#also I know this is a suuuper unattractive trait
ladyofstardust · 5 years
Hey Jess - I just found out about the Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball. I missed this year's by like three days :( but have you ever planned to attend?
ajfndjsknf I’m so bad at checking tumblr these days!  Sorry for the late reply!  No, I don’t think that would be fun for me, so I’ve never been that interested in attending.  This is mostly because I don’t tend to like gimmicky stuff?  I really want to attend a masquerade!  Ideally a black tie one!  But I’m a bit of a snob about Labyrinth (and costumes in general if I’m being honest) and I need 100% immersion or I don’t want it.  There’s a DJ instead of a band?  Nope can’t do it.  Someone needs to use their cell?  I don’t like it.  Someone has a super cool outfit but its fabric isn’t the kind of thing you’d see in the Labyrinth - I’m out.  Like I said, I’m a snob sometimes.  I struggle with Labyrinth cosplays a lot too because my image of Labyrinth is so strong that very little can...compete with it?  It’s why I’ve never done a Labyrinth cosplay even when I had waist length dark brown hair.  I would never be happy with it.  
That being said if there was an event that had strict rules and dress code standards like some of the medieval re-enactment societies I’ve seen...well now we’d be talking.
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