#also I love the big thump after the shire jump
sso-moonchild · 2 years
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I caved in and bought star coins to get a silly little shire Now instead of in a few months. Capitalism rly popped off today! Anyway, here’s Donut, my dearly beloved shiny boy. His ears are very good and big and I think he will canonically have a moustache.
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sevi007 · 7 years
I called it, I freaking cried because of the Hobbit movie.
(Since last time I babbled over GotG I spammed a lot of people, let me just sum it up this time and put it under a read more)
“Battle of the Five Armies” was absolutely brilliant and I enjoyed almost every second of it – which is saying something, since I normally cannot sit still for two and a half hour without doing at least tree things simultaneously.
First of all – a big shout-out to the actors. Every last one of them did an amazing job, be it their expressions, little quirks of body language they showed throughout the movie, voice acting or all of it together. Those guys absolutely lived their roles, and I couldn’t have imagined it any better than what they did.
Then the scenery. Good lord, the scenery. Be it the burning city in the beginning, the illuminated Erebor, the darkness of Gol Dulgur, the Shire in the end… It was breathtaking more than once, and I was this close to taking pictures of it or something. (Which shows how enraptured I was because that’s exceptionally silly, even for me.)
And the soundtrack. There was some soundtrack I recognized from LotR, like the Shire theme, and teared up over because it felt a bit like coming home, and then there was the soundtrack belonging to the Hobbit series that made me want to shout “Du Bekar!” alongside the dwarves. “The Sons of Durin”, the one that plays when Thorin joins the fight, is absolutely amazing.
As for the plot – it’s been a while since I watched the other two movies or read the book. (Then again, I guess I can ignore the book, since I firmly believe that book and movies have to be regarded separately from each other.) I feel like the three movies should be watched shortly after each other, since they tell one big story, and it felt a bit strange watching the last one so long after the others.
But all in all, I loved the plot, thin as it may have been (again, I think that’s because the movie are so tightly linked together, this one was all about the battles and the “back again”). It was a battle through and through – the battle between the humans and Smaug, the battle between the Elves, Dwarves and Humans, and the battle between light and dark. The battle inside Thorin’s company. The battle Thorin had to fight with himself.
I won’t go over the whole movie, mind you, I won’t be able to stop, but a few of my absolute highlights:
Smaug was great, not ifs or buts. The whole dragon was beautiful and terrible at the same time to watch, probably the best dragon I’ve seen for a long time. I was almost, almost sad when he died, but then again, that was for a good cause – and showed, once again, where this sickening greed will lead in the end.
(Thumps up to Benedict Cumberbatch, too – I switched to English as long as Smaug was in the movie, just to hear the original voice acting. Amazing.)
Bard, side character that he may be, was very interesting to watch. Next to Bilbo and Gandalf, he is probably the only one of those characters that had bigger screen time who never acted selfishly for a second. He only ever thought of his family, and his people – especially when he broke free in the beginning of the movie and went to fight Smaug instead of fleeing or looking for his family, because it was the only way to stop this dragon’s madness.
The dwarves. I love Thorin’s company, adored them since the first movie, and watching them breaking apart and despairing and finding back together was painful and beautiful to watch.
The way Balin shook and almost cried while he saw the sickness take hold of Thorin. Bofur letting Bilbo go in the middle of the night because Bilbo is his friend, and he half-hoped Bilbo would leave before the battle because he didn’t want to lose him. Dwalin crying when he confronted Thorin one last time before Thorin woke up from his madness. Fili and Kili’s death freaking killed me, I was crying even though I knew they would die.
The rather unusual way the company fights in the last battle was a highlight, too. I was laughing and cheering the whole time, to be honest. Bofur jumping on of the giant orc to control it, Bifur losing his axe and starting to talk again, Balin claiming that he is too old for this and then proceeding to kick ass… it’s so typical for them. They are not an organized army, they are a ragtag bunch of workers, some fighters, friends that grew close over the course of a long and hard journey, and it shows in the way they battle. It’s messy, weird, odd, and it’s built on the trust they have in each other.  
Thorin’s Downfall and his Redemption. The sickness taking hold and morphing Thorin into something like Smaugh was so well done. From time to time, you could see Thorin – the real one – shine through the sickness – a smile, a twitch in his expression, a short hesitation. The look he gave when Bilbo showed him the acorn. When he gave the Mithril shirt away to his friend.
But most time, he even sounded like Smaug (the voice of Smaug being heard when Thorin talked was on point). The viewer can watch the gradual fall of the proud King who seems to be less than he ever was, and it’s heartbreaking to watch.
Thorin waking up when he already lost everything – trust, respect, friends – is very amazingly done as well. The voices echoing in his head and Bilbo’s being the loudest (because Thorin learned a lot from Bilbo on this journey), really showed what was going on inside him. And when he throws the crown away and discards the kingly robes, looking more like a King without them and more like the man and leader he was during the journey, it’s very clear that he is back.
His death was even more painful to watch than Fili’s and Kili’s and that’s saying something. The only comfort I had that he died knowing that Bilbo had forgiven him and was still his friend. He had righted what he had done wrong, he could die without regrets.
Bilbo. Bilbo’s role in this is bigger as he probably realizes, and yet he isn’t directly included in the fight, which is perfect. Bilbo Baggins is no fighter, no warrior. He is the voice of reason in that bunch of hard-headed and prideful dwarves, and especially a counterpoint to Thorin – who, despite being a good diplomat and leader when the situation calls for it, can also be blinded by pride.
Bilbo is this quiet voice of reason that I related most to in the movie: He was the one untouched by greed and pride, trying to save his friends, trying to do the right thing. His actions and words didn’t stop the battle directly and instantly, that much may be true. But there’s a reason that Bard felt his decision not-fighting the dwarves was right. There is a reason why Bilbo’s voice in Thorin’s mind was the loudest. There’s a reason the dwarves refused to throw their thief over the wall when their mad king wished it.
Bibo crying over Thorin… Billbo showing the little acorn that’s worth so few and so much at the same time (“Plant your trees, watch them grow”)… Bilbo refusing Gandalf to go and help his friends… Bilbo inviting the others for tea after all of it ended… and Bilbo returning home stronger than before (because this journey changed him, and awakened some stubbornness and backbone of steel that lay dormant before)… Bilbo may have had a smaller role in this movie, but he was super important, and super relatable. Great work by Martin Freeman there, too!
 Phew, I could go on and on about this. I’m saluting to everyone who made it to this point (how are you not bored yet, my gosh, I’m sorry XD). In the end, I will just sum up a few little things that I noticed and liked, too:
Galadriel being the ethereal, otherworldly lady she is. (She’s freaking terrifying, do not cross her, never, ever.)
Legolas and Thorin keep saving each other over the course of the movies, and it reflects very strongly of what Legolas and Gimli will have in the future, this “I don’t like you but actually I respect you and keep helping you” and it’s just so funny.
Legolas keeps on doing impossible stunts in fights like when he slid down stairs on a shield in LotR or jumped on a running horse. His extra-ness is legendary.
Bilbo storming into the Shire and taking the lead while taking back what is his – it strongly reflects how much he has changed over the journey. He was always a bit at odds with the rest of the hobbits, the weird and different one, but before the journey, he was too polite to really voice aloud when he was angry and annoyed at the others. Now he doesn’t have that problem anymore, and gained the confidence and charisma to make them listen to him. In fact, add the dwarven gear (especially the mittens look like Ori made them) and he seems more similar to a dwarf than to a “proper” hobbit.
The way things from this movie wrap things up for LotR. The Mithril-Shirt Thorin gifts Bilbo with saves Frodo’s life such a long time later. The eagles flying in and saving the battle explains why Merry (or Pippin?) later yells “The eagles are coming!” with such conviction – because Bilbo told them the story so often that the young Hobbit believes that everything will be alright now. The last scene of this movie is the reunion of Bilbo and Gandalf in LotR. Of course this scenes are all in the books and of course it’s logical that they would be in the movie, too, but they could have been cut out, or less importance could have been put onto them – but Peter Jackson decided against it and made it important, and I love him for it.
Alas, I just have to say – it’s a wonderful trilogy of movies, and Battle of the Five Armies was as amazing as the first two movies, at least to me. Absolutely loved it! =D
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xottzot · 6 years
2017-12(DEC)-19th---Tuesday--SO TIRED.
2017-12(DEC)-19th---Tuesday--SO TIRED.
I went to bed early but was not allowed to sleep.
I had to take poor Sam & Max outside all the time for their dog ablutions. And it was raining EVERYTIME I did that. It was NOT raining when I would take them out, but just AFTER we would come outside this hovel, it would suddenly start raining, the poor dogs would get wet, and they also had to do their ablutions in the cold rain. Then I would have to try and dry them with a towel and let them inside this hovel and dry myself. Poor Max of course was growley ALL the time and poor Sam wasn't happy either. And each an every time we did that I of course had to let them lay down and wait for their feets to dry because they also wanted to jump onto the bed for warmth and my comforting and their comforting.
At exactly 11:29pm last night (23:29), just as we were about to switch off everything and actually go to sleep, and I had wound down and gotten partially warm enough to sleep from the previous time (of MANY) we had gone outside and gotten cold and wet, there suddenly came the VERY LOUD SOUND of a POLICE siren right outside my bedroom window outside on the roads.
Poor Sam & Max got distressed. As did I.
I looked and saw a parked vehicle just outside in the pathetic street lighting, the lighting which is so dim as to like two dying glow worms, and there was a vehicle just outside either stopped or crawling VERY slowly as to be almost stopped on the road.
I have NO IDEA what that was there for.
Perhaps it was (as always) because of criminal aboriginals andor other criminals. Whatever the reason, it will be unknown. My pathetic sleep attempts was destroyed once again. And of course poor dear Sam & Max became very agitated and so desperately wanted and needed to go outside to investigate and then do ablutions. Especially since it had stopped raining, or so it seemed, and it was quite cold and windy.
So we went outside...and everything was dead silent outside except for sounds of startled wild native birds flying about. The vehicle had slowly moved off and was prowling around on the streets in the darkness.
I had to mention this incident because if I ever tried to do so later you would (as YOU always do assume I am lying), when I never damn well lie.
I went back to bed, had only an hour or so sleep, got up and fed poor dear Sam & dear Max around 2am, then let them outside for their ablutions. It was not raining but very windy. We returned back inside this hovel and once again I had to wait until their feet had dried.
I went back to sleep (or tried to again) and the next things that woke me up (on Tuesday, this morning shortly afterwards), was not long after dawn when the first of 2 Swan Shire council trucks began going on the roads just outside my window and emptying rubbish bins. The trucks make a LOT of noise. Their engines roar very loudly as the drivers gun them trying to do everything always as fast as they can and so making a lot of noise with their low powered truck engines, the truck itself makes noise, the banging and thumping of the big plastic wheely rubbish bins makes a lot of noise, and so I was awoken again and had to get up and collect the rubbish bin(s).
YEARS of the damn criminal abo's STEALING rubbish bins so they have MULTIPLE huge rubbish bins for the council to empty from other house locations street verges, all THAT has gone on for YEARS, and so I HAVE to safely retrieve my rubbish bins or they could end up anywhere or vanish because of criminals never to be seen again. - And THAT would start a whle pile of shit with the Swan Council as you try to get them to supply you with replacement rubbish bins and they would argue and refuse you at any and any point and......THEY would blame YOU for all the shit that the criminal abo's and criminals do. I don't need that shit from them, nor does ANY innocent residents who are constantly suffering from the criminals.
Also, there is once again around Koongamia and nearby suburbs next door, empty shopping carts everywhere just left in the streets and outside innocent peoples verge yards who of coure have nothing to do with the shopping carts being there. They are dumped there on purpose so criminals don't get found-out by their trails and locations of abandoned shopping carts.
In nearby Swan View just over the Great Eastern Highway, they have shopping trolleys that have wheels on them that LOCK suddenly when they get near an invisible electronic border fence boundary. The abandoned shopping trolleys all about this hellhole and nearby aren't those ones. (well not all that I have seen)
I suspect the carts have come from further away (eg. Midland) and have been wheeled along the roads in darkness (and late in the days light) by the usual damn criminals, many of which I have seen actually doing it (and do it ALL the time), and have written in this blog from hell.
Last night, after all the shit going on earlier (see my blog entries), and the noise, and the feral criminal aboriginals roaming all about running rampant and without any concerns whatsoever,......this morning (after the noise of the damned coucil rubbish trucks), it was absolutely quiet. - But it's a false calm. - This is usually the time when fucking useless authorities wander around and shrug their shoulders muttering, dunno what he's talking about because everything's real quiet and I'll put that my report which is cast in solid concrete and can't be changed.....
And later this morning, as it fucking does EVERY DAY, the criminal abo's will be out wandering the streets again because they have criminal schedules to keep......on foot and in vehicles.....and in other peoples vehicles......
And of course there's been the usual parade of too-many vehicles going along the streets on THEIR schedules but cutting through the streets just outside houses window and spewing out fumes and shit including diesal fumes from the trucks and heavy vehicles.
And now as I type this, there's fucking low flying jet aircraft making noise......AGAIN....
And you wonder why this is fucking HELL? And has become so much WORSE.....
That POLICE? vehicle siren would easily count as the 'usual' EVERY MONDAY visit of Western Australian POLICE (either rushing past, rushing through, or 'just visiting'), the abo criminal households, because THAT has been going on for YEARS AND YEARS.....and it's been escalting.......
I'm not going to postulate or forecast or predict what shit will occur this Xmas and new year period. It will ALL will happen again just as it' ALWAYS been going on, aways changing to try to evade Police and authorities, and always bringing hell to everyone whlst they laugh and carry on and go beserk and do any and everything that sputters into their illegal drug and drunk soaked feeble brains.......
Going back to lay down......
In a lot of pain......
Fucking planes flying low above slowly.....AGAIN.....AGAIN......
And there's the sounds of criminal abo's criminal kids now starting up......
And still you wonder why the old guy with the green tall metal fence yells at abo's all the time and is always so very suspicious about EVERYONE.......
I love you dearest Fliss and so very much want to be with you just as you promised us both. - Poor Max is very unwell with his ablutions, and his breathing and is struggling.
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xottzot · 7 years
2017-09(SEP)-05--Tuesday---NOISE HELL begins AGAIN here in THIS HELLHOLE.....
2017-09(SEP)-05--Tuesday---NOISE HELL begins AGAIN here in THIS HELLHOLE.....
On Monday, 4-September, 2017, at just before dark, a hired truck of the removalist type, pulled into 1 Kalara Way street, Koongamia, the brick house next door to the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD who they are VERY friendly with. It reversed RIGHT UP their driveway and hid itself.
Then the day became darkness. And it already was quickly becoming a very COLD night.
Then, over the course of the night darkness, it was being loaded up, with big bangs and thumps resonating from inside the rear section.
So much for myself ever trying to get to sleep. It was impossible.
The night continued. So did the noise, interspersed with occasional loud yellings out.
Eventually that died down but of course sleep had long escaped.
The night was VERY cold.
Dear Max asked/DEMANDED of me in his doggy way whilst I was in bed to be let outside with some urgency. I got out and we went through the whole damned rigmarole to get him outside. Sam of course then demands to go outside with him. I took them both outside. -- If I do nothing, BOTH dogs will foul VERY MUCH all over the floor of inisde this hovel house. It's happened MANY times in the past, and it's all happened because of Fliss totally abandoning them.
And they too had been disturned by all the shit going on by those shitheads with the moving truck and all the damned bangs and crashes at night.
I hoped they were moving out and never to return into that rental house. They have been getting progressively worse ever since they came to the fore.
And do you know WHY the house originally was forced into becoming a rental house....because the original owners and inhabitants, a gentle, quiet family with young children, (and all long friends of 'Ms New Age'), they had been driven out by the suddenly ramped-up CONSTANT and ESCALATING crime and daily & nightly shit by the criminal aboriginals at the rented 3 Kalara Road place next door to them.
I don't know if the brick house has moved out or not. That is the way of this fucking hellhole. Nobody is ever allowed to ever be sure of ANYTHING anymore. NOTHING EVER GETS BETTER. - NOTHING.
We returned inside and I had a very light late bit of food. Sam & Max afterwards had only a very tiny bit of what tiny amount I had myself.
I retired back to bed. They retired to lay upon the bed with me. - IT WAS A COLD NIGHT.
The noises from outside were itinerant and it was almost like 'Ms New Ages' place interior contents was being hauled out and carried across and loaded up into the damned moving truck with bangs and thumps that upset Sam & Max so they had terrible sleep.
We went outside twice more (before midnight) because they needed to go outside, do their ablutions, and also check outside to look for themselves at all the damned noise.
We returned back inside, went to bed AGAIN for the 5th or 6th time now.......and we were winding down...
At exactly 11:45pm, a quarter to MIDNIGHT.......out from 1 Kalara Way, ONCE AGAIN, came some shithead tearing about the streets on a LOUD motorised bicycle. - It was like a useless 2-stroke lawn mower (with a shitty exhaust), that was very LOUD and was peaking very loudly always at maximum revs.
The bike took off down Kalara Way road. Then it returned and went the other way, and on Kalara Way street, Kalara Road street, past the Koongamia shops area on Jinda road, and it went all over Koongamia in the darkness.
Then it came back again....
Then it took off again.....
Over and over and over.......
And then it went through the pedestrian walkway at the end of Kalara Road......
Then it returned and the engine sputtered out. (out of fuel?)
Silence was short lived however.....
Over the course of nearly an hour, it AGAIN went all over all the roads, going all throughout Koongamia and no doubt ruining everyone elses sleep. Believe me, the fucker doesn't care. - Sound familiar? - Just like the crimnal aboriginals.
OVER and over and over it went all about. - I fully expected to hear a West Australian Police siren apprehending the shit. But NOTHING HAPPENED.
Let some other fucker deal with the shitheads I thought.
And then there was silence.
But Max was still upset and demanded and needed to go outside again around 2am. He politely and gently woke me up to go outside. - So AGAIN we all had to go outside in the freezing cold. (there was no rain, all the streets were dry but grass was very wet).
We got back to bed and I vowed that all the things I was going to do on Tuesday the next day would now have to be postponed or put off completely because I was so terribly exhausted from all this.
Tuesday, 5-September-2017,-----as you can see there is no normal time of day rollover for me. I am forever denied it.
The dogs woke me up in bed AGAIN just as it became dawn BEFORE 6am.
I ordered them to go back to sleep, and we all did.
But then not long afterwards, we were all woken up again by NOISE.
It was IMPOSSBLE to go back to sleep.
First came the noise of the Swan Shire rubbish truck collecting/emptying rubbish bins in the streets just outside.
But I tried to get back to sleep after that.
BUT THEN........
Came the horrendous VERY LOUD sounds of jet aircraft booming and thundering and roaring taking off from Perth Western Australia airport......OVER AND OVER AND OVER.......
Max jumped off the bed, went into the small 'living' room, and lay there in the COLD and shivering.
I've said it before...it's like trying to sleep under bloody aircraft carrier deck.....RIGHT underneath it with no noise insulation or earplugs.
And so we got up out of bed.
Sam was confused because it seemed too early, AND IT WAS! - But BOTH DOGS were then suddenly frantic and demanded to go outside for ablutions. - And so I had to go through the entire shit of all that AGAIN.....
And both Sam & Max were shitting all over outside the place AGAIN......
And then we returned inside, and I fed them their dry dog food. (but I added some warm water to it so it would be easier to palate for them and become puppy food). - The morning still is COLD, especially in this hovel.
And then I had to wash their metal dog feeding bowls with cold water and detergent, then take Sam & Max outside for their ablutions AGAIN........and watch over them as I ALWAYS HAVE TO DO NOW EVERYTIME RAIN OR SHINE, DARKNESS OR DAYLIGHT........
And STILL the fucking aircraft from Perth Airport were VERY LOUDLY going us low overhead.
It is NOT just me complaining about the damned fucking airport noise!
The other house next to the rented aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD, the man there I actually saw and heard for myself was out there one morning complaining to authorities on his mobile phone. - Of course they couldn't care less.
But that was BEFORE he was forced to move out by everything, very much including the rampant CRIMINAL ABORIGINALS from the house next door to him WHO WERE GETTING SO MUCH VERY WORSE.
And of course, as soon as he and his family was gone....MORE CRIMINAL ABORIGINALS MOVED INTO HIS VERY HOUSE and took it over......just as it had all been planned and mapped out long ago.
And THAT house is a CONSTANT place for the abo's to do just like they do with all the abo houses....hiding from Police, constantly swapping inhabitants all about at anytime of the day or night, in all weathers, and bringing in more vehicles that go to the abo's houses....
The aboriginal ghetto.......
P@8:26am---VERY COLD---I love you Fliss and want to be with you. -- ALL of the above is true. It is worse here than you could EVER possibly imagine.
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