#also I don’t know what happened with the style change between sword and shovel it just kinda happened-
multiversal-madness · 2 years
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Mcsm Rehatched Au - an au where Jesse dies as she breaks the command block, but through freeing the ender dragon’s soul trapped inside the block, was able to use the dragon egg as an anchor point to respawn. This however had its side effects, as Jesse turns into an Ender Dragonborn.
Her horns, eye colour and a few other things are dependent on which command tool is crafted. From left to right, up down, it’s pickaxe, sword, axe, hoe and shovel.
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enchantment1385 · 6 years
I was tagged by the lovely @ironbullsmissingeye thanks sweetie! 
Inquisitor’s Name: Faeron Tamlin Lavellan & Nico Ashara Lavellan
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Race / Class / Specialization: Elf 
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Mage/ Rift mage/ Dreamer 
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Warrior / Reaver 
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Gender Identity: Faeron ~ Male - Nico ~ Female
Varric’s Nickname for them?: Faeron - Dreamy - Nico - Firecracker
Short bio: The twins are the only children of Thalion Lavellan, keeper of their clan. Thalion’s clan has freely traded with humans for sometime. However, after the chantry was destroyed in Kirkwall, tension had been slowly building before the inevitable war spilled out over Thedas, involving them by proxy. It’s decided that the twins should go to look into the situation, gather information, and offer help if it is needed. Faeron and Nico are were both brought up believing in the elven gods, and with a strict set of discipline.  Faeron was gifted with magic early in his life, and is a highly skilled mage, however his abilities as a dreamer have left some in his clan distrustful of a magic they do not fully understand.  Nico was an angry child when she developed no signs of magical talent. Her high stealth and ability to adapt quickly in any situation left her parents encouraging her to take up a bow... However, Nico had little patience and quickly took the sword instead. After many years she is now known as the clan’s strongest warrior.     Where one goes, the other will always follow. So, if you love Faeron, better get used to having Nico around, and vice versa!
Initial Card: The twins first card has the same image for both. The card would be black at the bottom fading into green at the top. There would be one of those trees, (sorry i honestly had no idea how to classify it without the picture! Elfy metal tree from the crossroads or old temples?!?)
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in gold, and the twins silhouettes in a purple (Twins clan colour).  
Loyalty: After the twins loyalty mission, depending on the actions taken, the twins will either; Receive their own individual companion cards.  Or  Leave the inquisition for good.  In this case, the image will change slightly, the scene will appear darker, with all the leaves being stripped from the tree, and the branches alit with veilfire. Faeron’s silhouette would be kneeling in distress, while Nico will have her sword drawn with her other hand on her brother’s shoulder. The cards will be grayed out, and unable to be selected.  
Faeron ~ Faeron’s card would show him close-up so you could only see from his torso to his nose, he would be hanging upside down with his legs wrapped around a tree branch with a huge smile on his face. A few strands of his hair would be trailing  up his face and he would be glowing a soft silvery colour.
Nico ~ Nico would be hunched over a map laid out on a table, her sword would also be on the table, covering the far off areas (we don’t get to visit) she would be ever so slightly smirking as she pushed her brother’s face out of the scene.
Romanced: Faeron ~ What is it they say? A picture is worth a 1000 words? Well, this is exactly what his romance card would be- just done in the tarot style!
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Nico ~ Nico would be looking over her shoulder, with a bare back except for some material (in purple of course!) gathered around her waist (like she just woke up and sat up in bed),  she would be smiling (YES! It does happen!) as the inquisitors marked hand stroked her hair to one side of the neck. 
Recruitment mission: Double trouble ~ On your return to Haven after your first visit to the storm coast, a cutscene will trigger in which you will meet the twins. If inquisitor is an elf ~ Nico will demand to see her clansmen is ‘safe’ with her own eyes. Faeron will be uncomfortably trying to make the situation less tense and calm his sister’s temper. If inquisitor is any other race ~ The twins will approach the party before reaching the gates, if Cassandra or Blackwall are in the party they will warn the inquisitor to be wary which will trigger a small, somewhat hilarious argument between Nico and said companion, where you can earn friendship points if the inquisitor picks either the heart option or the pleased (thumbs up option). Even if this option is not picked the twins will offer their help in the efforts to fix the hole in the sky.  
Where they would be in Skyhold / Haven: Faeron can be found sat by the fire by Varric in Haven and in the kitchen cooking once you reach skyhold. Nico can be found opposite her brother at Haven and in main hall on a table covered in maps and papers once you reach skyhold.
Personal quests: Twins mission ~ The Halla and the hound War table, ‘We have received word from the twins father, asking for assistance with a local lord who is causing… Trouble’   Advisor Options Leliana ~ I can spare a few of my best scouts. They can move quickly and fully assess the situation. They can also think on their feet if the need arise. Josephine ~ Ah yes. Lord Bran Perrin. He is young and… Disliked by many due to his attitude. Perhaps I can speak with a neighbouring lady I know, who holds a personal grudge? She could threaten a scandal if he does not ‘back off’? Cullen: Sneaking around and noble bickering won’t solve the real problem! Send in a small group to stand guard for a few weeks let this ‘Lord’ 👀 the clan is under inquisition protection! Any action taken against the clan will also be seen as a move against the inquisition and will be treated as such. Whichever action taken you will receive a letter from the lord requesting a meeting. The young arrogant git… I mean lord, offers you a cut of the newly imparted taxes he is now levying and says ‘If they can not provide coin we will have to find more... creative ways of receiving ‘payment.’ The inquisitor can; Side with the twins: Which leads to Nico headbutting the lord and Faeron sending a small lightning bolt shocking the him before the inquisitor forcibly recruits him *Bran can be found shoveling dung at the stables if this option is chosen.  Faeron and Nico both Greatly Approve. Side with Lord Bran: Which ends with Nico telling the inquisitor exactly what he can do with the 💰. Faeron will turn and walk away sadly. Faeron and Nico both Greatly Disapprove This will also have further consequences on returning to Skyhold.   Kill Lord Bran: This option does not have any lasting consequences nor does it offer any boons. Faeron Slightly Approves ~ Nico Approves   The twins personal missions will not trigger unless one is romanced. 
Faeron ~ Chasing the dream(er) If the inquisitor is pursuing a romance with Faeron after a certain point has been met, through banter and mission progression, will appear to become quite withdrawn from the inquisitor and will not be found with Nico, or in his usual spot in skyhold. As such the inquisitor will have to search the grounds and ask the companions if they have seen Faeron. After talking to all the companions and advisers, Faeron can be found in the undercroft sitting alone at the edge overlooking the waterfall, and in some distress. After approaching a cutscene will trigger with Faeron explaining about a mistake made long ago, a mistake that still haunts him (quite literally) to this day, a mistake that almost cost Faeron, Nico and their clan their lives. Faeron was almost killed in this experience and lost control of his magic, killing several men. Faeron still relives the experience in his darkest nightmares, and is terrified that the inquisitor may be drawn into one of these nightmares and think less of him or worse be hurt in the process.  The inquisitor has the choice of - Ending the relationship OR   Kiss Faeron telling him wherever life takes them, it’s now together. 
Nico ~ Loves a Bitch  The inquisitor if pursuing a relationship with Nico has had to sleep with her once before this mission will trigger.  Once the inquisitor has slept with Nico she can be found in the courtyard sparing with Bull. At the end of the sparing the two will briefly flirt.  Nico will appear happy enough but will not bring up the encounter, when asked she will simply reply something along the lines of ‘I assumed that was out of our system, and we simply move on now.’  The inquisitor can leave things as they are OR Can press for more than a one night stand.  If this option is chosen Nico will laugh and say words of ‘love’ are meaningless, if you really want more, you have to best her in combat.  The inquisitor will be forced to ask for help from the others in terms of strategy. (Faeron’s advice is priceless!) One the inquisitor has spoken to all the companions, a rather awesome or hilarious (depending which choice the inquisitor chooses) ‘Battle’ will ensue.  
Approval / Disapproval:
Faeron is pro people, any decision that will benefit an innocent will gain friendship points from him. He is somewhat pro mages but not anti templar. He approves of kind and friendly Inquisitors. Faeron is sweet and flirty. He disapproves of evil inquisitors. Nico is pro inquisition, any decision made that strengthens your army. Recruiting any new companion, gaining resources, or upgrade made on skyhold will gain friendship from her.  Nico is somewhat neutral when it comes to the mages/templars, but does believe in greater freedom for the mages. Nico can be blunt if she dislikes the inquisitor and will appear as somewhat cold until you reach skyhold. She disapproves of evil inquisitors. 
Break down Approval Ratings for Major Missions:
                                  Faeron  ~   Nico If sided with the mages:
-Conscripted mages: Greatly disapproves ~ Disapproves
-Free mages: Greatly Approves ~  Approves
If sided with the Templars:
-Disband the Templars: Disapproves ~ Disapproves
-Ally with the Templars: Slightly Approves ~ Approves
In Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts:
-Celene lives: Greatly Approves ~ Approves
-Celene dies: Greatly Disapproves ~ Disapproves
In Here lies the Abyss
-Grey Wardens join the Inquisition: Approves ~ Greatly Approves
-Grey Wardens banished: Greatly Disapproves ~ Greatly Disapproves
Other (Optional):
-Cole joins:  Approves ~ Slightly Disapproves
-Cole is not allowed to stay: Disapproves ~ Slightly Approves
-Saves the chargers: Greatly Approves ~  Approves -Saves the dreadnought: Greatly Disapproves ~ Disapproves - Drink from the Well: Inquisitor Drinks: Approves ~ Slightly Approves  Romanced Inquisitor Drinks: Slightly Disapproves ~ Approves
Morrigan Drinks: Greatly Disapproves ~  Slightly Disapproves
Are they romanceable? Yes. Both twins are both romanceable by any male inquisitor.  Faeron’s friendship route with a female inquisitor is very much like Dorian’s. Many of the flirt options will still be open.
Can you have sex with them?  Does a bear shit in the woods?  Faeron only if romanced Nico can be a one night stand with no negative consequences or be pursued further into a romance. 
Are they open to polyamory?: Probably not. Faeron is too insecure and Nico is too territorial to share. 
Relationship with the other characters?
                  Faeron   ~     Nico
*Cassandra: Neutral  ~  Friendly  
*Varric: Friendly ~  Neutral
*Solas: Averse/ wary ~ Friendly
*Dorian: Friendly ~ Neutral
*Vivienne: Neutral  ~  Neutral
*Blackwall: Friendly ~  Neutral
*Iron Bull: Friendly ~  Friendly
*Sera: Friendly ~ Averse
*Cole: Friendly ~  Neutral / wary
Others: (optional)
*Leliana: Neutral  ~  Friendly  
*Josephine: Friendly ~  Neutral
*Cullen: Neutral  ~  Friendly  
*Morrigan: Averse ~  Neutral
Side Missions:  Faeron ~ A feast like no other! Faeron is a great cook and has been dying to make use of skyhold’s impressive kitchens since your arrival. And how better than by preparing a feast! However, to make the feast ‘like no other’ you’re going to need to go shopping for some... Odd ingredients. 
Nico ~ Training day There a certain places where one should not tread... At least if you hope to keep all your blood on the inside anyway! Nico has asked to visit some of the more... ‘Perilous’ places to put herself through some serious training! And she’s kindly invited you to come along too... Great.
Special Events: Imprisoned at Redcliffe: How is your Inquisitor holding up in Redcliffe, being slowly infected with red lyrium over the course of a year?
Faeron would be a lot darker than before. Almost as if the darkness inside him he kept locked away with light and laughter, would be breaking through. He would physically shake his head a lot to try and remember himself, and make small quips about how green was never his colour. He would gladly give up his life if it meant saving the inquisitor, and resetting time. 
Nico would just be angry and looking for revenge on those who infected her. A pissed powerhouse of anger. 
At the Winter Palace: Does your Inquisitor enjoy the party, any special events with them at the Palace? Faeron would be enraptured by it all! The pretty-ness of everything. The food and wine! And Dancing OH! He LOVES to dance! His big eyes would be twice the size and shining brightly. He would complain about his suit though, and how daft he feel he looks in it!
Nico would be scheming. Listening, annnnnd probably threatening anyone who mistook her or Faeron as servants. She’d find the whole thing crass.
Both would have a dance scene if romanced. 
In the Fade: Your Inquisitor’s reaction upon entering the Fade? Archdemon’s taunt, and Inquisitor’s response? Epitaph on their grave?
Faeron Upon entering ~ Oh... Balls. And things were going SO well too! Well, apart from the murious wardens thing... and the big dragon..
Archdemon taunt   Shall we let Nicolas out to play Lavellan? He always was much more fun than you. (Evil laugh)   Inquisitor’s response? Alas, you’re not his type. The melting face thing isn’t a good look.
Epitaph on their grave? Faeron died screaming in his sleep.
Nico Upon entering If Faeron is NOT present - I wish Faeron was here... If Faeron is present - This is your stomping ground isn’t it? Gods, you are way more messed up and I realised...    
Archdemon taunt You’ll never be able to protect him forever Nico... Faeron will die, and you will be powerless. Inquisitor’s response? I’d like to see you make those threats again once I smash all your teeth down your throat...
Epitaph on their grave? Nico a weak feeble knifear.    
Other Major Events: Any other major events that happen with them over the course of the main game? Banter: (If Faeron is in a romance with the inquisitor) Nico ~ Faeron, wha… What are you doing? Faeron ~ I think the proper term is ‘Fawning’. *Sighhhhh* Inquisitor ~ What have I told you about being adorable in public, 😍? Faeron ~ *Giggle* Nico ~ I’m going to be 😷… (If Nico is in a romance with the inquisitor) Faeron ~ *Cute noises* Nico ~ Wha-? Heh- What was that noise for?! Faeron ~ I’m just.. I’m so -. You two, It’s just so-.. *snuff snuff* Nico ~ … Faeron? Are… You 😭? Faeron ~ … *Sob*. Nooo…. Maybe. Cole (if present) ~ He is happy. He likes 👀 you both 😁. It makes him 😁 too. Sera (if present) ~ *laughs* You soppy tit! Dorian (if present) ~ Now that is precious. Varric (if present) *chuckling* Come here dreamy! There there. You are way too soft for this 💩. 
Okay... That.. that was a LOT! (Sorry!)  Tagging @heraldofwho @keeperscompanionsdai @dreadhobo @kagetsukai @john-cousland @gugle1980  @dinah-myles @tessa1972 No pressure as always guys!!
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Characters I’d Like To See In Smash Bros
With hints of Smash Bros eventually coming to Switch, there will, of course, likely be some new characters if/when that does eventually happen. That’s what this is about. Now, keep in mind that I’m not exactly holding breath on any of this actually becoming a thing, and I won’t be going over most commonly talked-about ones like Shantae, King K Rool or Shovel Knight, though I would love to see at least one (if not all three) of them make it into the game.
Anyways, let’s get this started...
Dark Matter - Kirby Series
Okay so...I know a lot of people want Bandanna Dee, and I have absolutely nothing against that. However, Smash needs more outright villains, and Dark Matter is one of the few recurring villains in the Kirby series aside from King Dedede...and even then, Dedede is more of an antihero than an actual villain.
But I digress.
In any case, I’m admittedly a little biased here, because the so-called Dark Matter Trilogy (Kirky’s Dream Land 2, Kirby’s Dream Land 3 and Kirby 64 for those who don’t know) are easily my favorite games in the series; Kirby 64 especially, what with the ability to mix powers.
Anyway, gameplay-wise, Dark Matter will be in his “Swordsman Form” by default. And to those you I can already hear bitching and moaning about “WAH ANOTHER SWORD FIGHTER”, all I have to say is “screw you swords are cool”. That said, he’d be similar to Robin, in that he’s not purely a melee fighter.
He’d act like a combination of Meta Knight and Jigglypuff; quick, precise sword attacks for his A attacks that can quickly add up to a lot of damage, but he’d also be a bit floaty and easy to knock around. For his special, here’s what I’m picturing;
B - A chargeable attack similar to Robin’s neutral Special. He forms an orb of energy at the tip of his sword, which gets progressively larger as its formed; when the button is pressed again, he launches it. If fully charged, it changes to a black lightning bolt that travels across the screen. Like Thoron, it comes out fast and hits hard, but the charging makes it easy to predict.
Up+B - a simple rising slash attack similar to Cloud’s Braver or Marth’s Dolphin Slash. It would be a bit slower-moving however. It wouldn’t do much damage if it hits, but goes up fairly high, making it a simple-yet-reliable recovery move so long as you don’t get knocked too far away from the stage. Depending on the input once the move is activated, it can either go straight upwards or diagonally in either direction.
Side+B - Another projectile from his sword, this time a series of three light sword beams. They don’t do a lot of damage and there’s no knockback if they hit (similar to Fox’s Blaster). But they’re extremely fast, and the damage can add up very quickly if one isn’t careful.
Down+B - Dark Matter summons four orange orbs which circle around him similar to Mega Man’s Leaf Shield. They damage anyone they touch, and will block most projectiles. Additionally, inputting the command while they’re already out will allow you to launch the orbs one by one. They explode on contact with someone/something, making it possible to catch other opponents in the blast even if they aren’t directly hit by it. 
Final Smash: At first, I was picturing him summoning 0 and having it rain blood projectiles onto the field PK Starstorm-style. But after thinking about it, I decided on a Super Sonic/Mega Evolution-type transformation instead feeling as thought it would do him more justice.
Basically, he reverts to his “True Form”, trading all of his sword-based A attacks for a simple but powerful ramming attack. He can also fly around freely. In addition, while in this form, all of his specials get a buff of some kind.
His neutral B will always be the black lightning bolt without needing to charge it.
His Side+B packs more of a punch (actually having knockback if it hits) and he now fires them in all directions, shooting them one by one in a circular pattern.
His Down+B now summons six orbs, however they’re automatically launched in whatever direction Dark Matter is facing, as opposed to acting as a shield.
Meanwhile, his Up+B comes out a little faster and inflicts more damage if they hit. Also, no sword; just an upwards ramming attack. --- Muddy - Mole Mania
Okay so...admittedly, this one is a bit far fetched, though it was still technically a Nintendo game so it’s not completely out of the question. For those unfamiliar with it (since it was a rather obscure game), Mole Mania was a puzzle game made by Shigeru Miyamoto for the Game Boy, where you play as a mole named Muddy who’s set out to rescue his wife and children from an evil farmer.
The gameplay revolves around digging underground and pushing/throwing objects like iron balls and barrels around to destroy doors. It was a favorite of mine when I was little, and I’ve always thought it’d be neat if Muddy could show up in Smash Bros; though at this point, I’d be content with just an Assist Trophy.
He’d have a similar dynamic as Little Mac, in that he’d be powerful on the ground, but (as befitting a mole) absolute crap in the air. 
However, he wouldn’t be as insanely hard-hitting as Little Mac; rather he’d be incredibly tanky and harder than most other characters to send flying. That said, like with Little Mac, his recovery is crap, so if/when he does go flying, he’s more than likely screwed.
His special moves would be as followed;
B - Summons one of three items (an iron ball, a large cabbage or a barrel), which he will immediately grab; from there, he can either kick it forwards or toss it behind him. The difference between the three items is purely cosmetic, merely to serve as a nod to the various items one can throw around in the game.
Side+B - Similar to his neutral B, he summons an item, only it’s immediately placed into a pipe. As long as the B button is held down, he will be able to freely aim the attack in whatever direction he wants. Doesn’t deal as much damage as the Neutral B, but is a lot faster.
Up+B - This...is the only one I’m not entirely sure about. All I know it would be very similar to Little Mac’s; effective if it lands, but terrible for recovering.
Down+B - Muddy digs underground, then comes back up for a surprise attack. Basically the same as Greninja’s Shadow Sneak in function and execution. If used in the air, he instead performs a diving attack of some sort.
Final Smash - A giant cabbage appears, dropping from the and landing several feet in front of him. If it hits anyone as it falls, it triggers a small cutscene where his wife and seven kids burst out of said cabbage and run to glomp the hell out of Muddy, trampling the opponent(s) in the process.  --- Crono - Chrono Trigger
Yeah yeah. “BOOO ANOTHER SWORD FIGHTER” blah blah blah. Don’t care. Swords are cool. Though, this is the only other one I promise. So yeah. Chrono Trigger. Awesome game for the SNES that pretty any RPG fan is almost guaranteed to at least heard of. And for good reason, too; even now it’s widely (and rightfully so) considered one of the best RPGs period; let alone on the SNES, which gave us a lot of amazing RPGs.
So yeah. Crono. He’d be another “magic swordsman” character like Robin, with fast attacks and overall around balanced power/defense. He’d be a simple and easy to use character without any major gimmicks.
Special attacks; 
B - Lightning: a short-to-mid-range attack where he brings down a bolt of electricity in front of him. It can be charged; the longer it’s charged, the farther away it is. That’s about it, really.
Side+B - Wind Slash: a simple projectile attack similar to Cloud’s Blade Beam
Up+B - Cyclone: A spinning attack along the lines of DK’s Spinning Kong; stronger on the ground than it is in the air, and great for recovering even if you’ve been knocked far away from the stage.
Down+B - Cleave: Crono leaps into the air and slashes downward as he comes down; think ZS Samus’, but with a sword.
Final Smash - Delta Force: The attack is triggered by Chrono casting Luminare, which causes a large blast of light to appear around him. If anyone is caught in said blast, it triggers a short cutscene where Marle and Lucca appear out of nowhere, and the three of them combine their Lightning II / Fire II / Ice II spells to blast the crap out of the opponent(s). Initially, I was originally just going to put Luminaire as the FS, but when I thought about it, it felt kinda wrong not to incorporate at least one Double/Triple Tech. --- Captain Syrup - Wario Land series
First off, the game needs more sexy female characters. Second, the Wario Land series needs more love, especially with how much it’s being overshadowed by the Wario Ware series (which I have nothing against, but I still love me some Wario Land). And third, as I’ve already mentioned, the game needs more villains. So why not kill three birds with one stone?
Serving as the main antagonist in the first two Wario Land games (and a reluctant ally in the most recent one), Captain Syrup is a treasure-obsessed pirate who constantly clashes with equally-greedy Wario, and at once point even tried to steal his fortune. As for gameplay, her normal A attack wouldn’t be anything special; some general punches, kicks and whatnot.
It’s through her specials that she’d stand out; no no pirate captain is complete without her crew, thus each of them would involve summoning members of said crew. Kinda like how King Dedede could throw Waddle Dees in Brawl. But taken to the fullest extreme.
B - She throws a Pirate Goom at the opponent, which proceed to stab anyone in front of them with their spears. If they don’t hit anyone, they’ll wander around until they either do hit someone or someone hits them; otherwise they just get bored and leave after a few seconds.
Up+B - She summons her ship’s faithful guardian, Bobo, and hitches a quick ride on his back. Basically, it’d be like Pit’s Power of Flight; insane range, but no damage to the opponents and it leaves you open a bit. 
Side+B - She summons a Giant Spear Man and jumps onto it’s back. Then, said Giant Spear Man charges forward, mowing down anyone who happens to be in the way. Has a rare chance of summoning a Mecha Kuri, which is faster and hits harder.
Down+B - She summons a Dangerous Duck, which throws a large boomerang in whatever direction Syrup is facing. Has the longest range of all her attacks, and keeps going even if it hits someone. To balance it out, the damage isn’t that great, though the knockback it causes can still be great for keeping opponents away.
Final Smash - She summons the Genie (final boss from the first Wario Land game), and rides on its shoulder as it flies around and bombs the battlefield with fireballs.
So...yeah. That’s it for now. This post has gotten long enough as it is. Like I said, these are just something I’d like to see; not holding my breath on any of them actually becoming a thing. Feel free to comment and/or throw in your two cents, so long as you keep it civil.
Wouldn’t mind hearing what others have to say about this.
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