#also I really do love that Alec and Richard have learned like nothing since the previous book
fourthousandbooks · 7 months
I’m probably about halfway through The Privilege of the Sword now, and some plot threads are starting to tangle together, as well as I have received confirmation that my otp from the previous book are doing about as well at relationship as they were before (so not at all) but they’re still madly in love with each other, so all is well.
Also Katherine and the other focal character, Lady Artemisia finally met again after having met right at the beginning and then not at all and now I’m encouraging Katherine to go and sweep Artemisia off her feet and away from all these terrible men around her. You two clearly have similar romantic sensibilities, and Katherine could be so much a better boyfriend than your current beau, Artemisia. Just risk everything and elope with the cute swordswoman!
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convenientalias · 5 years
For the crossover ask meme: Marco Polo and Swordspoint (because they both need more love)
A crossover ship I’d dig: Oh dear, I’d ship Richard St. Vier with so many people.
So, first of all, I think I’d probably ship him with Khutulun bc they’re both fighters and he might even be able to beat Khutulun (though I’m not sure of that). I don’t know if Khutulun would approve of his profession because I think the twisted Swordspoint rules of dueling would probably piss her off (they’re kind of shady) but she’d definitely be impressed by his skills. And I just think they might easily hook up. (And of course keep their relationship or affair secret forever.)
Then I’d also ship him with Mei Lin. Somehow they’d both get pulled into the same plot and they’d both be really frustrated with the political scheming they’d been pulled into. Then... I can picture them getting together in a variety of ways. Some rich patron who Mei Lin is currently working for (?) tells her to service St. Vier as a reward for him (which he’d probably be pretty eh about), and they end up getting together after this with mutual animosity towards her current patron, whom they may or may not end up killing. Or, Mei Lin gets sent to kill St. Vier to get him out of the way, but he ends up beating her or she ends up deciding not to kill him at the last moment, and she tells him who sent her--and again, they end up teaming against the guy she’s working for. I just see this being a ship with politics and murder ya know.
I’d also ship St. Vier with Marco Polo. Marco has finally run away from Kublai’s court! He’s now kind of a stray on the run, and somehow ends up in Riverside, an odd corner of the Khan’s empire. St. Vier ends up taking him in much like he took in Alec, though Marco is somewhat less of a wild card and at the same time somewhat more restless and likely to leave to go on the run again. Anyways they carry on with an affair for a while until Marco hears about some major political event and decides he must return to Kublai. This is probably a bad idea bc you don’t just run away from an emperor and then return with no consequences, but St. Vier isn’t a guy to stop his lover from making their own decisions, and he lets Marco return, though not without some regrets.
I would also ship St. Vier with Jingim. They meet at court (I guess in this AU, Cambulac has the same weird dueling laws as the city in Swordspoint) and Jingim respects his swordsfighting skills but has little interest in him bc they’re just not on the same social stratum. Then one day St. Vier gets hired to fight Jingim. I can’t picture him doing this of his own accord (he knows better than to challenge the Khan’s son and heir) so he’s probably been blackmailed somehow, as in the Alec getting kidnapped situation. A very fierce duel follows, and somehow both survive, but just barely. Later on... they hook up?? Idk I just want this to happen.
The pattern here is that I want all my faves to hook up with St. Vier basically lols.
More below the cut!
A crossover BroTP I’d dig: Oh dear, I used up a lot of combinations in the ship section. Well, any of the above I’d enjoy as BroTPs as well as OTPs. But also, consider: Vincent Applethorpe & Hundred Eyes.
Hundred Eyes does not consider the modern conventions of dueling as honorable-- he does not approve of the customs current in Cambulac. However, he is incredibly good at both martial arts and swordsfighting, and back in the day he was renowned among duelers. Of course, since he works for Kublai (and before that, lived off in a lonely village doing his own thing), no professional duelist has tried to learn from him. But if only they could....
So Vincent Applethorpe has heard of the legend, but he never thought he’d actually meet Hundred Eyes. Then one day, a strange young man comes to Applethorpe’s school--Marco Polo. Applethorpe doesn’t recognize him right away and begins to teach him, finding he does have the money to pay at least. It’s only weeks later that he finds out that Marco Polo is the Khan’s guest, when Hundred Eyes shows up at the school to scold Marco for coming to learn from someone other than him. Marco insists that he wasn’t learning well from Hundred Eyes, wasn’t learning fast enough--and Hundred Eyes is teaching him how to fight in self defense or in battle but not so much how to duel, and Marco is worried that someone might challenge him soon. He’s becoming rapidly involved in court politics, and he’s seen how that ends for some people.
Anyways Hundred Eyes reads Marco the riot act, but he’s actually somewhat impressed by Applethorpe. He and Applethorpe do a little sparring, and he reluctantly says that if Marco wants to learn from Applethorpe as well as Hundred Eyes that’s fine; only Hundred Eyes will sometimes come and sit in on their sessions. Applethorpe is completely over the moon at this bc again, Hundred Eyes is a fuckign LEGEND.
They become bros.
A crossover Frenemies I think would be inevitable: Ahmad and Alec.
No matter how I form this crossover, I can’t really picture Alec being a native noble in Cambulac; he’s too “Latin”. So in this AU, he’s sort of a traveling scholar. He’s known to be a noble from [insert country name here] and Kublai has invited him to stay in Cambulac. “Invited” him in more or less the same way he “invited” Marco. Alec’s stuck in Cambulac and can’t leave, and he’s kind of grumpy about it, and he’s still a rude, capricious wild card. No one has any idea why Kublai keeps him around and hasn’t yet executed him for his presumption. Especially not Ahmad. (And also Jingim but I’ll get there later.)
Ahmad and Alec have a tendency to make catty comments at each other and they probably shouldn’t be left in the same room. However, they also for some reason enjoy each other’s company. They like playing games together and sharing rumors they’ve heard (though always keeping their own secrets), recognize that they are both kind of treacherous, and generally have a lot of fun. I feel like at some point they may have a threesome with Mei Lin, or just hook up. (....somehow I’ve continued to just keep on shipping things.) Also, Ahmad kind of empathizes with Alec as another of the Khan’s strays--more than he empathizes with Marco in the show, bc while Alec is whiny he’s also just really fun, and also isn’t directly getting in the way of Ahmad’s plans bc he’s not really politically involved, he’s just There.
A crossover badass duo I think would be inevitable: See the shipping section.
Lols but really, can you even picture St. Vier and Mei Lin taking down one of Mei Lin’s patrons (possibly Ahmad? or Jia Sidao?), or. Oh my God. What if. The reason St. Vier challenged Jingim is because Ahmad had kidnapped Alec--Ahmad had ample opportunity for this bc see above, he and Alec are best frenemies. Don’t ask why Ahmad wanted to get Jingim murdered; he had his reasons. Now St. Vier and Jingim must take on Ahmad together, but Ahmad isn’t such a fool as to let Alec go after the duel failed to kill either of them, so the situation is very tricky.
This is an imperfect scenario, however, bc it’s very straightforward for Ahmad. If not Ahmad, maybe the kidnapper was Kaidu? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
A crossover animosity I think would be inevitable: ALEC AND JINGIM.
Why do Alec and Jingim hate each other? Let me count the ways.
First of all, Jingim dislikes that his father keeps on getting new favorites rather than focusing on him. And what did Alec do to deserve his current status as honored guest in Cambulac? Literally nothing! I mean, maybe he’s a decent scholar, but he’s not THAT amazing. In fact, I bet he was rude to Kublai when they first met in hopes that Kublai would kill him. (Unfortunately, Kublai had already heard about Alec and knew he was suicidal, and so could see through this motivation easily, and has been refusing to kill him partly bc he doesn’t like being manipulated into these things.) Jingim just does not understand why Kublai grants Alec so much leeway and spends so much time with him when Alec is a complete bitch!
And then there’s the fact that Alec is also friends with Ahmad. Jingim has always wanted to be closer to his two brothers, but with Ahmad... it’s like there’s a wall there. Sometimes he feels like they’re close, and sometimes he feels like they’re far apart, despite being raised together. Yet even when Alec and Ahmad fight, they clearly get each other in ways that Jingim does not understand.
Why does Alec hate Jingim? Partly just bc he’s the son of the guy who’s holding prisoner (excuse me, guest) in Cambulac. Partly bc he’s kind of stiff and formal, and has been pissed at Alec’s rudeness since Day One. And partly bc St. Vier is into Jingim and Alec knows it. Idk if they’ve hooked up yet or not (I’m really unsure on the chronology of all these ships) but at the very least, St. Vier always has positive things to say about Jingim and is oddly deferential towards him, more than he tends to be towards a noble. Alec is completely certain that if Jingim took up with St. Vier, St. Vier would drop Alec in a heartbeat. Bc Jingim is better than Alec. He’s a noble who actually does his job, he’s incredibly good looking, and he doesn’t get into all the trouble that Alec does. So Alec’s kind of paranoid about that. Even if it doesn’t seem likely that Jingim WILL start an affair with St. Vier anytime soon (Jingim has his wives, and he’s only somewhat interested in St. Vier, and St. Vier is a little wary of starting an affair with the Khan’s son), it doesn’t matter. As long as Alec knows (or thinks he knows) that St. Vier would prefer to be with Jingim over Alec, he will always hate Jingim.
So. Jingim and Alec hate each other. And yet the sexual tension there is very strong.
Anyways. I didn’t think I’d have this many feelings on this crossover but I’m into it! Thanks for the ask.
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queenoftheseelies · 7 years
for every ‘@’ sent (anon or not) I WILL mention and post some positivity about a fellow tumblr user
@vainlydeath ❤
Fun fact, after I typed @ this was the first blog Tumblr suggested me. But that’s not why I picked Cass. I haven’t known her for that long, but even this short time has been enough to be able what a precious person she is. I just really enjoy talking to her and roleplaying with her and coming up with headcanons. She has been nothing but open, friendly, welcoming and nice to me. I love that no matter on what blog, but I can throw stuff at her and she will like it and go along with it and it’s just amazing. HOENESTLY! I am loving the fun I am having with her and I just want to keep her. Cass, I hoepe you know how much I appreciate everything you are doing for me and our talks and our ic interactions and just everything. Despite the fact that we haven’t known each other for long, I hope that I can keep you for years. ❤
@ofreverentia ❤
Petra next. I met her like… Last year? On my Izzy blog but we didn’t really talk that much. We actually started to talk lately? But I am enjoying it and it’s not like I don’t know that she is great. I can’t wait for her to get back from vacation and then I can plot lots and lots with her and yaaay. And not just because I like to replay with new people and muses from other fandoms, but also because I enjoy Petra’s writing. I am the creepy person who stalks people even when we are not roleplaying, so yeah… Petra, whenever you are reading this, know that you are great and I enjoy talking to you even if currently due to the time zones one of us just always falls asleep and I really hope that I get to know you better and promise, that this time, I won’t let our thread get lost in my drafts. Ooops, that was my mistake. >_> ❤
@dnteverdoubtme ❤
I can’t miss Andy on this meme. Although we didn’t really talk since I left my Izzy blog, that doesn’t mean I don’t keep my eyes on Andy (yeah, we established this already, I am a fucking creep stalking people). I just think Andy is an amazing person, actually I don’t just think it, I know it. Okay, I have to admit, she is kinda intimidating me, blogs I enjoy often do. I mean Min used to intimidate me a lot! And so did Richard - before I learned that he is just a huge dork. But yeah, I got the opportunity to talk to Andy and roleplay with her and I enjoyed it very much and I really hope I will get the chance to do that on this blog too. Andy, despite us not really talking, just know that I think you are fabulous and I really enjoy your writing and how much you love and care about Alec. Never stop being you (okay that sounded better in my head). ❤
@vcrlac ❤
Talia. She was actually one of the first I win over for the Church of Morgenqueen. My big evil cult. No, but actually I enjoy talking to her ooc and yet another person I can just throw stuff at and count on it, that there is like 98% of a chance that she will roll around with it. I enjoy her take on both, Sebastian and Jonathan and I am really happy to be able to roleplay with her. And like seriously one day I woke up and this cutie made this amazing Morgenqueen edit and then she was surprised when I told her this is definitely going on my blog. So cute, so pure. Talia, we just met not so long ago, and I suck at keep talking to people but when I don’t forget to reply, then I enjoy talking to you and I enjoy the threads wwe have and I am sure I will enjoy those we will have in the future and just… I want you to know you are apperciated. ❤
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David Tennant tag game
I was tagged by @madabouttennant - thank you! I’ll try to write the answers without rambling, which is quite a challenge, ‘cause rambling is my thing (ladies and gentlemen, exhibit #1).
Your first DT memory - when you first laid eyes on the tall skinny Scottish bloke: I suppose it was ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’, though for a long time, the only thing I could recall about his performance in this film was David’s tongue flickering (that, and the fact that he still seemed cute - I mean, despite playing Voldemort’s weird follower).
Favorite DT Character: Oh, it’s really hard to choose one! So I’ll go with two, muhahaha - Will Burton (because he’s devoted, clever, and cunning, a true Slytherin) and Alec Hardy (because... heck, who needs a reason to love Hardy???)
What was the last DT related thing you watched: Probably ‘The Waters of Mars’, ‘cause I’m currently rewatching modern DW.
Favorite physical feature: His unevenly blinking, swirly-wrinkle-framed eyes. And the voice (does the voice count? I think it does) - how it gets all high and extra-Scottish when he’s excited <3
Favorite DT quote? Put it here: "I see no shame in having an unhealthy obsession with something”. It’s truly comforting, because apparently, I do not simply become a fan of something - oh no, when I fall for things (and people), I do it with some overly enthusiastic devotion
Have you been blessed and seen him in person: Never thought I would, but this year I got lucky! I’me met him a few times at ‘Don Juan in Soho’ stage door and during an extended introduction to ‘Mad to Be Normal’ (where I caused a bit of havoc, since I was horribly late - sorry, everybody).
… or saw him in a play: Yep - ‘Don Juan in Soho’ <3 I wish I’d seen him perform live in Much Ado about Nothing; I’m just glad there’s a recording (same goes for Hamlet and Richard II).
Are you a Tenth Doctor fan: Definitely! Also, I think his Time Lord Victorious was amazingly scary - I was torn between the desire to give the Doctor an old good Donna-styled slap and hug him tight, seeing how actually broken and lost he was.
… how about Kilgrave: He is irresistible. And he made me write this.
Alec Hardy or Emmett Carver: I have nothing against Emmett (well, maybe his accent), but my dear detective Shitface is the best <3
Favorite DT series: Too. Many. Choices! Okay, I’ll try and pick a few: ‘Blackpool’ (singing and dancing Tennant, really, how can one not like it?), ‘Doctor Who’ (obviously), ‘Broadchurch’ (again - Haaaaaaardy), ‘Single Father’ (A.K.A. ‘Ode to Dave Tiler’s hair’), and Jessica Jones (I’m a sucker for a good villain, okay?).
Favorite DT movie: Probably ‘The Decoy Bride’. I’m not really a girly girl, but I’ve seen this film so many times that I can quote every line of it (my next goal is to learn the accents) - it cheers me up when I feel sad and tired (and I’ve been soooo tired this year). I’m tagging @smilefitsyouperfectly (I’m just keeping you busy during the holiday), though everyone who feels like it - do it; it’s a good fun for a hermit!
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