#also I got Laelin :]
astrumocs · 2 years
Take my Kin assignment Quiz, boy. Options are Snow, Laelin, Reshaper, Odarem, Drazms, Jejune, Paswon, and Julius. <3
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astrumocs · 1 year
💋 💌 💰 🎨 👊 for my beloved oda obviously <333
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💋 — kissing
Okay, so if I had to do a ranking of my best kissers Oda would easily be in the top 3, although it'd be hard to place him confidently in the number 1 spot with competition like Laelin and Reshaper.
Kisses are actually one of his favorite forms of physical contact; he loves chaste and quick kisses a lot, but he adores slow make-outs with people even more-- he would do it on and off for hours given the opportunity to do so. He's the type that would offer to teach someone how to kiss if they said they didn't know how tbh...
As for his behavior while kissing someone, he's got a good sense of where to tilt his head, how much pressure to use, etc. Oda will often caress your face or hold you in some way while he kisses you to add to the experience, too.
Rest under the Cut --
💌 — romance/flirting
Flirting? He's a major flirt, like, to the point that it can actually end up kind of… misleading? Not intentionally, of course, but he's just Like That, so people who aren't used to it can get some heavily mixed signals. The biggest problem is when people think he's after a serious relationship as a result of his behavior, and then he has to turn them down… Also, he'll flirt with anyone from new acquaintances to good friends.
When Oda develops feelings for someone, his flirtation doesn't change much so it's pretty hard to tell if he has a crush on you or not. The only way you can sort of tell is if his flirtation seems to lean towards one quad in particular, but even then, it's not a guaranteed giveaway.
In terms of Romance, Odarem is a Romantic at heart. If he's in a relationship, he'll be happier in general, and even smile more genuinely more often. When showing romance in a relationship (and even before, if he gets a crush on you) he studies his partner's love languages and makes mental notes of what they receive best, then provides it! He caves quickly to his lovers and is willing to put them over his morals more than he likes to admit.
In terms of how Oda receives love, the answer is… not great. Well, he can handle it 'okay' in pitch and flush, but the biggest problem lies in Pale. If you show him pale affection, give tinges of or vacillate pale for him, then his body enters flight mode and he'll often recoil from it and draw back from you. He also doesn't take his own love languages into account and lets his partners show affection however comes naturally to them, regardless of how well he receives it/is impacted by it.
A huge flaw of his is that, in romance, he wants to show you love on a surface level and a deeply intimate one (often integrating pale affection into all of his quads, hypocritically), but he'd prefer if you kept your love for him more on the surface.
🎨 — art
He's… okay? He can draw almost any simple thing with enough clarity that you can recognize what he's trying to portray to you, like a bird, tree, or a playing card, but anything super exciting or detailed is lost on him. Still, more going on than stick figures. Oda also has unnervingly steady hands, so his lines will always be even, purposeful, and solid in whatever he draws.
💰 — finance
Fairly good! Odarem tends to set aside a little bit of money on a monthly basis and lets it build up a fund for anything emergency or unexpected.
Outside of that, he'll put whatever's needed into necessities and then use everything else he has on his friends or gives it away to other people without much care for not having spending money. He doesn't really buy himself luxuries often, if ever really. Plants might be the one exception to this, but he never has too many at once so it's not exactly high cost.
👊 — fighting
Answered here. But I will say that he has had basic fleet combat training, even if it's been... 30+ years since he's used it.
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astrumocs · 2 years
ummm all of them <3 but for real i love snow because he was the first character of urs that i was properly introduced to! <:3c i also adore oda and laelin too
Those are all wonderful choices!! And Snow is a newer but very beloved guy of mine.. his character came to me in such a fun and enjoyable way and I really like who he ended up becoming,
I'm also happy he was a reason we got talking even more, gives him an even more special place in my heart...
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astrumocs · 2 years
i don’t know if we ever talked back then but i did follow u and see u on my dash as far back as when laelin was ur most recognizable oc to me :3c i remember jules back then too i think? but either way i always loved ur pixel art <3 and ummm obviously ur one of the sweetest people i’ve met here and am glad we got to start talking
Jules first appeared on my blog three years ago I think... it feels like longer ngl to u, And the Laelin Boom was a while before that... a true wren trolls vet over here fr, I also think a lot of people got familiar with me bc of my pixel work! It used to be the only form of digital art I could do, honestly.
But I'm so honored u think so nicely of me and my stuff.. snf... I think you're so sweet and fun to talk to too, <:3
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astrumocs · 2 years
★★★ Julius and Laelin
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1. When he had both of his horns, they were meant to look a little bit like a half sun on one side and a crescent moon on the other. I picked those because of their tie-in to passing time, which is his big motif!
2. Jules's butterfly wing tattoo to cover his wing scars isn't the only tattoo he has! He also has a tattoo of his favorite constellation from when he was younger on one of his ankles. (He did talk abt a constellation in the past, and despite saying he didn't really have a favorite, he did).
3. He's pretty staunchly against magic, even if it could very well be a viable avenue to look into for his own benefit. Julius never quite got over the bitterness in his heart towards magic after being unable to do it properly in his youth.
1. Laelin's real name is Raylin! He's gone by a fake name for many, many years so that people would have a harder time finding out his legal and personal information.
2. Without a moirail / pale quad, he can actually be prone to intense bouts of violence when feeling insulted or threatened. He doesn't usually ever kill or resort to violence when he does have a moirail, though.
3. He wanted to be an actor, but when he was first testing the waters with it, he met someone and started dating them. The relationship was toxic and harmful, plus, it really damaged his confidence. As a result, he quit acting after breaking up with the guy, and that lead him into doing professional courtesan work!
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