#also I really wanna know what those tally marks on his left pauldron mean
lightwise · 6 months
TBB S3E6 Reactions
Alright, in lieu of an analysis this week, you guys get some extra long reactions from me. Spoilers for Infiltration under the cut!
- Pantora: These onion-top spires are very cool.
- Nice poncho Rex but we can all see those tally marked scratches peeking out from underneath it.
- The Clone X theme hits HARD even when it’s only the first notes of it
- GS-8! Senator Singh! Howzer! Man the Kiners weren’t kidding with the Leo meme
- Okay Senator Singh maybe if you’ve been in hiding you shouldn’t be wearing your native cultural garb in case you stick out 🤓
- Tea?? Riyo?? I wanna have tea with her ☺️ also I want that teapot haha
- Always love the political aftermath of the clone wars and the humanizing of the separatist movement
- Singh has a little helmet recorder like Tech does…interesting
- One clone X boy coming up
- RIP Greer
- Rex is 🔥 catching that grenade…thankfully not literally
- Stripey helmet—that’s Nemec or Fireball, right??
- It really took 3 stuns to get that CX to drop. What has Hemlock been doing to them?? Are they pumped up with something to give them more endurance?
- Fireball mention!! So that’s Nemec with them.
- Wow Teth is gorgeous. I would not have remembered what this outpost means to Rex if it hadn’t come up during the trailer
- A clone base!!! This is SO FREAKING COOL (and has so many implications for the fic I’ve been writing)
- What is with the little knee socks on these bodysuits. They just look so silly
- Although Howzer’s extra pouches are also up there for hilarity points
- Ew they yanked out his tooth
- “You’re still one of us” is he though? Is there anything original left in there?
- Part of me feels like Scorch has been brainwashed too.
- “Why have I been activated” lmaoooo grumpy boi
- Internal homing device?? Greatttt
- How Rex says Tantiss 🥺
- Howzer ready to throw some hands (first of many)
- Rex’s face when he’s worried about Omega 🥺🥺🥺 he just wants to protect her and the Batch
- This is the story of Omega and her toothpick 🤣🤣
- Crosshair shaking his head at her even though he probably gave it to her 🤣 (also dear lord how does he look SO PRETTY here nursing that toothpick with his eyes glowing in the dark. Ugh I can’t with this man
- Gregor mention!
- Man Echo is not wanting to answer Hunter’s questions lol
- Omega is approaching her teen years now, Hunter. Of course she’s going to be copying her emo big (little) brother. He looks both glad that they’re bonding and also worried that they’re the reason Rex needs to talk to them.
- Still think Rex looks naked without his pauldron. I do love the detail that the paint on his shoulder underneath it would be much brighter and less worn than everywhere else, though
- “Good to see you, Rex” 🥹
- Hunter and Crosshair’s little glance.
- “Interesting contacts” what the heck does that mean Echo?? What have you been doing acquiring illegal weapons parts?? I mean they’re not illegal but they’re not exactly the norm either
- Their little salutes 🥹
- Lil stealth bomber jet vibes on this ship. Yes I will admit that looks like the Tech Turn as he touches down
- “You’re gonna have to back down Captain” the boys are so back. Only Hunter gets to mess with his brother and vice versa
- Lol everyone thinking that if you’ve been on Tantiss you automatically have the coordinates of where it’s located. Hemlock’s too smart for that, guys
- Crosshair looking solely at Hunter when he says “I’m not loyal to the Empire any longer” 😭😭😭 like his approval and understanding is the only one that matters
- Poor Omega does not want to talk about what she’s been through 💔
- Kind of surprised they don’t know what M-count means but it also makes sense. Obviously Rex has heard it mentioned from Anakin or Ahsoka but they don’t know the implications
- Okay, Rex, for the rest of this episode—I love you but WHERE are your security measures???? How does CX just waltz right in the front door and you don’t even have an alarm or key code or anything???
- Gregor canonically cooks!! Looking at you DJ 😄
- Crosshair’s description of the CX program is TERRIFYING. He can barely make himself talk about it. He was close to becoming one of them?? How is he walking around with all that knowledge and Hemlock didn’t wipe his mind if it? None of this is good. My poor boy.
- Gosh Rex sounds so tired.
- Crosshair sounds TERRIFIED.
- How does CX run so fast?
- Interesting that they give the woozy perspective of the other CX as Crosshair comes into the room
- Okay let me reiterate for you all—Crosshair is absolutely terrified here. Similar to Tech, this man is almost unflappable. If he’s scared they all should be hightailing it immediately. What the hell has Hemlock done to these clones??
- Does the CX truly recognize Crosshair? And why would Hemlock still use the designation “brother” as part of their programming? All this mind control stuff is making the chips look like child’s play
- Okay but in all seriousness, what if most of the clones being put through the undercover program still have their chips installed and those somehow can be reactivated or enhanced again? Crosshair does not, therefore it’s much harder for Hemlock to persuade him
- That sniper shot was insane. As was that creepy laugh.
- Some of the dialogue in these episodes is feeling unnecessary. Omega pointing out where shots are coming from is a little obvious
- Fireball 😢😢😢 at least you lived up to your name
- And goodbye monastery
- Woooooolffeeee. Armor as amazing as always. What the heck has he been up to to get put on missions like this. We’re one step closer to getting the old man Seelos gang together.
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blueaphelion · 2 years
So I found this picture of Ezra in his bounty hunter outfit from “Through Imperial Eyes”
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And that got me to thinking: what if he kept this as his outfit after that episode? Minus the breathing apparatus thing.
The pauldrons, the change of color scheme, plus whatever tech that is on his right gauntlet
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