#also I want you to know that I added Kronos last just because my dumb ass was like 'haha sure why not'
soulsxng--a · 4 years
*rubs my hands and drops this 🎰 here*
Spin the roulette! | Accepting!
1- Baphomet and Azrael (I think we know that Baet is rather taken with Basille, but Azrael is his family, so of course Baet loves him, too)
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“Hmm...I see what you mean. I hadn’t looked at it that way before, but I think that just might work...” The deity murmured, eyes narrowing as he looked over their set-up once more. He’d asked Azrael for a bit of help, for a fresh mind and new eyes to look into something that he’d been stuck on. And he was glad that he had-- Azrael’s suggestion might just be what he needed to figure this out. A smile on his face as he takes a step back and gestures for his follower to take his place.
“Why don’t you do the honors, then? It was your idea; you should be the one to follow through. Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through everything, first~”
2- Ital and Kronos (Ital’s attracted to him, so there’s that, but he’s actually interested in him as a person, too. I could at least see them getting along?)
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“So you’re Kronos? I’d heard rumors about you having been let out of Tartarus recently, but I didn’t actually think I’d be lucky enough to meet you.” The djinn hums from where he floats before the god. There’s plenty of questions that he could think to ask, but he doesn’t want to be rude and bombard the other. So instead, he gives a deep, polite bow.
“My name is Ital. Ital Donia-Faukh. If you have some time to spare, I would really enjoy getting the opportunity to talk with you a while.”
3- Tarinx and Kaede (Tari would 100% have sex with Kaede, but I think he might see Kaede being too “stiff” as a person. At least at first. After a bit, he’s actually the type of person that Tari would usually come to respect)
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“I just missed him, then? Yeah, that figures. Stupid fish can hardly keep still for longer than a damn minute, sometimes...I assume he ran off with that little fox of his?” A frustrated sigh, and with it comes a few little sparks of flame...ones that could easily be brushed off as nothing but a trick of the imagination. But...well, at least the one that’d come to talk to him was good-looking. Maybe he could get something worthwhile out of this trip after all...
“It’s still early, so they’re probably coming back...I don’t suppose I could convince you to keep me company while I wait...~?”
4- Leviathan and Danny (There’s no interest there, but like...Levi’s gotta size Danny up and make sure that he’s not going to mess with Amu. I’m sorry Danny ^^;;)
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“So you’re the guy that Lui’s taken with?” He comments softly. It’s all he says at first, as grey eyes give Danny a disinterested once over. Voice blank, yet still managing to be sharp as a knife with each carefully spoken word.
“I don’t know what you think you’re getting into with this. She’s not some easy relationship that you’re going to be able to coast along to some pretty little life with. She’s got issues. Ones that she’s going to need help with. Support. And it’s not always going to be at times that are convenient. She’s not always going to be cute, or sweet, or gentle. It’s going to be messy. I don’t give a shit if you told her that she can be herself with you-- I don’t think you have a damned clue what that even means. So I’m going to tell you right now, that if you can’t handle that, then you’d better get away from her. Because you don’t deserve her when she’s at her best like this if you can’t. Do you hear me? Lui deals with too damned much already to have someone that’ll be less than completely devoted to her. So...be good to her. Treat her the way she deserves.”
5- Sybile and Libitina (They’ve probably met before tbh? I can see Bibi having a lot of fun just listening to Libby talk about fashion, or letting Libby dress her up)
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“Mmm...I dunno. I know I’ve heard my uncle Kyer talk about that kind of fashion b’fore, but I don’ think I’ve ever really seen it m’self b’fore now.” She murmurs, watching the screen with a look of fascination as a few of the models walked down the runway. The style was called “avant garde”, but...it seemed like it would be hard to move around in! Clothes these days were so much different than what her people had used to wear back when she was younger, but these were on a completely different level!
“D’ya like this kind of style, Libby? Have ya ever worn somethin’ like that? Ya could pull anythin’ off, fer sure, but I think I like how you’re dressed now much better.”
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demigodsanswer · 4 years
Hazel Levesque: Into the Prophecy-verse pt. 1
Time for the prologue to an AU I’ve wanted to write for a long time and need to finally get out of my brain. Hazel is a little OOC in this, but that’s because it’s an AU where she grows up in the modern world, not the 1920s. 
Rome was a three-thousand year old empire, with two capitals - Old Rome in Italy and New Rome in America. New Rome was the powerhouse of the gods and their hero’s.
The children of the Olympian gods lived amongst mortals, the most powerful of them joining the Legion, and some even earning fame status when major prophecies thrusted one or a few of them into the spot light. 
Hazel Levesque is an unclaimed, unimportant demigod, unsuitable for the esteemed legion. And she’s about to find herself at the middle of a major prophecy. 
Alright let’s do this one last time
“My name is Jason Grace. I’m the son of Jupiter and for ten years, I’ve the one and only child of the Big Three. I’m pretty sure you know the rest: I saved a bunch of people, fell in love, saved the city, and then I saved the city again and again and again. I also did this [cut to Jason getting hit in the head with a brick]. We don’t talk about that. Look, I’m a comic book, I’m a cereal, did a Christmas album, have an excellent theme song, and a so-so popsicle. I mean, I’ve looked worse. But after everything, I still love being the hero. I mean, who wouldn’t? So no matter how many hits I take, I always find a way to come back, because the only thing standing between this city and oblivion is me. There’s only one child of the Big Three. And you’re looking at him.” 
Hazel was listening to her music too loud to hear Chiron calling her. She had her first day at some prep school for demigods, meaning she was leaving Chiron’s half-way house for unclaimed and untamable demigods. 
New Rome was overflowing with demigods who either hadn’t been claimed or had been rejected from the Legion. Lupa had deemed her and her friend Leo “too insubordinate” for the Legion. He set the wolf on fire (an accident) and she had told the wolf to eat shit (not an accident.) Demigods who didn’t fit in the Legion and couldn’t live at their home with their mortal parents (like Hazel, who’s mom had been deem “unsuitable”) or didn’t have mortal parents (like Leo) lived in one of the half-way houses. There was hundreds of them around the country, all named “Chiron’s Half-Way House,” but only the New Rome branch was actually graced by the old Greek Centaur. 
He did his best to train or rehabilitate problem kids, getting them ready for either the legion or the real world. He was the one who had insisted every demigod apply to some fancy, over-priced prep school. And Hazel was the only one of them dumb enough to be smart enough to get in.  
 “Do I have to go?” She asked Chiron, as he adjusted the collar of her uniform (which she already hated.) 
“This is a step in the right direction for you Hazel.” 
She tugged on one of her curls, pulling it straight in front of her eyes before letting it bounce back into place. Chiron led her out to the car. Leo was waiting out on the front porch. 
“Don’t forget us little people while you’re off becoming some famous hero or some shit, Levesque.” He said, smiling. 
Hazel pulled him into a hug. “Who could forget you?” 
“I’ll bust you out as soon as I can,” he whispered. 
Hazel sat, clearly angry, in the back of Chiron’s car. He couldn’t drive, being a centaur and all, so Argus, the thousand-eyed half-way house driver was behind the wheel, and Chiron lectured her about all of her opportunities. 
“I don’t care,” Hazel protested. “I don’t want to go, I’m only here because I drew some pictures.” Her scholarship was art-based, that was true. She was a good artist. Not a really notable demigod skill, though. Still, someone had to mosaic all of Jason Grace’s accomplishments. They were only one year away from some world-ending prophecy that the tabloids still had yet to leak. So it was only a matter of time before Golden Boy Supreme (as Leo had nicknamed him) added another line on his resume. And if Hazel was lucky, which she rarely was, she’d be there to sculpt the whole thing in marble. 
“You passed the entrance exam just like everyone else,” Chiron told her. “This is your opportunity, Hazel. Do you want to end up like --” 
He cut himself off, but she knew how that sentence ended. Like her mother. Her mom wasn’t perfect, but she wasn’t bad. She was actually pretty cool. The courts were just picky about who was allowed to raise demigod children. Even mega-Hero Grace grew up with a foster mom - Sally Jackson, poster mom for good demigod parenting. Literally, her picture was on the side of buses. She had her own book. She had been on The View with the nine muses. 
Her mom wasn’t Sally Jackson, for sure, but she always made sure Hazel had food, and she taught her how to draw. The court’s problem was her mom’s inability to hold down a job. The only thing she managed consistently was selling her own homemade jewelry. It was all bullshit though. If Hazel wasn’t a demigod, they never would have separated them. 
“Whatever,” Hazel said as they pulled up to the school. She grabbed her backpack and suitcase, and preyed to whatever god her father was that she would be kicked out by the end of the day. 
“Tie your shoes!” Chiron yelled after her. She ignored him. 
Hazel walked into a whirlwind. The school was huge. Most people were in their uniforms, although a few wore ancient Roman style armor over theirs. Some carried stacks of books, and other had spears and swords. Half her day was academic - Latin, literature, history, science, and math. The other half was training - weaponry, climbing, survival skills, and pegasus riding. At least they had Pegasi here. She had been trained well enough at the half way house, but there were unfortunately lacking in magic horses. Well, besides Chiron’s lower half, which Hazel wasn’t too keen on riding. 
“You’re shoe’s untied,” a stranger said, passing Hazel. 
“Yeah, I know it’s a choice.” 
The sneakers probably weren’t uniform, but she didn’t earn the label “insubordinate” for nothing. 
She found her locker, wide and tall enough for armor, weapons, and other demigod provisions, and shoved her suitcase in it. She figured she would move into her dorm later on. 
Someone opened the locker next to hers. “Oh this is so embarrassing,” Hazel said to her locker neighbor, “we are wearing the same jacket.” She laughed awkwardly, but the girl just rolled her eyes before walking away. 
Off to a good start, Hazel though before grabbing her backpack and moving on to her first class. 
Each class seemed to come with its own thousand pound textbook. And the long, winding hallways made it impossible to stop at her locker in between classes. By fifth period - history - she had four new text books and figured she was about to get one more. 
She walked in late. She hoped the darkness of the room helped cover her late arrival, but she cast a shadow in front of the projector. 
“Ah Miss. Levesque,” her history teacher, some old guy named Mr. Quintus, paused the movie, “you’re late.” 
She shrugged, “Maybe y’all are just early.” 
A girl with black spiky hair and dark eye make up let out a stifled chuckle. Quitus and Hazel looked at her. “Sorry, it was just so quiet.” 
“Please take your seat, Miss, Levesque.” He started playing the movie again. Some history documentary. The Romans loved those. This one had some young narrator, who would have been handsome if it wasn’t for the scar down his face. With his blond hair and blue eyes, Hazel could have mistaken him for Jason Grace, if Jason were twenty-five, not fifteen. 
“The Titan Saturn, lord of Time, was overthrown by Jupiter and his other brothers and sisters, and his remains cast away.” 
Hazel was just staring to tune the whole thing out when Quintus paused the video again. “Can anyone tell me the Greek name for the Titan Saturn?” The girl next to Hazel raised her hand. “Yes, Miss. Grace?” 
“Kronos,” she offered. 
“Very good,” Quintus restarted the film. Hazel thought about leaning over and asking her if she was related to Jason, but figured she probably got that all the time. 
A week later, Quintus stopped Hazel on her way out the door. “Miss. Levesque?” 
She walked over to his desk. “What’s up?” 
Quintus showed her the score from their history quiz the day before. A red 0/100 was written across the scantron. 
“A zero?” Hazel tried to look genuinely upset. “A few more of those and you’ll probably have to kick me out of here, huh?”
“If a person wearing a blind fold took a true or false quiz at random, what score would they get?” 
“Fifty percent?” 
Quintus changed her 0 to a 100. “That’s right.” He stood and faced the bored to start erasing that day’s lecture notes. “Are you familiar with the story of Icarus, Miss. Levesque?” 
“Uh yeah, he was escaping the Labyrinth with his father with a pair of bronze wings. But he flew too close to the sun, the wax melted, and he fell into the ocean. it’s about pride, right?” 
“Correct,” he said, turning to face her, “but you left out a crucial element. Yes, Icarus was instructed by his father not to fly too high. But he was also told not too fly too low, as the sea mist could also weaken the wax.”
“Why are you telling me this?” She asked. 
“You’re trying to quit, and I won’t let you. You must remember not to let yourself fly too low, it’s just as dangerous. I’m assigning you a personal essay. Not about history, but about yourself and the kind of person who you want to be.” 
Hazel had spent an hour at her desk, trying to write anything for Quintus or for her literature essay, but her ADHD was going off the rails. She wished Leo would make good on his promise to bust her out of there. 
But she decided not to wait for Leo. 
She hadn’t seen her mom in a while. She grabbed her hoodie before making her way down the fire escape. 
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I always thought I had a good relationship with  Fates. They have always been somewhat kind to me. My life, one might say, is not of an avarage one. But for me, it’s quite normal and with all honesty sometimes tremendously boring. I lived in a castle uppon the Moon Hill, where the last rays of day fell and my Mother – Nyx- began her rule. She was one of the most beautiful beings that had ever been created by Kronos. With milky-white skin, long and dark as ink hair and eyes that reflected the rays of stars she put up to the sky at every sunset. My Father – Hypnos, stole her from the dephs of Tartarus and for that, he was severely punished. Even though he remained a beautiful being, he never spoke a word. Only in their sleep, one might find him, wondering the ups and lows of dreams. And there’s me, Thanatos. As a part of my Father’s punishment for snatching my Mother from Tartarus, I was obliged to live in the Underworld until I came of age. My duties were to keep the souls peaceful and calm, even when they were desperate to escape their doom.
One day, I was feeling particularly moody. I never liked that place and the thought of having to live here for the next three years made my skin prickle with anxiety. The only thing that made my day more bright, was meeting my best friend – Melinoe. Concidering where she was living, she was one of the most joyful beings I have ever encountered in my life. And maybe that’s why I liked her so much.
I remember when I first came to the Underworld. It was a scary and unfriendly place, full of souls and faul creatures who guarded the pits and gauges in which a slimy substance was bubbling. At the main entrance stood Charon, the Soul Carrier. He was very tall, skinny, hooded and cloaked. His skin was wrinkled and stained. He turned his faceless hood my way and said: ‘ Ah, young master Thanatos. Lord Hades and Lady Persephone are awaiting your arrival.’
He stretched out his hand and pointed to a very shabby-looking boat at the the banks of Styx. I slowly went up to it and got in. It wobbled, when the hooded man had entered and a few moments later, we were crossing the River. I looked around carefully. The view awed me so much, I barely could blink. Solid rocks formed tunnels that led towards a castle on top of a hill. My uncle’s home. Although Hades was not very closely related to me, I have gained some of his traits. The Soul Carrier stopped the boat and said: „We are here.”
I got off at the shore and gave him two golden drachmas, which were customary to give as a totem to the Carrier. He snatched them and hid underneath many layers of his coat. He bowed with respect and got back to his duties. I stood for a moment and stared and the castle that towered over the hill.
Beneath it, there was a road leading to the tall gates made of burned ebony bones. On top of the entrance there was a sign: „ There is no other certainty than death”.
‘Yeah, you can say that again...’ I murmured to myself as I crossed the first gate and entered a wide courtyard. I saw some creatures wondering here and there like shadows. I did not fear them, but I felt I slightly uncomfortable around them. There was tall door in front of me now. I looked up and saw sculls and crossbones ornamented from top to bottom. I reached for the door knocker but they suddenly opened on their own accord. I walked inside slowly. It felt like I’ve entered a grave. I went up a long corridor and stopped at the entrance to, what I supposed, was the Audience Hall. There were two guards on each side of it. Tall, dressed in black and dark blue armours. The lights were also in those colours here which felt like the whole place was blues, grays and blacks. The door opened and I stepped inside. The Hall was quite impressive. Tall ceilings, supported by carved columns. A blue and black carpet that led towards a place where two thrones were placed. But those weren’t thrones you’d expect in an Audiance Hall. No. They were made of skelletons and skulls. Both tall, pale white just like the figures which sat in them, though their faces were covered by skull masks. The taller figure had stag like horns placed upon their head and around them there were black diamonds and saphires. The antlers were curved a bit at the end and were gleaming like they’d been covered with wax. His robes were long and exquisit, also black, blue and gray with a tall collar, that nearly reached the antlers on his head. Next to that figure, stood a shorter one. Also dressed in the most exquisit dress I have ever seen. It looked as if someone had taken down the nightsky and sew this beautiful outfit. Her face was covered by the same skull mask as her partner’s but I knew, who she was. It was Persephone. The goddess of Spring. Beautiful as she can be, but there was something vile in her posture right now. She had a long spear in her hand, ended with a black diamond as big as a child’s head. I looked at the man at her side, who came down from the platform and swiped his mask off his face, showing a stunning man. His angular jawline and high cheekbones made him look nobel and raw. His eyes were almond-shaped in colours of dark blue and black. His face showed no emotion. And , I dare say, he was the most intimidating person I have ever met in my life. I took a step back and kneeled.
‘ My Lord. My name is Thanatos.’ I said in a low voice. Hades smirked at me and bowed back.
‘ I greet you in my kingdom, Lord of Good Death’ he said in a mocking tone. ‘ I hear you are as skilled as your Father in sleep magic, am I right?’
‘ I do not use the sleep magic, My Lord. That’s the treat of my Father. I ease the pain of passing for all those who come to your kingdom.’ I aswered, looking straight into his eyes. His face was still but I found some sort of amusement in it.
‘Ah, you ease the pain of passing. Well, then I will have a perfect spot for you, My young Lord.’ he answered, turning his back to me. He stood by his queen.
‘You will be sent to Tartarus, where your skills will be most useful. There is, indeed, a lot of pain there that deserves to be taken away.’ he added. Persephone turned her head to him and swiped off her skull mask.
‘ How can you send a child to Tartarus? He does not deserve to be punished that severely.’ she said. Hades looked at his Queen and his face was like stone.
‘ This is no child, my Queen. This is a gift from his parents. His skills will surely be far more useful here than in the mortal realm. And he will not go alone.’
With that said, he snapped his fingers and right next to him a figure emerged from the mist. Few moments later a beautiful girl appeared in the place of the figure. She was tall, with pale face and bright, star-like eyes. She wore a long, dark dress and had a crown of black thorns on her head.
‘Melionoe. My beloved child. Come. I want you to meet your new apprentice. This is Thanatos, son of Nyx.’ he said, pointing to me. I bowed in respect. ‘ My lady.’
‘It is a pleasure to meet you, Thanatos. Come. Let’s not waste time’ she said and she took me under her wing. Taught me all what I needed to know about Tartarus and from that day forth, she became my friend.
I was sitting at the bank of the River and looking at the new flow of souls. It always smelled the same. With rot, fear and blood. I didn’t mind the smell. At this point, I didn’t mind anything. Days turned to months, months to years. I didn’t even know, if my duty was over or not. My mind went blank and I didn’t want to talk to anyone. Not even to Melionoe.
‘ Always the grumpy one, ey, Theo?’ she said with her joyful voice, dropping to sit right next me. For as long as I remembered, I have never seen her sad or dull. Which was quite unusal.
‘ You’re cheerful for the both of us, Mel.’ I answered and picked up a stone from the ground. I had the urge to just toss it into the slimy water of Acheront, but it would most definitley fly right back at me and knock me out.
‘Ah, come on, Theo. Don’t be so grumpy. Life in this place is already dull, don’t make it worse.’ she added, poking me with her shoulder. ‘ I have something fun for you. Come on’ she said and took off to the nearest boat. I went after her, not really understanding what she was trying to do. Mel sailed onto the River and set the course to Hades. I began to wonder if this was a good idea to begin with. But I trusted her more than I trusted myself and I knew that she would never do anything that would  angry her Father. Melionoe, you see, was very fond of Hades. Even though, he never showed that he cared for her and left her in charge of the worst part of his kingdom, she always was loyal. We were passing another turn, when I saw Cerberus running straight towards us.
‘ Bad dog! Sit!’ Mel shouted and the dog stopped at the bank of the River and growled with disapproval. ‘ Go find astray souls, you dumb dog’ she added, when the animal disappeared from sight. Finally we stopped at one of the entrance gates to Hades. I looked at her,frowning.
‘You once told me, your only dream was to leave this place and have a chance to live a normal life. So I’m giving you a chance to do so.’ she said with a smile.
‘ I said, I want to give you a chance to live among mortals. I will give you a month among them. If it won’t be, what you desire, you will come back and stay in Tartarus with me.  If you manage to find your goal in life among the mortals, I will grant you the freedom you so desire.’ she answered more seriously. I only once saw her make that face and it was when she disappointed her Father.
‘ But… Why are you doing this, Mel? Why you want to break your Father’s order?’ I asked, taken aback by this claim. She was willing to risk everything to make my dream come true.
‘ Because you are my best friend. And the one I have loved dearly for many years. Since you came to Tartarus, my life became happier. So I want to grant you this choice. Find your goal among mortals and if you won’t succeed, come back to me.’ she said, coming closer to me. She rose my chin and kissed me. And then, the gates of Hades disappeared…
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evotter · 5 years
jan, march, sept + one of your choice, love. have a great day, u icon
thank u kyra i adore u
january: what was the first fic you posted this year?
the first fic i posted this year TECHNICALLY was the epilogue of a different path. the first standalone was chewbacca (aka my introduction to the jily world once again and i have such a soft spot for it)
march: do you listen to music whilst writing? 
yes! pretty much always; if it’s not music, it’s a TV show.
september: share a comment or review which still warms your heart?
quite literally anything you’ve left on any of my fics BUT there are a few that i hold dear to my heart. i’ll post them under the cut cause they are LONG :’)
ancient: the first fic you ever posted online?
hahahaaaaaaa. it was my own version of rick riordan’s the son of neptune before the actual book was published. it was on ff.net, and the first chapter got 7 reviews, and i felt so good about myself after that lmfao. who knew i’d still be writing 8 years later?
ask me questions!
OKAY so i have 3 top favorites:
from a different path:
okay so i had seen this in someone else’s bookmarks the other day, thought it was an interesting concept—especially since i too love slytherin!percy and strongly subscribe to ofswordsandpens’ headcanons about it—but didn’t give it another thought until i was listening to a video about the cursed child and went: wait, there’s a percabeth hogwarts au that i saw somewhere. and immediately i hunted this down and i’m just in awe? i tore through it. belatedly, i realized that i made a mistake: i didn’t write down my thoughts as i was reading, which is definitely a disservice to you. however, here are a generalized list of things that i loved.
first of all, with hogwarts au’s, there are three main aspects that i look for: plot, characterization, and quality of writing. normally, fics of this size lack one or more of these key factors, but i was astonished to find that the plot is tremendously tight and intriguing (my lip bled from biting it so much because i’ve been stressed to the max), you write these characters with such distinct voices i can easily picture them saying everything—except, of course, now in a little british accent—and your writing flows so well, it feels almost like i’m reading an actual harry potter book, just with percy and co. you also do a masterful job of weaving together aspects of the pjo universe with the established canon of hp.
and there are so many specific things that i love. primarily, the way you write the relationships in this story; not just concerning percabeth (though i will get to that in a minute), but also with each of the interactions between all of the characters. i applaud you for how you handled luke/annabeth and rachel/percy, and the friendship among them all is just incredibly well done. i especially love how well you wrote connor and zoë and just, a lot of characters that i don’t often think about when i think of pjo. grover and percy’s friendship especially is heartbreaking, i just. he’s so protective because he loves his friends and holy fuck i also love how you wrote grover in this. but i just adored how you wrote annabeth/percy—the love between them, both platonic in its early stages and the romantic all throughout, was doubly apparent. i ached when they kissed each other’s cheeks, and i inwardly cheered when she kissed him in the locker room. there was just such a natural progression, to me, of their relationship. and man did i dig it. i’m excited (and maybe a little scared) to see where you take their relationship in the future.
boy, this is getting long. sorry. but some more just little quick things: loved the b99 reference, with both of their competitive natures playing out in a similar way to jake and amy’s. i kind of want to go back and see if i can find any other references that i missed because i was just too engaged in the story to catch them. also, zoë’s death killed me all over again, thanks for that. i like how you’re working the kronos plot in, and i can’t wait to see how the Final Battle plays out. what else? oh! professor hestia? beautiful. eventual maybe professor percy? outstanding. percy kissing the top of annabeth’s head? breathtaking. rachel being a quidditch commentator? earth shattering. (truly i cackled when i saw that.) mrs. o’leary being a cat? incredible. how you incorporated percy’s water powers? stunning.
ooh, this exchange was beautiful and had me cackling it was so in-character:
“None of us are dying.” Connor clarifies. “Not you, not me, not Annie, not the rest of us.”
“I might have to dispute that.” Annabeth says, from Percy’s other side. “Call me ‘Annie’ one more time, Stoll, and I’ll kill you myself.”
Connor only grins at her. “Sorry, love. No more ‘Annie’. Can I call you Beth?”
okay, so i just finished chapter nine and i am blown away. sorry for how long this comment was, but a fic of this magnitude truly warrants it. i can’t wait to see what happens next.
i leave you with just two words: “holy shit.”
from a different path: 
god, oh my god, am i the only dumb bitch who didn’t get what the prophecy was??
anyway, i stumbled on this fic last year, patiently waiting for its completion, and now that i’ve rediscovered it, i’m so glad i finished it all in one go! i couldn’t imagine the tension of waiting for the next chapter, especially since the tension is so well-crafted!! i hardly noticed the tonal shift even as the story got darker and darker as it led up to the war, and in that way i was reminded of how extremely similar it felt to reading the hp books for the first time! you nailed percy very well i might say, and the awkward-yet-caring relationship he has with his dad. i daresay you gave connor and zoe more characterization than rick riordan himself, and the percabeth you wrote is perfect to the nth degree. i appreciate that you didnt bother with all the love triangle and unrequited feelings nonsense as well.
but i have to say, even as i cried at sally and paul’s wedding, or at dionysus’ quiet mourning for castor, what really struck with me most was the way you handled silena. for that, i have no words. that was a job extremely well done. thank you so much for blessing us with this fic.
from chewbacca (a comment from u!): 
A girl in a bright yellow hooded raincoat stumbles into the cafe on one of the slowest nights James has ever seen. Her coat is dripping all over the floor he’d just cleaned (but it’s fine) and when he leans over the counter he sees that her boots match the coat.
First of all!!! Thats the best opening line in the world and nobody can convince me otherwise. I want to become a publisher just so that if you ever write a book, I’d be able to publish it. ( like omg, what an honor??? )
She looks like sunshine, standing there with the amount of yellow in her wardrobe. Briefly, James wonders if that’s her favorite color. It’s got to be.
Im going to quote this whole fic but I really love these lines? Like, you have this distinct style of writiting that I aim to acheive and you’re literally such a rolemodel!!! These are my favorite kind of fics to read. Funny story but I was going through a ‘no thanks Jily’ mood (  a horror, i know !! ) but your fics are just,,,,exceptions? You could write about trash and I’d love it and ask for you to sign me up.
 “Say it again, but convincingly this time.”
ooof this dialogue??? let me breathe
This is the longest he’s stood still since he started working. It’s actually a miracle.
and the funniest person award goes to YOU. also, the most talented and cutest but thats neither here nor there.
james taking care of fleamont, switching off the lights gives me just a nice and realistic vibe? its so simple but i love how you added it.
honestly at this point, ive been sucked again by the fanfic. it feels less like a fic and more like a masterpiece that belongs in a museum but anyway.
“James is supposed to be helping.
James is on his phone.”
ugh i love ur mind. im rereading and its so nice and lovely. even if its like 1am and im exhausted, this fic is sustaining me.
“Do it off the clock, would you?”
have i mentioned how much i love that scene with euphemia? she seems like such a lovely mom. i love ur euphemia the most. and ahh, both of them just rushing to the hospital ? another 100% good scene.
“Euphemia smiles too, but looks at Fleamont rather than at her son. “Yes,” she says. “It really does.””
fic? or shakspeare? HMMM
A girl in a bright yellow hooded raincoat stumbles into the cafe on one of the slowest nights James has ever seen // “Get fucked.”
the fic!! has made a circle!!! i love how it begins and ends along the same lines. I really want to know how??? are you so talented im in love.
i just really love this fic, okay? i love how james is just the kindest, lily is allowed to have feelings, its just so soft and warm. and it makes someone feel loved, want love anyway.
the dynamic between the characters are just so real and great and im astounded, in short.
your sirius is everything. so many fics potray him as a dick??? which is first of all #rude and also, not at all true. you made me love these characters even more so i sincerely hope you never stop writing.
you’re such a beautiful writer and the way you string words together is just poetic and gorgeous and all the other good adjectives you can think of. i read your spiderman x reader too and i was a goner for you. EVERYTHING YOU WRITE IS SO GOOD. i read it so long ago but i can vividly remember peter whipping the mask off and she just going wtf stop on the window ledge. what im trying to say is that you leave this lasting impression on people that make them remember random scenes and words / prose long after they’ve read it which is a remarkable feat, i believe.
and im so sorry im not on tumblr rn bc i cannot keep recing this fic but i have told my friends about your writing and they loved it too. you’ve got like a million fans. when i do get back from my hiatus, im going to keep recing your fics and people will cry because their universe will shift thanks to the newfound joy of your presence in their life.
lastly, im more of a dog person and that, more than anything, should tell you how much i love this fic. i love u. and basee on your writing, i want to hug you, be your best friend and make you cookies bc again
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