#wren poll
wraenata · 1 year
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astrumocs · 6 months
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Style A Left and Style B Right (The design featured on left was made by Byrdtrolls and Base on right by SeraphicVeins)
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dis-asterism · 2 years
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luxlitemidnight · 1 month
This has really been bothering me and I know all my followers are probably plural so this is a skewed sample, but I need to know, have any of you constantly had the distinction between "you" and "your brain"?
If you're neurodivergent and plural use the "I'm plural" button.
For me, the distinction between me and my brain is the conscious, ephemeral me at the mercy of my physical mind, especially since I have ADHD and my brain doesn't always do what I want it to. I'm also questioning my plurality on if I have more headmates than I thought, hence the poll. I'm curious if any others have this distinction outside of me.
I ask that you reblog for bigger sample size.
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wayward-wren · 7 months
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tarre-was-right · 1 month
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Remember, this is NOT about who would win in a fight. This is about who makes the best leader for Mandalore as a whole.
Explanation post
Propaganda below the cut! You can submit more on this post and I will reblog it back to here!
Anon: propaganda for Din Din is the sort who is willing to seek expert opinions and apply those opinions in a practical way. He is a very practical person and very community oriented as well as great at keeping cool under pressure and adapting as circumstances change. He's also a great choice if the traditionalists start to cause trouble since he did win the dark saber in single combat and seems to keep sort of stumbling into situations that end up being ka'ra mandated omens that he should be a leader among Mandalorians.
Anon: I love this man to death I think he’s like the prototypical best kind of leader in like certain mythos the man who does not want to lead. He cares deeply about his culture and wants it to flourish and looks to all sorts of other people for advice and respects their opinions fully.
@spacetime1969: He doesn't want to be Mand'alor, he has no idea how politics works, and that is why it would be really funny if he was
@lightsaberwieldingdalek: Din Djarin is objectively the funniest Mmanda’lor simply because of how much he does not want to be and therefore he should be Mand'alor.
Anon: successfully lead a clan and that's the direct position that would naturally lead to the path of succession. She plays political games and has a cute little diplomat husband in Sundari. Does in fact choose her clan and the welfare of her people over her own personal feelings. Maybe she was death watch at some point but you know what? She left it with Bo so there’s that.
@spacetime1969: As the countess of house Wren, she has ample leadership experience and also knows how to play the political game.
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Remember to read about the contestants before voting!
Superb Fairy Wren
The Superb Fairy Wren is a little guy local to southern Australia! The females look much less fancy, but are still adorable. They even have a cute little dance they do to attract mates, using their beautiful feathers in a full dissolution. There are actually many different kinds of fairy wrens. Learn More!
Southern Cassowary
Everyone has heard tales of the Southern Cassowary. With long, gut-wrenching claws and an aggressive and territorial demeanor, the Cassowary is a very scary bird. However, their diet mainly consists of fallen fruit, and there actually are only two reported human deaths caused by cassowaries (one of these humans was trying to beat it to death with a stick). They also mainly attack or charge because of expecting food from humans after being fed by them for a while. Learn More!
(Superb Fairy Wren photo by Michael Livingston)
(Southern Cassowary photo by David Hollie)
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ween-kitchens · 3 months
romance repulsed people of tumblr, if people were to tag romance in the same way they would tag sex/nsfw stuff what would be the best tag?
please rb i’d like for a lot of people to see this so they start tagging stuff as romance if they otherwise don’t (the question and poll are mostly window dressing icl)
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willtheweaver · 9 months
Details below:
Mari Lwyd- Likely a holdover from Wales’s Celtic past, Mari Lwyd is a skeletal horse who goes door to door, challenging people to a duel of verses. Should the homeowner run out of poetry, they must let Mari Lwyd in and treat the specter to the best booze.
Yule Goat- This lone wanderer of Nordic origins takes the form of a goat and travels from house to house, telling rude stories, and hard truths about the people inside. The Yule goat and their ill words can be removed from the house with an offering of food and drink. Today most people will only encounter straw goat effigies, such as the Gavlebocken( which will likely not burn this year, but it is currently being devoured by birds)
Mummers- Masked vagabonds, Mummers communicate either with mumbles, or in song and rhyme. They would ‘entertain’ homeowners with music, or by playing rigged games (gambling with loaded dice is a popular option). These shadowy characters can be placated with food and drink.
Wren hunters- seeing a pattern here? Many of these figures associated with Christmas have their roots in Europe’s pagan traditions. These figures often are associated with death and darkness-two things in abundance in winter. Offerings are made in hope that they and all bad things will go away, and that brighter times will come .The wren hunters are no exception. Coming from Ireland, this would be a group of people who go out hunting for the ‘king of birds’. Afterwards, they go door to door singing and begging for a penny, and (you guessed it), food and drink.
Lord of Misrule- Enough with all the dark thoughts; this last Christmas figure is much more cheerful. Medieval and Tudor England had the tradition of appointing one individual to be in charge of the celebrations. Everyone, from the royal court to the humblest village would have a Lord of Misrule, and being appointed was a great honor (not to mention naughtily subversive in a time where the social hierarchy was strictly enforced)
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stairset · 1 year
Sabine IS the best Mandalorian character of all time and I won’t accept any substitutes. She literally has it all. She is a punk tomboy lesbian who changes her hair and armor every season. She also has by far the coolest and most unique armor out of all of them, literally no contest. Her story arc is so good that another show just blatantly ripped it off. She defaces fascist propaganda with graffiti. Said graffiti is done with explosive spray-paint and she blows people up with it. She’s voiced by Mishti from Phineas and Ferb. Her father is voiced by Shang Tsung. Her ex-girlfriend is voiced by Vixen. Her brother is like the only fictional character I know of that has the same first name as me. Of all the people to use the Darksaber she’s the only one we know of besides Tarre Vizsla himself to have training from a Jedi Knight. She spray-painted the main villain’s personal assassin while he was unconscious just to humiliate him. She’s the reason Wedge Antilles joined the rebellion. She defeated the Imperial governor of Mandalore. BOTH of them. Darth Vader deflected a blaster bolt into her face and she lived to tell the tale. She told an art historian she was smarter than him to his face and she was right. She literally created the symbol of the fucking Rebel Alliance. She’s gay, she’s asian, and she’s popular. She is truly one of the characters of all time.
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ferroussulfayt · 5 months
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astrumocs · 10 months
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locitapurplepink · 3 months
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The Winner of The Most Favorite Star Wars Rebels Episode || Family Reunion and Farewell
Taglist : @photogirl894 , @leosardonyx18 , @commander-tech , @aintinacage , @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @genericficerblog , @laughingphoenixleader , @kanerallels , @ambulance-mom , @fulltimecatwitch , @hakari-kin
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aardvaark · 22 days
I’ve seen quizzes for many continents now, how about Oceania? How many of the 14 countries listed in this quiz can you remember?
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wraenata · 1 year
Basketball Saga: Residuum aftermath
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Before we move onto the next sport saga, the aftermath of the basketball saga for @rottmnt-residuum for @tmntaucompetition
I am not the creator of Residuum, merely a fan!
Residuum Donnie's brothers are just having the worst time trying to find their brother :(
Also @phoenixdeleted @raisondetre2012 and @blue-star-doodles I piggy backed off of your ideas! I hope that's ok!
I only spent like 2 hours on this and I have not been feeling well, also no references besides googling the family guy death pose. But it was a nice distraction after a crappy day
Please vote for Residuum in the next round!
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