it was as easy as just snappin’ away, anyone would do it.”
“So was everyone scared of Harry?” Rachel asks.
“I think they were mostly intimidated. Everyone talks to each other and gets together, but H always stuck to himself.”
“Not the type of people I wanted to be chummy with.” He has a disgusted look on his face, thinking of Mykenzie. “I quite like Isaac though, he’s been a good addition.”
“Love Isaac, he always gets us everything we need.”
“He’s always so nice when I come to visit.” You say.
“He’s got a huge crush on Harry.” Mariah giggles.
“Stop it.” Harry says groaning.
“You know he does.”
“Thought he just thought I was cute or somethin’. Didn’t think it was a crush.”
“Well, I’ve never asked him personally, so he could easily just be attracted to you. I’ve heard him talk about it with Julia and Dana.” The sound of Julia’s name makes you want to vomit.
“Jesus, Harry, does everyone at your work have a thing for you?” Rachel asks.
“Everyone except this one.” He winks and nods towards Mariah, making both girls giggle.
Trivia starts and you all pick a stupid team name. You and Rachel were best at coming up with answers. You both knew a lot about pop culture, and luckily there weren’t too many other categories.
“How the fuck did yeh know that?” Was something Harry said quite a bit, and you both just shrugged your shoulders.
“Which Kardashian married an NBA player after dating for thirty days?” The emcee asks.
“Oh that was Khloe.” You tell Rachel to write down. Harry’s jaw drops. “What?”
“You’re obsessed with reality television!”
“Not true! I used to watch Keeping Up when I was in college. It was night to have on in the background when I’d do homework. It’s not a show you have to pay attention to.”
“What was the name of season twenty Bachelor?”
“Ben Higgins.” You, Rachel, and Mariah all say at the same time.
“Jesus Christ.”
“You watch the Bachelor?” Rachel asks her.
“Never miss an episode. You watch?”
“Yeah, we should get together to watch some time.”
“I’d like that.” They smile at each other. You put your hand on Harry’s leg and give it a little squeeze.
“What did Leonardo DiCaprio text back to Jennifer Lopez after James Corden texted him from her phone back in 2016?”
“Who the fuck would know-“
“You mean tonight boo boo? Club wise?” You say as Rachel nods and writes it down. You look at Harry whose mouth was hanging wide open. “Do you not watch carpool karaoke ever?”
“Can’t say I do, love.”
“You’re missing out.” You giggle.
“Do you still have that picture of Leo with that quote over his like serious face and it’s in black and white?”
“I do! It’s in a drawer in my office. Makes me laugh when I look at it.”
You were quirky, and Harry rarely got to see these little things come out. He liked it, a lot. You were sort of nerdy in your own right and he thought it was insanely cute.
Your group came in third place, earning you each a coupon for a free app the next time you came to the bar. You all say goodnight, and confirm what time with Rachel you should be over tomorrow to get ready.
Your hair was up in messy bun and you had sweats on before you left for Sarah and Rachel’s. You bring your large overnight bag out to the front hall, and go up to the loft to say goodbye to Harry.
“Any plans tonight, baby?”
“Yeah, Niall’s comin’ over. Think we’re goin’ to play Madden.”
“Oh great!”
“That’s what you’re wearin’ for your big night out?”
“God no, I’m getting ready with them. Like old times. We pregame a little while doing each other’s hair and make up. We decide on outfits, all that girly stuff.”
“So I don’t even get to see what you’re wearin’ out before you go?” He pouts and puts his hands on your hips as you stand between his legs.
“’Fraid not.” You lean in and kiss his forehead. “I’ll send you a pic though.” You kiss him on the lips. “Have fun with Niall.”
“Have fun with the girls.”
He watches you descend down the stairs. He was very curious to know what you might be wearing. He hoped it wasn’t too sexy since he wouldn’t be there. The thought of a bunch people looking at you didn’t sit right with him, but it was out of his control. He also hated that you wouldn’t be coming back to him tonight. He wanted your drunk cuddles, they were the best.
You drive to Rachel and Sarah’s and hug Sarah and wish her a happy birthday. You all start drinking and get ready. You each take turns posting to your Instagram stories. Giggles and music in the background.
Niall comes over to see Harry, and they both get set up on the sofa.
“How was your date last night?” Harry asks.
“Made her cry tears of joy, finally gave her a key to my place.”
“Good for you mate!” Harry smiles at him. Niall checks his phone and looks at all three of your stories. “What in the fuck was that?”
“Our girls havin’ a grand ol’ time. Look.” Niall shows him Sarah’s story and sees you with your hair half done, curling iron in hand, making a kiss face as Rachel dances behind you. “Like they never stopped livin’ together.” He chuckles.
“Any idea where they’re goin’?”
“Pinz I think.”
“Okay, what am I wearing?” Sarah asks.
“We got you this sash that says ‘birthday bitch’ so you have to wear it.” Rachel giggles.
“Guess that means I should wear my red dress to match, huh?” She snatches it. “What did you bring, Y/N?”
“Oh, just my fav party outfit.” You grin. You take out a skin tight quarter sleeve, olive green, midi dress.
“Ohhh shiiiittt.” Rachel says. “She back in town.”
“For one night only.” You wink.
Sarah puts on a short sleeve red dress that flowed around her thighs. Rachel put on a black pencil skirt and white crop top. You all looked great. None of you wore a bra, purposefully, to just make out all of your piercings. You set up your phone to take a few pictures of the three of you. The three of you were feeling sexy, and you were ready to show Sarah a good time.
“Wait, I told Harry I’d send him a picture.”
“Better send one to Niall too.”
“Okay, line up you heteros.” Rachel says sarcastically. You both stick your tongue out at her.
“Y/N, push your boobs up, really put a show on for him.” She giggles.
“Okay, like this?” You push your boobs up and pout your lips.
“Model! Model vibes!” Sarah screams as she takes a shot of tequila.
“Okay, now turn around and look over your shoulder. Gotta show that booty.” You do as she says.
“He’s gonna kill me.” You laugh.
“Because not only am I not wearing a bra, but I don’t have any panties on either.”
“Well, duh, you can’t with that dress.” Sarah defends you. “Okay, my turn.”
You and Rachel snap pictures of the birthday girl. You both send the pictures to your boyfriends. You take some more silly pictures altogether.
“You know what’s crazy? This is my first birthday without Kate in years…”
“Are you upset we didn’t invite her?” Rachel asks.
“Not really.” She shrugs. “I haven’t really missed her to tell you the truth.”
“Me neither.” You admit. “I miss the old times, but I’ve been less stressed without her in my life.”
“Agreed.” Rachel says. “Uber’s here! Let’s hit it.”
Niall and Harry’s phones go off at the same time. They look at each other and pause their game.
“Jesus.” Harry’s eyes pop out of his head.
“Holy hell.” Niall says looking at the pictures Sarah sent him.
Harry zooms in on the pictures best he can. You looked incredible. He wanted to tear the dress right off you.
“Mate?” Harry says with his mouth hanging open.
“She’s not wearin’ any knickers…”
“Doesn’t look like Sarah’s got a bra on either.”
“Same with Y/N…why would they do that?” Harry looks at him panicked. “I mean, look, not even any knickers!” He shoves the phone his face, but Niall pushes it back.
“Do ya really want me lookin’ at her arse?”
“Right, no, I don’t. And I don’t want anyone else to either. Why would she do this t’me?” He whines.
“To remind ya how fuckin’ lucky ya are.” Niall gets up. “Come on, we better break into the liquor instead of just beer tonight.”
“Good idea.”
The three of you get to Pinz, and Sarah is given a free shot and drink of her choice as the bartender sees her sash and ID. You all head to the dance floor once you have your drinks. The music was good tonight, really good. You were all laughing and singing, adding more to your Instagram stories. Niall and Harry couldn’t help but keep refreshing their feeds to see what the three of you were up to.
“They’re havin’ a lot of fun…” Harry says.
“Fuck girl’s nights. We should be allowed to show up.” Niall slurs.
“Even to just roll up and have a shag in the bathroom quick, then I’d be good.”
“Exactly! S’not askin’ too much.” He sighs. “But we can’t. I was told specifically not to show up.”
“Bullshit is what it is.” Harry slurs. How much did they drink?
You go up to the bar to grab the next round of drinks. You bump into someone by accident and apologize.
“Oh, no worries…Y/N?”
“Matt?!” You cross your arms over your chest immediately.
“Hi, um, how are you?”
“Good! It’s great to see you.”
“Yeah, you too. How are things with school?”
“Good, new semester. Miss working with you all.”
“We miss you too.” You walk up closer to the bar. You lower your hands and flip your hair slightly to get the bartender’s attention.
“Whatya have gorgeous?”
“Three vodka cranberries please.” You push your boobs closer together.
“Got a tab?”
“Alright, that’ll be ten bucks.”
“But that’s only-“
“Know it’s your friend’s birthday over there.” He winks at you, and you put a ten dollar bill and a couple of singles down on the bar while he makes the drinks. Matt was in awe of you.
“Come here a lot?” You ask him.
“A little yeah. We came here for my birthday like you suggested, so we come out when we can. Guys! This is Y/N!” A few of his friends look at you and their faces flush, they wave hello and you wave back.
“Alright, here ya go.” You hear the bartender say.
“Thanks so much!” You say taking the drinks.
“Get off at two by the way.” You blush and smile at him. “Just a girl’s night, but thanks.” He nods in understanding.
“Well, it was good seeing you. Have fun!” Matt and the bartender watch you walk away.
Rachel and Sarah each take a drink from you. You notice a napkin stuck to yours.
“Oh god!”
“What?” They both ask.
“The bartender gave me his phone number! What should I do? Just throw it out right??”
“Toss it on the floor!” Rachel says. And you do just that. You didn’t want to risk Harry finding anything like that.
The three of you continue to dance and pop your asses to the songs the club was playing. It was a really great time. You each have another round of vodka cranberries, courtesy of Rachel. Harry hadn’t texted you more than a kissy face since you sent him the pictures. You take out your phone and send him a drunk text.
You: having fun w ni?
Harry smirks when he sees it.
Harry: mhm, having fun with the girlies?
You: so much fun!! Miss u
Harry: miss you too baby
You: ur a cutie
Harry had a dopey smile on his face and Niall starts laughing.
“Oi, what’s so fuckin’ funny?”
“You’re so gaga over her.” He shakes his head.
“S’not a bad thing.” He pouts.
“Not at all.”
The three of you laugh and sing and are actually quite annoying in the back of the uber on the way back to Rachel and Sarah’s. The three of you set up camp in the living room with air-mattresses, blankets and pillows. Sarah uses the bathroom first to wash her face and change. You sit down and your head feels heavy. You decide to FaceTime Harry, Rachel sits next to you to get in on it.
“Oh check it out, she’s FaceTimin’ me.” He says to Niall. The two had just started a movie. “Hello?”
“Hi Harry!”
“Hi girls.”
“Where’s my girl?” Niall pouts.
“Birthday girl got first dibs on the bathroom.” You explain. “Whatcha up to?”
“We just started a movie, love.”
“Ohhhh, fun. We’re gonna do that too, just waiting to wash our faces.”
“How was the bar?”
“So much fun! We danced the whole time.”
“I’ll bet. Any guys try to give yeh their number?” He jokes. Your face and Rachel’s lose all color. You both look at each other and laugh nervously. “Wait, did a guy actually try to give you their number?”
“Um…just the bartender.” Harry’s eyebrows raise. “But I didn’t even realize it! He had put a napkin with our drinks and I noticed it. I threw it right on the ground!”
“Why did he give it to you though?”
“Y/N only paid ten buck for the drinks.” Sarah giggles, sitting down with them, only in a large t-shirt. “Oh, hi Niall!”
“Hey baby!”
“You only had to pay ten dollars for three drinks?”
“Mhm.” Your face grows red. Rachel starts giggling. “Stop, you’re not helping.”
“What did you do? Why’d he discount it?”
“He said he knew it was Sarah’s birthday.” You shrug. You burst out laughing. “And I may have pushed my boobs up.” The other two start laughing.
“Y/N, that’s not fu-“
“You know what, I really need to pee. You know how I am when I really need to pee, Harry. I love you, have a fun rest of your night!” You end the call and get up to use the bathroom.
Harry pinches the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger.
“You cannot get mad at her, mate.”
“Why not?”
“Because she’s drunk, clearly. She doesn’t know what she’s sayin’.”
“She purposefully showed off to get a discounted drinks!”
“Like you’ve never done the same thing.”
“Not while I was datin’ someone…”
“Oh Harry.” Niall shakes his head. “Please don’t make this a big deal. If I was a woman that looked like her, like any of ‘em, I’d do the same thing. Relationship or not. Don’t spoil her fun.”
“M’not.” He sighs. “You wouldn’t be mad if Sarah told you somethin’ like that.”
“It’s her birthday, she can do whatever she wants.” He shrugs.
Niall and Harry pass out on the couch, and they both wake up around three in the morning. Niall leaves and goes back home across the street while Harry sleeps in his bed alone. He imagines how lonely it must’ve been for you while he was away. He sleeps in the middle of the bed so it doesn’t feel so large without you.
You and the girls stay up until nearly five in the morning. You watch old movies and reminisce on your days in school together. You all pass out snuggled up together like old times. Harry woke up around eleven and you still weren’t home. No texts or anything from you. He sighs, and gets up to make some coffee. Just as he’s walking out to the kitchen, only in his boxers, he here’s your footsteps. He stands leaning against the wall of the outside of the kitchen, arms crossed waiting for you to enter.
Your hair was up in a messy bun, your sweat pants were hanging low on your hips, your dress from last night was rolled up to look like a shirt, and you had your sunglasses on. You drop your bag once you get into the living area, and you jump when you see Harry.
“Christ.” You say, pulling your sunglasses up on the top of your head.
“Fun night?”
“Mhm.” He starts chuckling. “What?”
“What are you wearin’?”
“I woke up sweaty and didn’t wanna wear my shirt home, so I put this back on, and these are your sweatpants, so they’re baggy, and I know I look ridiculous okay?” You walk towards him and go into the kitchen. He follows you. “Need coffee.” You go over to the Keurig.
“Do you remember FaceTimin’ me last night?” He asks with his arms still crossed. Yes.
“Vaguely.” You press the button on the machine after putting your favorite mug underneath.
“Do yeh remember sending me those pictures at the beginning of the night?”
“Course I do.” You turn to look at him. “I looked like a fucking stunner.” He looks down and sees your pebbling nipples through the top of your dress. You cross your arms over yourself.
“So happy everyone got to see your nips last night.”
“No one saw anything. It was dark in the club.”
“You didn’t have any knickers on.”
“And how would you know that? Easily could’ve been wearing a thong.”
“Were you?”
“No.” He lets out an exasperated sigh. “You can’t wear underwear with this dress, it shows everything.”
“Why would you wear it then?”
“Because I felt like it.” The coffee finishes pouring. You go over to the fridge and grab your creamer, and pour a little in. You bring the mug to your lips and take a small sip. You sigh happily. Harry begins making his own coffee. “Did you and Niall have fun?”
“Yes.” He narrows his eyes at you.
“Nothin’.” He takes a sip of his black coffee. “Yeh hungover?”
“No, stomach just feels gross. We drank vodka cranberries all night. Way too much sugar.”
“Need breakie?”
“No.” You giggle. “Thanks, we ate. We had some hash-browns and cheesy eggs, that’s why I’m just getting back now.” You finish up your coffee and put your mug in the sink. You yawn and stretch. “I feel like I need to sleep for like ten years.”
You leave the kitchen and start taking your clothes off as you make your way to the bedroom. You were desperate a shower. But Harry was more desperate for you. You feel him wrap his arms around you from behind. You had only taken your top off.
“You’re still not wearin’ knickers.” He says into your ear.
“Nope.” You press back against him, and you feel him growing hard.
“I missed you last night.” He whispers while nipping at your earlobe. You turn around and wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your bare chest to his.
“And I bet you missed more seeing me dressed like that?” Your nose brushes against his as he nods. “My poor baby.” You rest your chin on his shoulder as you hug him closer to you. “Let me take a shower, and then I promise I’ll love on you all day.”
“Promise.” You kiss him on the cheek and let go of him.
“I can’t shower with you?” He pouts.
“I need to, like, shave and stuff. Just ten minutes, get cozy and wait for me on the bed, okay?”
“Alright.” He sighs like you’ve denied him of the world, and gets on the bed.
You do your thing in the bathroom. You don’t need to wash your hair, so that saves a good chunk of time. Your stomach still feels like shit, but you know it’ll pass. You dry off completely and moisturize your freshly shaven legs. Usually you’re wrapped in a towel, have your robe on, or even have pj’s on after you shower. You and the girls were introduced to tik tok last night, and you kind of want to try the new challenge going around. You just hoped Harry kept his boxers on.
You grab your phone and start the video, showing the audience that you’ve dropped your towel. You open the bathroom door slowly. Harry had an arm behind his head, and the other hand was scrolling through his phone. You giggle as you open the door the rest of the way.
“Hey baby?” He looks over at you, furrowing his brows while he smiles.
“What are you doin’?” He reaches his hands out to you.
“Air drying.”
He gets up off the bed and walks towards you, picking you up, you stop your video and laugh hysterically. He puts you down on the bed, and wonders what’s so funny.
“Were you recordin’ me?”
“I won’t post it if you don’t want me to since you’re like naked.”
“Post it where?”
“Tik tok…”
“Jesus, how old are you?” He chuckles. “Dana and Julia are on that app all the time.”
“It’s actually a lot of fun. The girls and I all downloaded it last night. There’s this challenge going around for couples, so I thought I’d give it a try. Look, watch your face.” You play the video back for him and you both start laughing. “But I won’t post it if you don’t want me to.”
“S’fine, I don’t really care.” He shrugs.
You post the video and add all the hashtags, then put your phone on the night table. You turn over and rest your head on his chest. You drape your leg over his, and he pulls your thigh up closer. He rubs his hand back and forth.
“Ohh, nice and smooth.” He coos. “Not that I really care if you’re hairy.”
“So if I just stopped shaving my legs, you wouldn’t care?” You raise an eyebrow.
“You said it’s for your own comfort right? Do what yeh want. It doesn’t bother me, hair is natural.”
“How progressive of you.” You say facetiously. He looks down at you as he continues to stroke your leg.
Your hand goes up into his hair and he leans in to lightly kiss you. You kiss him back, and you both sink into it. Your mouth opens for him and his tongue slides in tasting you until your tongue meets his. You both let out soft moans. One of his hands is cupping the back of your head, the other leaves your thigh and moves up to your breast, kneading it.
You pull him on top of you, and you feel his hard cock press against your hip, as your kiss deepens even more. It wasn’t often the two of you just made out. You always really liked kissing, to have someone’s lips on yours. Harry had soft lips, always. He was good at pressing them hard against yours, always making yours puffy and swollen after. You loved the shade of his lips too, especially after kissing. They would become this raspberry color. It made you want to bite onto them even more.
Subconsciously that’s what you do. You bite his bottom lip and suck it into your mouth. He groans and grinds himself against your hip. You let go of his lip slowly, really making a show of it as you open your eyes to look up at him.
“Want you.” He says in a whisper.
“Take me.” You whisper back.
He groans again kissing you quick before tugging his boxers down his legs, and tossing them to the floor. He hovers back over you, and you put your hands on his shoulders. One of his hands reaches between your legs to make sure you’re wet. Of course you are. It doesn’t take much with him. He smirks as you spread apart for him. He lines himself up and he slowly pushes inside. You both moan at the initial contact.
Once he’s all the way in, he stays there for a moment, just savoring how your velvety walls feel around him. You tighten out of instinct, and loosen up letting him know he can move. He slowly starts to rock his hips against yours. Your head falls back against the pillow.
“Y’like that?”
“Yes.” You say with your eyes rolling back into your head.
He keeps up the same motion, just rocking in and out of you, his tip hitting your g-spot already. He picks up the pace only a little to give himself some of the friction he’s been craving, but he slows it back down for you because he knows that’s how you like it. One of his hands drops back down to rub slow, but purposeful circles on your clit.
“Ngh, Harry.” You moan softly.
One of your hands moves from his shoulder to the grasp at the hair on the nape of neck. He drops his head to the crook of your neck, kissing you softly. Your breathing was getting heavier. He could feel you starting to tighten against him in preparation for your orgasm.
“Gonna come f’me, angel?” You moan at his words, your eyes fluttering closed. “Go on, I know you can do it. Come all around my cock.” He nips at your neck, and your heels dig into the backs of his thighs.
You let out a large moan of his name, tears pricking at your eyes, and he feels you pulsate around him. He fucks you through it, not letting up on your g-spot or clit. You come really hard, and the sound in the room fills with squelching and skin slapping against skin.
“Gimme another one, come on, let’s see how many we can go for.” Your eyes pop open. You realize he still hadn’t let up on you. You start panting again.
“Harry.” You groan. It was too much. You were so sensitive.
“Don’t hold back baby, just relax. Don’t fight it.”
“Shit, shit, shit.” The way he was talking to you was sending you to another dimension. You release around him again and he groans against you, loving the way it feels.
He leans up a bit and looks down at you with a wicked grin.
“What?” You say trying to catch your breath.
“Can I hit it from the side, love?” Your eyes grow dark with lust and you nod.
He helps you turn your body with him still inside you. One of your legs going up over his shoulders, and the other staying between his own legs. He rocks into you and your back arches immediately.
“Feel good?” He smirks.
“So good.” You clutch at the blankets as he continues to rock in and out of you. “Fuck, Harry.” You grit your teeth. You reach down to rub your swollen clit.
“Jesus.” He moans watching you touch yourself.
“Harry, I…I want you back on top of me, wanna feel your weight on me, please.”
“Anything you want, angel.”
He pulls out of you only for a moment to let you adjust. Both of his eyebrows raise as he watches you flip onto your stomach. You look back at him over your shoulder.
“Go on, I’m okay. Want it this way. Just get fully on top of me. You’ve done it before.”
“I promise I’ll tell if you if I’m scared.” You wiggle your butt back at him to let you know you’re getting impatient.
He uses his thumbs to spread you apart, and he lines himself up to enter you again. You feel his chest flush to your back, and he rocks into you slowly. You raise your hips slightly to slip your hand underneath yourself to rub your clit. Harry grabs your other hand with his, and you intertwine. That’s that good shit, you think to yourself. Your hands rest together by your head.
He’s getting in so deep this way, and the way he’s squeezing one of your hips just feels so good. You rub yourself a little faster, and you feel another orgasm coming on. He can feel it coming too.
“That’s it baby, come f’me again.” That was all he needed to say to make your release come. “You feel so fuckin’ good.” You pulse and vibrate around his cock. You wonder how much longer he’ll last.
You both have a pretty decent rhythm going. You push yourself back against him, and his hand moves from your hip to your ass. You squeeze tighter on the hand that’s intertwined with yours. He kisses on the back of your neck and shoulders. You arch up into him.
“I love you, Harry.” You groan.
“I love you too, so fuckin’ much. Wanna be able to look at yeh, can we do that?”
He pulls out so you can flip back over. You grab back at his hand so you can continue to hold onto it. He knows you really like this. His other hand slides up your torso, feeling every inch of your smooth skin. His hand rest gently on your throat, he doesn’t even tighten around you, he just wants it there. You wrap your legs around his waist and pull him closer to you. He thrusts in deep and stay there so you can grind against him.
“Harry.” You moan. You were overly sensitive at this point, but he was so rock hard inside you, it felt amazing.
“C’mon baby, show me how you do it.”
You nails from your free hand dig into his bicep as your fourth release comes out in waves.
“Shit! Fuck!” You scream. You were completely drenched in sweat now. You felt like you were going to need another shower. “Harry, please.”
“Not done with yeh yet, my love.” You look up at him. What the hell was he trying to do to you? He kisses you hard as he moves his hips in circles.
“Mother of fuck!” You gasp.
“Yeah, you like it when I do that, huh?” You nod your head yes as he continues you stretching you out like this.
You’re down for the count when you feel your legs start to shake again and your back arches fully off the bed. He smirks watching your body writhe underneath him.
“Harry.” You breathe. “It’s too much.”
“Want me to come now?”
“Yes, please. Fill me up.”
He grins at you and squeezes tightly on your hand as he thrusts in and out of you. It doesn’t take much for him to come. The warmth from it all feels incredible. He pulls out once he’s done, and collapses next to you. Your mouth hangs open as you look at him. Your legs felt like jello. It was some intense love making to say the least.
“What was that all about?” You say, reaching for him. He lays his head on your chest.
“Just something maybe you’ll keep in the back of your head next time you flirt with some bartender to get free drinks.” He looks up at you with a smirk, and your jaw drops farther.
Oh he was good, really good. He was telling the truth when he said he missed you. But he didn’t want to make you come over and over just because you both were in a lovey mood. No, he wanted to teach you a lesson. To remind you he was always there, no matter what. That he was the only one worth giving the time of day to. That he was the only one that was ever going to make you feel this way. Well played Mr. Styles, well played.
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multibear · 5 years
cute nickname asks: **all of them**
angel - what’s one character trait you like about yourself?
uhhhh like physically or personality? bc there’s not anything i can think of lol.
doll - what’s your favourite outfit?
at the moment, i rlly like dark or red clothes. sometimes light colored clothes if i’m wearing something black with it and i can match another thing of the same color. i really like baggy/loungy clothing but rn when i’m feeling Particularly femme i like wearing my black skinny jeans with a pink turtleneck and black wedges, a kinda dark plum thin turtleneck sweater and black wedges, or a red turtleneck with red converse or black wedges. (can u tell i like turtlenecks). otherwise i like wearing oversized shirts i stole from my brother, the windbreaker i stole from my brother, jeans or joggers (that are my own), and converse (i like my boots but it’s too warm for them now). i also like wearing jewelry. i think i look better in gold than silver but i have a lot of silver jewelry i rlly like as well. the two things that i always wear are the gold mini hoop earrings i got when i was a babby and the silver heart ring u gave me freshman year.
pumpkin - what’s your favourite weather and why?
i like when it’s nice out bc i like going out on my deck and laying in the sun. i also like when it’s nice but not too nice bc that means there won’t be kids at the playground i like going to and i can go on the swings
baby - what makes you feel better when you’re down?
idk i don’t rlly do anything to make me feel better… i’d like to say listening to music, but all my playlists correspond to my mood, so if i’m sad i listen to one of my many sad playlists bc listening to happy music will just make me feel existential. i do have one “listen to this 2 make u happy” playlist but that’s rlly a small pick-me-up for something very minor.
sugarpie - what’s your favourite sweet treat?
i don’t have a favorite bc i don’t actually like sweets all that much. i do like those chocolate cookies with white chocolate chips. when it snows i like making that canadian maple syrup snow candy. i think the closest thing to a favorite “sweet treat” would be chocolate chip pain au lait.
kitten - are you a dog person or a cat person?
cat but i like dogs too
princess - if you could live in any other time period, which would it be?
relive the 2000s but as a teenager
peach - what’s your ideal aesthetic?
oversized black clothing (with tucking in ofc bc i always tuck everything in), chunky boots… comfy goth basically
darling -  what romantic gesture makes you feel the most loved?
this isn’t rlly a romantic gesture but i feel rlly loved when i have long and not necessarily deep conversations that just go on and on. i also feel particularly loved when i’m just remembered??? idk. once freshman year i took the bus home on a wednesday and a guy i was friends with (not into or anything) was like “????? why r u here u said u have speech and debate on wednesdays” and it was something i had mentioned weeks before and i was just so surprised and touched that he remembered something miniscule like that. wow none of these are romantic gestures. i think it’s that the things that make me feel loved aren’t rlly romantic gestures.
button - do you have a type? what is it like?
i recently realized that i miiiiiight have a thing for ppl that aren’t necessarily younger than me just younger/youngest in comparison to the people they’re around. i also thought that i can’t possible have a thing for tall people because that’s just evryone, but i notice that,,,, idk,,, i find it more with people who r like tall tall and not just taller than me or average height.
sweet pea - what’s your favourite flower?
i like hibiscus flowers bc they’re a perfect biological model for parts of a flower.
petal - what’s your favourite smell or perfume?
i currently use a perfume that according to the internet “has a variety of spicy and savory notes, almond, vanilla with raspberry,” however i rlly like jasmine and i kinda wanna try ylang ylang. but i think i rlly like savory scents like spices and candles more.
sunshine - what’s the nicest compliment you’ve ever gotten?
ghfhdgfdgj i LOVE when ppl compliment my hair when it’s curly i love it so much and when they compliment my haircut i’m like “!!!!!!!!! thanks i did it myself!!!!!!!!!” nd they’re like “!!!!!!wow!!!!”
baby girl - how do you like to be held?
okay first of all the nickname for this one rlly came for me like that hhf. nd uhhh i rlly like being held tightly around my waist and hips. whether it’s spooning nd there’s an arm around my waist, or sitting together and a hand around my waist and holding my hip…… i lIKE FEELING BIG HANDS ON MY WAIST OKAY hfjgd. nd i like when i’m “lower” like i’m laying against someone’s chest…. i just like feeling small nd tiny uwu….
lover - how do you show someone you like them?
i’m a shy bitch honestly the most i do is reciprocate when u show me u like me bc i hate making the first move.
buttercup - what does/would your online dating bio say?
“call me cold bitch cuz a bitch cold” idk something that makes people go “what the fuck” and message me because “what the fuck”
boo - what’s your dream date?
idk whatever u want
cupcake - if you’re treating yourself, what do you do?
i don’t like treating myself bc i always feel guilty abt it but the one thing that never directly makes me feel guilty is facemasks
wild thing - what’s something about you that surprises people?
i say Fuck. people think i’m too small and cute for that.
bubba - tell me a funny story from your childhood.
i gave my fourth grade teacher SUCH a hard time. not bc i was a bad kid or anything, i was just…. unique… and put him in a lot of tough situations. once, a kid in my class was pointing to a dictionary in our reading corner and telling me and another kid “owo this has a bad word in it” and we were like “?????? no?? it doesn’t?” and he kept insisting it does and we kept insisting it doesn’t and he underlined with his finger and said “look: d-i-c” and we were like “dic??? dick?? dick isn’t a bad word??” and he was like “HJGFJSDFJ omg stop saying it” and we kept insisting it’s not. so i called my teacher over bc he’s an adult and he knows everything and tells him “____ is saying dictionary has a bad word in it. he says that dick is a bad word,” and i still remember the pained look in his eye when he realized he had two options: reprimand the kid in front of us and also tell us Not to say that, indirectly teaching us a bad word, or lie to us and reprimand the kid in private, also indirectly teaching us a bad word. so, he lied. at the time, i mistook the utter agony in his tone as he said “dick is not a bad word” as disappointment for the kid telling us false information, and not because i gave him one of the hardest decisions of his teaching career and he had to tell two nine year olds “dick is not a bad word.” i remember how smug and prideful i felt that i was right, that dick is not a bad word, that ____ was getting punished for lying to other students about bad words.
honey - what’s your favourite hot drink?
love bug - what song would you love to have sung to you?
i either want to be held close as serendipity is sung to me or someone to spit fire at me with p.a.c.e or better yet double not bc i think i need someone to tell say “yeezy” and “like mate, stop procrastinating” within twenty seconds to me
cutie - what’s your favourite fairytale?
wow um,,,, i was never really a fairy tale kid?? my mom just kinda handed me harry potter and went “figure out the big words urself.” the closest thing to fairytale that i like is how i go BUCKWILD whenever i encounter biblical allusions, especially to genesis. like if there’s imagery of apples AND snakes??? FUCK yea that’s tasty
dumpling - what’s your favourite movie right now?
i’ve never been able to choose a favorite. my top have always been 3 idiots, lion, english vinglish, the martian, and bird box
my love - what would your dream home be like?
idk,,,,, whatever u want as long as there’s plenty of natural light and plants. oh and i also want 2 grow local plants to reduce habitat fragmentation and in the space that isn’t used for that a functional kitchen garden.
dear - pick whatever question you’d most like to answer!
well i already answered ALL of them soo (i hate u)
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    It was Thursday morning, ten am actually, and we rehearsing for tomorrow night’s performance for Santino’s with Gabi, Demi and Jazz. I wore red leggings, a black Michael Jackson’s Thriller band tee with a pair of red and white nikes to relax my feet after practicing in heels all week. Amir was hanging on the wall on his phone, messaging with FLO Records about the details about AC Records. We were practicing “Jungle” when Charlie came in. She had on a short black skater dress, a pair of high tops Vans with her curls tucked behind her ears under a black beanie. Amir looked her way and began to talk. 
“Hey, Charlie. What’s up?”
“Hello, Mr. Carter. I am here because I know that Ms. Mitchellson needed help to find some attire for tomorrow and Saturday’s night performance.”
  I walked over. “Yeah, I actually was. Cassidy said you knew how to handle it.”
“That’s why I’m here”, she said with a wink and scrolling through her iPad. “So, tonight’s look we are going for is all about being a boss. We want people to take you as a serious artist as you are now. Hardworking, dedicated and ambitious. So, I put the most perfect look together for such a great artist. I also decided to get a look for Mr. Carter as well.” Amir looked confused and asked “why me? I’m not performing, Charlie?” Charlie smiled “yes, but according to my thorough research, in only a month you’ll will be managing your own successful record company. Not only that, but you are also one of the best new music producers to artists like Synclaire Kyle of Bronx, NY. She is a huge success because of you.” I nudged his arm and he smiled at me. He said, with his arms around me, “so what did you have in mind then, Charlie.” She scrolled through and showed us.
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    “Ms. Mitchellson, you will be in this super sleek business woman short bodysuit with classic plaid stripes, a leather five heel pump and a necklace set, five layered with a gold hoop and gold rings. Bonnie is still situating your make up and hair look.” I looked over the outfit and it was actually really cute. “Looks like something I would wear all the time. It’s really good, Charlie.” She smiled and thanked me. 
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     “And Mr. Carter, you will be in matching suit with Veronica here. Exact print, dark red tie with matching handkerchief, plaid vest, white dress short, gold cuff links and watch, gold studs, and a black leather dress shoe. Since, it look like you already got a hair cut, you look good for this weekend.” Amir cover his mouth with his fist and said “damn, that’s a bad suit, Charlie. Good job.” 
“Thank you. That’s what I get paid for. Now, Gabi, Demi and Jazz will all be in black mid length dresses, hair up in a ponytail and black heels. I will be coming by with your attire, Mr. Carter and Ms. Mitchellson around five o’clock and I will be with Bonnie as well. Be showered and ready by then. See you guys later.” With that she left.
  After rehearsal, my baby and I decided to go ahead and hit up Checker’s. After we ate, we sat in my truck watching the rain drop down the window shield. “So, I talked to Monte at FLO. Looks like they throwing a huge party down here for my 28th next month and for AC Records. My artist, Synclaire will be performing down here.” She said “I love Synclaire. She is really talented. My favorite track is ‘1991′. When I heard that beat the first time, I was like ‘daaaamn’. Amari was playing it her car when I first heard about her. Doesn’t Synclaire have like a few nicknames or something like that?” I nodded “yeah, when she first came to the label, she was originally ‘Syn City’ which was the name on her first album but she is basically known as the ‘Bronx Baby Girl’.” V smiled and said “oh, yeah. Didn’t she get signed when she was like 18.?” I nodded. 
“We found her at an underground club in New Jersey called ‘Njay’s’. I actually got her on and did her beats since then.”
“Oh shit. So you did the one for ‘1991′ then?”
“Sure did, first beat I did forher .”
    V looked at me amazed and said “so, the event...is it casual or formal.?” I looked at her then up and down her frame. “Who said YOU was getting an invite.?” I crossed my arms and she looked at me like:
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“Excuse me?” I chuckled and move my arm rest out the way to grab her in my arms. “I messing with you, V. Honestly, everyone might be all dressed up but don’t worry. I know ya girl, Charlie gonna have us covered. But honestly, you can go naked and still look good.” She laughed with her back on my chest. “Really? You want other guys to see me naked?” I thought about it and with a straight face said “yeah. Never mind. I don’t wanna kill no nigga on my special night.” We both laughed and chilled some more watching the rain get lighter. My arms were around her and head on my chest. She rubbed the outside of my hand and got more comfortable. I can possible stay like that for so long and not give a damn.
   We got back to our place to shower together and ready for Charlie and Bonnie to come; sure enough they pulled up as soon as we got out. V went out in a huge shirt and opened the door. I can hear their voices from our bedroom. “Hey, girls. Did you get here okay in the rain?” Bonnie said “yes, geez it is pouring so hard. But we made it alright.?” I heard heels clicking and the voices went to the island of the kitchen. “So, I have your stuff here and Bonnie will get started on your hair”, Charlie said.
“Okay, I washed my hair and everything to make it easy for you, Bonnie.” 
“Thank you so much. Do you know how hard and consuming it is to do one’s hair when it is not prepared? Hours on in. But that’s just the life I have.”
   I threw on a wife beater and my grey sweats to walked and chill with them for awhile. “Hey, y’all.” Charlie said “hello, Mr. Carter. Here is your outfit for the night. Everything you need is there.” 
“Coo, when should I get ready?”
“Whenever is fine but probably safe to wait until Ms. Mitchellson’s make up is done.”
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  I sat in the chair at the island, waiting for Bonnie. She wrapped a cape around my neck as The Weeknd played in the background, running her hands in my hair. “Okay, Veronica. You have beautiful hair. Long, thick and full. Have you ever put heat in your hair.?” 
“Hm, not since prom.”
   She nodded and said “that’s fine. For tonight’s look, you will be rockin’ bone straight hair with a middle part. You also need a trim, about two inches. We want you hair to keep growing. For your make up, we are gonna do a dark eye and a bold red lip. Lets get started.” She started to sections my hair and ran the iron slowly through about 3-4 times on each row. Amir sat at the dining room table on his Mac Book and watched with a smile every once in a while. Charlie started to paint my nails a super dark black and placing my rings on after they dried.The heat of the flat iron kissed the nape of my neck. A hour and thirty minutes later, she began to trim the ends and I watched as the pieces fell to the ground. Bonnie stood in front to perfect my part. 
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“Girl, you got the magic touch”, Charlie said as she smiled with her hands in the mom jeans she wore. “Thank you” Bonnie said as she started to run a comb through my hair and spray a little hair spritz on. When she stood to the side, I had a clear view of Amir. He stood with his Mac Book under his arm closed and a look that I saw a look that I loved on his face; shock. “Whoa, Bonnie you did a- uh- a great job”, he said has he slowly walked to stand in front of me. I looked at him as he reached his hand under my chin. “You look good, baby.” He grabbed kissed the side of my temple and caressed my chin. He stood up straight and grabbed his bag. “If you ladies need me, I’ll be gettin’ ready.” He winked at me and went to the back. Bonnie and Charlie both looked at me, giving big smiles. “They don’t make men like that no more”, Bonnie said and we all nodded in agreement. “Let’s get this face beat.”
I was dressed in every thing but my coat and bored outta my mind so I decided to go to the studio and play around until they was ready. I sat at the piano and began playing the familiar sound that was close to my heart. I closed my eyes as I felt every key hit my fingertips. I started to think about Veronica, just starting to say stuff to myself. “It's the sunrise. And those brown eyes yes. You're the one that I desire. When we wake up. And then we make love. It makes me feel so nice.”  I smiled the kept going as I felt the flow of it. “You're my water when I'm stuck in the desert. You're the Tylenol I take when my head hurts. You're the sunshine on my life.” I opened my eyes while I continued and looked to the left to see Bonnie. “That’s beautiful, Amir.” 
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       I stood and straightened out my clothes. “Thank you, Bonnie. Is she ready?” She nodded and I followed behind to see Veronica. She looked amazin’. Her outfit fit her well, legs looked good enough to eat and her face was incredible but honestly I liked how she looked always. Charlie was finishing it up and talking to V. “So, then I just decided to do track. Running up and down that court was no joke.” V gave that warm smiling after her story to Charlie. Charlie laughed and said “giiirl, who you tellin’? You just got be like ‘nah, I’m good.’ “ They both laughed then she saw me with my hands in my pockets. “Hi, Amir.” 
“Hey, V.” We both smiled at each other. “Good job, Charlie. We do look good” I said as I walked up to them with Bonnie following behind. “Thank you, Mr. Carter. Well, we will meet you both at Cassidy’s studio tomorrow at practice to discuss what I have in mind for tomorrow night. Good luck tonight, Ms. Mitchellson. We won’t be able to attend because we need all the sleep we can tonight.” With that, they left with their stuff, V locked the door and looked back at me. 
   “You ready, baby”, she asked while holding her hand out. I put my jacket, helped her in a trench coat, grabbed an umbrella before stepping out side; I had the umbrella over her head and mine as we got to the car. We soon arrived and our families were there; waiting. Teresa looked at us and said “well, look at tis. Lookin’ good.”  She kissed our cheeks and Ahmad shook my hand. “Y’all good man. That’s a bad ass suit, dawg.” V smiled and said “well. I gotta get backstage to get ready. I’ll see y’all afterwards.” She kissed my cheek and made her way back. 
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    I made my way back and felt something grab my hand; it was Brandon. He was dressed in an all black suit looking like he was getting ready for a funeral. “Brandon, what are you doin’ here?” He looked me in the eyes. “I actually heard about you being here. One of the younger kids on my campaign was talking about it and I overheard.” I held my head up and said “well enjoy the show then” but before I can get away from him, his grip got tighter. 
“I miss you, Veronica. I miss- I miss us.”
“Well, keep missin’ us den. I already forgave you a couple weeks ago back at the church. So let me go if you wanna walk away alive.”
  He got closer and I felt my other fist ball up; I can smell that hot scent of gin on his breath. “Veronica, was that a threat?” I yanked my arm and pushed him. I heard Gabi comin’ down the hall as I walked away towards her. She had a big smile until she saw me marching to her. “Hi, V. I was just lookin’ for you. Are you okay? What’s going on?” I looked behind me and he was gone; I looked back at Gabi who had worried eyes as I smiled to calm her down. “I’m fine, G. Let’s go get ready. You look good by the way, girl.” We turned the corner but I kept my eyes behind us. 
    The announcer stood on stage to introduce us. “Hello, every one and good evening. Welcome to Santino’s. Tonight, we have a special treat. She was actually here last Friday night, the friday before that and by popular demand, she is back. Welcome, Veronica Mitchellson.” The girls took their places and I walked on stage as people cheered me on. I shook the announcer’s hand before she left. “Good evening, everyone. Are y’all ready?” Everyone cheered, I looked to Amir when he gave me wink and clap then I looked to the front row and saw Brandon. I put on my poker face as the MC played “Jungle”. My hips swayed side to side as I began.
“These days, I'm letting God handle all things above me The things I can't change are the reasons you love me Listen, you can hear them calling my name I'm all over the place, I can't sit in one place I'm not ashamed at all Still findin' myself, let alone a soulmate, I'm just sayin' Feel like we one in the same, our relationship changed That or it never existed Whenever they say somethin' bout us you listen But fuck what they talkin' about on your timeline That's cuttin' all into my time with you Forget what they talkin' about on your timeline, yeah Cause that's cuttin' all into my time with you My time with you, my”
    I looked towards my group and they were all dancing with their significant others even Jerry and... Dena. Ok, I need some details on that. I thought to myself as I smiled and gave them a thumbs up. 
“He said you're my everything I love you through everything, I done did everything to him He forgave me for everything, this a forever thing Hate that I treat it like it's a whatever thing Trust me, boy, this shit is everything to me He from the jungle, he from the jungle I take somebody else's car, drive there undercover This shit is everything to me, this here is everything Don't know where we stand, I used to hit you 'bout everything Are we still good? Are we still good? Are we still good? Are we still good? If I need to talk are you around? Are you down for the cause? Are you down? Are you down? Are you down? Are you down for the cause? Are you down? Are you down? Are you down? Are you down for the cause? You still down? You still down? You still down?”
   I looked into the rest of the audience and they were loving it. I was so happy until I saw Brandon watching with hunger eyes and sipping from his cup. My poker face came back and I slowly close eyes and opened towards Amir. 
“These days these new girls, they got me nervous They go to school and do bottle service They can't decide, they keep switching majors Being indecisive makes me anxious Call your number and it's out of service Who can I call for your information? What am I supposed to do after we done everything that we've done? Who is your replacement? Are we still good? Are we still good? Are we still good? Are we still good?
Rock me real slowly Put a bib on me I'm just like a baby, drooling over you Rock, rock.”
    Every member of the audience cheered and the MC started to play “Every Kind of Way.”  Now, this song is dedicated to an incredible man in my life.” I looked to Brandon then at Amir with my hand towards him. “Mr. Amir Carter.” OOO, girl you petttttyyyy.
“Baby, the sound of you Better than a harmony I want you off my mind And on me Holding me closer than we've ever been before This ain't a dream You're here with me Boy, it don't get no better than you For you, I wanna take my time All night.”
   All the men in our group was shaking his shoulders as they were chuckling. When the were done, he shrugged towards me and laugh. 
“Give you all, give you all of me When you need it 'Cause I need it I wanna fall like your favorite season I'll never get up Stay here forever, babe It don't get no better than this Your kiss
I wanna love you in every kind of way I wanna please you, no matter how long it takes If the world should end tomorrow, then we only have today I'm gonna love you in every kind of way I wanna love you in every kind of way I wanna please you, no matter how long it takes If the world should end tomorrow, then we only have today I'm gonna love you in every kind of way
I wanna love you I gotta love you I wanna love you I gotta love you” 
    I looked at my girls and they all smiled waiting for the cue for the next song.  I looked at Amir and smiled then my eyes fell on Brandon. Seeing his smugness, made my skin move and blood boil. I took a deep breath as I looked to Amir then at him again.
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   Her eyes were throwing daggers at someone but standing in the back I couldn’t see who it was.”This song is for the ones who thought they were the ones playin’ the mind games but guess what.” The MC started playing the beat her new track ‘2′; another song she had freestyle.
“It's cool It's really never been that deep Wasn’t thinking about you 'Cause you didn’t give a fuck about me
Thought I was up in my room Crying myself to sleep I was with a better you While you were busy playing me
I was playing you too I was playing you too”
  She was walking across the stage with just the mic, no stand and singing with a certain attitude. Her eyes keep falling to the her left side. I walked to the bar which was on my right to get a better view. She bent at her knees, looking at everyone at that side.
“Thought I wouldn't find out Thought I didn’t know how to play the game Could’ve screamed at you for hours Instead I was screaming somebody else’s name
There were no rules Now I can do whatever I want I can never lose So it’s funny how you thought you won
But I was playing you too I was playing you too I was playing you too I was playing you too” 
    As soon as the song ended, I looked straight into his soul as he got up and walked out; Brandon was testing my kindness. She bowed with the girls and left to the back. I walked up behind her and she swung around scared. “V, it’s just me. Did he try talkin’ to you?” She nodded and said “yeah. Said he missed us but I promise I didn't’ acknowledge him.” I rubbed her shoulder and said “did he touch you?” She was quiet until she pointed to her wrist. I told her “get your coat” and once she came back we made our way back to the car across the street in the parking garage. Luckily, the rain had let up, stopping completely. Bipolar ass weather. We reached the car, I helped her in until I heard Ahmad and Aaron. “What the fuck you doing here?!”
    I saw Brandon standing behind our car. She looked up at me, I threw my coat in her lap, kissed her and said “stay in here”. I closed her door and put my hand in my pockets on my way to Brandon. “You are really testing my patience, nigga. What you want?” He looked at me and said “I want Veronica back.” Amari said “my sister isn’t going in anywhere with you, batty man.” Amaya said “leave her alone.” Brandon said “aye light skin, tell these dumb bitches to shut up.” I can see Rock’s face turned dark red as he yelled “what the fuck you said you bitch ass nigga?!” Amaya had to hold him back. “Don’t trip, babe. He got it.” I looked at Rock and nodded then at Amari then asked “is V still in the car?” Brianna said “yes, I’m watching her”; good thing our folks were gone.
 “V, ain’t going no where especially with you. She  happy and got some shit going for her self and don’t need no pussy ass nigga in her life. Don’t make my south side come out.” He looked me up and down saying “so, I noticed you two matched tonight. How cute. Does that mean y’all fucking now.” I chuckled and said “unlike you, patna. I’m a gentleman and I don’t kiss and tell.”
“Well, don’t forget. I hit it first.”
“First of all, you ‘hit it first’ by force and second, the first ain’t always the best.” 
   I got closer to his face until I heard a car door open and arms wrapping around my stomach. “I told you to stay in the car, babe.” Her heels began clicking against the pavement as she stood in front of me with her hand on my back. “I know. I’m a Taurus, remember? We stubborn.” That made me grin but I wasn’t letting my eyes off him. She said “come on, Amir. It ain’t worth it.” I looked down at her as I rubbed her back. Jerry with Dena in his arms said “come on, y’all. This nigga mad ‘cause he losing the polls. Let’s get up outta here and get some food. I’m starving like Marvin”. We all chuckled like Brandon wasn’t even there anymore. As we were about to get in the car, he said with a slight grin:
   “So, how much for the night?” V and I stopped and looked at each other like:
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   I looked at her and asked “what the fuck did he just say?” We both closed our doors at the same time and walked back to stand directly in front of him with our hands together. “What the fuck you just say, bitch?” I asked and saw him reach his hand out towards V. “How much for a night? I wanna hear her scream and watch her cry again.” He dug in his pocket and counted “One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Five dollars for the night.” He threw the money in her face but she didn’t flinch; she just let my hand go. I can feel my blood boil and I wanted to end this nigga’s life. I looked down at her but her eyes were still on him, talking to me. “Amir, don’t be too rough, baby.” With that, I punched the nigga dead in his jaw; spit and blood flying. I mean, I was giving it to this nigga. He got up trying to swing but I ain’t having that. I heard foot steps but V said “nah, y’all! He got it.”
    I was punching this nigga out on the concrete while holding onto the collar of his shirt. I was about to get one more punch in until I saw V’s hand on mine. “That’s enough, Amir.” I dropped him on his knees and saw the swelling on his face appear. I stood up straight and straightened my suit out. I took her hand in my mine until she turned back to Brandon watching him get up. Before he did though, she gave him a nice right hook to his jaw and he fell again. She knelt down over his body. “That was for calling my sisters dumb bitches, wasteman.” She stood up straight and said “Ahmad do me a favor and call your boys at the police station. Tell them that this man was attacking an innocent woman but she got away after she protected herself. If they need me, give them my number.” He nodded and pulled out his phone.
  We all got in our rides and met up at a nearby dinner for some late night food. She sat next to me and asked the waitress for two ziploc baggies of ice. She did so and when the waitress came back, V took the bags as she thanked her, flattened my hands out on the table and placed the bags on them. “Y’know, Amir. We could've walked away but he did had it coming. Thank you, baby.” She kissed my cheek and held my straw to my mouth so I can drink my soda. “You’re welcome, V. You know I got your back.” I kissed her on the lips and she lied her head on my shoulder while we watched people eat.
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thearcaneescape · 6 years
Chapter 3
Waking up to the smell of bacon and the barking of dogs was both reassuring and haunting. He shot up from the bed, hair flopping all around, but a quick scan of his surroundings made him calm down.
“What time is it?” He groaned his way out of bed, dragging his feet to the boxes to pull on a pair of pajama trousers and a new shirt. A knock to the door made him jump slightly.
“Are you decent?” Jin’s voice was a little muffled by the door, but still melodious as all hell. A shrill bark accompanied the question, followed by a hushed reprimand from Jin. “Breakfast is ready.”
Hoseok groaned once more, stretching in such a way that his back cracked in one fell swoop before opening the door with a sleepy smile. “Mornin’.”
Jin’s smile was bright and wide awake, and a small grey ball of fluff was jumping up at Hoseok, tongue out and tail wagging. “Good morning. This is Odeng, and Eomuk is with Joon in the kitchen.” Hoseok followed Jin to the kitchen, blinking rapidly at the relatively bright sunshine, trying to get his eyes accustomed to the light. When he finally got his eyes to focus, he saw Joon sitting at the table. Joon was dressed in soft pastels, hair tied back in a simple braid, unlike yesterday’s French, pierced ears boasting bigger and thinner hoops and chains, more feminine than the ones yesterday. The open-front pink jumper was draped over a black shirt the Hoseok had seen employees use at FOPP with a nametag on the front saying My name is Joon, with a little washable marker addendum (she/her).
“Good morning! You out-slept all of us.” Joon said, a beaming smile on her face. Another pomeranian was sitting at her stockinged feet, white kneesocks matching the pale cream skirt she was wearing, and the pom was the same grey as Odeng.
“I was kinda tired.” Hoseok mumbled, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to clear them of sleep. “I’m a pretty deep sleeper, too, so I didn’t hear anything.”
“Good, because Joon snores really loudly.” Jin had walked to the stove during Hoseok and Joon’s interaction, a low chuckle escaping the man. “It’s one of the things we have a separate savings account for, surgery for Joon’s bridge.”
Hoseok winced, sitting down in front of Joon. The makeup she was wearing was minimal, lipgloss and a swipe of soft pink on her eyelids, very unlike Jin’s makeup in the club.
“It hasn’t gotten any worse, but it’s annoying.” She shrugged and checked her watch, sighing. “Speaking of annoying, I have to go to work.” With a final drink from the coffee cup in front of her, Joon stood up and walked to Jin, giving him a kiss on the cheek and waving goodbye to Hoseok, who waved back. “I’ll see you at the bar, Jinnie.”
“I’ll bring your uniform.”
The door clicked closed and Hoseok looked at Jin plating a generous but smaller portion of scrambled eggs on toast, bringing it to Hoseok alongside a cup of coffee.
“Do you want to come to the bar again tonight? Have a cute time with the brats? I’m pretty sure Jimin wants to do your face.” Jin chuckled, sitting down across from Hoseok.
“Oh, wow. You know, I’d let him. And, yeah, that’d be nice.” He took a sip from his coffee, licking his teeth. “I’m actually surprised that I’d never really heard about the club until yesterday.”
Jin let out a deep sigh, rubbing his chin slowly. “It’s not the biggest club in Soho, and to be honest it barely is a club, it’s more like a speakeasy. We’re in absolutely desperate need of exposure and staff. Kook is our only bartender.”
Hoseok choked on the mouthful of honestly absolutely delicious scrambled eggs. Only one bartender? Were they that desperate, and with such good ideas? “Wait, seriously?”
Jin nodded, fiddling around with the cup that Joon had left behind. It was heavily chipped and small cracks could be seen on the surface. “Yeah, we’ve lost some of the girls and even with Tae and Jimin still here, they bring in a good crowd, Sugar is barely scraping by with this club. The burlesque makes good money, but whenever we try to diversify with a more relaxed evening, it just doesn’t work that well.”
Hoseok swallowed his mouthful with difficulty, an unusual feeling of worry settling into his belly. Something about Jin’s solemn and melancholy expression was heartwrenching. From what he’d told Hoseok last night, Sugar’s bar was his home, and everyone there was family. Losing it would mean losing passion and some extra money to put into Joon’s surgery and money to be able to keep the dogs well-fed.
“I’ve been looking for an extra job. I was a waiter during Uni, Jungkook could teach me how to bartend.” Hoseok rasped out, nervous energy thrumming through his veins.
Jin’s eyes widened, and he let out a soft sound, of what, Hoseok wasn’t sure. “Oh, you don’t have to do that-”
“But I want to. I need more money anyway, and if I’m staying here indefinitely I should help with the rent, at least until I can get back on my feet, and the bar is such a welcoming environment.” Hoseok was hovering a couple of centimeters from his seat, hands pressed against the wooden tabletop. He fell back into the chair, some of the energy leaving him after the outburst. Jin let out a soft laugh, and he ran a hand through his hair.
“Oh, alright. Sugar is gonna be at the bar, he always is. He gets ready with us.” Jin swirled around his coffee in the cup, a soft smile on his pink lips. “Who knows, maybe he’d even rope you in to performing with us.”
Walking into the bar before it even opened was a new experience. House lights were on, and now Hoseok could see how run-down the place actually looked. There were cracks in the ceiling and the bar was irreparably stained.
Jin looked at him and sighed, pulling the duffel bag with his and Joon’s clothes for tonight higher up on his shoulder. “Oh, yeah. It’s a bit worse for wear, but, it’s home.”
“Ain’t that true!”
Hoseok whirled around to give Jimin a wide smile, making the younger smile even wider than he already was, eyes turning into slits.
“Did Jin tell you I want to do your face?”
Hoseok nodded, rubbing the back of his neck slowly. “Ah, yeah, he did.” He tried to avoid looking into the big, wide puppy-dog eyes that Jimin was giving him, but the power they held was palpable and he caved almost immediately. “Alright, sure. Do the whole shebang.”
Jimin squealed and grabbed Hoseok’s hand, dragging him and a duffel bag bigger than himself to the dressing rooms, where Taehyung was already half-painted.
“Judging by how my boyfriend is quite literally vibrating in excitement, you agreed to letting him paint your face?” Taehyung turned to look at them, hair pushed back with a hairband and lines of unblended and half-blended, black and white contour and highlight on his face, eyes already made up with glittering silver eyeshadow and a modest cat eye. The dress on the mannequin behind him was even more extravagant than yesterday’s, silver satin cinched tight around the mannequin, the dropped waist turning into a short train at the back. The mannequin head sported a pinned silver-grey wig that matched Taehyung’s natural hair.
“He said “the whole shebang”, which is awesome, because I already have the perfect outfit for him!” Jimin pushed Hoseok to sit down before rummaging around in the gigantic duffel and pulling out his own outfit for the night. It was a cream-colored strapless bustier bra with a matching corset with various fake flowers on the edge of it to make a tutu of various colours. The bra and the corset had gold ribbing criss-crossing them, adding to the fantasy. The outfit that was pulled out next was a more direct homage to Victor/Victoria, with a sprinkling of Dita Von Teese. The mannequin next to Taehyung’s was immediately dressed up, white sleeveless button-up under a black bolero-cut swallow-tail tux jacket, and a high-waisted swing skirt that would fall to the knees.
“The lingerie comes after!”
Hoseok had his hands pressed on his cheeks, excitement running through his body. He’d actually let an artist friend of his do him up for Halloween, and even then the clothes had been very ill-fitting. Jimin stood next to him, makeup bag placed on the table in front of Hoseok, and a big shining smile on his face.
“Are you ready?”
Hoseok nodded, and settled into the seat, helping Jimin put a headband on his hairline to keep his overgrown bangs out of his face. Immediately after that, the door crashed open and a very tall someone made their way into the room.
“Oh, hi, Sugar!” Taehyung crowed, not even looking over at who Hoseok now knew was Sugar. Hoseok, on the other hand, turned his head to look at the man. He was tall, taller than even Joon, with a sharp jaw and nose, high cheekbones and black hair cut into an undercut not unlike Joon’s. He was imposing and intimidating, having shrugged off his jacket to reveal a low-cut black tank top and multiple colourful tattoos that went all the way to his fingertips, multiple scrapes and bruises on his face and knuckles. There was even some blood dripping from his palms
“Who’s the new guy?” Sugar’s voice was rough and sleepy, like he’d smoked ten packs of cigarettes before he’d walked into the bar.
“This is Hoseok! He’s letting me make him up for tonight.” Jimin aimed one of his signature smiles at the sleepy-and-disgruntled-looking Sugar, making the taller man smile.
“Is that the outfit you’re putting him in? What colors are you going for with the face?” Sugar sat down languidly on the chair next to Hoseok, his own makeup bag being thrown on the table.
“I was thinking of a red eye and lip with black liner? Keep it simple.” Jimin had tugged his own hair back into a half-pony. Sugar nodded, reaching out slowly with an impeccably manicured hand, fake acrylic nails sharp black with silver studs.
“May I?”
When Hoseok nodded, Sugar cradled his face gently, turning it side to side curiously before humming softly. “You have great bone structure there, mate. Jimin’ll have a blast doing your face.” He said, a soft smile on his face before he turned to look at his own mirror.
There was a moment of silence while Jimin prepped Hoseok’s face, gently massaging his skin with moisturiser. The door opened once more and Jin walked in, a tired and splotchy-faced Joon behind him.
“Heya, Sugar.” Jin’s voice was barely a whisper, and that made the taller Sugar stand up. He outstretched his arms towards Joon, who was very visibly shaken, and she fell into his arms with a shudder.
“Come on. Let’s go to my office.”
The silence that followed was more tense than ever, with Jimin chewing his lower lip nervously and Taehyung standing up to hug his boyfriend.
“What was that?”
Jimin sighed heavily, shaking his head. “We get some people who harrass Joonie. Before, Joonie wouldn’t tell us it was happening, but Sugar saw it happening once and that was one of the worst days we’ve ever had here.”
“Yeah, he walked in completely bloodied up and we had to close the bar for the evening.” Taehyung said, a frown on his face as he recounted that evening. “Joon was fine, but Sugar was out of commision for almost 5 months, and with how the bar’s been doing, he and his partner had to pay out of pocket for the surgery and the recovery.”
Hoseok swallowed with difficulty, pain settling behind his sternum. It was ludicrous, what he was hearing. This was Soho, for crying out loud. Wouldn’t there be more solidarity for people like Joon? Apparently not. Jimin patted Taehyung’s shoulder, prompting him to go back to finishing up, clearing his throat as he picked up the bottle of foundation from his makeup bag.
“I think we’re going to need a new waiter. Joon is a bit out of it tonight, she needs an isolated space.” Sugar had walked back into the dressing room, running a hand through his hair. “We need new staff in general.” He muttered, looking up at the three pairs of wide eyes looking at him. His dark eyes landed on Hoseok’s face, and he raised an eyebrow. “Do you have any experience as a waiter?”
Hoseok nodded, and something in him knew that today wouldn’t be the only day he’d see blood in the dressing room.
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