#also I think this is one of the first times thet I cried tears of joy while watching a cartoon
Never not going to be emotional about this
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queenraikichi94 · 4 years
She’s a survivor, just like you
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This is a one shot for @apharine​ , inspired by the prompt she wrote of Raikichi and Piers. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: A bit angst cause is going to be related to baby health and stress as well.
Two months had passed since Runa was born. Raikichi’s pregnancy was interrupted abruptly at the eight month due medical complications that lead her and her unborn baby to be on a high risk of death, but both mother and daughter survived. But things wouldn’t be easy; for the next two weeks, both Raikichi and Runa stayed at the hospital, and those two weeks turned very long for the World Champion since her little daughter had to stay in a incubator. Runa’s health was fragile, and Raikichi knew that, even if she was also medical monotorized, she always found her way to the room where her daughter was. Raikichi had been told about how risky would be her pregnancy specially after recieving that second Poison Jab on her belly when the furtives attacked her uncle’s house, but she had to think in other things for her baby.
Two months after Runa’s birth, both mother and daughter were at home. The little baby had improved pretty well since she got out of the hospital and accepted very well the milk her mother gave to her when she breastfeeded her; sometimes she needed Piers’ help when Runa started to fuss and to cry when it was feeding time, but also, Piers had work to do; as he sang for his daughter, he had to bottlefeed Zephyr, the female Alolan Meowth that Nanu gave to Runa when she got out of the incubator, so both parents had double work.
That day, Raikichi had got really exhausted. Runa fussed, cried and kicked when it was her feeding time, and not to speak when she needed to get her diaper changed. Luckyly, Kana was with her. She knew her for a while when Kabu presented her as her partner, and Raikichi was happy for both of them, and she started to tease more her uncle every time she saw him smiling like he used to do with her when she started to date Piers. Maybe Kana was younger than Kabu, but it was a great friend that was agree to help Raikichi with little Runa.
“Tell me that she is finally asleep” Kana said as both girls sat down in the sofa
“Yeah, finally...I had to put the recording of the lullaby Piers composed for her...” Raikichi replied with a heavy sigh. Kana could noticed the dark bags under her friend’s eyes, and how tired her voice sounded. Since Runa had a fragile health, every single move or thing that the baby made put both Raikichi and Piers in alert, specially Raikichi, who was thinking that she was going to loose her baby.
“How many hours did you sleep lately?”
“Honestly? I don’t know...These last days Runa had some health issues and I didn’t want to have Piers in alert like me...He also needs sleep since he told me that he spent more hours awake these days...”
“You know that me, Kabu, and even our friends are here to help both of you” Kana said putting a hand on Raikichi’s shoulder “You should take things more easy, Raikichi. You need to stay strong for your daughter and get yourself exhausted won’t help”
“I know but...Every time Runa’s having a health issue I remember the days she spent in the incubator and...” the young mother said, stopping when she felt the tears trying to stir from her eyes “At least she will be sleeping some hours and...”
But before she could finish that sentence, a painful cry that both Kana and Raikichi could hear through the baby speaker made Raikichi jump and run to her room, where Runa was. Araminta, the female Indeedee, was trying to calm Runa down, using Psychic to move softly the crib, but the baby kept crying even louder. Morgrem was watching was well, trying to calm down Zephyr.
“Araminta, what’s wrong?” Raikichi asked and Araminta pointed at Runa and when the young mother touched her daughter’s forehead, her world started to shake. She was burning up, and a lot, and all the fears she always tried to keep away returned even stronger. “Kana, can you give me the thermometre?”
“Sure” Kana said and then, she gave the thermomethre to Raikichi “Here, take it”
“Thank you” she said, using the thermothere twice in order to confirm her worst fears “She has a very high fever and she’s sweating a lot” Raikichi said putting the thermomethre on the night stand and picking her daughter on her arms. Runa was still crying but...She didn’t kick or fuss. And that made Raikichi had even more fear. “Hush, baby, I’m here, my sweetheart...Please, don’t cry, don’t cry...Oh, Arceus, what can I do...”
“I can help you preparing a bag with the things you need and then, we should rush quickly to the hospital” Kana said “We should also call Piers and Kabu and telling them that we’re heading to the hospital”
“R-Right...Here, pick Runa as I prepare her bag” Raikichi said and then, Runa cried even louder when she felt that she wasn’t on her mother’s arms “Please, Runa, don’t cry...”
“I can manage this. Prepare the bag and don’t worry, ‘kay? Remember, keep calm and everything will be alright”
Raikichi nodded nervously as Araminta helped her with Runa’s bag. Archer, the male Indeedee, helped as well but with a small bag for Raikichi in case she needed to stay in the hospital if Runa had to stay in the hospital. While Kana tried to calm down Runa, who chocked twice with her sobs, Raikichi finished preparing both bags, just in time to pick her daughter in her arms when she spitted out the milk she drank hours before. “Hush, hush, my little one” Raikichi said, nervous on her voice as her trembling hands cleaned her baby. Tears poured from her eyes as the young mother put clean clothes on her baby. “Araminta, bring me Runa’s warm blanket”
The female Indeedee nodded and brought the blanket that Raikichi used to wrap Runa once she got her clothes changed as Kana called Piers and Kabu. “Kabu said they will go to the hospital right before they get out of the mall” Kana said picking the bags with her “C’mon, we should hurry”
Raikichi nodded again and once both girls were ready, they exited the house, with Glaceon and Archer with them. Araminta stayed at home cause she had to take care of baby Meowth. The hospital was near the house, so they didn’t need to call for transport, but since Runa’s life was now in danger, both girls ended running on their way to the hospital. Once there, they were attended by the doctors that were there and told them to wait on the waiting room. Raikichi sat down on the chairs, and when Runa started to grab her shirt, as she always did when she was hungry, she managed to got her right breast free in order to breastfeed her daughter, but Runa fussed and cried. “Runa, please...” Raikichi said, tireness on her voice, but she wasn’t ready to give up; she would do everything for her daughter. She tried again to breastfeed her, by her baby rejected it. “Why...Am I doing something wrong?” she murmured to herself as she put her bra and shirt back again on her and swinged her baby softly on her arms, ignoring the tears that were pouring again from her eyes.
“Raikichi, listen, you’re doing well” Kana said, a hand on Raikichi’s shoulder making a firm grip “Maybe she did that move by instinct but if she doesn’t want to eat now, is because her body is fighting againts the illness that is attacking her”
“I don’t want to loose her, Kana...I just...”
“I know, but remember you’re not alone on this, Raikichi” Kana said smiling “Remember that the doctors said that babies use to have delicate health during their first months and it’s normal that thet get sick”
“But Runa’s health is more fragile than normal babies’ health...”
“I know, I know, but everytime she got sick, she managed to go through it and recover, right?” she said and when the young mother nodded, Kana smiled. Raikichi smiled as well and then, for the surprise and shake of both girls, Runa stop crying and coughed a bit, opening her big hazel eyes and looking at her mother “See? You’ve calmed down and she has calmed down too. Remember, she’s a survivor, just like you”
“True...” Raikichi said and then, she started to hum the lullaby her husband made for their daughter as she let her baby grab her finger with her little hand “I’m here, my child...I’m here...”
Runa cooed a bit and then, the doctor called them just in time when Piers and Kabu entered in the hospital. Kana greeted Kabu with a kiss as Piers embraced gently his wife and his daughter. “Sorry, we tried to come as soon as possible after Kana called us”
“Don’t worry, babe. Kana stayed with me all the time” she said as the four of them entered into the medical consultation.
The doctors examinated Runa under the worried gaze of Raikichi, who was being embrace by Piers, his arm around her shoulders. Kana and Kabu stayed at their side as well, watching how the doctors worked and made medical tests on the baby.
After two hours, cause they had to wait for the analytics the doctors made of Runa, the baby finally accepted to be breastfeed by her mother, who sighed in relief as she saw her baby frinking the milk she needed the most. “This time didn’t fuss a lot” Piers commented, removing some hair from Raikichi’s face. “Babe, you should sleep more...”
“I know but I couldn’t leave Runa with her health issues” Raikichi said
“Don’t worry for that, I will make sure Raikichi stay in bed the enough to recover the hours she need of sleep” Kana said chuckling a bit
“You’re not the only one that would do that” Raikichi said with a chuckle and then, she let Piers made Runa burp as she put her bra and shirt back again on her and once the baby let out a big burp, Raikichi smiled as Piers sang to thheir daughter. 
Then, the doctors came with the results. Runa had got a very big cold but it was something they could heal with soft medicines and warm baths when she got hersel sweating. After that, they went back home. Once there, Piers and Raikichi got Runa on her sleeping baby clothes and once they gave her the medicines, Piers took Runa to her crib to give Raikichi some rest. 
“Here, take this” Kabu said, giving Raikichi a warm tea “You’ll need it to sleep well”
“Thanks, uncle...And thanks to you too, Kana, really” Raikichi said 
“We’re friends, afterall, and friends are to help each otherl, right?”
Raikichi said nodding. Kana was right, she wasn’t alone anymore, and thanks to her friends, taking care of Runa would be a bit more easy.
I hope you like it!
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strayshinobi · 5 years
Avengers: Endgame.
 Good morging everyone, I came to talk about Endgame even if no onw cares about my shitty opinion. 
There’s a major possibility of SPOILER so if you haven’t watch the movie yet, DON’T READ IT.
The first thing I thought is “what the fuck this is perfect”. The final battle left me speechless, I just stared at the screen, tears on my face and yes, I was so happy. 
Almost everything about the movie left me happy, in kind of peace even if I was terrified about the time travel because it’s just dangerous. There’s not just one way to deal with it and there’s no way everyone will agree with just one way (for example, one possibilitu is: if I change the past then my present will change too. But exist another way: if I change the past, my present will be the same but I’ll create a new timeline, multiunivers way). So i was so scared because time travel is just too much to deal with. But I have to say they did well, I’m happy about that.
Another thing I liked so much is that they give us back characters, like Frigga (I love that moment, I missed her so much and I just cried), or Howard Stark, Loki in 2012! The most iconic moment I swear is him became Cap AGAIN.  And of course the fanservice. I usually don’t like too much fanservice because it looks like a “paraculata” as we say in Italy, like “I give you what you want so you are happy and obviously you’ll like it” but here, they use it well. Steve and Tony? I fucking agree, we earned that shit. Clint and Nat in Vormir? Of course, it had to be them. Nat’s death was just to much, I really thought I could be dead too in that moment. THE WOMEN. PEPPER WITH THE SUIT. I LOVE EVERYTING. I’m also happy about Captain Marvel, not her film but the orignal six last one so I think they use her character well.
There are things I didn’t like too, I’m an asgardian whore so don’t be surprise. But in the end, when every fucking one wes back, where was Heimdall? Like, they bring back the Asgard’s army, killed by Hela and Thanos and NOT with the snap, so why not Heimdall? Asgardian’s whore pt2: What the fuck are they doing with Thor like what the fuck. I’m not complain about phisical aspect, I was happy to see that they made him deal with his pain and lost in this way. But made him so... stupid? I fucking hate it. He was angry, he was lost, he was scared and he gave up but that’s not an excuse to use him just as a comic thing, like Bruce. They used the same Thor and Bruce from Ragnarok, made them worst and I’m fucking mad about that. Just it didn’t work. And i was so fucking disapponted that Thor didn’t even mention Loki, not a single time, like he didn’t exist. I’m mad af about this. I’m mad about the fact Thor didn’t have Loki back, but the tesseract thing gave me hope and we have the tv serie so ok, I just deal with myself.
And then the end. Tony’s dead was right to me, it was painful as hell but I like it, it was a right death. Not a stupid one, not forced. Of course thet could have avoid that, but I think it was a right thing. 
About Steve? He fucking did the right thing. He always gave everything for the world. He has never once put himself before anything and this time, when it was over, he had the chance to live the life he wanted with his life’s love. And he took it. THEY DIDN’T CHANGE THE PAST, THEY CREATED A NEW TIME LINE GUYS. In our timeline nothing has change and sto fucking inslut Chris because you don’t like that end. It’s just wrong and pathetic so stop it.
So, yeah. I write this like some one will actually read it, like some one cares. Everything is just my opinion so took it as it is. Words of the film of my life, because Endgame is that, for me. Ten years of my life and thanks to the MCU I found the most important people who are in my life because of those films. MCU is part of me and the original six too, it’s the end of the line and I’m happy to be here.
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arbiterofclass · 8 years
No, but seriously; Thanks Obama
Over the last few days, weeks, and months many people have said many more thoughtful things about Barack Obama and his presidency than I will certainly be able to. Here are just two that I have really really loved.  If you want to read real writers writing about President Obama, I would highly recommend them.  This is more my own personal thank you.
I often jokingly called him Barry Obams, I heard Tracy Morgan do it once on 30 Rock, and I wondered if people would let me get away with it.  I stopped (mostly) when my boyfriend (before he was my boyfriend) looked at me, shocked by my pronouncement and asked if I thought it was a touch disrespectful.  See, the thing is that I have tremendous respect for President Obama.  I cried in 2008, like many others did, the night he was elected our first black president.  I was turning 23 the next day, and I hoped that my 24th year was being ushered in by the kind of hopeful change tha thet young senator from Illinois had been promising all throughout the campaign.  
See, I had lived through the Bush years, the wars, the economy, the whole thing.  But there in 2008, my first year at President Obama’s alma mater, a mixed kid raised by a white mom couldn’t help but feel something when sitting in Harvard Law School’s hallowed halls and hearing the excited talk about another mixed kid raised by a white mom who had sat in the same classrooms becoming president.  
I’m not going to pretend that his presidency was perfect because it wasn’t.  There were glaring issues.  I’m looking at you drones, surveillance state, deportations, and treatment of native peoples…just to name a few.  There were low lows, but there were also high highs.  Remember that time he named Sonia Sotomayer to the Supreme Court or anytime ever in the whole 8 years that Michelle Obama did anything. “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Ended” and his administration refused to defend an unequal and homophobic law like DOMA. There was also the time that he told insurance companies that being a woman was not a fucking pre-existing condition, or the time he let a little black boy touch his hair to see if it felt the same as his.  I will admit that the famous photo of that moment makes me tear up every single time I think about it.
I lived through the Clinton presidency too.  Those years gave me less to be excited about.  Those years saw entitlements gutted and the rise of such racist rhetoric as “welfare queen” & “super predator”.  I’ll admit they were better for a young liberal kid than the Bush years and almost assuredly were better than the Trump years will be, but looking back, there are a lot of mixed feelings. Honestly, more bad than good, 60/40 maybe.  
My boyfriend and I joke about how black communities will refer to “our children” and “our community”.  I’ll often tease him that they are “our children” not his children.  I think it is hard as person of color not to feel a little like Barack Obama is “our president”.  I mean sure he was the President of the United States of America, and that makes him everybody’s president, but he is the only president with hair that might feel like my dad’s hair.  His daughters look like my sisters when they were young.  His son, if he had one, would have looked like Trayvon Martin, or my dad in his youth, or my half-brother when he was younger, or what my kids will maybe look like some day. So, thank you Michelle Obama, thank you Obama daughters, and truly from the bottom of my heart: Thanks Obama, for everything.
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