#also I might have dennie date simmy post main story? idk though it depends on how things shake out
chisatowo · 2 years
Gonna do some light rambles abt some ocs I haven't rly properly introduced under the cut cause Im bored (design and art credits can be found on their toyhouse pages which will be linked)
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Starting with Misk!! They're a little brat child who deeply admires Brady as she saved them during the rebellion in their town that took place a few years ago, and they currently live with her. Misk sees Brady as the definition of heroism, and constant tries to be like him, in their own weird way where they yell at ppl on the streets because they have no idea how to talk to ppl lol. After Brady had to leave town after an attempted murder, Misk refused to believe that Brady would do something like that, or at least not without good reason, and defended it fiercely, ultimately stubbornly choosing to leave town with it, much to its protest.
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Next up Lum! They're another friend of Brady, although they used to see her as a rival and nemesis, as during the initial rebellion they had assumed they came to town specifically to try to capitalise on this chance for power and fame, but eventually grew to respect her after getting to know her more. Generally they're quite snarky and pessimistic, and while they still try to be the realist between them and Brady, they understand that their pessimism isn't actually always realistic, and that Brady does a good job at catching these moments and Brady honestly does more to balance them out than the other way around lol.
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Now for a character that Ive technically introduced but haven't talked abt much, Miko! Shes the adopted daughter of the ancient sea leviathan Jarfield (my siblings bullied me into naming her that sorry 😔) who saved him from an attempted drowning from his bio parents. Jar was a deeply caring mother, but the two ended up growing a bit more distant as Miko got older, mostly because of how others treated Miko as a disciple of Jar and a messenger for her, leading to Miko feeling an incredible amount of pressure from nearly everyone she interacted with aside from her mother, leading to her trying to fit the role pushed on her more, and trying to treat her mom more as a boss than a parent. Jar tried to ease Miko's stress by reassuring him that he is still loved unconditionally, and that he doesn't need to be any sort of hero or champion, and to please take a god damn break. Miko of course refused to do so, leading to Jar trying to find creative ways to get Miko away from working herself to the bone for everyone she stumbles across. One day she tried sending him to investigate a thing she though was gonna be minor but out of the way and scenic enough to be a nice break, but alas it turned out to be in fact a very big thing, and now Miko has taken it upon himself to save the world rip
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Aaaand last two for now, Dennie and Kickz! I'll keep this one short since I need to sleep, but uhhh body swap shenanigans ooo wacky (it's not wacky it ruined both of their lives lol). Loooong story short, Dennie died in her initial body as a kid, but was revived by some family with otherworldly magic thats illegal so to keep Dennie from just being killed again, they took advantage of a law they have abt wish contracts, and Dennie was assigned to semi haunt Kickz in order to grant their wish and hopefully get to live legally. Kickz was happy to help, although they didn't rly know how since their wish was just to have friends, but the two ended up growing up together and becoming rly close. Kickz started working to get a job as a fisher cause they're a loser like that, but Dennie was starting to get rly paranoid abt weather or not they'd ever get to go home and have a proper body again. Eventually they snapped at Kickz, and impulsively tried to steal their body, along with the pendant that the wish was tied to, but as Kickz was kicked out of her body, she managed to take the pendant with her, and ended up getting flung into Kickz body back in the magic world. They're both having a rough time lol
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