#also I loved they played their mvs while we waited
jmdbjk · 3 months
Smeraldo Garden Marching Band
Is it pronounced Smeh-rall-doe or Smar-all-doe? Or even Smarl-doe?
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Ngl, soon as I saw kids in the MV I knew there would be no sexy in it... (me is a thirsty ho after all)... but Jiminie can't help being Jiminie in all his glory anyway.
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My very first impression was that it was NOT what I was expecting but when is it ever? Never. So now that I'm past that....
There's not enough skin, Jimin (slaps down my inner thirsty ho...go away, its not time).
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Jimin is singing live in the MV which is 3:46, the song itself is 3 minutes. He had a point to make and he made it clearly with a live vocal performance MV.
This song is very light, fun, romantic, flowers, butterflies, and Jimin playing Mr. Matchmaker... which I found interesting... after he sang the lyrics:
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As I write this, the SGMB MV is trending at #11 on Youtube for music.
And there's this:
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Yes, you read that right... 2.38 MILLION posts.
And this... the energy is energy-ing.
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And this:
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And this new selca:
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I wonder what went down in the barracks when the song and mv dropped. I just wonder what element JK latched on to and is endlessly repeating it every spare moment while waiting for the vat of tteokbokki to simmer.
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I saw the ratings review for it produced an "ineligible" result. There's nothing that seems like it would keep it from being shown anywhere, its so squeaky clean. Not sure what happened for the ratings to fail.
I love this reference to Jimin's Serendipity stage:
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He had said last year that when he was making the songs for Face, he had some difficulty dredging up the feelings he had that inspired some of those songs. He also said he was past all of that depressing stuff. And now we know he was working on this song and Closer Than This, amongst others, while simultaneously working on Face.
His outlook was positive and he was moving forward. What else happened last year? He and Jungkook were able to spend some time creating something together (that we've yet to see) before enlisting together. Something fun they said! I can't wait! They were so happy. They see their freedom at the end of the tunnel. I see it too.
Anyway, I love his happiness in the music he's creating. That's all that matters to me.
The all kills are happening, the #1's are happening, the dance challenges are dropping, the media is talking, trends are trending, let's keep it up for Jimin!
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Welcome back to my crack posts! =D
We Are ep 9 is as hilarious as it's frustrating, and I will continue to the whys below with a healthy dose of crack. <3
Warning: long post 😊😅
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Ohoho, our little boy is jealous and... its not even 5 minutes in (2 minutes since the actual start). Is that a new record?
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Kluen: can I just sleep beside you- 😊
Phum: No. 🙂
Poor Toey getting roped into this too 😭
(something something, Chain helping Toey get Q jealous while Phum uses Toey as a buffer for the cause of his jealousy)
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Our favourite old married couple hehe (who aren't actually dating yet-)
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My poor Phum 😭
Okay, as much as I don't like Kluen, I have to give it to him for being so straightforward, going as far as telling Phum that he likes Peem when he realizes that Phum might does like him too.
Also the t-shirt: We Are Volunteer.
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Yes! Call him out!
We really need more call out-ers in BL.
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I laughed so hard my cat looked at me weird 😭😂
Children really are the best eyy
Phum looks so betrayed oh gods 😭
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The 'I know what you're doing but I'll still play along cause I like you too, ai'kwai' look. Ah, a classic from thai bl.
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This reminds me of when Tinn says "How can I be your friend? I like you!" when Gun finds him after he ran away from the MV shoot.
(And Gun replies, "You think I can?")
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On one hand we have Phum who bribes children with chocolates (that he just happens to have in his pocket) to lure away his crush from his rival.
On the other we have Q who simply up and runs away when his friend faux-swipes his crush's sweat simply to make him jealous.
*looks between them and shakes head* these boys are absolutely hopeless
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Our favourite married couple part 2 (who are actually dating)
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Pun and Mick just here playing around 😭👍🏼
Peem was right, if they were the only ones in charge of cooking, no one would get any food T~T
But... how exactly did "cut into round shapes" get converted to "cut into round glasses" to "rectangles"? 😶
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Fang is so done with these idiots 😭👍🏼
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In this moment, I kid you not, my brain played the "what did he sayyy" meme 😶
Phum: *bombastic side eye of death*
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Yes, please. We've been waiting for this for 8 and a half episodes.
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Yes, and you are the nosiest peep, now continue.
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Ah, so Fang is actually the violent sibling, and him and Phum (and Tan, apparently) got into frequent fights, it seems like.
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Got caught red handed 😭
Tan is so dead
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Wait... so Tan and Fang had a beginning much like Phum and Peem? 👀
Rivals to lovers for both brothers it is, then.
And I feel so bad for Phum, poor guy has been a third wheel since his high school days 😭
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...somehow, I think Chain and Pun will put even TanFang to shame when they actually start dating 😶
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'Course you have. You just played with water with your besties the other day
And with friends like yours, Peem? It's unlikely you'll go one day without playing around with something or the other
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Beer doing God's work here 😭🙏🏼
I love how Beer is both perceptive and observant of his friends, and knows just what to say to get them moving.
He wants the best for Phum and even tells him how he's happy that Peem came into his life, and Phum is a lot more lively these days. (MSP flashbacks again anyone? No? Just me?)
He might not be as playful or enthusiastic as Peem's friends, but he knows what his friends need and he'll try his hardest to make sure they have it. He's just such a good friend.
Phum telling him about the Deal™ also shows us just how much he trusts Beer.
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Love him <3
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Sweetie, I understand you need some space, but you don't talk to your future boyfriend possible crush like that 😭
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Nothing to see here, just a goodnight kiss.
Jokes aside, I like that Peem tries to figure out what's wrong, but he doesn't push too hard. And even tries to provide some comfort to Phum.
And in these moments with just them, Phum has bursts of courage to show his affection, and show Peem how much he means to him, instead of just telling him.
I don't think this is him being emotionally constipated (he is, no doubt about it, but strangely not as much when it comes to Peem), but more of him being unsure of where he stands with Peem (as I mentioned in last week's post).
Are they just friends because their friend groups merged? Acquaintances forced to be close due to circumstances? Just creditor and debtor? Is the deal all that's holding them together?
Well, Phum needs to find the answers. (Preferably and possibly within the next episode)
*sigh* they're gonna kill me with fluff (and I'm gonna die happy)
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This is my favourite scene of this ep. Just crushes cuddling each other with sleep, the rest of the evil world (Kluen) forgotten for the moment.
Ah. I love cuddles even more than kisses, not gonna lie
Also, ep 10 seems promising!
Anyways, that's all for now, see you next week! And if you made it this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have a bubble tea and a cookie 🧋🍪
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
Who Thoughts and Theories
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First, it's such a good song. I'm genuinely so in love with it, with Jimins vocals, with his dance, with his backup dancers. I'm so impressed with how hard he worked and all the choices he contributed to it. While this is the only song on the album that Jimin doesn't have writing credits on, he was still very much involved in every aspect of the songs creation and it was written with the feelings Jimin wished to portray. I talk briefly about what I believe the overall feelings that Jimin was trying to express in the album Muse, here:
And of course because you should refresh yourself on the song and get that extra stream in before you read....
I'll otherwise just be talking about what I think, my thoughts, my feelings and my theories about Who, the song and the MV in this post. These are of course just my opinions, coming from my perspectives. You are free to agree or disagree as much as you want.
First, I want to say that regardless of the pronouns used in the song, I don't think it has any bearing on Jimins sexuality. People (read: homophobes) cannot use this song as a way to try to say Jimin can't be queer. Not only is that nonsensical and ignoring the fact that Jimin would be closeted if he is queer. But it's also ignoring the way Jimin speaks about the song, which is solely in gender neutral terms. From the original lyrics being "you" instead of "she."
To the way he says "people" instead of "girls/women" about the scene where people walk past him as the options of who he could be looking for. Along with the fact that the billboard with a man's eyes drop right after he sings "who is my heart Waiting for?"
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The way that Jimin dances with both men and women and the scene then when they come together, it's absolutely giving west side story. Which is my personal opinion. Which one of the themes of west side story is love striving to rise above the hatred.... And idk about you, but I think that can easily relate to queer love as well. But again, personal opinion only! So this BS that I know everyone rolled their eyes at with the "this proved he is straight" nonsense, is at its core.... Nonsense...
Speaking of his dance, this thread has absolutely nothing to do with what I'll talk about in this post but is so cool and FULL of Jimin appreciation and you should check it out if you want!
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Jimin switched aspect ratios of film during his MV of Who. An ARMY linked together all the times he changed ratios, which you can watch here:
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As well as going through multiple different types of media: television, comic strips, movie, billboards, etc. Jimin is showing us multiple different storylines within his MV. This same person from above goes into great detail about how all this can show the various details of storylines and storytelling. It's a good read, worth checking out
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It's super interesting the way the words play across the screen during certain parts of the MV and how it changes the screen ratios as well. I would love an actual interpretation from Jimin or the MV director over what they actually mean or if it was just in the 90s theme with zero correlation or meanings, but I doubt we will ever get that. So all we can do is guess and make our own interpretations. Which will be affected by our own personal biases. That's the beauty of art though!
The ones I'll point out that I'll say something about are:
Play, both in the corners at times and on the little TV's around the MV
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Auto calibration, with the burning wrecked car, where the words flash quickly across the screen at the bottom, right before hand too, the screen ratio had changed again too. And it changes again as he does his partner choreo with the girl
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Rewind, which appears during the bridge. Right after the billboard falls and the screen ratio had changed again
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And then pause at the very end before the whole screen cuts.... And then we get the end screen with the words play again, basically looping the video, and the Smeraldo Flower
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So let's talk about it!
It's interesting that the video basically loops, it's really giving storytelling. Jimin being an actor basically. "Play" being inside the story for the most part. And it's interesting that those parts happen right before a lot of the partnering choreo too. Auto calibration means bringing something back into an acceptable range. Which if we relate this at all to queerness, it's absolutely giving "don't stray too far out of that closet." And it does happen right after Jimin dances with men, before dancing with the woman again. And play is back in the little TV's. It's giving, trying to be perfect and fit into expectations and be in the perfect storybook. And at the end, Jimin is left behind by all the dancers and the billboard drops at "who is my heart Waiting for" and it's clearer and clearer that it really is most likely JKs eyes. If not, it's absolutely a man's eyes and that is screaming queer energy. And even if it is just a promo of some kind, since we don't know the connection between the eyes, JK, "keep going" and AYS yet, it's WILD to put Jikook promo in this type of love song. And yet, these are the two that publicly claimed the song serendipity as theirs. So it tracks.
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And when we get to rewind, it's at the same time as he is talking about "people" walking by him as potentials for his perfect match, as well as how he is not able to "match" any of the women he attempts to meet with through dance in his short walk. It is also right after that billboard with ?Jungkook? drops too. Interesting. Trying to get back into the original story perhaps? Perhaps it's not working so well?
Pause. Off. Smeraldo Flower which represents the Truth Untold.... Speaking yourself. Loving yourself. Being true to who you are..... Which is maybe not what was the perfect story that was being depicted through the MV. Who knows! But that is the end. Just to loop around and start again with Play. Where he literally tells us with Muse to "please misunderstand." Again, just interesting. And if you are following my thoughts here, you already know why that is "interesting."
It's giving closeted queer energy and it's giving I like people, not genders and it's giving love.
Which brings me to the very LAST thing I want to talk about. Sorry, I know this is already SO LONG. Jimin is singing amongst natural disasters. So did V and JK actually too. They are singing about declaring love in the middle of some kind of disaster. And I can't stop thinking about that honestly.
It's giving peak grand gesture kinda romance. It's giving intimacy found between two people in love no matter where they are or how loud the world might be around them. It's giving raw and honest declarations of intent and love type vibes. And i just love that they are into and going for that exaggerated confession scene and storybook kinda romance. It's absolutely tracks for who they are as people and the romance they've all talked about wanting too. And who else do we know who always seems to like doing grand gesture type romantic BS for someone else?
Anyway! This is the feeling that people write epic romances about. Your favorite ships? It's the same type of feeling that's inspired here. Let me try to explain this in some kinda way....
It's a trope. "Love conquers all" where it doesn't matter what life throws at you. All the trials, the tribulations, the natural disasters, the normal disasters, any and all shortcomings or failures you might face in life.... The moment of being with the one you love? Of being vulnerable and baring your soul with another person who means the world to you? Making sure they understand how much they mean to you and how much you love them? That's always going to be the most important thing and moment. That is the significance of the intimacy and the romance displayed.
It's the peak, idealistic version of the best relationship you could find yourself in. Nothing and no one matters more than the moments you create with your loved one, even in the middle of a raging horrific apocalyptic disaster ridden world.
And how sometimes, just building up to that confession can make things feel like a horrific apocalyptic disaster ridden world, until you confess. And you let those feelings out. And it's okay. All those disasters quiet down, maybe you even start to enjoy the rain. It was your emotions all along. And then you discover that hey, maybe the reason I'm feeling so calm now is actually BECAUSE of this person I love. Being with them calms my mind, brings me safety, happiness and joy.
Sometimes, in the middle of all the madness and chaos of the world... You are only minutes away from finding that moment with that person that's going to give you something infinite. Something that no natural disaster can destroy or take away from you. Something, and/or someone, so precious.
And there is something so beautiful in depicting this in their love songs. It's inspirational. As well as humorous in regards to Seven. Lol
I'll just finish this off with a link to this twitter user as this moment just came out, and it's about rebirth, but I do low-key agree with them here 😂
And anyway, that was my essay! Lol if you read all of this. Bless you and thank you! You are appreciated! A reminder that this is all just personal opinions. You are free to agree or disagree as you choose!
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foxes-that-run · 5 months
The title of this song refers to both love of my life and loss of my life. Harry's only track 13 is Love of My Life. Like Harry's LOML, loml is a song about letting a long held love go. Both are regretful of love lost but neither over it. As a song about a long museship the references to both Taylor and Harry's work is dense, so this post is long. A shorter TLDNR is here. The nature of the relationship Taylor is describing is one that should have a lot of references, and it does. Each chorus refers to a different song where Harry professed love.
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The initial Spotify Canvas was of Taylor in a sweater looking emotional. After Fortnight was released it was replaced with Taylor and Post inside the Style-head reading Story of Us on the road. Taylor played loml once as a surprise song on piano in Paris, with Paris in the first show after their release on 9 May 2024.
[Verse 1] Who’s gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames If we know the steps anyway? We embroidered the memories of the time I was away Stitching, “We were just kids, babe”
The first verse establishes that Taylor is singing to an old muse at the end of a breakup, or false start. She refers to them being together in their youth, of wistful memories and that the love is irreplaceable. It is full of references:
Waltzing back into rekindled flames, Taylor refers to dance as a kind of subconscious action in several songs, this reminds me most closely of 'Dancing around it' in High Infidelity and 'Dancing is a dangerous thing' in Cowboy Like Me - where the dance is also tempting a romantic relationship, they know the steps - as in they have fallen into this before.
Embroidering memories touches on the Haylor theme of stitches. 'Away is in a lot of Taylor's songs. 'Taylor' embroiders in EHC and LK posted about embroidery after TTPD
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'While I was away' reminds me of AYHTS "People like you always want back the love they gave away" and Midnight Ran's "the life I gave away" - a similar idea that she was absent.
Stitching 'We were just kids babe' is a reference to Patti Smith's Biography 'Just Kids' which is her memories about her time with fellow artist Robert Mapplethorpe who died of Aids. Taylor also refers to this time in Patti Smith's life in TTPD. Patti thanked Taylor for the callout with posting a photo of her reading Dylan Thomas' biography. This line establishes this muse is a fellow young artist who Taylor had an important relationship with when they were young. Taylor & Harry have likened themselves to famous couples
I said, “I don’t mind, it takes time” I thought I was better safe than starry-eyed I felt aglow like this Never before and never since
'I don't mind, it takes time', this idea is referred to in Peter also and other Haylor songs:
Run: Piece of paper where I wrote, “I’ll wait for you”
How You Get The Girl: I would wait forever and ever
“Slut!”: Everyone wants him, that was my crime, the wrong place at the right time
Say Don’t Go: The waiting is a sadness fading into madness
"I thought I was better safe than starry-eyed" - the prologue describes three muses, as does the Fortnight MV. One has celestial imagery that links to Satellite, such as stars, comets, orbit, planet and whole sky. Starry-eyed is in a few songs including:
CIWYW - Starry eyes sparking up my darkest night
Cowboy like me - Eyes full of stars
High Infidelity - Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eye
Better safe than starry eyed also reminds me of "How dare you think it's romantic / Leaving me safe and stranded" in Down Bad that refers to New Romantics "Please leave me stranded"
'Never felt aglow like this', 'never before and never since' is a glowing irreplaceable connection. Taylor described similar in:
This Love - This love is glowing in the dark
Question...? - Does it feel like everything's just like second best after that meteor strike?
[Chorus 1] If you know it in one glimpse, it’s legendary You and I go from one kiss to getting married Still alivе, killing time at the cemеtery Never quite buried
I knew from one glimpse, it was legendary, we go from one kiss to getting married is a reference to Holy Ground:
“Back to a first glance feeling on New York time/ Back when you fit my poems like a perfect rhyme/ Took off faster than a green light, go : Yeah, you skip the conversation when you already know”
A similar line is also in Glitch - "Five seconds later, I'm fastening myself to you with a stitch"
‘Still alive at the cemetery’ is similar to The 1: “In my defense, I have none / For digging up the grave another time” which in turn is a reference to the OOTW/LAWYMMD music video link where Taylor from the end of 1989 is Taylor at the start of the next video.
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In your suit and tie, in the nick of time
‘In your suit and tie’ is dressed for a wedding. Arriving ‘in nick of time’ is the muse interrupting a wedding saying “don’t do this there’s still time!” Which Taylor said of Harry, when describing the muse of Style and 1989 Taylor said she expected this. Here she is saying she was fooling herself.
You low-down boy, you stand-up guy You Holy Ghost, you told me I’m the love of your life You said I’m the love of your life About a million times
“Low down boy; you stand up guy” is a person who has been in Taylor’s life since they were a boy (with a dirty mouth) who has grown to be a stand up guy. They are now grown but not with her.
Taylor then refers to Harry’s music, Holy Ghost refers to Two Ghosts and refers to Love of My Life by name. In which Harry says it 5 times, he’s performed it 102 times to around 700k fans, so yeah, a lot. Note it's “said” not “told me”.
[Verse 2] Who’s gonna tell me the truth when you blew in with the winds of fate And told me I reformed you? When your impressionist paintings of heaven turned out to be fakes
Taylor refers to truth often, but usually her telling or seeing a truth, But in the Alcott the muse tells her the truth and she says she she has fallen back in love with the muse. I imagine in Taylors life many do not tell the truth, but this muse can and does. Here Taylor asks if they will still tell the truth if they are together.
The muse told Taylor she reformed them. Harry says this in Stockholm Syndrome, that he "used to sing about being free but now he has changed his mind". On 13 May 2023 Harry added Stockholm Syndrome to the HSLOT set for the last 18 shows. A song he he wrote for Taylor when they were dating and had not performed since 2018.
The impressionist paintings may refer to the Two Ghosts music video, which was or became tour screens. (Thank you @notoriousbeb) The reference to fakes is where an overture of love did not come through.
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Well, you took me to hell too And all at once, the ink bleeds A con man sells a fool a get-love-quick scheme But I’ve felt a hole like this Never before and ever since
The second half of this verse links back to past writing to each other
'And all at once, the ink bleeds' I LOVE this line so much. It has a double meaning, the ink bleeds as Taylor writes music inspired by a museship that has featured in so much of her work. The ink bleeds like emotion bleeds as the bleeding love theme.
"A conman sells a fool a get love quick scheme" this line is dense:
In Why She Disappeared, the poem played before Getaway Car in the Reputation Stadium Tour included "Wary of phone calls and promises, Charmers, dandies and get-love-quick-schemes"
Harry and Taylor have referred to each other as robbers, thieves, cowboys and now a conman see thief theme
Harry and Taylor have both referred to themselves as a fool many times for being stuck on each other.
Never felt a hole like this before or since is crushing, it reminds me of Questions...?'s "Does it feel like everything's just like second-best after that Meteor strike?"
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[Chorus 2] If you know it in one glimpse, it’s legendary What we thought was for all time was momentary Still alive, killing time at the cemetery Never quite buried You cinephile in black and white All those plot twists and dynamite Mr. Steal Your Girl, then make her cry You said I’m the love of your life
In the second chorus Taylor again refers to songs by Harry, but changes which ones:
Mr Steal Your Girl refers to One Directions Steal My Girl.
B&W Cinephile may refer to when Harry kept his Instagram B&W for 2 years from when 1989 was released with the line 'the rest of the world was in screaming color' it may also refer to the Treat People With Kindness music video in B&W and widescreen. Harry is also a cinephile, both in being a fan of cinema and appearing in more recent films than her actor partner at the time.
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[Bridge] You shit-talked me under the table Talking rings and talking cradles I wish I could un-recall How we almost had it all Dancing phantoms on the terrace Are they second-hand embarrassed That I can’t get out of bed ‘Cause something counterfeit’s dead? It was legendary It was momentary It was unnecessary Should’ve let it stay buried
Taylor acts this lyric out in fortnight in the eras tour.
Shit-talking can mean either disparaging remarks or saying something untrue and going on about it. Talking, (or drinking) someone under the table is doing so in excess. So I take this first line 'shit-talked me under the table' to mean the muse went on saying untrue things for ages, in the context of the rest of the verse I think that is making statements of love they were not yet willing to follow through on.
Taylor sees they were so close, a similar line is in TTPD there is a similar line of 'litany of reasons we could have played for keeps this time' Taylors muse has professed love and that they are endgame but not followed through.
In the Only Angel Demo Harry sang "I must admit I married you a thousand times. Had to change my tune when I found out what it'd be like."
Counterfeit is also in Glitch "It must be counterfeit, I think there's been a glitch"
The shit-talk is rings and cradles, in a time that Taylor was disappointed a long term relationship ended another long term muse flirted with settling down but did not. Harry wore the Peace Ring and Haylor ring for years, they seemed as possible promise rings which these lines remind me of. As do songs of both which may refer to the other. The Haylor ring is featured in merchandise for TTPD and Taylor wears it in the Fortnight Music Video so it is likely this ring.
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[Final Chorus] Oh, what a valiant roar What a bland goodbye The coward claimed he was a lion I’m combing through the braids of lies “I’ll never leave,” “Never mind” Our field of dreams engulfed in fire Your arson’s match, your somber eyes And I’ll still see it until I die You’re the loss of my life
The final chorus reads as a bitter disappointment of Taylors muse has meekly said they will not be with her.
Stockholm Syndrome - which Harry readded to his setlist 13 March 2023 (gone since 2018) has the line "Baby, I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way, oh o-oh" Here Taylor has compared it to what looks like a goodbye statement from someone who doesn't want to talk about it.
It is the loss of Taylor's life, one she felt at the time of writing this song was not one she would get over.
Valiant Roar
The 'valiant roar' is likely a reference to Harry's Gucci Lion ring which he has worn since 2018 and briefly lost in April 2022 at Coachella. It attracted a lot of attention until it's return when it was learned it has an inscription of 'second time's the charm'. Taylor also wore a Gucci Lion ring at Electric Lady Studios on 12 April 2023 (before heading to Florida). At that time the 1975 were in Australia and Harry was in the US after a golf tournament in Augusta. This line also reminds me of this scene in DWD which OW described as a 'primal roar' to Rolling Stone in 2022.
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Fortnight MV
So I've seen the theory of Post playing 3 men in the Fortnight video and I actually agree with that but, not on the 3 people.
1st: Post in black at the typewriter is Harry, everything is black and white except their poetry, which is in color, to each other aka them writing songs for each other over the years
2nd: Post without tattoos is Joe, she's happy and thinks everything is fine but, even when with him she's got Harry in the back of her mind - this is why she's laying on the Style cutout Taylor head with no tattooed Post. They seem happy but then things get bad for them and she reaches for him but, can't make it work anymore.
3rd: Tattooed Post experimenting on her is Matty, not only because he's worn that same get-up during 1975 performances but because she views him as someone who experimented on her and manipulated her. She was broken from Joe and he saw her in a vulnerable place and love bombed to "save her" eveb though he was truly just fucking with her.
4th: Post in black at the phonebooth in the end, also Harry - she's saying he keeps thinking of calling her but won't and she's waiting out in the rain, alone and hurt, waiting for him.
I don't feel like the video matches up with the lyrics themselves or what they are talking about fully but, most of the song is about Harry and Joe. Matty was the "miracle move on drug" that had temporary effects. She loves Harry and it's ruining her life because she can't have him and maybe that love trickled into her problems with Joe. She loved Joe and it's ruining her life because they couldn't make it work. I believe the fortnight/two weeks is a red herring to make people think it is about a short term relationship/fling aka Matty but, I think it's supposed to be a metaphor in that her relationship with the muse(s) only felt like a fortnight, meaning they weren't nearly long enough because she wanted forever so then she's imagining a future where they're both married but, not to each other - her husband is cheating on her and she's unhappy and she ends up neighbors with her muse and his wife and his wife is really nice and she hates her because she's like "great, we didn't end up together and I ended up with a cheating husband while your wife gets everything I wanted and she's really nice".
EDIT: I kind of want to add I think there's also the possibility there is actually 4 muses in the video/4 Posties. The 4th and final one in the phonebooth could potentially be Travis. I *think* that Post is tattooed though. But it's possible it is meant to be Travis and she was outside lost after everything with Joe, Harry, and Matty and Travis was the one who ended up "reaching out" to her by shooting his shot.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK the crowned 👑 spoiler king
cr./to the creators of the media used in this post.
Touched on this a little yesterday here:
He really is.
The king of spoilers.
And he seems to also be the gift that keeps on giving too, lol. The layers upon layers of his spoilers are being revealed to us slowly but surely. Can't wait to see if he has more in store for us.
So, what did he give us so far?
JK playing JVKE's Golden Hour, showing us the JM tattoo (lest us forget closing with "your the love of my life").
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Next we have him telling us:
🐰 I want to be a bartender. I think it's going to be fun.
Next he does the butterfly out of nowhere with his hair tie.
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Did I mention him coming back for live no. 4 on white day, half an hour before SMF pt. 2 teaser was landing to tell us to look forward to it?
And finally, well, for now that we know of that is, we have his cooking live with a pre-prepared guitar to play Letter for us. JK, not the one that did the guitar playing for the song, made the effort of learning the cords and playing it for us just before the album and the hidden track, a song that he took part in, landed.
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He keeps on doing this, JK.
But not with any of the other members.
So, JM spoiler king will be the more accurate description in his case.
Funny how JK keeps doing this with the one member big chunks of this fandom think he's no longer close with. All while he is radio silent about the others.
What was it that JK told us in the past?
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Well, obviously there has been a lot of concentration going on with these spoilers...
None of the other members received this treatment from JK, not even Hobi, whom JK is undeniably super close with.
JK will dance and laugh and tease the others after their releases, but no spoilers were given, and especially no lives just sitting and watching said members songs, shows, compilations just for the sake of that alone. Fully entranced. Unwilling to even look at and totally uninterested in the comments during said live.
Only JM.
And I'll raise you another one.
JK knows.
These spoilers come out of knowledge.
JK knows JM's songs, JM's projects, JM's choreos, JM's MVs before we do.
And you'd say, "well, they are part of the band, no?" But you see, first of all JM being super busy preparing for his first solo album release wouldn't be in touch with them all on a daily basis and definitely not in a manner that they all know the comings and goings of his projects/songs/choreos/MVs. For example, Yoongi didn't even know about Letter.
So yeah, JK knew and knows all these details, down to SMF pt. 2 choreo, down to the set of Like crazy MV and JM's bartending duties there. All before it landed. All before we knew.
To sum it up with a nice little bow:
TKKs are right. Ex Jikookers are right. Those two, most definitely drifted apart, have zero to do with each other, don't even like each other anymore. So much so they can't stand to be next to each other, in each other's presence nor talk to each other. JK's supposed vocals on Letter are AI, it's all a big fat lie they came up with to placate the Jikookers that were rioting in the streets. And hugging, eww, totally out of the question. No hugging allowed. If they communicate it's through Tae, JK's new boyfie. Cause Tae, he gone and dumped Jenni's skinny ass the second JK became available.
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Hell nah!!!
But because I already went there, talk about changing the subject, lol, I was sent this clip today from my daughter:
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People, there you have it.
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poomphuripan · 3 months
Given that we're halfway through the series, how well do you think msi is doing ?
hi nonnie
because i'm an overthinker and msi is on my mind 24/7 so i have interpreted this question into three different ways and i'll be answer all three below.
1. how well do you think msi is doing (in terms of portraying the characters and the plot of the original novel, speaking on a personal capacity)?
this series leaves me on the edge of my seat every damn week. everything is WORKING FOR ME. i love the character designs, the adaptational changes, the pacing... my only grievance? occasionally i absolutely detest their hairstyles (whoever hairstyled sol and joe for sol's mv should get fired, real). i also dislike the fact that they usually layer ming's outfits, when i think they should just let him wear one layer of shirt for example in this behind the scene still for that confrontation scene he's just wearing a black shirt but it looks soooo goood, this picture most likely taken when they're rehearsing.
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but let's go through bit by bit
character designs: i think like other novel readers, i was a bit wary of the toning down/softening of novel!yanmingxiu, but i think it worked in favor of the series as a visual medium, coupled with them also making joe seemingly more naive than novel!zhouxiang. it balances well to have a not as cruel ming with a puppy-like/happy go luck joe 1.0. i really like in a recent reaction video where up, poom and porsche were reacting to ep.7, poom says he's happy to see so many people curse ming because it meant that he's doing well playing a scum male lead and praised up for playing such a compelling "bad" character because he thinks if it weren't for a such scum ml, his character 'joe' wouldn't come off as pitiful.
adaptational changes: i understand that translating a novel to series is a huge challenge, especially since thai series does not have a tendency to insert inner thoughts as much as japanese series does or the way audiodrama can do so but my stand in is doing so well utilising the flashbacks or blocking/cinematography to showcase the emotions of these characters so i've been loving most changes so far. they're also making changes that i love to see (novel!yan ming xiu throwing a tv remote at zhou xiang when he said something that upset him, reading that i was like bruh was that necessary?!?!!?!?).
pacing: it's really good, with my only grievance being they should make the eps longer in length. contrary to the complaints i'm seeing about how they're making audience wait to long until the huge reveal, i think it's fair and i'd actually like to see ming grovel a bit more before finding out that joe 2.0 is joe 1.0 because or else it wouldn't make sense to me why he would be so invested in getting invovlved with joe 2.0 if he wasn. most eps so far have been condensed from 10 chapters, with the biggest exception being ep 7 being adapted from 16 chapters (chapter 60-75) but i like that they simplified that plot with tharn/novel!tanyin without completely eliminating it. perhaps the only thing i regret being left out is ming crying out to joe's name after having sex with joe 2.0 but since the series went with ming not having sex with joe 2.0 in ep 7 yet so we didn't get it. anyway, ready for more ming/blind master shenanigans this week.
2. how well do you think msi is doing (with chinese fans/novel fans)?
so just recently, the weibo supertopic of my stand in hit 23,000 followers and the douban score for my stand in hit 8.8 (it debuted with a 6.8 score in the first ep btw). while douban scores for bl/foreign dramas tend to bit higher than the average scores for cdramas, this is still a huge feat considering how it's being adapted from a popular danmei novel and how bad the initial reception to the casting announcement was. it is HUGE!
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after last week's episode the scores really skyrocketed due to the two scenes, the hotel verbal fight scene and the back reveal. it's also a relief to see how both scenes are well received because they're very different from how they were executed in the novel, so i think this is a good sign of how novel fans have warmed up to the adaptation changes (if anyone is interested, feel free to read chap 73 for that confrontation and chap 74+75 for the back reveal).
also cfans seem to really be into up poompat's portrayal of yan ming xiu these days, most are ready to forgive him while simultaneously still want to watch him suffer for the rest of the series. everyone and their mother loves poom as joe/zhou xiang but they have been loving and praising poom since ep 1 so that's not really new.
3. how well do you think msi is doing (in terms of trending, general viewership and popularity)
i think my stand in is doing crazy well considering its genre (dogblood drama featuring a scum male lead). regarding trending, the number of tweets is increasing weekly and it's stable at 4th/5th place like every week and considering is up against TWO QL series of two popular established branded pairings (EngLot with Love Bully, GemFourth with My Love Mix Up TH) and the hottest lakorn series of the year (Dhevaprom), I think it's already achieving the best possible results in terms of trending (cfans are also wishing that my stand in would be more popular considering how dramatically dogblood and lakorn-coded MSI is ಥ_ಥ)
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But I think it's more important for iQIYI that it's ranking #1 worldwide iQIYI consecutively for the last seven weeks since its their "first" Thai original (i actually thought My Dear Gangster Oppa is their first, turns out not 😅). Being up against all those beautiful costume/historical cdramas and still ranking #1??????
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also i can't speak on behalf of other fans but the sole fact that the main topic on my twitter timeline every weekend is how pitiful joe is/how terrible ming is/how up and poom are DELIVERING the breakthrough performances of their careers? i think regardless of the end result of this series, it's definitely a remarkable BL series of 2024 and i'd honestly call it the dark horse among the 2024 BL releases considering how lowkey and underwhelmed the initial hype it had.
i hope some of this answers your question 😭😭😭😭 if i had misunderstood your question though, feel free to send another ask. I LOVEEEEE talking about my stand in.
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dreamaze · 9 months
The Dreaming / Find You / Destroyer / All In (MV ver.) / Nobody Else / Wildfire / Rain (MIC in the SCENE live) / Mercy (No Limit Tour in Seoul) / Thriller / 춤사위 (Crescendo) / Lost in the Dream / AND / You Can't Hold My Heart (PLAY! solo live) / Thriller / BEASTMODE / Fantasia / LOVE / Rodeo / LONE RANGER
⟡ To be honest, I am not sure what I can say about Kihyun's artistry that isn't abundantly clear from his studio and live performances. If I say that I believe he is one of the most competent vocalists in the genre, it may sound like an understatement — although it is not something I say lightly, and I mean it with my whole heart. His level of musicality is built on a strong foundation of fundamental skills and would not be possible without it. Minhyuk once described him as a stone that does not shake in the wind, and to me this also embodies his steadiness and reliability in the recording booth and on the stage no matter how challenging the primary and secondary (e.g., ad lib) lines are asked of him and no matter how deep they are into a rigorous concert set. Kihyun excels at singing high and singing loud (genuinely), but he also has a wide and well-supported range, and I appreciate the opportunities to enjoy his lower/mid end and lighter moments just as much as his robust belting. I understand why Hyungwon loves composing for his voice (who wouldn't?). Kihyun has been a strong singer since the beginning of his career and makes many of his parts seem effortless, yet most of all I respect his commitment to growth despite how much effort it takes to improve when you are already among the best of the best. He was honest with himself about when he felt his abilities plateauing, and he sought a way forward by resuming vocal lessons. We are fortunate as fans that he is also open enough to share that with us. I didn't think I could love and respect him more, but for that personal strength and dedication to his craft, I did. I do.
Postscript, to listeners. This was a challenging set of excerpts to compile (and even more to order) because Kihyun has many, many parts throughout the MX discography that showcase his abilities. As with my other compilations, it strives to capture a breadth of his output while also being very much biased toward my own favorites (Crescendo/Lost in the Dream/AND occur successively because they carry the most gut-punching, emotional weight to me). But I expect to revisit these in the future and would love to hear about your favorite moments in the tags. ♡
Postscript, to Kihyun. I miss you. Kpop is not the same without you. At the same time, I am so proud and happy for you that you are continuing to make music, as it is such a core part of your being and (if it is not presumptuous to say) brings you fulfillment and joy. I am absolutely tickled that you play the trombone. I hope you are having the best possible time playing in the band (and that your low brass section is delightfully weird, as tends to be the case — with lots of love to low brass players, from a percussionist who overheard all your shenanigans), and I can't wait to see how this musical experience contributes to your transformation and growth as an artist.
Other compilations: Minhyuk | Jooheon
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Taehyung's beautiful "Rainy Days" (Song Analysis)
*taps mic* is this thing on?
Well...it's been a while, hasn't it? We've been silent but we are still very much around, still listening to the Tannie's music, watching all the content, still loving vmin and namjin, we watched all streamable D-Day concerts, the Disney+ movies, all of it, we've just basically been keeping our ARMY time to ourselves.
But then came Tae.
But then came Rainy Days. And we were lured back here to scream a little at what we've gotten.
And yes, before the inevitable anons come to try and discredit everything in this post, yes we are aware that (so far) Tae doesn't have any writing credits on the songs on Layover, Love Me Again and Rainy Days. But try as you might, no one can ignore just how vmin coded Rainy Days is and how specific some of the references are. Everyone picked up on it, regardless if they were a vminie, OT7 non-shipper, or even a xkooker. Posts crying about and pointing toward Park Jimin being the one were everywhere and honestly, I've missed moments like there.
So, Rainy Days, huh, let's talk about the vmin references, shall we?
First of all, can we talk about just how gorgeous and atmospheric Rainy Days is? And how very Taehyung it is? Because it just fits him truly so perfectly, just like Love Me Again does. I love how the soft mellowness of the song contrasts with the brutalistic architecture of the building shown in the MV, the old-school iMac, and the little Pomeranian acting as Yeontan. I did get tricked into thinking it was Yeontan until Tae did his live and told us, nope, that's Rocky, a doggy looking very close to how Yeontan does since he couldn't travel with Tae. We know Yeontan has health issues, so I should've guessed as much, but either way, it is absolutely adorable how much love for Yeontan is in Tae's debut as solo artist. Find you someone that'll love you as much and as deeply as Tae loves Yeontan. I'll wait.
I love the use of the iPhone sounds within the song, the notification tone as well as the typing sound, though it isn't very fitting (it also reminds me of vmin, how they enjoy FaceTiming, texting and calling each other) for someone who was the Samsung Galaxy ambassador ha ha. Wonder what Yoongi had to say about that.
But moving along to the lyrics, as well as two moments from the MV itself, there are a few vmin references that are hard to ignore. And they were "obvious" enough that basically everyone picked up on them.
The first little thing, and this one could very well be a reach, is this Little Prince/Jimin connection. In the MV Tae falls asleep watching TV and we're shown clips of a fox and a flower which immediately made everyone think of the fox and flower from the Little Prince, and then also the moment in the first season of In the Soop when Tae and Hobi went on their little trip and spotted a mural/poster for the Little Prince. Adorable.
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Then in the second verse we have Tae singing the following line:
We can start again, open all the doors
The mention of doors made me perk up because it instantly reminded me of this line in Sweet Night:
That I still hope the door is open
So it feels like, if Rainy Days really is a vmin song, it would either play before Sweet Night, or after, when something came between them but Tae wanted a second chance, still had a hope that they could be together and that all things aren't lost yet.
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Now this, who do we know basically laughs at anything and everything Tae says, who has mentioned time and again that Tae is the funniest, like in one of the RUN episodes he mentioned how Tae had been making him laugh all day as well's throughout the filming? That's right, our boy Jimin.
Don't believe me? Well, check out this thread and see for yourself.
Next we have the line:
You're my four-leaf clover
Do I really need to explain this one? In a BB or memories DVD, I don't remember exactly, we had a moment when Tae was looking for a four-leafed clover and Jimin, to surprise and make him happy, went and acted as though he'd found one for it (though it wasn't a real four leaf one) which made Tae happy anyway. Years later for their performance of HOME, standing in front of what appeared to be a reference to the Mirror or Erised, we saw vmin wearing matching four-leaf clover necklaces with Tae appearing next to Jimin as though he was what Jimin's heart desired the most.
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Then in the MV we have a scene where Tae is in some kind of art room creating. Eventually he picks up a baguette, which points for originality, and uses it to paint a Vante art piece showing a painting that looks like an alien with its little antennas. And who reclaimed the alien "nickname" just a few years and and who is basically the only one who can still call him that? Exactly. Jimin.
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Speaking of whom, further in the lyrics we get this line:
Those hurtful words
And sure, perhaps I'm delulu and reaching, whatever, let me have fun, but still that line reminded me of something. FESTA 2020 where Jimin spoke about how he was sorry for the things in the past, how they were buddies back then (I'm still waiting for him to elaborate on that one, they were buddies back then so, Jiminie, what are you now? Care to share?) and got into a lot of disagreements and how he now feels sorry for the harsh words he used with Tae. And Harsh words can very much be hurtful. So another potential reference?
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At the end of the day, as I mentioned before, Tae doesn't have writing credits on Rainy Days but, as you just read, those things just fit a little too well to be just a coincidence, right? So perhaps, just like they'd done with Chingu years prior, maybe Tae sat down with the producers/lyricist and told them what he wants in the song?
And that would be it. We're both extremely excited for the rest of Layover, for the next 3 (!!!) MVs, and all the promo Tae mentioned he has planned (based on ideas and things he saw ARMY had mentioned wishing for) and if he'll have writing credits on any of the songs. But it is a little strange to me how Tae has been so outspoken about working on and writing songs for his mixtapes for years, how he'd shown us snippets from his songs, and yet now as we are getting his debut album, no writing credits (so far). Guess we shall wait and see.
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opalspring · 1 year
Some observations about the gay Kazui theory
A lot of people have been discussing this and it’s super interesting so I wanted to share some stuff I noticed too! Posting this before cat since it’s possible this theory will get either debunked or confirmed by then.
Lyrics from Cat
First, let’s talk about the preview of cat from the 2nd trial song previews. One thing I personally dislike from the staff’s English translation is this part:
“Devotion-love, lame, cheating”
While the first two tl choices are good imo, the third part could have been chosen better. The reason for this being, while it’s not a wrong tl per say, 化かす (bakasu) means “to confuse”, “to delude” according to my dictionary. There’s also the expression 狐と狸の化かし合い (kitsune to tanuki no bakashiai), which refers to two people outfoxing each other. 
While I get this might be for localization purposes, I feel like the word “cheating” has connotations in English that are way too different from the original in this case. What I’m trying to say is that we should probably wait for the mv itself to draw our conclusions regarding this (though it’s also possible this really is just about cheating).
These lines caught my attention too, but for another reason:
“Love + Fate = Crap”
“Disgusting playing-house + Disguise + Fake”
While at first glance, these lyrics make it look like Kazui might be a cheater (and not shy about it), I feel like this could be a case of Kazui lashing out after he spent so much time in a relationship with a woman when he’s not attracted to them in the first place. It’s possible Kazui actually saw his wife in a best friend kind of way, and that they only got married because of their families’ and society’s pressure, compulsory heterosexuality, you know. There Are a lot of suspicious things about Kazui that he needs to explain, but maybe cheating isn’t actually one of them. We’ll see, though.
Next, let’s discuss some things from the half mv. 
How Shidou and Kazui respectively visualize their partner
This next section will reference Triage, where we have a look at Shidou’s family for the first time. As a quick note, there has been some debate over the woman in the mv potentially being Shidou's sister or other family relative but I personally believe she's his lover because of this part:
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Shidou (we recognize him as he has the same outfit as in the rest of the mv) has his arm around her waist so I assumed they’re romantically involved because of it.
But how does this all connect to Kazui? You guessed it, the way Shidou and Kazui visualize their partner in their respective mvs vastly differs. Let’s have a look. 
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Shidou’s visual representation of his lover.
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And here’s Kazui’s.
Notice anything? In my opinion, these choices were very deliberate. As various people in the fandom have pointed out, characters in mil mvs who have faces are very important to whichever story is being told (Rei in Muu’s mvs, Shidou’s lover mentioned earlier etc). So it can make one wonder, why does Kazui’s wife, who he obviously cares deeply for, not have a detailed face when we see her? 
To continue this particular point, I want you to look at these consecutive shots from half:
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It’s unclear who the blonde woman on the top is, she could be someone Kazui met at the bar, or a coworker etc. It’s not really important who she is for our theory, what’s to note is that these two shots come one after the other, and that the composition in both is extremely similar. My interpretation for this is that, between a woman who is in the grand scheme of things a stranger to him, and the woman he married, Kazui makes almost no difference in the way he visualizes them (as in facial detail).  Because ultimately, if he’s gay, no matter how hard he tries, no matter the woman, he won’t be able to love them romantically. This could be what the staff was going for here.
The green apple and the pixelated person
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There’s a cool detail about the two shots above. To start off, the first one’s composition is a little curious. It follows the rule of 1/3; 2/3 with Kazui in the third third of the screen, but the remaining part of the image feels strangely empty, save for the green light at the top. 
It could represent Kazui’s solitude in the theater, but a few scenes later we get the second shot, where we see the green apple on one of the seats.
A fun fact is that, if you count the seats between Kazui and the apple, you notice that 4 seats on Kazui’s right seats the apple… Which corresponds to the second leftmost seat in the first screenshot. The apple was with him the whole time, and the green light stands right in the middle of the two. Hmm. But what does this mean? Honestly I’m not sure. If anything it means the apple is so important to Kazui it was given this special place. 
But then there’s also the pixelated person in the back of the second screenshot. Who are they? They’re probably very important to the story, especially when the apple stands right between them and Kazui.
Since the mystery person isn’t in the first shot where we’re introduced to Kazui, it could mean that whoever they are/represent, Kazui would rather not acknowledge them. At least not until he has to.
Look at the lyrics that play when this scene is on screen. 
“Where did I go wrong, probably from the beginning”
And then, during the same sentence, we get this Kazui who looks like he just had a revelation.
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This sentence probably refers to the fact Kazui’s relationship with his wife was bound to fail, because of his sexual orientation. And the mystery person might be a representation of men in general, who Kazui could be attracted to.
The chair and what it could represent
At certain parts during half, it seems as if Kazui is talking to this chair. Some examples:
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It should be noted that both times Kazui does this, the lyrics he sings are the same. This part in particular caught my eye:
“Please tell me what I should do”
Who exactly is Kazui talking to here? He could simply be thinking of his wife here, but since there’s so much emphasis on the chair, I thought they could be symbolic for an entity or a group of people Kazui knows. I have two guesses: it might represent either his family, or maybe society in general. 
I don’t think it’s the former because Kazui seems at odds with them and possibly got disowned, so I feel like he wouldn’t value their opinion too much. As for the second option, it could be Kazui asking us what he should have done/ how he should have handled the situation (with him being gay and unable to love his wife romantically, but not wanting to hurt her feelings). It’s hard to know because we don’t have a lot of context for this part so it could be anything really.
Some parts of the lyrics that could specifically refer to homosexuality
These don’t really fit in any of the other points I talked about but if we look at them in the context of this theory they can be pretty telling:
“So many things I wish I hadn’t known, I’m just a coward”
“What I gave up a long time ago, why is it questioning me now?”
“So many things I should have known, I’m just a coward”
Kazui’s possible coming out to his wife
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In my opinion, this part could be the aftermath of Kazui coming out to his wife. Let me explain. Here we have the apple (temptation/the forbidden fruit = the idea of homosexuality here?) in the background, so that’s one thing. Add to that the lyrics playing:
“All this time till now has hurt me, The scales of my heart have decided to sway”
This line could refer to the moment Kazui felt like he had to be honest with his wife, because as much as he loved her, pretending to basically be someone he wasn’t was hurting him. Hence “the scales of his heart swaying”. This scene then led to Hinako jumping from the balcony at some point, but at the moment we don’t know the details.
Hope you enjoyed!
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📢🔊🎤🎶 LOVE IS IN THE AIR... 🎙🎷🎺🎸🎹and 5 takeaways from the past months
Oh my Gosh! What an afternoon of excitement!
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Apparently Jimin changed for nanoseconds(?) his profile picture and posted one of JK 
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Too bad the account didn't record a video..... If there is only one person as a testimonial, let me be a bit skeptical. 🤨
But who knows... maybe Jimin was playing with Jk, as this latter did on April 28th.
Also emerging on twitter are the constant cacophonies heard in Jimin's last vlive....LOL
I take these things with a grain of salt, because they always happen... there’s always someone in tiktok who hear voices in Jimin's and JK's vlives 🤣 
I do think they were together the night of Like Crazy's BB100, because all the k-army accounts (I follow) perfectly hear, at the beginning of the vlive, a "go quickly" with a busanese accent. That can't be a coincidence, nor a general delulu mode! 
In any case, I'm here to celebrate Jikook's love fest of this past month.
📢🔉🔊🎤🎶🎵 LOVE IS IN THE AIR... 🎙🎷🎺🎸🎻🎹
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I have to admit that there was a time when I didn't understand why the hell we didn't know anything about Jikook.😫
Those who wait are in despair. And if I'm the one who waits (while quitting smoking), it's even worse, because I'm (above all) IMPATIENT! hahaha. I missed jikook a lot and I was in a total skeptical phase.
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Don't scold me, I am not insecure, I like to be objective and critical. And there were things from these months that just made me wonder if everything was okay... I'm not going to go into them, because there’s no need. But I am going to share with you some of my lessons or takeaways from these months of CHAPTER 2 and that now, with more perspective, I can share, in case it helps anyone for next months.
1. The members who interact the most are the ones who are promoting at the time. 
I don't expect to see others in official content, unless they have something to promote. I guess it's marketing strategy. Just compare how Suga has reacted to other albums on socmed, with how he has been more involved in Jimin's, because he came next. 
The only exception is Hobi who is constant. Our dear sunshine..💜
But as I could see, if we want to see the rest, it's up to them.
2. This brings me to the next point: JIKOOK has chosen to show us that they are still there as usual, but without the exposure. 
Let's cry in chorus! 😭😭❤❤
JK wanted to support Jimin and for us to see him. And he wanted it to be something special, dammit! And so it has been!
I melt with him and everything he has done so far: from saying how great the Set me free Pt2 MV was going to be, to playing the chords of Letter, and the vlive reaction to Suchita and Jimin's best moments unbothered.
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Plus the next morning reacting to Jimin’s live LOL
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And Jimin has always been active in JK's vlives, whenever he could, with some very memorable lines 
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3. What we don't see is almost EVERYTHING. And what we can see depends on many external factors. 
Thanks to the editors we could see JK visiting Jimin. It looks like they were together for only 5 seconds, but we know that was not the case.
if they even said goodbye in two different positions LOL
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On the other hand, Letter was not recorded remotely, nor did JK teach himself to play it on guitar on youtube, like he learned to make sushi on ITS. 
This would be a point for non-jikookers who believe that jikook has not seen e/o for months.... but, I write it as a reminder for everyone, but especially for ME. 
What we see in recorded content is Hybe's choice. The rest is either shown to us by them or we have to assume it by applying common sense.
On the other hand, does anyone expect jikook to plug in a vlive when they're at home together watching The Notebook for the umpteenth time? I don't... Which brings me to the next point...
4. Army is always a support to Jungkook
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I really believe that when he has been feeling very bored, alone or melancholic, we have been a help to him. Maybe he needed a rest, but at some point the inactivity has taken its toll on him, given that he didn't have his precious people around him.
In particular, I am happy to see him in his new role as CK ambassador and to see him travelling and active, at least until he enters the more intense work phase of his future projects.
So when I've seen Tae at his home, or with him at concerts, far from worrying about the cults's reaction (Who cares!!), I've been glad he was getting him out of the Mikrokosmos cave, because JK is an introvert and his comfort zone isn't exactly socialising.
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[How I feel about Tae and his vlives and name dropping at certain times is another matter. But I have no doubt that Tae loves him and has made it a point to take him out bowling or to concerts]
5. Perhaps most controversial, but most obvious.....JIKOOK don't officially live together and that's what we're going to see from here until they leave for military service. So it's best not to give too much thought to the issue of houses.
But there is a very big obviousness to this issue. JK lives in a house rented by Hybe, with furniture from the dorms and barely decorated (althoug full of underwear 😁), as if he can't rent a house while his mansion in Itaewoon is being built...LOL! It's a joke! (and by this I mean that perhaps he spends part of his time elsewhere 😏).
If jikook is an established couple, as many of us think, we will always have to bear in mind is that they cant fulfil everything we would see in a long-term couple, like living together in one house 24/7/365, for obvious reasons, but basically because they are hidden couple and they’re also chased (especially Jungkook, who has a lot of sasaengs behind him).
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And this is basically my main takeaways.... I'm sure I have more lessons learnt.... but I don't remember them now.... or I'm tired of writing.... maybe it's the latter ;)
I purple you 💜
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Jungkook is all grown up ~ Min Yoongi, June 13, 2022
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So, I guess we’ve all had a chance to restart our hearts and get our big girl undergarments changed after seeing this:
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Is this the “climax” of what Kookie has been working on since early February? He's had an agenda all this time?
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Jungkook has been trying to break out of this BABY star candy, golden BABY, BABY highness, giant BABY villain bubble he’s been in forever. I feel called out, JK. Let’s not kid ourselves though. He’s been grown up for a few years now.
JK biases/stans have always been horny over him and see him as his My Time performance sex god. It took me a while to view Kookie in that light. The muscles, the boxing, the tattoos, the piercings do not tickle that "sensation" in me as easily as it does for the JK biases. I'm resistant to his "charms."
I do love him but Jimin is the one who makes me think and feel things I won’t detail here. As I said to my bestie the other day: "I don't know why I feel that way about that skinny little thing." Seriously, the idea of a bias is so interesting though isn't it? So, just saying, the following is my point of view as I think out loud....
When I first saw this image:
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… for a split second my brain registered "Jimin" and then went "huh?"…. hmmmmm. Of course it also went, wow, naked. Also I thought, let's get it JK... bring it.
And then upon seeing the rest of the images and his behind the scenes video I had to sit with it and think about it... the other similarities in the other images: the spikes, the grainy photo effect... very intriguing. They (Jimin and Jungkook) really do play off each other don't they?
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As I'm processing all of this, I think about what I know:
They have a team of stylists. They have a team for content. They have teams for each member. They have staff. It's the "big machine" that Namjoon mentioned once. And the big machine all work in tandem.
What I’m assuming:
The teams may work on all or some of the members. For instance some people on the style team may work on Jimin and Jungkook but not on RM’s team. We don't know though. Might be one team who works on every single one of them and individuals are just delegated to doing the tasks.
More specifically, and also for example… I know Bit and Boot (the hair stylists) travels with them overseas. So I am going to assume the Bit n Boot team consists of a point person and several others who style their hair. Or maybe they are one and the same person. Or maybe several stylists. I don’t know. I'm assuming more than one because when they are overseas they need others to tend to the other members needs elsewhere.
I know the wardrobe team in the past has explained they get samples from clothing companies or design houses and they catalog them for future use. They meet with the members (at the time I saw this information the solo era had not begun yet) and determine what sort of look or concept will suit a particular theme. This is a very creative process in my opinion. And this one particularly would be involved in the members' solo concepts because other than the actual set surrounding the subject, its the clothing that conveys the vibe and theme.
So all that being said… seeing JK’s images very similar to Jimin’s is so interesting to me. I feel 99% sure it was not a coincidence nor was it incompetence or the ridiculous claim of “plagiarism.” I saw JK's smile when he saw Jimin commenting during his lives. I saw it when he was watching Jimin on tv. I saw him say wait until midnight when something amazing is coming (SMF MV) so don't try to tell me now that he's undermining Jimin's work.
There’s something else going on here that we don’t know what the goal is yet but copying Jimin is not it. JK is conveying his concept. I am a big proponent of the members making the choices and decisions for their solo work. I am 99% sure this was done intentionally. But why?
HOWEVER. THAT BEING SAID. I recall how much Kookie has been watching Jimin over the years. At least ten years now. And I feel strongly that Jimin has influenced JK tremendously. I feel like JK has learned how to be empathic and he’s learned about work ethic (though putting that into motion for him looks much different than it does for Jimin). And if Kookie thinks Jimin is sexy when he does [insert whatever it is Jimin does that turns Kookie on] then he might try to emulate that? Remember, I'm just thinking out loud here.
Or are they really just flipping us the bird and doing what they know turns each other on? That would be a fabulous joke on us. I would love it, to be honest. Jungkook has been vocal in the past whenever Jimin has shown his sexy side and he's been pretty obviously obsessed with him in his lives lately too.
We may never know, it might be a mystery forever why the image concepts are so similar. We can make up all the theories we want (and we do) and make assumptions and “put two and two together” reading between the lines, but knowing exactly what was going through their heads is something we’ll never know unless they tell us.
Is there something in the near future that this is all leading to? I guess we have to wait and see… (don’t you hate it when someone says that?)
Maybe it will be for the long awaited Jikook collab? I had a video concept that I sketched out roughly for my bestie yesterday but now I'm going to elaborate on it: JKxJM collab, the MV opens with Jimin stepping out of his Like Crazy MV set with the mud splattered pants and JK stepping out of his Seven MV set in his oversized outfit and they start taking off their clothes but underneath each layer are their "look alike" clothes and there is layer upon layer they have to take off and its comical because there are so many couple outfits they've worn over the years, until finally they get down to the white tank tops and boxer shorts and then they break it down in the mother of all dance breaks that will break the internet and slough off the dead meat of the fandom and then when the song is over, they walk off the set arms over each other in a giggling fit.
Why hasn't BigHit hired me yet? My brain is full of these uniquely creative ideas that will never see the light of day.
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agustdiv1ne · 1 year
here are my thoughts about each song that absolutely nobody asked for but i don't care 🤣
ok GROWING PAINS??? THE WALLS ARE CLOSING IN I'M FALLING TO MY KNEES I'M WAILING BC THIS SONG IS EVERYTHING TO ME. i loveee rock music and this is also reminds me a little of what i used to listen to when i was in the deepest trenches of my middle school emo phase (and continue to listen to bc my emo phase never truly left me),, THE GROWL. BEOMGYU FUCKING GROWLED. ME WHEN. ME WHEN. ME WHEN. *INSERT WEREWOLF MEME* i am just. obsessed. absolutely Obsessed. ALSO YEONJUN'S HIGH NOTE????? ACTUALLY FUCK OFF I'M ON THE FLOOR
chasing that feeling is very 80s new wave and it is Everything to me. i could go over everything in the mv but i'm j gonna focus on the song for now. i love the route they took for the tt, it's very like. dreamy? to me?? and laid back and yet it sounds like it would be part of some action movie????? like hero training scene montage and BOOM CHASING THAT FEEEEELINGGG in the background idk...the synths are making me ascend i swear to whatever is above whoever added those synths in the instrumental deserves the best fucking head of their lives. beomgyu opening fairy, bro always makes sure to EAT THAT OPENING BROOO I LOVE HIM. AND THEN TYUN HIGH NOTE WOOOOOOOOO that Healed me...and hyuka's "come and kiss me" YEAH. YEAHHHH. can u tell i'm obsessed w this tt yet???? i need it tattooed onto my ear drums right now
DREAMER MF DREAMERRRR BROOOOOOOOOO i've been waiting for an rnb song like this from them since 20cm i fucking swear. and this just. BLEW ME OUT OF THE WATER,, their falsettos are so mf pretty esp soobin's like his voice was just made for this song bro. i swear. and then we got beomgyu's falsetto too?????? wow. wowowowow. i need more rn. AND THEN YEONJUN BROO CAME IN W THE "LET ME BREAK IT DOWN FOR YOU" AND I'M DYING. LIKE ACTUALLY DYING PLS DO NOT RESUSCITATE
ahahaha deep down is like. so chill and i loveee the beat omfg. like this is a song that i am going to play when i go on late night car rides, bass boosted n everything bc the beat. the BEAT. i need it injected into my veins immediately,, def not like. my fav off this album but i still enjoyed it ^^
ok happily ever after has me in a chokehold rn. i'm being so serious. it's so fun and catchy it's like a little earworm that i can't get out of my head!!!! it makes me wanna dance and sing and AHHHHH. the beginning "oh ma gawd" that was so cute...def my pick me up song bc it's so cute n fun n i definitely didn't expect to like it as much as i do <3 the power of txt <3333 LIFE IS NOT A FAIRYTALE!!!! also soobin's falsetto got me again i'm ascending yet again my friends...i feel like this song is encapsulated by the ✨️ emoji pls don't ask me to elaborate.
SKIPPING STONES. MY ABSOLUTE FAV OFF THIS ALBUM. THERE IS NO COMPETITION I FEAR.....it's very reminiscent of music i'd listen to while growing up esp the songs my dad would share with me...idk why but that connection just makes this song so much more special to me. also sounds kinda like a day6 song and as someone who loves day6 i needed this!! i love the rock influences so fucking much guys i am so obsessed with this song,,,, i need more songs like this immediately. asap. ALSO hyuka's high note. guys. guys. what the fuck. he is such a talented man i cannot rn
as if i could forget about blue spring — when i told u i started crying??? yeah, i started crying right when it started playing. i love them so fucking much u don't understand 😭😭😭 idk why they autotuned my men like that towards the end tho,, but yeah. this will be my official crying song for the foreseeable future 😁
and then. chasing that feeling english version??? hello????? i typically don't enjoy english versions too much but this one is so good omg. i def like the og more but i did enjoy it and it was a nice lil surprise!!!!
i could keep writing more but i will leave it at that. i'm sorry if u read this far u deserve financial compensation for being so strong
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knightzp · 4 months
Hey Miki ^_^
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you about the songs! I like to take my time to listen to songs atleast a few times because the more I listen to it the more I like it so I waited for a bit to tell you haha :D but anyways...
I loved the Knights Trip album!! It has such a wonderful vibe to it. I played it while cleaning my room and I think I spent more time dancing than actually cleaning lol I had a huge smile on my face while listening to the entirety of it :) Will a 100% play this during dance or gym workouts!
Honestly I liked all the songs, all of them were upbeat and very cheerful...here's a little about a few of the songs ->
Little romance is the absolute cutest song - made me go "awww" on multiple occasions - has the power to cheer me up :)
We'll be "Knights" has a special place in my heart...maybe because that was the first song I heard from the album idk but it has a "Finale group song" vibe to it that I just really love <3
My sunshine, you're moonlight 🥺...Is this Ritsu's song? I loved it <33 The beats at the beginning + the voice (i loved the voice very much) + the melody! I liked it (maybe...my favorite? 👀)
Wonderful Happiness...Now this song...I don't really know why but I have caught myself randomly humming the song out of nowhere so it's just kinda stuck in my head atp lmao - Love this one too <3
Special mention to Mystic Fragrance and Luminous Crown...I liked both of these songs!
Like I said all of these songs were very good <3 I am actually a huge Lyric Nerd so I love analyzing the lyrics for any song. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find the English translations for the lyrics so I had to miss out on that step this time T-T (I have a feeling the lyrics are really sweet so that's a bummer on my end)
I'm sure as a fan you might have a deeper understanding as well as love for the songs, characters, and singers...but even as a "not (yet) fan" I still found the album really enjoyable to listen to!
So a big thanks to you for recommending these songs Miki <3 I had a lot of fun and feel free to recommend more in the future too!
(This became a veryyy long reaction post omg I will stop now haha 😂)
LEX aaaa thank you for the long reaction!!! ive been screaming here abt the album sm these last days and you know how obsessed im with it so it makes me SO happy you liked it that much and that it made you smile <33
abt the songs, little romance TOTALLY IS THE CUTEST SONG EVERRRR full fairytale vibes and with such an adorable and happy rhythm that makes me smile every single time. its so perfect for ritsus center song and it holds a very special place in my heart <3
well be knights is another very dear song to me and a curious case as well bc for months we only had the mv version of the song which is shorter and i feel like they only left there the slower more emotional parts of the song (i really recommend you watch the anime mv) and when i listened to the full version the first time i was SO SHOCKED bc i didnt expect the quicker rhythm or That instrumental dubstep in the middle????? it felt like a completely different song to me but it goes SO hard and i love the full version so much too well be knights my beloved forever. also i find it funny how you say it gives finale group song vibes bc its true its one of the last knights songs weve got and so can give that impression but well be knights is actually knights debut song! its the very first song they ever sang together on a stage (even so that one of the members, tsukasa, hadnt joined them yet and so doesnt sing in this song)
MY SUNSHINE YOURE MOONLIGHT YES YES IT IS RITSUS SOLO im very very happy you liked it that much even saying it might be your fave too !!!! ritsus voice is so soft and sweet and beautiful and lovely and EVERYTHING TO ME and along with that cute melody and THE LYRICS OH MY GOD THE LYRICS its just so absolutely PERFECT FOR HIM im forever grateful at happyele for giving him such a great solo song <333
abt wonderful happiness i Totally get you!!! this song is so cute and happy and has such a catchy rhythm it is often playing in my head as well and i love it. and im glad you liked mystic fragrance and luminous crown too!!! both are such good center songs for each of their characters, arashi and tsukasa respectively, and i love them a lot too !!
oh and if you want to read the translations to the lyrics im pretty sure you can find almost if not all of them on youtube! just search "enstars [title of the song] lyrics" and youll get any you want!
and aaaa thanks to you for listening the album!!!! it made me really happy that you listened to my recs and checked all the album out and enjoyed listening to it since i myself love it so much <333
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Hiii stormie my dear, how are you? first of all, i wanted to say that i adore your blog and i think u are a breath of fresh air here. Thank you! Because i trust u, I wanted to say some things im thinking about since seven released, i hope u dont mind.
Ok, like jk says: lets get it! Right, I do understand people feeling sad about jimin and face era. It was awful how sabotaged he was, and i still dont get what really happened and i'm mad to whatever or whoever is responsible for it. But i'm seeing so many people doubting the veracity in jungkookie's success with seven and i'm hating it. I dont think the song is getting payola, nor playlists by paying for it and neither ads on youtube. First, the song was sent to radios, but just a few of them r playing it, one of them being a guy who loves to plays "k-pop" songs. If there was payola, it would be playing everywhere all the time already. The playlist thing: just like "like crazy eng. ver", seven entered the Today's Top Hits playlist. But at #23 place. I just saw a tweet by a guy talking about this: https://twitter.com/cantorpedia/status/1680258574688088066?s=20. We know that there's some shady thing happening in this playlist for a while, and if seven have deals to get this high debut numbers, it would had debuted at the top in the playlist, even in the cover (it may go up next week, because there is supposed to be some internal logic that the more a song receives streams IN the playlist, the more it rises). Also, seven had a huge filtering in spotify, just like all BTS' songs, which also shows that they r not making deals. Now, about Youtube ads... i saw a person posting a ss about seeing an ad of the song, but apparently is fake.
Seven is doing AWESOME numbers because: its a english catchy song, with a cute mv, sang by THEE Jeon Jungkook. Im not joking, seven is really a gp success.. yesterday i saw 3 people from my daily life and inner circle talking about loving the song. My sister, who is not an army, said that she listened to the song all day while i was not home. Gp is loving it. So they did with butter (which is a eng song too), but Seven has a differential: the clean and explict version r being counted combined. Plus, seven is doing awesome everywhere, even in korean charts.
If there was something shady going on, i dont think they would make more than 1 version for the song, even on youtube (there is a new perfomance video for the explict ver). They would just send to radios and count on the payola and the deals w spotify, tiktok, youtube, for the charts (thats what most western artists does). But since billboard started filtering the songs so much so that made like crazy drop from 1 to 45 in a week and then stopped counting digital versions from usa based artist stores, BTS had to start making available to fans different versions of the same song because they know they cant count on radio, but can count on the sales and streams. Since Like Crazy, i feel like Hybe is experimenting ways of overcoming the sabotage by the industry.
The thing is, i think we can and should talk and raise questions about how jimin was treated badly, in every chart and streaming platform. For example, views from youtube were not being frozen in Yoongi's songs too, just like jk's. So, its not a privilege that jk is receiving, its just that something was really happening with face promotions, who knows what and why. But that was not jk's or any member fault.
Anyway, i'm happy for jk and i know much more is coming his way. And i cant wait for jimin to make a new comeback soon too. I hope it all goes well yk, Jimin deserves the best in his promotions just like jk and the other members. Lets hope. I'm sorry for hijacking your tumblr for this rant, im hoping u have some thoughts on the subject
Rant shared. I shared my thoughts about most of this a few weeks ago, I'm sure anyone who wants to can still scroll to go find it all, I'm not *really* wanting to open it all back up for discussion again. People are VILE honestly. I enjoy the song, it's fun, it's not much more than that and it's clearly made to be a western audience radio hit. Jungkook deserves and has my full support though! 💜 thanks for sharing
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chickawah23 · 2 years
The recurring use of Koi Fish in the Midnights Music Videos + Speak Now
We all know the Speak Now Tour Guitar had the koi fish on it. So Taylor’s relentless references to speak now in these 3 music videos makes it clear this chick wants the concept of Speak Now (regaining her voice and her truth) to be the recurring theme of this whole roll out and I am loving it.
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Taylor told us that Lavender Haze was the first video she wrote out of the 3 music videos released so far which helped conceptualize Midnights.
In LH Taylor used the koi fish at two key parts, pulling back the weather forecast curtain on the tv screen. Where she goes from being bored to seeing the koi fish as a way out. The next scene is her putting on a PDA show at a party with her man. Then the koi fish returned at the end of the video when she knocked down the fake room she held the party in and then went to sleep in that cloud surrounded by the koi fish. It’s almost like she used the man to get into this space where she could get to the fish.
So when she ends the video going into the cloud surround by the fish it almost looks like she’s inside the Speak Now guitar. Like she put herself in the best place to get back to her truth.
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In the Anti-Hero mv, her outward persona and her inward self both have the Speak Now tour guitar with Koi Fish on it. The public facing wild Taylor destroys the guitar while the inward Taylor watches while laughing and playing hers. If we take the idea of Taylor being inside the guitar and apply it here then it looks like outward facing Taylor is doing everything she can to “free” inward Taylor by destroying her truth. Thematically after this scene we are first introduced to giant Taylor who is too big to just hang out and then we see outward Taylor teaching inward Taylor to change everything about herself or dislike herself to make living a lie more tolerable. Moreover, we are first introduced to outward public facing Taylor when inward Taylor is about to run out of the house she is trapped in. But outward Taylor keeps her inside and gives her different coping mechanisms. Almost like outward Taylor is pretending to help but is actually trying to keep inward Taylor trapped.
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In the Bejeweled mv. Once Taylor wins the castle she goes to the balcony as Long Live plays and the Koi fish are in the top half of the stain glass window. The way that the stained glass is curved looks almost like she’s stepping out from inside the guitar. She also has the Speak Now barrettes in her hair. She started the music video in exile similar to the Inward version of herself who is trapped in the house in AntiHero mv. And she goes on this journey to reclaim her jewels and the castle that was once hers just to burn it down in the end.
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As has been discussed at length by others koi fish represent perseverance and overcoming obstacles. Taylor’s biggest obstacle has been this journey to reclaim her past. She can’t speak until she has her truth. So the use of the koi fish and recurring speak now era themes is just an awesome way to lay out this journey.
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The power of this koi fish Speak Now through-line is great. I love it. I can’t wait to see what else she puts out.
P.S. I am still patiently waiting for speak now tv lol
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