abluescarfonwaston · 4 years
Did someone ask for a quick and angsty immortal jaskier prompt? "It was supposed to be the music," he whispered, voice breaking. Heart breaking. "The songs. I wanted my songs to be remembered forever. I never wanted this."
Why would you do this to me anon. i’m already crying over the fact dandelion outlives everyone he loves. Major Character Death Warning. Obviously. Literally everyone dies. Uuuh also this kinda turns into Lambert/Jaskier at the end but like. They’re both Centuries old so nothing Happens.
When the wasting sickness swept through Lettenhove it killed his Mother and his Father and his Sisters and left him untouched. 
He was ten and the world was over. Except he kept waking up in the morning.
At thirteen a girl at Oxenfurt, Essi Daven, played her Lute in the commons and sang and had the most beautiful cornflower blue eyes. And for the first time in years he sang a duet with her and suddenly he was a bard and he had a little sister again. 
Maybe the world hadn’t ended. Maybe it finally restart.
At seventeen he met a man with white hair and seemly as many scars on his body as his heart and fell in love. Because Bards fell in love easily and he was impossibly easy to love.
The witcher plead for his life. Plead for them to let the bard go.
“No. Both of us or neither.” He was done outliving those he loved. At seventeen he was already done with that. “You kill him and let me go and i’ll destroy your mountain. Kill every last one of you in revenge.”
He’d leave behind a song. The one he’d written as a child and had swept the town more devastating than even the scarlet fever had been. It would live on past him. He would be remembered. The people he loved would be too. Toss a coin to your Witcher. The people he loved immortalized in song.
It wasn’t supposed to make him immortal.
“Give it a rest Jaskier.” Danity snapped. “It’s not you that has to be afraid of anything. No one ever touches a troubadour. For unfathomable reasons you’re inviolable.”
He’d still feared then. Chappelle could have had him killed. He was pretty sure he could die. Mostly he feared the pain. Or dying alone.
“When an old woman gets tired of life she walks into the woods without a weapon. The results are guaranteed.” He’d told Geralt when he’d moaned about how the world was changing and -more importantly- that he had no work.
Remember how I don’t even carry a knife when I follow you out on an adventure? No weapons at all. Ever. Just me and my lute.
He’d brushed death. A thousand times he’d almost met her. He followed Geralt- who was prophesied to always have death follow after him. You’d think at some point they’d meet.
Essi and Geralt fell in love on the coast. He wrote a ballad for them. About how their love was so powerful not even death could come between them.
He never played it. Not to anyone. He didn’t think it was actually about Essi and Geralt.
When rash appeared on Essi’s face in Vizima during the quarantine his hands shook.
“Not her.” He’d screamed at the gods. They didn’t exist of course. If they had then they’d abandoned them all long ago. “Not her.”
“Jaskier?” She shivered violently. “I don’t want to be burned.”
“You won’t be. You’re going to be fine.” He promised. Clutching her hand. “Promise Poppet. You’re going to be fine.”
The cremation fires blazed outside.
“I want to be buried in the woods. With my lute and-” She hurled mostly into the bucket. “My necklace. Please Jaskier.”
“Course Poppet. When you’re old and grey I will bury you out in the forest.”
“Thank you.” She clutched the little pearl. “For giving me him. I love him.”
“I never saw him happier than when he was with you Poppet.”
“What about when he was with you?”
“Oh come now.” He shifted her in his arms and moved the bucket a little further away. “You know me. I’m insufferable.”
“I love you Jaskier.” She cried as she shivered with less and less energy.
“I love you too Poppet.”
He carried her from the city. Into the forest. Her heart stopped beating before they arrived. He dug her grave and buried her with her lute and her pearl necklace.
With the pearl he’d given to her as a birthday gift. From him and Geralt.
When Regis passed it felt absurd. Humans weren’t supposed to outlive goddamn vampires in their fifth fucking century.
And then there was Geralt. Died in Yennefer’s arms along with her.
“It was supposed to be me.” He told no one as Ciri led their bodies out to the lake. “I was supposed to die with him.” Love so great not even death can part us.
But the story was never really about him was it?
Nenneke had a garden full of plants that grew under a crystal skylight. They didn’t grow anywhere else in the world anymore.
He’d asked Geralt about it. She’d said something about the sun and how it was changing. Apparently Geralt had asked why they all didn’t live under crystal skylights then, if it was so deadly.
“It’s already too late for us.” She’d said.
She talked liked the world was ending but the world ended all the time. And he still woke up in the morning.
Zoltan’s beard turned grey. He supposed he should have been thankful that Zoltan got to turn grey. It was better than most of the people he’d loved.
“How’s your fucking hair still Gold. You’re supposed to be getting old too!”
“I dye it.” He lied with a roll of the eyes. He’d stopped dying it years ago.
That winter he buried Zoltan too.
Golden eyes stared at him in confusion. “You look just like.” He started. His thin hair was grey. His wolf medallion gleamed in the sunlight that streaked into the bar.
“You’re one of the last Witchers i think.” He told him as the waves crashed outside. “Might even be the last.”
“Fucking hope so.” He sat down across from him and stole his beer. “Shitty job and a shitty life.” He squinted at him- which Jaskier knew was entirely unnecessary. He just forgotten to adjust his eyes. “What’s your name bard?”
“Dandelion.” He answered. It had been for the last century. “Yours?”
“Lambert.” He downed the drink. “You really think i’m the last? That worth a song? One of my brothers had a lot of songs.”
“Yes I suppose he did.” He waved for another drink. “And look what it got him.”
“Died surrounded by people who loved him.”
“Are you sure you know what a pogrom is?”
That got him a sharp toothy grin.
“I could write you a song but-” He was tired of burying people he loved.
“I’m cursed you see.” It was definitely a curse these days. “I’ll live until the last of my songs is forgotten. I really don’t need anymore material.”
Lambert leaned forward curiously. “Doesn’t sound like a curse.”
“You don’t think it sounds like a curse?” He sneered. Lambert’s face faltered. “To outlive everyone you love?”
Lambert paused. Thinking. “Write me a song then. Play it just for me. So if my song’s the last we’ll go together.”
“And what’s my payment for this song?”
“Company.” Lambert’s grey eyes glittered. “You look like you need it.”
“Not as much as you. I bet you talk to your horse.”
“Well i know you do pretty boy. Heard you in the stable.”
He leaned back on the bench. “So what’s a Witcher do in a world without monsters?”
He shrugged. “Fish mostly.”
“I can do that. Once almost snagged a catfish the size of you. Got a djinn instead. Very bad deal honestly.”
“You expect me to believe that? I know about Bards and Ballads and how you’re all rotten liars.”
“Don’t forget about fisherman and their tales.”
The boat leaked worse than an old drunkard but it was small enough and the lake calm enough that it didn’t make him sick.
“I could just kill you. Curse probably can’t fix decapitation.” Lambert offered with his stick in the water. He claimed were bombs they could use instead if they got desperate. Or bored.
He smiled and shook his head. “Give it a try.”
Lambert raised an eyebrow but pulled a silver blade from it’s sheath.
His pole reeled and the boat tilted to the side, plunging him and the sword into the water.
He laughed as the attempted to drag the monstrous fish to the boat. Lambert cursed and climbed in. Yanking at the rod until the line snapped and they fell back into the boat in a painful pile. Laughing.
He didn’t remember the last time he’d laughed.
“Sing me a song bard.” Lambert would request from under his floppy sun brimmed hat. “No else up here but me.”
“There’s an entire stone keep on the hill.”
“No ones lived there in centuries. No one can hear you up here but me.”
He frowned at the ruins on the hill. Lambert kicked him.
He grinned and for the first time in decades - sang.
Maybe. Maybe the world hadn’t ended. Maybe it had finally restart.
“What was this place called?” He asked as they wandered through the crumbled ruin, covered in moss and ivy.
“Kaer Morhen.” He said like the words hurt him.
They hurt him too. He laughed.
He laughed some more.
He couldn’t stop laughing until Lambert smacked him hard enough to see stars.
“I never got to come here. Geralt.” He caught the flinch but moved past it. “Never trusted me enough to even let me know which country it was in.”
“So you were his bard.”
He nodded as Lambert kicked a stone apart. “He was right not to tell me of course. But.” It still hurt that his best friend hadn’t trusted him with his home. He’d taken Yennefer here. But not him. Never him.
He didn’t deserve Geralt’s trust. A thief, a liar, a spy, a bard. It still hurt.
“Well a wolf finally took you here. Is it everything you fucking dreamed?”
He took it in. “Nah. It’s rubbish.”
Lambert smirked. “Yeah. At least that hasn’t changed.”
“You’re hairs getting grey bard.”
“What?” He nearly leaped into the water in his haste to look.
Grey strands streaked his beard.
“Thank you.” He cried. “Thank you.”
“Still owe me that song Dandy.”
He wrote Lambert a lot of songs. Performed for an audience of one.
“Are you really okay with the fact no one will ever hear them? I mean what’s the point in being immortalized in song if-”
“Yeah. Didn’t give a shit about the songs.”
“Hey!” He protested. Kicking him where he lounged in front of the fire. “They’re good songs!”
He grunted in fake pain. Wiggled out of range. “Did Geralt ever tell you why he liked having you around?”
“My charming personality I assume.”
Lambert snorted.
He sat down on the floor and poke him. “Don’t fall asleep. Tell me why you think he did.”
“No one tells Witchers bedtime stories.”
“Oh.” Lambert was halfway to sleep already. “Would you like one?”
“What you think happens after?” They were huddled together. Old and grey as a storm raged outside. “We die.”
“I gave up on gods when i was a child.”
“So did i.”
“Then.” He paused. Listened to the howl. “Whatever’s next at least neither of us is going alone.”
Lambert squeezed his bony hand. “What’s the chance we see them again?”
“Hm.” He pretended to consider. “Well we’re definitely going to hell so-”
“Like anyone we gave a shit about wouldn’t be.”
He closed his golden eyes. “Hey Dandy.”
“Sing me out.”
“It’d be my pleasure.”
And quite singing filled the drafty cabin until the song stopped.
The world ended.
And at long last no one woke up in the morning.
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